How to check system errors. Checking the disk using CHKDSK. Using Safe Mode

Any operating system Windows based crashes after long term work. System disks become clogged with residual and temporary files and programs. Disorder in the system leads to a decline overall performance. The device takes a long time to load and performs operations slowly. The most a big problem users - errors occur due to failures in Windows 7. There are internal and external ways to eliminate errors in the system. Internal involves the use of capacities and Windows resources, at external ways programs and utilities are used.

Checking the disk using CHKDSK

CHKDSK is a utility utility built into the operating system. The purpose of the utility is to restore bad sectors on your hard drive. Also, CHKDSK fixes errors system files. The utility is launched from command line in Windows 7. You can launch the command line in several ways:

  • Keyboard shortcut Win+R;
  • Start key, in search bar enter the query “cmd”;
  • Start key, Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.

In the black window that opens, enter the command: “chkdsk C: /F”. Command meaning:

  • Chkdsk – disk check;
  • C: - title system disk, the letter may be different, a colon is required;
  • /F – designation of the action; the system will automatically check itself for errors and eliminate them.

After entering the command, press the Enter button. The next time you reboot, the system will check and correct errors.

Check with sfc scannow command

The utility can also be launched from the command line. To run the scan, you will need Administrator rights. At the command line you need to enter “sfc /scannow”. The system will automatically check files, including closed ones, correct errors, and restore damaged ones from a cached copy.

Standard diagnostics for Windows problems

Using the command line is suitable for advanced users. For those who are not well versed in how computers work, the windowed option for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems is suitable. Additional for users operating system Windows 7 solutions and download tools available important updates in the Update and Support Centers.

Troubleshooting Control Panel

It's internal Windows program, which allows you to diagnose the system for errors and find solutions to eliminate them. You can launch it in the following way:

A window will open with a list of all system capabilities computer. In most cases, it is enough to run a check of the “Performance” item. Double click The user will launch a check for the selected item. To ensure that the system fixes errors immediately, you should check the “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox.

Find solutions in the Support Center

The Action Center tool monitors the status of the operating system and stores reports of errors and failures. Using the Center, you can find problems that have occurred and correct them.

To correct errors in the system, go to the “Maintenance” section of the Center.

Checking for updates in the Update Center

Windows 7 is already considered outdated. Microsoft has stopped actively supporting users on this version of the operating system, but updates are still being released. Their installation is optional, but the system corrects errors and restores damaged files during the process of downloading the next update.

On a newly installed Windows updates are searched and downloaded automatically. If this option is disabled, the user can start the process manually:

  1. Click the Start button;
  2. Enter the Control Panel, System and Security sections;
  3. Select Windows Update;
  4. On the left side of the window, click on “Search for updates”;
  5. Wait for the procedure to complete.

The system will offer to install the found updates. It is recommended to agree.

Error correction programs

Many programs have been developed for Windows operating systems that can improve performance, fix errors, and remove registry errors. Such utilities are lightweight and do not take up computer resources.

Advanced System Care

The utility puts your computer in order in a comprehensive manner. Advanced System Care It is distributed free of charge and can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

Important! When installing, you should carefully read the information provided and uncheck the boxes for installing additional adware.

After installation and launch Advanced System Care, a window will appear in front of the user with simple interface. There are 2 modes of working with the utility, simplified and expert. In any mode, just press big button"Start". The utility will independently check the system for:

  • Viruses;
  • Incorrect entries in the registry;
  • Temporary, residual, unwanted files;
  • Network problems;
  • Erroneous labels;
  • Possible threats to privacy.

At the user's command, all threats or some of them will be removed.


One of best programs to clean and repair the registry for Windows operating systems. CCleaner is distributed free of charge. As in the previous case, it is recommended to carefully read the information in the installation windows. You can download CCleaner on the official website of the developer.

After starting the program, the user is presented with 2 menus. On the left side are the main functions, on the right are the launch of specific operations. Working with CCleaner takes place in 3 stages:

  1. "Service" tab. Here is a list of all installed programs on PC. They can be uninstalled. There are also tabs for startup, search for duplicate files, and analysis of system drives.
  2. Registry tab. It is recommended to go to it after uninstalling programs. CCleaner will find all erroneous entries in the system and offer to correct or delete them.
  3. Cleaning tab. The utility detects temporary files system and browsers, deletes them. This procedure allows you to clear space on the system disk.

The above steps will significantly improve PC performance. It is recommended to regularly analyze and clean using the Ccleaner utility.

Windows 7 Manager

The Windows 7 Manager utility allows you to carry out full maintenance of the operating system. You can download the software.

Windows 7 Manager works similarly to CCleaner, but gives the user access to advanced functionality for optimization, cleaning, networking and PC protection.

To find and fix errors in Windows 7, you should sequentially select items in the left menu, analyze and clean the system.

Microsoft Fix It

The software is designed specifically to work with Windows. Download and install Microsoft utility Fix It for free. In the utility window, the user is offered a list of system tools, for each of which you can run an error check and subsequent correction.

Fix It is developed by Microsoft and is one of the official troubleshooting tools.

AVG PC Tune Up

The program was created by the developers of the famous AVG antivirus. Downloading and using the program is free. The creators of AVG PC Tune Up promise that computers will work faster after using the utility and will not break down longer.

For use AVG capabilities PC Tune Up, just install it and start checking and eliminating errors step by step.

Kaspersky Cleaner

A free utility from a company that offers antivirus software. Kaspersky Cleaner is very easy to use. You can download it.

After launch, the user is asked to press just 1 button to search and resolve internal problems operating system.

List of system errors for blue screen

Most users begin to worry about the state of the system only when blue screen"of death". Below is a list of the most common ones.

Error numberWhat means
0x00000001Errors in the file system, drivers. Lack of hard disk/RAM space
0x0000000AInvalid device driver address
0x0000001EDriver or OS feature problem
0x00000020One of the APC counters is disabled/damaged
0x00000023Partition failure hard drive(FAT)
0x00000024Hard drive failure (NTFS)
0x0000002ADisabling IPR while the driver is executing a command
0x0000002BKernel driver uses too much stack space
0x0000002ERAM failure
0x00000031System initialization error (early stage)
0x00000032System initialization error (late stage)
0x00000035No free space in the OS stack for driver interaction
0x00000036An attempt was made to remove a component that was in progress
0x0000003ESystem processes do not match each other in level/symmetry

The listed errors can be solved by running a scan and fix, rolling back the system, or reinstalling Windows.

Resetting settings in BIOS

This method is suitable in cases where the user has installed incorrect settings on the computer, but does not know what exactly the error is. Entering BIOS on different devices carried out at the moment of switching on. For start BIOS menu you need to hold down one of the hot keys (you can find out more on the manufacturer’s website). Most often, these are the F8, F10, Del buttons.

On older BIOS types, resetting to default settings was carried out on home page. “Item Load Fail-Safe Defaults.”

On new PCs and laptops, this function is located in the right “Exit” tab, usually referred to as “Load Setup Defaults”.

Using Safe Mode

In some cases, the system is so damaged that it does not start in the usual window format. You can run error checking and elimination in safe mode via the command line (see above).

On most devices, safe mode is launched by frequently pressing the F8 button at startup. will appear boot menu, where you should select an option. The pointer is moved with the up and down buttons, and selection is made with the Enter key.

System Restore

If error correction does not lead to the expected result, you should try to restore the system to a better working condition. The simplest algorithm:

The computer will restart and function correctly.

Recovery in Windows RE

This method is suitable in cases where nothing helps at all. Recovery in Windows environment RE is carried out not from the operating system, but from under the BIOS. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Insert disc or bootable USB flash drive with recorded Windows 7;
  2. Turn on the device, enter the BIOS;
  3. IN Advanced section Features select to start the PC from a disk or USB device;
  4. Reboot;
  5. In the menu that opens when loading, select one of the recovery options that suits the user.

It is recommended to select "Startup Repair" to troubleshoot, restore damaged files. System Restore performs comprehensive troubleshooting. A command line is also available in Windows RE, through which you can run internal utilities to check and troubleshoot problems.

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    Despite the fact that there are many programs for identifying errors in the operating room Windows system, you can check the top ten for malfunctions enough in simple ways without using software.

    Ways to check Windows 10 for errors

    The Windows 10 operating system has several standard utilities, thanks to which you can not only identify the error, but also correct it. Let's look at each of them.

    The first is chkdsk. It is designed to scan the disk and its sectors for errors. The utility only works with hard drives, which are formatted in FAT32 and NTFS format. New file systems are not yet available for this firmware. To run chkdsk do the following:

    • Click “Start”, “Command Prompt (Administrator)”.
    • Enter the command “chkdsk C: /F /R”, where C is the system drive letter. However, if you run a check on a disk that is currently in use by the system, the utility will fail. Therefore, with this command you can check drive D.

    • But, if you need to perform a system check, press “Y”. After the system reboots, the PC scan will start.
    • To view the scan results, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “msc”.

    • The events window will open. Go to the “Application” section and enter “chkdsk” into the search.

    • Let's look at the scan results.

    You can also check the disk in Windows 10 using Explorer. To do this we do the following:

    • Open Explorer. Select the disk and right-click on it. Select "Properties". A new window will open.
    • Go to the “Service” tab and click “Check”.

    To check system files for errors in Windows 10, use the “sfc /scannow” command. It checks and fixes system files that have become corrupted under various circumstances.

    To run the utility, you need to open a command prompt with administrator rights, enter “sfc /scannow” and wait for the scan results.

    If this command cannot be executed, it can be run in safe mode or with installation disk. To do this we do the following:

    • Reboot the computer in safe mode;
    • Select the “Diagnostics” section.

    • In "Advanced Options" select "Command Line".

    • The console will open. In order we enter following commands: "diskpart" and "list volume".

    • Here you need to select and remember system partition and reserved by the system.
    • Enter exit.
    • We set the command to scan: “sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C:\ /offwindir=E:\Windows”, where C is the system partition, and E is the address to the folder with Windows 10.

    If you cannot fix errors in Windows 10 using the “sfc /scannow” command, you should use the “DISM.exe” utility.

    • Launch a command prompt with administrator rights and enter “dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth” to check the disk for errors.

    • To check the integrity of the storage files, run the command “dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth”.

    • If errors were found, enter “dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth”.

    • You can find the report log at “Windows”, “Logs”, “DISM”, “log”.

    The same commands can be used to edit the registry. Errors will be corrected correctly.

    Even the most polished and most secure operating system is by no means guaranteed against failures perceived by the user as errors. Particularly annoying are unknown and unexpectedly occurring errors, sometimes fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences.

    It is not difficult to imagine the emotions of a person working on a complex document that is lost due to a Windows system crash. To avoid similar problems— it’s better to prepare for them in advance. And to do this, you need to be aware of how Windows 7 OS is checked for errors. Let us consider separately two serious questions related to the stated topic:

    • Checking Windows system files and registry.
    • Control hard state computer disk.

    Old timers computer world People well remember the utilities of the world-famous Peter Norton, not only the author of excellent books, but also the creator of programs under the “Norton utilities” brand. The first versions of these programs worked before appearance of windows- in the then popular MS DOS operating system. These utilities made it possible to detect the presence of errors on the hard drive and identify the presence of other DOS problems. We will be interested in similar tools for Windows.

    Files and Registry

    Checking OS files can be done in two ways: either using standard Windows tools, or using a third-party software. The OS has built-in file monitoring tools. To use their capabilities, you need to open a command line window and type in it sfc team with the /scannow parameter, like this:

    As a result, system files will be scanned to detect errors in them. The result will be displayed immediately in the command line window.

    The information obtained can be analyzed (at least using the Internet), which can be useful for determining the degree of wear and tear of the OS and equipment. During operation, the program will try to correct all detected violations in system files on the disk.

    Additional service, more high quality scanning and reliable adjustments are provided by third-party software.

    For example, the same package “Norton Utilities” (NU) for Windows. Although this remedy and is the most popular and powerful software package to combat OS and computer malfunctions, it still costs a lot of money. Especially in its “professional” configuration. Nowadays you can find a lot on the Internet free analogues this creation.

    The Windows registry is the very place where, in addition to the information needed by the OS, a lot of all sorts of rubbish and garbage accumulates. Periodic cleaning of the registry is our direct responsibility. For this purpose, it is worth installing and periodically running a time-tested CCleaner utility(although NU also does a good job of this). Search for it online and download it.


    Errors appearing in file structure on the hard drive is caused by wear on the disk surface, malfunctions of Windows disk services (drivers) and positioning errors of the laser subsystem of the hard drive. Check and cure HDD possible in ways similar to the previous ones. We will look at the easiest way - launch standard program disk error checker that comes with Windows. For this:

    • Open the “My Computer” shortcut, select the icon for any of the sections (for example, “ Local disk WITH").
    • Open context menu right mouse button.
    • Select Properties. A window with tabs will open.
    • Go to the "Service" tab
    • Click on the “Run check” button.

    The program will examine the partition and fix any problems. Perform the same operation with the remaining partitions.

    Often, users are forced to believe that the system files of the operating system (OS) are damaged, the reason is characteristic failures when performing basic operations and slow work computer. It happens that loading an external IT product leads to a destructive change in the OS configuration. In these cases, checking the integrity of system files in Windows 10 helps.

    Typically, the OS provides two software products SFC.exe and DISM.exe, and in addition the Repair-WindowsImage command for Windows PowerShell. The first ones check the integrity of the system components and automatically restore their identified defects. The second does this by using DISM.

    Experts are confident that it is more advisable to use them one by one, since the lists of scanned files for these software tools differ from each other.

    In continuation, we will consider several instructions for using the presented software. The described actions are safe, but you must remember that restoring system files is complex in nature and affects even those changes made by the user himself. In particular, installation of external resources and other OS conversions will be canceled.

    Examine the integrity of the system and correct its elements using SFC

    The OS integrity scanning command sfc /scannow is popular among experienced users. It automatically examines and eliminates defects in OS components.

    SFC operates as an administrator, through the command line, which is opened by right-clicking on the Start menu. Next, enter sfc /scannow and press Enter.

    These actions begin a scan of the OS, as a result of which the detected damage is corrected. If there are no errors, the user sees the message “Windows Resource Protection detected no integrity violations.” Another aspect of this study is irreparable damage. Part of the continuation of this article will be devoted to them.

    The sfc /scanfile=”path_to_file” command allows you to check for errors in a specific system component.

    The disadvantage of the software is that it does not eliminate defects in OS elements used during scanning. The problem is being solved launching SFC via the command line in the OS recovery environment. This method is quite effective and involves performing several simple operations.

    Integrity testing using SFC in an OS recovery environment

    It does not take much time and does not require special skills. Launching in the OS recovery environment is performed in several ways:

    1. You need to go to “Settings” and select “Update and Security”, “Recovery”, “ Special options downloads" and "Reboot now". A simpler method: in the lower right part of the OS login interface, click the “on” tab, after which, while holding “Shift”, you need to click “Reboot”.
    2. Another option is to boot from a pre-prepared OS recovery disk.
    3. Another alternative is an electronic medium with an OS distribution. In the installation program, after selecting the language, select “System Restore” in the lower left part.

    When finished, you need to enter “Troubleshooting”, select “Advanced options” and click “Command Prompt” (using the first of the previously presented methods requires entering the system administrator password). The following is applied sequentially:

    • diskpart
    • list volume

    Following the launch specified commands the user sees a list of volumes. It is recommended to remember their designations corresponding to the “System Reserved” drive and the OS partition, since sometimes they differ from those in Explorer.

    sfc /scannow /offbootdir=F:\ /offwindir=C:\Windows (where F is the “System Reserved” drive specified earlier, and C:\Windows is the path to the OS folder).

    The described actions initiate an in-depth investigation of the system's integrity, during which the SFC command fixes all damaged components, without exception. Studying can take a long time. The underscore indicator blinks to indicate that the system is continuing to operate. When finished, the command line closes and the OS reboots in standard mode.

    Scan and restore your system using DISM.exe

    It happens that the SFC team cannot cope with some defects system components. The IT product DISM.exe allows you to complete the restoration you have started. It scans and maintains the system, fixing even the most problematic components.

    DISM.exe is used even when SFC does not detect OS integrity defects, but there is still reason to suspect that they exist.

    First of all, right-click on the Start menu as an administrator to launch the Command Prompt. Then other commands are launched:

    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth. It is used to generate information about the state of the OS and the presence of damage to its components. Does not initiate the study, scans earlier values ​​of recorded parameters.

    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth. Explores and verifies the integrity of the system components repository. Takes a long time, barely breaking the 20% mark.

    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth. Examines and automatically repairs the OS. It works slowly, interrupting at times.

    In circumstances where storage recovery system elements is not implemented, install.wim (esd) with Windows 10 ISO is used as a source of patchable components. Another option is used for this:

    dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:path_to_wim_file:1 /limitaccess

    In some cases, “.wim is replaced by .esd.”

    While using these commands, all operations performed are saved in a log, which is contained in Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log and Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log. The DISM tool runs in the OS recovery environment in the same way as it does when running SFC.

    This software tool can also be implemented in Windows PowerShell as an administrator, using a set of Repair-WindowsImage commands. For example:

    • Repair-WindowsImage -Online -ScanHealth. Looks for defects in system elements,
    • Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth. Investigates and troubleshoots problems.

    Apparently, restoring the integrity of the OS is a completely feasible task, the solution of which allows you to get rid of various problems with the system. In rare cases, when the described tools do not help, you should use other algorithms found in open access. In particular, you should try to roll back the system to its previous point Windows recovery 10.

    Some users experience that SFC detects defects in system elements immediately after updating from new build OS. Under these conditions, error correction is possible only with a new “clean” installation of the system image.

    Sometimes damage is detected in certain versions of video card software. In this case, the file opencl.dll is erroneous. It may not be worth taking any action at all in these circumstances.

    Conclusion The described methods for studying the integrity of the OS are simple and effective. The stages of their implementation are understandable to most of the user audience, including those who do not have special programming skills. However, to secure the material, it will be necessary useful videos that are publicly available in worldwide network


    Despite all the significance and innovation of Windows 10, it nevertheless has no fewer problems than its predecessors.

    System Troubleshooting A Windows 10 laptop or computer has many system built-in tools that provide many ways to solve problems that arise. One of the main such tools is the troubleshooter, which scans the system

    and offers his own solutions.

    There are two ways to run this utility: By running this utility, the user you will need to choose

    the necessary category and subcategory to which his problem belongs. Then all you have to do is follow the built-in tips. Security Center Windows Defender

    includes built-in protection, antivirus, firewall and many other security protocols. Launch this utility You can go to the Start section and start typing its name in the search bar. Here you can manage various modes protection by connecting or disconnecting additional functions and defensive lines. In addition, there is the ability to scan your PC for viruses, various errors

    and threats, which is carried out using buttons in the main window of the tool.

    Command line Command line is sufficient aimed at managing various components operating system, as well as a fix Windows errors 10. Using the appropriate commands, you can perform many actions that are otherwise inaccessible using standard methods. However, first of all, the command line must be found and launched, for which it is provided Several variants: launch via Start (type cmd in search), system folder Windows, through the Run window (Win + R and enter cmd), task manager.

    One of the command line utilities is DISM, the essence of which is restoration damaged system files. In order to run it you will need to enter in the command line such a command: dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth

    This will start checking the system for errors, and if there are any, it will automatically fix them.

    System File Checker or SFC a command similar in property and launched using the command: sfc/scannow

    UtilityChkdsk fixes bugs file system and hard drive. On the command line, enter the command: chkdsk c: /f (where “c” is the name of the drive that needs error checking).

    The Scanreg utility is designed to check and registry fixes.

    Power Shell

    Power Shell is a modern and more functional version of the command line that allows you to more flexibly manage your computer. There are several ways to open Power Shell in Windows 10:

    Full system recovery

    The Windows 10 operating system provides many ways to restore the system, using various means However, their goal is common. The main purpose of this function is return OS state to the original one, or to the latest working version.

    This could be returning a computer or laptop to its original state.

    Or rollback to a previously created recovery point.

    In addition, there are options for creating images and recovery disks for complete or partial transformation of the system state.

    MwFix utility

    By launching the MwFix utility, the user will have access to a lot of built-in tools for eliminating various errors arising in the operation of the system.

    FixWin program

    FixWin 10 presents set of tools, aimed at solving most of the failures and problems that arise in the tenth version of Windows.

    Functionality and capabilities

    You can download winfix on the official website of the developer:

    All tools and utilities included in the program are divided into several sections, each of which is responsible for a separate category of problems:

    • Welcome. This section presents general information about a specific computer and its operating system.
    • File Explorer. Section related to conductor violations.
    • Internet and Connectivity. Section of failures that occur when connecting to the Internet network.
    • Windows 10. Category of standard problems.
    • System Tools. Deals with system errors.
    • Troubleshooters. Diagnostics windows computer 10 for selected programs and devices.
    • Additional Fixes. Additional tools.

    In order to resolve a specific type of fault, you should select the appropriate section. Here, in each of them, more than a dozen typical cases or a whole group of them are presented; after choosing the most suitable option, you should click on button "Fix» , that is, “fix” and the program will automatically do everything.

    Considering that the program is not further Russified in detail All sections will be presented separately with translations of error categories.

    File Explorer section

    This section is devoted directly conductorWindows and is responsible for problems with labels, display of elements, etc.

    Internet & Connectivity

    Most items this section concern problems withInternet Explorer, which is now practically not used. Thus, other points not related to IE will be presented below.

    Windows 10 partition

    This is one of the most popular sections, which contains a lot of useful functions.

    System Tools

    This toolkit comes to the rescue in those difficult moments when the main ones system tools and assistants for one reason or another are not available in traditional ways.


    This section allows you to make computer scan for violations of a certain type. These may be malfunctions of both hardware and software.

    Additional Fixes

    Obviously, here you can find everything that was not included in the previous sections or does not have a strict classification.
    This is the least popular section among others.

    Common Mistakes

    During the operation or launch of the Win10 OS, all sorts of problems are common. Of course, to correct the situation, updates and patches are being released one after another. However, it is possible to define a whole list most common situations:

    • errors with updates;
    • problems with drivers;
    • hardware failures;
    • registry malfunctions;
    • problems with starting.

    Of course, this is not a complete list. Most problems are identified by their own code, which allows them to be quickly identified and the necessary actions taken.

    Errors when loading the system

    Windows 10 users may sometimes experience a blue or black screen when booting up their computer. This is system failure caused by some error. Often the code, name, or number of the breakdown is given in the same window, which allows the user to get information about a specific situation more information regarding the causes of its occurrence and ways to eliminate it. Since the reason may lie in both hardware and software problems, That ways to solve the problem in each individual case may be different.

    Memory Management Error

    It occurs after installing new software or hardware, or in the very installation process. In general, the causes of a Memory Management type error can be caused by a number of problems in firmware, hardware, drivers or software.

    Error code 10016

    In the Windows 10 event log after the system starts, sometimes an error with code 10016 may appear. This system event, which indicates inability to start specific application a specific service. To eliminate it you will need manual editing system registry, which is not recommended for inexperienced users.

    Netwlv64 error

    Netwlv64.sys may be present in the operating system as a driver third party device or one of the important system files.

    Errors of this type occur when equipment malfunction either the file itself and they are issued when you try to start a computer, program, or separate function. Reinstalling and updating drivers should relieve the user of this problem.

    ActiveX/COM error

    A fairly common error that is associated with problems in the registry. Most often it occurs during the first stages of a new operating system, while its registry is not yet stable. Easily removed with programsCCleaner using the registry scanning and repair function.

    Code 31

    The main source of this error is any damage or driver conflict. Additional reasons include possible damage to the registry and system files under the influence of malicious elements. As a rule, Code 31 is eliminated using a system restore.

    Error code 80073712

    This error is related to the update center and usually occurs during the installation of new components.

    This is a purely system error that occurs due to impairments update repositories. Eliminated with system utility PowerShell.