How to remove automatic mail updates. Which Windows services are needed and which can be disabled. How does this happen?

This license agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between Mail.Ru LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”, and you (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”), in relation to the use of the computer program specified in clause 1.1. present agreement.

1. General provisions

1.1. This Agreement establishes the terms of use of the following computer program: “Automatic Software Update Service” (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”).

1.2. The program is intended for installation on the Licensee's computer running Windows OS and performs the functions of updating desktop programs of Mail.Ru LLC in order to maintain the relevance and integrity of these programs.

1.3. By accepting this Agreement, the Licensee agrees to all its terms. The actual use of the Program by any means also constitutes the Licensee’s agreement with all the terms of this Agreement in the version current at the time of use.

1.4. This Agreement is an integral part of the User Agreement located at: . In everything that is not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the User Agreement specified in this paragraph.

1.5. The current version of this Agreement is available on the Internet at: . The agreement comes into force from the moment of its publication at the specified address.

2. Terms and Definitions.

2.1. Program - a computer program, the exclusive rights to which belong to the Limited Liability Company "Mail.Ru".

2.2. Licensor - Limited Liability Company "Mail.Ru", location address: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 39, building 79.

2.3. Licensee is an individual who has the necessary legal capacity to enter into this Agreement.

3. Joining the Agreement

3.1. Before starting to use the Program, the Licensee must read the terms of the Agreement and accept the Agreement. In case of disagreement with the terms of this Agreement, the Licensee has the right not to use the Program.

3.2. By installing the Program on your personal computer by any means provided for by the functions of the Program, as well as actually using the Program, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement.

4. Subject of the Agreement

4.1. The Licensor grants the Licensee, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, a non-transferable (without the right to sublicense) right to use the Program throughout the world within the limits provided for in this Agreement.

4.2. The term for granting a license for the Program is the validity period of this Agreement.

4.3. The license for the Program is provided to the Licensee free of charge.

4.4. Licensee agrees that the Program is intended solely for Licensee's personal, non-commercial use.

4.5.The program is provided on an “as is” basis. The Licensor does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program, the compliance of the Program with the specific goals and expectations of the Licensee, and also does not provide any other guarantees not expressly stated in this Agreement.

4.6. The Licensor makes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the functioning of the Program around the clock, but does not guarantee the absence of interruptions due to technical malfunctions, maintenance, and does not guarantee the full or partial functionality of its individual elements. Licensor does not warrant that the Program or any element thereof will function at any particular time in the future or that it will not cease to function.

5. Methods of using the Program

5.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Licensee undertakes to use the Program within the following limits (in ways):

Use the Programs by installing them on your personal computer;
- use the Programs in the ways provided for in this Agreement exclusively for personal (non-commercial) purposes.

5.2. The Licensee does not have the right to use the Program or any of its parts, elements, files, extensions not within the limits provided for in this Agreement, including the right to reproduce, distribute, communicate, make available to the public or carry out other actions in connection with commercial or non-commercial use purposes without the written consent of the Licensor.

5.3. The Licensee has no right to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, or perform other actions with the object code of the Program for the purpose of obtaining information about the implementation of the algorithms used in the Program, to create derivative works using the Program, as well as to carry out (permit to carry out) other use of the Program, without the written consent of the Licensor.

5.4. The Licensee is prohibited from taking any actions aimed at destabilizing the functioning of the Program, as well as carrying out any other similar actions.

5.5. The Licensee has the right to make settings permitted by the Program, including settings for extensions.

6. Limitation of liability under the Agreement

6.1. The Licensor is not responsible for any losses, including lost profits, associated with the use of the Program or inability to use it, including due to possible errors or malfunctions in the operation of the Program. The Licensee assumes responsibility and all risks associated with the use of the Program.

6.2. The licensor is not responsible for:

For the actions of the Licensee in connection with the use of the Program that occurred in violation of current legislation and/or the terms of this Agreement;

For the reliability, quality, failures, errors and speed of the Program and for the safety of information created, used and received by the Licensee in the process of using the Program;

For failures occurring in telecommunication networks and/or energy networks, the distribution, use and operation of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of persons aimed at unauthorized access and/or disabling a software and/or hardware complex, resulting in inaccessibility, incorrect operation of the Program or illegal access, deletion or modification of information related to the operation and use of the Program;

For the actions or inactions of persons engaged by the Licensor to provide services, including telecom operators;

For the reliability, quality and speed of operation of equipment, communication channels, hardware and software belonging to third parties;

For the reliability, correct functioning, failures and errors of user computers, operating systems, software and/or hardware created by third parties and used during the operation of the Program;

For any use by the Licensee of outdated (outdated) versions of the Program, as well as for any use of updated and modified versions of the Program that were produced without the prior consent of the Licensor.

6.3. The Licensor is not responsible for any damage to the Licensee, the Licensee's computer, mobile devices, or any other equipment or software caused by or associated with the use of the Program and/or any extensions.

6.4. The Licensor is not responsible for any damage to the Licensee, including lost profits, caused as a result of the simultaneous (joint) downloading of third-party (including malicious) programs and other illegal content of third parties with the Licensor’s Program.

7. Final provisions

7.1. This Agreement is valid for 1 (one) calendar year from the date of acceptance of the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is automatically extended for each subsequent 1 (one) calendar year.

7.2. The Licensor has the right to terminate this Agreement (license) at any time.

7.3. This Agreement may be changed by the Licensor unilaterally without prior notice to the Licensee. The Licensee is obliged to independently familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement applies to all updates to the Program, unless otherwise specifically stated in such Agreement.

7.4. This Agreement and the relationship between the Parties in connection with this Agreement and the use of the Program are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (applicable law). With regard to the form and method of concluding this Agreement, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation governing the procedure and conditions for concluding an agreement by accepting a public offer are applied.

7.5. In the event of any claims or actions arising from this Agreement or the use of the Program, they must be filed and considered in court at the location of the Licensor.

7.6. For questions related to the execution of the Agreement, please contact the address of the location of Mail.Ru LLC: Russian Federation, 125167 Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 39, building 79.

Timely updating of the system is designed to maintain its relevance and security from intruders. But for various reasons, some users want to disable this feature. In the short term, indeed, sometimes this is justified if, for example, you perform certain manual PC settings. In this case, sometimes it is necessary not only to disable the ability to update, but also to completely deactivate the service that is responsible for it. Let's find out how to solve this problem in Windows 7.

The name of the service, which is responsible for installing updates (both automatic and manual), speaks for itself - "Windows Update". Its deactivation can be done using both conventional and non-standard methods. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Method 1: "Service Manager"

The most commonly used and reliable way to disable "Windows Update" is the use "Service Manager".

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Click "System and safety".
  3. Next, select the name of the large section "Administration".
  4. In the list of tools that will appear in a new window, click "Services".

    There is also a faster option to go to "Service Manager", although it requires memorizing one command. To call up a tool "Run" dial Win+R. In the utility field, enter:

    Click "OK".

  5. Any of the above paths will open a window "Service Manager". It contains a list. In this list you need to find the name "Windows Update". To simplify the task, build it in alphabetical order by clicking "Name". Status "Works" in the column "State" means the fact that the service is running.
  6. To disable "Update centre", highlight the name of this element, and then click "Stop" in the left area of ​​the window.
  7. The shutdown process is in progress.
  8. The service has now stopped. This is evidenced by the disappearance of the inscription "Works" in field "State". But if in the column "Startup type" value set "Automatically", That "Update centre" will be launched the next time you turn on the computer, and this is not always acceptable for the user who shutdown.
  9. To prevent this, you should change the status in the column "Startup type". Right-click on the element name (RMB). Choose "Properties".
  10. By going to the properties window, being in the tab "Are common", click on the field "Startup type".
  11. Select a value from the drop-down list "Manually" or "Disabled". In the first case, the service is not activated after restarting the computer. To enable it, you will need to use one of the many manual activation methods. In the second case, it can be activated only after the user again changes the launch type in the properties from "Disabled" on "Manually" or "Automatically". Therefore, it is the second shutdown option that is more reliable.
  12. After the choice is made, press the buttons sequentially "Apply" And "OK".
  13. The window returns "Dispatcher". As you can see, the element status "Update Center" in a collumn "Startup type" it was changed. Now the service will not start even after rebooting the PC.

How to activate again if necessary "Update Center", described in a separate lesson.

Method 2: "Command Line"

You can also solve the problem by entering a command in "Command line", launched as an administrator.

But it is worth remembering that this method of stopping, unlike the previous one, deactivates the service only until the next restart of the computer. If you need to stop it for a longer time, you will have to repeat the operation after "Command line", but it’s better to use it right away Method 1.

Method 3: "Task Manager"

You can also stop the update service using "Task Manager".

Method 4: "System Configuration"

The next method to solve the problem is through a window "System Configurations".

  1. Go to window "System Configurations" you can from the section "Administration" "Control Panels". How to get to this section was discussed in the description Method 1. So, in the window "Administration" click "System configuration".

    You can also run this tool from under a window "Run". Call "Run" (Win+R). Enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. Shell "System Configurations" launched. Move to section "Services".
  3. In the section that opens, find the element "Windows Update". To do this faster, build the list alphabetically by clicking "Service". Once the item is found, uncheck the box to the left of it. Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  4. A window will open "System Setup". It will ask you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If you want to do this immediately, then close all documents and programs, and then click "Reboot".

    Otherwise, press "Exit without reboot". Then the changes will take effect only after you turn on the PC manually again.

  5. After restarting the computer, the update service should be disabled.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to deactivate the update service. If you need to disconnect only for the period of the current PC session, then you can use any of the options described above, which you consider the most convenient. If you need to shutdown for a long time, which involves at least one reboot of the computer, then in this case, in order to avoid the need to perform the procedure several times, it would be optimal to shutdown after "Service Manager" with changing the launch type in the properties.

Many users are faced with the fact that once in the menu Control panels and seeing the number of installed programs, they are simply lost. The reason for this is a lack of understanding of how to manage all this and why it is even needed.

Moreover, when familiarizing yourself with the purpose of the programs, it turns out that many of these programs are not needed at all and only take up space on the hard drive and slow down the computer.

Let's look at the Mail Ru Automatic Program Update Service. This program is one of the programs that are installed automatically. That is, usually the user does not install it specifically, and sometimes he doesn’t even know that he confirmed the installation of this service.

How does this happen?

  1. The user installs a program from the Internet, and other files are installed along with it. In most cases, the user does not even read the list of accompanying programs and does not uncheck the box to install them. Thus, a lot of unnecessary services end up on the computer, which, in fact, are not needed, and sometimes slow down the operation of the device.
  2. The program may end up on the device as an accompanying file, but its installation cannot be prohibited. That is, you can only delete it from the Control Panel.
  3. The file is downloaded from unsafe resources. Along with the downloaded file, various virus programs are downloaded to the computer and then installed.

Mail Ru automatic program update service is not malware, however, it essentially does not provide any practical benefit.

The main task of this service is to install the start page in browsers, install various extensions and various programs created by Mail Ru.

Some time ago, a well-known Amigo browser, which not only installed itself, but was also accompanied by a package of additional programs, one of which was the automatic update service.

This service updates all programs from Mail Ru in automatic mode. That is, the user does not perform any actions for this; the program performs everything independently. Sometimes, the owner of the device does not even notice what is happening; the only visible change is the reduction of space on the computer’s hard drive.

There is a misconception that this service is a virus program. It is not true. The program is not capable of causing any damage to the user’s device and files. But there is no particular benefit from it either, so it is better to remove this program.

Why should this be done?

Automatic Update Service starts on its own and slows down the workflow devices. For example, it happens that a user notices a freezing of a device that was not there before or a decrease in the speed of the computer.

The first thought that comes to the owner of the device is a virus, however, when scanning malicious files, no malicious files are detected. The user does not understand the reasons for such difficulties, and the problem lies in the operation of this service.

Any update requires additional hard drive space. Typically, the amount of memory consumed is small, but this will be extremely significant for devices whose hard drive is small. In addition, the updates released are not always of high quality and do not contain errors.

When updating programs independently, the user will first read its essence and reviews of other people who have already installed it, and decide on the advisability of this update. If there is a special service, canceling the update will become impossible and if there are errors in it, this will affect the operation of the computer.

Is it possible to manage this service from a computer? Yes, this is a fairly simple operation. For this you need do the following:

  1. Open the operating system task manager;
  2. In the window that appears, select the “Processes” tab and find the “Mailruupdater.exe” process;
  3. Right-click on it to complete it;
  4. After this, the dialog box closes, and the task execution window is called up through the start menu;
  5. The “msconfig” directive is entered into the “Open” column, after which the “OK” button confirms the opening of the program;
  6. In the window that appears, you need to uncheck the “MailRuUpdater” and “Mail Ru Update Service” items, and then apply the updated data using the corresponding button;
  7. Next, through the Control Panel you need to go to install and remove programs, where you need to find the corresponding service and, using a double click, remove it.

The deletion operation is also possible by searching for the installed program in the folder where it is located and deleting it through corresponding installation file.

In general, the operation is quite simple and can be performed quite easily even by an inexperienced user.

Let's continue to clean your computer from various unnecessary and even malicious programs. Most users, having opened the list of all installed programs, can find a lot of things there that they do not need at all.

But before you delete anything, you need to understand what it is and whether it is really unnecessary.

In this article we will talk about the program “Mail ru Automatic Update Service”. You will find out what it is and whether it is needed on your computer.

Automatic software update service mail ru

What does the “Mail ru Automatic Software Update Service” do?

This program belongs to the category of “automatically installed”. This means that in 99% of cases the user does not specifically install it on the computer. It gets there automatically when downloading files from the Internet. Moreover, this downloading is carried out from not entirely reliable sites.

The main task of this program is to install the start page in browsers, install various extensions, as well as programs from the company.

The famous Amigo, which also installs itself on the computer, usually does this together with the mail ru automatic program update service.

If you open the task manager, then in the list of running processes you can see a process with the name MailRuUpdater.exe. This is our program update service. That is, it turns out that it also automatically starts with the computer and hangs in the processes, thereby eating up, albeit not a large amount of memory, but still.

MailRuUpdater.exe process in Task Manager

Some claim that this program is viral. This is wrong. But there is no benefit from it either. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it.

How to remove the mail ru automatic software update service?

This is done in the standard way via “ ” -> “ Programs and components«.

As you know, many users, when installing certain programs, are not only very annoyed, but also infuriated by the appearance of some unnecessary panels or additional services. And Mail.Ru services are no exception in this regard. There are several components like Sputnik Mail.Ru or the MailRuUpdater.exe service. We will now look at how to remove the “updater”, as well as other components. There are several ways to do this.

What kind of service is MailRuUpdater.exe (Mail.Ru Updater)?

In order to understand what kind of service this is, just look at the translation. The word “Updater” itself means an update service. In this case, this applies to absolutely all software products of the Mail.Ru service installed on the local computer.

What’s saddest is that in the list of processes that are automatically launched at system startup and running in you can also find the MailRuUpdater.exe service. Not everyone knows how to remove it, especially since when using standard tools, only the tip of the iceberg is removed, so to speak, after which a heap of garbage remains in the system, which an inexperienced user cannot find on his own. And some components are not removed at all. Let's see what can be done in such a situation.

MailRuUpdater.exe: how to remove it in the simplest way?

Let's start with the simplest method, which involves using standard tools of the operating system itself (in this case we are considering exclusively Windows).

First, we need to stop the MailRuUpdater.exe service in the directory of active background processes present in the Task Manager. Removal will occur a little later. To stop the service, you can use the simplest emergency termination of the process in the form of a task cancel button. Please note that in Windows 10 all currently active and background processes are displayed; in lower versions you will have to use the services window.

Now you need to disable the service so that it does not start when Windows boots. To do this, call the “Run” menu and use the universal command for all occasions - msconfig. On the tab displaying startup items, simply uncheck the corresponding service. After this, some versions of Windows will require a reboot.

After a reboot, sometimes a message like “MailRuUpdater.exe: application error” may appear. Not always, but maybe. It's OK. Now we use the standard “Control Panel” with the Programs and Features section and remove the service in the usual way. This is what most users advise, who simply do not know how much garbage remains after removal, and some components are not removed at all and still hang in the background. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to perform all actions when booting the system in safe mode (and it is not a fact that everything will be deleted), and the message “MailRuUpdater.exe: application error” will appear again and again even when accessing other software products. Now let's see what needs to be done additionally.

Cleaning the registry

As a rule, garbage after uninstallation remains in the form of undeletable files and folders (which will be discussed a little later) and residual entries in the system registry. Searching for them manually is a thankless task.

For this, it is best to use automatic cleaners. One of the most powerful is the CCleaner application. Simply launch the program and use either one-click optimization or select the appropriate module responsible for the system registry. After this, there will certainly be no components left in the background.

Using specialized uninstallation utilities

In general, if you understand the MailRuUpdater.exe service and how to remove it entirely, it is best to turn to specialized programs. As one of the most powerful utilities, we can recommend iObit Uninstaller (today we already have the latest version 5.1).

When uninstalling programs of this type, the application first uses the “native” uninstaller of the component being removed or a standard Windows service (Unwise, Uninstall Shield, etc.), and then performs a full scan of the computer, including the hard drive and system registry, for the presence of residual garbage ( leftovers), after which, upon receiving confirmation from the user, it deletes absolutely everything.

By the way, it is advisable to use this utility in the case when the Mail.Ru update service is not displayed in the list of programs for some reason. Here you can use search and force removal (Forced Uninstall). To be completely sure, you can use CCleaner after the uninstallation process is complete (although in most cases this is not necessary).

If not everything is deleted...

Finally, it remains to see if everything has been deleted. We've sorted out the registry. As for residual files, you can do the following.

In the main Start menu, we use the search line, in which you should enter C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Local\, and then find the folder or files called Mail.Ru, and then delete them. Now, after all the actions taken, you can be sure that this intrusive service and all its components will be completely removed. Again, the folder or files may not be able to be deleted. To fix the problem, you need to log in as an administrator or use safe mode (this, by the way, applies to all the above actions).