How to check the exact time by phone. Number to find out the time. How to find out the exact time by phone

Find out the exact Kiev time in a few seconds

In the modern rhythm of life, it is important to manage everything, and for this you need to keep track of time. This allows you to plan your daily activities, organize your work schedule and arrive at any meeting without delay. You can see the exact time anywhere in Ukraine for free and at any time when you need it!

Why is the “Exact Time” service useful?

Each smartphone is equipped with a date and time display function. However, as a result of changing the time zone, switching to summer or winter time, or when rebooting the phone, the settings may be lost, and information about the exact time will need to be adjusted. To check the current (local) time and set it on your smartphone or wristwatch, you do not have to connect to the Internet and wait until you can find information online.

How to use the service

The service does not require any additional connection. Just dial the USSD command *160# on your mobile phone - and in a moment you will receive a response from the operator with the exact time and date.

How much does it cost

For subscribers of the contract form of service, the service is free, even if there is 0 on the account.

Subscribers of the prepaid form of service can use the request 5 times free of charge within one calendar month. The following requests before the start of the new calendar month will cost 0.25 UAH each. To find out the remaining free requests, dial

We all remember how during the Soviet era, all the republics waited with bated breath for the chimes to strike on New Year's Eve. Today, these clocks strike time exclusively for Russia, however, this does not deprive them of their special magic and attractiveness.

The Kremlin Tower (also called Spasskaya), on which this clock is installed, was built back in 1491. In 1625 it was modernized - it was then that the clock device was installed on the tower. In 1626, the clock was destroyed due to a fire, so a similar one had to be built. In 1706 the clock was again replaced with new ones. This time they were brought personally by Peter the Great. However, they were also damaged due to the fire.

The dial was last replaced in the last century after it was hit by a shell in 1917. Few people know, but initially the tower was called Frolovskaya, since its creator (Italian Pietro Antonio Solari) chose the name for his structure based on the nearby church of Frol and Laurus. Only in 1658 was it decided to rename the tower Spasskaya. This was recorded in the royal decree, and the basis for the renaming was the location of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands above the gate.

Today, absolute time accuracy is achieved by connecting watches to reference clocks. For this purpose, a special cable is laid underground.

Chimes are capable of playing a variety of melodies. Until 1932, “The Internationale” was played every day at lunch; today the main tune is the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Access to the dial itself is limited to a limited number of people. However, there is no elevator in the tower - you have to climb an ancient spiral staircase. The length of each of the arrows is 3 meters, and the size of all kinds of gears and wheels exceeds human height. The total weight of the structure exceeds 25 tons.

Before the advent of mobile phones, many people wore wristwatches. In order to find out the time, it was enough to take a quick glance at the dial. Today, watches are worn less and less often, because they are in every mobile phone. Mobile operators are also ready to provide information about the current time. Let's see how to check the time on MegaFon and find out what time it is.

"Exact time" service

Especially for our readers, we conducted a little research and identified all the available ways to check the time on MegaFon. Some methods are quite exotic and labor-intensive, but workable. With the help of the information received, you can always find out what time it is and adjust your wristwatch and the clock in your mobile phone.

Indicating the exact time on a mobile phone or wristwatch will allow you to:

  • Don’t oversleep on your way to work - imagine what will happen if your wrist chronometer goes half an hour ahead (or back, which means you have to get up early);
  • Don’t be late for a train or plane - the consequences of such a delay can be very serious;
  • Don’t be late for the start of your favorite series - if the time suddenly goes wrong, instead of the start of the next episode you will see the final credits or, on the contrary, you will have to wait another half hour for the start of the premiere.

Let's see how to find out the time on MegaFon. And our first tool will be a specialized service - it’s paid, but it’s accurate. The “Exact Time” service on MegaFon cannot be called the most popular. We can safely say that a limited number of subscribers are familiar with it. Nevertheless, it allows us to completely and even more than solve our problem.

The Exact Time service on MegaFon allows you to:

  • Check the current time (Moscow time) accurate to the second;
  • Clarify today's date (suddenly you are lost not only in time, but also in the calendar);
  • Finding out your phone number is for the most forgetful people who forget everything.

In order to find out the exact time on MegaFon, you need to dial the USSD command *155# or *122#. After a few seconds, you will receive all the necessary data. The cost of one request is 9.99 rubles.

Please note that the answer may be received with a delay of several seconds, so there is no need to count on the most accurate time - this is not an atomic clock and inaccurate Moscow time on Mayak radio.

Other methods

Let's find out how to find out the time on MegaFon for free. And indeed, you shouldn’t give the operator a whole chervonets just to find out what time it is. It’s easier to enable automatic synchronization with network time in your phone’s settings.

Consider this procedure on an Android smartphone:

  • Go to “Settings – Date and Time”;
  • Select the item “Network date and time”;
  • We indicate “Synchronize time over the network”;
  • Check the “Use network time zone” checkbox.

Next, we look at the results - the correct time should be set on the mobile phone. Moreover, you don’t need to check anything else, since this function works automatically. But we can only get the most accurate time if we turn on GPS and check the GPS synchronization box in the settings - the exact time will be set using the most accurate satellite clocks.

Do not use GPS synchronization on a regular basis, as the turned on GPS module quickly drains the battery.

The next way to check the time on MegaFon is to ask the help desk specialists. Just call 0500, wait for the operator to answer and ask him what time it is. If you use the mobile Internet, type the phrase “exact time” into a search engine - in response you will receive the addresses of resources where the most accurate clocks are ticking.

USSD is a very convenient service for managing a number. In the article you can get summarized information about what USSD commands MegaFon and Tele2 have.

As a rule, each operator has its own set of commands with which you can manage your number, although the services are essentially the same: check your balance, borrow money, ask to call back, etc., of course, with rare exceptions .

In this post I will start by seniority (in terms of the number of subscribers), that is, with MegaFon USSD:

*100# - check MegaFon balance; in addition to this request, there are 10 more ways.

*105# is the main menu through which you can connect and disconnect most MegaFon services.

*225# - information menu through which you can get basic information regarding the SIM card profile (tariff, services, settings, etc.).

*110# - through this menu you can activate a single payment card to your or someone else’s MegaFon number.

*115# - the main menu through which you can manage the MegaFon Bonus subscriber reward program

*122# - you can find out the exact time and date in the form of messages (FLASH and SMS).

*123# - determine the MegaFon office, which is located nearby.

*130# - management of the “Black List” service.

*133# - transfer money to another MegaFon subscriber, indicate the phone number and transfer amount.

*137# - menu through which you can control the Multifon service

*140# - setting up the Navigator service, determining the location of other MegaFon or MTS subscribers.

*143# - please top up your phone balance.

*144# - send a free SMS with a request to call back.

*160# - switching between Latin and Cyrillic for Flash messages (messages that appear as a result of USSD requests).

*161# - set up receiving MegaFon news.

*205# - determine your phone number and Tariff plan.

*229# is a paid service to enable the ban on entertainment services.

*234# - service management Internet Packages, Internet discounts.

*235# - activation of cheap roaming rates in Russia, “My Country” service

*236# - management of unlimited Internet, selection of options.

*237# - “MegaFon MLT” option

*270# - setting up a service to inform subscribers that a call has been made to the old number.

*369# - manage roaming discounts.

*370# - we increase the volume of traffic using unlimited options (for money), the service extends the speed.

*431# - get details of calls to a mobile phone.

*432# - a service through which you can find out how much an SMS to a short number costs, the service is free.

*502# - a service through which you can manage the Super Caller ID service, identifying the subscriber’s number, even if that number is hidden.

*507# - “Unlimited Chat” service, for dating…

*522# - “Children’s Internet” service, prohibiting the display of sites of dubious nature.

*526# - you can prohibit sending entertainment SMS.

*558# - find out the remaining traffic on the “All inclusive” tariff.

*669# - find out your expenses for the current month.

Tele2 Russia has slightly fewer USSD commands, but nevertheless, they exist and are needed:

*105# - check Tele2 balance. In addition to this method, there are other interesting methods.

Call to 630 - change tariff

Call 637 - borrow money.

Call to 688 – roaming control.

*107# - find out the cost of calls according to the current tariff plan.

*108# - find out the name of the currently installed tariff plan.

*111# - main information menu.

*144# - manage mobile subscriptions.

*153# - find out about connected paid services.

Tele2 information menus, calls to these phones are free:

629 – transfer money from one number to another.

638 – if the SIM card is lost.

644 – when changing number.

649 – unlimited Internet via Opera mini.

655 – small additional services.

668 – replacing the beep with a melody.

677 – dating through the tele2 network.

679 – setting up your phone for the Internet and MMS.

691 – find out Tele2 news

692 – find out how to top up your Tele2 account

696 – activate Tele2 payment card.

*117# - hide the phone number when calling.

*118# - send a free SMS with a request to call back.

*145# - transfer money to another subscriber from your number.

*116*1# - refuse the Roaming service.

*125# - determining the cost of calls and SMS to short numbers.

661 – information menu on the Internet freedom service, discount on the Internet.

678 – management of black lists of subscribers who will not be able to reach you.

A huge request to all readers: if you know any additional menus, please indicate them in the comments to this article

How to find out the exact time by phone?

How to find out the exact time by phone?

Today, finding out the exact time has not become a problem since clocks are located in many places in Moscow, and besides, every modern person has a mobile phone that shows what time it is. Unfortunately, the clocks in offices, restaurants and other public places are a little fast or behind and this is a fact. But fortunately, there are services that provide a time update service.

Moscow - phone number 100 from any phone or on the website //

Kyiv - phone number 121 or on the website //

St. Petersburg - phone number 060 or on the website //

Personally, in our city of St. Petersburg, to find out the time, you need to call 060. There is another way - call a friend and ask him.

By the way, you can find out how long it will take without this.

Turn on some TV channel that displays the time in the corner of the screen. For example Channel Five or RBC.

There is also time on the Internet, Google and Yandex.

If you are on the street, there are also several ways.

The first is the simplest and most banal - just ask passers-by.

The second is to look at the hanging clock in the subway.

The third is to buy something in a store and look at the receipt at what time and minutes it was struck.

I am a user of the Life operator (now Lifecell). To find out the exact time, enter the combination *160#:

As a result, they get the exact time down to seconds, as well as the date in the format 00/00/0000 and the day of the week without abbreviations:

A very convenient thing!

All cities have their own telephone. In the city of Sochi - 060, in Rostov-on-Don - 2360-360, in Moscow - 100. You just need to call and they will give you the exact time down to the second.

Any large city has its own exact time service. But not everyone knows exactly how to call there, or rather, they don’t know all the numbers for this service. For example, for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, the toll-free number will be 100. For all other cities, you can look here - How to find out the exact time

The exact time, as well as the date, month, year and day of the week can be obtained by calling:

From Beeline dial - *060#

St. Petersburg, Sochi, Cherepovets, Tomsk, Samara, Petrozavodsk, Lipetsk, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar 060

Moscow and Moscow region, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Armavir, Ekaterinburg, Voronezh 100

For megaphone users *105*1*0*6# and you'll figure it out there

We determine the exact time from the mobile operator

How to find out the exact time on MTS Russia

From the MTS company absent a separate service or additional option that allows you to receive information about the current time by calling a short number. For these purposes, you will need to use direct by calling the operator by calling the customer service " 0890 " During a conversation, you must follow instructions automatic subscriber service for conversation with an MTS employee. You can get almost any information from this employee, including current time.

Exact time on Megafon

Mobile operator provides data two ways obtaining such information: special service And call operator. To access the required additional option, you will need to dial a USSD request *122# , after which time information will be displayed on the screen of your mobile phone. Attention, service paid, and its cost may vary depending on the region in which you live.

You can call the Megafon company itself using the short number “ 0500 ", after which you have to follow instructions virtual assistant or enter the number “ ” to directly connect with an employee Megaphone. But the operator may start trying to persuade you to use their paid service or connect it without your knowledge, so you need to be as careful as possible.

Time on Tele2

On Tele 2 also absent a separate additional option that allows you to obtain the necessary information about the current time, so you will need to use by calling the operator. For such purposes, Tele2 there is a toll-free short number 611 , after making the call you will need to follow instructions system or simply dial the number “ ” to connect with one of the company’s employees.

Obtaining this information on Beeline

Beeline, like Megafon, can provide two ways find out the current time and even the date. The first method is additional service, the second is a call to support Center Beeline subscribers.

To access the required service it costs call by short number " 100 " After this, the automatic system will inform current time accurate to one second, as well as the date. It is necessary to understand that Beeline company is behind such a request will remove some money from a mobile phone, although not too much. Cost depends depending on your tariff plan, region and city of residence, as well as the duration of the call. Tariffication is made at the price of calls to city telephone numbers.

The second method is to call the Beeline subscriber service at 0611 . Mobile operator employees can easily provide this kind of information, although not always. Some Beeline employees will offer you paid service, because it is not profitable for them to tell the time.

Methods suitable for all operators

In addition to the functionality provided by certain cellular operators, there are methods that work on any SIM cards.

Setting up settings on your phone

Modern smartphones can set the time and date correctly using the SIM card settings; for this you need to:

In most cases, after activating this setting, the time and date will be automatically set correctly on your phone. But sometimes this can work with errors or malfunctions - this is especially true for subscribers of small regional operators or people living near the border of time zones.

How to check the time on MegaFon

Before the advent of mobile phones, many people wore wristwatches. In order to find out the time, it was enough to take a quick glance at the dial. Today, watches are worn less and less often, because they are in every mobile phone. Mobile operators are also ready to provide information about the current time. Let's see how to check the time on MegaFon and find out what time it is.

"Exact time" service

Especially for our readers, we conducted a little research and identified all the available ways to check the time on MegaFon. Some methods are quite exotic and labor-intensive, but workable. With the help of the information received, you can always find out what time it is and adjust your wristwatch and the clock in your mobile phone.

Indicating the exact time on a mobile phone or wristwatch will allow you to:

  • Don’t oversleep on your way to work - imagine what will happen if your wrist chronometer goes half an hour ahead (or back, which means you have to get up early);
  • Don’t be late for a train or plane - the consequences of such a delay can be very serious;
  • Don’t be late for the start of your favorite series - if the time suddenly goes wrong, instead of the start of the next episode you will see the final credits or, on the contrary, you will have to wait another half hour for the start of the premiere.

Let's see how to find out the time on MegaFon. And our first tool will be a specialized service - it’s paid, but it’s accurate. The “Exact Time” service on MegaFon cannot be called the most popular. We can safely say that a limited number of subscribers are familiar with it. Nevertheless, it allows us to completely and even more than solve our problem.

The Exact Time service on MegaFon allows you to:

  • Check the current time (Moscow time) accurate to the second;
  • Clarify today's date (suddenly you are lost not only in time, but also in the calendar);
  • Finding out your phone number is for the most forgetful people who forget everything.

In order to find out the exact time on MegaFon, you need to dial the USSD command * 155 # or * 122 #. After a few seconds, you will receive all the necessary data. The cost of one request is 9.99 rubles.

Please note that the answer may be received with a delay of several seconds, so there is no need to count on the most accurate time - this is not an atomic clock and inaccurate Moscow time on Mayak radio.

Other methods

Let's find out how to find out the time on MegaFon for free. And indeed, you shouldn’t give the operator a whole chervonets just to find out what time it is. It’s easier to enable automatic synchronization with network time in your phone’s settings.

Consider this procedure on an Android smartphone:

  • Go to “Settings – Date and Time”;
  • Select the item “Network date and time”;
  • We indicate “Synchronize time over the network”;
  • Check the “Use network time zone” checkbox.

Next, we look at the results - the correct time should be set on the mobile phone. Moreover, you don’t need to check anything else, since this function works automatically. But we can only get the most accurate time if we turn on GPS and check the GPS synchronization box in the settings - the exact time will be set using the most accurate satellite clocks.

Do not use GPS synchronization on a regular basis, as the turned on GPS module quickly drains the battery.

The next way to check the time on MegaFon is to ask the help desk specialists. Just call 0500, wait for the operator to answer and ask him what time it is. If you use the mobile Internet, type the phrase “exact time” into a search engine - in response you will receive the addresses of resources where the most accurate clocks are ticking.

Sometimes, in order not to miss the plane or to arrive at work on time, you need to know the exact time. How to do this quickly and easily? With the help of the mobile operator Megafon, every user can be confident in themselves and their punctuality. There are several ways that will answer the question of how to find out the time on Megafon.

So, you can do this using the selected mobile operator in several ways:

  • by activating the “Exact Time” service;
  • using the phone menu;
  • by calling support.

"Exact time" service

By using this service, a Megafon subscriber will receive the following information:

  • exact Moscow time;
  • date;
  • your mobile phone number.

To receive the service, dial the following combinations on your phone: *155# or *122#. It is worth noting that the service is paid. Its cost is 9 rubles 99 kopecks for each request. No separate activation or deactivation of the service is implied. The service is considered completed when the requested information is displayed on the phone screen. By closing this window, the service is considered complete.

Phone menu

It will be more profitable to set the date and time using your phone settings. Indeed, why overpay 10 rubles for nothing?!

How to do it? You must follow the instructions below:

  • go to the mobile phone menu;
  • select the “settings” section and go to it;
  • find the “Date and time” field, click on it;
  • select “Network date and time”;
  • Click on “Synchronize time over the network”;
  • Check the box next to “Use network time zone.”

As a result of these actions, the correct time will be set on the phone. You can find out more accurate time if you turn on GPS and synchronize the time with it.

But an always-on module quickly drains the phone's battery.

Call to operator

Another free option to find out the local time is to call the operator’s technical support. The company's kind employees will quickly and clearly answer your question. The only downside: the line may be busy for a long time and the subscriber will have to spend a lot of time waiting. A call to the operator is made at 0500. This can be done at any time of the day when it is convenient for you. Now you know all the ways to check the time on Megafon. This will be easy to do for both adults and children.