Connect RSS to the VKontakte group. Autoposting from RSS to social services

Eat simple task: We need to make it as easy as possible for readers to find out about the release of a new article on the site.

I want automation. Fortunately, I have already walked a good part of this path, so enjoy it to your health.

Foreign ones are distinguished by their elaboration, good interface, flexible tariff plans with the ability to use it for free, stability of operation and a general lack of support for Russian social networks.

Russian ones, as a rule, are unstable, have an inconvenient interface, and lack critical functions. Well, if something is done more or less well, then our services turn on Wild Capitalism. There are no free plans.

But in vain. Everyone hereby capitalists know that a person should first give benefits, and only then will he willingly begin to part with money.

Capitalists apply this to offline businesses. And online, where the work of robots is virtually free, it’s simply stupid not to do this.

One of the Western services even draws a picture of where the funds paid to them go. Here you can see that the operation of an already made service (HOSTING) costs practically nothing:

Social media automation technology

One can imagine three options.

  1. After we wrote new article, we go to every social network and manually post updates to our followers.
  2. After we have written a new article, we go to Central Control Center, we post the news there, which will be automatically distributed across all our social networks.
  3. We have written a new article and you don't need to do anything, the robots themselves understand that a new article has appeared and send news about it to all social networks.

The third option seems to be the most preferable.

How can a robot know that we have a new article? There is a standard mechanism for this, called RSS. Every normal blog has several levels. On upper level people see it: with beautiful pictures, texts, comments. But there is more low levels, like the engine of a car, where the same data is presented in a form convenient for robots. Here's an example:

So to automatically distribute updates to the social network, we will use RSS.

The best services for auto-posting from RSS to social networks

Let's get straight to the winners.
International stage: for deliver it = deliver it)
The service can do everything you need. Works stably and reliably. Can collect up to 5 RSS feeds for free, post to 3 different social accounts. I would especially like to note the flexible powerful system settings. You can disable the link shortener so that original links to articles are posted.

Unfortunately, in order to publish on Google+, you need to pay for, so for our free mission we will have to use another service: humor; as you know twitter = chirping like a bird; at this time, hoot suite = set to hoot like an owl)
If you pay for this service, then it is not much worse than our winner. However, unfortunately, I was never able to disable the proprietary link shortener. Goodbye normal SEO. But free version hutsuit allows you to automatically post to Google+ from RSS. Just what you need!

The last bastion remains: Russian social networks. First of all, VKontakte. The services and seem promising, but they suffer from enjoying Wild Capitalism, free tariffs No. I mention them only because the other Russian alternatives are no better, even on paper.

For free posting we will limit ourselves to VKontakte. On this moment I settled on the service: (link no longer available)(in translation [it is] time to publish)
On paper, this is a very good service. Free. In practice, Twitter falls off, doesn’t post to LinkedIn at all, and on VKontakte during testing, instead of one message, I posted about 20 at once.

If this will happen at least once in production, I will stop using it immediately. So far the flight is normal.

Alternative for VKontakte: You can try to write to VKontakte technical support so that they can enable your group to autopost from RSS. VKontakte, in principle, can do this in standard ways.

This completes our free kit, as soon as I publish this article, links to it automatically will appear in my twitter, group in contact with, group Facebook, page Google+. These are the social networks that seem most necessary to me.

My reader should not have to adapt to me. I will adapt to him, I will deliver my content to him exactly where it is convenient for him to receive it.

By publishing entries on your blog, you most likely place their announcements in in social networks. On Facebook, you don’t need to come up with anything at all to import posts from RSS, but in our domestic VKontakte everything is not so simple.

To enable RSS import to the group wall, you need to write a corresponding request to the support service.

  • Your group must be more than 10 people
  • The VKontakte widget must be installed on the site
  • and there should be a link to your group

In the message, also indicate the RSS feed address and your group.

In this case, after the next publication, an announcement will appear on the wall of your community consisting of the “description” meta field and an image , which we already talked about in the article -. But if this does not suit you, then there is another way.

RSS translator

It turns out that there is already a service on the Internet specifically created to perform the task we are considering. Let's figure out how to use it. Everything is quite simple, but at the same time quite flexible. First you need to go through a simple registration, which makes no sense to talk about in detail. After logging in, we will be prompted to “Add a broadcast,” which we will do.

The form for adding a broadcast looks like this:

Let's consider all the points in more detail. Name - everything is obvious here, we set what our broadcast will be called, this name is shown only on this site. Blog source– here we indicate where the service will learn about new publications, in our case this is our RSS feed. After choosing a name, we are asked to fill out the remaining fields:

The main thing here is to specify the URL correctly. I used the address of my feed in Feedburner. Then we add Recipient blog and set it up.

Select again Name for ourselves, then indicate address our community,

Access Method. It’s a little more complicated here, on the one hand, “Browser Emulation” is somewhat more functional, but requires the transfer of data from your account(login and password) which is not safe and not comme il faut at all. “VKontakte API” in theory can add information to a post that the post was made through the application, but I didn’t notice this with it, and has a limit on the number of posts per unit of time, although in my opinion, in the case of emulation, it will just as well appear captcha. That's why Access method “VKontakte API”. Then we get “ Access token”, to do this, just click on the link and copy the address of the pop-up window.

Publish on behalf of the group– everything is also simple, if you don’t mark it, the entries will be published on your behalf and will NOT appear in the community members’ feed, so you shouldn’t take them down. Signature- to your taste.

We return to the broadcast parameters and select Broadcast mode. It’s worth saying right away that you can publish for free no more than once a day. In general, you can do it “On request”, i.e. you need to start it manually each time; “Fixed interval” – “every day/hour, etc.”, or “Scheduled”. Depth determines how much latest entries Read in RSS for publication. The rest can be left as is. There is a separate information about filters on the website. Let me just say that you can only apply one filter for free. If someone wants to receive a 5 WMZ bonus, write in the comments - the first 5 will receive an invitation to register with a bonus on their account.

As a result, we should get something like this:

All that remains is to launch the received broadcast, or wait for the launch if a schedule is set, and the service will publish your posts on Vkontakte. And the design of the resulting records can be further customized using filters (How to use filters).

There is a plugin with similar functionality, but it cannot add a link with a picture on VKontakte. Also posts on FB, Twitter, etc.

Many people probably have problems tracking information. Since the creation of PushAll, we have integrated channels with RSS feeds, and then with VKontakte feeds. Despite the fact that there are now many different RSS readers, many created channels only to receive notifications about new entries in feeds, which goes against the very idea of ​​creating channels - sending notifications to groups of people.


PushFeed processes up to 10 feeds of mixed content: RSS feeds and VKontakte group feeds. Soon, comment feeds for posts will be added to this list - it will be possible to add, for example, a discussion where an important discussion takes place, stretching over years. Processing time 10 minutes. (V previous paragraph articles have a sign) The more active feeds, the less often they are updated.

There is also a patron mode - it should be familiar to those who use AdminVK. It works in such a way that you transfer a donation of 100 rubles or more per month and become a patron of the arts. You can place your channel in a special section of the PushAll catalog, you can get into a special block of the list of patrons in the donations section, and most importantly, enable the patron mode in AdminVK and PushFeed. We did not somehow separate the mechanics, so add. features are enabled in both microservices at once.

In patron mode, everything works 10 times faster, but no more than once every 30 seconds. Up to 100 tapes will be added soon, and scanning of all records, not just the last one, has recently become available (scanning of all records is available to all users, whether you are a patron or not, until the end of January 2018)

PushFeed is able to take the avatar of the VK user who published the post, his first and last name. The body of the notification contains the text of the post. Also for VK tape search is underway pictures attached to the post to place a large image on the notification.

There is also a search inside RSS feeds IMG tags in the text of the tape. If possible, send us examples of where images are hidden in RSS feeds.

This is not an RSS aggregator

RSS is just an auxiliary item here. The idea itself is not to read RSS feeds, but to pick out certain news and posts in RSS/VK, receive them in the form of notifications and react.

For me personally, the need for such a service arose at the moment when I started using several communities on VKontakte. Not by public pages that post all sorts of memes and news, but by communities. The difference is that in communities it is not the communities themselves or their admins who write - people write in communities.

Examples of such communities could be, for example, bulletin boards - tracking such communities allows you to quickly find a used product at a low price. Also an example could be thematic communities - as an example in programming