A program for autorunning applications on a computer. Startup Manager For Windows Free - a program for managing startup

Having a program automatically start when you boot your computer is a handy feature, and it's worth using if you have a basic set of applications that you always keep open. Some programs have their own settings in which you can set them to launch automatically every time you start Windows; others do not have such functionality, but the operating system allows you to do this. In this article, we will look at how to disable auto-loading of programs using Windows and, if necessary, enable automatic launch of individual applications.

Starting with Windows 7, the standard “Task Manager” of the operating system has a lot of useful functions and serves not only to terminate frozen programs and diagnose the load on computer components. In particular, the “Startup” item has appeared in the “Task Manager”, which displays all programs that automatically start when Windows boots. To get to this point, call the task manager by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys and select the “Startup” tab at the top of the window that opens.

To disable startup of an application in Windows through the “Task Manager”, you need to right-click on a specific program in the list and select “Disable”.

Please note that the Task Manager also displays the impact of a specific application on the startup speed of the operating system. Through the "Task Manager" you cannot add new programs to automatic loading when the computer starts.

How to enable or disable autorun of programs through the registry

The registry allows you to access almost any function of the operating system. In particular, through it you can configure a list of programs that are automatically loaded when Windows starts. To do this, you need:

  1. Press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard and enter the command regedit;
  2. Next in the registry, go to the following path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run

It should be noted that according to the instructions above, program startup parameters are set for the user on whose behalf the registry is currently being edited. If you want to set parameters for all users, in the left side of the registry editing window, right-click on the Run folder and select “Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section.” After that, follow the procedures to add or remove a program from the startup list.

You can enable autoloading of individual applications through a special folder. It is enough to place a program shortcut in it so that it automatically starts every time Windows boots. To go to this folder, just press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard and enter the command in the “Run” window shell:startup.

It should be noted that this folder does not contain all programs that are set to start automatically when the operating system starts. You cannot disable system applications through it.

We often launch the same programs when we start our computer, so to save time, you can specify which programs to launch when the OS boots. In this article I will talk about how to configure autorun in Windows 7.

There are 2 ways to configure autorun in Windows 7. The first is simpler, so let's start with it.

Setting up Windows 7 autorun via Start

Simply simply to the point of impossibility. First you need to go to the menu Start and choose All programs, then look for the folder .

I have a WiFi program and an auto-keyboard switch installed in my startup. Yours may be something different. Actually setting up autorun comes down to deleting or adding shortcuts to this folder.

For convenience, you can right-click on this folder and select “Open” - a folder will open in which you can delete and add shortcuts.

Setting up Windows 7 autorun via msConfig

To do this we need to open a more advanced program called msconfig.exe - this can also be done through the menu Start. We open it and in the search term write msconfig and open the desired program.

there will be a list of all programs and services that start when Windows 7 boots. But do not rush to disable everything, as these may be important drivers or antivirus. By unchecking the boxes, we disable autorun.

Setting up Windows 7 autorun through the registry

A list of places where programs are registered that are launched with different parameters. But be careful in editing and if you haven't dealt with it up to this point.

Autostart for all users:

Autostart once for all users:

Autorun only for the current user:

Autostart for the current user, but only once:

For example, to configure Skype to autostart when the current user logs in in Windows 7, you will need to open regedit.exe- This is the registry editor. In the program we go to the section:

and add the following line: “SKYPE.EXE”=”C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\skype.exe”

  1. 1. Remove shortcuts from the Startup folder (suitable for XP and Windows 7, but does not always help);
  2. 2. Disable autorun in Windows 7 using the built-in msconfig utility;
  3. 3. Disable startup programs for Windows 8;
  4. 4. Disable startup using the CCleaner program (universal method for all OS).
1. Normal method for Windows 7

Opening "Start" - "All Programs" where we are looking for the folder (Startup - in English). The shortcuts placed here automatically launch the corresponding programs when Windows starts, right-click on the unnecessary ones and click "Delete".

The method is simple, but this does not include all programs that start when the PC starts.

2. Disable autorun programs for Windows 7 using msconfig

In addition to the previous folder, there is also a registry in which startup programs are located. The easiest way to remove tasks from it is to click "Win"+"R" and enter in the line "msconfig" and press "OK".

In the window that opens, go to the tab. By unchecking the boxes next to programs we don’t need, we remove them from autorun.

Then press the button "OK", a window will appear asking you to restart your PC, but you don’t have to do this.

Using this method, you can disable any program from startup, but you need to know all their names because there are no shortcut icons, and you can inadvertently disable something you need.

3. Disable startup programs for Windows 8

Right-click on the taskbar and in the context menu that appears, click "Task Manager".

In the window that opens, go to the tab, select the program we need and click the button below "Disable".

A very simple method that even an inexperienced PC user can handle.

4. Disabling startup using CCleaner

This list determines which programs will start automatically when you turn on the PC. It is worth considering that with a significant number of such programs, computer performance may noticeably decrease.

Of course, some programs need to be launched before the system is fully loaded to function fully (for example, an antivirus will not be able to protect the device otherwise), but most programs are not needed by the user so often.

Meet msconfig.exe

To manage the set of programs that run in Windows 7, the utility utility msconfig.exe is used, which can be called through the “ Execute" (available in the menu " Start"or through a combination Win+R). This tool allows you not only to control startup, but also to make other system settings, however, in this case, you must be careful, since you can disrupt the operation of Windows.

In the main window of the msconfig.exe program, you need to activate the “” tab. A list of programs will open, some of which are ticked, which means permission to autoload. The new settings are activated after the system is rebooted. This program also allows you to configure the services that are allowed to load automatically. However, it is best to leave a service alone unless the user is sure of its purpose.

You can also edit the startup list using third-party software, for example, use the CCleaner utility. To configure programs in the main window, you must activate the “ Service", then select the appropriate item. The window will display a table in which various information will be displayed next to the programs, including startup permission.

Registry, here we need a registry

Advanced users can also remove programs from startup by editing the system registry. The Registry Editor can be activated by typing " Execute» command « regedit" (the name of the program). A window will open, on the left side the main registry sections will be displayed with the ability to open subdirectories.

Autoloading is displayed in two branches. In the first case, you need to open the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER and follow the path: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. In the second case, you need to select a branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and follow the same path.

It’s just time to switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10, or even .

The more time passes after installing Windows, the more different programs begin to appear on the computer and the longer it takes to load. This often happens due to the fact that many utilities add themselves, as well as the components necessary for startup, to startup.

Autoload is list of programs, which should start simultaneously with the system startup. Accordingly, the more there are, the longer the OS will take to start and the more it will be loaded immediately after launch. If there are a lot of utilities, then they can eat up a lot of system resources immediately after launch, thereby slowing down not only the loading, but also the work itself.

Removing programs from startup

It’s worth noting right away that some applications are better off launching right away. These include anti-virus and firewall programs; the rest, for the most part, are not needed immediately after start and can be launched later, when they are really needed.

There is a built-in program to manage the list of launched utilities. It's easy to launch, just click Win +R, and enter in the field msconfig.exe and click "OK". This application allows you not only to edit startup, but also to make other settings, so you should not change anything if you are not sure of the correctness of this decision.

To edit directly, you need to go to the “” tab. Here you can check off those utilities that will launch immediately and uncheck those that are not needed immediately after starting the OS.

After the setup is complete, you will need to restart pc for the changes to take effect. Also, here you can edit services that will load automatically, but you should not disable services if you do not know exactly what they are responsible for. Although there is an option " Don't display Microsoft services", which will allow you to remove system services from the list so as not to accidentally disable them.

Free apps to manage startup

It is possible to edit using third-party programs, for example, CCleaner. This utility allows you to clean your system of accumulated garbage and can help you configure startup. To do this, you just need to go to “ Service" and select the appropriate tab there, where you can enable and disable applications.

Using Registry Editor

It is also possible to use a very original editing method - through the registry. To get into it you need to click Win+R and print regedit, then click “OK”.

After which the registry itself will open. Here, on the left side, you can see the folder in which certain registry entries will be stored. Those needed in this case will be stored in:

By going to them, you will be able to see which utilities are loaded immediately after the system starts and remove unnecessary ones or add something.