Final testing: first acquaintance with the computer. List of eor used in this lesson


Part A. Test

1. A computer is:

device for working with texts;

electronic number processing device;

a device for storing information of any kind;

multifunctional technical device for working with information;

device for processing analog signals.

2. The computer duplicates the basic information functions...

social systems;



technical systems;

any biological systems.

3. What computer device models human thinking?



external storage media;

processor registers;


4. The input device is designed for...

transferring information from a person to a machine;

processing of input data;

implementation of algorithms for processing, accumulation and transmission of information.

5. The output device is...





6. A mouse is a device...

scanning information;


reading information;


7. The input device is...




8. The output device is designed for

learning, games, calculations and accumulation of information;

software control of the computer;

transferring information from machine to person.

9. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased...

in RAM;

on a floppy disk;

on the hard drive;

on a CD-ROM disk.

10. RAM is used for...

information processing;

processing one program at a given time;

launching programs;

information storage.

11. External memory is used for...

storing information inside a computer;

storing operational, frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem;

processing information at a given time;

long-term storage of information regardless of whether the computer is running or not.

12. Addressability of RAM means:

discreteness of structural units of memory;

energy dependence of RAM;

possibility of random access to each memory unit;

presence of a number for each byte of RAM;

non-volatile RAM.

13. To store one byte of information you must use

2 bytes of memory;

1 byte of memory;

1 bit of memory;

2 bits of memory.

14. Which computer device is considered external? ...




15. The backbone-modular principle of the architecture of modern personal computers implies such a logical organization of its hardware components in which:

each device communicates directly with others;

they all communicate with each other through a backbone, which includes data, address and control buses;

devices communicate with each other in a certain fixed sequence (ring);

The devices communicate with each other through the central processor, to which they are all connected.

16. Processor clock speed- This:

the number of pulses (cycles) generated per second that synchronize the operation of computer nodes;

the number of possible processor accesses to RAM per unit of time;

speed of information exchange between the processor and input/output devices;

speed of information exchange between the processor and ROM.

17. The speed of a computer depends on:

presence or absence of a connected printer;

organizing the operating system interface;

clock frequency of information processing in the processor;

volume of external storage device;

volume of information processed.

18. What is a file called?

a program that translates a programming language into machine code;

a program that is used to connect input/output devices;

information stored on external media and united by a common name;

a special place on the disk in which programs are stored that are intended for dialogue with the computer user, managing equipment and system resources.

19. Indicate the most complete answer. The root directory is...

a special place on the disk that stores file names, information about the size of files, the date and time of their creation and last update, file attributes;

a special place on the disk in which a list of programs compiled by the user is stored;

a specialized location on a disk in which file names are stored.

20. In the statement “The directory contains information about ……… stored in ………,” insert the correct expressions instead of the ellipses.

programs, RAM;

files, RAM;

programs, external storage media;

files, external storage media;

files, ROM.

21. Programming systems:

provide direct solutions to user problems;

tool for programmer work;

ensure the operation of all computer hardware devices and user access to them;

are a set of programs used for various operations with documents;

provide protection against computer viruses.

22. Operating system- This:

a set of basic computer devices;

programming system in a low-level language;

a set of programs that ensures the operation of all computer hardware devices and user access to them;

a set of programs used for operations with documents;

program for destroying computer viruses.

23. The entire set of files on the disk and the relationships between them is called...




file structure;


24. What is the name of the graphical designation of an object in the Windows operating system?






25. To get acquainted with the properties of an object and possible actions on it in the Windows operating system, use ...



context menu;

scroll bar.

Part B. Fill in the missing concepts.

1. By…………Computer is meant a description of the structure and principles of operation of a computer, sufficient for the user and programmer.

2. An indication of the sequence of actions (commands) that a computer must perform in order to solve a given information processing task is called………….

3. The sequence number of a byte is called its ………….

4. Each external device interacts with the PC processor through a special unit called ………….

5. All PC devices are connected to each other via a multi-wire line called………….

6. Three main characteristics of PC 1)…………, 2)…………, 3)………….

7. The entire set of programs stored on all devices of the computer’s long-term memory makes up its…………….

8. Types of computer software: 1)…………, 2)…………, 3)………….

9. System software is a mandatory part of the software. Its core is………….

10. The sequence consisting of directory names, starting from the root and ending with the one in which the file is directly stored, is called ………….

11. The way a program communicates with the user is called ………….

12. The list displayed on the screen from which the user can select the elements he needs is called………….

13. A document, program or device with which certain properties and behavior are associated is called………….


(Lesson topic)


2. Place of work:MBOU "Secondary school No. 65", Kemerovo

3. Job title:Teacher

4. Item:Computer scienceand ICT

6. Topic and lesson number in the topic:"First acquaintance with a computer." Lesson 7.

7. Basic tutorial:Semakin., I. G., Computer Science and ICT: textbook for grade 8 / , . – M.: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, 210. – 165 p.

8. The purpose of the lesson: Creating conditions for identifying typical difficulties of students on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer” in order to take them into account when organizing the final repetition and final test of the computer science course.

9. Tasks:

- educational: to contribute to the formation of such general educational skills as performing a certain sequence of actions during testing, to ensure the assimilation of a minimum of knowledge on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer.”

- developing: development of independent thinking, development of cognitive interest, intellectual abilities, thinking skills, transfer of knowledge and skills to solve problems of various types of complexity, development of independent work skills.

- educational: promote the formation of responsibility when working at the computer, the formation of attentiveness, discipline, and the cultivation of information culture in students.

10. Lesson type: check of knowledge.

11. Forms of student work: frontal, individual.

12. Necessary technical equipment: computer class, multimedia projector.

During the lesson, electronic educational resources from the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources are used. (http://school-collection. *****)


Lesson stage

Name of EORs used

(indicating the serial number from Table 2)

Teacher activities

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration)

Student activity


(per minute)

Org. moment

Checking those present, pronounces the name of the topic being studied

Getting ready for the lesson

Frontal survey on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”

1. Logical diagram of concepts on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”

Survey on the material studied in 6 lessons.

Presentation demonstration - Logical diagram of concepts on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”, for analyzing student responses.

Answer the teacher’s questions on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”

Formulation by the teacher of tasks for students to complete

Formulates tasks, explains how to work with electronic educational resources, answers students’ questions

Listen to the teacher, ask questions, sit at the computer


2. Practice test for Chapter 2 "First acquaintance with a computer"

Informs the task to be completed, monitors the process of students completing tasks, advises students

Self-control on the topic: "Computer hardware and software." Preparing for the final test

Physical education minute

Shows eye gymnastics and physical exercises

Perform eye exercises and physical exercises

Final testing

3. Final test for Chapter 2 “First acquaintance with a computer”

Informs the task to be completed, controls the process of students completing tasks

Independent work with the resource

Summing up the lesson

Reports grades for the lesson

Record the findings


4. Homework

It is suggested to write down your homework

Write down the task

Appendix to the lesson plan

Final testing on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”

(Lesson topic)

Table 2.


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Information submission form(illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)

Logical diagram of concepts on the topic "First acquaintance with a computer"

Interactive tool for showing students

Presentation (1 slide)

Logical scheme of concepts

Final test for Chapter 2 “First acquaintance with a computer”
1. Find an example of procedural information
A. I know that I will do well in this testB. I know where Argentina is. I know how to correctly spell the phrase Artificial Intelligence. I remember the rules for reducing fractions well.
2. The cursor is
A. text divided into paragraphs. B. a flashing line indicating the position of the working field where the symbol will be placed. B. part of the text ending with the Enter symbol.G. style of characters in text.
3. Which device does NOT store information?

4. Bit is
A. one characterB. unit of text measurementB. the smallest unit of measurement of information, taking the values ​​0 or 1G. 1024 bytes
5. What information process occurs when solving this test?

6. What information process does memory perform?
A. information processingB. information storageB. transmission of informationG. information output
7. Information is
A. a quantity that has a numerical valueB. a symbolic way of representing objectsB. a message about what is happening around. information, data, knowledge about the world around us
8. Computer RAM is
A. internal memoryB. ultra-fast memoryB. external memoryG. slow memory
9. The power of the alphabet is
A. a number that shows how much work is done by the body per unit of timeB. the total number of characters in the alphabet. speed of work D. a set of letters, numbers and other characters used in text
10. What sign indicates the replacement of any number of characters when writing a file name?
A. . (dot)B. * (asterisk) V. – (dash) G. \ (backslash)
11. Specify the WEB page extension
A. *.sys, *.batB. *.htmlB. *.docx, *.wriГ. *.hlp, *.ico12. File is
A. A necessary piece of software without which a computer cannot operateB. An application program that allows you to work with text. Named data recorded on a storage medium D. Recording information into computer memory
13. A computer is
A. technical device for storing informationB. universal technical device for transmitting informationB. universal technical device for working with information. information input device
14. Where is the currently running program and the data it processes stored?
A. In external memory
B. In the processor
15. System software includes
A. Programming systems
B. External device drivers
B. Text editors
D. Game programs
16. Which template allows you to select all files with the exe extension whose names begin with the letter t?
A. *t.exe
G. t.exe
17. A compact disc designed for repeated recording of new information is called A. CD-ROM
G. Floppy disk
-463558610600018. The TETRIS.COM file is located on drive C in the GAMES directory, which is a subdirectory of the DAY directory. Select the full file name.
19. You can find out about the type of information stored in a file (text, graphic, sound, executable program, etc.) ...
A. by file nameB. by the name of the directory (folder) in which the file is stored
B. By full file name
G. by expansion


1 option

1. Translating text from English to Chinese is a process

Information processing

Information storage

Transfer of information

Search information

None of the above processes

2. What do you call information sufficient to solve a given problem?




3.Operating systems include:

4. Computer software consists of...
-application programs and programming systems
-system programs and application programs
-system programs, application programs and programming systems
-system programs, operating system and programming systems

5. Computer memory is divided into:

External and floppy disks;

Winchester and internal;

External and disks;

External and internal.

6. Power of the alphabet?

Number of syllables in the alphabet.

Number of alphabet characters.

Number of punctuation marks in the alphabet.

Number of consonants in the alphabet.

Number of vowels in the alphabet.

7. Information volume is calculated using the formula:

8. Spreadsheets are... programs:


Programming systems


9. Data is:

10.Relevance of information means:

Importance for the present

Independence from anyone's opinion

Convenience of shape or volume

Possibility of receiving it by this consumer

11. Some alphabet consists of 16 letters. How much information does one letter of this alphabet carry?

12. The cardinality of a certain alphabet is 128. How much information is contained on a page that has 80 lines of 60 characters per line?


on the topic “First acquaintance with a computer”

Option 2

1. Which of the following devices are external?




A printer,



Flash memory,


2. Video recording of a school holiday is carried out for:

Information processing

Information storage

Transfer of information

Search information

Decoding information

3. A compact disc designed for repeated recording of new information is called:

4. Application software includes:

Programming languages

operating system

Text editors


5.Output devices include:

Scanner, monitor, disk drive;

Printer, plotter, monitor;

Printer, keyboard, monitor;

Keyboard, monitor, mouse.

6. Information weight shows:

How many letters are there in a word?

How much does this information weigh?

How many bits are needed to encode a given character?

How many bytes are needed to encode a given character?

7. The power of the alphabet is calculated by the formula:

8. Database management systems are... programs:


Programming systems


9. The program is:

Information that is processed by a computer in binary computer code

The sequence of commands that a computer executes while processing data

Numeric and text information

Sound and graphic information

10. What do you call information that reflects the true state of affairs?




11.Message written in letters from the 32-character alphabet. How much information does one letter of this alphabet carry?

12. A message written in letters from the 64-character alphabet contains 180 characters on 1 page. What is the information volume of this message on 5 pages?

13. The message takes 3 pages of 25 lines. Each line contains 60 characters. How many characters are in the alphabet used if the entire message contains 1125 bytes?

Final test for Chapter 2 “First acquaintance with a computer”

1. Find an example of procedural information

A. I know I will do well on this test.
B. I know where Argentina is
Q. I know how to correctly spell the phrase Artificial Intelligence
D. I remember the rules for reducing fractions well.

2. The cursor is

A. text divided into paragraphs.
B. a flashing line indicating the position of the working field where the symbol will be placed.
B. part of the text ending with the Enter symbol.
D. style of writing characters in the text.

3. Which device does NOT store information?

4. Bit is

A. one character
B. text unit
B. the smallest unit of information that takes the values ​​0 or 1
G. 1024 bytes

5. What information process occurs when solving this test?

A. information processing
B. information storage
B. transfer of information
D. information output

6. What information process does memory perform?

A. information processing
B. information storage
B. transfer of information
D. information output

7. Information is

A. quantity having a numerical value
B. a symbolic way of representing objects
B. a message about what is happening around
D. information, data, knowledge about the world around us

8. Computer RAM is

A. internal memory
B. ultra-fast memory
B. external memory
D. slow memory

9. The power of the alphabet is

A. a number that shows how much work is done by the body per unit of time
B. the total number of characters in the alphabet
B. rate of work done
D. a set of letters, numbers and other characters used in the text

10. What sign indicates the replacement of any number of characters when writing a file name?

A. . (dot)
B. * (asterisk)
V. – (dash)
G.\ (backslash)

11. Specify the WEB page extension

A. *.sys, *.bat
B. *.html
B. *.docx, *.wri
G. *.hlp, *.ico

12. File is

A. A necessary piece of software without which a computer cannot operate.
B. Application program that allows you to work with text
B. Named data recorded on a storage medium
D. Recording information into computer memory

13. A computer is

A. technical device for storing information
B. universal technical device for transmitting information
B. a universal technical device for working with information
D. information input device

14. Where is the currently running program and the data it processes stored?

A. In external memory


B. In the processor

15. System software includes

A. Programming systems

B. External device drivers

B. Text editors

D. Game programs

16. Which template allows you to select all files with the extensionexe, whose names begin with the lettert?

A. *t.exe

B. t*.exe

IN. t*.*


17. A compact disc designed for repeated recording of new information is called




G. Diskette


18. File TETRIS. COMis on diskC in the catalog GAMES, which is a subdirectory of the directoryDAY. Select the full file name.

19. You can find out about the type of information stored in a file (text, graphic, sound, executable program, etc.) ...

A. by file name

B. by the name of the directory (folder) in which the file is stored

B. By full file name

G. by expansion