Hypertext markup language HTML. Hypertext markup language HTML

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) - a hypertext markup language - is intended for writing hypertext documents published on the World Wide Web.

A hypertext document is a text file that has special marks, called tags, which are subsequently recognized by the browser and used by it to display the contents of the file on the computer screen.

Using these marks, you can highlight document headings, change the color, size and style of letters, and insert graphics and tables. But the main advantage of hypertext over regular text is the ability to add hyperlinks to the content of a document - special HTML language constructs that allow you to click on a mouse to view another document.

HTML document consists of two parts: the text itself, i.e. the data that makes up the contents of the document, and tags - special HTML language constructs used to mark up the document and control its display. HTML language tags determine in what form the text will be presented, which of its components will act as hypertext links, and which graphic or multimedia objects should be included in the document.

Graphic and audio information included in an HTML document is stored in separate files. HTML document viewers ( browsers) interpret markup flags and arrange text and graphics on the screen accordingly. For files containing HTML documents, the accepted extensions are .htm or .html.

In most cases, tags are used in pairs. The pair consists of an opening<имя_тега>and closingtags The action of any paired tag begins where the opening tag is encountered and ends when the corresponding closing tag is encountered. Often a pair consisting of an opening and closing tag is called container, and the part of the text bordered by the opening and closing tags is element.

The character sequence that makes up text can consist of spaces, tabs, newlines, carriage returns, letters, punctuation, numbers, and special characters (such as #, +, $, @), except for the following four characters, which have In HTML, the special meanings are (greater than), & (ampersand), and " (double quote). If you need to include any of these characters in your text, you must encode it with a special sequence of characters.

HTML Document Structure

The most important HTML tag is the tag of the same name. . It always opens the document, just like a tag must certainly appear in its last line. These tags indicate that the lines between them represent a single hypertext document. Without these tags, a browser or other viewer is unable to identify the document format and interpret it correctly.

An HTML document consists of two parts: a head and a body, arranged in the following order:

Document title Document body

Most often, a paired tag is included in the document title ... , defining the title of the document. Many viewers use it as the title of the window in which the document is displayed. Programs that index documents on the Internet use the title to identify the page. A good title should be long enough to correctly identify the corresponding page, while still being able to fit within the window title. The title of the document fits between the opening and closing tags.

Document body is a mandatory element, since it contains all the document material. The body of the document is placed between the tags And. Everything that is placed between these tags is interpreted by the browser in accordance with the rules of the HTML language, allowing the page to be correctly displayed on the monitor screen.

Text in HTML is divided into paragraphs using a tag<р>. It is placed at the beginning of each paragraph, and the viewer, when encountering it, separates paragraphs from each other with a blank line. Using a closing tagnot necessary.

If you want to “break” the text, moving the rest of it to a new line, without selecting a new paragraph, use the line break tag
. It forces the viewer to display the characters following it on a new line. Unlike the paragraph tag, the
does not add an empty line. This tag does not have a paired closing tag.

HTML language supported logical and physical formatting of document content. Logical formatting indicates the purpose of a given piece of text, while physical formatting determines its appearance.

Using logical formatting text, the browser selects different parts of the text in accordance with the structure of the document. To display the title, one of the title tags is used. Headings in a typical document are divided into levels. HTML allows you to set six levels of headings: h1 (first level heading), h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. The first level heading is usually larger and richer than the second level heading. Example of using title tags:

l. Chapter title

l.l. Section title

Tags physical formatting directly set the appearance of the text on the browser screen, for example, a couple highlights the text in bold, sets text underlining, controls the text font.

Tag inserts an image into a document as if it were just one large character. Example of using a tag:

For creating hypertext link a couple of tags are used<а>... . A piece of text, an image, or any other object located between these tags is displayed in the browser window as a hypertext link. Activating such an object causes a new document to be loaded into the browser window or another part of the current Web page to be displayed. A hypertext link is formed using the expression:

Href is a required attribute here, the value of which is the URL of the requested resource. Quotes in specifying the value of the href attribute are optional. If a link to a document on another server is specified, then the type of hyperlink is as follows:

<а href = "http://www.school.donetsk.ua/11.jpg">Photo 11-A

Using various tags, you can draw tables, format text, insert images, video, sound files, etc. into a document.



Named after Volodymyr Dahl

Department of Computer Science

By discipline

Computer design and multimedia

StudentBoldakova I.V.

1. Introduction

3.1 HTML editors

4. Website creation using CMS Joomla 1.5.7


1. Introduction

The World Wide Web - a global computer network today contains millions of sites that contain all kinds of information. People access this information through the use of Internet technology. To navigate the WWW, special programs are used - Web browsers, which greatly facilitate travel through the vast expanses of the WWW. All information in the Web browser is displayed in the form of Web pages.

Web pages, supporting multimedia technology, combine various types of information: text, graphics, sound, animation and video. Its success on the Internet largely depends on how well and beautifully a particular Web page is made.

The user is pleased to visit those Web pages that have a stylish design, are not burdened with excessive graphics and animation, load quickly and are correctly displayed in the Web browser window.

Creating a Web page is not easy, but probably everyone would like to try themselves as a designer. And in this case, I am no exception, which is why I chose this topic for my course work.

In my essay, I made an attempt to understand what you need to know and be able to do to create a Web page, what software is a tool for creating Web pages and how to use it effectively.

Also in this work I reviewed the basics of the Web page programming language - HTML, which is a generally accepted WWW standard. This will give us the opportunity to become familiar with the structure of a Web page and the techniques for its proper design. We will also look at creating a website using CMS Joomla.

2. Consider the hypertext markup language HTML

Web pages can exist in any format, but it is accepted as a standard Hyper Text Markup Language- a hypertext markup language designed to create formatted text rich in images, sound, animation, video clips and hypertext links to other documents.

You can work on the Web without knowing the HTML language, since HTML texts can be created by various special editors and converters. But writing directly in HTML is not difficult. It may even be easier than learning an HTML editor or converter, which are often limited in their capabilities, buggy, or produce poor HTML that doesn't work across platforms.

The HTML language comes in several flavors and continues to evolve, but HTML constructs will likely continue to be used in the future. By learning about HTML and understanding it more deeply, creating a document at the beginning of learning HTML and expanding it as much as possible, we are able to create Web pages that can be viewed by many Web browsers, both now and in the future. This does not exclude the possibility of using other methods, such as the advanced method provided by Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or other browsers.

Working with HTML is a way to learn the ins and outs of creating documents in a standardized language, using extensions only when really necessary.

HTML has been ratified by the World Wide Web Consortium. It is supported by all browsers.

Since HTML documents are written in ASCI I format, any text editor can be used to create it.

Typically an HTML document is a file with the extension .html or . htm, in which the text is marked with HTML tags (English tag - special built-in instructions). HTML defines the syntax and placement of tags according to which the browser displays the content of a Web document. The text of the tags themselves is not displayed by the Web browser.

All tags start with "<" и заканчиваются символом ">". Usually there is a pair of tags - a start (opening) and an ending (closing) tag (similar to opening and closing parentheses in mathematics), between which the markup information is placed:


Here the starting tag is the tag

And the final ones -

. The ending tag differs from the starting tag only in that it has parentheses before the text<>there is a symbol " / " (slash).

A browser reading an HTML document displays it in a window using the HTML tag structure. Every HTML document must have three main parts:

A) HTML declaration;

B) Header part;

C) Document body .

A) HTML declaration

And. A pair of these tags tells the viewer (browser) that there is an HTML document enclosed between them, and the first tag in the document should be the tag (at the very beginning of the document), and last -(at the very end of the document).

B) Heading part.

And. Between these tags is information about the document (title, search keywords, description, etc.). However, the most important thing is the document title, which we see in the top line of the browser window and in the "Favorites (BookMark)" lists. Special search engine spider programs use the document title to build their databases. To give a title to your HTML document, text is placed between the tags And.

My first page

C) The body of the document.

The third main part of the document is its body. It immediately follows the title and is located between the tags And. The first one should be immediately after the tag, and the second one is before the tag. The body of an HTML document is where the author places information formatted using HTML.

My first page ..........

Now we can write the HTML code for our page:

My first page My pages will be here!

In the BODY section, all tabs and line breaks are ignored by the browser and do not affect the display of the page in any way. Therefore, a line break in the source text of an HTML document will not start a new line in the text displayed by the browser unless special tags are present. This rule is very important to remember and do not forget to put tags separating lines, otherwise the text will not have paragraphs and it will become unreadable.

To start a new line, use the tag
(abbreviated from English break - interrupt). This tag causes the browser to display further text from the beginning of the next line. There is no closing tag used for it. It is convenient if you need to write from a new line at some point without starting a new paragraph, for example, in a poem. Using it again allows you to insert one or more blank lines, moving the next fragment of the page down.

Continuous text without gaps is not very easy to read; it is inconvenient to look through and find the right places. Divided into paragraphs, the text is perceived much faster. To start a new paragraph, use the tag

(English paragraph - paragraph). This tag, in addition to starting a new line, inserts one empty line. But repeated repetition

, will not lead to the appearance of several empty lines, there will still be the same one empty line.

Inside the brackets of a tag, in addition to its name, attributes can also be placed. They are separated from the name and from each other by spaces (one or more), and are written in the form attribute_name ="meaning". If the value does not contain spaces, then the quotes can be omitted, but this is not recommended. Tag

May contain an ALIGN attribute that specifies paragraph alignment. By default, a paragraph is aligned left ALIGN="left". Right alignment ALIGN="right" and center alignment ALIGN="center" are also possible. When using attributes, you should use a closing tag after the formatted text

. If it is not there, then a new tag

Means closing the previous one, respectively nested

Impossible. It is also possible to center text using the tag


Now we can put some text with different alignments on our Web page:

My first page

My personal pages will be here!

On them you can find: - a story about me and my hobbies; - my photos.

From one of my pages it will be possible
send me an email.

3. Tools for creating Web pages

3.1 HTML editors

Everyone chooses their own tool for creating Web pages. This could be MS FrontPage or Macromedia DreamWeaver, Allaire HomeSite or 1st Page. And some use a simple text editor, such as Notepad.

Text editors can only be used to create small pages, since they have many disadvantages: projects are not supported, there is no “highlighting” of text, in general, it is extremely inconvenient to work.

The main disadvantage of MS FrontPage is that it generates very large HTML code (too much unnecessary stuff), so the pages turn out to be large, which affects loading speed. Moreover, when creating Web pages in this editor you see one thing, but in the browser window you see something completely different. The pages turn out to be somewhat crooked, so to create high-quality Web pages, it is recommended to use the packages that will be discussed below.

We'll start with the popular Macromedia DreamWeaver. Macromedia is considered a leader in the production of software for creating websites, as well as a trendsetter in this area.

Hyper Text Markup Language, or simply put HTML, is the main language for creating web pages. In this article we will give a very general introduction to the HTML language.

Hyper Text Markup Language

An HTML document is built on the basis of tags. Tags create the structure of a document. The main tags are paired. This means that if there is an opening tag like<…>, then there must be a closing tag with a slash. It is worth noting that there are also non-paired tags.

The entire HTML document is surrounded by two tags … . As you can see they are paired. In addition, the HTML document must contain a single validator tagindicating the type of the current document.

HTML 4 has three validators, HTML 5 has one validator. The HTML 5 tag structure is as follows:


  • for HTML 4 documents.
  • uniform for all HTML5 documents.

HTML Document Structure

An HTML document consists of a header and a body. The title is framed with tags … . The body of the document is framed with paired tags … .

Example: The basic skeleton of an HTML 5 document should have the following structure:

Here's a place for a title Here is the text of the document

Header structure

Heading … , includes several special tags. The main ones are tags: And .

title tag

This is the title of the document, displayed in the title part of the page.

meta tag

Meta tag, or rather meta tags, because there can be several such tags in one document. contains special information. For example, there must be a meta tag indicating the document encoding:

Description and keywords meta tags are important for indexing web pages:

I note that modern search engines have stopped “seeing” keywords, but this does not negate their use. Nobody canceled internal linking.

Example of a web page in HTML

Here's a basic HTML web page:

<i>My favorite web page</i> My first and therefore favorite web page.

Learning the basics of HTML is impossible without studying and using special text editors. Because you need to type any text on an HTML page only in a text editor like: NotePad++, Sublime Text2, etc. After typing the document, you need to save it with the htm or html extension. We open the created file in any browser you use.

Document body structure

Text in the document (in tags ) is also broken down into titles and parts by tags.

Heading and paragraph tags

The text of the document can be framed with special tags.
The paragraph is highlighted with tags

Headings of sections of text are highlighted with tags



, before

Heading tags are organized in a hierarchical form, and the number in the tag indicates the depth of nesting of the heading.

Example of using tags

<i>My favorite web page</i>

A paragraph from my favorite web page

h1 Product category

h2 Product category

h3 Product category

h4 Product category

h5 Product category
h6 Product category

Tag attributes

One of the main attributes of tags is a formatting attribute called align. align attribute value:

  • left – align to the left,
  • center – align to the center,
  • right – align to the right,
  • justify – symmetrical alignment along two edges.


My favorite web page

h1 Product

h2 Product

h3 Product

This formatting is called physical and is basically obsolete. For formatting, it is better and recommended to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).


The modern HTML standard provides for the creation of three main types of lists:

  • Unordered lists;
  • Numbered lists (ordered list);
  • Definition list.

Let's look at each type of list.

Bulleted lists

Bulleted lists are specified by tags (unordered list). Tags are used to create each list item And(item list).


  • Product 1 from the product list
  • Product 2 from the product list
  • Product 3 from the product list

You can place title tags in the list:

    List title

  • Product 1 from the product list
  • Product 2 from the product list
  • Product 3 from the product list

Markers, that is, visible icons in front of list items, can change, and their appearance is specified by type attributes. The type attributes can be: circle (unfilled circle), disk (filled circle) and square (filled square). The default is the disc attribute. An example of using a marker with the disk attribute:

  • Product 1 from the list
  • Product 2 from the list
  • Product 3 from the list

Numbered lists

Numbered or ordered lists, each element of the list is assigned a number. Numbered lists are created using tags. For each element of a numbered list, paired tags are also used .

Numbered lists use five attributes:

1-Arabic numerals; i- Roman lowercase numerals; I - Roman capital numerals; a-Latin small letters; A-Latin capital letters.

An example of a numbered list.

    List of Products numbered

  1. Product 1 from the list
  2. Product 2 from the list
  3. Product 3 from the list

Example of a numbered list with Latin small letter markers:

  1. Product 1 from the list
  2. Product 2 from the list
  3. Product 3 from the list

Lists of definitions

To create lists of the term-definition type, tags are used

(definition list) and
(definition description). Moreover, the term itself is contained in a paired tag
, and the definition (explanation) of the term is contained in the paired tag



Term 1
Explanation of term 1
Term 2
Explanation of term 2

Nesting lists

Any type of list, bulleted and numbered, can be nested inside each other. Any attachment is allowed. The main thing when creating nested lists is not to get confused in paired tags.

Example of nested lists:

    Nested Lists

  • Products section 1
    1. Products section 1.1
    2. Products section 1.2
  • Products section 2
    1. Products section 2.1
    2. Products section 2.2
    3. Products section 2.3
  • Products section 3
    1. Products section 3.1

Tables in HTML

To structure HTML documents, the main structure is tables. However, it is worth noting that the use of tables to organize page structures is becoming obsolete and is no longer recommended.

Table structure:

//- paired table container tags;// //container for creating a table row//
, which must be inside the // tag
//tag for creating one table cell. This tag must be inside the container

  • Border – frame 2 px wide;
  • Cellpadding—distance between the outer borders of table cells;
  • Cellspacing is the distance between the outer borders of table cells.
  • Height - table height;
  • Width - table width.
  • Caption - tag for creating a table title, can only be placed inside the container .

    Example table:

    Simple table
    1-1 1-2 1-3
    2-1 2-2 2-3

    colspan and rowspan tags
    designed to combine cells :

    Merging cells in an HTML table

    Cells 1.1 and 1.2Cell 1.3
    Cell 2.1Cell 2.2Cell 2.3
    Cells 3.1 - 3.3


    The main attribute of this tag is href. This tag contains the address of the resource to which the link leads. The link text is written inside the container tag.


    To refer to an anchor in another document, the name of the anchor with a hash (#) is written immediately after the address of the third-party document, without a space.

    Link to Anchor 3 in Document 009

    Pictures as links

    Drawings and photos can also be made as links. To do this, the picture is inserted into the text with the tag . The src attribute of this tag has the value of the image file:

    That's all! Of course, the basics of HTML do not cover all the features of this language, but they give an idea of ​​​​the formation of an HTML document.

    In 1989, hypertext represented a promising new technology that had a relatively large number of implementations, on the one hand, and on the other hand, attempts were made to build formal models of hypertext systems that were more descriptive in nature and were inspired by the success of the relational approach to describing data.

    HTML is a hypertext markup language used to encode documents. The HTML language is a set of commands according to which the browser displays the contents of a document; HTML commands are not displayed. The HTML language implements a hypertext linking mechanism that allows one document to be linked to others. These documents may be located on the same server as the page from which they are linked, or they may be hosted on a different server.

    The HTML idea is an example of an extremely successful solution to the problem of building a hypertext system using a special display control tool.

    Contextual hypertext links were recognized as the most effective form of hypertext organization, and in addition, the division into links associated with the entire document as a whole and with its individual parts was recognized.

    All HTML documents have the same structure, defined by a fixed set of structure tags. An HTML document must always begin with a tag< HTML >and end with the appropriate closing tag (). There are two main sections within a document: the headings section and the body of the document, in that order. The headers section contains information that describes the document as a whole and is limited by tags<НЕАD>And. In particular, the headings section should contain the general title of the document, delimited by the paired tag<ТITLE>.

    ). However, it is not recommended to omit structure tags when creating an HTML document. The simplest valid HTML document containing all the tags that define the structure might look like this:

    < TITLE >Document title< /TITLE >

    Document text

    HTML elements.

    For paired tags, the scope is defined by the portion of the document between the opening and closing tags. This part of the document is considered an element of the HTML language. So, we can talk about a “BODY element” that includes the tag, the body of the document and the closing tag. The entire HTML document. can be thought of as an "HTML element." For unpaired tags, the element is the same as the tag that defines it.

    Most elements of the HTML language. describes parts of the document's content and is placed between tags . And, that is, inside the BODY structural element. Such elements are divided into block and text. Block elements refer to paragraph-level pieces of text. Text elements describe the properties of individual phrases and even smaller parts of text.

    Now we can formulate rules for nesting elements.

    Elements must not overlap. In other words, if the opening tag is located inside an element, then the corresponding closing tag must be located inside the same element.

    Block elements can contain nested block and text elements.

    Text elements can contain nested text elements.

    Text elements cannot contain nested block elements.

    Functional block elements.

    In most documents, the main functional elements are headings and paragraphs. HTML language. supports six levels of headings. They are specified using paired tags from<Н1>before<Н6>. When displayed, Web documents are displayed using this method; tag (document on the computer screen, these elements are shown using fonts of different sizes.

    Regular paragraphs are specified using a paired tag<Р>. HTML language. does not contain a means for creating a paragraph indent (“red line”), so when displayed on a computer screen, paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Closing tagis considered optional. It is understood that it comes before the tag, which specifies the beginning of the next paragraph of the document. For example:


    <Р>First paragraph<Р>Second paragraph

    Second level heading

    A consequence of having a special tag that defines a paragraph is that the usual end-of-line character entered by pressing the ENTER key is not enough to create a paragraph indentation. HTML language. treats end-of-line characters and spaces in a special way. Any sequence; consisting only of spaces and end-of-line characters, is treated as a single space when the document is displayed. This, in particular, means that the end-of-line character does not even lead to a new line (a text element specified by an unpaired tag is used for this purpose

    A horizontal ruler can also be used as a paragraph delimiter. This element is specified by an unpaired tag

    . When a document is displayed on the screen, a ruler separates parts of the text from each other. Its length and thickness are specified by the tag attributes

    This tag creates a 10 pixel wide horizontal ruler that takes up half the width of the window and is positioned to the right.

    Website creation is one of the widely available opportunities in the modern Internet industry. The actual creation of websites is, in principle, not much more difficult than creating personal email accounts and electronic business cards.

    To create a website, first of all, you need a server connected to the Internet on which you can place the necessary hypertexts. In addition, it is necessary to register the saiga name with the provider serving the selected server.

    On the Internet you can find providers offering free opening of websites on their servers. Free sites can be opened on domestic servers narod.ru, boom.ru, hotmail.ru and on foreign servers, for example geocities.com, tripod.com.

    On these servers you can register domain names like:

    <имя>. narod.ru


    Examples of registered domain names:

    wdu.da.ru - website of the electronic university;

    wduniv.newmail.ru - website of a distributed university.

    After registering a site's domain name, you can host hypertexts on it. Hypertexts are placed on the site using special programs that allow you to create, edit, accumulate and copy a wide variety of hypertexts. Immediately after the placement of the very first (main) hypertext page, its information can be read using a browser in any country from any computer connected to the Internet. To do this, enter the website address on the Internet in the browser window. For example: http://bak.boom.ru

    All posted files must be hypertexts, written in HTML format and having identifiers of the form<имя>.html.

    HTML is a hypertext markup language.

    By structure, hypertext is text with links to other hypertexts located on this server or on other servers. When you click on such a link, the browser automatically loads a hypertext page onto your computer screen, regardless of what server it is on and in what country it is located.

    Using these tools and programs on the Internet, a wide variety of information sites and systems can be created - personal sites, company sites, electronic newspapers, magazines, electronic books, encyclopedias, as well as electronic archives and libraries.

    The difference between sites is the amount of information, their structure and updating procedures. In general, for Internet sites, as for any organization, we can talk about the life cycles of their creation, development, modernization and liquidation.

    The volume of information is determined by the owners - people or organizations that created sites and post their information on them. The amount of information on websites can range from several kilobytes to several gigabytes (millions of kilobytes).

    The structure of sites can be very diverse. The simplest structure is a main page with links to a set of texts. These links can be in the text of the main page or highlighted in the table of contents at the beginning of it.

    Each page of the site can be provided with a title, which appears on the top line of the screen when the site is loaded by the browser.

    In addition, on the main page of the site you can specify a list of keywords for search engines.

    Search engines weekly scan all servers on the Internet and record the addresses of all sites and hypertexts found along with the keywords highlighted in them. For these reasons, no later than a week later, any information published on the Internet can be found using the keywords contained in them.

    Hypertext Markup Language (Html)

    The World Wide Web, or something the same as the World Wide Web, WWW is the main component of the global computer network Internet. Originating back in the 60s, the Internet for a long time was used only by a narrow circle of specialists to exchange information via e-mail. The network was controlled by the UNIX operating system - this was suitable for scientific purposes, but the rather complex UNIX text interface significantly limited the scope of application of network technologies. The year of birth of the World Wide Web is considered to be 1989 - this year the language was invented, which later became the main language of web documents - This language is HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

    The author of the HTML language is Tim Berners-Lee, a graduate of the University of Oxford, who at that time was working under a contract in Geneva, at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN, Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire) as a software consultant. CERN is a fairly large organization, and therefore, in order to better navigate its structure and not store data on a large number of projects, officials, etc. in memory, Tim Berners-Lee developed the Enquire program for his personal use, on the basis of which a few years later a kind of information space was created for the laboratory. The Enquire program allowed for the so-called “non-linear” search of documents - i.e. move from one document to another without referring to the table of contents or reference book.

    The HTML language forms the basis of hypertext technology. A hypertext document contains so-called hyperlinks.

    Document markup language is a set of special instructions, called tags, designed to form a structure in documents and define the relationships between the various elements of this structure. Language tags, or control tags as they are sometimes called, are somehow encoded in such documents, separated from the main document content, and serve as instructions to the program that displays the document content on the client side. The earliest systems used the symbols “<” и “>”, inside which the names of instructions and their parameters were placed. Now this way of designating tags is standard.

    The use of hypertext breakdown of a text document in modern information systems is largely due to the fact that hypertext allows you to create a mechanism for nonlinear viewing of information. In such systems, data is presented not as a continuous stream of textual information, but as a set of interconnected components, which are navigated using hyperlinks.

    HTML is not a programming language itself; it is a means of describing the structure of a document, its style and its connections with other documents. To view Web documents, special programs are used - so-called browsers (English: to browse - 1) graze, pluck shoots; 2) read, study randomly, in fits and starts.) Actually, the capabilities of browsers are much wider, but for now we will limit ourselves to their definition as a means of viewing web documents. The Internet owes its popularity to browsers.