Lp generator login to personal. LPgenerator update: “Account” section of your personal account

Grade: 5

It’s a pleasure to create a landing page through this service, but the prices, in my opinion, are a little high. If we omit this point, we get a very high-quality toolkit and package of functions. There is a one-week free trial period for review. I really love projects with this opportunity. Then I switched to paid feature, ordered a landing page design (it cost me 15,000 rubles), then uploaded the whole thing (another 5,000 rubles), bought a domain and the site was ready. You won’t be able to tell that the site is made using a website builder. You can create expensive commercial websites for a limited budget.
It cost a pretty penny, but the result was very worthy. Now I just manage and analyze efficiency. It is very convenient to carry out both the first and the second thanks to a competent service design. I have never expressed any complaints about the company regarding the quality of communication with the pages. I really hope that the service will only develop and in the future will provide new, additional opportunities.

Grade: 4

Lpgenerator could be called the best builder for creating landing pages. Perhaps this is true. The big disadvantage is that there are very few suitable templates. All templates are almost identical. No selling triggers. If you use ready-made template, then you get a landing page for 2. Designing it yourself is very long and tedious, but it’s quite possible to sketch out a sketch.

Grade: 5

There are a number of clients with landing pages on this platform that we promoted.g
It’s quite simple and convenient to set up and quickly create a landing page.
If anyone needs it, please contact us at
4-c.com.ua. We will be happy to help you grow into a large company with effective investments in website promotion))). Although I now work in a different department, I manage hotels)

Grade: 4

Of course, there are not enough templates, but for starters, I think this is quite enough to get better at it and practice. But the templates themselves are not very good, so, C grade))
and the prices could have been a little lower for such templates)
Maybe in the future they will make new templates, then there will be something to pay for.
although I didn’t take a paid one, maybe everything is already there)))

Grade: 5

It is obvious that this company employs professionals. New sites immediately appear on the first pages of Yandex. The employees answer all questions almost instantly and help very well. And I want to express my gratitude to the entire company, which is capable of making excellent sales pages

Grade: 5

Of all the advantages of LPgenerator, the extensive knowledge base, in which you can find an answer to almost any question you may have, deserves special praise, as well as a well-functioning support service - they respond almost instantly. It also has a decent set of templates for any need. The only negative is the text editor However, it is constantly updated and bugs are fixed.

Grade: 5

Of the services that specialize in creating landing pages themselves, I know only this one. Everything you need is here. Pre-prepared templates that can be easily modified in every possible way using a special editor, a full-fledged set of tools for obtaining detailed statistics, and much more. I agree with the developers’ statement that the Unlimited tariff is the most profitable. Having reviewed the features of each of them, it is easy to come to the same conclusion. The service keeps the pages on its hosting, which allows you not to worry about this. The hosting itself is high quality. At least that's what they say after 4 months of work. During this time, sitting on the Unlim tariff, I came to the conclusion that there was simply no point in looking for any other offers on the network for services like LPGenerator. I recommend it to everyone

Grade: 5

I made the page not so long ago, so I haven’t had time to pay for myself yet. I use Yandex Directex and Contact as traffic sources. Applications have already begun to arrive several days after the start. Once I attach Yandex metrics, it will be possible to understand the conversion, but for now I can’t say for sure, but things are going well. I didn’t notice any obvious problems in working with the platform, everything seemed convenient and good. I would like to more opportunities and various goodies in the editor, but in principle what is there is quite enough. There are also webinars, I watch them and gain experience, and as a new user this helps me a lot. I also read the blog, every day you can find new articles that help improve your work efficiency and have greater impact. I think I will stay here for a long time, I hope the prospects will not disappoint. In general, everything is ok, we continue to work.

Grade: 5

It’s really possible to create your own landing page here without having absolutely any website building skills. For those who doubt, a 7-day test period, for which, of course, you don’t have to pay anything. I liked it very much. In addition to a good, intuitive template editor, it offers a lot more useful utilities. For example, there is a good set of tools for setting up advertising and analyzing its effectiveness. The tariff prices here may seem steep, but if you have the funds and plan to make serious profits in the future, I advise you to spend the money. Of course, don’t rush to buy a White Label right away. At first, Advanced will be enough, although in terms of price-function ratio, the best here is probably Unlim. My opinion about this project is positive.

Grade: 5

First of all, I was pleased with the template editor. I figured it out very quickly, plus all the necessary features are there. In terms of the variety of templates, everything is fine too. Many categories. There were several moments in the process of working with a ready-made page, but when the support “chewed” everything, it became really okay.
2 days of testing was enough for me to understand that this landing constructor page suits me. Took it unlimited tariff, since he is truly the most adequate. I've been sitting here for 4 months now - the flight is excellent. Traffic flows through the context, + content managers fill the site tirelessly. Some requests have already received visits to the site.
I have no questions about hosting with LPGenerator. You can order a personal design, but everything is somehow overwhelming. Although, judging by the reviews, it makes sense to fork out more. The project is high quality.

Grade: 5

Generally, good platform to create landing pages. I created a landing page in an hour and a half (with short breaks). The editor is very clear, it didn’t take long to figure it out). Good set useful widgets, from which I chose a feedback form, a gallery and a timer, which always works well if you offer clients a promotion) Alerts work well, it is especially convenient to receive SMS about new applications. I also use statistics - you can see where the traffic came from. There are only 3 tariffs, I chose Unlimited, but now I think I should have taken Advanced, it would have been enough for me). I give it a solid 5, there are no complaints about the functionality!!!

Let me guess: you want to do a landing and you are looking for a platform for self-creation landing pages. That's why you're looking for a Lpgenerator review, isn't it? Then read and share your opinion.

Looking at the trends in web development, I can say for sure: this year can be considered the year of one-page sites or otherwise landing page(landing pages).

We will look at why the fashion for these sites is growing so much a paragraph later. I can say for sure: the legs are growing from information businessmen who have long been using landing pages to collect subscribers or sell information products.

Just numbers

It’s very simple to explain people’s love for one-page websites. They stupidly bring more subscriptions, downloads, registrations and money, in the end. If this is still a secret for you, then you will now be surprised. A regular website gives a maximum of 1.5% conversion, and a landing page - from 3.5%. Now let's use normal Russian language and money. 100 people came to you. Average amount purchase from you is 100 USD. In total, from 100 visitors you earn 100-150 USD. It’s not hard to count the money when selling from landing pages. Correctly 300-350 USD. Do you like it better? Otherwise!

Why is there such a difference? Yes, because the visitor has no choice, click here, click here. There is only one page. He honored and either did the action you call for, or left. Essentially, on a one-pager, you are like a director who is directing the script as he needs to in order to achieve his goal and solve any need of the buyer.

It’s clear that landing pages need to be developed just like regular websites, but a novice businessman either can’t afford it or wants to do everything himself. If you already have a business, then speed of development and high-quality marketing tool. This is exactly what the service was created for.

Personally, I became acquainted with this service a few months ago. At first, he interested me as a landing page designer, and then there were clients who needed to create one-page pages in this service.

Of course, my review and review of the lpgenerator service will be more from the developer’s side. I myself do not use this service due to some reasons. On the other hand, in this article I will give a professional assessment of the tools that this company provides.

General information and overview of service functions

Let's start with the main features of the service available at the time of writing this post.

Of course, the most important function is the ability create landing pages. Pages can be in several formats.

Web pages- a regular landing page with necessary information and functions.

Facebook pages- constructor facebook fan pages. It works like this: you create a page on FB, design it in lpgenerator and then connect the service to facebook. It turns out that you are using all the capabilities of the service, but you are also promoting in the largest social network.

Mobile pages- can be used as stand-alone pages, if your audience is mobile device users. Or you can redirect the user to such a page if he came from mobile device to a regular page.

Thank You Pages- these are the pages to which you are redirected in case of successful subscription or placing an order.

All these pages are created using a convenient designer. To make pages you don't need any special knowledge in web development. There are, of course, exceptions, but I will write about them in the appropriate section of the article.

To any of your pages, you can add your own domain or subdomain. For me, this function should be taken for granted for such a service, but it’s still worth noting.

Next function in lpgenerator which deserves attention is split test center. To be honest, I like this feature the most. The name of the function is scary, but nothing complicated.

You create one page and then let's say 5 duplicates with some changes. The design of such pages will be the same, but the text or images will be different. Also, you set the weight of each page. For starters, of course, equal.

The beauty is that these 5 page options are shown to visitors one by one. The one from the pages that gave highest conversion, leave that one as the most effective. Or perhaps continue the test.

Another feature that gives me conflicting emotions is the “don’t leave” script or comebacker. To be honest, it infuriates me when my wife is resting, I close the page, and a voice is raised throughout the whole house: “wait, I have a gift.” Or a message just pops up stopping my actions.

Maybe this increases conversions, but apparently I’m not one of those who buys it.

Also, the service can integrate with some popular services for sending and storing files. For example, you created subscription page. lpgenerator does not have a function for working with subscribers, but services such as MailChimp, UniSender, Getresponse and . All subscribers are redirected to one of these services of your choice. I think it's convenient.

Also, the service does not provide the ability to store files other than images. This, of course, is not very convenient, but in order to connect your files to sites, there is integration with the service.

The next important function of the service is CRM system. In another way, it can be called a lead management system - potential and existing clients.

Everyone who leaves their data in the form on the landing page automatically ends up on the system’s list. After this, you or your staff can work with leads and make any notes.

And the last thing we will consider is the function tracking traffic sources. This thing is needed to track the effectiveness of advertising channels. For example, you advertise on Yandex Direct, VKontakte, and on a couple of thematic portals and forums. This feature will allow you to track which channel is the most profitable.

This is, perhaps, the main list of functions that are available in lpgenerator today. Perhaps I'm missing something. Write about it in

Hello, Dear users LPgenerator platforms!

How long has it been since you visited the section “ Account"? Now it’s worth taking a look at it, as the section has been significantly updated and now contains much more useful functions, which will make working with the platform even more convenient and safer.

Looking ahead, we note that a long-awaited and extremely popular opportunity for many of our clients has appeared - to add several e-mail addresses And telephone numbers to notify you about leads sent from one or more pages.


This subsection contains basic information about your account.

If necessary, here you can edit your first and last name, time zone and phone number.

In order to indicate the correct phone number, select your country and the acceptable number format will change:

After making changes to the phone number, click “Save Changes”:

Please note: you can change your registration email only in written request to technical support at

The appeal must be sent strictly from the current registration email.

System alerts

Alert settings are configured here:

  • About new leads: all application data is transmitted in the notification
  • When the balance is low SMS: an alert is sent when the balance remains less than 200 rubles, as well as when the SMS limit is exhausted
  • About activation of the next month: relevant when paying the tariff immediately on a large number of months. The notification informs you that the next month of the tariff has begun
  • About successful payment: when purchasing services or paying for a tariff, you will receive a notification that the payment was successful
  • About the end of the telephony balance: when cash your telephony balance will be low, you will receive a notification about this
  • About the end of the tariff: notification will come a few days before the end date of the tariff and will not let you forget about payment
  • Lead Generation University: newsletter containing information and training materials on working with the platform

By default, you receive all notifications to your registration e-mail.
All payment-related notifications are sent via SMS.

If you do not want to receive any of the alerts, simply uncheck the box next to it in the Receipt Method settings column.
For example:

Or click on the gear and select "Clear All". In this case, the notification will not arrive on any notification channel, that is, you will turn off all notifications (!):

Please note: if your phone number is not verified, there will be an icon next to the number with exclamation mark.

Enter the resulting code into the appropriate field of the window that opens:

To add additional channel for notifications, select the channel type from above, enter your email or phone number and click “Add”:

Refresh the page and don't forget to confirm your new email/phone:

In order to delete a recipient, click on the gear (or icon with an exclamation mark) next to it, and click “Delete recipient”:

Once configured, reload the page to see the results and the new settings status.

Lead Alerts

Here you can configure options and methods for notifying about leads. For each page you can add your e-mail or phone number.

Please note: You can now add multiple addresses and phone numbers to receive alerts for leads sent from a page.

By default, all lead notifications are sent to your registration email.

To add new email or phone number for lead alerts from the page, click “Add Lead Alert”:

Select a contact type, for example “Email Address”, enter required e-mail, and select the landing page for which you want to install this email:

Refresh the page - the address will appear in the list:

Similarly, a phone number for alerts is added.

Please note: SMS about new leads is paid. You can top up your SMS balance in the “Payment” section:

Don't forget to confirm the added contact:

ATTENTION: after adding a new notification recipient, the page for which the notification is being configured must be resaved in the editor.

Add new additional addresses and phone numbers for the page can be clicked on the “Add” button using the method described above.



In this section you can change the password, configure additional functions security to log into your personal account and enable authentication notification.

To change your password, click the “Change” button:

Enter the required data and click “Confirm”:

A brief description of the security settings for logging into your personal account.

  • Two-Step Verification

Way two-step authentication involves installation on a smartphone or tablet special application. You can install it by following the links provided in the settings (more on this below).
The purpose of the application is to generate special code to enter your personal account. The code is not static and changes after a certain period of time. This tool prevents an attacker who cannot see the code from getting into your account.

  • Confirmation codes

The codes allow you to access your account if you lose your phone or don't have access to SMS messaging or the authentication app.

  • Secret Question

You can enter your Secret Question and the answer to a security question to verify authenticity. This The best way, if you cannot use another authentication type.

  • Access via IP

For advanced users only. Here you can list those IP addresses from which you are allowed to log into your personal account. After activating the settings, you will no longer be able to log into your account from other IP addresses.

Please note: the IP address must be static.

If the IP address is dynamic, but you know all the subnet addresses of your provider, you can specify them.
Enter the 24-bit subnet address(es).

You can read a detailed description of security settings here:

In order to receive notifications about logging into your personal account and changes in it, we recommend activating notifications and journaling (logging), which will allow you to store the history of logins to your account:

Social network


Here you can view the transactions performed in your personal account.
For example, deleting and publishing pages, adding/removing domains, etc.

To view events of a specific type, use the group filter on the right:

On this short review The updated “Account” section is completed.

If you have any difficulties or couldn’t configure something, please write to us at

Enjoy your work and high conversions!

Maxim Guivan,
head of technical support department

Most preferred option for me

Grade: 5

I would, of course, like to see a module for adding a videophone here, but it’s not there yet. Convenient and easy to use site. There are more than enough tools for lead generation. I have 6 pages, all with different conversion rates. In order to bring in the maximum number of clients, I periodically do split tests. I actively use Yandex.Direct. The cost of one lead for me is about 120 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive.
LPgenerator combines several services at once - designer, integration, advertising, analytics and additional services. The functionality is simply awesome. Everything is a little confusing, I didn’t figure it out right away, I turned to support for help more than once. By the way, the support works quite quickly; I received a response to all my requests within 15-30 minutes.
I wouldn't call the tariffs overpriced. If you search among similar services, you can make sure that the prices are market prices. At the same time, the level of work is an order of magnitude higher than many.

A bit pricey, but worth it

Grade: 4

This designer has almost everything tailored to the work of creating landing pages. Layout is easy - there are a large number of ready-made templates. They can be transformed and given individuality using the built-in image editor. The work of creating landing pages is exciting.
Another good thing - CRM system, allowing you to see leads. In your personal account you can create advertising campaigns and track all contextual advertising. If you don’t want to spend time creating landing pages yourself, then specialists from LPgenatora can help with this. Naturally, this service is paid. We must pay tribute to the technical support - they help everyone, without exception. Even those who use the designer for free. The most expensive tariff provides personal manager. If you have money, then this constructor will work interesting projects create.

Convenient design and relatively inexpensive

Grade: 5

Normal service, I’ve been working with it for six months now, I’m completely satisfied with the quality and availability, as well as the support work. The only thing that bothers me is the periodic offers paid services. This service dedicated to creating landing pages capture, the main purpose of which is to attract target audience. Designed to manage these pages excellent functionality- this is a CRM alert system, conversion optimization, analytics with statistics, and integration with other services. There is good opportunity It’s up to a freelancer to earn money, and I get a very normal income - I attract customers to online stores.
I use an unlimited tariff and pay six months in advance - it’s cheaper. I chose a suitable template for the page, modified it to fit my parameters and published the page. It’s better to spend more time on this and work out the details well, then the page will turn out much more interesting.

Ideal for landing pages

Grade: 5

The designer is excellent, completely tailored for creating a landing page, the toolkit is rich, the templates are original, the engine is convenient. Creating a page is as easy as shelling pears and there are many possibilities. An editor with a bunch of settings, you can take a ready-made template and change it so that it looks like the original one. Social networks are easily integrated. networks, Robokassa, registration and feedback systems. There are alerts in Telegram.
The first week is free, then you need to choose a tariff. The best is Unlimited, but it costs accordingly, and the price for Advanced is unreasonably high. I chose Basic. I have 1 page, a large flow of visitors is not expected yet, and paying twice as much just to disable LPGenerator advertising in the bottom footer is an expensive pleasure. My landing page is 3 months old and things are going well, the flow of visitors is 2,000. I work with conversion using a split test, track statistics, everything is done through the functionality of the constructor. LPGenerator's prices are inflated, but they are fully justified.

Best designer landing pages

Grade: 5

This website builder offers about 250 templates, which are divided into different topics. It is also possible to create a template yourself, since it contains powerful editor. You can either edit the HTML/CSS codes, or download an individual template created in advance. A video is available on the site in the promo version after registration, which tells in detail about all functionality LPGeneratora.
Some templates are available only after payment, some are free. This designer has several tariffs, but the most profitable, in my opinion, is unlimited. With this tariff, it is profitable to create custom websites, because as a result you get landing pages with excellent conversion.

My favorite landing page ripper

Grade: 5

Very functional, incredibly functional, there’s so much stuff stuffed into it that you don’t need much. It’s very convenient to rivet entire paysites, and besides, the statistics there are detailed, based on it you can understand what was done wrong based on user behavior. By the way, it’s convenient that you can order a unique lead, which simplifies the work even more, and besides, it’s not so difficult to figure it out, the main thing is to figure it out. Even free templates are not so similar to each other as is the case with most similar designers.

I looked at the prices (I immediately remembered one fraudulent broker in the Forex segment by the person next to the prices, they have exactly the same style and immediately suspected something and the design itself is similar, but in vain) and was a little freaked out - it’s quite expensive, although considering it’s so wide functionality coupled with the stability of their hosting + traffic and the number of domains is unlimited (hardly anyone will need the “advanced” tariff because the limit of 10k uniques per month is incredibly small), but the White Label tariff is also unclear who will need it, moreover so expensive... However. everyone's business. I chose the “Unlimited” tariff - I didn’t regret it, I think I already understood it myself. I recommend this designer.

Serious landing page designer

Grade: 5

One of my favorite website builders. It is “tailored” mainly for landing. There are many functions, you won’t be able to figure it out in 5 minutes. Among the noticeable advantages, it is worth noting the possibility CSS loads file, as well as editing HTML structures. In addition, there is a very convenient customization of this very CSS file using sliders (similar to brightness/contrast settings in Photoshop). I think everyone has ever wanted to simply upload a file with their settings, move them slightly based on the specifics of the design, and get a ready-made website. This is exactly what is implemented here. SEO offers standard ones, but still effective solutions for promotion, mainly through contextual advertising. Prices are higher than competitors. Free period limited to a week, and half of the templates are not available on it. It's up to you to decide whether you're willing to pay that much for available functionality or not. Personally I use unlimited package for 4000 rubles per month. It is quite enough for my needs. To summarize all of the above, LPgenerator provides ample opportunities For professional creation landing pages, with, in my opinion, a slightly inflated pricing policy.

Grade: 5

I had a chance to work with this thing - I can confidently say that it is one of the most worthy landing page designers today. If you need to quickly put together a one-page website and put it into action, it’s worth a try. Essentially, this is a full-fledged CRM system with built-in alerts, telephony and other things. I liked the built-in analytics and statistics - it allows you to immediately see what’s what and take action. I took a ready-made landing page template and adapted it to my business - English courses. The functionality of the designer was enough. In principle, the design possibilities are wide, especially if you have knowledge in css areas. I corrected and completed some things myself, I have skills in this area - it turned out decently, not too formulaic and boring. It cost me 4 thousand rubles to publish a page on the Internet - an unlimited tariff for a month. It should be noted that payments must be made on time and regularly, otherwise there may be downtime in the business - unnecessary losses. It’s cheaper to rent for several months at once, if that’s the case. The price is adequate, although a little overpriced, in my opinion. Otherwise, no complaints at all. It is quite possible to create a one-page website yourself using LP generator. But I advise you to entrust advertising to specialists.

For a good one-page website

Grade: 4

The LP generator helped me make a business card website. Well, it's very simple! But I don’t agree that it’s fast. No knowledge or special skills are required, you just need good taste to place the blocks in the right places. There are many templates, but all of them are not finalized. Each one must be adjusted to suit itself, to suit its own business. Full customization The pages took me about 3-4 days. You can also set typical pattern, but only this will immediately catch your eye. I would like to see more other templates added to the auto category. I tried to make the advertisement myself, but it didn’t work out because it didn’t bring the desired result, it didn’t work correctly. Then I ordered from these same guys for money. They did it quickly and efficiently! The CRM is convenient, everything arrives without delay. With its help I can track visitors, contact them and more. I pay 4,000 rubles a month. Landing brings me an average of 40 thousand. There's not much to complain about so far. But remember, a good website cannot be made in 5 minutes, not only under this platform, but under any platform in general! You need to devote at least a couple of days to the design and packaging of all the blocks, advertising is an important factor and also takes time, I’m already silent about the content - this is the most difficult thing.

Personal website in a couple of hours - it's real

Grade: 4

In addition to the fact that the service makes it possible to create your own selling page on the Internet, they also promote and advertise the site for adequate money. I sell Chinese smartphones. The company is small, so our website is also without pathos. I added reviews to it, a lot of photos and videos. Prices increased by only 30%. The people are taking it! The CRM system is somewhat confusing, I had to get used to it. They did the advertisement for me for about a week.

The search has only recently started to rise. There have never been any system failures. Everything is saved changes made. The site opens normally on all devices (smartphones, tablets under different OS). The designer is good, I liked it. There are many templates for every taste, although they are all approximately the same. The control panel is very simple. It's even interesting to work with her. I pay monthly via card. So far I'm happy with everything. LPgenerator is my assistant. People find the site, call, leave a request for feedback, are interested in availability. This is already good. Now more than 300 people visit my website every day. The site was put up a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how I would do everything without a constructor...

Everything is clear to the point

Grade: 4

Beautiful, convenient, with a lot of features, with the ability to add your own design. There is integration with 1C, telephony and lead management. All these are advantages of the LP generator. But the price is a MINUS. Very expensive in my opinion. If you don't pay, the site disappears until you renew it. Otherwise, this is the best designer.
The visual editor is convenient. There is no need to rack your brains over coding, but if you have a programmer, then you can delve into the code. In the designer, you can choose your own unique logo or create it yourself based on a template. Another point is that it is possible to link the created project to the Facebook network, that is, you can promote the project right there, and the page will be designed in accordance with the site, very convenient. You can create mobile version site, you can make a landing page only for mobile traffic. I tried this and that, everything works top level, no complaints. The designer is mega functional and interesting. Basically, there is everything you need for a successful business.

Overall, it looks decent. Of course, by taking advantage of all the editor’s capabilities, you can create a very functional landing page, and for trained users this can turn into an exciting one. creative process, because in this constructor it is possible to add and custom styles(CSS).

Technical characteristics of LPgenerator

Additional tools

Among additional tools here is a CRM system, and a very informative one at that - here we see Leads, we can sort them by status, by source, by date.

We can create a sales funnel, and a very visual one at that:

But what we liked most was the ability to create advertising campaigns Yandex without leaving personal account. It’s very convenient to track contextual advertising and requests from a page in one account:

It’s very convenient to track contextual advertising and requests from a page in one account:

Among additional services We see landing page layout, custom design development, as well as a store of ready-made designs. The landing page layout service will be of interest to those who, for example, have finished layout page and the client is not ready to give it up in favor of a template, or in favor of a new design. In this case, the Layout Department offers whole line services that are described in detail in the corresponding section of the official Website.

The same is true with development finished Design— don’t have time to create a page in the designer yourself? Or do you have time, but lack the skills? Then you can turn to the specialists of LPgenerator.ru for this service and receive a comprehensive service for creating a capture page - this includes marketing analysis, copywriting, design, layout, and customization, and as a nice bonus, the “Unlimited” tariff as a gift for a month.

LPgenerator tariffs

Now we come to the most interesting part, the cost. tariff plans service LPgenerator.ru.


559 rub/month

1662 rub/month
2799 rub/month


11011 rub/month

Domain names 1 1 not limited not limited
Number of pages 3 not limited not limited not limited
Number of unique visitors not limited not limited not limited not limited
Technical support + + + +
Linking your domains 297 RUR 297 RUR for free for free
Connection domain mail 297 RUR 297 RUR for free for free
15 client subaccounts +
Control over the processing of applications +
Access control +
Collaboration +
Single login address for your team +
Personal branding +
LPgenerator branding +
Support and training + + + +

As can be seen from the table, there are four tariff plans for users. All tariffs look very decent. Overall, they are average for the market.

Technical support

Get Technical support you can call toll free hotline, By by email, on Skype or with the help of an online consultant.

The technical support of the LPgenerator.ru service has proven to be tactful and professional - they advise in as much detail as possible, provide links to instructions in the knowledge base, but do not refuse their direct assistance. And above we also wrote about the fact that maximum tariff The user is entitled to a personal manager and DNS settings.

Additional services

As you can see from the table, you can attach your own to the page Domain name even in test mode, moreover, from the control panel you can register a domain name if you don’t have one:

The service offers 140 free templates design, allows you to place counter codes on your pages, as well as add a favicon. There is also an A/B testing tool, or split tests. There is no service signature, and the trial period lasts 14 days. Moving to your own hosting is not possible.


LPGenerator can be called a truly innovative service. They offer their clients a variety of ready-made integrations. The most popular today are Bitrix24.ru and Mailchimp.com. online chat JivoSite.ru, JustClick.ru service.