Mail from Yandex on your domain. Domain mail on Yandex - creation and configuration

It is advisable for the site owner to connect mail to it for a Yandex domain, then the mailing address will look stylish and respectable. For example: info@site. This is especially important for organizations, online stores and sites where there is no contact form for communicating with the administration of the site or organization, i.e. The appeal takes place through the contact postal address.

What are the advantages of mail for a domain on

  • By creating mail for a domain, you can add up to 1000 mailboxes for free for friends and acquaintances, assigning any logins;
  • Create a corporate email and distribute a separate mailbox to each employee, formalize and control the process (if you are a manager);
  • Place the organization's logo and links in the mail web interface;
  • Install a mail account authorization form on the website and a widget with the number of new letters;
  • Reliable protection against viruses and spam;
  • Ability to access mail through the Yandex home page, via a direct link, through a form on the website or via mobile;
  • Various additional features.

Connecting mail for a domain on Yandex in practice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to have not only a domain, but also access to a hosting provider.

How to connect a domain to Yandex Mail:

Step 4. Now it is necessary verify domain ownership. Yandex offers 3 confirmation methods:

  • Upload a file with the specified name and content to the root directory of the site,
  • configure a CNAME record,
  • or specify a new contact email address using your hosting provider.

Choose your method, but it’s more convenient to create a file, add the specified entry to it and upload it to the root of the site:

Step 5. After you have confirmed rights to the domain, the next and final step is to install and configure the MX record. Here I had to work a little, following the not very detailed instructions from Yandex. I’ll show you step by step what I did so that Yandex found the domain in the DNS. The process may be slightly different for different hosting providers, but the principle is the same.

— We start a new MX record, in DNS Editor:

— The MX record appears in the list of other records in the DNS Editor:

— Next, go to the hosting provider account and delegate the domain to Yandex — make changes to the domain NS server: add And
Here you can see Yandex's instructions on delegation -. But my hosting refused to add two new DNS records with a dot at the end, as Yandex recommends. Having added DNS records without a dot, as a result of checking by Yandex (within an hour), the MX record was found, the domain was delegated. But sometimes the verification process takes much longer - up to 48 hours. See screenshot below.

Life cannot be imagined without the use of electronic gadgets and communications. It seems that the days when free email was a novelty have long since sunk into oblivion. Nowadays you rarely meet people who don’t have it. Sometimes, when exchanging email addresses, people ask only for the main letters of the address, and the domain name is most often from the most common email services (, Yandex or Google). This is quite convenient, because we are hostages of our habits and stereotypes.

But what if you need a non-standard mail name? How to make it different from hundreds and thousands of others? In this case, it is better to register an email with your own domain.

What is it for

The need to create an email with your own business domain arises for the following reasons:

  • giving the addresses of employees or the company a corporate element that unites the company’s contacts;
  • increasing the company’s recognition, the desire to combine the brand with business correspondence;
  • adding originality, emphasizing differences and creating a positive association with the image or type of activity of the company.

For personal purposes, mail with its own domain is created for uniqueness, since every person wants to be different in some way. This method is no worse than the others. A personal name for an email indicates that its owner has knowledge and skills in web programming.

Before you create an email with your domain, you need to come up with a name. The solution to this issue is an individual, creative matter, but it is recommended to do this based on the following factors:

  • includes Latin characters, so it is advisable to check the name for consonance;
  • creates an association rather than a meaningless set of symbols;
  • It is better to limit the length, since the shorter the name, the easier it is to remember and the easier it is to type the address;
  • check for consonance, write the entire name, including the characters that come before the domain name.

It's easy to create an email with a unique domain. It is easier to do this using popular search engines from Google and Yandex. You can do this using hosting if you have registration.

Creating a unique domain in Yandex

The simplest free way to create an email with a unique domain is the services provided by Yandex. Moreover, the resources provided by the service allow you to solve both personal and corporate problems. Among the main indicators are:

  • The amount of available disk space is 10 GB;
  • the minimum number of mailboxes is one thousand, it is possible to increase them free of charge;
  • easy to understand and manage interface;
  • It is acceptable to use your own company logo;
  • The size of the mailbox is not limited;
  • There are also additional options (work calendars, notes, etc.).

Let's look at step-by-step steps on how to create an email with an original domain:

  1. We register with subsequent authorization on this resource.
  2. Go to the “Mail for Domain” page.
  3. In the field that opens, enter the selected domain name. Click “Add domain”. We are waiting for the service to check whether such a domain name is available.
  4. Click the “Connect domain” button and wait for the connection to occur. Depending on the type of browser, this process can take up to three hours.
  5. Open notepad and copy the encoding that the service provides into it.
  6. Create a suggested file name and save it.
  7. Place the file in the root directory of the site.
  8. The next step is to check again, click the “Check Now” button.
  9. We are waiting for verification (it will take no more than ten minutes).
  10. We configure MX records. This setting is made in accordance with the algorithm provided by the hosting.
  11. After Yandex has verified the name, fill in the MX record data on the same page. Click “Add” and wait for the next verification confirmation. To do this, we periodically update the page.
  12. Fill in the login that will appear in front of the email domain name, click “Add”.
  13. Next, you need to log into Yandex and add your new mail. To do this, we enter the data and also indicate that mail from old addresses should arrive at the new mailbox.

Setting up MX records

One of the most important steps before setting up mail with a custom domain is setting up MX records. This process must be carried out according to the instructions provided by the hosting providers, since some of them have certain features in their settings. And if they are not followed, then a cyclical nature of mailings may occur, when the mailing address loops back on itself and letters will not be sent.

Although there are some differences, most of these instructions provide the following steps:

  • hosting account authorization;
  • deleting all your MX records available on the hosting;
  • creating a new MX record. Here, a necessary condition is the presence of the “dot” sign in the extreme right position (if the control panel field does not provide for its setting by default);
  • it is necessary to set the priority to “10”; if this is not provided in the interface, then you need to set any other one other than zero;
  • enter the subdomain name (usually the “@” sign or a created domain name);
  • waiting for DNS changes to be made.

That's it, now the task of creating a personal domain is completed. E-mail with all the advantages and an unusual address is at the complete disposal of its owner.

Compared to Mail for a domain, Yandex.Connect provides more options for managing domains and user mailboxes. Migration to Connect occurs automatically; you don’t need to do anything for it. The changes will affect only administrator tools; the migration will not affect the operation of mailboxes in any way.

Migrate to Connect

To transfer your domain and mailboxes from Mail for a Domain to Connect:

    Wait for a message that your data has been successfully transferred to Connect. This usually takes a few minutes.

Limitation. The Mail administrator account for a domain is not suitable for working with Connect services. To be able to use Connect services, create an employee account for yourself. If necessary, give it administrator rights.

Differences between Yandex.Connect and Mail for a domain

When migrating from Mail for a domain to Yandex.Connect, the following changes occur:

    Mailboxes Mailboxes for a domain become the accounts of employees in your organization.

    Automatically created teams do not have administrators. Only an organization administrator in Connect can assign an administrator for such a team.

    The Mail administrator for a domain gets the opportunity to manage the organization’s settings in Connect.

    Verification of domains in Connect is implemented on the page and described in the Connect help section.

    DNS record settings for domains delegated to Yandex are now available on the page.

Note. If several domains (except) are connected to Mail for a domain, separate organizations will be created for them.

Other differences are shown in the table:

Connect Mail for Domain
+ +
1000 1000

DNS hosting

+ +

Aliases for domains

+ +

Aliases for mailboxes

+ +

Public API

+ +

Company structure support

+ +
+ +
Mailings within a domain + +
Not limited 1

Employee Profiles

10 GB 10 GB

Corporate messenger


for the company knowledge base

Connect Mail for Domain

Unlimited mailbox capacity

+ +

Maximum number of mailboxes

1000 1000

DNS hosting

+ +

Aliases for domains

+ +

Free third level domain


Aliases for mailboxes

+ +

Public API

+ +

Company structure support

+ +

Protection against spam and viruses in mail

+ +
Mailings within a domain + +
Number of domain administrators Not limited 1

Single signature for mailboxes on a domain


General employee address book


Employee Profiles


Space for each employee

10 GB 10 GB

Corporate messenger

I'm using the Mail API for a domain. Will I be able to use the API after moving?

Yes, you can. After the move, you will not need to configure the API again, and all its capabilities will remain the same.

You can see how the Connect API works at.

My email domain is connected to Bitrix24. Will moving to Connect affect his work?

Work on integration with Bitrix24 is not yet completed. For now, we do not automatically transfer Bitrix24 users to Connect. If you use Bitrix24, do not transfer your domains manually. We will inform you when it becomes possible to connect domains in Yandex.Connect to Bitrix24.

I only use Mail and don’t need other services. Can I not move to Connect?

Owners of mailboxes on your domain will not notice the changes - the mail interfaces in SDA and Yandex.Connect are almost the same. For domains that we migrate automatically, Connect for Collaboration services are disabled by default.

The main changes concern the domain and account management interface. In Connect, the administrator has more options. For example, he might create an employee account system that reflects the company's structure.

How to view a list of all mailboxes on a domain?

When moving from SDA, mailboxes become employee accounts. You can view the list of employees in the and sections.

I see a box on the list [email protected]. What it is?

View address [email protected]- This is a general newsletter for your organization. The newsletter does not have a separate mailbox. Emails sent to the general mailing address will be received by all employees of your organization.

How to create a mailbox?

Mailboxes in Yandex.Connect are linked to employee accounts. To add a new employee:

    Go to page.

    Under the list of employees, select + Add → Add an employee.

    Configure the settings and save your changes.

How to create a newsletter?

To create a new team:

  1. How to change your mailbox password?

    Mailboxes in Yandex.Connect are linked to employee accounts. To change an employee's password:

Today, almost any virtual hosting offers the ability to create mailboxes for your domain as an additional service, but the convenience of working with such mailboxes sometimes leaves much to be desired. To improve the quality of work with domain mail, you can use a free service from YandexMail for domain . This service allows you to link your domain mail to Yandex mail servers with the ability to create up to 1000 unlimited mailboxes using all the advantages of the service Yandex Mail, such as automatic antivirus scanning, spam filters, access via the web interface, access from mobile devices and via a direct connection via SMTP/POP3/IMAP protocols.

One of the main steps in setting up linking a domain to the Yandex mail system is creating special records in the DNS zone of your domain. To simplify and automate this procedure as much as possible, you can delegate the domain to Yandex NS servers, that is, in fact, use another free serviceYandex DNS hosting .

In this note, we will step-by-step consider the procedure for connecting domain mail to Yandex mail servers, as well as delegating a domain to Yandex servers using our domain IT-KB.RU as an example.

Register an account on Yandex

To work with Mail for a domain, you need a Yandex account, using which we will manage mail in the future. At the moment, you can connect up to 50 domains to each account.Let's register and get a Yandex account, if this has not been done before.

Connecting the domain to Yandex

After we have logged in to the Yandex website using the created account, we will opendomain adding page , indicate the name of our domain and click the button Connect domain.

After adding the domain, we will need to confirm that we are its owner. The web page will display the status Domain not verified and you will be offered three options of action with which we can confirm ownership of the domain.

Of the three proposed options, I chose the first option with placing the file in the root directory of the site. After the specified file is placed, click the button Check domain ownership.

After successful verification we will be redirected to the setup page MX-records for our domain. You can make these changes in the DNS zone of our domain either independently or automatically if you delegate the domain to Yandex. Considering that in addition to the MX record in our domain, in order to fully support Yandex mail, we will need to add several more service SRV records, the easiest way is to delegate the domain, as a result of which all the necessary records in the DNS zone of our domain will be created automatically.

Let's follow the reference linkdelegate domain to Yandex and get acquainted with information on how to delegate a DNS domain to Yandex NS servers. Everything here is extremely simple. We switch to the DNS hosting where our domain is currently located and edit the NS server records. Let's change the current NS servers to

We wait for some time (it can take from several hours to two days) for the changes to be distributed across the Internet name servers and check the result, for example, using the utility nslookup

As you can see, now the name servers of our domain are Yandex servers, and we can return to setting up mail for the domain. Let's go back todomain mail management console and we will see that now the domain status has changed to The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex.

Let's open the link DNS Editor and look at the records automatically added and configured after domain delegation to support Yandex services - MX,CNAME entries to specify the mail server, SRV (SPF, DKIM) records to support mail services and messaging systems via XMPP.

Let's create a new mailbox for our domain and get acquainted with the available options for managing mailboxes

June 3, 2013 at 03:52 pm

How Yandex.Mail for domains works

  • Yandex company blog

Several years ago, we suggested that proprietary email services deployed by companies, especially small ones without their own system administrator, were more trouble than they were worth. And over time, more and more people will outsource the responsibility for storing and processing emails to special services. This is how we got Mail for Domains.

As time has shown, we were not mistaken, and today Mail for Yandex domains is a mail service on the RuNet. In total, more than 200 thousand domain names and almost 3.5M mailboxes are connected to the SDA. Every day, about 200 domains are connected to traffic rules. In this article we will tell you how traffic rules work, and we will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

Over the course of its existence, the SDA has acquired many additional functions: integration with the address book, support for a jabber server, mailing lists, import of mail from the user’s previous servers, and, of course, an external API for automating requests. For example, for a long time we were asked to make sure that a user of a third-party site, authorized on it, immediately gets into his mailbox - without re-authorization in Yandex.Mail for domains. And our API made it possible to implement this method of passwordless authorization.

All the features that SDA offers require integration with various components of Yandex products and more. At its core, traffic rules are an integration service that brings together disparate components under the control of a domain administrator.

The traffic rules start with the domain: you need to connect it and check that the domain owner and the traffic rules administrator are the same person. It happens that domains for one reason or another are disconnected from traffic regulations at the DNS level. To prove ownership and to confirm the status of a domain, we use a check queue system consisting of several check queue storage servers in a relational DBMS and a distributed locking cluster based on MongoDB.

In order not to overload the servers that host domain websites or zone DNS servers with checks, each subsequent confirmation check occurs with an increasing time interval - starting from five minutes and ending with 24 hours. Domain status checks occur more frequently - approximately once every four hours at regular intervals. This approach can significantly reduce the load on check queue workers. Once a domain is confirmed, its administrator has access to all basic functions and can create mailboxes.

To maintain a universal approach and reduce the number of errors, we have developed an internal mail API for domains, which can be used by other Yandex components to exchange the necessary information. For example, the public mail API for domains is one of these components. Public API calls are translated into generic internal API calls. Any actions in the traffic rules web interface also call internal API methods.

Depending on the required actions, the internal API call handler can access certain Yandex components. The main principle when designing new functionality is not to store information on the SDA side that is already stored somewhere else. An exception is made only for requests that are time-critical - they have to be cached.

For example, to create a new mailbox, you need to create a new user in Passport, then initialize the Mail storage for this user and configure the new mailbox exactly as chosen by the domain administrator.

If a shared address book is enabled for a domain, then each call to the methods for creating or deleting a mailbox is accompanied by additional calls to the Address Book API to change the domain book. Thus, information about new domain recipients instantly becomes searchable. And if the general contact list is enabled in Jabber, then the user must also be added to the contact list on the Jabber server side.

With such integration, the response time of services and handling of possible errors become of great importance. There are mainly two types of errors: network and logical. To complete the picture, let’s look at the list of services and the features of integrating traffic rules with them.


In fact, this is the main source of data for traffic rules, no less important than the database, and in some places even more. The Traffic Regulations communicates with the Passport via an internal API via the HTTP protocol. Any errors in the Passport are critical. If Passport returns an error or there is a failure in communication with Passport, we broadcast the error to the user and cancel actions already performed in the database or other services. Thus, the transactional nature of operations between different integrated services is supported: for each command there is its antipode - the command to cancel the operation.


This is a key service that the domain administrator manages through the SDA. Creating a mailbox requires a lot of calculations, so it happens in the background. A queue of atomic operations is formed that are necessary to complete the registration: create a mailbox, apply the basic settings specified for the domain, etc. Network errors in this case are not so critical, therefore, in case of problems, the operation is calmly postponed until later, in another distributed queue; the processors of this queue diligently try to reconfigure the box within 24 hours after the failure.


Approximately every third SDA domain hosts a DNS zone on Yandex servers. Errors in working with the DNS backend are considered critical only in the event of network failures and complete inability to write to the database. In all other cases, algorithms are triggered that allow solving the user’s problem.

For example, at the time of domain delegation, Yandex copies some of the records from the previous DNS server so that the user does not have to do the tedious work of carefully transferring the zone. In this case, a situation may arise when the root record of a domain is of type CNAME, which is contrary to the standard. A user with such a CNAME record cannot enable Yandex.Mail on his domain, so such a record will be skipped during import.

Logging and Logging

As in any large farm, there are no protocols here. SDA maintains detailed logs for all interactions with other Yandex components. These logs can often help you find a problem before it becomes noticeable to users. To ensure that the service works quickly and efficiently, special software for monitoring system logs is ensured. In the case of major crashes or errors, when request processing times increase significantly or errors appear in responses, system administrators notice this within a few minutes and begin to fix it at any time of the day or night. But more on that next time.

We are waiting for your questions!