How to promote a group on Facebook? Self-promotion of a Facebook page

There are many ways to promote on Facebook, but most of them take a lot of time. Reaching out to influencers or getting backlinks are also good tactics, but marketers rarely have the time to do such tasks.

With the Facebook Audience Network adding more than 1 billion new audiences every month, the platform is becoming increasingly popular among marketers. And there's a good reason for this: being able to focus on Facebook-specific audiences allows you to reach the right people at the right time.

Why is it worth promoting content on Facebook?:

  • The cost per click is lower compared to other paid traffic acquisition channels;
  • Various advertising features allow you to reach many potential buyers;
  • Paid promotion expands the capabilities of the “Organic Reach” metric;
  • Promotion methods are easy to customize and easy to manage.

1. Share your post on Facebook

The best way to start promoting your Facebook page is to do it for free. Share a link to an article on your Facebook page that you want to draw attention to. Copy the article URL and paste the link into the Facebook post box:

The publication will be seen by about 2% of real people who like your page. But this 2% is not the main reason why you should share posts on Facebook.

One of the best ways to find out is to prepare a post for a sponsored publication and get a few “likes” on the article. When your target audience sees that others have “liked” your article and even shared it with someone else, they will be interested in learning more.

To get your first “likes”, ask your team for help.

After publishing the post, send a link to it to your team and ask them to like and share the post with their friends. This way you will get the first “likes” necessary to increase your click-through rate.

More likes = more trust = more clicks

Once you get five to ten likes, move on to the second step - promoting your post on Facebook.

2. Promote your post on Facebook

Facebook Page Promotion is the easiest way to promote content on Facebook. All you need to do is set a budget, select an audience and click the “ Promote publication»:

The best time to promote a post is about an hour after the original article is published.

Set the duration of your paid campaign to one day and use the lowest possible budget. First you need to see what result this advertising campaign will bring, and only then decide whether to increase the budget or extend the paid placement period:

The best way to quickly check the effectiveness of a Facebook campaign is a tool Facebook Ads Manager. Using it you can see three important indicators:

4. Use well-designed images

Another important aspect that influences people reading Facebook ads is images. Stock photos, especially free ones, should be avoided. People are already tired of looking at the same images. Hire a designer or use the services of advertising organizations focused on working on Facebook:

Advice . To ensure that when promoting a company's business page through Facebook, your advertising will be noticeable in the news feed, use images with high color contrast.

5. Write interesting advertising text

Let's say you wrote a compelling title for a Facebook post and found an image. But there's still a high chance that people won't click on your ad.

Your audience may like a flashy image, but they'll first want to know what your article is about before clicking on the link. Attaching a short description of it is of paramount importance!

A study of Facebook ads found that most businesses only have one ad. This doesn’t give you the ability to tailor to your audience, learn which headlines work best, which images to use, etc. The more A/B tests you run, the less time you’ll spend on ads with little or no potential.

To create a split test in minutes, use " Facebook Ads Manager" or another tool such as AdEspresso. You'll be surprised at how much you can learn with just a few successful tests.

Advice . To decide which advertising works best when promoting a Facebook page, you first need to make sure that A/B tests are relevant. To do this, you need to get at least 200 clicks, or even better, 500.

7. Target the right people

Determine your target audience so you can create ads by focusing only on those who will be interested in them. The choice of audience can also affect the cost per click:

For example, if you want to target everyone who has visited your blog, you can target blog URLs:

Advice . Create custom audiences of people who have read posts on specific topics on your blog. This will make it easier to advertise your new content to them.

9. Use emojis

We recently ran a test to see if emojis impact Facebook post click-through rates and engagement rates:

Advice . If you're not aware of the latest emoji, try searching for them on Emojipedia. You can copy them directly from the text field.

Here is an example of how, when creating a post on Facebook, this was done in Buffer:


Promotion on Facebook- quite simple and profitable. Don't panic if things seem confusing at first. After creating several advertising campaigns, promoting publications will become no more difficult than child's play.

How to get your Facebook followers to comment, share and like your posts to the maximum? Every website owner sooner or later asks this question. With around 30 billion posts being created on Facebook every month, getting the attention of users is becoming a challenge.

Large companies spend a lot of resources on promoting their Facebook page. But can a company with a small budget achieve success on this social network? We are sure it can. And we'll tell you how. We've got a few tricks up your sleeve that will help you spice up your Facebook page for free. Read and remember:

stay tuned

Basic things remain the same, but as you know, details make all the difference, so Facebook often pleases us with updates. If you want to maintain activity on your page, you need to always be aware of the latest innovations on the platform and use them in your strategy. A great way to keep up with the news is to regularly visit blogs that cover all the news and events related to social networks (for example, All Facebook or).

The most significant change in recent times is the decline in organic reach for brands. This means that Facebook intentionally limits the number of views each post on your page receives. There are two ways to deal with this situation: periodically pay to promote the most important posts or optimize them so that they appear in free (organic) search results. Here are a couple of tips to help you promote your content for free.

Post at the right time

Both in everyday life and online: timing is everything. It is important not only to publish interesting and useful content, but also to do it at the right time, otherwise there will be no one to read it. Define your target audience and find out what hours these users are usually online.

Free online tools HootSuite and Buffer can help you analyze Facebook page activity and create a posting schedule that best suits your target audience. These apps will also help you set a time frame for posting so that your posts don't appear in your news feed too often.

Test different types of publications

Depending on the content of your Facebook page, different types of content may produce different results. Your job is to understand what your target audience responds to best: images, videos, text links, questions, funny observations, or memes.

Social marketing is not possible without testing. Try different types of publications and compare the audience's reaction to them. This will give you the information you need to further optimize your content.

Don't be afraid to ask people to click the "Like" button, share your posts, or tag their friends in them. If you provide them with quality content, they will be only too happy to oblige. You can experiment with content that already encourages this type of action.

So, you have decided that you and your company need promotion on social networks. You have already carefully read the post, and also prepared the company’s website and other information platforms for, and decided to stop at creating a group or page on the social network Facebook. Worthy choice!

What exactly does your company need? Facebook page or group.

Pages are very similar to groups, however, they have their differences:

  • Your company’s page will be available for review even by unregistered users on the social network
  • the page makes it possible to create independent tabs by placing different products, services or promotions on a separate information field
  • the page integrates well with applications
  • The group administrator has access to the function of sending messages to all subscribers of the page
  • You can add a page widget to a corporate website, but you cannot add a group widget
  • When a page is created, detailed statistics become available to its administrators, showing the growth of subscribers and the dynamics of the group’s development

In general, pages are less "pretentious" than groups, especially closed ones. In addition, compared to groups, pages have a number of clear advantages for promoting brands, products and services, as well as for business promotion.

How to create a page on Facebook?

Creating a page is not that difficult. You need to log into your account if you are already registered, or register online and then log out of your account. After filling out your profile, the page registration service becomes available to you. To create a page for a brand, company, or even just a group of supporters of goods or services, we turn to the Create a community function. Because it is the community of lovers or loyal consumers of your products/services/brand that should be formed as a result on this page. Community page is an unofficial page that brings together network users. This is what is most often used for unobtrusive communication with the consumer.

If your task is to create a “dry” informative page for your organization or company, where new information will be posted periodically, then the “Official Page” function will suit you.

Choosing a name

It is advisable to name the page either by the name of the brand or mark whose adherents you want to gather on it, or to choose the interests of those whom you want to unite among the participants: for example, if among your target audience (and the company sells cameras and special equipment for photography) shooting) is dominated by people who are interested in photography, then the page can be called a club of talented photographers or lovers of fascinating photos, you can also use inanimate nouns, naming the page: World of entertaining photographs or Seize the moment.

Filling the page with information and illustrations

So, the important step - naming the page - is behind us. Now you need to supplement the page with the most important information for the consumer. Think about whether the logo of your company that produces pet food is so important on the page of cat or dog lovers? Imagine yourself in the shoes of the page users and post what you would like to see, being in the shoes of the community members. Leaving pages without images is also not recommended. Moreover, Facebook at one time spent significant efforts to make company pages look 100%, adding additional options for page design. Be careful when working with your avatar (uploaded to the profile photo of the page - this is your logo on Facebook, it must be of high quality (some administrators do not have the strength to make it in good quality, so it turns out blurry), clear, reflecting the essence and spirit of the community, and also, if possible, be harmoniously combined with the background, the so-called “cover” of the page. If you wish, you can buy individual templates for the design of the page - this will always make you stand out from others. In the side menu of the page, fill out the block Tell us about this page. try not to overwork, don’t write too much. Important: if you want to link your site or blog to a community page, be sure to include a link to it in this section. So interested users can easily find the path they need to your resource. Don’t forget to fill out the additional one. information inside the profile (address, website, opening hours).

How to promote a group on Facebook

So, you have started a business page on Facebook and hope that the audience will reach out to you? We dare to disappoint you: the probability of visitors getting to your page with such work will tend to zero. If you really want to promote your page on Facebook or any other social network, remember three golden rules: interactivity, positivity in everything and visualization. So where to start? Firstly, in order for your page to come to life, you need to add new users to it. You can recruit the first participants among your friends, without forgetting to like it yourself. Before you start promoting on Facebook, you need to add at least a few dozen people to your page. This will create the effect of “presence”, otherwise new users simply will not want to be “first”. At first, in order to independently promote a group or page on Facebook, any tools can be used: from personal communication, to posting news about the creation of a page and an invitation to join it on a website, blog, adding information about the page on social networks in an automatic signature in a letter, etc. After the page has “come to life” and the first likes have appeared under the photos, you can begin planning promotion.

Effective promotion methods

1) Strangely enough, one of the most effective methods of attracting users to a Facebook page is still considered inviting friends. This does not require financial investments, but it has contraindications: if your friends are not keen on the topic of “community”, it will be extremely difficult to keep them from “unfollowing” the page. We will be glad if there are so many of your friends that they will increase the number of group users to 5000 people - the maximum number of participants on a page or in a group.

2) An important tool for attracting users to the group is your website or blog itself. Simple widget it can serve you well, especially if your corporate platform is already popular. Many experts recommend carefully studying reviews of widgets before installing them on your site due to their wide variety.

3)Contextual or cross-advertising on Facebook- a very effective, but, unfortunately, not a free tool for promoting a Facebook group. Thanks to precise targeting (setting up the display of advertising messages exactly to those people who, in your opinion, are most interested in it), advertising will be delivered only to your target audience. One of the complicating circumstances is the not very convenient and rather complex method of payment and settings.

4) Promotion of a group on Facebook using an invitation to a page based on the principle barter or for a fee: if you find a person who is an opinion leader or a follower of a topic close to you and he has a large number of people, feel free to negotiate with him about sending out invitations to his subscribers. This can be done in exchange for an equivalent service or for money.

5) Another tricky way: promotion using third-party accounts.The method is quite labor-intensive and requires a lot of time. The bottom line: the more the merrier. To do this, several accounts are created on Facebook, other services, social networks (VKontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc.), bloggers and opinion leaders are connected, likes and news are collected, new people are connected, who can later be invited to the main community.

6)Promotion through other services: if your business cares about beautiful illustrations, you can connect accounts on new, interesting services such as Instagram or Pinterest. By posting photos on them, you can direct users of these resources not to the site, but to the community page on Facebook.

7) If you have a lot of friends who care, like or repost community posts yourself.

Once again I decided to touch upon promotion on Facebook. What I really liked about this social network is that it provides full functionality for those who want to run their own business. Where did the same classmates end up? I may be mistaken about something, but several of the seminars I watched completely began to dispel doubts about Facebook for running one’s business, and especially for collecting subscribers, both internally and on external platforms - such as smartresponder, for example.

Yes Yes! You don’t even need to take the user away from the social network; all interaction can be arranged directly on your Facebook page. A little off topic, but still... I advise you to start looking closely at this social network to increase entry points to your subscription list.

In fact, there is not much sensible information on how to promote a page on Facebook on page promotion on the Russian-language Internet, and you often have to turn to your neighbors :). Moreover, it is also advisable to check how well this or that promotion works.

And so, what exactly do I use, and what can help you:

Content is king. High-quality content on the promoted page is the most important factor.

It's no secret that the more likes we get on a publication, the more users will see it.

Make sure that the group is not boring to users. Fill it with information on the topic - in a ratio of 30% entertaining and 70% relevant.

Through entertaining content, you can give a greater impetus to the development of the page. In my experience, it is more viewable. And those who are already your subscribers will return to your Facebook page even more often if they like the materials offered.

After all, you need to work on developing the page. At least at the initial stage. When you have about 10,000 fans, promotion will be much easier. 100-250 users can already join you per day. And this is only due to quality content.

Invite your friends to the rocking Fan page.

Let there be not as many of them as we would like :). But even if you start with 50 subscribers in the group, a little “movement” will already begin.

The more channels you use to promote your page, the better.

I understand that this can be difficult at the beginning. If you have a personal blog that is visited, then you can add traffic from it. By posting a social plugin.

Communicate on thematic resources on behalf of your page.

An effective way to get new readers! For example, you search for similar topics and select already promoted groups in which users actively participate in discussions. And by switching to your page in the facebook gear, you select the page on whose behalf you will publish a comment.

Just enter into a discussion with other participants... Thus, they see that you understand this topic. And they are already interested in you, going to your page.

The same can be done in a blogging environment. You have a blog and are actively talking with other bloggers. Both sides win: you add high-quality commentary (content) on their resource - and in return you can get new readers to your resources.

But as mentioned above, your landing page should have very high-quality publications!

This is just a small part of the free methods how to promote a page on facebook.

The main goal in promotion is to determine the target audience. Who are you targeting? You must know your subscribers (clients) as “flaky”. Who are they, where do they spend their time most often, what language do they communicate in... what kind of posts do they like!

How to increase the number of fans of a Facebook page? How to get them to interact with you? And how to turn these people into clients and customers? Read about all this in our complete step-by-step guide.

1. Create an original cover and avatar

  • Static cover

Another thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the cover. As you can see, there is not a single blurred pixel in the picture above. To achieve the same result, you must use an image that is at least 851 by 315 pixels in PNG format. But I recommend using larger images so that when opened on larger monitors, they will be large and look good. For example, twice the recommended size - 1702 by 630 pixels. To understand how this works, look at the following examples.

This is what a small cover (851 by 315) looks like on a large screen with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels:

And this is what a large cover (1702 by 630) looks like on the same screen:

  • Static avatar

The avatar size must be at least 170 by 170 pixels. But, as in the previous example, you can upload a larger image so that when you open it, it will be larger and of better quality.

  • Merged avatar and cover

To quickly create original covers for personal pages, use the free online service timelinecoverbanner. With it, you can create a fused avatar and cover – they look quite impressive. Especially if the person has not seen such a technique before. This is done very simply: you follow the link indicated just above, click on the Upload Background button, select the desired image and click the Next Step button.

After that, all that remains is to download the avatar and cover and upload it to your page.

Note: for company pages this way Not suitable, because recently in their profiles the avatar began to stand separately from the cover:

An animated avatar can be made only on personal page. To do this, you need to use the Facebook app for iOS or Android. The algorithm of actions will be as follows (I explain using Android as an example):

1. Go to your profile and click on your avatar:

2. Select the “Shoot a new profile video” or “Select profile video” command:

3. Click the “Use” button:

2. Come up with a nice address

So that in the future you do not have problems promoting your page, immediately come up with a beautiful and simple address for it. To do this, go to the “Information” section. If you can’t come up with a good name right away, don’t worry, you can change the selected address at any time.

3. Choose a suitable template

Go to your Facebook settings, go to the “Edit Page” section and select the template that suits you best (“Services”, “Company”, “Venues”, “Non-Profit Organization”, “Policies”, “Restaurants and Cafes”, “ Shopping" or "Standard"). If necessary, remove unnecessary tabs and rearrange the order of the remaining tabs as you see fit. Here's how to do it on mobile:

And here's how it is on the desktop:

4. Install the button

Once you've chosen a template, your page should have a call-to-action button that links to your website or app. For example, in the “Services” template there is a “Contact Us” button by default. But it can be changed to any other. To do this, you just need to click on it and select the desired option from the list that opens.

For example, instead of the “Contact us” button, which leads to our contact page, I want to install a “Call” button so that a person can immediately call our office from Facebook. Then I open the “Contact Us” section and select the “Call” command there.

Now smartphone users can call your company with one click. It's fast and convenient. Especially if your number is toll-free:

All clicks on this button can be tracked in the “Statistics” section. It can also be promoted as an advertising post.

It will look like this:

5. Fill in all fields

The more information you provide, the more professional and credible your page will appear to consumers. Don't neglect this point. Tell everything you can tell. In every detail and detail. Add photos and videos. Complete the services section if necessary. Ask at least a few of your customers to leave reviews about your company. If you do not have a website, but have a group, you can enter the address of your Facebook group in the “Website” line and thus link them together.

On your personal page, be sure to indicate your position and place of work. This is necessary so that users can get to your business page through your profile. To enter information about your place of work, go to the “Work and Education” section and start typing the name of your page until Facebook prompts you to select it.

Note: in links Not you need to write the full address of the page. You just need to enter your nickname. To check whether the link works or not, try clicking on it. If it gives an error, it means you entered your information incorrectly.

6. Link your Instagram

If you have an Instagram page, link it to your Facebook business page. This will allow you to run advertising campaigns on Instagram (they are launched using Facebook Ads Manager), as well as collect accurate statistics on them.

7. Link your group and page

People may know about your group but not your page, or vice versa. This will increase the reach and engagement of both platforms. You will also be able to manage the group, create posts and communicate with members both on behalf of yourself and on behalf of your page. And, if anything happens, you can unlink the group at any time.

If there is no “Groups” tab on the left, go to settings and edit the page:

Click “Add Tab” and select “Groups”, as it should be after adding:

This section has now appeared on the left side of the page. And then Facebook itself offers to create or link a group:

We bind:

That's all. Your group has been successfully linked to the page:

8. Invite people from your email contact list

It doesn’t matter who these people are - your clients, pen pals or just passing acquaintances - invite them all to become subscribers of your page (if they refuse, it’s okay, you have to start somewhere). To do this, click on the button with three dots under the cover of your page and select the command “Invite friends from your email contact list.” mail."

After that, select the appropriate service (or load a list of emails from a .csv file) and click “Invite people from your contact list.”

Note: this function is currently available not for all pages. If you don’t have such a command when you click on the button with three dots, then it’s impossible to do this on your page. And one more thing: this method of attracting new subscribers is very intrusive and can cause a negative reaction. If you are afraid of this, it is better to refuse it.

9. Invite your friends to like your page

When you are just starting to develop your Facebook page, you cannot neglect any of the methods that allow you to increase the number of likes. Invite your friends to like your page. To do this, click on the button with three dots under the cover of your page, select the “Invite friends” command, check the box next to “Send an invitation to Messenger” (so that the person receives your message personally) and write an invitation that will not cause him negativity. Do you publish cool content? Write about it. Do you want him to like the page in a friendly manner and then unfollow him when you gain a real audience? Just say so, there is nothing wrong with that.

10. Send an invitation to every new friend

Every time a new person is added as your friend, send them a message something like this: “Hi. Thank you for adding me as a friend. If you are interested in [insert your topic], join my page. Every day I publish the most interesting and useful content on the topic there. Here is the link – [link to your page]. Come in :)".

11. Set up quick replies

By clicking the "Message" button, users can write personal messages to your page. Often many of them hang unnoticed until a moderator visits the page. To prevent this from happening, set up automatic replies. For example, you could write the following: “Thank you for writing to us. We will answer you within today." Then the user will not expect an instant response from you and will remain loyal to your company.

To set up an automatic reply, go to the page settings and select the “Messaging” section.

Scroll down the page to the “Answer Assistant” heading and move the slider toward “Yes.” If necessary, change the text of the standard message.

12. Link your Facebook page to JivoSite live chat

When you respond to user messages very quickly, Facebook assigns this business card to your page:

How to achieve this? One of the easiest ways, in my opinion, is to link Facebook to the JivoSite online chat, so that all messages from Facebook are sent to the manager in the chat, and he can quickly respond to them. To connect the two services, go to the “live site” settings and add Facebook as a new channel.

After clicking the button, you will be asked to add a link to your page. After that, all messages from your Facebook users will be sent to your managers via online chat.

13. Provide a link to your page in the description of your other social media accounts.

14. Add a link to your page in your email signature

And let every person you write to see a link to your Facebook page. To do this in Yandex mail, go to “Setup” - “Sender Information”.

Enter the required information, format and save.

Signatures are configured in approximately the same way in all other email services.

15. Post great content

Publishing quality content is the surest way to make your page popular. Announce your new blog materials, post high-quality infographics and videos, and start interesting discussions. If you are short of ideas, use our article “”.

16. Do this on a regular basis

According to statistics, brands that post content 1-2 times a day have 40% more engaged users than those that post once a week or less.

17. Consider Facebook features

Facebook is a rather specific platform. In the video below we talk about its four main features:

18. If you have an online store, add products

Etc. Click on each of the tabs in the “Statistics” section. Having studied this information, you will be able to create the highest quality content that will receive wide coverage and be in demand among your users.

20. Use high-quality branded images

Beautiful images with your company logo will help you create your own unique style and make your brand more professional and recognizable in the eyes of users.

Note: It is desirable that the pictures for posts be large in size - 1200 by 630 pixels for horizontal pictures and 1200 by 1200 for square ones. This size is needed so that users who use large screens do not experience inconvenience. I already talked about this at the very beginning of the article.

21. Highlight your best posts

Posts that have received the most likes and reposts should be in the most visible place so that those who have not yet viewed them will do so as soon as possible. To pin a post to the very top of the feed, click on the arrow in the upper right corner and select the “Pin to Top of Page” command.

22. Encourage users to like and share your posts

There's no shame in asking people to like or share your post if it's truly worth it. After all, you spent the effort to write it, and you have every right to politely ask for this kind of gratitude.

23. Recommend your page on all social networks where you have subscribers

For example, make a post about why your VKontakte followers should join your Facebook page. It is clear that since they read you on VKontakte, most likely, it is more convenient for them, but you may be of interest to a small part of the audience.

24. Promote your page in your newsletter

If you run a newsletter, tell your subscribers about your Facebook page and why they should follow it. If you don't have a newsletter yet, immediately start collecting your base. You're ignoring one of the most powerful channels for generating traffic and leads.

25. Contact the admins of other publics on Facebook

And agree on co-marketing. Let them recommend your page to their subscribers, and you – theirs. The same can be done with the newsletter, if you have approximately the same number of subscribers, and with any other channels for attracting traffic.