How to reboot the Windows 7 system. The most obvious signs of it are. Universal method for all systems

Graphic Windows interface Over the years, knowledge of the command line has faded. But no, no, you have to use it. In this article I will briefly describe how to use console command shutdown to shut down or reboot your computer Windows control. The article is relevant for Windows family 7/8/8.1/10.

The shutdown command to shutdown, reboot, or hibernate

To shutdown, reboot, or hibernate using the command line, use shutdown command. Main list of parameters:

  • /? — Display help. Same as without parameters.
  • /i - Display GUI user. This parameter must come first.
  • /l - End the session. This option cannot be used with the /m or /d options.
  • /s - Shut down the computer.
  • /g - Shut down and restart the computer. After the system restarts, launch all registered applications.
  • /a - Cancel system shutdown. This option can only be used during the waiting period.
  • /p - Immediate shutdown local computer without warning. Can be used with the /d and /f options.
  • /h - Switches the local computer into hibernation mode. Can be used with the /f option.
  • /e - Indicates the reason for the unexpected shutdown of the computer.
  • /m - \computer Specifies the destination computer.
  • /t xxx — Set a delay of xxx seconds before shutting down the computer. Valid range: 0-315360000 (10 years); default value: 30. If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f option is applied.
  • /c - “comment” A comment with the reason for restarting or shutting down. The longest length is 512 characters.
  • /f - Forced close running applications without warning users. The /f option is used when the /t option is set to a value greater than 0.
  • /d xx:yy - You must specify a reason for rebooting or shutting down. "p" means scheduled reboot or shutdown. "u" means the reason is user defined. If neither "p" nor "u" is specified, the reboot or shutdown is unplanned. "xx" is the primary reason number (a positive integer less than 256). "yy" is the reason auxiliary number (a positive integer less than 65536).

If you are interested full list parameters then run the utility shutdown without parameters.

Examples of using the shutdown utility

If you run the utility shutdown with parameter /i, then on the screen you will see something like the following (relevant for Windows 7):

When using delayed reboot:

Shutdown /r /t 180

We will receive the following notification on the screen:

If you want to cancel the scheduled reboot, use the command:


You should see something like this in the notification area near the clock.

Are you a beginner and find yourself in front of a computer for the first time? Don't know how to reboot it and want to learn how to do it? Then you have come to the right place, read our instructions in detail and you will learn how to reboot, shut down and do other operations with Windows.

At any Windows versions it all starts with a button. Her in latest versions They tried to completely remove the OS, replacing it with another beautiful design, but people got so used to it that manufacturers had no choice but to return it to its place, so you will always find it in the lower left corner (see photo)

Click on it and the Start button menu will open in front of you, which looks like this (or similar, it doesn’t matter)

Here you can click on the button "Shutdown", thereby completely turning off the computer (indicated by a yellow frame) or you can click on the arrow on the side of the button (indicated by a red arrow) and then select another option (see photo below)

As you can see, here you can "Change user", "Log out", "Block", "Reboot" or even choose "Dream" or "Hibernation" systems.

Let’s dwell on all these points in more detail and at the same time (since we’ve already gotten to this point) tell you what is used for what:

  • Change user. If several people work at the computer, each under their own account, then switching accounts is done with this menu button.
  • Log out. With this button you will exit Windows, but the computer and the system itself will remain working and will be ready to continue working at any moment.
  • Block. This button only locks your account, preventing others from seeing what you're working on, so everything you're working on will remain accessible after you enter your password.
  • Reboot. This is exactly the menu button you were looking for in our article. Clicking on it will force your computer to reboot. Try it, click and wait for the result.
  • Dream. This is a mode of operation of the OS when it goes into power saving mode, but at the same time everything you are working with will remain and the system will not turn off.
  • Hibernation. The most interesting mode. The system will turn off, but will save everything you had open or worked on. Be careful with this mode, on some computers this option is unstable or naturally nonsense. To be honest, over the years I have never gotten used to it in Windows and find it absolutely useless.


If the operating system is working normally, then to reboot it it is better to use the most standard way. Open the "Start" menu and at the very bottom of it, click on the "Shutdown" button. A dialog box will open with three buttons - "Standby", "Shutdown" and "Reboot". Click on the "Reboot" button to reboot operating room system.
IN Windows Vista and Windows 7, when you click the "Shut Down" dialog box, the restart command here can be selected from a special drop-down list.

Another way to reboot operating system associated with the use of special Windows tools called Task Manager. The task manager is called by pressing the key combination "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"Del". Task Manager is always on top active windows. Using it you can see the load on the operating system, running processes, and also remove unresponsive tasks, thereby eliminating operating room system no need to reboot. If there is still a need to restart the system, then click on the “Shutdown” button at the top of the Task Manager window, and in the drop-down menu click on the “Restart” line.

If the operating system is completely frozen, you can only reboot it " radical methods". To do this, press the Reset button, which is located on the case of the system unit. The computer will turn off for a second and then begin to boot. Please note that with this reboot method, the data that you did not have time to save will be lost forever.
If you are using, you can reboot by pressing and holding the power key for two seconds.

Any operating system sooner or later reaches a state where using the computer becomes difficult, inconvenient, or even impossible. Familiar programs stop running, or trusted tools unexpectedly stop working. This could happen due to fault malware, and due to careless user actions. The most faithful and reliable way To resolve these problems, reinstall the operating system.


Purchase the operating system disk (it doesn't matter which version you choose) and license key To her. Time-tested, more old Windows XP is great for computers that are not very powerful or new. More modern, beautiful and in many ways more convenient system Windows 7 is great for powerful machines, with enough memory, hard drive space and preferably a dual-core processor. Whatever version you choose, the main thing is that you have the disk and product key.

Find drivers for your hardware, i.e. motherboard, video card, sound card or network adapter- if they are not built into system board. If you don't have disks with software, just download the drivers from the manufacturer's website. Save the drivers and all important data on a flash drive or write it to another logical drive - this will be very useful after reinstallation.

Click the Start button and select Restart. After the black and white test message appears on the screen when the system starts, press the source button to boot the system. Most often this is the F8 button, but on some models motherboards F10 or another key is used. This is exactly indicated in the instructions for your model or on the bottom line of the loading screen.

Choose from boot menu item labeled CD-ROM or DVD-ROM with the name of your drive model. Insert the disk with the operating system installation data and press Enter.

Wait until the installer completes its initial download. Read and accept license agreement; This is usually done by pressing F3 and pressing the Enter button. Specify the logical drive where you want to install Windows. Select the first or top section in the proposed list hard drive and press Enter. If you have already installed the system on this partition, you will be asked to choose installation options: over an existing copy or by deleting the current one logical drive. Select “Delete partition”, confirm your choice with the D button and then with the L button.

Specify an unformatted area as the installation location for the system. Confirm the creation and formatting of the new partition. Wait for the formatting and downloading procedure to complete Windows files. After this, the computer will reboot on its own.

Wait 15 minutes to 1 hour for these systems to be unpacked and set up. Enter your computer details, personal details, name account and password if needed. Also specify your time zone and preferred language when you start your computer when prompted. After this, the computer will inform you that the installation is complete and will reboot.

Take out installation disk from the drive, wait full load systems. Insert the flash drive or driver disc and install it.

Be sure to activate your copy of the operating system, otherwise it will stop working after 30 days. To activate, select the item in the Start menu called “Activation”. Most convenient option- through the Internet. To do this you will need a key, also known as a product code. Enter the required information in the activation wizard and restart your computer after the process is completed.


  • how to restart windows in 2019

Price reduction for laptops and appearance on electronic market powerful laptop computers allowed many to abandon the use of bulky and noisy system units. But if the system unit always had a Reset button, with which you could restart the computer, then on a laptop the reboot is performed differently.


Just in case, let us recall the traditional method of rebooting any computer (both desktop and

Users of the seventh version of the Microsoft OS know very well how to manage system power. It's very simple - all the main buttons are in the Start menu. And in Windows 8, the Start menu looks completely different, so we should talk separately about how to restart the system. Read more about what the Start menu looks like in Windows 8.

There are several ways to reboot in Eight, one of them is to use the Settings Charms panel located on the side. To open it, move the cursor to right side screen in top corner. If you have touch screen, then just swipe your finger along its right edge.

In addition, Settings Charms can be activated by pressing Win+I. Here in the settings there is a Shutdown button. It is also possible to reboot the system, for which you need to click on the link of the same name. Before doing this, you should remember to close all applications and programs, as they can slow down the start of the reboot. This menu allows you to completely turn off your computer or put it into sleep mode.

Reboot using hot keys

An additional way to help restart a computer running Windows 8 is to use hotkeys. IN in this case The combination Alt+F4 is used. When you click them, a window opens, traditional for all versions of the Microsoft operating system.

In it you need to select the action you want to do. Here you are prompted to turn off your computer, put it into sleep mode, or restart it. Please note that these keys will only open the desired window if you are on the desktop. In the Home screen menu, pressing a combination of these buttons will do nothing.

Using a shortcut

In order to restart your computer, you can create a shortcut that will allow you to control the power of your PC. This is quite easy to do. To get started, you just need to right-click on an empty space on your desktop. From the drop-down menu, select Create and click on the Shortcut button.

In the address bar, enter Shutdown -s -t 00. Next, you will need to come up with a name for the shortcut. For example, you can label it as Power Button. Now click OK. An icon with the name you chose should appear on your desktop. By the way, you can change the type of shortcut by right-clicking on it. Next, go to Properties _ Change icon, and select the icon that we like best.

The button we created will help you quickly and safely turn off your computer. In order to make a shortcut to reboot, you need to do almost the same thing. However, in address bar you will need to enter hutdown.exe -r -f -t 00. These shortcuts can be pinned to home screen systems. To do this you need to click on them right click, and in the menu that opens, select Pin. Sometimes it may happen that all shortcuts from the desktop disappear; you will find a solution to this problem in this.

You can also restart your computer using the system lock. To do this, press the combination Win+L. Clicking on the top of the monitor will reset the lock screen. After this, you will see a message asking for a password to log into the system. And at the bottom of the screen you will see a power off button.

So, if you decide, be prepared for the fact that it does not have Start, with which users restarted the computer in the seventh version of the OS. However, there are several possibilities here given action using hotkeys, sidebar and even blocking the computer. In my opinion, the most convenient thing is to create a shortcut and pin it to the start screen. In this case, you do not have to constantly come up with various tricks, but just a few clicks are enough to restart your PC.

Good day.

You may need to restart your computer for a variety of reasons: for example, so that changes or settings in Windows (that you recently changed) can take effect; or after installing a new driver; also in cases when the computer starts to slow down or freeze (the first thing that even many experts recommend doing).

True, it is worth recognizing that modern versions Windows needs to be rebooted less and less often, not like, for example, Windows 98, where after every sneeze (literally) you had to reboot the machine...

In general, this post is more for novice users; in it I want to touch on several ways to turn off and restart your computer (even in cases where the standard method does not work).

1) The classic way to restart your PC

If the START menu opens and the mouse “runs” across the monitor, then why not try restarting the computer in the usual way? In general, there’s probably nothing to comment on here: just open the START menu and select the shutdown section - then from the three proposed options, select the one you need (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Windows 10 - shutdown/restart PC

If the mouse does not work (for example, the cursor does not move), then the computer (laptop) can be turned off or restarted using the keyboard. For example, you can click the button Win- a menu should open START, and in it already select (using the arrows on the keyboard) the shutdown button. But sometimes the START menu does not open, what should you do in this case?

Press a combination of buttons ALT And F4 (these are buttons to close the window). If you are in any application, it will close. But if you are on your desktop, then a window should appear in front of you, as in Fig. 2. In it, using .

You can also restart your computer using the command line (you just need to enter one command).

To launch the command prompt, press the button combination WIN and R(In Windows 7, the Run line is located in the START menu). Next enter the command CMD and press ENTER (see Figure 3).

IN command line you just need to enter shutdown –r -t 0 and press ENTER (see Fig. 4). Attention! The computer will restart at the same second, all applications will be closed, and no saved data will be lost!

Rice. 4. shutdown –r -t 0 - immediate reboot

4) Crash work (not recommended, but what to do?!)

In general, it is best to resort to this method last. With it, it is possible to lose unsaved information after a reboot in this way - Windows will often check the disk for errors and so on.


On the case of the most common classic system unit, usually the Reset (or reboot) button is located next to the PC power button. On some system units, you need to use a pen or pencil to press it.

Rice. 5. Classic look system unit

By the way, if you don't have Reset buttons- you can try pressing for 5-7 seconds. computer power button. In this case, usually it just turns off (why not reboot?).

You can also turn off the computer using the power on/off button next to network cable. Well, or just unplug the plug from the socket (the very last option and the most trouble-free of all...).

Rice. 6. System unit- back view


On a laptop, most often, there are no special ones. buttons for reboot - all actions are carried out by the power button (although on some models there are “hidden” buttons that can be pressed with a pencil or pen. Typically, they are located either on the back of the laptop or under some kind of lid).

Therefore, if the laptop freezes and does not respond to anything, just hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds. After a few seconds, the laptop usually “squeaks” and turns off. Then you can turn it on as usual.

Rice. 7. Power button - Lenovo laptop

You can also turn off the laptop by unplugging it and removing the battery (it is usually held in place by a pair of latches, see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Battery removal latches

5) How to close a frozen application

A frozen application may prevent you from restarting your PC. If your computer (laptop) does not restart and you want to figure it out, check if there is such a frozen application, then you can easily find it in task manager: Just note that it will say “Not Responding” next to it (see Figure 9).


To enter the task manager, hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Esc (or Ctrl+Alt+Del) buttons. Actually, to close it - just and click the “Cancel task” button, then confirm your choice. By the way, all data in the application that you forcefully close will not be saved. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to wait; the application may take 5-10 minutes. will hang and you will be able to continue working with mc (in this case, I recommend immediately saving all the data from it).

6) How to restart your computer in safe mode

This may be necessary, for example, when you installed a driver and it didn’t work. And now, when you turn on and Windows boot- you see blue screen, or you don’t see anything at all :). In this case, you can boot in safe mode(and it only loads the most basic software that is needed to start a PC) and remove all unnecessary stuff!

In most cases, in order for the Windows boot menu to appear, you need to press the F8 key after turning on the computer (and it’s better to press it 10 times in a row until loading PC). Next you should see a menu like in Fig. 10. Then all you have to do is choose desired mode and continue downloading.

Rice. 10. Option to boot Windows in safe mode.

If you can’t load (for example, you don’t see a similar menu), I recommend reading the following article:

Article on how to login safe mode[relevant for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10]

That's all for me. Good luck to all!