How to restore an old VKontakte page. How to recover your VKontakte password. I have backup codes, why can’t I recover my password with them?

Social networks can be annoying, annoying to such an extent that you want to forget it forever, delete all accounts and live a quiet life. As a rule, people who deleted their pages soon want to return to the network again. Most likely, if you look at a social network every day for a long time, a person receives a wonderful gift - addiction. But that’s not about that now. How to restore the page and not lose the necessary information? Now we'll find out.

If you delete a page on VK and then restore it, will the data be saved?

Many deleting page in social network They don’t think about the fact that they might need her again. What do they do in this situation? They are trying to restore their page along with all the data, audio files, documents, videos, and so on. But this is not so easy to do. More precisely, this procedure does not require special effort, it only requires a quick decision.

First, we’ll tell you how to delete a VKontakte page. So, the action plan

  1. Go to your page on a social network
  2. Follow the link
  3. Enter the information you need
  4. "Delete page"

That's it, the page has been deleted, and your friends will come notification about this. I hope it’s clear how to delete it, now let’s move on to recovery.

By deleting your VKontakte page, on top panel you will see a box saying “If necessary, you can restore the page to (date).” In other words, to restore the page you are given certain time usually from 5 to 8 months. During this period of time, the user is given the opportunity to restore his page along with all the data stored on the social network.

*To restore your page, you just need to click on the “Restore” box and you will appear online again*

If you delete a VKontakte page and then restore it, will the information be saved?

Yes, the information will be saved, but only if the user restores the page in time. Otherwise, all data will simply disappear, along with the page. It will be impossible to return anything, and all information will disappear into oblivion. If you have information that you do not want to lose, then it is better to send it to yourself via instant messengers and so on. Before deleting a page, make sure that you have all the necessary data and you will not regret deleting your account.

How to restore a page in a contact after deletion? What to do if you forgot your number or password? Don’t remember your email or you created it for the same number new page VKontakte (VK)?

Greetings, dear readers, to the pages of the blog: !
Nowadays, social networks are an integral attribute Everyday life.
The most popular social. network in Russia, without exaggeration, is VKontakte.
It happens that emotions run high).
You had a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and the annoying spammers are bothering you with their advertisements!
VK doesn’t work in the game, or they just connected it to the same phone number or email new page in contact, a day has passed, a week has passed... you remembered what you have on that page necessary information, phone numbers, friends, addresses, the game is pumped up... and you ask yourself the question: how to restore a contact page after deletion?
In this article we will analyze all the points from simple to other nuances.
For example. Forgot your SIM card number, email, password, got it new account VK to the same number, your page was hacked and deleted, it gives an error... in general, let's do everything in order).

How to restore a page in contact

By by and large, it’s not scary to delete, remember your phone number, email and password, restoring your account should not be difficult for you.
This is what it looks like deleted account.

What do we need to do? Click: “restore page” accordingly.
Next you will see a page like this.

Click again the same thing, the entire page is restored.
You could have done this recovery procedure without me).
Yes, the only condition. You can restore it within 8 months!
If the period has passed longer, alas, you have lost your page forever(.

Now let's look at more complex options its restoration.

How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login, password, phone number, or it has been hacked and deleted

What should I do if I forget my password?
Click “Forgot your password?”
Next, write your phone number, your address mailbox, to which your account or login is registered. Click “next,” after which you should receive a password for the data you specified to change it.

2. If you forgot your password, the recovery procedure is the same.
"Forgot your password?" indicate your email address, or your login or phone number. Next you will receive an SMS with an activation code, i.e. restoring access to your account.

3. How to restore if you forgot mail email, phone, login.
You need to remember one of these to recover your password and access your VK page accordingly.

4. What to do if you don’t remember anything except your first and last name.
This...oops), do nothing, forget about her).
Kidding). Of course there is an option.
To restore access, you need to contact technical support. I will support VK.
You will be asked to scan your passport, after which you can easily do it.

5. What to do if your contact account is attacked by spammers and your page is blocked?
In such cases, it is written when your page can be unblocked.
Accordingly, write your login, phone number, soap (which is one thing), enter your password.
Next, you will need to answer standard questions about safe work in contact and change the password.

6. Your account was hacked, they write, “your page is blocked forever.”
Honestly, I’ll tell you, you got it.
In this case, you will not do anything.
Create a new account.

7. You need correspondence in contact, but you deleted your account and before that all correspondence.
How to recover messages?
No way, sorry(.

8. What to do, you have several profiles linked to 1 phone number, how can I restore access to the 2nd page?
To do this, you must have another email or login linked to your first account.

Let's look at other problems.
A common problem many people have when restoring a profile, and it just happens that VKontakte gives an error.
What to do?

Is it possible to restore a deleted page if the site throws an error?

Often, many VK sites give the following error: (error: invalid_client/ Username or password is incorrect)
What could this error mean and how can I fix it?
1. Option - there are problems on their website. Just wait and soon (from 30 minutes to a day) you will be able to log in without any corrections to this error.
2. Option - browser cache is full. You need.
3. The worst option is that you have problems with your browser. Way 1, reinstall the browser.
4. Solving the problem. Write to technical support on VKontakte.

How to fix errors

  • Think with your head before deleting your personal page in contact!
  • Do not go to dubious sites that offer you money, votes, gifts in exchange for a number and password for your page. These are scammers!
  • Register everything to your VK account at once. This is a phone number, email, and login, in case you forget something, you can easily restore it

That's all I have for today.
If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer.
S.uv. Artem Poluektov.

Sometimes unforeseen situations arise on social networks: correspondence is suddenly deleted, passwords are forgotten, VKontakte blocks pages without your knowledge. What should you do, how can you restore your VK page if you don’t remember your password, the page is blocked, or the phone number associated with your account is inaccessible?

If you need to restore access to VKontakte, unfreeze a page, return a password or remember your login, in this guide you will find the answer to these questions.

How to recover a VKontakte password saved in the browser

Perhaps the easiest way to recover a password for a page is through the settings of the browser you used. The fact is that desktop browsers save login information for autofilling forms (not always, but usually).

Method 1. To recover your password, you need to go to the appropriate section:

  • IN Google Chrome: paste into address bar browser chrome://settings/passwords and go to this address.
  • In Opera: paste opera://settings/passwords into the address bar of your browser and go to this address.
  • In Firefox: Settings → Security.

IN search bar enter "vc". If you click the "Show" button opposite the VKontakte address, the desired password will be displayed instead of asterisks.

Method 2. If you have forgotten your VKontakte password, but you have it saved in your browser in the form of stars (or dots), you can easily view it. Login with a password is on the authorization page; place the cursor on the line where the password is displayed in the form of asterisks.

Press right button mouse and select “View element code” or “Inspect element” from the menu - it will be different for each browser. You will see a window for developers with code editing html pages, and the cursor will be in the field with the entry:

  • Replace this line with

and it will be revealed to you forgotten password. In the same way, you can recover the VKontakte password from someone else’s account, but the site administration does not recommend doing this and does not bear any responsibility for the consequences.

We are trying to recover the password to restore access to our VK page

Recovering a password for a VKontakte page without a phone

Recovering your VKontakte password is quite simple using your phone number, but how can you get the page back if you don’t have enough information to log into your account? When recovering your password, there is a special column: “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here.” When you navigate, the system will ask for a link to your page, which you need to enter.

Next you will be given the opportunity to enter old number phone number, available phone number, registration e-mail, one of the old passwords (with which it was once possible to access the page). Enter the data that you remember on the page and within 24 hours the support service will restore access to the page.

Users can restore a VKontakte page by mail or by entering a login. After specifying the data, you need to write the last name from the account. Next, the system will ask for confirmation about the recovery page, an avatar with your first and last name will be shown, you need to confirm that it is from this VKontakte page that you need to recover the password.

Click "Yes, this is desired page", after which a form will appear asking you to enter a new phone number and receive a confirmation code via SMS. On the page of the following form you need to indicate New Password, repeat it and be sure to write it down in a safe place. Changing the phone number if the user has forgotten the VKontakte password is allowed limited number once.

We have already talked about mobile application VKontakte for Android. If all else fails, try installing this application on your phone and visiting your page.

Restoring a VK page after a virus

After a computer or phone is infected with a virus, the user may encounter a sentence in his browser window paid recovery VKontakte pages via SMS. Some viruses associated with VKontakte request an activation code for Contact, which can also be obtained by translation Money to certain payment systems. In most cases, even after sending an SMS or transferring money, the social network page remains blocked. How to return the VK user page in this case?

First thing, Necessarily check your computer or mobile phone for viruses. If your password for a page was stolen once, then there is a chance that they will do it again.

Run anti-virus scan and wait for the result. Let's move on. To correctly restore your VKontakte page, you need to go to the hosts file along the following path: C: > Windows > system32 > drivers > etc > hosts and open the file using notepad. If this file contains entries with the host of and other social networks, delete these lines. Perhaps there will be 2 hosts file, in this case you need to check the second one for extra lines. After this, in most cases, access to the VKontakte page is restored.

Editing the hosts file, which may contain a mention of VKontakte

If after self-removal lines from the file have not changed and the virus continues to block the page, try downloading the original of the correct folder etc and replacing it. Restart your computer, try logging into your VKontakte page again.

Download correct file hosts is available at the link:

Unzip the file and replace old folder etc to a new one to return the VK page.

Tip of the day. If you want to protect yourself from viruses on your smartphone and Android tablet, be sure to download mobile antivirus!

How to unfreeze - i.e. restore a VK page

When logging into VKontakte, the site asks you to link the page to a phone number due to suspicious activity? We need to understand the reason for this situation. Enter your phone number, and if a message appears asking you to send a paid code to the number, you will be convinced that there is a virus on your computer, which has nothing to do with messages from VKontakte technical support. The social network will not request sending messages to any numbers; on the contrary, the site itself sends codes automatically.

To restore the VKontakte page, you need to follow the same steps with replacing the hosts file, which .

Deleting a VKontakte page and restoring it

Deleting a VKontakte page is quite simple. On the left side of the social networking site there is a “My Settings” item. At the very bottom of the page that appears, you will see the inscription “You can delete your page.” In the list, select the reason for deletion, which will be displayed in your friends’ feed; you can also uncheck the box and not display the deletion of your page in the feed. If you do not specify a reason, an entry will appear on your behalf “the user silently deleted his page.”

To restore a deleted VK page, you need to log in with your password and follow the “Restore your page” link. A deleted VK page stores information for a year. If you forget the address of your page, you can try to find it in the list of friends or in groups for later recovery.

How to restore a VK page after deletion: answers to questions

I deleted the VK page and created a new one for the same phone number! Now I’ve deleted the new one, but I can’t access the old one!!! Is it possible to return the page??

answer. In such cases, unfortunately, none of the recovery methods that I wrote about above will help you. You will have to create another account from scratch by adding friends. If you need to read old correspondence, try looking for duplicate emails. I also advise you to contact VKontakte technical support, explaining the reason.

Elena: I deleted my page and I can’t restore it because I don’t remember my VK password. I tried to restore it myself, I entered my email, but they offered to send me a code to the phone linked to the page, which I haven’t used for a long time. Please help restore the page! how to remember the password from VK?

answer. To restore the page, you can, first, get your old phone number back. talk to mobile operator with whom you entered into an agreement.

The second option is to contact VK support directly, explaining to them in detail the situation with the phone, etc. I think they will be able to help you, for which you may need your passport.

Alena: Good evening! I registered a new VK page on my mobile phone, thinking that I could link 2 pages to one number. Now I can't log in previous page In contact with. Help, how to restore a page on VK?

answer. You can access your page by entering your VK login and password. yes, a phone number can be used instead of a login, so in your situation it can really be confusing for you.

Zhibek: I deleted my page on VK, opened a new page on the same number, several times, now I can’t get mine back old page, and there are friends, important videos, photo, . Can you help me, is it possible to restore the VK page?

answer. Zhibek, see the answer above.

Galymzhan: I forgot my VK password. Yesterday I restored my VKontakte password and did not receive an SMS to the new number, and today, 24 hours later, I could have logged into VKontakte, but I accidentally deleted the SMS with the new password. How can I now log into my account if I have forgotten this VK password?

answer. be patient. Try recovering your password again and wait for the SMS. You can also contact technical support for the device you are using. social service and ask individually to restore your user page.

Ruslan: I can’t restore my VK page, mine deleted it ex-girlfriend, but before deleting she changed her password. There is no phone number to which the page was linked. How, in this case, can you access your VKontakte page?

answer. make peace with the girl, it will happen best option, which will allow you to return the treasured VKontakte page along with the password. also try restoring the page to your email address. if this is not possible, write to VK support and explain the situation, saying that your data fell into the hands of an attacker (that is, say that). or threaten the girl that you will go to court.

Irina: I had an account in Contact, I forgot its password, I don’t remember which email I linked. I also can’t remember which phone number. Now I can’t log into my account because I linked my number to another girl’s account and I don’t understand how to find out the password from VK: when I enter my phone number, it’s not my account that comes up.

I went to do a restore - it asks for some kind of link, I can’t see it, I find my friends, and when I enter the VK page it asks for a password. I looked on the Internet that according to the instructions I should find my account and admit that it’s mine, nothing works. Only the number and activation code come out, I do everything according to the instructions, I go into someone else’s profile to which I linked the number. Help me how to recover my contact password? Thanks for understanding!

answer. You have a very difficult situation, and you yourself have made a mess. Well, I'll try to help you. the main thing is to pull yourself together. remember all your phone numbers and mailboxes, write them down on a page of paper. and try to recover your password to one of the registered addresses. and so on in turn.

second tip: you can access the page not only through a phone number, but also by entering the login that you specified during registration. so try to remember your registration details.

I deleted the VK page. How to restore it if you don’t know Old Password? Or create a new page for the same number?

Answer. Recover your VKontakte account password to your email or phone. This standard procedure, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. How to remember your VK password or get it from the stars, read above. You can create a new page, but why?

Tell me how to restore deleted page VKontakte, about 9-10 months ago, it was hacked.

Answer. If you act promptly, it is still possible to get your VK page back (however, a lot of time has passed, and it is not a fact that our advice will somehow help you). To begin with, it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses (it is likely that it was the virus that stole the VKontakte access passwords). Ask your friends and acquaintances if any suspicious messages have been sent from your account. Finally, contact VK support and explain your problem to them. Another thing is that it will not be possible to restore a VK page without the phone number to which the social network page is linked.

How to restore a VK page with old posts and correspondence without losing friends?

Answer. Your question contains the answer. The fact is that you have already deleted the VK page. In fact, all you have to do is create a new account and add VK users as friends again from memory. If you are afraid that someone will not understand your actions, simply describe your situation. True friends will understand you! Good luck.

I made myself a 2nd VKontakte page. Then I discovered that I couldn’t access the first page of my account. After which I deleted the second VK account, but I still can’t access page 1. My page was hacked 1 time. How to restore your VK account after this?

Answer. The sequence of your actions is not entirely clear. In any case, I advise you to protect your page from hacking. To do this, come up with strong password for an account, link VK to a valid phone number. After a page has been hacked, it is best to promptly contact VKontakte technical support and explain the problem.

As for actually restoring access to VK, try to remember your account password or, if you have forgotten your VK password, reset it via email by clicking the “Forgot your password?” button. when logging into your account.

1.5 years ago my phone drowned in the sea, I hoped to restore it, but I couldn’t live without a vk account. For a new phone it was necessary to change the number and I opened a new page with a different name. Now both my friends and I really miss my old page, I know that the operator transferred my old phone number to another user.

I have a big request to help me open access to my previous page too, there is a lot there important messages like a memory and I would like to read them again. Tell me how can I restore vk and log into my previous page, I didn’t delete it, I just forgot the password, but the same number I don't own it. Maybe for this I need to buy a new phone number, I’m ready for this, just to restore my old page. HELP!

Answer. To restore access to VKontakte you need. Although you will not be able to return the contacts saved on the SIM card, when you restore the number you will be able to open access to your VK page. All you need to do is contact your mobile operator through which you issued the SIM card and phone number. This can be done either through a call center by calling the operator and telling a codeword, or by directly contacting the nearest mobile operator office.

If the phone number has already been transferred to another user, you need to contact them by calling and explaining your problem. After which, you will probably be able to send a code to his number, restore the VKontakte page and change the phone number.

I deleted the page six months ago, the linked number is valid and the email is also valid, but I don’t remember the password. How to recover the password of a deleted page? When entering the number and email, they answer that the page was not found. What to do and how to restore the contact page?

Answer. Read above for everything you need to know about restoring a VK page. However, it is quite possible that we have not provided a method that is relevant to you. What to do? Probably, The best way restore access to the VKontakte page - contact technical support by writing from another account -

Today we will look at the topic “how to restore a page in contact”. Today, on the Internet you can find a lot of information on this topic, but on our website you will find only reliable data.

Before you start, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if, when you log into the social network VKontakte, a message appears with the following content: “Your page has been blocked due to suspicion of hacking and spamming.” also in this message information will be displayed to encourage people to send SMS to specified number– this should not be done. Why not? Because from any other computer you can easily access your page on this social network. The reason is that there is a virus or malware on your computer software. In this article you will learn how to get rid of such viruses and we will consider the option of restoring a page after intentional removal.

Restoring a page on the social network “Vkontakte”

Restoring a page if your page is blocked

If you encounter such a problem, then, first, you need to figure out whether your page was really frozen due to spam, or whether you have a virus on your computer. If they ask you for money, then there is a virus on your computer that blocks access to this social network. There are also cases where people simply forget their password, in which case we advise you to go through the following link.

First, you will need to enter the most basic information about you, that is: E-mail and phone number. Next, you will need to enter your last name, which you used on your page. Further search system this social network will search for your profile. Then you will have to confirm that this profile is yours and restore it. As a result, you will receive a code that you will need to enter into a certain field, and then change it to a new one. This code is sent to your phone or e-mail, depending on what you entered in the basic data. It happens that this code does not arrive immediately, so do not despair, since you submit an application, which is then reviewed by administrators... As you understand, the procedure is not easy, but still.

If none of the methods helps (this has never happened before, but still), then it will be easier to create a new page. But, if you need to write a letter directly to those. support. In 70% of cases it is considered in favor of the user.

In order to ask a question to the VKontakte support service directly, you need to go to the following link. After this, you can ask any question you are interested in. In this message, it is best to describe the problem or situation in as much detail as possible; it is also better to indicate your information about your page - this will help a lot.

How to restore a VK page after intentional deletion

If you intentionally deleted your page, you can restore it within 7 months. This procedure is completely free and does not require any investment (if you are asked for money to restore your profile in any way, including the points described below, it is 100% fraud). For your information, this procedure, at most, takes about one second. With all this, all data on your page will remain intact.

To restore the page (if this is the case), you need to go to the social network site and enter certain data in the appropriate fields, namely your phone number or E-mail and your password.

After you do the above steps, you will notice that your page has been deleted and that up to a certain date you will be able to restore it. Next, you need to, so to speak, legitimize your actions by clicking the “Restore page” button.

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.


Try logging into your page on the VKontakte social network using your personal login and password. If the page has been hacked, you will see a corresponding notification indicating the reason for the blocking, its duration and other data. If another social network user uses your login and password to enter the site, you will see his name and a mini-photo from the page. If you violate any rules, you will also see this notice. Depending on the reason for the blocking, you will need to perform certain actions to access the page.

If you see a message that the page was hacked, but technical support managed to identify the attacker and temporarily freeze the page, click on the link immediately following the text. You will be taken to the page to create a new password to log into your profile. After specifying it, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with additional ways security improvements personal page, and then you will be redirected to your profile.

If you violate various rules of the site, such as insulting other users, sending spam, posting prohibited videos and photos, etc. The page can be for a certain number of days or forever. The latter measure is most often used against users who have repeatedly violated the rules. If this is your first or second offense, access to the page will be returned automatically after the specified number of days. You can also speed up the process by following certain steps.

Contact technical support of the VKontakte social network using the link at the bottom of the page or immediately writing a letter to [email protected]. Report that your page has been frozen. Our support staff will tell you what to do next.

Click on the link “How to speed up the process”, which is listed below the message from the administration about freezing the page. You will be asked to indicate your phone number, and then enter the received code in a special field to confirm your identity. Fill out the form indicating your old and new numbers telephone number, email address specified during registration, country and city in which you live. In the “Your comment” field, indicate at what time and for what reason the page was frozen. Now you will need to attach a scanned copy of your passport, as well as personal photo on the background open page"In contact with". After sending the form and checking your data by the administration, access to your profile will be restored within 1-2 days.

If you once decided to go to your VKontakte page and were unable to do so, this means that someone hacked it. In this case, you will have to restore access using some personal data.

After unsuccessful attempt When you log into your account, you will see the following message: “If you are unable to log in, click here.” The last two words will be the link you need to click on. Next you will find yourself on the access recovery page.

Enter the address in the window that appears Email, login or phone number to which . Click "Next". After this, you will be taken to another page where you will be asked whether this is your account or not. If the answer is yes, click on the “Yes, this is the right page” button. Within 10 minutes, a message with a new password will be sent to your phone or email. As a rule, you don’t have to wait 10 minutes; the SMS arrives in 30 seconds. In the form that opens, enter the received code and click “Change password.”

There is another way to restore your account. Use it if the first option did not help you. However, this time you will have to provide a considerable amount of data. In the form, you will have to fill out fields such as telephone numbers (old and new, to which the page will be linked), email addresses (previously specified and available to you in this moment). In addition, select the country and city where you were located when registering on the social network, as well as the year. The user also has access to the “Your comment” window, in which he can mention, for example, when access was lost and for what reason.

In addition, you will need to upload a photo or scan of your identifying document. It should show your photo, as well as your first and last name. Such a document can be a passport, driver's license or student ID.

And finally, the last step that should be completed to restore access is to take your photo in the background of the application page. Once you download last file, click on the “Submit Application” button.