What is UIN and why is it needed? FAQ – frequently asked questions related to ICQ

Nowadays, it is very rare to find people who have never experienced communication on the Internet. It is especially rare to find Internet users who have no idea what ICQ is. For about 15 years, people all over the world have been communicating using ICQ.

ICQ program

What is ICQ? ICQ is a type virtual communication. It is suitable for both ordinary communication between friends and acquaintances, and for business negotiations. Communication on ICQ is carried out using text messages in a special program.

In 1996, Mirabilis created a program designed for online communication. The program got its name “ICQ”. The name of the program translates as “I seek you” - “I am looking for you.” Internet users have the opportunity to communicate one-on-one in real time, while maintaining the privacy of conversations.

The ICQ program does not use third-party servers. The program allows you to see the moment a user appears online and when he exits the network. Also, the user of the program has the opportunity to search for other users by their ICQ numbers. If you have a conflict with any ICQ user, you can add him to the “black list”. The ICQ program is equipped with security level settings systems that provide protection against spam and various bots. In addition, ICQ has a file transfer function.

ICQ number (ICQ UIN)

What is an ICQ number? Each user of the program has his own individual number, which password protected. Under no circumstances should you treat your password irresponsibly. If your password is lost or ICQ is hacked, it will be impossible to recover it. It is better to choose when registering in ICQ complex password, which will contain at least six characters. If other people use your computer besides you, it is not recommended to use the function automatic saving password.

Particular attention should be paid unknown numbers that appeared in your contacts list without your permission. And under no circumstances open links that come from outside numbers. It is possible that this link will be malicious. Try to avoid using your number on other people's computers. Now it’s clear what ICQ UIN is.

ICQ account

What is an ICQ account? Each ICQ user has his own account. Account consists of data:

  • Nickname - user name.
  • E-mail address.
  • Avatar – a photo of the owner.
  • Brief information about the user, indicating place of residence, age, etc.
  • Contact list.
  • Status about whether the user is online.

ICQ chat

What is ICQ chat? ICQ chat is an exchange text messages using the ICQ network. Sending chat messages is very easy. All you have to do is type the text of the message and press the “send” key. The main advantage of ICQ chat is its speed, traffic savings and features such as emoticons and free registration.

ICQ in contact

What is ICQ in contact? The social network "VKontakte" (vk.com) has an application with which any registered user can communicate on ICQ. All you need to do is install this application to your page and enter your ICQ name and password.

This application is convenient for those who, for some reason, are on a computer where ICQ program not installed. It happens that some people do not have access to ICQ on their mobile phone.

ICQ Features

ICQ has many clients that support its operation. QIP and Miranda are among the most popular clients. When using ICQ it is recommended to use latest version this program. Currently it is possible to install ICQ clients to mobile phones.

Uses ICQ program great amount of people. Using small messages on ICQ, you can congratulate each other on a holiday, gossip, or discuss work matters.

Follow safety rules, be in the center of events and enjoy communication using the ICQ program!

UIN- This personal number ICQ user. The UIN is issued upon registration in ICQ; it is also accompanied by a password that is specified by the user.

Knowing the number of your interlocutor, you can find him in global search and add to your contact list. Without UIN it is impossible to use ICQ.

In this article we will consider the following questions:
-what kind of wines are there?
-how to register UIN
-how to get UIN for icq for free

What types of wines are there?

UINs come in 5-9 digits. The first UINs were registered in 1996 and consisted of 6 digits. Due to the rapid growth in the number of ICQ users, six-digit numbers quickly ran out. As of today, we can register nine-digit UINs, although you can now even buy 5-digit ones in ICQ stores.

How to register UIN?

You can register your username for free on the official ICQ website - www.icq.com/join/
You just need to fill out registration form. To register icq you must have Mailbox.

How to get UIN for icq for free?

You can get UIN either through icq registration or through giveaways. Some sites or forums organize giveaways of numbers, which often give away seven- or eight-digit numbers. Sometimes for short number you may be asked to complete some task or a competition is announced.
If you have no time to participate in giveaways and competitions or are simply lazy, you can inexpensively

Nowadays, the good old ICQ messenger is becoming popular again. The main reason This is due to the huge number of innovations regarding security, live chats, emoticons and much more. And today, every modern ICQ user would do well to know his personal number(here it is called UIN). This is necessary in case a person forgets which phone he registered his account or his email with. After all, you can log in to ICQ using this same UIN.

Finding out your ICQ number is very easy and requires a minimum of effort. Moreover, this option is available both in the installation version of the messenger and in ICQ Online (or Web ICQ). In addition, you can find out the UIN on the official ICQ website.

To see your unique number in ICQ using the running installed program, you need to log in and do the following:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu in the lower left corner of the program window.
  2. Go to the “My Profile” tab in the upper right corner of ICQ. Typically this tab opens automatically.
  3. Below your first name, last name and status there will be a line called UIN. Near it there will be a unique ICQ number.

Find out ICQ number in online messenger

This method assumes that the user will go to , log in there and do the following:

  1. First, you need to go to the settings tab at the top of the messenger page.
  2. At the very top open tab under the first and last name near the inscription “ICQ:” find your personal number in ICQ.

As you can see, this method is even simpler than the previous one. The reason for this is that online ICQ versions There is minimum set necessary functions, which greatly simplifies our task.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We will not describe the history of ICQ from the beginning of its development - this is not of particular interest, and anyone can familiarize themselves with the information on Wikipedia.

Let's just say one thing: surely everyone is familiar with the icon of a green flower with one red petal? This is the official emblem of this program (it is also sometimes called “ICQ”), which has existed for a very long time.

What is ICQ? ICQ protocol(which is named so not by chance - from the English I seek you - I am looking for you) appeared a very long time ago. So long ago that many modern users networks didn’t even know about existence open access in Internet. But the messenger was already gaining momentum in popularity. They predicted oblivion and closure for him, like someone who has nothing to do in modern world. However, everything happened completely differently. The popularity remains, and what a popularity it is! And why? All because of the three main advantages of the program -.

Judge for yourself: to use other programs you may need additional devices(for example, for Skype - camera and microphone), for others - good resources computer. What is needed in order to? Nothing at all: a minimum of hard drive space and a list of contacts with whom you can communicate.

No special setup procedure, no additional gadgets. In ICQ, everything is simple - you do your business, visit different sites (read) and at the same time correspond with a dozen or more contacts. After it passes ICQ registration, you will have your own own number user, under which other users can identify you. But let's consider everything in order.

How to install ICQ on a computer

Of course, first of all you need to download the program from the official website icq.com .

You can also use third party resources, but there will be no guarantee of the safety of the downloaded program. happens as follows:

Installation on Android

Of course, many users, due to the compactness of the program and its undemanding system capabilities, want to install ICQ for Android. How to install ICQ on Android? This is done even easier than on a computer:

By by and large, there is no difference in the program settings for both computers and mobile devices. Everywhere you need to enter your data, come up with a password, and get a user number. Therefore, let's combine the parameters ICQ settings into one whole.

How to get a number and start using ICQ?

After the program is installed on the media, you need to register in it. Aska is one of the most ordinary clients, so registration is carried out in several steps.

On home page When the application opens, you need to select the button "Register". A registration window will appear in front of you, in which you need to fill out all the fields provided. You need to enter the bare minimum of data - last name, first name, gender, date of birth, address email box and password.

In this case, you need to remember one important nuance: the password must contain at least 6 characters, and they cannot be repeated more than three times (in other words, the password 122221 and the like will not work - read). After you have registered, you need to go to the specified mailbox in order to verify your page. Find the letter, click on the link and follow it.

To find out your ICQ number, which was automatically assigned to you by the system, you just need to click on the “Menu” button in the window that opens (bottom right) and select the “My profile” item.

As a result, you will be taken to your account on the ICQ website, where your nine-digit ICQ number will appear in the upper right corner.

ICQ setup

So, you have opened ICQ and can already use its capabilities. But first you need to import contacts or, in other words, add other contacts to your friends list. In the search, you can specify who exactly you are looking for - indicate gender, age or country of residence.

Of course, it will be much easier if you know the user number. By the way, regarding the number. Many people wonder what is an ICQ number? This is your online identifier, thanks to which you can log into the program or find you in the system.

This is a kind of id address, like in any social network. How to recognize it was written just above. And it is advisable to save your own number somewhere on your computer or mobile device. Now you remember it, but a couple of days will pass and you will have to go through the registration procedure again.

By clicking on the “Menu” button and selecting “My Profile”, you can set a picture for your account. You can take a photo from your webcam or simply upload an image from any device. If this is not possible, ICQ can offer you many animated avatars.

There are a huge number of different settings (you can get to them by clicking the “Menu” button at the bottom and selecting "Settings", but let's focus only on the most important. The “File Transfer” item provides for setting the default directory for saving downloaded resources. Just change it to the one that is most convenient for your use.

And finally, it remains to consider the case when the password for your account is lost. How it happens in ICQ recovery password? Fortunately, you can recover your password very quickly. Click on the “Forgot your password” button (located directly below the line for entering your password), after which you need to indicate your web number ICQ or the phone number used to register.

There is another option: go to the official ICQ website and select the item in the “Support” section. You will be prompted to enter the same data. Afterwards, you can go to your e-mail and find a letter that will contain a link to change your password.

In this way you can recover your password for accessing ICQ. By the way, . Therefore, let us remind you once again: save it and try not to lose it.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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UIN (User Identifier - user identifier) - This convenient way user definitions. One of the most famous I.M. systems - ICQ, uses a similar method of identifying its users.

How to find out your UIN?

When registering a new user on the MyChat server, a unique number is automatically issued to each person, these numbers simply mean a serial number in general list all registered users.

Thanks to the technology of assigning a unique number to users, it is possible to use the same nicknames ( Nickname), that is, two or more people will be able to work with the same nicknames and their data will not overlap.

However, this approach can introduce a number of inconveniences for users and we do not recommend dividing it this way; it is better to prohibit the use of identical nicknames in chat.

Find out your UIN V MyChat There are several ways, there are two simplest ones:

1. In the chat header

2. B personal profile user ( ALT+U)
and look at the field UIN under the avatar in the first section " Basics"

Why do you need a UIN?

For example, you have already been registered on the server and want to run MyChat Client on another computer. For this you will need Account Manager.

1. Go to the account manager.

2. Click the plus sign (add an already registered account)

3. Now enter your UIN and password

4. And finally, if you want the chat client to automatically work under your account on subsequent launches, enter your password and check the box " Connect in the future using this account"

But other users also have UIN. How can you recognize it and why might you need it?

To know UIN user can different ways.
The first way is to open a window personal information about the user

And look at the value in the field UIN -

The second very simple way is to click right button mouse on the other person's nickname in the chat window. In the very first field of the drop-down list there will be his UIN and nickname

And the third - if you communicate in private. Click on the illuminated panel next to the avatar, and in the drop-down menu you can open an information window or copy UIN to the clipboard. You can also use the F3 hotkey.

Now knowing UIN your interlocutor, you can add him to your personal list contacts. To do this, open your contact list. If it is still empty, right-click and select " To create a group».

Now you have your own group of contacts. You can add the necessary people to it by right-clicking on the group and selecting “ Add contact».

In the dialog box that appears, in the “ Account» enter UIN the person you need.