Fast typing lessons. Literature to help. Individual training program for blind typing

Last year I set myself a goal - to master touch typing. I reached it quickly enough. I don’t remember exactly now, but, in my opinion, it took me no more than a few weeks. It was possible faster, even much faster, but it was not always possible to devote time to training. Now I have decided to master Latin layout, and, I want to say, mastering the second layout is much faster. In fact, this can be done even in one weekend. Of course, I'm not saying now that you'll be typing at 300 characters per minute, but at least you won't be looking at the keyboard. Today I decided to write about keyboard trainers for touch typing, and in general about what touch typing is and who needs it.

Why do you need touch typing?

Just answer one question for yourself: how often do you type on the keyboard? I can predict the answer. Of course, often! This may be a banal correspondence in in social networks, and there may be more serious things - graduate work(if you write it yourself), work reports, copywriting (if). Can you imagine how much time you could save if typing took you, say, 5 times less time? And this is not the limit.

Yes, first of all touch typing allows you to increase your typing speed. Ideally, you will be able to type at the speed of thought, even much faster than writing with a regular ballpoint pen. You will not think about which key you need to press; your fingers will do it subconsciously. It will be hard at first, but then you will start to enjoy it. You just need to overcome yourself.

In addition, touch typing is good for the brain. To master touch typing on high level, your brain will have to create great amount neural connections. And in general, fine motor skills of the hands themselves also have an extremely positive effect on brain function. So print more.

What types of touch typing keyboard trainers are there?

Well, first of all, there are online keyboard simulators touch typing and offline simulators. There's not much to explain here. First ( online simulator ami) you will use through an Internet browser, and if registration is provided there, then you will be able to train not only at home. And the second type of simulators (offline) involves installing a program on your computer with all the ensuing consequences. I prefer online simulators, but, of course, they require permanent access to the Internet.

You can also meet free and paid keyboard trainers. Personally, it seems to me that the difference is small, although I can’t really compare, because I myself have only used free simulators. Here, as in Everyday life, it all depends on the person. More precisely, it depends on whether he knows how to achieve his goals or not. By the way, this is a great chance to test this quality in yourself.

Keyboard simulators can also be divided according to their interest. This is of course not for everyone, but personally I like it when training is built in the form of a game and is divided into levels, when there are some achievements, points, competitions and other gaming stuff. This draws you into the training process, and you don’t even notice how you are developing your touch typing skill step by step. In a word, have fun and profitably.

Well, I think it’s time to move on to a review of popular touch typing keyboard trainers. I will not divide them according to any gender characteristics or sort them in any way, but will simply describe and, perhaps, collect the basic information in a small table for convenient comparison. I won’t describe everything, but only those that my heart is drawn to.

All 10 – free online touch typing trainer

All 10(website) is one of the best free touch typing simulators. It was on it that I mastered the ten-finger set, so I will describe it first. The site itself looks quite nice and is not annoying to spend a long time on it.

Interface "All 10"

The training is based on levels. Completed the task and passed next level, if you fail, hit Claudia until you pass! The tasks from level to level are basically the same, but the only difference is the number of keys on which you need to flutter like a bird. To pass the level, you need to type the provided text at a speed of at least 50 characters per minute and you are allowed to make no more than 2 mistakes. Well it minimum requirements, but purely for yourself, you can set a goal to sit at the same level until the speed is, say, 120 characters per minute.

Training can be completed in Russian and English. What I’m actually doing now is going through levels in English.

After training you can get certified. For some reason I didn’t pass, I have to pass.

The service also has statistics for each lesson, where you can compare your results with the average and the best results.

In principle, this keyboard simulator alone will be enough for you to learn touch typing. But for the sake of decency, let's look at other interesting simulators.

Clavogonki is an exciting online game. Touch typing won't get you far

Clavogons(site) is a truly unique creation that combines all the best that can be needed for learning high-speed touch typing. Just look at the table of the best players. The fastest player this week set a record in 892 characters per minute. Can you imagine? 15 characters per second!

Clavogonki: choosing a race

There is a development system, ranks, points that can be spent on all sorts of bonuses and other things inherent in any game world.

The only drawback is that if you are a beginner, then you have nothing to do here! This keyboard trainer can teach you speed typing, but it is unlikely to teach you touch typing from scratch.

Klavarog – professional free online keyboard trainer

Speaking of Clavarog(website), it’s easier to start with its shortcomings, because there are very few of them, and then move on to its advantages, which will help you quickly forget about the shortcomings.

The only disadvantages of this keyboard trainer are that it does not have registration and does not remember your progress. That's all! Oh yes, the interface also looks a little old-fashioned and too simple, but there is nothing superfluous and nothing distracts from the process of learning touch typing.

Clavarog: full set professional

Now let's move on to the advantages of Clavarog:

Languages. There are as many as 5 languages ​​in this keyboard simulator - Russian, English, German, Ukrainian and Esperanto.

For each language it is provided 4 difficulty levels. At the first difficulty level “Start” you will be able to master the very basics - short, repeating words. At the second level “Beginner” there will be longer and more complex words. At the third level you will practice your typing speed. On the fourth - typing random paragraphs of text from books.

In addition to the usual national languages ​​(not counting Esperanto), you will be able to master touch typing course specifically for programming languages, taking into account the syntax features of each of them. The most popular programming languages ​​are collected, among which you will find JavaScript, PHP, Python, C, C++, Go, Pascal, SQL, XML/XSLT. If you are a programmer, then this keyboard simulator will be effective for you.

Also provided various options keyboard layouts for each language. You are most likely only familiar with QWERTY, because all keyboards on computers and laptops have this layout. It is when top row letters begins with Latin letters qwerty. However, there are other layouts. They are less popular and certainly less familiar to an ordinary person, but people who master them claim that they are more convenient and you can achieve best results(meaning typing speed). Among these layouts are: dvorak, ant, workman, klausler, jcuken and others…

WITH alternative types Layouts are most often used by programmers. So if you are a programmer, then this touch typing keyboard simulator is doubly suitable for you.

Touch Typing Study – another good touch typing keyboard trainer (online)

Big advantage Touch Typing Study(site) is a huge number of languages. But will this be a benefit for you? I think not, unless you are a polyglot linguist. Otherwise, this resource is not much different from its analogues.

Touch Typing Study - simple, but no less effective

It is possible to register, but it is not necessary, since all lessons and exercises are available without registration.

There are also several unique games that are not like Tetris or Snake... although they are more like moving crosswords, I don’t know how to describe it, you just need to see and feel it. For the games they get a separate plus from me, after all, the games are very captivating in the process and I am always FOR this approach to learning.

By the way, like all the keyboard trainers that I describe, Touch Typing Study is completely free. Use it for your own pleasure, as much as you like.

Touch typing: top keyboard trainers

I did not describe all of these simulators in the article, because I described only online and free keyboard simulators, but, nevertheless, these are worthy candidates for you to learn about them. Perhaps someone is not against paid training. But for some people it’s more convenient to download the program onto a computer, you never know, maybe the Internet at home isn’t always available... well, that’s it!

Rating of keyboard trainers

Let's try to choose best keyboard trainer from those presented in the voting form. If you have come across them, you can choose the one you like best. If not, select the last option to view the voting results. I'll add my voice too. If you like several keyboard trainers and cannot choose the best one, then vote for 2 at once. You cannot vote for 3.


Is touch typing difficult to learn? I think not! Especially considering the abundance of tools provided for this. Do you need touch typing? It's up to you to decide, but I think that this skill will definitely not be superfluous.

My typing speed on the Russian layout is now about 150 characters per minute, in English - about 90-100 characters per minute. I achieved this using a free online keyboard trainer " All 10" But the speed is low, I agree. Therefore, after completing the course English layout, I plan to hone my speed typing on the resource " Clavogons" What do you train on?

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You can increase your keyboard typing speed at home. And for this it is not at all necessary to take any courses or buy training. You just need to have a little free time, patience and, of course, desire. Moreover, the latter is especially important.

The main advantage of high-speed printing is the saving of effort and time. For those who spend most of their lives in front of a monitor, this skill is invaluable, because many tasks can be completed in a matter of minutes instead of long hours. Once you learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, you will be less tired when typing, while physical and psychological stress will decrease, and quickly completing even complex and voluminous work will bring a sense of moral satisfaction.

It should be noted that a person with the skills fast printing, is able to express his thoughts more logically and succinctly. This is explained by the fact that while typing, he does not have to be distracted by searching for the right key. And constantly switching attention from the screen to the keyboard and back does not benefit vision.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard and where to start

Before moving directly to increasing your typing speed, you need to understand a little theory. That is, remember where and what key is located on the keyboard. And this can be done using pangrams.

A pangram is a phrase containing all or almost all the letters of the alphabet. Let's give a few examples:

If you wish, you can find many interesting and not so interesting pangrams on the Internet. So, in order to remember where and what character is located on the keyboard, select any pangram you like and start typing it in text document. Every now and again. As soon as there are no problems finding letters, we fix the effect and choose another phrase. It is enough to learn to enter two or three pangrams without hesitation and you can forget about searching for letters on the keyboard. By the way, note that after performing this simple exercise, your typing speed has increased slightly. There is progress, but we can’t stop, and therefore we move on to the placement of fingers on the keyboard.

Note that for comfortable work The concept of workplace ergonomics should be taken into account. Beneath these scary words lie banal things: monitor position, posture, viewing angle and other things that everyone should know about.

Position of fingers on the keyboard

The placement of your hands and fingers on the keyboard is of great importance when working. This is precisely what underlies the ten-finger touch typing method, which we will talk about a little later. Let us immediately note that there is no need to reinvent the wheel. First, we strictly follow the recommendations and instructions, and only then we optimize everything “for ourselves.” No other way.

So let's take a look at the keyboard first. The keys are arranged in six rows: first come function buttons, then numbers, then letters in three rows and complete this list with CTRL, ALT, space and others. We are currently interested in 4 last row. the main objective at this stage: attach to each finger a certain set keys First you need to place your hands correctly.

Left hand:

Right hand:

Your thumbs should be positioned above the space bar. Now let's move on to practice. And we remember, again, pangrams. But they should now be introduced without changing the position of the hands. Only your fingers should move. Notice that now you are typing not with one or two, but with all your fingers at once. This exercise may take quite a lot of time, effort and patience, but the result is worth all this effort. Once pangrams are mastered, you can move on to intensive training.

Keyboard trainers

It should be noted right away that typing text “out of your head” is not the best the best option. Therefore, for practice you need some source. You can use the speech of an announcer from a radio or TV for this, but it is better to use free training programs: Stamina, iQwer and others. The principle of their operation is largely similar, all that remains is to choose the application you like.

You should devote at least a couple of hours a day to training. More is better. At the same time, you should not forget about the position of your hands on the keyboard. Literally after an hour you can notice that the text began to be typed much faster. The resulting effect can only be consolidated with daily practice.

Keep the typing rhythm. The keys must be pressed through equal intervals time. This approach avoids mistakes, activates muscle memory and helps improve speed.

Patience and effort are always rewarded. Once the keyboard trainers are mastered and your typing speed increases, you can move on to final stage: learn to type "touch". It should be noted that already at the previous stage you unwittingly used this method from time to time. All that remains is to develop this initiative.

And the same simulators will help with this. Launch the program and enter text. Each time the number of errors and typos will decrease. And after a while they will disappear altogether.

So, you have already answered the question “how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard.” And if you showed a little patience and diligence, then you have already mastered the “touch” typing method. Now it's just a matter of practice. But without pangrams and simulators. We do what we usually do, but ten times faster.

Today, almost everyone needs the ability to quickly and competently type on a keyboard. But how to learn this? Many people who want to learn the techniques and techniques of high-speed typing go to courses, trainings, and spend money (often quite a lot) on a variety of simulators and lessons. In fact, there is no need to shell out money for advertised training materials. You can learn to type quickly and competently with both hands on your own and absolutely free.

Below will be discussed free programs learning speed typing, techniques and tips are given for quickly acquiring this valuable skill. But first, a little information about the benefits this skill gives a person.

Why learn speed typing with two hands?

The first and main benefit is a reduction in time costs. This skill is invaluable for people who type large texts every day. The simplest example: fast printing will increase productivity, and then the earnings of a copywriter. This skill is equally useful for writers, editors, and managers of the most various fields activities - in general, for everyone who deals with letters and numbers.

Also, the ability to type quickly will allow you to type text more rhythmically, and this will significantly reduce fatigue from long work. Moreover, when your fingers begin to “fly” freely over the letters, and the text is typed as if by magic, this helps you enjoy the process.

Attention! For job seekers the ability to type quickly will serve as a trump card that will help you get ahead of your competitors and get the coveted place or position.

Another advantage of fast typing is the ability to keep up with your thoughts. This is very important for those who create texts. Why? Because sometimes interesting thoughts are lost in that split second when a person searches on the keyboard the desired key.

And the skill of fast typing will help you take care of your eye health. Because vision is overstrained when, during work, the eyes run from the monitor to the keyboard and back.

Methods for learning speed typing on a keyboard

Basic rules for touch typing:

  1. The first thing you need to do is remember the layout of the keys. Here's an exercise that will help. For 10–15 seconds, look at one of the rows of the keyboard on which the letters “live.” It is best to remember row by row from top to bottom. After time has passed, take a piece of paper and try to write down on it the order in which the signs are located. Repeat the action for each row for as long as necessary to memorize. The goal will be achieved when the set of letters begins to be reproduced automatically in the mind or on a piece of paper.
  2. The second stage of training is typing the alphabet on the keyboard in order, from a to z. You need to repeat this exercise until it works out at a good speed and without errors.

Advice. Choice is also important the right tool for those who are learning to touch type. An ergonomic keyboard is ideal, on which the buttons are divided in two, for each of the palms. But a simply curved keyboard will do.

The correct posture is also very important, which, in principle, differs little from the ideal posture of a student at a desk. Don't hunch over, sit too close or too far, or cross your legs. Your back should be straight to help maintain good posture.

Today, many people type quickly enough with several fingers - and believe that this is enough. However, touch typing with ten fingers is much faster. Therefore, when learning to speed type on your own, you need to try to use all your fingers.

Many quick typing programs “assign” their own keys to each individual finger. This helps a lot, although it is a little difficult at first. But when the adaptation period passes, the two-finger printing method is forgotten. It is important to avoid returning to the previous style of typing.

When starting to learn the skill of touch typing, it is better not to rush. It is clear that speed is of paramount importance, but haste creates typos - and time is wasted editing them. Therefore, it is much more important to practice regularly and develop typing rhythm.

How to type with ten fingers?

Touch typing is, roughly speaking, typing with all your fingers without looking at the keyboard. The brushes rest on the buttons in a special way. Their bases should be placed on the front edge of the keyboard or laptop case. The hands need to be bent as if there were balls in your hands.

You will need to get used to the correct placement of your hands.

The arrangement of letters on the keyboard is not at all random. It is based on determining the frequency of key use. And this principle is designed specifically for the touch typing method!

On any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in 6 rows. The top one, with hot keys, is rarely used. Some people love the next “digital” series, and some don’t. "Non-Lovers" upper digits can use a side block located to the right of the main one instead.

The classic way to place your fingers on the keyboard looks like this:

  • Right hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is on “D”, the middle finger is above the letter “L”, the index finger is above the letter “O”;
    Left hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is above the “Y”, the middle finger is on the “B”, the index finger is on the letter “A”;
    Both thumbs rest on the spacebar.

At first, to control the placement of your hands, you should always “catch” the letters “O” and “A” with your index fingers. Gradually your fingers will get used to it, and the need for support will disappear. This will be a transition to quality new level skill.

How to remember all the buttons on the keyboard? This long process hard training for each finger. You should start with the index finger of the right hand, then move to the index finger of the left hand, then to the right middle one - and so on to both little fingers. You can try to type texts right away, but this may increase your learning time. The ideal material for training is the “dictionaries” for each finger, which are equipped with all keyboard simulators.

Also, during the learning process, it is important to monitor the rhythm of typing and the correct striking technique of the fingers. The first point is all clear, but what kind of striking technique is this? It's simple: your fingers should touch the keys easily and quickly, and then immediately return to their place.

What programs can help?

  1. "Stamina" - free simulator, which helps you master ten-finger typing.
  2. “Solo on the keyboard” - developed by an employee of the Department of Journalism of Moscow State University, it helps you learn quickly and easily.
  3. VerseQ is a very popular touch typing training program. Its developers promise that the skill will be developed from scratch in fifteen hours of training.

The touch typing technique is based on the fact that a set of keys is defined for any finger. All learning this skill is simply a process of developing muscle memory with your fingers. Therefore, in order to be able to quickly and without errors type text with both hands, you need to really want it and work hard.

How to learn to type quickly: video

Good time!

I think that no one will argue that skill fast printing V modern world computers are very useful. It will allow you to express your thoughts in text without being distracted or looking from the monitor to the keyboard (which saves time, increases your productivity, and reduces eye fatigue).

To be honest, sometimes people also ask me how I learned to type quickly. (approx. : I myself don’t consider myself a fast typist (only about 200÷250 characters per minute), although when I type I hardly look at the keyboard) . Some specialists type 450-600 characters per minute - what a speed! (and the world record is 750)

In general, in this article I will give some tips (based on my experience) that should help you improve this skill (at least you will notice that you will start typing faster).

Where to start learning speed dialing

1) Master useful combinations keys

Maybe, this advice not very standard. But I recommend starting your training with this. Why?

The fact is that many users waste a lot of time on the most common operations: edit/copy - edit/paste (and do it with the mouse). Imagine that every time you have to move your right hand from the keyboard to the mouse and back (it seems like just seconds, but if you multiply them by hours of work... the number may surprise you!).

Now compare how much your work speed would increase - if you did many operations simply by pressing 1-2 buttons on the keyboard (without using the mouse at all).

In addition, the fingers begin to quickly get used to the location various buttons, and you automatically begin to feel where they are.

What basic keyboard shortcuts would I recommend knowing:

  • Ctrl+C (Ctrl+V) – copy / paste;
  • Ctrl+Z (Ctrl+Y) – undo the last operation;
  • Ctrl+A – select everything on the page;
  • Ctrl+S – save;
  • Alt+F4 – close the program/game, etc.;
  • Page Up – scroll up (identical to the mouse wheel);
  • Page Down – scroll down;
  • Ctrl + T – open new tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – open the last closed tab;
  • Ctrl + R – refresh page.

There are, of course, many more different combinations - but this is the basis that should work on “autopilot”!

Addition to the topic!

Tables of keyboard shortcuts: for working with text, entering special characters, hot keys Windows keys -

2) Start practicing

You can't start typing quickly without typing anything. Those. to learn how to do something, you need to start doing it and practice the skill. For example, I once could type one sentence in 5-10 minutes. (I had to search for one letter for 20-30 seconds!).

What to type (this is usually the next question when giving this advice):

  1. you can start typing texts for your studies/work (for example, if you previously simply took them from someone and remade them for yourself);
  2. correspond on various forums, blogs, social networks. networks;
  3. install some kind of simulator on your PC (special program for training speed dial) and print what this software suggests;
  4. you can start writing a blog (on a topic that interests you);
  5. if you play some games, then find like-minded people and discuss how to get through this and that...

In fact, most online communication is based on text information. So there are a lot of options...

3) Learn how to place your hands on the keyboard correctly

For very fast typing, experienced people recommend using all fingers (including the ring and little fingers). To do this, pay attention to the photo below, which shows the approximate position of the hands above the keyboard.

Note: pay attention to the "F" and "J" keys - they have small notches that will help you "blindly" find them with your index fingers.

Personally, I started out in about the same way, but over time I began to position my hands differently, because... convenient only for me (then I got used to one of my own a little not standard keyboard, and I try to work exactly after her...).

In general, the message of this subsection of the article: try to use all your fingers (or most) when typing.

4) Take some course (simulator)

Nowadays you can find dozens of different training programs on the Internet. All of them promise that after completing their course, you will be able to type as fast as you think. In fact, this is not entirely true: a lot depends on your efforts, desires, and capabilities...

5) Try touch typing

Very important advice! Until you start trying to type text and not look at the keyboard (do not look for each key with your eyes), you will not learn to type quickly. You may spend more time typing in the beginning (and there will be mistakes), but it will be worth it.

As you practice, you won’t even notice how you will start typing much faster and will search for each key less and less.

Finally, after a month or two, your fingers will find the right key faster than your “head” (in fact, the reflex will work out: I want “o” - I press my index finger in the center, I need “l” - I press it with my middle finger, etc. and so on.).

6) Check your typing speed sometimes...

Do you know why most people give up learning something new and useful? One of the main reasons: lack of progress (i.e. the person thinks that I am studying and studying, but there is no progress, all this is useless, etc.). Although, in fact, he may have already progressed quite far, he just doesn’t “see” it himself.

Where you can evaluate your typing speed:

Received a silver certificate...

A very interesting site. You can use it to practice your skills and learn to type faster, as well as pass tests. If you pass the test successfully, you will receive one of the certificates (there are 3 of them: silver, gold, platinum, depending on your typing speed and the number of errors).

Another very interesting service, which forces users to compete with each other. To run the test, simply start typing the sentence that is shown to you. Then just type, after 1 minute - you will see your result (see screenshot below). You can enter your name, and then your result will be saved in the site history.

This test is suitable for those who want to test their typing speed English language(by the way, in my case it differs from Russian, and significantly).

The test takes the form of a competition (car racing). Whoever types the text faster will arrive at the finish line first. Some excitement will spur you to train (well, at least until you win once or twice).

1) As the great Lenin bequeathed: "Study, study and study again...". No courses or simulators will teach you how to quickly type without practice, without your desire. So, perhaps this is the most important thing...

2) And remember that you can’t suddenly learn anything right away! Those. If you start studying today, then tomorrow you will not start typing like a typist. Immediately get ready for daily training (practice), which will take a month or two (this is on average!). Only after such a marathon will it be possible to see real results.

That's all for now. If you have already learned how to type quickly, write what helped you, give some tips in the comments (thank you in advance).

Many office workers, bloggers, webmasters, accountants and copywriters are looking for ways to learn how to type quickly. High-speed typing makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on writing materials and reduce eye fatigue while working.

Studying this business is not difficult and does not take long, but to get results you must have one quality - willpower. Unfortunately, many people have the desire to learn how to speed dial, without having the strong will to force themselves to do special exercises for two or three weeks.

Typing keyboard. Learn to type faster

At the very beginning, you should choose a convenient and quality program, which can help you master cursive writing on a computer. Such assistants can be the famous SOLO programs, Rapid Typing, Stamina and others, as well as online services. Each of these programs has its own strengths, and weak. To understand which one is better suited for learning, you should download them all to your computer and test them.

Advantages of fast touch typing

How can a person learn to type quickly? The trainer is the one an indispensable assistant who can provide additional features on working with tests.

Main advantages:

When typing with all fingers, the number of errors is significantly reduced.

Typing occurs in mechanical mode- each button has its own finger.

With the ability to write blindly, vision is preserved, since when typing you do not need to constantly move your gaze from the keyboard to the display, your eyes will not strain as much, and therefore the amount of work can be done more than usual.

When completing the training course, it is possible to achieve a result of 400-500 characters per minute, due to which the productivity of all work increases by 15-20%, and the quality of typing only improves.

Mastering this skill allows you to concentrate your attention not on typing characters, but on correctly expressing your thoughts.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard. Finger trainer

All of the above cursive writing programs have the same teaching methodology. First, the student learns a series of letters located in the middle of the keyboard, that is, from “F” to “E”. At the same time, he begins to learn to type letters randomly with certain fingers. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the development of the little finger and ring finger.

After mastering the middle one, they move on to the upper and lower rows. Naturally, everything will not work out well right away, but the student, with patience, will learn to type quickly. Special simulators will help with this.

SOLO program

The most popular simulator for fast typing is the SOLO computer platform. And this is not just a training program, but a whole training course. It includes both typing and various recommendations, detailed instructions and various materials that help you complete the course, coping with the first manifestations of irritation and the desire to quit everything.

To master the entire SOLO course and learn how to learn to type quickly, you should complete about 100 exercises. If they are mastered, this guarantees that the person will now be able to type sentences blindly with all fingers. Each exercise consists of several tasks, often repeating previously covered material. For easy relaxation and lifting your spirits, the authors of the program included funny interesting stories and anecdotes, as well as opinions from people who have trained on this platform.

For each task, SOLO assigns a specific score from one to five.

Stamina trainer

It's free keyboard program. She helped many people learn to quickly type on the keyboard. The simulator has a fun and pleasant interface. Training is ongoing step-by-step tasks, whose complexity increases every time. All exercises are performed under pleasant melody and funny sounds.

Rapid Typing program

It's available in free form an application in which you can learn speed typing in both Russian and English layouts. The simulator has a nice menu and activity statistics.

Speed ​​Typing School

This was created computer program to learn how to quickly type using a ten-finger touch method. The application has a variety of fun additions:

2. Touch typing - imitation of the operation of a printing press, reinforcing and strengthening cursive writing skills.

3. “Falling Letters” is a game that helps you get a little distracted and take a break from exercise.

4. Step-by-step instruction for learning the keyboard.

All of the above programs help you figure out how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard; they are installed on your computer and work without an Internet connection. Next, we will talk about online simulators that show how to learn to type quickly.

SOLO on the Internet

The process of learning to type is almost no different from the main installed program, except that here you can compete with other students who have also visited the web page of this application.

Project "All 10"

A new service for those who want to know how to quickly type on the keyboard. After the initial introductory steps, the student will be asked to take a test in order to understand the speed of typing, and then the tasks will begin. The project has two versions of the training course - English and Russian. Also on the menu is detailed instructions and tips for performing all exercises.

Educational game "Klavagonki"

The rules of this online application are very simple. A game randomly selects some text or sentences, and the student, together with his competitors, tries to quickly type it without errors. Of course, all tasks are timed. At the end of the tasks, the winner is determined who typed the texts faster than others and made the fewest mistakes. Thanks to such an exciting competition, a person will learn what a high-speed typing keyboard is. Learning to type faster will be both easy and fun.

Online service Time Speed

This is a series of courses on teaching high-speed typing using the touch and ten-finger typing method.

No matter how good the speed typing training programs may be, you should still adhere to certain rules:

1. You can learn to touch-type words after you get rid of the habit of constantly looking at the keyboard. To do this, cover your hands with some kind of cloth while typing.

2. It is necessary to “train” your fingers to press exactly those letters and symbols to which they correspond.

3. You can’t rush while studying. Hurry is not the most basic requirement for a student who decides to learn how to learn to type quickly. All simulators are designed to teach a person to type letters and words without errors without looking at the keyboard, and speed will come on its own with experience.

4. You should study in a non-irritated, peaceful state, since if you start learning “on nerves”, then the exercises will not teach you anything, but will only sow even more discontent and anger.

5. If irritation nevertheless takes over, then it is necessary to stop classes until the desire to continue studying arises.

7. If a person understands how to quickly learn to type blindly, this does not mean that this skill cannot be lost. It is recommended to re-use keyboard simulators every six months to hone your capabilities.

8. For those who type a lot of text on a computer, a special ergonomic keyboard is suitable, where the keys are divided into two parts: for the left and right hands.


After training, the student must constantly practice typing quickly, not “rest on his laurels,” but work as often as possible, write something, and most importantly, correctly. After all, simulators help develop automatic typing, but writing coherent sentences that make sense in a narrative without looking at the keyboard can only be achieved through constant practice.

Such practical exercises include intensive communication on forums, social networks, chat rooms, and so on. Thanks to this, you will quickly develop the habit of writing quickly, but competently and accurately. And only then you can move on to the practice of writing large and complex texts. It is important to wean yourself from looking at the keyboard. If this is difficult to do, some users advise covering the keys with non-transparent tape, thereby provoking themselves to use blind technology ten-finger method printing.

You can learn how to quickly touch-type texts and messages in just a fraction of the time. short term. The main thing is to have desire and perseverance. It's like riding a bicycle - at first you don't succeed, you're nervous and worried, but with persistence you learn to ride on two wheels and keep your balance. So it is here, with everyday short lessons on keyboard trainers you develop a very useful skill of fast typing, which will not only save a lot of time, but will also help your eyes not get so tired when working on the computer.