The application hangs. The computer is slowing down, what should I do? High CPU and RAM usage

Windows has secret combination keys to restart the video card driver. If your computer freezes and the image on the screen does not move, try using this instead. forced reboot. The method works in Windows 10 and Windows 8.

Click on your keyboard Win + Ctrl + Shift + B. For a split second the screen will go dark and you will hear sound signal. Then the image will appear again. All applications will remain open without changes.

The keyboard shortcut works no matter what graphics card your computer is equipped with: NVIDIA, AMD or Intel. This combination helps to recover from freezes that occur, for example, when starting resource-intensive applications or when waking the computer from sleep mode.

Other ways to get rid of freezing

If you encounter a sudden black screen or a frozen image while working, try a combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete. You can also click Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager and stop the frozen process. Or click Alt+Tab or Win + Tab to switch from a frozen application to the Desktop.

If your computer does not respond to all these keyboard shortcuts and reboot graphics driver does not help, you will have to forcefully turn off and turn on the device again. To do this, press and hold the power button for about ten seconds until the computer turns off. Wait a few seconds, then turn on your computer again. Resort to this method only as a last resort, if there is nothing else left.

Of course, if you see , no keyboard shortcuts will help. He points out irreparable Windows errors, and all you can do is restart your computer. Google the error code displayed on the screen or read the QR code - this will at least give you an idea of ​​what happened.

Your the computer froze, does not respond to any commands, can’t turn it off or reboot? In this article we will describe several simple ways How to turn off or restart a frozen computer or laptop.

Why does my computer freeze? This is a question many users ask. The main reasons for PC freezing are lack of random access memory or weak processor. If you open several programs and applications on your computer at the same time, this can lead to the PC freezing, a weak processor simply will not be able to cope with the tasks assigned, or there will be insufficient RAM for work large quantity applications. Sometimes it's enough to open one powerful program or a game that will also make your computer think for a long time. If you want to buy a computer for gaming or for running high-capacity applications, then you should choose a PC with powerful technical characteristics. All components of the system unit must match. It happens that the processor is powerful, but there is not enough RAM, or the RAM is large and the processor is powerful, but the video card is weak. Freezing can also be caused by errors in the operation of the operating system, viruses on the PC, or the accumulation of garbage. It is necessary to clean the system of debris at least sometimes, for this there is special programs, about which you can read and download on the Internet, you should also blow dust from boards and cooling systems and periodically check your computer for viruses. Of course, there are many more reasons, and if you wish, you can write a large separate article about this, but first we will figure out what to do with a frozen computer or laptop.

Try it first restart frozen computer Call the task manager by simultaneously pressing the following buttons: "Ctrl + Alt + Del". This method often helps out if some programs on your PC or laptop freeze and sometimes you have to call the device manager to disable them.

If the first method does not help, then let's try turning off the frozen computer. I would like to warn you that when performing forced shutdown PC anything that was not completed on the laptop may be lost. If you opened important documents that you were working with, but did not have time to save, then you can try to wait a little, perhaps the computer will come out of the freeze on its own. If you don’t want to waste time and nerves and you are ready to complete all the processes, then do the following.
To force shutdown a frozen computer, you need to press and hold the "Power" button. You need to hold it for a few seconds until the device turns off; you may have to hold the PC power button longer. After the computer turns off in a minute, you can turn it on and use it again.

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Does your computer freeze, applications take a long time to open, or does your computer slow down terribly while playing games? Many people encounter this, and this is understandable; a computer is quite complex system, in which performance is affected great amount nuances. So why might your computer freeze? We will look at the main reasons that most affect computer performance.

It is known that computer wizard will come to your home in Moscow anywhere and very quickly. But we advise you not to rush. After reading this article, you will understand why your PC freezes most often. By remembering these main reasons, you will not have the question: “the computer freezes, what should I do?”, and in most cases you will be able to correct the situation yourself.

Trojans and viruses are one of the reasons why the computer freezes

Spyware, popularly called viruses, pose a great threat to the security of the system, but in addition they significantly reduce system performance, and in especially severe cases the computer freezes completely.

There are several ways to combat this type of threat. The first and easiest step is to install various anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on your computer with the latest and most up-to-date databases. This will help prevent your computer from getting infected and avoid situations where your computer starts to freeze.

If you were unable to protect yourself, then you should try opening the “Task Manager” and look at suspicious processes. These primarily include those that take up a fairly large amount of processor time and are executed constantly when no applications are running. Then you should clean the startup from unnecessary and unknown programs.

And finally, if you find a process or file that is definitely a virus, you should clear the registry of all references to these files.

The computer freezes due to CPU overheating. What to do?

Every year, global processor manufacturers produce more and more powerful models. But with increasing power, energy consumption also increases, which in turn entails an increase in heat generation. For the time being, the coolers do the job assigned to them and cool our processor while we hack away in the next game. However, this does not last long.

Dust, which is everywhere, gradually settles on the cooler over time and reduces its usefulness; the processor begins to heat up. Fortunately, the processor will not heat up endlessly, it most likely will not even burn out from overheating, but the computer may freeze.

Here's the thing: modern motherboards have CPU temperature control. At the moment when the temperature exceeds the permissible limit, the system begins to slow down the processor in order to prevent it from overheating. If the temperature continues to rise, then the system completely stops supplying the load to it and at this moment the PC freezes tightly.

To avoid such troubles you must:
  • periodically vacuum the insides of the computer from dust;
  • check if the coolers are working;
  • Periodically change the thermal conductive paste between the processor and the cooling radiator.

There are many different utilities to monitor processor temperature.

The computer may freeze due to problems with RAM

The performance of RAM can have a very big influence on computer performance. The performance of RAM is affected by such indicators as: compatibility of RAM manufacturers in the presence of several sticks, speed of RAM, etc. Minor defects or overheating of the memory module are enough for the computer to freeze.

Previously, everything was much simpler; I found out what speed and capacity the motherboard could support, and bought such memory. Nowadays there are a huge number of manufacturers, memory speeds and other characteristics, and the choice has become more difficult.

Before replacing or increasing RAM, you need to study the characteristics of your motherboard. Find out what types it can work with and at what speeds. You should also take into account that not every operating system can support large amounts of RAM. For example, 32-bit operating systems can only work with 3 gigabytes of RAM.

Computer freezes due to HDD instability

The hard drive stores all the files on our computer. The process of reading and writing is almost constant, and therefore the speed of work hard drive will influence overall performance systems. The HDD, like any other PC component, wears out. Unreadable areas of the disk appear, areas with poorly readable clusters, and as a consequence low speed work - the computer freezes.

To eliminate freezes in this case, reinstalling Windows will not help. Really need to check HDD for the presence of bad sectors special utility. In this case, the damaged fragments will be marked as non-working and will not slow down the system.

Externally identify problems with hard drive maybe by sound. Advanced users notice this. If the condition is very neglected, then a way out is generally possible. building a tough disk. Therefore, especially important files should be stored on at least several hard drives simultaneously.

Why does my computer freeze due to incorrect BIOS settings?

One of the hidden reasons is not stable operation system is BIOS. It hosts the most important settings computer. Among users it is believed that BIOS is for professionals and the average person should not bother with it. This is partly true, but often, especially after changing some components, BIOS presets are not optimal. Therefore, the computer often freezes.

Proceed to BIOS setup should be done very carefully. First, you should study information about your motherboard on the Internet, find out what settings are responsible for what, and what parameters may be more optimal. When you start setting up the BIOS, you should not change everything at once. It is more correct to change only some parameters and see how this affects system performance and whether the computer will freeze less.

In some cases, it is worth considering the possibility of changing BIOS firmware, however, this option requires some PC skills. However, this process must be carried out carefully. Turning off the computer's power while flashing the firmware may damage the motherboard and you will have to go to the service center.

Errors in various Windows services

IN Windows big quantity various services enabled by default. For normal operation The system only needs some of these services, but they all take up CPU time - the computer freezes. You need to find out which services on your system are not carrying the required payload. After that, having configured the computer correctly, turn them off.

To find out which services are running in this moment, you need to open the computer administration panel, expand the list of services. More detailed description services can be found from the list that opens. In this list you can read the service name, status, startup type. If you select a service, you can read more about it in the window that appears.

First of all, you should pay attention to those services whose startup type is set to “automatic”. Many of these services are needed for specific purposes, such as remotely editing the registry. For ordinary users this service does not provide any benefit.

You can stop the service or disable its autostart from the service properties window. There you can also change other service parameters. You can experiment with disabling services; services disable some properties of the system, but cannot lead to its inoperability. You can enable the service again at any time.

PC hangs due to unresponsive processes

Processes that fall into some kind of internal loop practically do not respond to system control. They take up almost all the processor time and the computer freezes completely, so they can be detected quite easily. This often happens if the program was launched from a different location than where it was installed or the software is out of date for the system.

There is one exception, this is the process of system inactivity. It usually takes up 95-98% of CPU time. However, keep in mind that if you have any CPU-intensive application running on your system, it will also consume almost all the CPU cycles. If the process is executed correctly, then sooner or later it will complete its task and free up the CPU. Hung applications do not release the processor until you manually terminate their process.

You can see what processes are currently running in the system in the Task Manager. If necessary, you can complete most of them through the context menu. If you have completed system process, without which the system cannot run for any longer – the computer will simply reboot.

File fragmentation is another reason why your computer often freezes

Files are written to disk in blocks one after another. Then, after deletion, spaces are freed into which new files are written. If the file does not fit into one block, it is split into parts and written to the next interval. This continues all the time and sooner or later the files no longer fit into a whole block and are written only in fragments. And as a result, the computer freezes.

Often, by swapping fragments, you can assemble files into one block like a mosaic - this process is called fragmentation. The speed of reading and writing information to disk depends on the number of fragments into which these files are divided. It often happens that very small file, which is constantly used by the system, is broken into several thousand parts.

To prevent such an “illness” on your computer, you should defragment the disks approximately every few months. Special attention should be given to the one on which the system is installed. The defragmentation utility opens from the disk properties window. It requires about 25% percent free space on the disk that is being defragmented.

If you still have any questions, you can contact us for help - computer service website. Our service technicians will quickly and accurately determine the reason why your computer freezes and eliminate all problems.

So, what should not be done when the computer freezes, freezes tightly in games, or some program does not close: do not use heavy objects to resuscitate it, do not restart the computer with the Reset button (this is only in the most extreme cases, otherwise the operating system may suffer system).

We are trying to solve the problem through the dispatcher Windows tasks(combination CTRL+ALT+DEL).

In the task manager, select the program or application that is not responding and click end task. In some cases you will have to wait a little (up to 2 minutes), the most important thing is not to hard reset for your computer. “Give him a Snickers” and he’ll get over it. If the computer is frozen, then we use reset buttons or on off

Why does your computer still freeze? Causes and solutions.

If your computer freezes very often, there are reasons for this. Let's look at the most popular of them:
1. The computer is infected with viruses- both the security of your data and the performance of your computer suffer, which can lead to your computer freezing.
Solution: install antivirus protection(if you don’t have an antivirus, here’s a good one), update your antivirus, scan your computer.
2. Your operating system is cluttered- see how to clean the system of debris.
3. Problems with operating system - may be caused incorrect installation drivers or installation of malicious and non-working programs (incorrect installation of programs)
Solution: upload to and then delete latest programs or drivers; .
4. Overheating of computer components(most often a video card or processor). Computer temperature monitoring program.
Solution: disassemble the computer, clean it from dust, replace (if required) thermal paste, install additional cooling.
5. Computer components are on edge or have failed. Consult your nearest service center.
Above we looked at the most popular reasons for a computer freezing, because... All possible reasons impossible to describe in the whole book. Eliminating computer freezes is individual for everyone. We recommend contacting specialists. Good luck!

It happens that the PC begins to work very unstable. Almost every user has encountered this kind of trouble. Even technically savvy people cannot always understand what to do if it freezes. Beginners often cannot do without the help of professionals. However, anyone can diagnose and correct some causes of malfunction. The article presents detailed guide, which will help solve most standard problems.

Main reasons

To determine what measures you need to take to improve your PC performance, you must first find the root cause of the problems. What can cause your computer to slow down and freeze?

  • Small amount of RAM.
  • There is not enough free space on system partition.
  • Lots of unnecessary registry entries.
  • Unnecessary programs in startup.
  • Hardware overheating.
  • Viruses.

Not enough RAM

Year after year demands software only growing. A computer can become obsolete in a few years. If your PC has less than two gigabytes of RAM installed, you should add one or more additional strips. Today, even browsers require about 1 GB, but usually the system runs several processes and several dozen OS services at once, which also require a lot of hardware resources.

To find out exactly how much RAM is used by the system, you need to click right click mouse over the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” All the main characteristics of the hardware will be listed here.


There is enough free space on the system partition, what should you do if the computer slows down and freezes? There is a high probability that viruses are to blame for the unstable operation of your PC.

To fix the problem, you should use antivirus scanner. Professionals recommend using Dr. tools. Web Cureit And Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Both utilities can be distributed free of charge, they can be said to be from official websites.

If you decide to use Cureit, after launching the program, click on the line “Select objects to scan” and check each available checkbox. Also click on the words “Click to select files” and check the box next to “My Computer”. After this, you can start scanning by clicking on the “Start scan” button.


What to do if your computer slows down and freezes in games and other “heavy” applications? Most likely the cooling system is to blame. To check this fact, you should use programs that allow you to monitor the temperature of the main PC components. The best tool AIDA 64 is considered for such studies.

What to do if your computer slows down and Windows XP freezes, how can you check if the PC components are overheating? Install the AIDA 64 utility and run it. Find in top line diagram icon. After clicking on it, a window called “Stress Test” will open. It will display temperature graphs of those system devices that have built-in sensors. On the left, check the boxes next to all items except “Stress Local Disk” and click on the Start button. Observe how the diagrams change under load. When critical values ​​are reached, the test should be completed by clicking on the “Stop” line.

For different devices normal temperature varies. To find out which is considered acceptable for devices installed in the system, you should visit the manufacturer’s website.


AIDA 64 allows you to check the temperatures of many components, but it cannot check the video system with it. The computer slows down and freezes, what to do if you suspect overheating graphics adapter? The best utility For testing a video card, FurMark is considered.

After launching the program, a settings window will appear on the screen. In it you should check the box next to the inscription "Fullscreen" and select maximum resolution supported by the monitor. After completing these steps, click on the "Stress Test" button.

A three-dimensional image will appear on the screen, but you should not look at it. The main attention should be paid to the graph that appears below. It clearly shows how the temperature of the graphics adapter changes. If it reaches a critical point, press the "Esc" button to complete the test.


Due to overheating, the computer slows down and freezes, what should I do to restore stable operation? First of all, you should clean all the radiators of the cooling system using a brush and a vacuum cleaner.

Turn off your PC and remove the side cover. Be careful not to bring the nozzle closer to the boards at a distance of less than 7-10 cm. That is why you should use a brush. It can be used to brush off caked dust that cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

After cleaning everything software tests needs to be repeated. If the temperature values ​​have not returned to normal, you should think about replacing thermal paste or coolers.


What should you do if your computer slows down and freezes when you turn it on? To solve the problem, you should try removing most applications from startup. To do this, restart your PC. Before loading the OS, press the F8 button to bring up the menu. In it, select "Safe Mode".

After displaying the desktop screen, press the “Win ​​+ R” combination on the keyboard. The Run window will open. Write "msconfig" in the input line and click on the "OK" button. Go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck all the applications that you do not need all the time. If you find it difficult to choose, leave the checkboxes only opposite those programs that have “Microsoft” listed in the “Manufacturer” column.

Once completed, click on the "OK" button to save the changes.


What should you do if your computer freezes and slows down while opening applications and files? It may be worth performing a defragmentation procedure. The fact is that the hard drive is divided into sectors. In this case, one recorded file can occupy several thousand sectors on the hard drive. Not always all parts separate document located next to each other. Consequently, it decreases

To organize the information located on the HDD, you should regularly defragment it. To run the built-in Windows utilities open File Explorer. Right-click on any partition and select Properties. Go to the "Services" tab, then click on the "Defragmentation" button.

In the window that opens, select the disk and click on “Defragmentation”. It is advisable to carry out this procedure for all volumes in turn.

RAM hardware problems

Without visible reasons The computer began to slow down and freeze, what should I do if none of the above tips helped? Often unstable work The PC is connected to damaged RAM. You can check the RAM strips using the utility built into the OS. Open Control Panel. Its icon is located on the right side of the Start menu. Click on "Administration". In the window that opens, find the "Memory Checker" item and run it like any other program.

The user will be asked whether to run the test after the next startup or restart the computer now. There is not much difference between them. The first option will allow you to save all documents if necessary.

After restarting the PC, the testing process will begin. Its operating time may vary depending on different systems. If messages highlighted in red appear on the screen during the test, it means that the RAM is to blame for the failure.

What to do if your computer freezes and slows down due to bad RAM?

First of all, to solve the problem, you should clean the contacts from dust and oxide. Remove the system unit cover. Remove the RAM sticks by pushing back the levers that hold the device and pulling it towards you. Take cotton swabs, dip them in alcohol or cologne and wipe the contacts. Once dry, put the RAM back in place and test it again.

What should I do if my computer freezes and slows down even after this procedure? Often in system unit Several sticks of RAM are installed at once. Run the scan utility for each of them separately. This way it will be possible to identify which device is destabilizing the PC. Damaged equipment should be replaced or simply not installed.


The answer to the question “What to do if your computer freezes and slows down?” fully revealed. It must be said that first of all you need to take measures aimed at optimizing the software part, and then move on to checking. In addition, unstable PC operation is rarely associated with only one factor. Usually, serious problems begin only when several causes come into force at the same time. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue of computer repair in a comprehensive manner.