How to enable wifi on a Windows 7 laptop. Fig.: Connecting to a wireless network manually. The system shows a connection error

Today it's hard to imagine modern apartment or, especially, an office that is not equipped with the appropriate set of office equipment: computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones. And where all these devices are available, there should naturally be the Internet. He has firmly entered our lives, occupying one of the most prominent places there. On the Internet we study, work, have fun, relax, and communicate. Therefore, comfortable provision of access to World Wide Web for yourself and your loved ones - this is a problem that sooner or later every person has to solve. Fortunately, now we have a reliable assistant that allows us to carry out the most effective and simple solution to this issue without any additional intellectual and financial costs. It's about, of course, about Wi-Fi technology.

But in order to use the “over-the-air” Internet, you need to know where to find and how to turn on Wi-Fi on your computer. We tried to present the answers to these questions in this article.

What is WiFi?

Wireless Internet technology has become part of our everyday life. We habitually equate Wi-Fi with convenient, reliable and quick exit to the Internet, which we encounter at home, at work, in in public places- at airports, cafes, shopping centers.

Answer the question “what is Wi-Fi?” the simplest way is this: this is a network protocol, with the participation of which communication is carried out between the “access point” and the “client”, or the “access point” and several “clients”, packet data is exchanged in local network or via the World Wide Web.

Currently, the abbreviation Wi-Fi means nothing and is not officially deciphered in any way, but when creating this protocol, the developers “gave it a name” by analogy with Hi-Fi ( High accuracy). It stood for “Wireless Fidelity” - wireless accuracy.

Benefits of use

Of course, the “over-the-air” Internet is not an ideal technology. You can give several examples of the difficulties that may arise when using it. One of the most widely known is the so-called “noisy” connection. Many people emit in the range used by this protocol. Appliances(for example, microwave ovens), work alternative devices connections (for example, Bluetooth). Interference can also be caused by walls and ceilings. All this negatively affects the speed and quality of access.

At the same time positive points from using it in home and office conditions no less. We list just a few and the most obvious of them:

  1. Low cost of wireless networks and installation of several access points that will provide stable coverage throughout the entire territory. At the same time, there are no cables, extension cords or adapters that constantly get tangled and clutter up the space. An “aerial” connection is indispensable in rooms of historical value, as well as in rooms with obstructive architectural features;

  2. This protocol provides full access to the Internet to any device - be it mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer- without reference to a specific place. Going global information space through this protocol it is possible to comfortably use the Internet while lying on your favorite sofa;

  3. Wi-Fi allows synchronous use a large number of active connections. Having established a wireless connection, you don’t have to worry about how many computers and mobile devices will be accessing the Internet at the same time.

What types of Wi-Fi modules are there for a computer?

All popular devices now come with adapters by default. They can be connected to the Internet out of the box, but what about those who have a desktop computer? The answer to this question is obvious - you need to purchase additional Wi-Fi receiver, install, connect and configure it.

We will talk more about how to install Wi-Fi on a computer below. Now we propose to decide what types of receivers there are, what is their difference, specificity and advantages.

There are two types of “air” adapters: external and internal. External ones are the most commonly used and easier to operate. The external receiver looks like a miniature USB drive (flash drive). It connects to a USB connector on the front or back of the computer, either directly or via a USB cable.

The internal adapter is slightly larger in size and to install it you will need to open the computer case. Therefore, buy an internal receiver only if you are confident that you can figure out how to install it on the motherboard yourself. When installing indoor module You must first disconnect the antenna from it, insert the board into the corresponding port on the motherboard (for this you most often use PCI interface) and return the antenna to its place.

Further manipulations for installation and switching on wireless adapters do not differ and do not depend on the modification and method of connection to the computer.

How to install drivers?

Any Wi-Fi receiver supplied by the manufacturer with a disk containing the necessary full-fledged work driver devices. In addition to drivers for specific device, the disk may also contain drivers for other adapter models, so during installation you need to be careful and not skip selecting the device for which you are installing drivers.

Otherwise, the driver installation procedure is standardized and intuitive clear interface with detailed tips from the “Found New Hardware Wizard”. Just carefully read the messages that will appear on the screen and click the appropriate “Next”, “OK” and “Done” buttons.

Most adapters are automatically recognized by current computers and can work even without installing drivers from the bundled disk. Just connect the device to the desired connector and wait a few seconds. As a rule, after this a message will appear in the tray stating that new equipment has been found, identified and installed, which is ready for use. Nevertheless universal drivers cannot completely replace specialized software. Therefore, we advise you not to neglect installing drivers, even if everything seems to work flawlessly at first glance.

The disk with drivers for your Wi-Fi receiver model may also contain special utility from the developers, which is designed to facilitate the process of setting up Internet access. Moreover, this utility will allow you to further control your Internet connection, monitor the speed and volume of data transfer.

How to set up Wi-Fi in WIN XP?

In this guide, we will assume that your home “Access Point” and Internet distribution device are already configured.

So, to establish an “air” connection on a computer running Win XP, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the Start menu;

  2. Select “Network Neighborhood”;

  3. In the "Network Connections" window, find the "Wireless" icon. network connection»;

  4. Right-click on the icon and click “Properties” in the list;

  5. In the “General” tab, find the “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” item;

  6. Click the “Properties” button.

If the use of specific IP and DNS addresses is critical for your provider, then in the window that opens, select the “Use the following IP address” radio button. If you configure these parameters in automatic mode, then don't touch anything.

At manual setting ip, you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • IP address: (You should check this parameter with your provider, the value may be different);

  • Subnet mask:;

  • In the “Default Gateway” line you should enter the address of your router or modem, usually or But to avoid mistakes, it is better to check the documentation of your device;

  • Click to activate the “Use the following DNS server addresses” switch and fill in both fields: primary and secondary DNS server. Information about the DNS servers used by the provider can be found on the official website of the telecommunications company or by calling technical support;

  • Without closing this window, select the “Wireless Networks” tab at the top and check the “Use windows to configure the network” checkbox. Next, click the “Wireless Networks” button. Here you will see a list of all available connections. Select the connection that is configured on your dispenser and click the “Connect” button. Now, in order to connect to the Internet, all you have to do is enter the username and password you know.

How to set up Wi-Fi in WIN7?

There are two ways to set up an air connection in Win7 OS: automatically and manually. The second option may be useful if the network you plan to connect to is hidden from view for security reasons. general list, but you know the name and password to connect your computer to it. Let's look at both methods step by step.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS automatically

When loaded operating system You can see the “Wireless Network Connection” icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on it. This will open a list of air connections available to you. you need to select from the list the one that is configured in your modem or router.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS manually

To configure the connection manually, select “Network” in the system tray, then “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" Click “Set up a new connection or network.” At the next stage, check the parameter “Connect wireless wired connection manually" and click the "Next" button.

In the next dialog, fill in all the appropriate fields: specify the network name, encryption type and security level. In most cases, the default settings can be left unchanged - use AES and WPA2. In the “Security Key” field, you must enter the connection password. For greater security, check the “Hide characters” checkbox so that the password cannot be read over your shoulder.

The final touch - if you plan to use this connection as the main one in the future, then check the “Start this connection automatically” checkbox. Then click the "OK" button.

Installing a device in Windows 8

To connect a wireless connection in Win8, do the following:

  1. Press Wi-Fi icon in the system tree on the taskbar or call Settings Charm through the Charms Bar (similar to pressing the win+I combination). The Wi-Fi panel will appear with right side screen;

  1. you will see the entire list of wireless networks available for connection. Select the one that is configured for you and click the “Connect” button;

  1. The next step is to check the network connection conditions. The system will check the requirements of the selected network and prompt you to enter the necessary data;

  1. After checking the network requirements, the system will prompt you to enter a password. Enter the security key you know and click the “Next” button;

  1. If the password is entered correctly, you will see the message “Connection complete”, which means the connection to the Internet has been established.

How do I turn off my device?

To turn off Wi-Fi or edit previously entered data, select the wireless networks icon in the tray (relevant for Win7 and Win8) and in the drop-down list of all available connections select the one you configured earlier. To disable, use the “Disable” button, and to edit, right-click and select “Properties”. In the “Connection” and “Security” tabs, you can either disable the device or make changes to the password, encryption type, or security level.

For Win XP you need to do the following:

  1. Start Menu;

  2. Network Neighborhood icon;

  3. « Wireless connection»;

  4. Select from the list that opens established connection and click the “Disconnect” button.

Hello blog visitors.

Technology wireless communication is in great demand today. Especially for owners of laptops, smartphones and tablets. And what more demand, the more often they may occur various problems. Later in the article I will tell you how to connect WiFi to Windows laptop 7, and also highlight the main points related to this issue.

general information

Wireless connections via WiFi router today are considered the norm, since users no longer need to run a lot of wires around the rooms. At the same time, now users are not at all tied to a specific place. This kind of connections enable you to interact with the network. In addition, the devices are used to distribute the Internet. They are considered most suitable for people who can move freely within the range of the router.

As with any other technology, some problems may arise here too. Further in the text I will try to consider the main ones. And of course I’ll tell you the possible solutions.


The first step is to ensure that your wireless device is installed and ready to use. To do this, we go to " device Manager", by pressing " Start" and go to " Control Panel" We will see a list of components from which we need to select “ Network adapters" The hardware used on the computer will appear. We mark the line that mentions Wi-Fi and check the functionality of the component in the properties.

If there are problems with the software, you need to update it to the required version. For this purpose, an appropriate device is usually supplied with the laptop. portable memory with all the necessary distribution. If it is not there, you can always contact official page creator mobile computer or directly the element itself. Here you need to indicate the hardware model, operating system and its bit depth.

You can resort to this same method after reinstalling Windows, because even if you have a disk with drivers, they will most likely be designed for a different operating system.

After successful completion, go to the “ Network connections" in tray. A list of all available connections that the equipment can detect should appear.


It’s worth saying right away what to create work network It won't work without a router. If there is a need only to exchange information between individual machines, you can simply enable required device, and everything will work.

If an Internet cable is connected to it, users have the opportunity to go to the World Wide Web. True, for this you need to enter additional settings:


As mentioned above, without drivers for the device, you won’t be able to do anything. Therefore, first of all, we place the necessary information in the system software.

If you have everything installed correctly and have the equipment, let’s move on directly to the connection itself. To do this you need to run it yourself wireless transmitter on a laptop. This is usually done by clicking the " Fn" and one of the functional range " F1-F12" Moreover, on laptops from Acep and Asus, the combinations are different. However, the same can be said about Lenovo or HP. On most of them, on the corresponding key there is an icon in the form of an antenna and waves emanating from it.

After this, the module will start and automatic search. In the lower right part of the screen we will see the corresponding icon. After clicking on it we will come across a list of all available connections. Typically, each of them has its own security set of characters, and if you change the password on the network, you will not be able to connect so easily.

To find out the line we need, go back to the browser and type “ 192 .168.0.1 " Enter the login information to the router. We are interested in the password item that was mentioned earlier.

If everything is entered and configured correctly, there should be no problems. Sometimes users cannot create a normal network using the tp-link adapter. This is usually due to either drivers or an incorrect password. Most often, users forget to switch the language or the “ Caps Lock».

Some encounter problems as a result of the fact that previously the computer was connected to the World Wide Web only through a wire. To correct the situation, you need to go to the tray, find the corresponding icon, right-click on it and select “ Control center…».

Next we go to “ Change adapter settings" Find the shortcut " Wireless connection", and open on it " Properties».

Now we are looking for the item that indicates TCP/IPv4. We mark him and call him again “ Properties" Go to the tab " Are common».

Now we mark the points that talk about automatic receipt everyone necessary settings. If they are already there, choose others and return them to their place.

This solution helped in the early Windows versions The maximum, although in latest builds this is not observed.

Of course, sometimes they can appear individual problems. For example, when a window with error 651 appears during a connection. In this case, you need to check all connections and settings.

If you suddenly don’t understand something, you can always find a video that shows everything in detail.

I hope you find all the answers you need here. Subscribe to always know what to do with your computer.

WiFi is modern technology wireless communications, which allows you to create private networks by combining computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices into groups. This, in turn, allows you to exchange files and data between group members without a wired connection, using radio waves. To date this technology has become a part of people's lives, and everyone knows what it is. However, not everyone knows how to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows 7 laptop.

How WiFi works

Before you go to settings wireless network, you should understand how the technology works. It's simple. On a laptop or other mobile device, built-in WiFi module. This is an ordinary radio receiver that works to receive and transmit information. Data transmission occurs on a broadband radio frequency, thereby achieving high speed transfers.

As you may have guessed, to connect to a wireless network, you need an access point, the functions of which are performed by a Wi-Fi router. We'll move on to network settings a little lower. A router (the so-called router) allows you to collect all computers, laptops, and devices with a WiFi adapter into one group for information exchange and remote control.

It is worth noting that for proper operation module, drivers must be installed on your computer or laptop. This is special software that controls the operation of the adapter. Without such software, it is impossible to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows 7 laptop, since the module simply will not work.

Connecting and setting up WiFi in Windows 7: Video

How to install drivers for a WiFi module

As a rule, a laptop comes with a disk with necessary programs, including drivers. Installing them is extremely simple. You need to insert the disc into the drive. After that, it will automatically start, and you just need to click “ Full installation" This completes the installation, after which you need to reboot the device.

Do not rush to get upset if for some reason there is no such disk. Everything you need can be easily and quickly downloaded from the Internet. To do this, you just need to go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and select your model from the list. All this is completely free, and all offered software is checked for viruses. It is worth noting that when manual installation It is recommended to install drivers in a specific order.

First of all, install the driver on motherboard(chipset) and only after that to the processor and video card. After this, you can install drivers for all other elements, including network card and WiFi adapter.

Reinstalling the WiFi driver: Video

After all programs are installed, you should restart your computer and go to the network settings.

Setting up a wireless connection in Windows 7

So, here we come to the main question, how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop with Windows 7. After installing the drivers, you need to. This can be done using a specially provided button, which is indicated by the corresponding icon. On some laptops, this button is combined with another function, and to turn on the wireless communication module, press “FN” and, without releasing it, press the adapter power button.

After this, the system will automatically start searching for available connections and offer you a list to choose from. If the module does not turn on and the system does not start searching, then you should go to the “Start” menu and launch “Control Panel”. In the window that appears, click “Network and Internet” and go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the window that appears, in the left column, select “Change adapter settings.” Here you will see the Wireless Network Connection shortcut. If he gray, then you should right-click on it and click “Enable”.

After this, an icon will appear in the Windows 7 tray (in the lower right corner - slightly to the left of the clock and date). WiFi connections, displaying the signal level. When you click on it, a window will open that displays a list of networks available for connection. Here you need to select the name of your router and click the “Connect” button.

If a password was specified in the wifi router settings, you must enter it and click “Connect”.

It is worth noting that in some cases it may be necessary additional customization wireless WiFi network on a Windows 7 system. To do this, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and go to the “Change adapter settings” item (you already know how to do this).

Here, right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” shortcut and select “Properties”. In the window that appears, you need to find “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, select it and click “Properties”. Next, you should enter your network information. As a rule, modern routers provide all data automatically. This means that initially all the checkboxes should be set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.”

Sometimes this function is not supported and therefore all data must be entered manually. How to manually connect a Windows 7 laptop to Wi-Fi? It's simple. To do this, move the checkboxes to “Use the following IP address:” and enter the following values:

  • IP address –;
  • Subnet mask –;
  • The main gateway is

After that, select “Use the following DNS server address” and enter the following values:

  • Preferred DNS server –;
  • Alternative DNS server – leave unchanged.

Click the “Ok” button and close all windows. The values ​​you enter may vary. It all depends on what data the provider provided you or on how the router is configured. But in the vast majority of cases, the above data is used.

This completes the WiFi setup on a Windows 7 laptop. Of course it's impossible to describe universal method settings wireless connection, which is suitable for absolutely everyone, as there are the most different problems, the solution of which requires an individual approach. However, in most cases, setting up a Wi-Fi network on Windows 7 is limited to the settings described above.

How to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows 7 laptop: Video

When faced with the problem of how to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop (Windows 7), users are confused, although it doesn’t take long to do this. The user will only need to find it for a while network cable and check the meaning of some settings with your provider’s technical support.

When is tuning required?

The most pleasant option is when, when you connect the Internet, a friendly specialist comes to your house, presses buttons, connects wires - and everything starts working. But this is not always the case. When you may need to configure wireless Internet:

  • When connecting the router for the first time, for example, if the user decides to change a regular router to a wireless network router.
  • After reinstalling the system. The question is how to set up Wi-Fi after reinstalling Windows 7 on a laptop and PC is one of the most common.
  • In case of a system failure, firmware update or ill-considered actions in the network settings.

In any case, the problem is how to set up Wi-Fi wireless Internet on a laptop and Windows computer 7, you can even handle it yourself inexperienced user.

Preliminary stage

Before setting up a connection to Internet Windows 7 via WiFi, you will need to turn on the Wi-Fi radio module on your laptop - using the button or system settings.

On some laptop models you can find separate button to turn on the radio module - it is marked with a characteristic pictogram. But more often a combination of buttons on the keyboard is intended for these purposes:

  • “Fn” - located between Ctrl and Win;
  • One of the buttons in the “F” row, you can recognize it by its characteristic pictogram.

Thus, the combination may look like “Fn+F3” or “Fn+F11”.

To turn on the radio module via system parameters, you will need to do the following:

  • Open subsection "Network and Internet" V "Control Panels" or use the system search.

  • Choose “Network and task status”, and then click the mouse "Adapter Settings".

  • Right key click on "Wireless network"- a menu will appear in which you need to select “Enable”.

How to set up an access point?

Before setting up a Wi-Fi connection, the user will have to fill out a window "Local Network Properties" in Windows 7. To do this you will need:

  • Reopen "Adapter Settings" and right-click on "Wireless network". Select "Properties" from the menu.

  • Check the boxes as in the screenshot.

If you still have questions about setting up a wireless WiFi network on a laptop running Windows 7, the video will help you understand in more detail.

How to connect to WiFi?

At initial setup Wi-Fi will have to connect the router to the laptop using a cable; later this cable can be removed.

Now you can set up a WiFi router on a Windows 7 laptop (using the TL WR 720n as an example), you need to start by opening the web interface. The final stage settings:

  • Open the browser, you will need address bar print the IP address of the web interface (for the TL WR 720n this is, but is more common).
  • For authorization, standard data is used: admin as both the password and username. If suddenly the password does not work, you can try 1234.

  • The web interface will open. In the “Network” tab in the “WAN” section you will need to fill in network parameters and write down your Internet access data - you should check this information with the technical support of your Wi-Fi provider.

If the setup on Windows 7 is done correctly, the result will be wireless home Internet.


WiFi function This is the most important element of laptops which is very popular today. A laptop without wifi is like a gas industry without gas.

Usually when buying a new laptop wifi function By default it is in off mode or you have to manually configure the wifi settings.

Configuration is carried out differently on different operating systems. There is also external settings which differ according to laptop models (activated using keys).

In this article I will tell you how to enable wifi on different laptops and how to make internal settings.

First of all, you need to configure the router and check whether wifi is turned on on the router itself. There are two ways to enable or disable wifi on your router:

1. On the back of the router there is a wifi button to turn it on and off.

2. Wi-Fi is turned on and off in the internal settings of the router.

We carry out an external inspection of the laptop, if you see an icon in the form of an antenna that lights up, it means that wi-fi is turned on, if it doesn’t light up, it’s turned off.

If you see an “X” on the wi-fi sign at the bottom of the panel, it means that the network is disabled.

Almost all laptop models have a mechanical switch wifi networks or built-in software that turns wifi on and off. Laptop with mechanical wi-fi switches.

How to enable wifi on different laptop models

HP laptop:

HP program Connection Manager.

To open the program, go to “Start” - “all programs” - “HP Connection Manager”. Opening this program Before connecting the device, press the power button. Let's look at the picture

Asus laptop:

On laptops asus switching on Wi-Fi is performed using a mechanical switch (on or off button).

In this case wifi control It becomes convenient, but if the switch fails there will be some problems.

Wi-Fi can also be controlled using the Fn+ F12 key combination on the keyboard, hold down the Fn key and press F12

Acer laptop:

But some models of Acer laptops do not have a button on the case to turn on and turning off wi-fi. Therefore, to manage wi-fi connection The Fn+ F12 keyboard is used. You need to press Fn and without releasing press F12.

Lenovo laptop:

For turning on wi-fi on lenovo laptops The Fn+ F5 keys are used. Press the Fn key and without releasing it press F5. After performing these steps, the wi-fi indicator on the laptop should light up

Samsung laptop:

To connect your laptop wirelessly wi-fi networks You need to press the combination Fn+F9 on the keyboard. Hold Fn without releasing and press F9. As in all cases, if the connection to the network is successful, the indicator on the laptop will light up.

Toshiba laptop:

To activate wi-fi on Toshiba laptops The key combination Fn+F8 is used. Again, hold down the Fn key and press F8.

Internal wifi setup on a laptop

These settings depend on the operating system, which is configured differently. Basically, all settings are related to wi-fi in sleep mode, i.e. In some cases they must be enabled manually. Let's look at the settings on each Windows operating system. Before starting the settings, check the following parameter.

On the bottom panel on the desktop we look for the battery charging sign. Right-click on this sign and select “windows mobility center.”

In the window that opens, look for the wireless network section and make sure it is turned on.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows 7 operating system

Open “Start”, go to “Control Panel”, select “Network and Internet”. In the window that opens, go to “Network and Sharing Center”. Next, on the left side of the window, go to the “change adapter settings” section.

After that, the wireless networks window will open. Right-click on “wireless network connection” and select “enable”

If the network is on, leave everything as it is. If the data section is enabled, the window that opens will contain available wifi points.

Choosing the desired network and click connect. If at setting up wifi On the router you specified a password, then when you connect to the laptop network, it will ask you for that password, enter the password and press OK.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows vista operating system

In order to set up wifi on windows vista You need to follow similar steps as on Windows 7.

Go to “start” and open “control panel”. On the left side, click “switch to classic look».

Now you need to select “Network and Sharing Center”. On the left side of the window, click “manage network connections.”

Now go to “manage network and connections”, right-click on “wireless network connections” and click “connect”.

After performing these actions, a list will open wifi connection. Select the required connection, click connect, if necessary, enter the password, click OK.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows xp operating system

So that the laptop can connect to the wifi network in the operating room windows system xp must be done next steps.

Click “start”, open “control panel”, go to “ network connections" Right-click on the “wireless network connection” section.

Right-click on “connection” and select “view available wireless networks.” A window will open in this window, click on “change order of network preference”.

Next, click on “network and access point” and click on the checkbox “ automatic connection to the network." Now go to the “view available wireless networks” section, select the network you need and click “connect”. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the taskbar in the lower corner indicating a completely successful connection to wifi.

If the above settings fail to enable wifi laptop, then you need to check the following parameters.

Installing the wifi adapter driver on a laptop

To check if the driver is working wifi adapter you need to go to “Start” “Control Panel” “System and Security” and click “System”. Next, go to the left side of the window “Device Manager”

Opened in the window, go to the section network adapters. If there is a yellow triangle with exclamation point like on a picture

This means that the driver is not working, to fix this situation click on the non-working driver right button Click on “update driver”.

In the window that opens, select “ automatic update", in the event that you have internet. Or go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer, download drivers in the section required driver.

In practice, there are cases when wifi adapter disabled. In this case, right-click on the adapter and click “enable”.

There are also cases when the adapter is located under the energy saving filter. To check whether the adapter is under this filter, go to the “control panel” “security system” “system” “device manager” then right-click on the driver itself, click “properties” in the window that opens and go to “power management”

In this window, uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save energy.”

This solves the question of how to enable wifi on a laptop. I hope the information was useful to you. If you have any questions, write comments.