Self-replacement of the password in any TP-Link router

Passwords for Wi-Fi routers are a sore subject for many Internet users. Very often they are simply forgotten or lost, and their restoration requires certain skills. Each router can have two or three types of them, so it’s difficult to even determine which password we need. Below I have indicated which of them I will tell you about:

  • Password to enter the settings panel.
  • Wireless network password.

There is more detailed material about the second option: how to find out your Wi-Fi password, or what to do if you forgot your password, which very clearly describes how you can see the password for a wireless network. Our article describes the same thing, but a little shorter, and also added the first option, with which, in fact, we’ll start. I’ll say right away that we will work on a specific example of a TP-Link device. If you need to change your WIFI password, then read: “ “.

Each router has its own username as well as its own password. On TP-Link devices the password is unchanged, i.e. the standard one is admin, and the login (username) is no different from it. Very often, the manufacturer indicates the standard settings on the bottom panel of their devices.

And here’s what entering the router settings looks like using the request below:

Where 1 is the login address to the router control panel and 2 is the authorization form for the administrator.

Yes, it seems to be very easy to find a standard password, but you, for example, decided to change it, and it is simply necessary to do this, and then you simply forgot, then it cannot be restored. Option one is to sit and remember what password you changed the standard settings to. If this was not possible, then reset the router settings to factory settings, and then configure it again.

We look at the password for the Wi-Fi network in the settings

To start working with the router settings, we need to establish a connection with it. Yes, you have lost your password, but let’s assume you have a computer connected to the desired network, in which case proceed immediately to the next step. If there is no such computer, then you need to connect to the router directly via a network cable. This is done quite simply; each router has a LAN connector into which you need to insert the cable. On your PC or laptop, this cable plugs into the network card.

Already connected? Great! In the address bar of the browser, type the IP address of the router in the address bar of the browser or and go to this request. Next, you need to enter your login and password; by default, these are the values ​​with which you are already familiar. You will receive more detailed information in the instructions for entering the settings. For more detailed information, we recommend that you look here

We go further, in the control panel we find the inscription “Wireless”, and then select “Wireless Security”. To the right of the panel you will see information. It concerns the security of the wireless connection, and in the “Wireless Password” field is the password that we were looking for. It is in this panel that you leave your old password, or you can change it to a new one.

Let's sum it up

Network security is very important, so we believe that the default settings of the router are worth changing. We also advise you to create passwords that will be difficult to crack or guess. When changing your password, write it down; this simple action will save your time if your memory suddenly fails you. A simple recording will help save not only time, but in some cases also your money, since some Internet operators charge a certain fee for reconfiguring the router. It’s quite easy to look up a forgotten password from the Wi-Fi network itself, although this also entails a loss of time. You can do this on a computer that is already connected to this network or in the router settings.

A basic article necessary for composing more complex articles.

Article updated date: 10/25/2016

Changing your TP Link router password and username is an important part of ensuring the security of your home network, even if it consists of just one computer.

This will allow you to get rid of malware that automatically scans your modem from the Internet. Programs try to gain access to your router using a combination of standard logins and passwords.

This method can be used by an attacker to include your router or devices in a botnet, send spam or malware, remotely control your devices, or intercept passwords you enter.

In my practice, there was a case of modified DNS records on a router to intercept passwords for popular social networks.

To change the password, log into the TP Link device.

On the left side of the window go to the item Service settings, open the list System Tools, click on the item Password.

Image 1. Window for changing login and password for the TP Link router

Enter your current username and current password.

Enter a new username, you can leave your previous login admin, but I would advise you to also change the login username in the router settings.

Enter a new password, preferably at least 8 characters, using numbers, lowercase and capital letters.

Enter password confirmation and press the button Save.

The page is updated and the password for the TP Link router has been successfully changed.

Perhaps the router will immediately require you to log in again using a new login and password.

Write down your new username and password in a safe place so you don’t forget; you probably won’t need it anytime soon.

From the author:

If the problem could not be resolved or additional questions arise, you can ask them on our website, in a special section.

Hello dear readers of my humble blog. Today I’ll tell you about how you can protect your router. We’ll also talk about why this is necessary and what can happen if this is not done. Let's talk about how to change the login and password for the router and how to limit access to the admin area. As an example, we will use the TP-Link WR841N router. This is a very popular router that is used both in offices and at home. It is quite reliable and not expensive at all, which is why many people use it. I will try to write the article in simple language so that everyone can understand everything.

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How to change login and password on TP-Link WR841N router

All manufacturers of network equipment strongly recommend changing the standard passwords for the administrator panel after purchase and installation. Let's look at how to do this using the example of a TP-Link router, or rather the WR841N model. And so we need to get into the web interface of the router. How to do this, open any browser in the search bar, write and press Enter. After which you should see the login page. The standard username and password for TP-Link is admin admin.

Then in the menu on the left we look for the System Tools item. Click on it and look for the Password item in the list that opens. A window opens in which you need to enter old credentials and come up with new ones. Fill in all fields and click save. It’s better to come up with a password using special characters as well as numbers and letters with different case, for example something like @!Sdf23A. Such a password is almost impossible to crack.

Well, we’ve changed the password and login, let’s now indicate which computers can connect to the router.

How to restrict access to the web interface of the TL-WR841N router

Now we will restrict access to the router; to do this, we will indicate which computers can connect to the router. For example, let's indicate only your computer; for this you need to go to the Protection tab and select Local management. Switch to the item Only specified computers and enter the mac address of the required PC. For convenience, the router already shows the address of the computer from which you are currently connected, if this is the computer you need, then click copy and click save.

Well, we protected the router using standard means. We changed the login and password and also allowed only one computer to connect to the router. That is, if previously any network user could connect to the router, enter a standard login password and configure the router, now this situation is excluded, and only you have access to the router.

How to install and configure a Wi-Fi router