How to properly install different RAM sticks. Installing additional RAM

A computer is a counting device. All processes are transferred to counting functions. As you know, the processor does the math. It receives chunks of data from RAM, where the information is temporarily stored and takes a queue. Thus, (RAM) is the temporary storage of a data set. The operating system loads all the files it needs into RAM in order to access them faster, since this will take a long time to access from the hard drive. Hence another conclusion - RAM is needed as an intermediate and fast road to the processor.

How to choose memory

Memory is selected based on the maximum capacity. Measured in megabytes and gigabytes. Outwardly it looks like a strip; they are called “memory strips”.

The capacity of the memory bar is 2 to the power of m, where n is a natural number. That is, the permissible volumes are 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 (this is already 1 gigabyte) and so on. Large memory is not so expensive now, you can afford it. Typically, you can install several sticks in a computer, two or three. Their memories will add up.
The amount of memory required can always be calculated using simple methods. If the operating system is Windows XP and the computer is used for office needs and the Internet, then 512 MB and 1024 MB will be enough. If you play new games on your computer, then 2048 MB (2 GB) is required. There is no point in installing more; home Windows XP will not see the extra memory. For Windows 7, the minimum allowed is 1 GB, for games you need 2 GB and can be expanded up to 4 GB. Servers require more, but the server is rarely used at home. A modern memory stick has just 4 GB, which alone is enough for full-fledged work.

Memory is one thing. To connect it to the motherboard, you need to know the characteristics of the RAM slots. This is the connector standard and frequency, you can find out from the manual (specifications) of the motherboard. There are only three connector standards. Older motherboards still use the first SDRAM slot, for convenience it is called “First DDR”, or more correctly DDR400. The second standard is DDR2, and the third is DDR3. It is difficult to determine by eye; the location of the key differs.

The photo shows where the key recess is located. This is DDR3. Accordingly, there will be a bump on the motherboard in this place on the slot. Memory and slot with different DDR will not fit together.
Another indicator is the maximum frequency. It is used to select the most advantageous memory based on the characteristics of the motherboard.

Installing RAM sticks.

First, disconnect the system unit from the power supply and remove the side cover. Next, find the RAM slots on it. Most motherboards come with single DDR design slots. Less often with two. If there are two types of memory on the board, then do not insert several sticks with different DDRs, select one type and take RAM for it. Before working with memory sticks, remove all interfering wires.

In the figure there are two DDR400 slots, in which two brackets are installed. To remove, lift the top latch and lightly pull the bar towards you. In the fourth picture you can see that one latch is raised, the others are not.

To install it in a memory slot, you need to open the top latch, place the bar in the lower closed latch all the way, checking that the key (the slot in the bottom of the bar) matches the protrusion in the slot, and insert it all the way with a minimum of effort.

The top latch should close on its own.
Keys on RAM allow you not only to avoid installing an inappropriate strip, but also to install the strip in the desired position. When upside down, the memory is almost impossible to install into the slot.


Installing memory is a very important point. Before doing this, you need to turn off your computer and disconnect it from the network. If the computer does not turn on due to memory, then turn it off and lightly press the strips into the slot. Perhaps she just moved away.
RAM may also fail or burn out completely or partially. This will happen when there is a voltage surge in the motherboard. This bar must be removed or replaced.

Now that you know how to install RAM in your computer, check again whether the memory matches your motherboard’s specifications and whether it’s worth installing.

RAM is one of the most important components that affects computer performance. Therefore, adding it is one of the most common “upgrades”. The first sign that there is not enough RAM is the slow operation of the personal computer. The PC stops coping with many of the tasks assigned to it by the installed software, and cannot ensure the correct and good operation of new games.

The most budget-friendly way to solve this problem is to install additional RAM. This can be done both on a desktop computer and on most laptop models. Before we jump into the proper steps, it's worth mentioning that desktop iMacs can only install RAM designed for laptops.

The first thing you need to do is determine what type of RAM is installed on your computer in order to install a new one or replace it entirely. This will depend on the type of motherboard.

To understand this, you can open the case or look at the attached documentation. If the necessary documents are not available, you should go to the manufacturer’s website.

There are only three types of RAM, DRR, DDR2 and DDR3. The vast majority of modern desktop computers are equipped with the last two types of RAM. The essence of identifying RAM is its speed and throughput. It is very important to make sure that both characteristics will fully correspond to the factory parameters of the motherboard. These parameters are also called identifiers. The following examples of determining compliance can be given. An ID such as PC3 12800 means that the maximum bandwidth is equivalent to 12.8 GB. Another identifier, for example, DDR3 1800, tells us that the speed is 1800 MHz.


The next step to installing memory is to determine the number of slots intended for RAM modules. Most motherboards have a limit on the amount of RAM. And this indicator will not depend on how many connectors it has.

In any case, the best option would be to buy SDRAM RAM. If you choose RAM, you will have to purchase two or four modules. Example: to get an “increase” of 8 GB of RAM, you need to take two 4 GB modules or four 2 GB modules. It is important that they all have identical parameters that we mentioned above (we are talking about speed and throughput). If you ignore this issue, the overall performance of the computer may decrease significantly, since the system will configure itself in accordance with the minimum factory values ​​​​recorded in the PC. It is very important to double-check the motherboard's capabilities.

Before installing memory, you need to turn off not only the computer, but also all peripheral devices - monitor, mouse and keyboard. Only after this can you open the case and then place it on a table or floor so as to gain maximum access to the motherboard.

It is important to completely eliminate the possible occurrence of static charges. This may damage some computer components. You can get rid of charges in two ways:

  • touch the body of a switched off computer while it is connected to the network;
  • Wear an antistatic wrist strap.

Also, do not stand on the surface of a carpet or carpet while you are working with the components of the PC system unit.

Start installation

You need to find the motherboard connectors. In most cases, there will be either two or four such slots. Finding them is easy. They are located next to the processor. If you can’t find the connectors, you can use the documents for the motherboard. But the easiest way is to just look where exactly the old RAM modules are located.

Removing the video card

There are some motherboards whose design is such that the video card will significantly interfere with the correct installation of RAM. This means that before installing the memory, it will need to be removed. One or two power cords can be connected to the video card. You should pay attention to what the mounting diagram is.

Usually there are levers on the cords, after pressing which the cord can be easily pulled out correctly. The next step is to unscrew the screws connecting the video card to the motherboard. Most devices have a latch or retainer located on the PCI Express slot. It is to this socket that the video card is attached, and it serves to ensure that the card can be connected very tightly to the connector. This is necessary, since this is the only way to provide support from the front side. On the reverse side, screws serve as fastenings. The latch will need to be moved back enough so that you can easily remove the video card. It should be remembered that each procedure is carried out as carefully as possible, the card is pulled out and not pulled out of the slot from the front side. There is no need to apply force.

Now we have access to RAM. But there is one more point. If the computer has been in use for a long time, then removing the video card gives us a chance to clean it. Only a soft brush should be used. There is absolutely no need to disassemble the cooling system of the video card, since its design is very fragile. You can carefully clean only the fan, but even here, using force can lead to damage.

Insert the memory module

Let's return to RAM. Then you need to pull out the RAM module by opening the clips on both sides. The new module is removed from the packaging, but it must be held in such a way as not to touch the contacts on the bottom and the microcircuits located on the sides.

The module is inserted so that its groove clearly coincides with the protrusion in the motherboard connector. To do this, you need to lightly press the module, which, after it enters the connector, must be fixed using the connectors.

When performing this procedure, you must ensure that installation is done in the correct slots. The latter are marked on the motherboard, or they are different from each other in color. But it's still worth looking through the documentation again. According to the described scheme, each RAM module is installed.

We complete the process

Before closing the housing, it is highly advisable to completely clean the surface of the housing and all components using a compressed air supply device. This will increase air circulation inside the case, which, in turn, will increase the performance of the computer.

After cleaning, you need to close the computer case. There is no need to turn it on if the case is open, this will negatively affect the cooling process. Peripheral devices must be connected to a non-working computer.

Checking the result

Then you need to turn on the PC. Some systems start a process to test the functionality of components after the configuration has been changed. This is how you can ensure that you were able to install the new RAM correctly.

If the computer has not started scanning, you can do it yourself - directly in Windows. It's easy to do. You need to press Win+Pause/Break, then the “System” window will open. There is also an alternative option for opening a window through Explorer or the Start menu. The System window is located in the Properties section of the My Computer folder. You can get here by right-clicking on the folder. In “Properties” there is detailed information about the RAM that has been installed by the user.

Different operating systems will display RAM size differently. Some systems are able to reserve a particular amount of memory for specific needs. For example, if the amount of new RAM was 2 GB, then the PC may display it as 1.99 GB.

If you can’t do independent testing, you can use one of the existing utilities. They are provided free of charge and can be downloaded online.

Correctly installed RAM will increase the performance of your computer several times. Improvements will be felt within the first minutes after launching the game or any software.

“How to install (add) RAM to a computer”

Sooner or later there comes a time when there is little RAM. The needs grow and the memory remains in place, then the game does not start, then the system slows down, or some program has no room to fully develop.

No problem, you can add RAM to your computer. Now let's look at how to add RAM.

First of all, you need to make sure that there are free memory slots.
To do this, remove the housing cover and take a look.

The photo shows that there are 4 memory slots, only one of which is occupied. There are still plenty of excellent places.

The next thing to determine is the type of memory already installed.
There are 3 main types of RAM for desktop computers. Let's list: DDR, DDR2, DDR3. In turn, these types of memory are divided by speed.

So, let's look at what specific memory you have. This should be written on the memory line itself. In my case it is Hynix PC2-6400 2Gb, i.e. in simple terms 2Gb DDR2-800.

It follows from this that I can only add memory of this type (DDR2-800), but the volume can be different, usually 1, 2 or 4Gb. The added volume directly depends on the characteristics of the motherboard. This can be found in the documentation for it. In any case, in order not to miss, you can safely add the same line that is already installed (if you have a volume of no more than 4GB).
The main thing is that the memory type and frequency must match, but the company may be different (although the same ones are preferable).

In order to install a new line of RAM, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, move the latches on the memory slots to the sides and, turning the memory correctly, insert it all the way into the connector. The latches should close.

I repeat once again: make sure that the cut on the memory line coincides with the protrusion on the motherboard slot.

That's all, the process itself is not complicated, but the main thing is preparation and knowledge.

What to do if there is no free space for RAM?

Then you need to again look at what memory is installed and how much there is. For example, there are two 512MB slots, i.e. together 1GB. In this case, it would be advisable to install 2 1GB sticks or one 2GB stick instead. Do not forget that it is advisable to know what the maximum allowable volume per connector is.

RAM is a capricious madam. She is not capable of much on her own, but she is extremely picky in choosing a mate: they say, don’t give me just anyone. Moreover, the quarrelsome nature of the RAM can make itself felt both immediately after the neighbor appears, and over time. For example, when you urgently need a computer.

Today we will dot all the “E”s on the questions of whether it is possible to combine different sticks of RAM on one PC, whether it is possible for RAM of different generations, types, volume, frequency and manufacturers to work together. And if possible, then under what conditions.

Connection between generations

My motherboard has generation RAM slotsDDR2 andDDR3. Is it possible to install dies of both types on it?

The clear answer is no. Such hybrid modifications of motherboards were produced at the turn of the transition from the DDR2 to DDR3 standard. They are capable of working with either DDR2 memory with frequencies of 667, 800 and 1066 mHz, or with DDR3 memory with frequencies of 1066 and 1333 mHz. If you install DDR2 and DDR3 together on such a board (of course, in slots of their own type), the computer will not start.

DDR3 + DDR3L = ?

Is it possible to use two modules together?RAM, one of whichDDR-3, and the second -DDR-3L? How is the second different from the first?

DDR3 memory has been the only choice for a long time. And only shortly before DDR4 entered the market, its new modification, DDR3L, was released. The letter “L” in the name of the latter means “low voltage”.

The DDR3L RAM is powered by a voltage of 1.35 V, and its predecessor consumes 1.5 V - this is their main difference. Externally, both types of planks look the same.

The DDR3L standard is fully compatible with motherboards and processors designed for DDR3, but not vice versa. Thus, Intel processors with Skylake S microarchitecture do not officially support DDR 3, although they support DDR 3L.

Sharing modules of both types is sometimes possible, but not desirable. All memory installed in the slots of one motherboard is powered by the same voltage level, so only one of the sticks will be in optimal conditions. Computers with this RAM configuration are usually unstable, and some do not turn on at all.

Volumes and channels

I want to install RAM in all 4 slots, does the capacity of each module matter? Which combination will work faster - 4 2 GB sticks, 2 4 GB sticks or 1 8 GB stick?

The only requirement for the amount of RAM is that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise the computer will not turn on or part of the memory will remain unused. The claim that all RAM should be of the same capacity is a myth. There is never too much of it, so bet as much as you want.

All modern desktops and many laptops support multi-channel RAM mode. With this method of organization, memory is accessed not along one, but along several parallel lines, which significantly increases the performance of the machine.

Motherboards with four RAM slots (the most common type) operate in dual-channel mode, that is, they have 2 connectors for 1 channel.

Of the three presented combinations, the fastest will be the second one - 2 4 GB sticks, if you distribute them one per channel. Why two and not four? Because the actual speed of data exchange between the controller and each RAM module is not the same, and the more sticks, the more time is spent synchronizing them.

For RAM modules to work in multi-channel mode, they must be:

  • Same frequency.
  • Approximately the same capacity (small differences are sometimes acceptable).
  • One type (for example, DDR3 or DDR3L only).

And their total number must be even.

By the way, RAM slots of one channel are often made one color. But not always. To find out where they are located on your motherboard, it is better to look at its instructions.

Frequencies and timings

Can it be combined with different timings? If so, what frequency do they operate at?

Can. Each unit of RAM stores information about supported frequencies and timings internally (in the SPD chip). The memory controller reads this data and selects a mode in which all modules can operate. As a rule, these are the frequency and timings of the slowest one.

Various manufacturers

Is it necessary to buy RAM from the same manufacturer?

It is advisable to purchase RAM not just from one brand, but from factory sets of several modules. These devices have been jointly tested and are guaranteed to be able to work together.

It happens that RAM of the same brand and model, purchased separately, cannot “find a common language”. It also happens the other way around, when devices of different origins demonstrate excellent teamwork. Depending on your luck, the first option is rather an exception. Most often, dies from different manufacturers with similar characteristics turn out to be compatible.

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Is it possible to combine different sticks of RAM in one computer? updated: April 26, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

If you have successfully selected and purchased the RAM module you need, let's install it correctly in our computer. All the parts inside the system unit do not require significant physical effort to handle, so relax a little. Before work, it would be a good idea to read the manual that came with your motherboard; it must have its own instructions for installing RAM.

  • Note: If you have a laptop, then read the article -.

First of all, we remove static electricity from ourselves by touching the unpainted parts of your system unit with our hands.

We perform all actions with the computer turned off. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. We remove the side cover of the system unit and find the slots for RAM on the motherboard. Usually there are from two to four. Each RAM slot has special latches on the edges on both sides; they must be carefully pressed to the sides.

Note: Some motherboards are designed in such a way that install RAM the video card will interfere with you, then remove it.

Now look carefully at any slot for installing RAM, it has a special protrusion.

Now take out the RAM module and you will see a special slot or recess on it.

So, we pressed the two latches of the RAM slot to the sides, and carefully insert our RAM module into the slot.

If you bought the RAM module correctly, then when installing the module into the slot intended for it on the motherboard, this cutout should definitely fit into the protrusion. If the cutout and protrusion do not match, then the RAM module is not designed to work on this motherboard.

The module should fall into the guides without any distortions, now the most crucial moment, lightly and carefully press the module from above on both sides with your thumbs, it should fall into place, and the latches should click into place.

If the latches do not click into place, look carefully to see if the module is fully seated in the slot; if it is fully seated, then fix the latch yourself. I think everything is clearly visible in the screenshots.

Let me remind you that if you have two RAM modules with the same capacity and identical characteristics, and the motherboard supports dual-channel RAM mode, insert the modules into the same colored slots.

We put the cover of the system unit back, connect all the cables and turn on the computer.

How to remove RAM

If you need to remove RAM from the slot, it is very simple to do so, just unlatch the latches and remove the RAM module.