After reinstalling Windows, the Internet does not work. Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows

Almost everyone who has reinstalled an operating system without the help of specialists has encountered the problem of subsequent setup. Often errors and questions arise that are not so easy to find answers to. The most common problem is that after reinstalling Windows, the Internet stops working.

Main causes of failure

Modern computers and versions of Windows allow installation to be completed fairly quickly, while the rest of the time is spent editing parameters and downloading software. If the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows, there may be several problems, and they will depend on your provider, equipment and connection type.

Adapter driver missing

As a rule, after reinstalling Windows, you need to install drivers. In modern versions of Windows, almost all devices connect automatically after reinstallation. However, the native driver from the device manufacturer will work better and provide more stable operation for the network adapter.

An incorrectly installed, incompatible and problematic driver is the most common cause of non-working Internet. In order to check whether the network device is installed normally, you must:

If there is a connection, as in the picture, you can proceed to check in the following ways.

A driver may be accepted by the system, create a connection, and even make it active, but may not work if the wrong software is installed. To verify the opposite, you need to go to the “Device Manager” and check if there are exclamation marks next to the network equipment.

If there is no wifi connection in the “Network Connections” setting, the adapter may be disabled, as shown in the figure, the devices marked with red crosses. When the wifi adapter is missing in the “Manager...”, the equipment may have failed or not been detected by the system at all. In this case, it could end up in the “Other devices” tab.

No settings or connection

Very often, a local network is used to provide Internet access. Most providers that provide network access via cable require additional settings for the network card.

You can find out from your provider whether you need to enter settings manually after reinstalling Windows. You can also check them yourself if there is no connection. To do this, you need to go to “Network Connections” and right-click on the local network connection and select “Details” in the action menu that opens.

Very often the Internet does not work due to lack of settings. The operation of a network adapter, both wifi and local, is impossible without parameters. Therefore, it should receive them automatically, or they must be entered manually after reinstalling windows. The basic Internet settings that must be present are the IP address, mask, and gateway.

If there are no values ​​in any field, then the problem is in the network settings and they must be entered manually. To do this you need to do the following:

Sometimes users complain that their Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows. In fact, this phenomenon should not be alarmed. Often the problem can be easily fixed. What to do if after reinstalling the operating system the Internet refuses to work? Why might this happen? The best tips and recommendations for action are presented below. In reality, specialist help is usually not required. The user is able to correct the situation on his own.


It is advisable to have some kind of device that will allow you to use the Internet and download the latest versions of drivers. Next comes the installation of these. Even USB modems require this step. They usually come with a separate disk with software. Once the installation is complete, you can connect the modem, reboot the operating system and see if everything is ok. This step usually helps.


Internet still doesn't work on your computer? Then you should look for reasons elsewhere. If, after reinstalling the operating system, the network refused to work, but before that it functioned normally, you can think about incompatibility of the connected equipment.

This is possible when installing a newer version of the OS. In particular, Windows 10 users have been complaining the most about this phenomenon lately.

This problem can only be resolved by replacing incompatible equipment. Or by installing a compatible operating system. No other options will help. Fortunately, the problem of incompatibility does not occur very often so far. Therefore, many simply cross it off the list of all possible circumstances under which the Internet refuses to work normally.

Equipment malfunction

But these are not all the options for the development of events. Internet not working after reinstalling Windows? What to do in this situation? It is likely that the network failure was due to hardware failure. And it so happened that the breakdown occurred at the time of reinstalling the operating system.

To accurately check the functionality of the Internet, it is recommended to connect the modem to some other computer. If the World Wide Web also does not work there after installing the drivers, then the problem is really in the modem. On some models, you may notice a light on, indicating that there is no connection to the PC.

As you might guess, only buying new equipment will help. Or repair the old one. But such a step does not give 100% success. Therefore, it is recommended to abstain from it.


Internet not working on your computer? What to do if there are no incompatibilities in the operating system, the equipment is working normally, all drivers are installed and updated to the latest versions? Then you might think that for some reason the network connection settings have gone wrong. Or they were not installed at all.

As practice shows, you can fix this problem yourself. However, it is recommended that you contact your provider for help. Now all versions of Windows are radically different from each other. And therefore, an ordinary user may not find where and what equipment settings to enable.

A call to the provider will solve the problem. You must provide your residential address and your initials. Next, the office employee will check whether the settings have really gone wrong. If this is the case, you need to clarify the installed operating system and follow the advice that the employee gives. After all the manipulations and changes completed, the Internet will definitely work. At a minimum, the problem with lost settings can be eliminated.

IP address

Internet not working after reinstalling Windows? In fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. In some cases, a similar phenomenon is observed if the IP address and DNS server are obtained automatically. Or, on the contrary, specific settings are set.

You can try to change the add-in data. They are located in "Network Connections". This item refers to the "Control Panel". You need to go to the properties of the local network, then select "Internet Protocol TCP/IP". In the window that appears, either certain combinations are set, or “Receive automatically” is selected. It all depends on the initial settings. Then the changes are saved. Most likely, the World Wide Web will begin to work at full capacity. There is nothing difficult about it. The problem is usually just finding the right settings and menu items.

Pirate version

After Windows was reinstalled? You should think about what version of the operating system is installed. Most likely, the user decided to install a pirated copy for himself.

Internet failure in this case is normal. It doesn’t matter whether the reinstallation of Windows XP or any other version of the OS took place. The main thing is that we are talking about a pirated copy.

Here are several options to solve the problem:

  1. Reinstalling Windows. We are talking about the same version. Sometimes reinstalling helps, but there is no guarantee for this.
  2. Installing another version of the operating system, a pirated one. To do this, you will need either an installation disk or some kind of device that allows you to download the next Windows.
  3. Purchasing a licensed copy of the operating system. Not the most favorite, but quite effective method. Eliminates problems with the OS if they were caused by installing pirated software.

No more options are given. You can, of course, try all the previously listed methods. For example, changing modem settings. But these steps are usually powerless.


But if the Internet suddenly stopped working, but not immediately after reinstalling Windows, you can think about the presence of viruses on the computer. This infection penetrates the OS quickly and often unnoticed. Viruses destroy and disrupt the performance of a computer.

There is only one way out - treatment of the operating system. Afterwards you need to reinstall the drivers and configure the network (or check the settings). Everything should work in full force.

Greetings to all of you, my dear readers and PC users!

Not everyone knows what drivers are needed after installing Windows 7, and this is very important! That is why I decided to write this article, in which I will tell you not only what software you need, but also in what order it is best to install it. I'll also tell you how to simplify the process of installing drivers so you don't have to spend hours on your computer!

What you need to know first

Before you reinstall Windows, you must take care of all the necessary software in advance. You never know what might happen, the Internet will be turned off, the media with the necessary software will turn out to be broken, or something else. In this case, it will be very difficult to fix such problems. For example, if you delete the OS on a laptop, the drivers for the network card or wi-fi will be broken or simply will not be installed. And that's it, you are without the Internet. Therefore, it is better to take care of the necessary software in advance.

Download the drivers, check them for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then write them to a flash drive, or better yet, copy them to a logical drive separate from where the operating system is located. Let them always remain there. Even if you install the maximum edition of Windows distribution, you will still have to install new drivers.

Driver installation sequence

There is no special order. Whether you have a laptop for gaming or work, all the necessary software should still be installed. I would advise you to first install the drivers for the network card and the wi-fi module. This will give you access to the Internet. If suddenly any files fail, you can already download them from the network. They are already built into the OS distribution, even if it is a home base one. But you need to understand that at the time of the creation of the operating system, the firewood of the first versions was put into it.

Next, I recommend that you take care of software for audio devices. At least you can listen to music while work continues. Moreover, you often have to install not only the drivers themselves, but also additional software that helps you configure the sound and adjust it to suit you and your laptop.

Next you can install software for the processor, video card, etc. A list of all devices without the necessary software can be seen in the task manager. Everything marked with a yellow question mark requires installation of programs.

After installing everything you need, you must restart your laptop. Otherwise, the system will then do this itself, but it is not a fact that you will have time to save the data that you will be editing at that time.

I want to give you one valuable recommendation. If you have problems installing drivers, it is better to install them using special programs. For example, DriverPack Solution, you can download from here.

It is easy to install, it will scan your PC itself, find the necessary firewood and install it.


These are all the simple truisms that you should know before you decide to reinstall the operating system. Working with drivers is actually simple, just long and tedious. If you want to be confident in every device on your laptop, install everything manually. If you decide not to waste time, use special programs. There is a good video on this issue.

With this I will say goodbye to you! Share this article with your friends on social networks, because sooner or later they will also have to reinstall the operating system.

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Sometimes, due to certain life circumstances, it is necessary to install an operating system. Quite often, users discover that the sound has disappeared after reinstalling the system.

The possibility of a situation where the sound disappeared after installing Windows 7, unfortunately, is far from uncommon. Fortunately, it can be solved quite simply if you know exactly the reason.

Possible reasons

There may be several reasons for the sound to disappear. The main ones are hardware errors, that is, a malfunction of the sound card. In this case, you cannot do without specialized help. Or there are problems in the software part, and specifically, in the lack of drivers for the sound card.

If the problem is with hardware, then you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem without special equipment and skills. Solving software problems is much simpler and does not require special knowledge and skills. To do this, you just need to confidently use the computer and not be afraid of it.

Solutions options

So, if after installing Windows 7 there is no sound, then the first thing you need to do is check the connection of the audio system to the computer, and also that the audio system you are using is selected in the settings. The check is as follows:

If the audio system is turned on and in use, but there is still no sound, then the most likely reason why the sound may disappear is that after reinstalling Windows 7, the drivers for the sound card or audio device were not installed. This problem is not so terrible and quite easily solved.

Finding and installing drivers

There are several ways to return sound after reinstalling Windows; the easiest way is to install control program distributions from the media that comes with the device; it contains all the necessary drivers. But if it happens that there is no disk, you can install the drivers using standard Windows tools.

So, to convince the OS to reinstall the drivers, follow the path indicated in the address bar of Explorer: “ Control Panel» → « system and safety" → "". And select " device Manager».

After completing these steps, the following window will appear:

In the window that appears, select “ Sound, video and gaming devices" and from the list that opens, select the desired system by double-clicking on the name. A properties window will appear in which you need to select the “ Driver».

In this window, you need to select the Update... button, and in the window that appears, click on the item “ Automatically search for updated drivers" After this, Windows will begin to search for the program on the Internet and update or install it if such a need exists.

Manual installation

If the built-in Windows service tells you something like “The installed software for this device does not need to be updated,” this does not mean that you actually have it installed and do not need to be updated.

If you just installed the system, then there are no audio drivers there. But the system simply failed. Also, quite often the automatic update service cannot find the necessary software, in this case the direct path is to manually search and install the necessary programs.

To do this, the first thing you need to do is decide which sound card you have installed. If your card is integrated into the motherboard, then most likely it is from Realtek, which means that you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the necessary software there. Device Manager identifies built-in cards as High Definition Audio Device.

But since you may have another audio card, it’s better to find out which one in advance. To do this we follow Start, we find " Execute" and write in the search bar " dxdiag" and click OK.

In the window that appears, go to the “ Sound" (sound).

Line " Name"(name) will tell you what card you have installed. After that, feel free to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest version of the software for your card.

After installing the software, restart the computer and check for sound.

Using driver packs

If you have already tried everything, but after reinstalling Windows 7 the sound still does not work, then you have two options. The first is to take the computer to a service center or use specialized software to install drivers, for example. It is better to download it from the official website.

After launch, the program will diagnose the system and indicate those drivers that need to be updated. It will also select the software recommended for installation. Among other things, it will contain Avast And Yandex browser, if you don’t need this happiness for nothing, find the button at the bottom of the window Switch to expert mode and manually configure what should be installed.

Feel free to install all the recommended drivers, but here are the software and programs that DRP suggests deleting, better viewing and changing the settings to those that suit you. The program may remove something you need.

Windows 7 Sound Service Problems

Sometimes the drivers are really fine, but problems arise because the audio service does not start. First, try changing the system sound a couple of times:

Hardware problems

If all the previous methods did not bring the desired result, then most likely there are problems with the hardware. An audio card may fail due to the failure of some individual elements, and not the entire board as a whole. But this will not reassure owners of integrated cards at all. The built-in cards are not repairable, so if it fails, you will have to buy a discrete sound card.

Discrete cards, as a rule, can be repaired, but you should not try to repair this device yourself without the appropriate skills and equipment; most likely, you will only aggravate the situation and spend much more money than if you gave the card to professionals.

Reasons for refusal:

  • overheat;
  • burnout;
  • raw contacts;
  • broken conductors;
  • broken plugs;
  • loose soldering;
  • developer error or manufacturing defect.

To extend the life of your computer, clean it several times a year. This will allow the cooling system to perform its function most efficiently and problems such as overheating and damp contacts will most likely not affect you.

However, the lack of sound is not always a consequence of the fact that the audio card has failed. The first step is to check the functionality of the audio system; to do this, simply connect other speakers to the computer.

Also, cords can fail, replacing which is not difficult, this is especially true for headphones.

It is not always possible to determine at home without equipment whether the audio card has really failed or whether there is a problem with another device. Therefore, you should not panic right away; it is best to carry out diagnostics at a service center, and also update your computer software.

Video on the topic