Remove 4 viruses on my phone. Do-it-yourself virus removal and malware protection on Android

Have you noticed that your smartphone or tablet suddenly began to behave suspiciously? Did you start to reboot spontaneously, turn on the network on your own, show advertising banners, and generally start living your own life? Most likely, your device has become infected with a virus.

If earlier the Android operating system was not very exposed to the risk of infection, then with the growth of its popularity and, especially with the increase in the number of users using gadgets to conduct financial transactions, the number of viruses for this OS began to increase rapidly. Trojans that try to transfer the owner’s funds to the attacker’s account are especially dangerous.

Let's look at how to understand that a smartphone or tablet is infected and how to remove the virus from Android, as well as protect the device from infection.

Signs of an Android virus infection

  • suddenly the device takes longer to boot than usual;
  • The smartphone/tablet slows down and reboots spontaneously;
  • extraneous SMS or calls in the log that you definitely did not make;
  • money leaves the phone balance;
  • the presence of advertising banners that are not associated with any application or browser;
  • network interfaces (wi-fi, mobile Internet, Bluetooth) turn on spontaneously;
  • spontaneous installation of applications, unknown application icons;
  • funds disappeared from electronic wallets and mobile banking;
  • the smartphone/tablet is locked and a request to pay for unlocking is displayed;
  • Applications stop opening or an error message appears when launching them;
  • the battery suddenly began to drain faster than before;
  • The antivirus program uninstalled itself.

If the symptoms listed above appear on your device, then you need to check Android for viruses.

If the smartphone or tablet is not blocked and remains at least somewhat functional, then you can try to remove the virus using an antivirus application, if one has been installed. If there is no antivirus on the device, then you need to try it from Google Play. It may not be possible to install an antivirus, because... Malware actively prevents its removal.

Open the application and run it to perform a full scan of the gadget’s internal memory. If a virus is detected, select " Delete" However, it is not always possible to cure the device in this way. For example, the phone or tablet is blocked or the antivirus does not find a malicious object. Or it finds and deletes, but the virus is still restored. Some Trojans simply prevent the scanning program from starting. What to do in this case? Then you will have to try to remove the malware from safe mode or using a computer.

Android safe mode is a device startup mode in which a minimum number of system processes are loaded, and because... Most viruses use these processes, then in this mode they will not be able to work and resist being removed.

Boot the gadget in safe mode as described in the instructions and perform a full Android scan for viruses. If the antivirus does not open or is missing, then reinstall it.

After scanning, restart your smartphone (tablet) in normal mode. If this method does not help, then move on to removing the virus from Android using a computer.

This method can help when the device is locked or the virus cannot be removed even in safe mode.

In severe cases, when none of the above methods worked, a Hard Reset or complete flashing of the device will help.

Flashing or, similar to a computer, reinstalling the operating system is the most drastic option when a virus has entered the system image from which Android is being restored and even a Hard Reset does not help.

If you do not have sufficient experience, then it is better to do the flashing at a service center or entrust it to a knowledgeable person, because... Without the skills, you can easily damage the device.

How to protect Android from viruses

By following the rules below, the risk of contracting the virus is minimized. Namely:

  1. Install applications from official sources (Google Play, etc.), do not be tempted by hacked programs distributed on suspicious sites. As they say, the miser pays twice; by saving on a “broken” application, you can spend a lot more to restore the functionality of your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Update the system on your gadget if the manufacturer offers them. Updates fix system vulnerabilities used by malicious programs.
  3. Install an antivirus program and do not turn it off.
  4. Do not open email with attachments or suspicious SMS and MMS on your device.
  5. Try not to give your device to other hands.

Do you have a smartphone or tablet on Android that has a virus and don’t know how to remove it? This article contains some simple tips. how to clean a virus from an Android phone or tablet.

Attention! Do not pay scammers under any circumstances if a virus has blocked the screen with a banner and requires you to transfer money or top up your phone number to unlock it. Even if you fulfill the requirements, they will not unlock your tablet or smartphone anyway and you will just lose your money.

If your Android caught a virus, then you can try to remove it from your device yourself, and if you don’t succeed, or you don’t understand Android devices at all, or you’re afraid of damaging the device, then it’s better to show it to a specialist who will clean it of the virus. If you are sure that there is a virus on your Android and you notice that money is disappearing from your account somewhere, then it is better to remove the SIM card so that all the money is not written off from the number.

Have you noticed that your phone or tablet is infected? try downloading one of the antiviruses for Android and scanning your device for viruses and removing them if found. You can download an antivirus with a trial period, that is, free for a certain period of use, for example for a month, and if you don’t like it, then you can remove it later. You can choose a mobile antivirus by first reading reviews on the Internet. You need to download an antivirus for your phone from trusted sources, such as the Play Store, or you can use the Internet via a Wi-Fi hotspot. To be sure, you can install several antiviruses on your Android one by one, but first remove the previously installed one, since two simultaneously installed antivirus applications may conflict with each other.

You can view installed applications and remove those that you do not know. If you cannot remove applications from Android, then in “Device Administrators” you need to uncheck the boxes.

If the above doesn't help remove virus from android, then you can try to reset the settings in Android through the settings. Be sure to save your phone contacts and other important files before resetting. In most cases, a factory reset will clear the virus.

On Android there is a ransomware virus that has locked the screen and requires money to unlock it? Do not do this under any circumstances, do not transfer money to the specified account or phone number. You will simply lose money, and the screen will remain locked. Fraudsters are now very cunning and know how to influence the user and on the locked screen they can display a message with threats from the intelligence services or they can say that you looked at a porn site and if you don’t send them money, they will tell your loved ones from the phone book. If this happens and the screen is blocked by a virus, then try loading Android in safe mode. Only system applications and programs run in safe mode.

It remains to add that scammers are finding more and more new ways and improving viruses to rip money off users of Android smartphones or tablets. Do not download applications from unknown or questionable sources. Do not accept or open multimedia messages or email from strangers. Install a normal antivirus if possible.

You also know ways to get rid of the virus? be sure to add and help with advice to other Android users. Perhaps your review will be the most important in the fight against viruses!

  • I hope that the article helped you and you were able to clean your Android smartphone or tablet from the virus.
  • If you have any additions or useful tips, you can add them below in the reviews.
  • We kindly ask you to provide mutual assistance, help with useful advice and ways to solve problems.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, mutual assistance and useful advice!!!

Hello, dear readers of the Mobile Home blog!

The emergence of a large number of programs that can be downloaded for free and the widespread use of the Internet gave a free hand to all sorts of hackers and “pests” who began to create viruses that could infect a mobile phone or smartphone. An introduced virus can perform various operations on your device, including debits from a bank account linked, for example, to your Google account.

It is quite easy to catch a virus on your phone. Any file you download from the Internet could potentially contain a malicious script. Active email users who open a letter sent by the system as spam are also often attacked.

More precisely, what do those who create and launch viruses into the network need?

Most often they need money. Therefore, attackers try to obtain information about your bank card in any way possible, so that they can then transfer funds from your account to theirs. Once a virus gets into a phone, it does not show itself - it is controlled remotely by the owners, and only at their command will it begin to act.

A large team of professional programmers is working on ways to treat smartphones from viruses and fight them. But hackers don't sleep either. They are improving their Trojans and writing more complex codes each time. Modern viruses are capable of collecting complete information about the owner of a smartphone: all personal data, photo and video materials, phone numbers, passwords on social networks. They can also block calls to your phone.

After reading the lines above, you may panic. But don’t worry ahead of time. There are ways to protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of malware infection.

How to check your phone for viruses?

There are special programs - antiviruses that scan the operating system and, if suspicious scripts are detected, notify you about it.

How to prevent virus infection? Experts give several practical tips that you can follow to protect your device from harmful programs:

  1. In no case do not enable "Developer Mode" .
  2. Do not install programs from third-party sources - they should be downloaded only from official sites.
  3. Follow the information that the program asks for during installation.
  4. Install ANTI-VIRUS program!

The last point is key. If you want to protect yourself as much as possible, then spare no expense in purchasing a paid professional version of the antivirus program.

What to do if your smartphone is infected?

If you know the source of the problem, you can try to remove the program that is carrying the virus (read about). If a malicious program is detected by an antivirus program, it will prompt you to remove it.

There is another treatment method - resetting to factory settings. In this case, all information will be deleted from the phone. After the reset, you should immediately install antivirus software and run diagnostics.

The virus may remain on the removable memory card. It is better to scan it separately on a desktop computer using a proven antivirus. As you already understand, installing professional anti-virus programs with constant updates is the best means of prevention. Don't neglect this!

Best regards, Sergey Chesnokov

To understand how to get rid of a virus, it is necessary to determine its “nature”. For example, this could be a regular application that generously sends paid SMS from your number. Or maybe a banner pops up on the entire screen, which will not even allow you to go to Google Play to download the antivirus.

Simple SMS viruses


  • After installing a game or application, all money disappeared from the mobile account. This is the most primitive virus, which, however, can play a cruel joke on your money.
  • Nothing bad happens anymore. Harmless for tablet users without SIM cards.


Just go to the list of installed applications and remove the one that caused a problem after installing it. Typically, such a virus can be detected even during installation. For example, you download live wallpaper to your Android desktop, and the list of rights available to the application will include sending SMS or making calls. Think for yourself, why would wallpaper call or write messages to someone?

Complex SMS viruses


  • They get onto the tablet not only through applications from “leftist” sources. If the tablet has a SIM card, the virus arrives via SMS in the form of a link to a photo, and from a number (person) YOU KNOW. Imagine you receive an SMS from your wife or girlfriend, and it says: “Hello:) Photo for you,” and then a link. Naturally, without hesitation, you will follow the link and... download the virus onto your tablet.
  • The name of the virus can masquerade as a completely useful application - for example, Google Play (see screenshot below).
  • The virus gains access to your phone book and sends everyone an SMS with the text “Hello:) Photo for you” and still with the same link to the virus.
  • The virus blocks incoming calls, thereby preventing your friends from warning you about the danger.
  • The tablet freezes when trying to take away administrative rights from a virus application.
  • The virus is not removed through the application manager because it receives administrator rights. All delete buttons will be disabled.


Download antivirus. Install it, open it, and run the “Forced System Scan” function. The antivirus will detect the virus, after which you need to click “Remove all”.

And here is the most interesting thing. On the screen you will see the question: “Delete everything from the tablet and reset the settings to factory settings?” The owner of the tablet is scared off by this phrase, and he usually clicks “No”. In this case, you need to click “Yes,” since this virus only replaces the phrase “Deprive the application of administrative rights” with “Delete everything and reset settings.” And, as you already understand, by selecting “Yes” your data and settings will remain in place, the antivirus will be able to take away the administrative rights from the virus and successfully remove it.

Banner viruses - blockers


  • Instead of the desktop, the user sees an advertising banner that can neither be hidden nor closed. This could be “adult” material, or a requirement to pay the attacker to unlock the device.
  • There may be other symptoms, for example, advertisements may appear randomly and then disappear, but the device is not “locked.”


  1. Reboot the device using any available method. Immediately after the reboot, remove the virus application, after installation of which the banner began to appear. If you cannot find or remove it manually, download the antivirus, scan the system, and remove it.
  2. We connect the tablet to the computer, open the tablet memory. We find the folder where applications are located, for example system/app, and delete everything suspicious, after installing which the problems supposedly started. Those. In essence, we delete ARK applications via the computer.
  3. If these options do not help, there is only one thing left - Hard Reset. What it is and how it is done is described in detail. I will only say one thing - by doing a general reset, all data from the tablet will be erased.

How to protect yourself from viruses

It is easier to prevent infection with viruses than to “treat” them later. As they say, God protects those who are protected.

  1. Download applications only from a trusted source - from Google Play. Although, as practice shows, you can catch an infection there, but this happens quite rarely.
  2. Therefore, it is recommended to install it, albeit free, but on Android. It will prevent the virus from getting onto the tablet.
  3. Do not unnecessarily check the box next to “Allow installation of applications from unknown sources” in the security settings.

And remember, rooted tablets (on which ) are installed are much more vulnerable to a virus attack - a virus enters a tablet with RTH rights as if it were in its own home and gains control of the system.

Android phones and tablets are gradually replacing computers running Windows. The operating system becomes attractive to scammers who develop virus programs. Android's vulnerability to viruses allows attackers to gain access to users' SIM cards, passwords for accounts and e-wallets, as well as bank accounts. Smartphones and tablets are protected by built-in Google blockers, as well as antivirus programs. Read our article about how to remove a virus from an Android phone and whether the device needs an antivirus.

Virus programs are divided into four groups:

  • depleting the user's balance;
  • stealing access to electronic wallets and bank cards;
  • storing personal data - logins, passwords, documents;
  • blocking device.

Every year, new blocking components appear in antivirus software, and unique protective mechanisms are developed to block malicious programs. However, viruses continue to attack smartphones and tablets. This happens largely due to the fault of users who ignore pop-up system windows with danger warnings. The desire to install the game is sometimes stronger than the thought of a possible charge of money or blocking of the gadget.

An antivirus is necessary to protect Android devices, provided that the user responds to warnings and follows the program's instructions.

How viruses get into the system. How functions are blocked

Viruses penetrate smartphones and tablets due to user inexperience.

Path of penetration Solution
Advertising To avoid downloading a virus, the user only needs to close the advertising page, but the message directly states the consequences of inaction: “the application will not work correctly without updating; you will not be able to watch movies; there is a possibility of infection with a virus” and others. The user gets scared and reluctantly clicks the “Update” button. A virus application is installed on the system.

Attackers play on the user’s desire to get a game or application for free, so they create analogues of paid programs from the Market, adding malicious code to them.

Install applications only from the Play Market and official developer sites. Install applications only from the Play Market and official developer sites

Common manifestations of viral activity:

  • increased battery consumption;
  • increase in mobile communications costs, regular debits of small amounts from the balance;
  • appearance of unfamiliar files and applications;
  • slow operation of the gadget;
  • the appearance of pop-ups and banners.

Most viruses do not manifest themselves, and the user understands that his gadget is infected only at the moment of debiting funds from the card or e-wallet.

List of effective antiviruses

If you discover that your smartphone is infected with a virus, first take out the SIM card to avoid zeroing your balance. Next, install an antivirus program and scan the system. Applications can be downloaded from the Play Store or from the official website of the developer. To install an .apk file from a computer:

  1. Go to the antivirus developer's website and download the installation file.
  2. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your PC in storage mode.
  3. Open the removable disk and copy the antivirus file to the selected folder.
  4. Disconnect your device from your computer.
  5. In the gadget menu, find File Manager and use it to open the folder with the antivirus file.
  6. Install the program.

Before installing the antivirus, allow the installation of applications from unverified sources in the “Settings - General - Security” menu.

An overview of effective free antivirus programs is given below.

Avast Mobile

AVAST antivirus is available to users for free on the Play Store. Antivirus features:

  • protecting your smartphone or tablet from viruses;
  • scanning applications for malicious elements;
  • scanning Wi-fi networks;
  • firewall;
  • cleaning RAM.

Download and install the program. To start a scan:

  1. Open your antivirus.
  2. In the main window, select "Test device". The antivirus will identify problems and vulnerabilities and offer to correct the situation.
  3. Remove detected malicious files by clicking "Fix".

Gallery - using AVAST

If a virus is found in an application, open the application blocker and stop the malicious program, and then uninstall it.

AVG AntiVirus Security

AVG's antivirus application ensures the security of the user's personal data. Program functions:

  • real-time scanner;
  • scanning files and applications for viruses;
  • searching for a lost smartphone or tablet;
  • completion of processes that slow down the operation of the gadget;
  • blocking unauthorized access to confidential applications.

AVG antivirus can be downloaded from Google Play. To scan your system for viruses, open the application and click the “Scan” button.

The program allows you to selectively scan suspicious folders and files. To start the process:

  1. In the main window, select “Protection”.
  2. Select "Check Files".
  3. Check the boxes for folders and files to scan and click “Scan”.

Gallery - working with AVG

Step 1: Click the "Scan" button
Step 2: Remove malware if necessary
Step 3. Run a scan for suspicious folders

Step 4. Mark suspicious folders for scanning
Step 5. The smartphone will scan, then evaluate the results

Delete infected files and set a daily timer scan of the device.

Mobile Security and Antivirus (ESET)

Mobile Security from NOD32 protects the user when surfing the Internet and making online payments. Program functions:

  • protecting your device from virus threats;
  • filtering of unwanted SMS messages and calls;
  • application review and management;
  • scanning files;
  • anti-phishing.

After installation, the program prompts you to enable real-time protection, and then automatically scans your smartphone or tablet for viruses. You can pause the scan by going to the “Antivirus” section and clicking the corresponding button. In the same menu, scanning settings are available - “Deep”, “Intelligent” and “Fast”, as well as database updates and a list of quarantined files.

Gallery - working with ESET NOD32

Anti-phishing is available to users who have purchased the Premium version. ESET embeds its components into the browser and blocks malicious sites that collect user personal information.

The Security Scan menu allows you to detect and eliminate device vulnerabilities for viruses. The antivirus also examines applications for the presence of rights that harm the security of the Android system. And if, for example, a weather widget requests access to SMS messages, ESET signals this.

Trust&Go Antivirus and Mobile Security

TrustGo developers pay special attention to the activity of suspicious applications. After installation from the Market, the program starts scanning and protection in real time. When installing an unsafe application, the program alerts the user about possible risks, and blocks particularly dangerous ones.

To check your gadget for viruses, open the main program window and click “Scan”. The program will scan, find dangerous files and offer to delete them or mark them as trusted. If you are not sure about the reliability of the application, it is better to select the “Delete” option.

The antivirus assigns security ratings to installed applications. You can view them in the Application Manager and, if necessary, remove risky programs.

Gallery - using the TrustGO program

Do not install two antiviruses at the same time - the protective components conflict with each other and reduce the degree of protection. If you want to make sure that the malicious application is destroyed, download and run several antiviruses one by one.

Video - how to remove a virus from Android yourself

What to do with a virus if the antivirus did not help

If the antivirus cannot cope with the malicious application or does not detect it, the virus will have to be removed manually. There are four key ways to combat viruses on Android:

  • disabling administrative rights and subsequent removal of the application containing the virus;
  • checking your smartphone or tablet with antivirus on your PC;
  • reset settings to default;
  • flashing a smartphone or tablet.

The method of eliminating the virus depends on its type.


Trojan programs penetrate the system and collect personal data of the gadget owner, and also send requests to premium numbers. If you have root rights and know which application is causing harm, open the file manager and go to the application directory along the path data/app. Once you remove the dangerous program from the folder, you don’t have to worry about virus activity.

If you do not have root access, restart your smartphone or tablet in recovery mode. To do this, turn off the device, and when turning it on, press the power and volume down/up buttons simultaneously. From Safe Mode, disable administrator rights for the application with the Trojan and remove it.

Virus installing applications on the phone

The most dangerous virus is one that can independently install applications and create its own files in directories. Having received administrator rights, the application infected with the virus installs intrusive banners and programs, penetrating deep into the system. As a result, the gadget freezes and stops working normally. To eliminate a virus:

  1. Check your device with antivirus programs. Remove all suspicious applications.
  2. Open the application manager through “Settings - General - Applications - All” and manually remove unknown programs, first clearing the cache and stopping them.
  3. Get root access to your device using the Kingo Android Root or Farmaroot app.
  4. Disable Internet access, download Root App Deleter and delete the remaining virus program files.
  5. When the Internet is turned off, manually delete residual files left by viruses from the system/app folder. Use ES Explorer.

If your smartphone or tablet is infected with the Android.Becu.1.origin virus, the method described above does not help. Try blocking the activity of the malicious application:

  1. In the list of installed programs, find the infected package file com.cube.activity, open it and select “Disable”.
  2. Uninstall the support packages left by the virus: and com.system.outapi.

The virus will be suspended.

Com android systemUI

Launching is triggered by a Trojan installed on the smartphone along with an unlicensed application or game. The virus loads advertising applications, porn site banners, second-rate cleaners and battery boosters into the Android system. You can remove the virus only if you have root rights:

  1. In the Application Manager, find the program containing the virus, open it and select Stop. Next, click “Clear cache” and “Delete”.
  2. Open a file manager (ES Explorer or X-Plore), go to the “Root - System - App” folder and find the file inside.
  3. If this is not the case, the virus developers have come up with a different name for the file. Find the file by installation date - it must match the installation date of the infected application.
  4. Remove the virus file. If necessary, use the "Delete 2" application.

The virus will stop working after you reboot the gadget.

Ransomware viruses - Ministry of Internal Affairs banners, battery damage

The ransomware virus prevents you from using your smartphone or tablet, displaying a banner in full screen that reads: “Your device has been blocked by the security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

To activate access to the device, transfer 300 rubles according to the details." There are three ways to remove a banner and the virus that caused it:

  • factory reset via Android recovery mode;
  • uninstalling the application through safe mode;
  • flashing the gadget.

In Android safe mode, only system applications are launched - accordingly, the virus will be inactive. To launch safe mode and uninstall an infected program:

  1. Turn off your smartphone or tablet.
  2. While turning on, hold down the lock and volume buttons at the same time.
  3. Open Settings - General - Applications - All.
  4. Select and stop the malware.
  5. Clear the cache and uninstall the application.

Use flashing and rolling back to factory settings only as a last resort - these methods lead to data loss. To reset settings:

  1. Connect your gadget to your PC.
  2. Activate Recovery mode.
  3. Select wipe data/factory reset and click
  4. On your computer, copy important data from a removable disk and format it.

After rebooting, the smartphone will return to factory settings, and the virus will be removed.

Security/Firewall service

The virus interferes with the operation of the browser and applications. When the program starts, a black screen opens with the words Firewall Service. If you just close the window, it starts again.

Antiviruses and traditional methods do not work against Trojans. To remove the virus, remove the application with which it was installed, then gain root access and, using the file manager, delete the Firewall Service (gmk.apk) and SecurityService (gma.apk) files from the system/app folder. After a reboot, the virus will stop working. If this does not happen, repeat the steps, but to delete .apk files, use the “Delete 2” program instead of the usual manager.


Engriks is a virus that triggers the display of intrusive banners and installs “fraudulent” applications on a smartphone or tablet. After detection and removal by the antivirus it occurs again.

A hard reset, that is, rolling back the system to factory settings, helps deal with the malware. To perform a hard reset:

  1. Turn off the device and when you turn it on, go into recovery mode.
  2. Select wipe data/factory reset from the menu.
  3. Wait for the final reset.

Advertising virus in the browser - how to block

Certain viruses only infect mobile browsers. Having opened the Internet browser, the user sees advertising banners instead of pages, often with obscene content. It is impossible to close the advertisements; they appear again. Most often, the virus is hidden in the browser cache, and to combat it you just need to clear the cache:

  1. Go to the menu “Settings - General - Applications - All” and select the browser in which banners are bothering you. Open it.
  2. Click the Clear Cache button and then Stop.

If the banners appear again when you restart the browser, uninstall the viewer itself and install it again, having first scanned your smartphone or tablet with an antivirus.

SMS Manager: how to block the threat yourself

SMS viruses send requests on behalf of the user to paid short numbers, for which amounts from 30 to 300 rubles are debited from the balance. The user does not immediately notice the charges - today there are few people who track the balance on the number. To remove a virus:

  1. Go to Application Manager.
  2. Find recently installed apps that are requesting access to SMS messages.
  3. Delete them by first clearing the cache and erasing the data there, in the Manager.
  4. Install an antivirus and scan the system.

Remove detected malware. The antivirus may display a warning that if you uninstall the application, you will lose all your data. This is the machinations of the virus developers - they deliberately replace the text of the system message so that the user gets scared and refuses to remove the malware.

Video - removing a virus from CCleaner

How to remove a virus file using a system computer or laptop

If after all the steps the virus continues to cause harm, check your smartphone or tablet with an antivirus via your PC. For this:

  1. Connect the device to the computer in storage mode.
  2. Open an antivirus on your PC (use Dr. Web or Kaspersky) and run a custom scan.
  3. Mark for checking the removable drives that appeared when you connected the gadget.
  4. Delete detected files.

After checking, turn off your smartphone and restart it to completely eliminate virus activity.

Prevention of viruses on smartphones and tablets

After removing the virus, take care of the security of your smartphone or tablet in the future. Install an antivirus program and set a weekly timer scan. When working with the device, follow the rules:

  • install applications only from the Play Market and official developer sites;
  • do not skimp on paid programs;
  • in the device settings, uncheck the “allow installation from unknown sources” option;
  • try not to download applications that request access to SMS and calls;
  • If you see a message on any website about the need to update one of your applications, ignore it - update only through the Play Market;

Do not perform important operations while working over Wi-Fi - traffic can be intercepted by attackers.

By using an antivirus program and being careful when installing applications, you will protect yourself and your device from the negative effects of viruses and malware. If a virus has penetrated your Android, do not follow the lead of the scammers, but consistently try to eliminate it using various methods.