Truth or myths: Everything you wanted to know about witches, but were afraid to ask. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space - a myth. Undeniable facts or the latest deceptions in history

Usually there is no talk about the availability of Russian men to foreign women, including during the World Cup in Russia or abroad. If the inversion addressed to people of the other sex does not work, then there is a high probability that the expression is sexist. The sexism of the word "availability" in relation to women is that it views sex as something that only or mainly men are interested in, and assigns a passive role to women. It views sex as a service that a woman provides to a man, ignoring the woman's interests in her pleasure relative to the man's. Such words come from the fact that men are ready to have sex in any situation and with any woman, and only women can express disagreement with sex. At the same time, when justifying violence, this woman’s disagreement is not respected. The word "accessibility" carries a negative connotation and is associated with double standards that prohibit women from engaging in a range of sexual behaviors that are considered acceptable for men.

A number of Russian women entered into sexual relations with foreign men during the World Cup. When men engage in sexual relations with foreign women during such events, it is usually not noticed or condemned. In Russia, many men condemned Russian women for this because they were treated as their property. There have been statements that because of the relationships of Russian women with foreign men, Russian men cannot find sex. Men who condemn women did not understand that a woman’s voluntary relationships are her own business. Some men did not like statements where women criticized Russian men.

In the statements of Russian women about foreign men, it was noted that foreign men are more inclined to respect women, are committed to equal relationships and are better as sexual partners, paying more attention to the woman’s pleasure. It was indicated that foreign men take more care of their appearance. They were characterized as more cheerful, interesting, relaxed and less prone to aggression than Russian men. In many cases, foreign men were not judged on their propensity to equal relations, and in connection with masculine expectations, including income level, self-confidence, “maturity,” chivalry, or the word macho was used in a positive context. There were also incorrect generalizations about all Russian men and the idealization of foreign men.

There were also incidents harmful to women during the championship, including prostitution and sexist abuse of women by foreigners. In Russia, in many cases there was no understanding that a woman's sexual relations are not a reason to justify sexist insults, and in the case of prostitution, clients and pimps whose victims are women deserve condemnation. In addition, in Russia there were more accusations against the girl who was insulted by Brazilian fans than condemnation of these insults. Despite the fact that in Brazil they expressed a negative attitude towards the fans who insulted the girl.

There were also racist remarks regarding the possibility of having children of a different race. Before the championship, State Duma deputy Tamara Pletneva called on Russian women not to enter into intimate relationships with foreigners and said: “We must give birth to our own children.”

An article by Platon Besedin appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The article was based on puritanical morality and double standards for women. The author used sexist slurs. All girls who entered into relationships with foreigners were attributed material interest. They talked about promoting women's material interest in men and ideas about the shame of low-paid work. To a large extent, such propaganda does exist, but nothing was said about the problems of poverty and discrimination against women in wages, which contribute to the spread of prostitution and relationships with material interests. There were also accusations of Russian men of “weakness” and “irresponsibility”, based on the “insufficient” compliance with the masculine requirements of the author of the article. The “cavernousness” of the propaganda of conservative morality was noted, but in fact such propaganda was supported with calls to “improve” it. In the second article by the same author, there was also moralizing with double standards regarding girls regarding “registrations”; it did not talk about the prevalence of sexual violence and the idea that coming to a “registration” supposedly means consent to sex, and sexual violence against “indecent "from the point of view of the author, the girls were actually justified.

The problem is not that some Russian women had sex with foreign men at the World Cup, and in relation to this society and in in this case primarily many men. The attitude of such men towards women as property of Russian men and the double standards towards women show the dysfunction in matters of women's rights and the prevalence of sexism, as well as racism and nationalism.

10 Sep

Truth or myth? Deceptions in human history

Admit it honestly: which of you has told a lie at least once in your life? All? For some reason, we are not surprised - and this sin is registered with us. But we are sure that even if we add up all our deceptions together, they cannot be compared with the world lies that they so often try to pass off as the true truth. Today we present to you the biggest deceptions in the history of mankind. So, let's begin: truth or myth?

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Many of us watched James Cameron's film, which was sensational in its time, and cried over the death scene of Jack, whose role was brilliantly played by the young Leonardo DiCaprio. Let's briefly recall the history of the “wreck” of the British transatlantic steamer.

The famous Titanic is part of a series of 3 steamships created by the White Star Line. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Titanic was the largest passenger liner in the world. Its construction began in 1909 and lasted 3 years. A miracle of shipbuilding with a length of 268.98 m, a width of 28.2 m and a weight of more than 50 thousand tons cost its owners $7.5 million (today it is approximately $185 million). More than 2 thousand people could be on board at the same time. The Titanic had modern, powerful radio equipment. On April 10, 1912, the liner set out on its first voyage. It also turned out to be the last - 4 days later, as a result of a collision with an iceberg, the ship sank.

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Titanic or Olympic?

These are well known historical facts. But what are they: truth or myth? Let's figure out whether there was a shipwreck, or is this another deception in the history of mankind? Let's clarify right away: everything specifications"Titanic" is true. But did he really drown, or are they trying to cover up another disaster with this disaster? After all, think about how an iceberg could damage the side of a ship, which was lined with two layers of the strongest steel? English General Robert Gardiner, in his book about the Titanic, introduces the reader to a shocking theory: Cameron's film should have a different name - Olympic. It was this ship, which also belonged to the White Star Line, that was wrecked as a result of a collision with the British cruiser HMS Hawke. Since the tragedy occurred due to the fault of the Olympic team, Insurance Company the warship refused to pay monetary compensation. It was then that the idea was born to “sink” the Titanic, whose role was brilliantly performed by the Olympic, which by that time was already lying on the seabed. What happened to the real Titanic, you ask? And he served with dignity for another quarter of a century with the inscription “Olympic” on board.

Truth or myth? American landing on the moon

Photo source: hq.nasa.go

On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from Cape Canaveral, America, carrying three crew members. The purpose of the flight was the task set by President John Kennedy - landing American astronauts on the Moon, which would be proof of the US victory in the then existing space race - rivalry with the USSR in matters of space exploration. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Evin Aldrin landed the lunar module on the Earth's satellite. The astronauts spent 21 hours and 36 minutes on the lunar surface. Unconditional victory?

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In 1974, American writer and former employee of the Rocketdyne corporation, which produces rocket engines, Bill Kaysing published a book that made many think about the feat of astronauts. What is this: truth or myth? Keisling's work told the world that there was no landing on the Moon, and the photographs confirming it were falsified. And there are undeniable facts about this.

Undeniable facts or just another deception in history?

Photo quality and film safety. If you've ever seen images of the moon landing, you've probably been surprised. high quality photographs. But they were taken by non-professional photographers in conditions far from a photo studio. In addition, the film with the captured frames would simply burn out from the temperature on the Moon, which rises to 120°C.

Waving flag. How did it happen that the American flag fluttered in the wind, if it is known that the Moon has no atmosphere, and therefore no wind. Moreover, in all the photographs the position of the people changes, but the flag does not.

Disappeared stars. It's very simple - in all the photographs there are no stars that should have been visible against the dark sky. Apparently, the Americans did not know what the sky should have looked like from the surface of the Moon, so they decided to simply remove the celestial bodies from the photographs.

So was there a lunar landing or was it filmed on a sound stage?

Truth or myth? Unsolved mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids

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For centuries, the huge stone pyramidal structures located west of Cairo near the ancient city of Giza on the plateau of the same name have been the subject of controversy among scientists. The construction of the pyramids began about 5 thousand years ago. In 2950 BC. e. The dawn of the dynastic era of Egypt came - a time of prosperity and stability for the country ruled by the pharaohs. Their position in society was unique - it was believed that they were God's representatives on earth, mediators between heaven and people. It is clear that “higher” people cannot be buried in the same way as mere mortals. The era of construction of tombs - pyramids began, the first of which was the founder’s tomb built by the ruler’s adviser, priest and architect Imhotep III dynasty of Pharaoh Djoser. The height of the structure was 60 m. To date, according to various sources, from 118 to 140 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. The largest of them are the tombs of Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre.

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How old is the Great Sphinx?

This information is familiar to us from history books. But what is this: truth or myth? Let's begin with the exact date The construction of the pyramids has not yet been established. Moreover, scientists’ versions diverge for millennia! An excellent example of this is the Great Sphinx. It is believed that the huge figure of a lion with the head of a man was built in XXV century BC e., during the reign of Pharaoh Khafre. But the Inventory Stele, discovered in Giza in 1857, refutes this fact. The inscriptions made on the priceless find say that the Sphinx was restored, and not built during the reign of Khafre! This means that the huge statue is much older than previously thought.

The false theory about the pyramids is also confirmed by the fact that no capsules with embalmed mummies of pharaohs were found inside them. The crypts of the ancient rulers of Egypt are located near Giza - in the Valley of the Kings.

So what exactly are the pyramids?

There are several theories.

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  • Pyramids are portals leading to other worlds. This version dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. put forward by the Egyptian historian and priest Manetho. He claimed that the pyramids were given to people by the gods Osiris and Isis. Supreme Creatures used their gift to reach the people of Egypt. In addition, sacred relics are stored in the pyramids, touching which can open a passage to another world. This guess has been confirmed more than once by facts. In 1927, a scientific expedition discovered a quartz skull in one of the pyramids. It was removed for further examination. After this, all members of the expedition who touched the find died according to unknown reasons in a week.
  • The pyramids serve as antennas for receiving signals from space. The huge structures of Egypt have the outlines of crystals with a pointed top - this type helps to enhance signal transmission. In addition, many crystalline objects were found inside the pyramids. They are made of quartz. It is believed that this material can serve as fuel. Fans of this theory make the following argument: on Mars, considered as the only planet where life is possible, there are also pyramids.

So for what purpose were the pyramidal structures built? This mystery still remains unsolved.

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The last item on the list of “The biggest deceptions in the history of mankind” today will be a sad event for pop music fans - the death of world star Michael Jackson. The future singer was born in Indiana (USA) on August 29, 1958. In 1964, the head of the family, Joseph Jackson, dreaming of fame, created the musical group Jackson 5, which included his five sons, including Michael. This was the beginning of young Jackson's worldwide recognition. During his creative career, the singer released 10 of his own albums and won 13 Grammy awards. At first XXI Century, the king's career in music came to an end. The performer never appeared on stage again. This fact was greatly facilitated by the scandals associated with pedophilia, which was attributed to Jackson. June 25, 2009 was the last day of the famous singer’s life. His death occurred as a result of a medical error - an increased dose of the anesthetic prorofol.

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We all heard this information from TV screens. So why do so few people believe the pop idol is dead? Let's try to figure it out.

Was there death?

    Numerous witnesses say that a year before his death, the singer was using a wheelchair, as he was very ill. However, at the celebration of his 50th birthday, Michael looked quite healthy and cheerful. He danced like he did in his youth. Isn't it strange?

    There are no clear posthumous photographs of the pop idol. There are only a few pictures of very Bad quality, from which it is difficult to determine the identity of the deceased.

    No one cried at the funeral service. Neither friends nor family members. In addition, the coffin with the body remained closed throughout the ceremony.

    There is information that after Michael’s death, his friend discovered the artist’s diary, in which he discussed faking his death.

  • In September 2016, a selfie photo appeared online, posted by the singer's daughter Paris Jackson in Instagram. In the back seat of the car you can see the vague outline of a man in a hat, in whom many saw the King of Pop.

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Be that as it may, the passing of Michael Jackson still remains a mystery. And none of his fans know for sure whether the singer died in 2009 or now lives in Bahrain, where he previously spent quite a lot of time.

History is an inexact science; it allows for some discrepancies. But substitution of facts and concealment of the truth are real deceptions in history, and they will never be considered “interpretations” of true events. A lie always remains a lie. And we can only hope that our descendants, reading history textbooks and watching documentaries, will never ask themselves the question: “What is this: truth or myth?”

That's all for us. We are very glad that you visited our website and spent a little time to gain new knowledge.

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Witches still walk among us, although now they are called a little differently.

On July 21, 1542, Pope Paul III founded the Inquisition to combat Protestantism. True, as popular wisdom says, the road to hell is paved with good intentions - the fight against Protestantism has turned into a fight against “witches.” According to various estimates, at least nine million people became victims of the time that modern witches call the “Age of Bonfires.” They killed and tortured not only women, but also men, children and even black cats.

It was from the time of the Inquisition that myths about witches appeared.

Witches exist

The word “” comes from the Slavic “to know,” that is, “to know.” It was these wise women who helped tribes or villages for centuries until the Inquisition came.

Witches exist, have existed and will exist. But modern witches belong to the Wiccan-neopagan religion, which was revived in the 20th century. Modern witches believe in magic, write a book of shadows with spells and the like. Old grandmothers who sell herbs at markets and heal with plants can also safely be called witches, but if you stir dishes clockwise in the kitchen, congratulations, you are a kitchen witch. Or if you or your relatives spit over your shoulder, you are also a bit of a “witch.”

Some modern witches simply call themselves pagans and believe in ancient gods. A modern witch is not a woman with a wart on her nose. It is very likely that this is a young attractive girl, perhaps with tattoos, a husband and cats at home.

Witches don't worship the devil

This personal choice every person and, in particular, the modern witch. Mostly Satanists believe in the devil. Witches do not believe in or worship the devil. For example, Wiccans and neo-pagans believe in the Horned God and the Triune Goddess; some are close to the Egyptian pantheon of gods, while others are close to the northern, Scandinavian ones. Witches also believe in the forces of nature and the elements.

But in reality there is no devil, it’s just that the gods of ancient times had horns. But the god of the old religion quite often becomes the devil of the new religion, and therefore Christianity, in order to discredit ancient beliefs, turned the old gods into the focus of evil, saying that horns are bad.

Witches have a black cat, a broom and a cauldron

Faith that black Cats are companions of witches, comes from the dark Middle Ages. It was believed that the witch had a companion from the devil, her familiar, who must be fed with blood. It could be a cat or a toad. This is why black cats suffered so much from the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. But a modern witch does not have to have a cat or cat, although pagans or Wiccans have them as frequent house guests.

Broom, which has become a symbol of witchcraft, also does not stand in the house of every modern witch. Witches do not fly on broomsticks because the broom is only a phallic symbol with which followers of the forces of nature danced and performed related fertility rituals, often holding the brooms between their legs and bouncing. Of course, such an action, performed by naked women, made a strong impression on the priests. So the witches began to “fly.”

Relatively boiler, in which the potion boils, then this is also not required attribute modern witch. And if we talk about symbols, the cauldron simply symbolizes the female uterus and often appears in fairy tales and myths, for example, in Celtic ones.

You have to be born a witch

Yes and no. There are innate witches, to whom the power was actually passed on from generation to generation, and there are those who received their power from books and their own many years of practice. Since the life of a witch is quite responsible, some innate descendants of witches simply refuse such a burden and do not accept the gift of their ancestors.

Witches only dress in black

Modern witches dress in clothes of any color, even in the color that artists call the color of the “thigh of a frightened nymph.” But the most beloved and traditional, perhaps, is black. It so happened that wearing black clothes in the Middle Ages was the easiest way to get to the place of the Sabbath. The color black also accumulates energy and protects a person from negativity, but in general the black robe is a powerful stereotype. In addition, in magical work, modern witches change the color of their capes depending on the ritual.

Witches are unhappy in their personal lives

The personal happiness of a woman, including a modern witch, depends on working on relationships, both her and her partner. And the fact that witches bewitch their loved ones is another common myth. Witchcraft, on the contrary, helps a woman go through life, because she better understands people, the forces of nature, her partner, there are no stereotypes in her, and she teaches her children to respect the forces of nature from childhood.

Witches are afraid of the cross, holy water and cannot enter the church

Have many women been struck by lightning before your eyes when they entered a church? So this is another myth that is propagated by Christianity. Witches are not the personification of evil, they represent the forces of nature, so they are not afraid of the cross, they boldly enter the church when needed, and if you sprinkle them with holy water, they will not melt or get burned.

Red-haired witches with green eyes

The eye color and hair color of a modern witch do not depend on her magical preferences. Whether a woman will be a witch does not depend on her appearance. Some people dyed their hair green or put on contact lenses. The inquisitors simply convinced that a witch is a must beautiful woman with an atypical appearance, and red-haired women stood out from the crowd.

There is a devil's mark on the witch's body

In fact, witches do not have a special mark of Satan on their body. These and other judgments about witches appeared thanks to the book “The Hammer of the Witches,” which was written by two inquisitor monks in 1486. It was in it that it was said that witches have the mark of the devil, which confirms the witch’s agreement with dark forces. It could even be an additional nipple, with the help of which the witch fed her satanic assistant. Later, even warts or moles of a special shape began to be considered marks of the devil. If some unfortunate woman was considered a witch in the Middle Ages, she was stabbed during interrogation to create a “mark.”

Witches drink blood and eat unbaptized babies

But no. Modern witches are people like everyone else. They readily consume smoothies and muffins, French fries and hamburgers, herb salad and fish pies. Some are supporters of vegetarianism. But centuries of ignorance have taken their toll, and that is why such a myth is spreading about witches.

We hope that this short story about the world of magic and witchcraft has destroyed at least some of your stereotypes and confirmed the opinion that witches are among us.

Back in 2002, producer Peter Rees suggested Discovery Channel release a program in which various stories, rumors, urban legends and myths would be tested. Since then, two charming special effects specialists, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, have tirelessly refuted or confirmed these same myths in the program “MythBusters.”

1. Spilled gasoline can be set on fire with a cigarette.

IS IT TRUE: A cigarette can set fire to gasoline (the ignition temperature of gasoline is 260-280 °C, and a cigarette gives 260-300 °C when lit).

2. Metal piercings on the body increase the chance of being struck by lightning.

MYTH: To “attract” the zipper, you need a piercing the size of a doorknob.

3. A fertilized octopus egg swallowed while swimming can mature in the stomach.

MYTH: The experiment showed that octopus eggs die in the human stomach long before they mature due to unfavorable conditions.

4. A sinking ship creates a strong crater that can drag a person under water.

MYTH: Can not. Although a small vessel, the Miftanic, was used, neither Adam nor Jamie were pulled under water, despite being directly above the sinking vessel.

5. If you eat poppy seed cake, a drug test will show that you are under the influence of drugs.

IS IT TRUE: Poppy seeds may contain some opium alkaloids. Therefore, if the drug detection device is sensitive enough, it will work. The presenters confirmed this by eating poppy seed buns and failing a drug test.

6. If you eat a lot of fizzy candy and drink a lot of cola, your stomach will explode.

MYTH: The carbon dioxide released during this reaction is not enough to explode the stomach. Although it would certainly hurt the person who did it.

7. A bunch of balloons can lift a four-year-old child into the air.

IS IT TRUE: Maybe. This will require 3500 balloons.

8. During a thunderstorm, a person may be shocked by electricity through the phone while talking.

IS IT TRUE: The Destroyers placed a ballistic gel mannequin on a chair and attached a telephone receiver to its ear. Then they turned on artificial lightning - a discharge of 200,000 V, which struck the model of the house in which the mannequin was located. A discharge from the telephone receiver's microphone struck the dummy's mouth and detonated the gunpowder placed in it as a trigger signal. The fuses in the voltmeter for measuring voltage in the dummy have blown.

9. A sandwich is more likely to fall butter side down than up.

MYTH: A comprehensive and unbiased test did not show any statistically significant variation in the butter-up or butter-down of the sandwiches. The ratio of falling butter down and butter up was 50 to 50. Although when pushing a sandwich off the table, it usually makes only one flip and falls just butter side down.

10. A sunken ship can be raised using ping pong balls.

IS IT TRUE: Can! The balls were lifted from the bottom of the Miftanik-2, although about 27 thousand of them had to be pumped into the ship along with water, which is of little use in practice.

11. A coin dropped from a skyscraper can reach enough speed to kill a pedestrian below.

MYTH: The coin is not capable of killing. Due to air resistance, the coin cannot accelerate continuously. After 100 meters of fall, it practically does not change its speed. And at this speed, the mass of a small coin is not enough to pierce human skin. If shot from a gun, the coin may cause some damage, but not kill.

12. You can take off on a lounge chair by attaching weather balloons to it, and then land safely by shooting balloons with an air gun.

IS IT TRUE: You can take off and then come down. Adam Savage took off in his contraption, which consisted of a lounge chair and 16 weather balloons, and safely reached a height of 22.5 meters. Then he knocked down one of the balls and descended safely from heaven to earth. The myth was also confirmed by documents from the Air Transport Agency.

13. If you are buried alive, you can stay alive.

MYTH: To test this myth, Jamie risked his life. Although he spent 50 minutes in the uncovered coffin, after the coffin was covered with soil, he only lasted 30 minutes. Suffocation from lack of oxygen will lead to the death of the person buried alive if the coffin is not crushed by the ground. It was the risk of possible destruction of the coffin that forced the experiment to be interrupted after 30 minutes.

14. Urinating on a live metal fence will result in electric shock.

PARTLY TRUE: There will be a blow. But this is provided that the person is close to the fence. At a great distance, the stream of urine breaks up into drops, which makes it impossible for the current to flow, so there will be no shock.

15. Falling of a household electrical appliance into full of water the bath is fatal to the person in it.

IS IT TRUE: The current flowing through the “heart” of the ballistic gel dummy proved fatal to most electrical appliances tested (toaster, hair dryer, radio, etc.). It has been proven that the use of differential devices protective shutdown(RCD) excluded electric shock both in the case of installing an RCD in the electrical network and in the case of using an RCD in the electrical appliance itself (a hair dryer equipped with an RCD turned off almost instantly in the water).

16. The “5 second rule” is true for food that has fallen on the floor.

MYTH: For those who don't know, the 5-second rule states that food dropped on the floor and picked up within five seconds can be safely consumed. In fact, there is virtually no difference between the number of bacteria collected in 2 seconds and in 5 seconds.

17. A wine glass can be broken using your voice.

IS IT TRUE: Using an amplifier and speakers, the destroyers broke the crystal glass. And rock singer Jamie Wendera managed to break a glass only with his voice, without using any devices - this finally confirmed the myth.

18. You can fry something in the solarium.

MYTH: Of course not! Ultraviolet waves from tanning beds can only cause sunburn.

19. After shooting the lock with a pistol, you can open it.

MYTH: Neither the 9mm pistol nor the 357 Magnum opened the padlock or the mortise lock.

20. If you jump at the last moment in a falling elevator, you can soften the blow and survive.

MYTH: The speed of the person's jump is too slow compared to the speed of the falling elevator, and the impact is cushioned too little. In addition, it is very difficult to guess the moment of the fall. Best advice in such a situation, do not jump, but lie down on the floor of the cabin.

1. A chicken can live without a head - true

Indeed, a couple of minutes after a chicken’s head is cut off, it “lives.” She can run and even try to fly. This is explained by the fact that sometimes, when a chicken loses its head, it retains the brain stem, which is responsible for most reflexes. There is a confirmed fact that one strong individual lived without a head for a year and a half. So now it’s clear where the expression “brainless chicken” came from - this “non-bird” doesn’t need a head to live.

2. The water funnel in the southern hemisphere of the Earth rotates in a different direction than in the northern - myth

The Earth's rotation speed is not enough to influence the direction of water flow even in the smallest sink. How can you be sure personal experience, the movement and shape of the water funnel in the sink depends only on the features of the “relief”, and certainly not on global reasons. Life and real science are very prosaic.

3. The human brain only works at 10% - a myth

This misconception has been around for almost a century. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, this is not the case. Data from magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain clearly demonstrate that most of the cerebral cortex is actively involved in human life. Our head works even when we sleep. So you shouldn’t believe in the promises of false prophets that in the future a person will be able to use the brain completely and then happiness will come to everyone at once. It's better to think with your head.

4. There is no gravity in space - a myth

The popular expressions “zero gravity” and “weightlessness” are apparently to blame for this misconception. Gravity is everywhere, the force of attraction affects all people equally. Astronauts in orbit float in weightlessness only because they constantly fall with their ship to Earth. They just do it in a horizontal plane. Gravity decreases with distance, but never completely disappears. And, by the way, the misconception that there is a vacuum in space is also not true. In fact, interstellar space is filled with all kinds of atoms and particles, it’s just that the distance between them is slightly greater than on Earth.

5. Eating a bun with poppy seeds is almost the same as smoking opium - almost true

Oddly enough, there is some truth in this statement. Although a poppy seed bun will not give you those joyful moments of peaceful euphoria that opium smokers get, problems with drug control may arise. If some time later, after a person eats two poppy seed buns, his blood is taken for analysis, the test for opiates will most likely be positive.

6. A coin thrown from a skyscraper will kill a person - myth

An ordinary coin is not the most advanced weapon in terms of aerodynamics. Due to the wind and air resistance, which for such an unfortunate form will be very large, a coin, even thrown from the Empire State skyscraper, which is almost 380 meters, will not be able to cause any significant injury to a person. So, if you decide to deal with your ill-wisher in such an exotic way, it is better to spend your change on buying a brick.

7. Brain cell growth stops in adults - myth

Although the human brain grows most actively and goes through the main stages of formation precisely at an early age, cell division does not stop in adults. Research shows that neurons successfully grow and change until death. So the nerves are restored, and everyone has a chance to grow wiser.

8. Chicken broth can cure a cold - almost true

Of course, it is impossible to cure a cold with chicken broth. But scientists still support adults who force their sick children to consume chicken broth. Research shows that it contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties that help stop the spread of disease. So no matter what you think, mom was right.

9. Lightning never strikes the same place twice - a dangerous myth

In fact, just the opposite. Lightning has its own “preferences”. Everyone knows that lightning strikes higher ground more often. So there is no point in hiding from lightning under a tree that has just been struck by lightning. For example, the Empire State skyscraper is struck by lightning an average of 25 times a year.

10. Men think about sex every 7 seconds - a myth

Of course, thinking about reproduction is an instinct inherent in human nature. But it is, of course, impossible to scientifically verify how often such thoughts occur to a man. But judging by sociological studies, every 7 seconds is still an exaggeration.

11. Hair and nails continue to grow after death - a myth

After death, all processes in the human body stop almost immediately. Including hair and nail growth. This misconception is caused by a simple optical illusion. After death, the human body loses a lot of fluid, the skin dries out, the nails become exposed, and the hair appears longer.

12. If you run in the rain, you get less wet - mathematical truth

Row mathematical equations, developed specifically to describe this process, proves that this is most likely true. When running, you are much more at risk of ruining your suit because the front of your torso gets wet the most. When walking steadily in urban acid rain, you risk your hair the most, because it is the head that suffers the most with this method of movement.

13. Anything raised within five seconds is not considered to have fallen - an absurd myth.

This is so absurd that few people seriously believe in it, but just in case, let us remind you that the tests carried out show that harmful bacteria get onto any object that falls to the ground immediately upon first contact.

14. Animals can predict natural disasters - rather a myth

There is no reliable evidence that animals have a “sixth sense”. But excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision, as well as innate instincts, better developed than in humans, allow animals to quickly identify danger. In addition, animals will never stare out of curiosity at a hurricane or impending tsunami. And yet, during natural Disasters many animals die. So, even if animals have a “sixth sense”, it does not bring them much benefit. (However, very few animals died during the last tsunami).

15. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space - a myth

There are different variations of this saying, but they are all equally false. Astronauts can see many man-made objects from low orbit. For example, the Egyptian pyramids, or even the runways of large airports. In fact, seeing the Chinese wall without knowing exactly where it is is much more difficult than many other objects. And it’s definitely impossible to see the wall from the Moon.

16. The change of seasons occurs due to a change in the distance of the Earth from the Sun - myth

The change in the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which occurs as the planet moves along its orbit, has little effect on the temperature on Earth. It's all about the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis in relation to the sun, which, when changing, affects the change of seasons. Everything is simple, but still unclear.

17. Chewing gum takes 7 years to digest in the stomach - a myth

Of course, recycle chewing gum somewhat more difficult than organic food, but nothing is impossible for our body. So chewing gum, just like regular food, is digested and excreted from the body. Apparently this misconception arose with light hand strict adults.