Portable hard drive for tablet. Increasing memory

Built-in memory tablet and ultrabook designed to accommodate operating system, and system applications and the necessary utilities, it is enough to store applications and personal information (contact database, calendar, etc.).

It is assumed that the owner of the device will store the rest of the information - music, photos and videos - on an external drive. Most often, a memory card is used in this capacity. What if we turn to a portable one? hard drive?

What are the benefits of a portable hard drive?

By connecting an external drive to your tablet or ultrabook, you can immediately solve the problem of storing large amounts of content. To put it simply, carry your entire movie collection with you.and music, accessing it when necessary and not bothering with connecting to a desktop PC.

It’s convenient to move photos and videos onto a 2.5-inch drive without using up the gadget’s built-in memory. In addition, the HDD can be used to transferdata between the tablet and the computer, print photos on a printer, connect to a media center or Smart TV.

In addition to versatility, external hard discs are characterized favorable price per gigabyte of stored information and high capacity, in comparison with flash cards and USB flash drives.

On the other hand, the HDD is still noticeably larger in size, so it will take up more space in your bag (plus a USB cable).

And, importantly, it consumes quite a lot of electricity, which means that the built-in battery of the tablet/ultrabook will discharge much faster.

And HDD models with double USB tail won't launch at all, if your device only has one corresponding connector (they need two ports for power). And finally, it is still more convenient to work with such a design in stationary conditions.

How portable HDD connect to ultrabook/tablet

Benefit from the purchase external HDD will be nullified if your tablet does not support USB connectivity. At a minimum, a USB host is required (you can check it in the user manual or on the manufacturer’s website) - it will provide connection to the keyboard,

mouse and other devices (the presence of such an option may indirectly indicatethat there is a host). And here USB cable OTG(On-The-Go) will allow the tablet to understand that an external device is connected to it (otherwise it will consider itself passive).

However, in each case clarification is required, especially if we're talking about about Chinesenonname products. Manufacturers often solve this issue programmatically (the user himself selects the operating mode of the USB port) - then the availability OTG cable optional.

Ultrabooks however, they don’t have such a problem at all - the vast majority of them USB ports work in standard “computer” mode.

It’s also important what file system is used on external drive: by default, tablets understand FAT32 (used on flash drives), and hard ones are often formatted in a format more familiar to Windows NTFS format- and here there may be nuances.

But anyone modern tablet With USB support OTG must recognize external hard disk. However, if there really is a problem, you can format the latter in FAT32, although in this case the maximum volume size will be 2 TB.

But nothing prevents you from creating several volumes, but it is unlikely that you will need external storage of such capacity - 1 TB is enough for most tasks. Another thing is worse: maximum size file supported by this file system, limited to 4 GB, so if you are focused on working with files bigger size, This the solution is unusable.

You can also try formatting the drive for NFTS using the NFTS Mount application (don't forget that to run itYou will need root rights, so this option is not suitable for all devices or you will have to seek help from specialists).

Third problem— energy supply. As already mentioned, not every external drive will be able to start when powered by the tablet, and once it starts, it will drain the built-in battery faster.

Try to connect the HDD periodically and for short periods of time, for example, to copy photos from your tablet or upload music. It's unlikely that I'll be able to watch the film.

Therefore, when purchasing an external drive, focus on “green” models (low-speed, but with energy-saving features).

Alternatively, buy a separate USB hub with external power supply- to it and connect the tablet with hard drive(but we have to be sure to check for compatibility).


Connecting an external drive to a tablet/ultrabook is a good idea in all respects: if it has a large capacity (terabyte or more), many problems with storing and transferring media content are solved.

And if your tablet is equipped with a USB host, that’s really nice, just before purchasing an HDD, check whether it will work with your model.

Text S. Gorotov

Gadgets have flooded the market and have become an integral part of life for many. Thanks to technology, it has become possible to combine devices and make work easier. Therefore, many users want to know how to connect an external hard drive to their tablet.

For what?

Became an excellent alternative additional storage. And if using it on a PC is very simple, then to use it on a tablet or other device you need additional help. But why do this?

How to connect an external hard drive to the tablet? In some cases, many do not even understand why they should do this in principle. It just so happens that not all tablet users need to expand the device’s memory. The built-in one is enough for them, but in extreme cases you can buy a memory card.

But there are users who both work with the tablet and spend time with it free time. Therefore, the amount of memory available on a standard drive is not enough. In addition to documents, they store special programs and many multimedia files. Some may require more than 500 GB free space. Therefore, it is important to understand how to connect an external hard drive to your tablet.


In fact, this is a simple operation that even an inexperienced user can handle. The only difficulty is that you will have to acquire auxiliary tools.

How to connect an external hard drive to the tablet? There are not as many ways to do this as it might seem. First of all, you need to purchase an OTG-USB cable. Make sure you have an adapter in case the tablet does not support OTG.

First way: directly

For it, it is enough to take the “native” cable of the external drive and connect it directly to the tablet. In some cases, additional adapters and wires are not needed. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the device’s screen indicating that a drive is connected to it. Almost everything modern models are designed for such a simple connection that does not require additional costs.

Second method: using an adapter

How can I connect an external hard drive to my tablet? Sometimes you have to purchase an OTG-USB cable. This is a small wire that has an adapter with a USB port. Therefore, you can connect not only a storage device to the tablet, but also a mouse, keyboard, printer and other equipment.

This method should be used if the first option does not produce results. For example, you were able to connect the drive, but the tablet does not see it. Or you know in advance that the device does not support OTG.

The adapter is no different from others. The only thing is that it may look like a short cable or look like a flash drive. In the first and second cases, there is a micro-USB connector at one end, and a USB port at the other.

Third method: application

In the question of how to connect a removable USB disk to Android, you can find another answer. For example, it is enough to use regular cable, as in the first connection option, but at the same time install special application, which will help to establish correct operation between devices.

This software can be downloaded from Google Play. Nexus Media Importer will cost you $3, but it's worth it. It is immediately important to note that despite the fact that the name of the application mentions the manufacturer Nexus, the program also works on other tablet models.

Thanks to the software, they will be installed at the hardware level special files which will provide OTG support.

Fourth method: economical

Connecting hard drive to the tablet can be done using another software. Its advantage over the previous one is that it is free. But the question now is different: installation requires ROOT rights.

StickMount can only work correctly if the user has special rights. If you have them, then it will be enough to install any conductor, and when connecting the drive, give the software the appropriate rights and access. This way you can quickly deal with the connection problem.

Connecting other devices: computer and wireless hard drives

In addition to an external drive, you can try connecting a computer hard drive. If we compare the cost of two drives of the same capacity, then a computer hard drive is definitely cheaper. But it will be more difficult to connect it to the tablet. How to connect the hard drive to the device in this case?

You need to purchase OTG-USB and SATA-USB adapters; you will also have to find a power supply for the hard drive, since it requires more power For correct operation. After that, it will be enough to connect everything together and work with the hard drive.

You can also try connecting a laptop hard option disk. But there is no difference with a computer one. The only thing is that the cost of the laptop version will be slightly higher. Therefore, here it is already worth thinking about whether, in principle, there is any sense in this.

And finally, few people know, but there is a Wi-Fi hard drive. This is the most ideal option, which can only be inferior in speed. This drive is equipped with a built-in module wireless network. Therefore, you just need to connect to it via Wi-Fi to use the data.

There is also another option: you can purchase a hard drive with a built-in battery. But such models are less common, and their cost is extremely high.

Using Samsung as an example

Now we connect the hard drive to Samsung Galaxy Tab. This is a popular tablet series and may vary appearance and some basic parameters. But in general, they are all similar, so the instructions for connecting the HDD to this model can be considered universal.

First, it’s better to check whether the model has a USB host. This information can most often be found on forums, since it is rarely found in official specifications.

Eg, Samsung model Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 lacks this option, but 7.0 has it. Therefore, there is nothing to do with the first option at all, since inexperienced user It will not be easy to understand ROOT rights and custom firmware. But the second model is more flexible for connection.

Next, just find the necessary adapter for the tablet. Samsung Galaxy Tab has a special proprietary connector, so you will have to look for an adapter from the manufacturer. After a successful search, you will again have to start obtaining ROOT rights and installing programs. Therefore, if this scares you in advance, it is better to forget about connecting a hard drive to the tablet.


It just so happens that problems with connecting the drive to tablets occur only with older models. Almost all new products support work hard drives, and connection does not require additional cables, adapters or power.

It's also easy to find an external drive that doesn't require phantom power or have special ports. It is enough to take a “native” cable to connect it to any device: tablet, smartphone, PC and even to a TV.

By the way, my wife’s year-long experience of using this device is extremely positive - the beast completed its tasks (surfing, navigation, reading, photos and movies) for all the money, there are no complaints. And then I decided to sell my Acer Iconia Tab W501 and buy Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 in the same form factor: 7 inches. I decided and bought it. Like this:

What attracted me to it was the normal (Hallelujah!) micro USB input, well, how about connecting flash drives there and watching movies from an external hard drive. Plus it’s kawaii, more ergonomic than the second body, in general, a dream. Bought. The first thing I encountered was freezing. During active surfing, the tablet stuck tightly. Shit. Then troubles with games began: good old carmageddon came with such graphical lags that I went a little crazy with amazement. But what finally finished me off was the attempt to teach the tablet to be friends with external media: card readers, flash drives and hard drives. As I already wrote in the previous article on Tab 2 7.0, Android is a fucking disgusting Linux that neither Orthodox NTFS nor less Orthodox extFAT understands. This can be treated by installing special program: Paragon NTFS & HFS+ (actually there are many different ones, but I successfully use this one), which unfortunately requires root rights. I won’t write here how to root the Galaxy Tab 3, w3bsit3-dns.com will help you.

In general, Root, Paragon, adapter "USB female - microUSB male", plug in a flash drive => horseradish. Nothing works. At first I thought I was doing something wrong and started smoking on the forums, and only then did I howl with frustration:

There is no USB host on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0!!!

He's not there, he doesn't see him external devices. How many times have they told the world, at first read forums, Then buy. In principle, there is a solution to this problem. In order for a USB host to appear there, you need to install a custom kernel (see spoiler “Firmware”) of the system, but at the time of September 2013, the only custom BlackHawk kernel on the Tab 3 did not work (maybe it has been fixed now, I don’t know). And in general, this is Satanism, hemorrhoids and sex, with the risk of turning the tablet into a brick, costing more than 10 thousand rubles. Tell me, what kind of Korean idiot got into the idea of ​​giving birth to a tablet with a normal USB and without a host?!

I gave up on this matter and swapped tablets with my wife, taking her Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 like this:

It has a USB host. But the stupid Samsung branded connector. Fortunately, there are adapters from it to USB? for example like this:

Or this:

The first one is IMHO more convenient, since it does not touch the cover. In general, after rooting and installing the program, the flash drives plugged into the adapter lit up with a cheerful light. Win!

But the hard.... there is not enough power for the hard. Here you need either a hard drive with additional power from the adapter, or whatever you want, a movie. But a hard drive with an additional adapter is not mobile solution, excuse me, some don’t even have an outlet in the toilet, let alone on a bus or train... and not everyone has a hard drive with an adapter, I generally can’t stand them.

But of course there is a solution. Oddly enough, the simplest thing is to take USB cord with an additional tail for supplying power, let's say this:

For many, I’m sure this shit is lying around among the wires, as a memory of old external containers for hard drives. Naturally, the connector at all ends should not be miniUSB as in the picture, but normal USB. Next, the hard drive is plugged through the appropriate adapter (they now have either microUSB, or USB 3.0, or some other crap) into the cord through the adapter into the tablet, and the power supply through the extension cord into the adapter and into the socket. In the camping version, the power can be plugged into a battery, for example this one.

Almost all the latest (and not so recent) flagship models Android devices are equipped with chic widescreen displays with a decent diagonal and high ppi. On such screens it is quite convenient to watch movies and TV series on the road, but where to record them? Google has a bad tradition of not installing memory card slots in its Google phones. If this is not yet so critical for the Galaxy Nexus (16 GB on board), then the younger Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 are already suffering, because you can’t record a lot of video content on 8 GB, and not only Google phones are guilty of this. All that remains is to use the removable external media. But how to connect it to a smartphone and tablet? Very simple.

What you will need

  • Smartphone or tablet to which we want to connect USB storage
  • Removable USB drive
  • USB OTG cable

The USB On-The-Go cable is an adapter that connects at one end to a micro USB port on a smartphone, and plugs into its other end standard USB port removable disk. Cool DIYers can solder it themselves (maybe they will send us instructions with screenshots, we will be happy to publish them), while the rest can go to the Internet or the nearest specialized store and buy such an adapter there for very ridiculous money. This posting actually opens ample opportunities. With it you can connect joysticks, keyboards and other devices with USB interface, as long as the smartphone or tablet understands them.

At the initial stage this will be enough. Now we need to find out if ours wants mobile device be friends with removable media without additional manipulations. Smartphones and tablets from the same manufacturers allow you to connect USB drives from the box. Let's connect and watch. If you were unable to access the storage, then move on.

Simple option

If you don’t want to bother, then go to Google Play Store and buy the Nexus Media Importer application there (it works not only with Nexuses) for $3. That's enough.

If your device is rooted, you won’t have to pay. Download free application StickMount (works only with root) and any other file manager, if for one reason or another you do not have it installed (we like ES Explorer).

All that remains is to connect removable drive and allow StickMount root access.

A corresponding message will appear in the notification area stating that the storage has been successfully connected and has the address /sdcard/usbStorage.

Go to this folder through the file manager and enjoy.

In the life of almost every owner tablet computer sooner or later there comes a time when he is faced with the question of how to connect hard drive to the tablet? Despite the fact that the volume in gadgets increases every year, and the presence of a microSD slot allows you to expand it even more, situations still arise when you need to connect an external storage medium to the device. For example, you downloaded some movies for your trip, but forgot to load them onto your memory card or tablet memory. Or you urgently need to reset some data from a colleague’s hard drive, but you don’t have a laptop or PC at hand. In such cases, we recommend that you use.

Following the instructions, you can connect the hard drive to the tablet

How to choose a drive

By the way, it’s worth saying a few words about how to choose an external hard drive for a tablet. Of course, it is possible, and cards of various formats through a card reader, but the best option- connection of a rigid laptop form factor 2.5″ (HDD standard size will also work in most cases, but often they need extra food, so this kind of solution can hardly be called mobile and portable). You can also assemble your own external storage by purchasing separately a 2.5″ pocket and a hard drive or SSD of the required capacity.

So, the first thing you should do is find out whether your tablet supports working with peripherals using the OTG protocol. If yes, then all you need is to connect the gadget with external storage the appropriate cable and wait a couple of minutes until the system detects that external storage has been added to it. Majority modern devices can do this “out of the box”, for those whose tablets do not have this useful property, there is also a way out, even several.

Method 1. OTG adapter

Will need to buy special OTG cable with a built-in appropriate adapter, which will be responsible for transferring data between the tablet and an external drive. After this, connecting the hard drive to the tablet is as easy as shelling pears - the process is no different from the one described above.

Method 2. Software

There are two options here - a budget option and one where you have to spend a little money:

  • Purchasing on Google Play apps Nexus Media Importer(cost: three dollars). Despite its name, the utility works not only with Nexus-line products. The application takes on the functions of that same OTG adapter and is usually cheaper. In addition, you may lose the adapter or, for example, forget it, but you can always download the utility to unlimited amount devices - enough under your account.
  • More a budget option- application StickMount. It is absolutely free, but will require root rights. So, if you are ready to understand the intricacies for the sake of saving getting root(some manufacturers provide this feature out of the box), then this is . After connecting the drive, a message will appear in the notification shade that the device is mounted and accessible via a certain path, most often /sdcard/usbStorage.

After this, all that remains is to install any ES Commander, any of the GO products or any other, of which Google store Play great amount(to varying degrees of functionality).

We hope that the question is now HDD connections to your tablet won't take you by surprise. Expand the memory of your favorite gadgets and stay with us!

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