The computer reboots itself. The computer turns off or restarts on its own. Why and what to do? Equipment not suitable


Disable first automatic reboot system in case of errors (System Properties - Advanced tab - Boot and Recovery). Instead of rebooting, the system will crash blue screen with an error code, information on which can be found on the Microsoft website or, for example, at

Try disabling automatic reboot in case of errors in Windows. This could also be due to poor cooling of the processor (check the temperature) or due to the low power of the power supply.

Yuri Alexandrovich Peysakhovich:
First, you need to check the memory, Gold Memory, for example. Secondly, if the motherboard is Socket 370, then check electrolytic capacitors on it, whether there are any drips from them and whether they are swollen. If there are, change them immediately. Thirdly, there may be problems with the power supply - you need to check the output voltages, check whether the fan rotates well and blow out dust.

Possibly a hardware problem. Disable auto reboot (Control Panel - System - Advanced tab - bottom button Options - uncheck Perform automatic reboot) and instead of rebooting you will see a blue screen with an error code.

Go to Control Panel - System - Advanced - Boot and Recovery - uncheck the Perform automatic reboot command. As a result, a blue screen and an error code are displayed. Rewrite the code and ask the question again. And there are several more methods: 1) install a known-good power supply on your computer. 2) Check the memory using the Memtest86+ utility ( 3) View the system temperature.

Roman Gural:
The system is definitely overheating, or the power supply is faulty. Check the temperature on the processor and in the case in the BIOS.

Maybe it's a virus. Or maybe not correct setting systems. Or maybe iron. Based on your description, you can indicate thousands of reasons. Please be more specific: configuration, parameters, temperatures, cooler speeds, drivers, peripherals. Then our answer will be more accurate.

I can tell you exactly what the reason is. In DDR RAM. My DDR RAM ports were faulty.

A friend had a similar experience. Either it rebooted immediately after loading, or after 5-10 minutes. I thought it was a virus, but rebooting in safe mode alerted me. 10 minutes of dancing with a vacuum cleaner and a brush near the system unit - and the problem was solved. That is, as an option, vacuum and check whether the coolers are still spinning (in the power supply too).

My computer itself rebooted. I read a bunch of forums. I realized that it was in vain to power the air conditioner to the same outlet as the computer. I realized that when I installed the fan on the video card, I messed something up (both first actions on the same day). But it turned out that the problem was neither in the first nor in the second case. From the feeding unit I supplied another 12 V power to the DVD-ROM. And everything passed (for now). Considering my complete ignorance of electrical engineering, etc. I can’t draw a conclusion. But I shared with you as an option to solve the Self-Restart problem.

Hi all! Your computer assistant is in touch. Today we’ll talk about a rather unpleasant problem that, however, has its place in the life of a computer - spontaneous rebooting. Sometimes it happens that during the next startup when loading the operating system, the computer independently “decides” to reboot, and so on ad infinitum. If you are interested in how to solve similar problem, then you have come to the right place, this article is exactly about that.

In most cases, you can solve the problem yourself, but go for it if you understand well what you have to deal with, and We will help you with this.

In fact, it turns out that there may be many more reasons than it seems at first glance - these are like malfunctions software type, and hardware. Of course, determining the type of problem is complicated by the fact that sometimes it is not possible to start the computer itself, but let’s talk about everything one by one. The following are the most probable reasons such “incorrect” behavior and advice on how to eliminate them.


The most common problem leading to this outcome is the presence of viruses on your computer. Most of the viruses are fully activated just after the next startup or reboot, which explains the correct behavior of the computer before shutting down.

For most OS Windows family The solution to the problem may be to boot the OS into Safe Mode or in mode Last working configuration. In order to get to the configuration selection menu, you must press the F8 key after turning on the computer.

After starting in Safe Mode, update your antivirus software and scan your device for viruses. Updating the OS can also help solve the problem.

Also, check the list of Startup programs. Shortcuts may be found here malware, so exclude applications that are unknown to you from this list.

One of the most effective ways is to roll back the system to the restore point of the last working state when the computer was working properly. To do this, the menu for creating restore points must be active before infection (still in working order). After restoring the system's functionality, check your computer for malicious software using an antivirus program.

You can also boot from licensed disk installed OS and select the “Recovery” mode.

If all of the above methods do not help solve the problem, you will have to format the disk and reinstall the operating system. In order not to lose files that are valuable to you, we recommend that you first extract HDD from the system unit and, having inserted it into a working computer (preferably with an anti-virus program installed), copy them there temporarily.

If none of this helps, the problem is most likely a hardware issue. Go ahead.

Hardware problem

The most common problem of this type of error family is operational problems hard drive. It is likely that the boot partition has failed. In this case, the hard drive should be checked using specialized diagnostic programs - if errors are found, they should be eliminated. Otherwise, you will have to replace your hard drive and, accordingly, reinstall the OS with a new one.

The RAM can also fail. To detect its errors there are also specialized programs. If there is an error in it, the fee random access memory will have to be replaced.

There is a case when the reason cyclical reboots there is a problem with the video card. Then the scenario of your actions is as follows: having activated Safe Mode, update the drivers for the video card by installing latest version. If there is no effect, show it to a specialist in order to detect the malfunction.

Oddly enough, dust contamination can also cause uncontrollable computer behavior. In this case, the system unit must be unscrewed and vacuumed. Be extremely careful when performing this manipulation, because... the likelihood of damaging the chips during the cleaning process increases. It's better to contact a specialist.


Another reason may be the installation of an incompatible software or drivers. To solve this, you should start in Safe Mode and reinstall all drivers or remove an incompatible program (remember what you installed the day before).


Listed above are the most common reasons that can “force” your computer to constantly reboot and recipes for eliminating such problems. There is also whole line other reasons, but they require deeper intervention in the computer, which most likely cannot be done at home. Therefore, in such cases, you should contact the support center or a specialist.

That's all. Leave comments, join our community and just visit this site more often. Your opinion is important to us!

How nice it is when your computer works without failures or problems! All tasks are completed quickly and efficiently. In short, a pleasure for work and rest. But what if? What could be causing this problem? What solutions might there be? Where to run and what to do?

One of the problems may be a failed power supply (as a rule, capacitors swell). In this case, the computer works for a short time (10-15 minutes), after which it reboots. You can detect the malfunction by removing the power supply and unscrewing it. Look for small cylinders, about 2cm long and about 0.5cm wide (with a flat aluminum base). These will be capacitors (aka electrolytes). Review all electrolytes carefully. If you find capacitors with a swollen surface, then you have found the problem. Now all that remains is to take the power supply to service center and resolder the capacitors (or, if you wish, just buy new block nutrition).

The same problem can occur with motherboard capacitors. In order to find the culprit, you need to unwind system unit and carefully check all electrolytes. If you find the ones that are swollen, you will find the problem. The treatment is practically the same as in the case of the power supply - a “ticket” to a service center for “heat treatments”.

Alternatively, if everything is in order with the capacitors, and the computer restarts spontaneously, Check the temperature on the processor and in the case. You can view this information in the BIOS (in order to enter it, you need to press Del/F1/F2/Esc after rebooting or when turning on the computer - usually written at the bottom of the boot screen). For check temperature regime You can download the utility, of which there are thousands on the Internet. If the temperature is above average, then you have problems with heat dissipation. One solution to the problem will be to blow dust out of the system unit. In 80% of cases, after this procedure, reboots stop. If the necessary heat removal is still not provided, it’s time to think about changing the cooling system.

A short circuit on the PC case can also cause computer restarts spontaneously. The reason may be that the system (one of the phases) is shorted to the housing (to understand what we are talking about, imagine two wires in a socket, and you try to shorten them together; the result is a spark/reset). There are two ways to fix the problem. First: find where it's happening short circuit onto the case, and “cut the problem” (video card, LAN card, TV tuner, etc. are also screwed to the body, so they can be the source of the problem). Second: replace the entire power supply.

A very “popular” headache with system reboots is viruses. Malicious code takes control of the computer and can independently reboot. Well treated LiveCD on which the antivirus is installed. To do this, go to the BIOS and set the first option to boot from disk. Then click “Save and Exit”. After the LiveCD loads, run antivirus program and catch the villain red-handed. The problem will be resolved within a couple of hours.

To determine possible reason you need to go to the Start menu - Settings - Control Panel - System, select the Advanced tab and click on Settings, as shown in the figure:

In the window that appears, uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox.

As a result, when the system “goes wrong”, instead of rebooting, you will see a “blue screen of death”, on which an error will be visible. Knowing her, you can go to Windows page and enter an error and end up getting a response that caused a reboot.

Although generally speaking, the computer can restart for a thousand and one reasons. This could be some kind of Windows OS glitch, or a failure in some program, and much more. We have named the main causes, which are the most common and which can be diagnosed at home. If the problem has not been resolved, contact the KLIK company. We will be happy to help you resolve the issue minimum terms, while resolving the issue at an affordable cost. Contact us, we are always happy to help!

One of the common reasons for a PC to reboot during operation is the OS being infected with viruses. To check it you need to update antivirus databases and scan the system. If this phenomenon began after installing a program, then you should think about removing it.

There are frequent cases when when loading. The reason for this is damage system files OS. IN similar cases It is advisable to boot from the LiveCD and use the Win+R key combination to call the “Run” command. Then type chkdskc: /f /r in the command input field and click OK. After this, you need to wait until all actions are completed and the window closes.

As a rule, after performing these operations, the system should boot normally. If this does not happen, then care must be taken to preserve necessary information With system disk and reinstalling the OS.


The reason for periodic rebooting of the computer may also lie in its hardware. To find out, you need to open the PC case and visual inspection for contamination, swelling of capacitors and other mechanical damage. Most common cause restarting the computer is overheating central processor or video cards.

Most likely, the cause of the malfunction is a radiator clogged with dust or a faulty one. IN in this case You need to carefully remove the heatsink from the processor and clean it of dust. It is also necessary to check the presence of thermal paste on the processor and, if necessary, apply new one. Reassemble in reverse order.

There are often cases when faulty RAM causes a computer to reboot. To check it, you can use a series special programs, for example Memtest86. However, the most in a simple way Testing RAM is to replace it with a known good one.

A similar malfunction may occur when not used enough. powerful block nutrition. As a rule, this happens after installing new devices on the computer or connecting peripheral devices, powered through the PC ports. It would be a good idea to open the power supply and check it for contamination.

If all of the above methods do not help, then to identify the reasons for the reboot, it is necessary to replace all components one by one. If the fault persists, you must check motherboard by replacing it.

Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey