Make yourself an avatar. Creating a beautiful single block of avatar and VKontakte menu

Avatars in history

Few people think about where this unusual word came from and why it acquired such an interesting meaning over time. For example, in Hinduism, the word “avatar” meant one of the many incarnations of a god in which he appears at a given moment. Avatars differ in appearance and the presence of different divine powers. So, the god Vishnu has as many as 22 avatars.

This concept entered the computer space in 1985 with the creation of the fourth part of the game Ultima, where it was implied that the player should become this very avatar. Later the meaning was modernized and meant the ego of a real person hidden under the mask of a character. Later, this word migrated to other games, and then to the media space.

With the development of the Internet and the need to represent one’s personality in the virtual world, avatars began to gain great popularity. Blogs, forums, social networks, various instant messengers - all these are ways to realize yourself and present good photographs. At the same time, if 10 years ago it was popular to put some kind of emoticon or flower on your avatar, now it would be better to put your photo in good quality. Indeed, nowadays a profile on a social network can be viewed even by potential employers.

Avatar now

An avatar is an image that is a graphical representation of a user. Simply put, this is the picture that you put as the title picture in various social networks, forums, and online games.

Of course, an avatar is a way of self-expression and original presentation of oneself to millions of strangers on the Internet. Everyone strives to use their avatar to show their strengths or emphasize unusual features of appearance or character. And the process of creating and processing photographs for this purpose has become equated with modern art.

Be enthusiastic about creating your avatar. A good profile picture will not only make you look good in front of other people, but will also give you more confidence.

All avatars (even their absence) have their own message, carry a certain hidden meaning behind which the personality is hidden. Now it’s no longer your eyes that are the “mirror of the soul,” but your avatar.

What character traits are hidden behind avatars?

Whether it is a real photograph of a person or any other picture, everything reflects the inner world of a person. Therefore, before you put anything on your avatar, think about what you want to say with these photos. Some common avatars include the following:

  • Animals. Subconsciously, they are placed by those people who would like to see in themselves the qualities of this animal, be it a cat, a dog, or a wolf, a bear. In this case, you need to look not at the animal itself, but at the emotion that it expresses. They are often the opposite of the real person.
  • Nature. It is posted by people who usually come to the Internet for solitude and silence, or maybe these people are just lonely.
  • Characters from cartoons and films. As a rule, this speaks of teenage complexes.
  • Famous personalities. This person wants to be incognito, but at the same time declares his seriousness.
  • Own photo. With her, a person strives to show his real self. He is open and more focused on communication.

In order for people to remember you, it is best to put your real photo on your avatar. This will create a good impression of you.

What can your photos tell you?

Photos can be different due to their angles, locations, surrounding objects and the participation of other people in the photographs. Being drawn to one type of photography or another can also say a lot about you.

  • Full height. If a person has such a photo on his avatar, it means that he is self-confident, independent, has a personal opinion on everything and stands firmly on his own two feet.
  • On a rest. Such photographs are an indicator of the status of a person, his desire for a good life.
  • “Like a passport.” The owners of such photographs are not original, but they accept themselves as they are and want others to accept them. They are reliable companions and strive to always do the right thing.
  • Extreme. If a person has an unusual hobby, why not show it to others? Such photos speak of strong-willed qualities, the desire to learn new things and expand one’s own boundaries of consciousness.
  • With a grimace. Not everyone can make a funny face in a photograph. This is an indicator of a great sense of humor, with the help of which a person strives to escape from real problems and show a positive attitude towards life.
  • In a home environment. Such people can proudly declare themselves: “I don’t care about other people’s opinions, and I am confident in myself.” They want to show their naturalness, and for this they do not need to hire a professional photographer.
  • Official photos in a working environment. Such photographs make a direct statement. Perhaps the person lacks attention and social recognition. He wants to show his success to others.
  • Selfie. For selfie lovers, the phone's front camera has become their best friend. But you should be careful with such photos: behind such photographs there may be real narcissists who like to indulge in narcissism. It’s better not to overdo it with such photos, because once you take one selfie, it’s almost impossible to stop.

Basic types of pictures for avatars

We looked at the main types of pictures for avatars. The main thing is to be creative. Put something on your avatar that you would be pleased to see in others.

The best avatar will be a photo taken with a good camera. Therefore, do not skimp on ordering a photo shoot from a professional or ask friends who have a good camera to take a photo of you.

Remember, you don’t need to be a hostage to your pride. Don't change your avatars too often; even online you need some stability. It’s better to wait for a professional shoot and post one good, edited photo than to change a selfie every day to a selfie with the “just change” attitude.

A few more important tips:

  • If you play sports and consider your body an asset, feel free to put a photo in a swimsuit or tracksuit on your avatar. Try not to overdo it with “sports” in the photo; there should definitely be less of it than you.
  • Smile! Joyful people are definitely some of the most attractive. Just one smile can leave a good impression of you.
  • If you're young, don't be afraid to show off your youth. Take photos at parties and clubs. As a rule, good establishments have invited photographers who can capture you in a beautiful photo, and even edit it. Find your lucky shot in the meeting group and voila! An excellent avatar is guaranteed for you.
  • Be sure to focus on the things you like about yourself, be it a new haircut or dress, a toned figure or beautiful eyes.
  • Don't be afraid to be romantic. Such feelings will interest anyone.
  • Don't hide your emotions. You don’t have to be serious online; show your openness and naturalness.
  • The latest trend is selfies taken on a phone and processed in various applications.
  • Avoid photos in the mirror; such photos should definitely not be on the main page.
  • You can put a photo with your best friend, but under no circumstances cut yourself out, it looks careless.
  • You should not choose a shot with an out-of-focus face or you standing so far away that you simply cannot make out your facial features.
  • No photos with alcohol! Believe me, this turns off even those who are not averse to drinking themselves.

Below is a video that clearly explains which avatars are preferable and what to avoid:

How to choose an avatar?

How to choose an avatar. There is no perfect avatar. You need to test, try, check.

Rules for a good avatar

There are three main steps to creating an avatar that are worth paying attention to.

1 First stage

We decide on an idea for a photo and ask questions:

  • What do I want to show with this photo?
  • For what purpose do I need an avatar?
  • Whose attention do I need to get?

1 Second stage

Taking a photo. To do this, we decide on:

Stage 3

To ensure that the photo turns out to be of sufficient quality and does not need to be heavily retouched, we recommend paying attention to the following details:

  • Location + good lighting. Make sure you have good light in your shooting location. Firstly, with natural light the photo will be much better quality, and secondly, your face will shine in all its glory. The location can be any of your choice. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in it.
  • Appearance + pose. Choose clothes to match the background. And the pose that you will demonstrate should not be too tight or too revealing, it should be in harmony with the overall picture.
  • Technique. Consider using a camera or phone with a good camera.
  • Processing quality. If earlier it was fashionable to apply a lot of effects, behind which the original version of the photo was barely visible, now naturalness is in fashion. Eliminate the slightest imperfections on the skin, red-eye effect, play with light and contrast. But don't get too carried away.
  • It is worth focusing on posing. On camera you should be relaxed and honest with your emotions. There is no need to look at the camera with a sad look and be squeezed - this does not look good on anyone. Let's look at the most successful poses for avatars:

For men, calmer poses are suitable; they do not need to strive for more attention, it is enough to feel relaxed. Whether it's a photo with friends or alone, full-length or a portrait, emotions should not be forced.

It's much easier for women to achieve variety in their photos. The main thing is to choose the pose that will embody your image, your sensitive and gentle nature. Let the lines of your figure be smooth: fewer elbows and splayed knees. The emotions on a girl’s face can say even more than her appearance, so don’t skimp on them.

Try "smiling with your eyes" - this is a trend introduced by American model Tyra Banks. To do this, you need to slightly squint your eyes and look at the camera with a confident look, with the awareness of yourself as beautiful. To practice this trick, you can try to smile in front of a mirror, see how your eyes look at that moment, then remove the smile, and try to leave your eyes with the same positive energy. The effect of smiling eyes will look great in portrait photographs where the emphasis will be on the face.


You've figured out the location, the lighting, the image, and you've got a good photo. Bravo! But that is not all. Now let’s work on the details so that the frame becomes your best avatar, which would be impossible to find fault with.

Let's look at programs that will help you edit your photo. Among these we can highlight:

  • Adobe Photoshop. The most popular method of photo processing. Photoshop is suitable even for beginners. In the program you can make auto-correction, add various effects, eliminate errors and remove red-eye.
  • The GIMP. This editor is a good analogue of Photoshop, well suited for creating logos and various design elements, and contains a wide variety of filters.
  • NET. Another good program for beginners, which has basic retouching functions, has filters, effects, is able to adjust saturation, remove the background and red-eye effect.

We are accustomed to the fact that an avatar is the personification of a user on a social network, his “image”, which we kind of turn to if we want to write something to someone. Therefore, it is easy to guess how important the image that is installed on the profile screen plays.

True, not all people pay so much attention to the image of their page. Let's just say that all users (if we talk specifically about this issue) can be divided into two groups: those who set their photo to their avatar, and those who do not care about their profile image. They either leave the standard image or use some third-party image.

If we talk about groups, the situation here is different. If your group doesn't have an attractive, informative photo, most likely no one will even join it. Therefore, community administrators often ask the question: how to make an avatar for a VKontakte group? In this article we will look at several options for creating it, and also look at the features of photographs in groups.

What should the group avatar be?

So let's start with a general theory of what your band photo should look like. Based on this information, you will understand how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group so that users like it and attract new members.

Obviously, the photo in the group must be consistent with the content posted in the community. This is a basic requirement for a picture: its content must be related to what you are writing about. The second requirement is the attractiveness of the image. Since all that a visitor sees about your group is the name and the picture, then, accordingly, the latter should be as attractive as possible so that the user wants to click and go to the page of the community itself. When you want to make an avatar for the VKontakte group, please take this into account. The last requirement for a group photo should be information content. Roughly speaking: it would be advisable to depict on the avatar something that would hint to the user what the group is doing. This can be done, for example, using inscriptions.

Looking for a finished picture

In the list of ways to create a group photo, searching for a ready-made image is the most popular and easiest at the same time. All you have to do is go to the image site and find a category of pictures related to the theme of your group. The most successful photo can be saved and edited (or even simply posted to the community page without changes).

Making an avatar using online editors

The second option is to edit ready-made images (or create new ones) using online editors. Fortunately, there are now many services that allow you to develop your avatar both “from scratch” and using one of the ready-made templates. You just need to decide what you would like to see in the image for Ava, and then you don’t even have to worry about how to make an avatar for a VKontakte group without Photoshop - the resource will do everything automatically. There are quite a lot of such ready-made solutions on the Internet now. They are free and feature rich. The only disadvantage of working with such sites is the address of the resource that made you an avatar, located somewhere in the lower corner.

Making an avatar in Photoshop

If you don’t know how to make an avatar for a VKontakte group without a link to someone else’s site, you will have to use the most popular one - Photoshop. Working with it is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the basics, understand the elementary concepts and categories with which the program functions. If you already have at least minimal experience interacting with it, creating an avatar for you will not be difficult. If you don’t know at all how to make an avatar for a VKontakte group in Photoshop, you will be left with two options. The first is to seek help from a person who knows how to work in the program, the second is to study the features of the editor on your own: find lessons, examples of work, practice yourself.

Create an avatar

Finally, after we answered the question “How to make an avatar for a VKontakte group?”, it’s time to think about what will be shown in the photo in the group. As already noted, it should be something thematic, attractive and informative. We invite you to take a piece of paper and a pen and sketch out a logo for your community. After this, you can start creating the image.

This can be done using one of the methods indicated above. If you don’t know which avatar is better, you can resort to a simple but effective method of determining: voting in the group itself. Let people decide which photo is better.

Avatar for a Youtube channel is an important component of success. If a person is greeted by his clothes, then his channel is greeted by his avatar.

It either evokes trust and interest, or doubts about the usefulness of the account. This means that you need to approach the creation of your logo professionally.

Let's see how to make a cool ava on Youtube. ↓↓↓

Which avatar should you choose for your channel?

About 80% - used as an avatar:

  • Author's photo

In second place in terms of distribution frequency - 15% - are various drawn characters as pictures on Youtube.

They are usually used on accounts dedicated to games.

Finally, the least common - 5%:

  • various images from the Internet
  • celebrity photos
  • memes, jokes, etc.

But if you are serious about developing your channel, immediately put this option aside. and try to create a unique image.

We conclude:

1. If you have a gaming channel, you can safely use hand-drawn characters for your avatar

2. If you have any other serious channel, use your photo or create a logo.

This is clear. Now let's talk about how to create an ava for a Youtube channel.

How to process a photo and create a logo?

The most popular tools for photo processing are editors:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Ulead PhotoImpact
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • CorelDRAW

Each of them has its own features and characteristics, but in general they offer a rich set of tools for a variety of image processing……..

We bring to your attention a video tutorial on creating an avatar in Photoshop. ↓↓↓

If you have never used them, you can start with a simpler program - Paint.NET

→ This is an improved version of the familiar Paint editor, which was included in the standard Windows package.

It can apply filters to photos and has a minimal set of processing tools. With its help, you can create and prepare photos for your avatar on YouTube.

An alternative to photography is to design a logo for your account. It can also be drawn in one of the graphic editors. Vector drawing programs are especially good for this purpose, such as CorelDRAW. The logo should reflect or illustrate the main idea of ​​your channel.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then its creation can be ordered from the designer !!!

For example, this service -

How to draw an avatar from scratch?

Now let's talk about how to create a hand-drawn ava for a Youtube channel. Special programs and online services are good for this.

→ Among the programs it is especially popular Paint Tool SAI.

This is a simple drawing program that contains a rich set of raster and vector tools. With its help you can draw a cool avatar)))

Among its features and advantages:

  • excellent anti-aliasing during drawing
  • simple interface for easy learning
  • working with layers, like in Photoshop
  • graphics tablet support
  • Russian language support and free distribution

In addition to programs, there are convenient online services for quickly creating avatars.

→ One of these is the site -

How to use it?

Here is another video tutorial that shows how to make an ava for a Youtube channel through another online service .

P.S.— Templates for ava on Youtube are another option to get a beautiful face for your channel.

You can download them on various sites on the Internet, and then modify them in a graphic editor ↓↓↓

How to change it on a channel?

Once your logo is ready, it's time to install it. To do this, follow these steps:


  • Ava dimensions for Youtube are 98x98 pixels.
  • However, it is recommended to upload an image of 800x800 pixels.
  • The icon can be square or round.
  • You can use JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG files. Keep this in mind if you want to download ava for Youtube.


A cool avatar is an important component of the success of your channel.

Now that you know how to make an ava for a Youtube channel and how to change it, use this knowledge to boost your account and make it recognizable

Probably all Internet users know what an avatar is and where it is used. Avatar, avatar, also avatar, ava, userpic - an image that personifies a specific Internet user, one might say, is his virtual embodiment.

Avatars are needed where communication occurs between people and it is necessary to identify each user personally. These are primarily forums, social networks, chats, blogs, instant messengers and similar services.

Just as in life each of us has a name, and we all differ from each other in appearance, so on the Internet we use nicknames and avatars for personalization. The only difference is that online you can choose any name for yourself and how you will look.

An avatar is a user’s face in the broad sense of the word; it is a way to express one’s individuality, views, interests, etc., to create one’s unique image.

How to create an avatar?

  • do it yourself
  • use sites that offer collections of ready-made avatars
  • order a specialist
  • use online services

Standard sets of avatars for the forum do not suit everyone. Not everyone wants to do it themselves, and not everyone knows how to use graphic editors. Collections of ready-made avatars are often repeated from site to site, and you need to spend time before you come across something original. By ordering an avatar from specialists, you will receive a high-quality userpic, although you will spend a little money (making an avatar costs from several hundred rubles).

Creating an avatar in online services also has its own characteristics. All services have one purpose: to give the user the opportunity to create an avatar themselves, online and for free. But the creation process itself is different. Some services allow you to use and edit your images, which you need to upload from your computer. You can crop and set the desired size of the uploaded picture, and then apply different filters (effects) to it to get your own unique avatar.

Another way to create an avatar is to use an online designer, where the avatar is assembled by selecting and combining various ready-made elements that make up the image.

An excellent example of this method is the online service for creating personalized avatars FaceYourManga. This free online avatar maker allows you to make almost a self-portrait. You can choose a hairstyle, clothes, accessories, as well as choose the shape of the face, eyebrows, nose, etc., add freckles, a mole and even a third eye. They make very funny avatars!

The service offers a variety of blanks, combining which you can create different images and, if desired, achieve similarities with a real prototype. Try it!

Create an avatar in the online designer

Creating an avatar in the online designer is very simple, you only need to go through 3 steps:

  • Customize the appearance of your avatar
  • Specify email address
  • Receive an avatar in an email

FaceYourManga is an easy and fast way to create an avatar for free and without registration!

To create an avatar in the FaceYourManga online constructor, go to the service website, click on the button CREATE!, two gender selection buttons will appear in front of you Male And Female(who doesn’t know, male and female, respectively), click on the one you need.

A designer window will open in front of you, in which there is a toolbar on the right, and a preview form on the left, where the result of your actions is displayed during editing. Start creating your avatar! Choose the shape and features of the face, hairstyle, clothes, accessories to your taste.

The toolbar consists of 10 main categories, some of which contain their own submenus. For example, eyes consist of 2 elements: the shape of the eyes and the eyebrows. If a color picker appears below the preview window, it means you can change the color of the selected element. Some design elements can be moved up and down (arrows labeled MOVE), thereby determining the best position for him. The area of ​​movement is limited: if it is the nose, it is clear that it cannot be moved to the forehead :)

In chapter FACE we create “our” face: facial oval, facial wrinkles, freckles and moles, mustache, beard, temple shape.

  • On the menu EYES choose eyes and eyebrows
  • NOSE select the avatar's nose
  • MOUTH- mouth and lips
  • EARS- ears
  • HAIRS– hairstyle
  • CLOTHES– We select clothes for ourselves: torso, shirts, caps, etc.
  • STUFF– accessories: choose glasses, earrings, tattoos, etc.
  • B.GROUND- select the background

MAKEUP- applying makeup, you can powder the created face with powder of a wide range of colors.

If you like the created image, click the button FINISH, and in the window that opens, confirm your choice by clicking on Ok.

You can take an unlimited number of images for yourself and your friends. The service allows you to customize and change avatars whenever you need.

How to make a cool avatar for Contact for free?

Or your path to originality

Today, no one can be surprised by a beautiful and bright avatar on a social network profile. In almost any profile, you can see either a professionally taken photo or some special collage created using a special application as the main photo. But such is human nature: seeing something beautiful and attractive from someone, the user immediately wants something similar for himself.

Therefore, the question arises: where can you make a cool, beautiful avatar for Contact, and for free? Where can I find an application that will allow you to create a spectacular profile photo in a matter of seconds? And most importantly, what do you need to consider to make your avatar for Contact as original and interesting as possible?

How to make a beautiful avatar for Contact: tips and tricks

First of all, get creative. After all, creating an original, cool avatar for Contact undoubtedly requires a creative approach. And before you begin the creation process, pay attention to the following tips:

1. To make a beautiful avatar for a Contact from a ready-made image, select a photo in which your face is located in the center. Eliminate photographs where you are poorly visible (occupying less than 50% of the photo) or where you are covering your face with certain objects (the exception is thematic professional photos).

2. If you are using our application r To pre-take a picture, try to take pictures in the most natural pose for yourself. Don't try to make a fake facial expression that you think is beautiful, or sit/stand in an unnatural position. Falseness is always visible in the photo - we want to make a beautiful and original avatar for Contact, which will amaze your friends with how similar you are to your real way of life.

3. Try to come up with a kind of “highlight” for your new avatar for Contact - something that will immediately catch your eye and perfectly emphasize your character, mood, state of mind. From the simplest - it could be an original inscription on a sign, a photo of yourself in your hands, where you are presented in a completely different form, a certain setting (for example, cooking food) or original clothes. If you decide to use a ready-made photo to make a cool new avatar for Contact, then there is very wide scope for your imagination and the imagination of the photographer.

4. Try making several different avatar options for Contact for free in our application. Thanks to this, you will have a choice which one is best to place on your page. And then you can change the avatar in your profile at least weekly.

5. Don’t forget to save every created one to your computer. Being carried away by the creative process, you can completely forget about this important detail.

You can always make a beautiful and cool avatar for Contact absolutely free through our website. You can use both WebCam Avatar, which will help you take a photo from your webcam and apply interesting effects, and GIF Animator, with which you will be able to apply original effects to a ready-made photo.

We hope our project can help you make a truly original, bright, cool and beautiful avatar for Contact quickly, easily and completely free!