How to recover your password if the required information is not provided in your profile. What is a login (username) and password, how to come up with and create them

2 answers

Whether a password is required depends on your settings in pg_hba.conf. And there is different ways connections - can be used different settings in pg_hba.conf.

I quote the help supplied with pgAdmin for the "Host" field in the connection settings ("server"):

Host is the IP address of the device that can be contacted, or is fully qualified Domain name. On Unix-based systems, the address field can be left blank to use the default PostgreSQL Unix Domain Socket on local machine or install an alternative path containing the PostgreSQL connector. If a path is entered, it must begin with a "/" character. The port number can also be specified.

If you connect via a Unix socket, the rules for "local" apply. If you connect via TCP/IP "host" (or "hostssl") the rules apply.

If you have a line like this at the top of your pg_hba.conf file:

Local all all peers

Local all all ident

Then you can connect locally without a password if your system user is "postgres" and your database user is also "postgres".

I realize this is a matter of years, but I ran into this problem today and have a solution that uses trust in a limited but useful way.

Like many developer stores, when developers need a postgres QA password, they just shout about it, report it, write it, write it on their foreheads, etc. And I'm like, "This is really bad. We need to figure out a way to use PKI here." We also use pgAdmin3.

First add a line like this to your pg_hba.conf where dev represents the developer user in your store:

host all dev trust

Drop it public key developers to the authorized_keys folder on the database server. Now have ssh into the server with the -L flag with a command like the following:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -L5432: -vvv

This allows the postgres port to be used as if it were localhost. Of course, replace the key, server and make sure it is locally open to open port(if you have local postgers, it's probably related to 5432). I'm using a fairly verbose flag so I can easily troubleshoot any ssh issues.

Open another terminal and run the following command:

psql -h -U dev -p 5432

You should be able to access the database and never be prompted for a password, which I think is a big one, because otherwise the developers will just throw away the password with no regard for security, passing it around like Halloween candy.

Internet terminology is slowly penetrating our lives, but it is often incomprehensible and alien to the older generation. In this article you will learn what a login is and how to create one. Let's consider specific examples and give recommendations on choosing a name to fill out the identification form on various sites.

Login – original nickname(also called a nickname), which identifies you in various Internet services. Social media, forums, free mail accounts, instant messaging tools - they will all require you to provide a username and password. You can have one or more logins for authorization in various services.

What kind of login can you come up with for registration?

Login is your virtual name. It disguises or, on the contrary, clearly states your personal data. It should be easy to remember and evoke certain associations among community members.

For business mail, Skype should indicate a serious nickname. Options zayka, sladushka are not very appropriate and are more suitable for entertainment sites. Let's look at an example of what a login looks like that does not cause contradictions and confusion for the business environment. Let's take fictitious name– Natalya Petrovna Gorova:

  • gorovanata
  • natalia.gorowa
  • natasha.gorowa
  • nata78
  • gnata78

As a login you can use:

  • names of heroes of favorite books;
  • a combination of abbreviated first and last names;
  • fictitious names and new words invented independently;
  • arbitrary combinations of characters that evoke any associations in you (name and year - tolya92).

On the Internet you can find a number of services for generating logins (nicknames) with a given number of letters. Using them, you can choose beautiful logins for registration. Here is a link to one of these generators

It is recommended not to use the Cyrillic alphabet in logins - it is displayed incorrectly on websites and in most cases is not allowed for use in user account data. Only Latin or transliterated Cyrillic.

Relationship between login and password combinations

One login for registration and authorization on the Internet will not be enough. For each login you need to come up with strong password. If you use the same login in several services, it is recommended to use different passwords. This will protect your account from attackers and prevent them from using your account in other services.

There are quite serious requirements for the password, sometimes they are implemented using program level. The password must be abstract, not the same as the login, have a certain length, contain letters in both registers, numbers and special characters. Each service has its own password requirements. Follow them to avoid putting your personal data at risk.

Now it’s clear what login and password mean. Let's move on to selection recommendations and examples.

  • Creating a login for mail, postal system will most often offer you a combination of the spelling of your last name, first name and year of birth. You are free to agree with the proposed option, or ask your own option. You don't have to worry about uniqueness: the system will independently check the registered aliases and will not allow you to create a duplicate.
  • To come up with a login for mail, use a mnemonic: you must clearly associate the login with yourself. This is necessary because if you forget your password, the system will require you to provide your login. If you forget your login, in most cases you will simply lose access to your account. For yourself, try to avoid ambiguity: you should not have any doubts about how to write your login.
  • When thinking about what kind of login to come up with, take care of what associations others will associate with this pseudonym.
  • Don't try to create universal login for all the services you use. Agree that Accounts on the entertainment forum and login work email must still be different. This is not only your safety, but also basic ethics network communication. In addition, you are unlikely to like it if your work colleagues uniquely identify you online by your login: pseudonyms are needed in order to maintain the attribute of anonymity.

From theory to practice

We hope that you no longer have any questions about what login to come up with for your mail. Invent and invent! Remember: behind the usual sequence of letters, numbers and symbols lies your unique personality. Take the process seriously and don't forget your registration details! If you decide to write them down, make sure that they are inaccessible to anyone except yourself.

“It will not be possible to recover your password because you did not provide the required information in your profile.” I asked the support team for help. They answered me in such a way that at first I thought that I should give them such information when private profile unrealistic, but I decided to try. It turned out that everything is not difficult at all. To answer many questions, just ask your friends to go to your page and look necessary information. Below is a list of required data:
"To restore access to your profile, we need two things:
1. Information about your profile in order to quickly find it on the site;
2. Your photo in the background of the correspondence to make sure that you are the true owner of the profile.
For more information about what information we need from you:
Please send a photo showing you in the background of correspondence with our support team. For this:
1. Open a correspondence with the Support Service on your computer;
2. Sit next to the computer on which the correspondence is open;
3. Ask to take a photo of you (the computer monitor and your face should be visible);
4. Attach a photo to this email.
NOTE! Without a photograph in the background of the correspondence, we will not be able to help you in restoring your profile, since this is the only proof that you are the declared user and not a fraudster trying to gain access to your profile.
To help us find your profile, we need you to provide as much information as possible. more information in answers to the following questions:
1. Login specified in the profile.
2. First name, last name and age indicated in the profile.
3. City and country specified in the profile.
4. Profile creation date.
5. Link to your profile (or your profile ID, the link to your profile should look like:
6. When was the last time you visited the site?
7. When was the last time you changed your personal information in your profile? What information did you change?
8. Information that you provided during registration: phone number and e-mail.
9. Have you purchased paid services on our website? If yes, which ones? How did you pay for them?
10. Did you indicate your significant other or any of your relatives? If so, who (first name, last name, age and city or profile link)?
11. What gifts (badges) did you receive or give? To whom (from whom) and when?
12. Name the users with whom you have communicated on the site recently?
Please try to remember the details and answer as thoroughly as possible! Only you, the profile owner, can know the answers to many of these questions."
Try it, it's not so scary!

To configure a router or modem, you need to go to its settings. It's not difficult, you can follow the instructions:, or. Even in the process of entering the settings, you may encounter many problems. One of these popular problems is when the admin password or username does not match user admin when you try to enter the settings at, or

In the articles to which I provided links above, I wrote that the settings of each router or modem can be accessed at the IP address, or You can see the address at the bottom of your router. There should be a sticker on which it is indicated.

To access the router's web interface, you need to specify a username and password. Typically, the default password is admin and the username is admin. But not for all manufacturers. And when we specify the admin password on the login page (or other data for your manufacturer) and the same username, then we may not get into the settings. The page will simply reload and that's it. Or, we will see a message that the password is incorrect. Well, we won’t get access to the router settings. If you have any other problem logging into the router settings page, then see this article.

The admin password does not work when logging into the router settings

You specify admin and admin, but it doesn’t go into the settings. "Invalid password" error, or " wrong name user". Now let's try to fix everything.

Basically there are three reasons:

  • You, or the technician who set up your router, changed the password from admin to something else. Maybe he changed his username too. So they don't fit.
  • There is some kind of malfunction in the router.
  • You are specifying the wrong password/login, which is used by default.


  • First of all, we clarify what data needs to be specified specifically on your router. To do this, we look for information on the device itself. Or, see information on manufacturers in this article.
  • Try accessing settings from a different browser. In the comments they shared information that, for example, through Chrome password admin was not suitable, but in the browser Internet Explorer everything worked and the settings opened.
  • Next, try to remember, maybe you wrote down the password somewhere. Perhaps you still remember him :)
  • Well, the most reliable solution is to reset the router settings. In theory, after this procedure, the settings will be available via standard password and login.

Resetting the settings to factory settings is not difficult. Find the button on the case of your router RESET. It may be recessed into the body, in which case it needs to be pressed with something sharp.

Also, RESET can be on the same button with WPS.

Need to click on RESET button and hold for 10 seconds, perhaps longer. The router should reboot. After that, try going to the control panel. If something doesn’t work out, then on our website we have instructions on how to reset settings for all popular routers.

Standard username and password for different routers

Let's find out which password and login is used by default on your router. As I wrote above, this information can be found on the device itself.

On routers Tp-Link: address - (maybe Login and password - admin and admin.

On D-Link: address - Username and password admin and admin. Or, we simply do not fill in the password field.

Devices Zyxel: address (or . Login - admin. And the password is 1234. On ZyXEL Keenetic Start this information is not specified. And by default, the settings are not protected. The router itself will prompt you to set a password.

Routers Linksys: address - Username and password - admin. For some reason they don't list this information on the device itself. Probably because they want Linksys routers to be configured using special program, which comes with the kit, on disk.

Asus: address - User Name - admin, Password - also admin.

On Tenda: address - Login - admin. Password - leave the field blank.

If you do everything according to the instructions, the settings page should open.