Reinstall windows 7 on dell laptop. How to Reinstall Windows on a Dell Laptop

How reinstall Windows on a laptop - step-by-step summary.

For correct operation your small portable PC you need to know exactly how to reinstall Windows on laptop. Many users often encounter the problem of reinstalling the OS and prefer to solve problems on their own. Let's describe step by step brief instructions How to reinstall Windows on a laptop from scratch.

Preparing to reinstall the OS.

First of all, you need to make a copy necessary information from drive C, since the reinstallation process involves the destruction of all information from of this disk. If there is an emergency reinstallation, this step is skipped. It should be noted that if you have no idea how reinstall Windows on laptop or you are doing this for the first time, it is better to invite a specialist. If you do not have this option, please use the information below.

Setting up the BIOS of a DELL Inspiron 15 laptop to install WINDOWS 7 or 8 from a flash drive or disk

Selecting drivers to reinstall the OS.

So, you will need a boot disk operating system for your laptop. Modern laptop manufacturers equip PCs with operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8. However, more early versions This OS, such as Windows XP, is also in demand among users, so the question is: “How to reinstall Windows XP on a laptop?” is still relevant today. It should be noted here that to reinstall Windows XP requires SATA drivers, which can be included in Windows distribution XP or added by you yourself. More later versions The OS already has built-in drivers. For those users who know how to reboot the system to desktop computers, question: "How to reinstall Windows on a laptop?" will not be difficult, they will easily understand all the points.

Insert the disk into the drive and turn on the laptop. By pressing del we go into the BIOS. IN different models On laptops, entering the BIOS can be done in different ways: by pressing the F10, F1 or F2 keys. Next, we need the Boot tab, in which we select the order in which the laptop will boot from the CDROM. Go to the Exit tab, click on Exit Saving Changes. Next, the process of starting the laptop will occur with boot disk, which you inserted into the CDROM.

Installing the system from disk.

Let's move on to installing the system from disk. First you need to select or create a partition for Windows installations and indicate its size. By clicking on it, we proceed to formatting. The system will offer you two formatting options - fast NTFS and full FAT32. The most common option is NTFS, select and press Enter. Having completed formatting, the system begins the operation of copying its installation files. After the system reboots, Windows starts.

Let's move on to setting up basic data, such as input language, your name, license key, computer name (any), administrator password, which must be written down in the windows offered by the system. Then the time and date data is configured, and you should select the time zone of your region. The penultimate installation stage ends with configuration network parameters, where we select the “Regular Settings” tab.

To complete the system installation process, you must restart the laptop. We hope that you now understand how to reinstall Windows on a laptop. Good luck to you!

Short description

How to install Windows 7 via BIOS on a computer. This article is about installation issues on Windows computer 7 via BIOS on a laptop. Installing Windows 7 instead pre-installed Windows. Installing Windows 7 on a laptop (DELL, you can quickly reinstall it, just like on a hard drive. Install Windows 7 on a DELL inspiron n5040 laptop. Reinstalling windows on a dell laptop How. Reinstalling windows on a dell laptop. Forum topics similar to How to reinstall instead. How to return Windows 8 on Dell laptops to. How to reinstall licensed Windows 8 on Dell laptops. Return to factory settings. How to reinstall Windows on a laptop DELL. How to reinstall Windows on laptop DELL INSPIRON N5040 No. 5040-6759. How to restore a laptop to factory condition: Dell. Or how about it I'm trying to restore Windows 8 on Dell On a laptop Dell Inspiron 3537 after. Video instructions on how to install WINDOWS 7 from a flash drive. Installation Windows 7, 8, XP on Dell laptop, we. Installing or reinstalling Windows 7, 8, XP on a Dell laptop in How to reinstall Windows. Reinstalling Windows 8 on a laptop: where to start? Reinstalling windows 8 on a laptop. How to install Windows 8 yourself, why you can do it.


Before installing Windows 7 on your laptop, you need to make sure that all important data has been copied to USB drive, another hard section disk or another HDD. Surely, on any computer there is information that can be useful in the future, so we save it to avoid loss.

If you bought a laptop with licensed Windows 7 installed and do not want to lose your license, then instead of reinstalling, you can restore the system to factory settings. The manufacturer leaves reserved system memory on the hard drive (on some models a separate logical drive) several gigabytes, where all the files necessary for Windows recovery.

Unlike reinstalling the OS, we will need to run not Windows installer, and the recovery utility. To launch it, you need to press the key shown in the computer startup window next to the manufacturer’s logo.

To run the recovery utility on some Sony models VAIO, for example, has an ASSIST button.

ASSIST key on Sony laptop Vaio

To launch the recovery utility, press the corresponding key on the laptop:

  • Samsung - F4
  • Lenovo-F11
  • HP - F11
  • LG-F11
  • ACER – alt+F10
  • ASUS – as soon as the splash screen appears, press F9
  • DELL – as soon as the splash screen appears, press F9
  • Sony Vaio – F10 (in rare cases you need to press the ASSIST button)
  • Rover – when you turn on the laptop, you need to hold down ALT.
  • Fujitsu - F8

To get more detailed information To run the recovery utility for your laptop, you can look in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.

Now, using an HP laptop as an example, I will show you how to restore the system to factory settings.

To launch the system recovery utility, after pressing the power button, press several times Esc button. After this we see the following window.

To launch the recovery utility, press the F11 key.

We launch the recovery program and select the option “Restore the system to its original state when shipped from the manufacturer.”

If all important data is saved, then we continue recovery without creating backup copy files. Click Next.

We disconnect all connected devices from the laptop: flash drives, printers, modems.
Click “Next”.

Then the Windows recovery procedure starts. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes, this time is several times shorter complete reinstallation systems. The progress of the operation can be seen on the display.

After the recovery is complete, click on the Finish button and reboot. Licensed Windows 7 with factory settings and everything pre-installed programs ready to use.

However, this logical partition on the disk on which the files necessary to restore Windows are stored can be easily deleted, for example, during installation pirated copy Windows "professionals" to increase hard memory disk for several gigabytes. If this is your case, then read on.

Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive

The main steps that need to be performed to install Windows 7 on a laptop are setting up the BIOS firmware and directly installing the operating system itself.
Then everything is even simpler. To reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop, simply follow the installation instructions, watching the installation process step by step. Below are screenshots with a short explanation of the actions performed.

If you want to keep your license

Now we are looking for this sticker on our laptop with the key and the name of the version of licensed Windows 7. If you had licensed Windows 7 installed when you bought your laptop, then you will definitely find this sticker.

Now download the OS distribution kit, the key of which is indicated on the sticker. If it says Windows 7 Home Premium, then you need to download the image of this particular version of the OS and install it. For other distributions, the license key will not work.

We continue installing Windows 7 on the laptop

The reinstallation process described below is suitable for any laptop or computer.

Now we will need to write the downloaded Windows 7 distribution onto a flash drive or disk and start installing the system through the BIOS. For Windows entries You can use one of the following programs:

  • Ultra ISO
  • WinSetupFromUSB
  • Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool 1.0
  • WinToFlash

You can read more about each of them, the advantages and methods of recording a disk image for each program in.

For USB launcher On your computer you must first set the drive as a priority BIOS downloads to first place. To do this, go to the BIOS by pressing the appropriate key.

Table with key combinations for entering BIOS from various manufacturers computers and laptops.
PC Manufacturer Keys
Acer F1, F2, Ctrl+Alt+Esc
AST Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+Del
Compaq F10
CompUSA Del
Cybermax Esc
Dell 400 F3, F1
Dell Dimension F2, Del
Dell Inspiron F2
Dell Latitude Fn+F1
Dell Latitude F2
Dell Optiplex Del, F2
Dell Precision F2
eMachine Del
Gateway F1, F2
HP F1, F2
IBM E-pro Laptop F2
IBM PS/2 Ctrl+Alt+Ins then Ctrl+Alt+Del
IBM Thinkpad from Windows: Programs >Thinkpad CFG
Intel Tangent Del
Micron F1, F2, or Del
Packard Bell F1, F2, Del
Sony VAIO F2, F3
Tiger Del
Toshiba ESC, F1

Depending on the BIOS version setting bootloader priorities may vary, but in general it comes down to several steps in all cases: entering the BIOS - Finding the option responsible for device boot priority - Setting boot priorities.

Go to BIOS

Login to download section

Setting download priorities

In our case, we select boot from USB or boot from CD-ROM if Windows needs to be installed from disk. Don't forget to save the changed parameters before exiting.

Read more about the Bios firmware, its types and settings.

If all the settings in the BIOS were made correctly, then a window like this will appear with the inscription “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD,” which means “Press any key to boot from a CD or DVD.”

“Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” window, which means “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD”

Click “Install” to begin installing Windows.

Click “Install” to continue installing Windows 7

Here we need to select the version of Windows for which we have the key. You will need to enter it not now, but at the end of the installation. Also, if you do not enter the key at all, then within 30 days the installed OS can be used without any restrictions. The only thing that will appear is constant security messages about entering the key.

We agree to the terms license agreement. Click Next.

Select the full installation.

Select a partition to install Windows 7. To format the partition, click Disk Setup. If you do not have any created partitions, and the system defines the disk as an unallocated area, we also use the Disk Settings utility to create a new partition.

This is where there may be a section in which files are stored for automatic recovery laptop. This method automatic installation Windows was described a little higher.

The installer warns us that it will be done complete cleaning disk and all files on the disk will be erased. If you have important data on your hard drive, be sure to copy it to another disk partition or to a flash drive. By clicking OK we agree.

We wait until the installation of the system is completed. Our participation is not required here, we are just waiting.

After installation, enter the computer user name.

Enter the key if required.

Set the security mode. Here you can just turn it on or off automatic update and firewall.

Choose to turn off or leave automatic Windows update

If your computer has network connections and there is no need to install a driver, the system will prompt you to select the connection type.

This completes the Windows installation. To make your computer a full-fledged assistant, you can proceed to installing drivers and necessary programs.

That's all for me. The instructions turned out to be quite detailed and large. But this shouldn't scare you. It is designed primarily for beginners, for those who have not installed Windows 7 on a laptop before.

This article addresses questions installation on a Windows 7 computer via BIOS. Considered most general case installing the operating system using external media information: flash drives or CD/DVD.

Through the BIOS we select a device to start installing Windows 7

Step 1: Insert the Windows 7 OS disc into the DVD drive of your computer/laptop and restart it. Go to BIOS: This can be done when the computer/laptop starts to boot (the first loading screen). In most cases, there is an inscription on it (Fig. 1), inviting you to enter “BIOS Setup”. For example, it might look like this: Press DEL to enter SETUP. On different computers calling "BIOS Setup" can be done in different ways: by pressing a button F1(found in some implementations Phoenix BIOS), F2(on maternal Intel boards and in the case of some versions of Phoenix BIOS), F10(another option for Phoenix BIOS), Esc, by pressing the combination Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+Ins or Ctrl+Alt. Just Del- the most common option. Typically, the method for entering "BIOS Setup" is indicated at boot; it can be found in the manual for motherboard or to a computer/laptop. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with general information O .

In the BIOS, enter the “Boot” menu (Fig. 2) -> “Boot Device Priority" and for the first item "1st Boot Device"set the value to "CDROM" (Fig. 3) or "USB-flash" (depending on the storage medium).

Rice. 1. Home screen booting a computer or laptop. To enter the BIOS, press the required key combination

Rice. 2. After entering the BIOS, select the Boot section

Rice. 3. In the Boot section, you must select the device polling priority

By the way, sometimes it is impossible to boot the OS. This happens due to.

Starting the installation of Windows 7 via BIOS on a computer

Step 2. As soon as you select a disk/USB drive with Windows 7 OS to boot, a window will appear prompting you to press any button (inscription: Press any key to boot from CD or DVD). Press any button, such as spacebar. This is the window:

Rice. 4. Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. To download installation files, press any key

Rice. 5. Progress bar or installation file loading indicator that appears after pressing any button

After a few seconds, you will see the "Install Windows 7" window:

Rice. 6. First Windows 7 installation window

Settings before installing Windows 7 on a computer or laptop

Step 3. Select "Russian language" and click "Next". After this, the following window will appear:

Rice. 7. Second Windows 7 installation window. Click the "Install" button

Rice. 8. Third Windows 7 installation window. Accept the terms of the license agreement

Rice. 9. Fourth Windows 7 installation window. Selecting an option

I recommend putting clean install Windows - " Full installation" With this option, it is formatted system disk and, accordingly, the previous one Windows version and all data, parameters and settings will be completely deleted, which will help avoid possible failures and errors. This is the most reliable way installations.

There are times when Windows is buggy for one reason or another: either a file is missing, or something else. In this case, you can try updating Windows by selecting the first option – “Update”. With this option, all program settings, drivers and your data will be saved. But, since everything is saved, then with the same “success” all program problems or other errors are saved, which can lead to malfunctions of the newly installed Windows. If the system starts, then the Windows 7 update is best launched from the Windows environment itself.

Rice. 10. Fifth Windows 7 installation window. Selecting the OS installation location

If the disk is new and not marked, then there will be a picture like mine. If it is divided into sections, then all your HDD sections will be presented here.

Select drive "C". Format it to erase all information. To do this, click on the “Disk Settings” link. Next, an additional menu should appear:

Rice. eleven. Extra menu hard formatting disk

Rice. 12. Sixth Windows 7 installation window. Installation progress

The main work is done. The installer will do the rest on its own. The installation procedure will take about half an hour. At this time, no intervention is required from you, so you can calmly step away from the computer and go about your business.

Now you have almost managed to install Windows 7, there is nothing left.

Once the installation is complete, you will need to create your account. Come up with a username and enter it in the “Username” field:

Rice. 13. Completing the installation of Windows 7. Selecting a login

You will then be asked to create a password for your account, a password is not required and, if no one else uses the computer except you or you don’t have confidential information, which needs to be saved in secret, then the password need not be specified.

Rice. 14. Completing the installation of Windows 7. Selecting a password

In the next window you must enter serial number yours copies of Windows 7:

Rice. 15. Completing the installation of Windows 7. Selecting a key

Select options Windows protection. In most cases, the first option is suitable - “Use recommended settings”:

Rice. 16. Completing the installation of Windows 7. Selecting a system protection option

Set the system time:

Rice. 17. Completing the installation of Windows 7. Setting the system time

Select a network option. For most users, the “Public Network” option will be suitable:

Rice. 18. Completing the Windows 7 installation. Selecting a network option

And after all these small settings, the desktop of the newly installed Windows 7 will load in front of you.

That's all. As you can see, installing Windows 7 is not at all difficult, no more difficult than installing any other program. And it is available to absolutely any user. Therefore, if you have doubts about your capabilities, discard them and proceed to install the operating system on your own and do not be afraid of anything.

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