Open access to the windows folder. Cloud: organizing access to your own data. Checking network card and workgroup settings

Setting up resource sharing is fairly easy, but there are a few things you need to take care of first. (The simplest option sharing described in the Home Groups section.)

In order to share resources, your account requires a password. If you have not yet set a password, open the User Accounts window in Control Panel and click the Create a password link.

* You can make it so that it is impossible to use ad-support on your computer.

administrative accounts without passwords. Open the __Z page in the Control Panel Parental control(Parental controls), and if in the window that opens

There is a yellow box that says One or more administrator accounts do not have a password, then click on it. On the Ensure Administrator Passwords page, select the Force all administrator accounts to set a password at logon check box and click OK.

Now from the Control Panel, open the Network and Sharing Center. If in the View section active networks(View your active networks) there is a link under your network name Community Network(Public network), then click on it and select either Home network or Work network. (If you can't click this link, your network is not working properly; see Chapter 6 for troubleshooting tips.)

Open the HomeGroup page in the Control Panel and at the bottom of the window that opens, click the Change link additional parameters public access(Change advanced sharing settings). The window shown in Fig. will open. 7.16.

On the Advanced sharing settings page, make sure that the Home or Work (current profile) section is expanded and select the following radio buttons:

About Enable network discovery(Turn on network discovery)

О Enable file and printer sharing

О Use 128-bit encryption to help protect file sharing connections

О Turn on password protected sharing When finished, click Save changes. Please note that 128-bit encryption may cause problems when sharing on Macintosh computers or older computers running Windows control. If this happens, disable encryption.

Finally, if you don't know your computer's name, find it. For more information about this, see the sidebar “What is the name of my computer?”


Other users see your computer's name when they access your shared folders over the network, so it is in your best interest to choose a name that is convenient and reliable.

Click the Advanced system settings link ( Advanced system settings) on the left side of the System window from Control Panel and go to the Computer Name tab. Ignore the Computer description field; You are interested in the Full computer name field.

You can also open Command line and run the hostname command - it returns the computer name.

All computers on the local network must have different names, but they must be in the same workgroup. To rename a computer or change the name working group, click Change (do not click the Network ID button).

You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Now you're ready to set up sharing.

Windows 7 provides three ways to share a folder: the Sharing Wizard, the Advanced Sharing window, and Home Groups.

About Sharing Wizard

It's not actually a real wizard, but that's what it's called on the View tab of the Folder Options window in Control Panel (more on this panel in Chapter 2). If the Use Sharing Wizard checkbox is not cleared, you can select any files and folders in Windows Explorer, open the Share with drop-down menu (shown in Figure 7.17) and select one of the options: Nobody, Homegroup (Read), Homegroup (read and write) ( Homegroup (Read/Write) or Specific people. The Share with menu is also available in the context menu, which opens by clicking right click mice.

Unfortunately, Windows doesn't tell you whether a given stick is shared or by whom. In addition, the Nobody option is an outright lie. If any parent folder of the selected object is shared, then that object can be accessed over the network, even if the Share with menu option is selected to Nobody. To avoid misunderstandings, use the settings in the Properties window, which will be discussed later. Please note that in some situations you may not even be aware of the public access being shared with you. hard drive. Read more about this in the “Disabling administrative shares” section.

About Advanced sharing setup

To check whether this folder or any of its parent folders is shared, right-click the folder, select Properties from the context menu, and select the Sharing tab. (Sharing). The window shown in Fig. will open. 7.18.

If the parent folder of the selected folder is shared, then no settings in this window will change the access settings through the parent object. To change the sharing settings for a parent folder, close the settings window, right-click on the parent folder, select Properties and go to the Sharing tab.

To open the Advanced Sharing window shown in Fig. 7.19, click on the button of the same name. The Share this folder checkbox allows access to the selected folder and all its contents. In the Name field shared resource(Share name) enter the name with which users on other computers will access the resource. Leave the default value so that the share name is the same as the source folder name.

But that is not all. Click Permissions - a window of the same name will open, shown in Fig. 7.20. As discussed in the Setting Permissions for Files and Folders section, share permissions are different from file permissions, although the two types of permissions must be consistent for sharing to work.

Notice that the Everyone group - and this actually includes all users - has permission to read files, but no one has Change or Full Control permissions. This is unlikely to suit you. Select Everyone in the Group or user names field and click Remove. Now click Add, enter your username in the Enter the object names to select field and click OK. After that, highlight your name in the Group or user names field and check the desired permissions in the Allow column. In order to allow to a remote user read, write and delete files, check the Allow checkbox in the Full Control line.

About Home Group

In Windows there are no special icons indicating what to do. of this object open network access. (IN previous versions Windows used a drawing with two men for this - if you saw it on the punk icon, you immediately understood that its contents were available to someone else. Obviously, Windows users 7 don't care about such little things.) To see a list of almost all the folders for which shared access is configured, in Windows Explorer, open the Network folder and go to the punk of your computer. About how to view full list shared folders, including folders with hidden access, described in the "Disabling Administrative Shares" section.

In Windows XP, organization public access to folders, drives and printers is performed at the user level. On the one hand, this is, of course, very convenient: when trying to access a particular folder, you don’t need to remember and enter different passwords. But at the same time, it is necessary to create accounts on each computer for all users who will need access to the resources of this computer over the network. If you don’t want to create accounts for all users on computers, you can activate a guest account. True, in this case, any user within the local network will be able to access your shared resources. But let's talk about everything in order.

When we have it at our disposal, we can begin to use it directly. One of the options for using the network is to provide sharing drives and folders computers.

You cannot share any content on your local network. separate file: To make a file available to other network users, you must share the file. folder in which it is stored. Remember that by sharing a folder, you thereby give access to all folders and files located in it.

On Windows XP networks, there are two sharing modes:

  • Easily share computer resources
  • Enhanced computer resource sharing

Easily share files and folders

Simple file and folder sharing is enabled by default. You can verify this by clicking “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Folder Options” – “View” tab. There should be a checkbox next to the “” item: If there is no checkbox, then your computer is using advanced sharing.

So, let's say I want to “share” the “Reports” folder, which is located on my computer on local disk WITH.

To open shared access to a folder or drive, you need to right-click on the required object - select “Properties” - go to the “Access” tab.

If we are sharing a disk or folder for the first time, we will need to click on the following link: And then select “Just enable file sharing”:
In the window that opens, check the box next to “Share this folder”: This way, you will give network users access to the files contained in this folder in read-only mode. They will not be able to change the files located in this folder or write their own files to it.

In the “Shared resource name” field, you can enter the network name of the folder under which it will be displayed in the list of shared resources on the local network. But this is optional.

If you check the box next to “ Allow modification of files over the network”, then allow users to copy their files to this folder, as well as change the documents contained in it.

Then click “Apply” – “OK” in this window. After this, the folder will become public and a hand symbol will appear on it:

For safety reasons, do not open full access To system folders(Windows, Program Files) and folders containing important data. It's best to create special folder or shared folders network files and give full access only to these folders.

For users on your network to be able to access shared folders, you must enable the “ account” on the computer where they are located. Guest" This will allow any user to access the shared folder from any computer on the network.

To check whether a guest account is activated on your computer, click right key Click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Manage”. In the window that opens on the left in the section “ Utilities"highlight the item" Local users and groups." Having opened it, go to the “Users” folder - in the right field we find “Guest” and double-click on it with the mouse:
In the next window, the “Disable account” checkbox should be unchecked: That's all there is to it easy sharing to files and folders. Usually, this mode enough when working in home network. However, on a local network of an organization, a more serious delineation of user rights is required. In this case, you must enable “Advanced file and folder sharing.”

Advanced file and folder sharing

If you want to use advanced sharing of files and folders on network computers, then you need to go to “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Folder Options” – “View” tab and here uncheck the box next to “ Use simple file sharing (recommended)”. Account“Guest” must also be disabled for security reasons.

Allowing shared access for folders in advanced mode is the same as in simple mode: Click the desired folder or disk with the right mouse button - select “Properties” - go to the “Access” tab and check the box “Share this folder”: In the “Shared resource” field, you can enter the network name of the folder under which it will be displayed in the list of shared resources on the local network.

In the “Note” field, if you want, you can enter a description of the folder (for example, “working documents”, etc.).

You can also limit the number of users who can use the shared folder at the same time. But it makes sense to do this only in very large networks or on weak computers.

And now we come to the very interesting moment in the organization of shared access - differentiation of access rights for network users in relation to the folder. Differentiation of access rights - this is the creation of certain rules, according to which network users (each individually or a group of users) will be able to make certain actions with the contents of the shared folder: full access, modification, or only reading its contents.

To set these rules, click the “ Permissions" You will see a window like this: Here you can add a user or group to the list and define permissions for it by checking the boxes next to the appropriate items.

Please note that the method described above (advanced mode) will work without problems if both computers (on which the folder was shared, and which is trying to access it over the network) have same names users with the same passwords . In other words, if you, working under the user Vova , have posted a folder for public access, then in order to access it from another computer, a user must also be created on it Vova with the same password (as on the first computer). Moreover password must not be empty, otherwise Windows will refuse to share the folder. If the above condition is not met, problems may arise with access to shared directories (drop-down windows with messages like “access denied,” etc.).

So let's add users here and set permissions for them:

Click the “Add” button. In the next window, click “Advanced”:
In the window that opens, on the right, click the “Search” button:
I want to allow access to the folder to users registered with this computer(including the user Vova ). Therefore, at the bottom of the window, scroll through the entire list and find the name “Users” - select it and click “OK” - then “OK” again: In the next window, I decided to give rights to read and change files in this folder - so check the appropriate boxes and click “Apply” - “OK”: That's all! Now I can easily access this folder from another computer (where the user is registered Vova ) and change the files in it.

To see all computer resources open for public access, go to “ network " Then select “Show workgroup computers.” At double click mouse on the name of any computer – its resources open for public access to other computers on the network will be displayed.

In addition to unlimited access to the virtual world wide web, the most important task of a local network is the exchange of information between various devices connected to it. And this information, as a rule, is packed into a folder and lies in the bins of the hard drive of a network computer.

Accordingly, the question arises: how to share a folder in Windows 7 on a local network, which we will consider in this article.

By the way, to open access to folders on Windows 8 and Windows 10 you need to run similar actions: The only difference here is the operating system interface.

How to share folders in windows 7?

So, to share a folder in Windows 7 over a local network (LAN), you first need to:

Assign the local network the value “Home” (if all network members enjoy absolute trust) or “Enterprise network” (or “Work”).

To check or change this option, you need to go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Network and Internet” -> “Network Center” and click the link on the left side of the active networks section

IN home group You should add only those users to whom you are willing to provide unlimited access to any network resources.

This is necessary so that the firewall does not block access to the folder for of this type local network connections.

Change network profile properties.

To do this, go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Network and Internet” -> “Network and Sharing Center” -> “Change advanced sharing settings”

expand the “Home or work” line here and place a marker on all items with the words “enable” and “allow” (with the exception of “ password protection" - it is recommended to disable it).

Encryption can be left at default (128 bits), and skip the “Multimedia” section for now.

These options will allow other systems to “see” the computer’s disks, open the way to shared resources, and also make it possible to independently manage the “HomeGroup”.

On this preparatory stage finished - you can share the folder on Windows 7. To do this:

Right-click once on the desired network folder;

Go to the “Sharing” column, then in the right context menu select the capabilities of other local network users in relation to this folder.

How to restrict access to a folder to other users?

To partially block access to windows folder 7, go to the subsection of the context menu “Specific users” and in the window that opens, select “Home group” or one specific user to whom you do you allow access to a network folder. For other computers on the local network this directory will still remain unavailable.

You can also create a shared folder on the local network through the object properties:

Right-click once on the future network folder and select the “Properties” menu item;

Here go to the “Access” tab;

In the window that opens, click “Sharing” and select the users you want do you allow access to the specified network folder;

Click “Share” and “Done” again to save the settings.

To configure additional sharing settings, click “Advanced settings”.

In the window that opens, select the “Share” checkbox, and then click the “Permissions” button.

You will be taken to the next dialog, where you need to click the “Add” button, in the window that opens, click on the “Advanced” command, and then click “Search”.

Here a list will open in which you need to highlight the “Network” line, and then double-click the “Ok” command to save the changes.

Returning to the “Advanced Settings”, at the bottom of the window, provide the necessary permissions or restrictions for the selected user group.

By default, the right to open and view files from this folder is given.

If you allow “Edit”, then visitors will be able not only to read them, but also to make changes. But they will not be able to create new files or delete existing ones. This also applies to launching programs, if any, in this folder.

“Full access” removes all of the above restrictions.

Confirm sharing the folder by clicking the “Ok” button.

If after such “operations” there is still no access to the Windows 7 network folder, you should go to the “Security” tab in the properties window and do similar manipulations there:

At the top of the window, click the “Change” button;

Select the user group you need and assign it access rights to the network folder (there are many more permission options here, but check only the rights discussed above).

To configure access to a network folder using a password, you must enable the password protection item at the “Change additional sharing settings” stage.

Many users, sooner or later, think about how to exchange files between two or big amount computers on the local network. As you already understand, to perform this action you need a created the local network and all computers in it must be connected to one access point.

So, Let's start sharing folders in Windows 7. For example, let's take several folders with different names.

Access is opened according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, check your network sharing settings. To do this, right-click on the network icon near the clock on the taskbar. Select “Network and Sharing Center...” and follow the link “Change advanced settings...”;

  2. Now you need to make all the settings in the same way as we will now demonstrate to you. Please note that some settings may have been customized initially, which is good. Once all the parameters are set as needed, click “Save Changes”. Remember that you must have administrator rights to do this;

  3. The next step will be to create access. You can either limit the number of users who can edit/delete/add files to folders, or set full access (i.e., no restrictions at all), but we still recommend choosing the first option. For creating open access, right-click on the folder and select “Properties”, and in them go to the “Access” tab;
  4. In “Access” you see the “Sharing” button immediately highlighted - that’s what we need. Feel free to go to settings by clicking on this button;
  5. In the settings window, you need to decide who you want to share access with. Select the desired option from the drop-down list and click on it. Then change the attributes (permission level) from “Read” to “Read and Write”. After that, click “Sharing”;

  6. After this, you will see that the folder is available via public access. Below, under the folder name, you will see full name folder – its path through which you can enter it from another computer connected to the network. Click “Finish”. After this, we continue the settings in the “Properties” window;

  7. Click on the button “ Advanced setup"and limit users to 2. Then save the changes;

We carried out similar actions with another folder, now we have several shared resources, and we can see the entire list in the “Shared resource name” drop-down list of the “Advanced settings” window.

The modern world of technology means almost everyone has a tablet or computer device. So, several computers, laptops and notebooks can be used in one house at once. Their synchronization makes the work much easier. Transferring information from one computer device to another is now no problem. To do this, you do not need to switch to another device and reset all necessary information on removable media, it is enough to have either Wi-Fi on both devices and configure the software correctly. To synchronize computers, you will need to create a Windows 7 folder share. What information do you need to know about secure setup?

Why open public access to folders and files

In offices of small and large businesses and quite often at home, there is a need to synchronize information between computers, use one printing device for several computers and others. important functions. To do this, it is extremely important to share the folder. Windows 7, Linux, XP are the most common among modern users. Depending on the purpose and place of application computer equipment, one or another type of software is used. Yes, on desktop computers Linux is most often installed in offices, because it is a free basic software. Laptops most often use version 7 or 8 Microsoft Windows. As a result, it becomes necessary to properly configure public access.

Most often inexperienced users There is a problem with opening access to folders specifically in Windows 7. “Why is that?” - you ask. The fact is that fundamental changes were made to this version of the OS when working with sharing and networks. This was organized specifically for the security of the computer device, but this had its own difficulties.

Basic information about sharing an operating system folder

Setting up Windows 7 sharing requires following certain rules:

  • To prevent your computer from being taken over by scammers and those accidentally connecting outside users, you must first set a password. This will secure the data on the devices you share.
  • Sharing files and folders means working in the same computer network- WorkGroup. All devices must be configured as members of this workgroup. If your computer is connected to another network, then you will not be able to share the Windows 7 folder. The only exception may be if you are using a laptop and connecting to corporate domain via Wi-Fi, but for this your computer device must be configured as its element.
  • Windows 7 Explorer should recognize the devices connected to it. Only in this case the configuration of their connection is considered correct.

The role of homegroups in local data sharing

Home groups have been developed by Microsoft with the aim of sharing data, files, multifunctional printing devices by several computers connected to the network at once. Despite the fact that they are the easiest way to synchronize devices, share the Windows 7 folder via WiFi and via cable connection, Home Groups also have a number of disadvantages. Compared to the working group, there is much less. In addition, there are a number of restrictions. In this article we're talking about about Windows 7, but if you have a homegroup selected, you cannot connect a computer with XP OS to it. It is also important to mention that existing Windows versions 7, such as "Start" and "Home Basic", cannot create such a network cell. But they can be connected to a group created using any other version of Windows. If the network was connected to your PC for the first time, Windows 7 in automatic mode opens a window asking you to connect or create a homegroup.

If you are determined to join a homegroup, then in order to avoid Windows 7, you need to perform some steps to change minor public access settings. There are several types of parameters:

  1. Private network.
  2. Guest or public network.
  3. All networks.

For those who initially did not have time to select a home group as the base group in your network, there is the possibility of setting it up and searching for it manually. To do this, you need to follow this path: “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Network and Internet”. In Network and Public Access Management there is a section for changing network parameters.

Setting up shared access to selected files and directories

In Windows 7, to add a folder or specific files to share, you need to call up the menu by right-clicking on the file or directory shortcut (RMB) and selecting one of the existing items. Setting up sharing in Windows 7 involves selecting such items as read-write, read-only, or read-only, prohibiting users from opening this folder with files.

If you want to add only a file to public access, then you need to right-click on the file shortcut, select the sharing item, then go to additional settings. Considering the selected profile, go through the parameters and select the checkboxes necessary settings. The windows that open describe in detail the purpose of this or that parameter.

Setting up public access to the system directory

Cloud method for providing public access

This method of providing public access is also good because it helps to do backup files, which makes working with data much easier. It could be Google Drive or One Drive from Microsoft Corporation, where you can place all the necessary information and use it from anywhere in the world. The disadvantage is if the file size is larger than the limit.

Windows 7: File access and instructions for opening it

To change the public access settings for a file, you must perform certain actions.

There are several ways to open access to files:

  • The first one is the simplest. You need to open the file parameters window by clicking on its name on the right touchpad or mouse button, in the window that appears, select “Sharing” and click on read access or read and write access.
  • There is another way to share files in Windows 7. You need to go to the shared access and network management system, select a group and manage public access there. And already in the settings specify the necessary parameters.

Ways to provide public access to data

Taking into account the goals, each user chooses his own method of connecting to access the data of his computer device:

  1. If you use your home network to transfer data, then you do not need to set additional restrictions. You can easily access your printer and files personal device while sitting at another device on your home network.
  2. You can also share Windows 7 using public folders located on drive C, in the “Users” directory, in the “General” folder. There you can make the necessary settings and set a ban on access to certain directories and documents.
  3. Also public access can be achieved thanks to cloud storage. This method does not require a connection to your home network; it is enough to connect to the Internet from anywhere in the world via a browser and synchronize files and documents on different devices with backup capability.
  4. By creating your own directory hierarchy, you can manually control access to files and directories on your personal computing device.

Cannot share folder Windows 7: problem solution

However, unexpected troubles also happen. For example, even with correct setting everyone required parameters A message appears on the computer screen stating that the application has been denied. Windows access 7. What should be done in this case? Some people begin to check the correctness in the second round set parameters, some are looking for other methods to solve the problem.

Most often on a computer they try to open shared access to files on drive D, but, as you know, access is automatically opened to drive C. To avoid such problems, first of all, right-click on the touchpad or mouse, you need to click on the drive shortcut and add it to the list of allowed . The rest of the actions are performed according to the group network to which you are connected.