The best programs for overclocking an intel processor. The best programs for overclocking an AMD processor. We back up data and control the temperature

Overclocking is a forced increase in the processor clock frequency above the nominal one. Let us immediately explain what these concepts mean.

A clock cycle is a conditional, very short time period during which the processor executes a certain number of program code instructions.

And the clock frequency is the number of clock cycles in 1 second.

An increase in clock frequency is directly proportional to the speed of program execution, that is, an overclocked processor runs faster than an unoverclocked one.

In short, overclocking allows you to extend the “active life” of the processor when its standard performance no longer meets the user’s requirements.

It allows you to increase the speed of your computer without spending money on buying new equipment.

Important! The negative aspects of overclocking are an increase in computer power consumption, sometimes quite noticeable, an increase in heat generation and accelerated wear of devices due to operation in abnormal mode. You should also know that when you overclock the processor, you also overclock the RAM.

What should you do before overclocking?

Each processor has its own overclocking potential - a clock frequency limit, exceeding which leads to inoperability of the device.

Most processors such as intel core i3, i5, i7 can be safely overclocked to only 5-15% of the original level, and some even less.

The best of the Intel family is the K-series, which is specially oriented towards this with an unlocked multiplier.

The desire to squeeze the maximum possible clock frequency does not always pay off, since when a certain heating threshold is reached, the processor begins to skip clock cycles in order to lower the temperature.

It follows from this that for stable operation of an overclocked system, good cooling is necessary.

In addition, given the increased power consumption, it may be necessary to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

Immediately before overclocking, you need to do three things:

  • Update your computer's BIOS to the latest version.
  • Make sure that the processor cooler is installed correctly and securely.
  • Find out the initial clock frequency of your processor (look in the BIOS or through special utilities, for example, CPU-Z).

It is also useful to test the processor for stability at maximum load before overclocking. For example, using the S&M utility.

After this, it’s time to begin the “sacrament.”

Review of programs for overclocking Intel processors


SetFSB is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to overclock the processor on the fly by simply moving the slider.

After making changes, it does not require restarting the computer.

The program is suitable for overclocking both older processor models like Intel Core 2 duo and modern ones.

However, it does not support all motherboards, and this is an absolute necessity, since overclocking is carried out by increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

That is, it affects the clock generator (PLL chip or, as it is called, a clocker) located on the motherboard.

You can find out if your board is included in the list of supported ones on the program website.

Advice! To avoid processor failure, working with SetFSB is recommended only for experienced users who understand what they are doing and are aware of the possible consequences. In addition, an untrained user is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the model of his clock generator, which must be specified manually.

So, to overclock the processor using SetFSB, you need:

  • Select from the “Clock Generator” list the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard.
  • Click the “Get FSB” button. After this, the SetFSB window will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and processor.
  • Carefully move the slider in the center of the window in small steps. After each slider movement, it is necessary to monitor the processor temperature. For example, using the Core Temp program.
  • Having selected the optimal position of the slider, you need to press the Set FSB button.

The advantage (and for some, the disadvantage) of the SetFSB utility is that the settings made in it will only be valid until the computer is rebooted. After restarting, they will have to be installed again.

If you don’t want to do this every time, the utility can be placed in startup.


CPUFSB is the next program in our review for overclocking Intel core i5, i7 and other processors, which can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

If you are familiar with the CPUCool utility - a comprehensive tool for monitoring and overclocking a processor, then know that CPUFSB is a dedicated overclocking module from it.

Supports many motherboards based on Intel, VIA, AMD, ALI and SIS chipsets.

Unlike SetFSB, CPUFSB has a Russian translation, so it is much easier to understand how to use it.

The principle of operation of these two programs is the same: increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

Operating procedure:

  • Select the manufacturer and type of your motherboard from the list.
  • Select the brand and model of the PLL (clock oscillator) chip.
  • Click “Take frequency” to display the current frequency of the system bus and processor in the program.
  • It is also necessary to increase the frequency in small steps, while controlling the processor temperature. After selecting the optimal setting, click “Set Frequency”.

CPUFSB allows you to set the FSB bus frequency the next time you start the program and when you exit. The current settings are also saved until the computer is restarted.


Our review ends with the SoftFSB utility, another tool for overclocking a processor on the fly. It is no more difficult to use than previous programs.

Just like them, it supports many models of motherboards, various models of clock generators and any processors.

Unlike the paid SetFSB and CPUFSB, you can use SoftFSB for free.

However, there is no guarantee that it will run on your computer as it is no longer supported by the author.

To overclock a processor using SoftFSB, you also need to know the model of the motherboard, PLL chip and be a fairly experienced user.


  • In the “FSB select” section, specify the model of the board and clock generator.
  • Click the "GET FSB" button to capture the processor and bus frequencies.
  • While monitoring the processor temperature, find the optimal frequency by moving the slider in the middle of the window.
  • Having selected the appropriate value, press the “SET FSB” button.

As you can see, everything is the same here. A lot of other programs for overclocking processors under Windows work using a similar algorithm.

In addition to universal ones, there are utilities with overclocking functions that are produced by motherboard manufacturers themselves.

They are somewhat easier and safer to use, since they are designed for a simple user and obviously cannot harm the system.

Important! All the programs reviewed allow you to overclock Intel processors on both laptops and desktop PCs. But if you have a laptop, you should be very careful not to raise the system bus frequency to high values.

How to overclock an amd (Intel) processor without BIOS and programs

3 best programs for overclocking an Intel processor

Sooner or later, a moment comes when the computer processor no longer meets the system requirements of programs, and especially games. This problem, of course, can be solved by replacing outdated hardware, but not everyone can afford such a radical method. That is why many users increasingly prefer not to buy expensive components, but to so-called overclocking.

Fortunately, programs for overclocking a processor have been in the public domain for a long time. Moreover, now so many similar utilities have been released that an uninitiated user can simply get confused in them. To prevent this from happening to you, read this article. Here you will find a list of the most current programs for overclocking the processor and can use them to give your computer a second life.

A little theory

First, you need to understand what the essence of overclocking is and why it is not as dangerous as is commonly believed. The fact is that all processors by default operate at only 60-80% of their maximum power. With overclocking, you can overcome this limitation and achieve a noticeable increase in performance.

Of course, it is almost impossible to obtain the maximum possible increase in power at home and without proper knowledge. However, you can easily expect a 20-30% increase in performance, which in most cases will allow you to achieve acceptable FPS in modern games on a relatively outdated computer.

At the same time, by overclocking the processor through the program, you reduce the risk of burning something in your computer to a minimum. The main thing in this matter is to choose a utility specifically for your device, so pay special attention to this.

ASRock OC Tuner

This is a program for overclocking Intel processors, featuring a user-friendly interface and excellent functionality. It is important that ASRock OC Tuner has tools not only for overclocking, but also for monitoring the system status. Even if the processor temperature rises to a critical level, you can immediately notice it and take appropriate measures.

Another advantage of the program is its ease of use. To overclock, you just need to open the Overlocking tab and set the desired values ​​for the bus multiplier and processor frequency. After this, all you have to do is press the GO button and wait until the utility makes all the appropriate changes.

By the way, in ASRock OC Tuner you can not only increase processor performance, but also calibrate the PCIE bus frequency. This is done approximately according to the same principle.


This utility is suitable for owners of modern computers who want to squeeze even more power out of their machine. Therefore, SetFSB is simply an excellent program for overclocking other devices from the same series, the frequency of which is limited by default by the manufacturer. In addition, the utility is compatible with almost all modern motherboards, which makes it truly universal.

Another benefit of SetFSB is that any changes you make will be reset when you restart your computer until you save them. This way, you can test the operation of the processor after overclocking and only then, making sure that it is functioning without failures, confirm the changes made. Simply put, even if you overdo it and your PC reboots, unable to withstand the increased load, all settings will be reset to factory settings.

MSI Control Center II

This utility is designed to monitor the status and configure chipsets manufactured by MSI. You can use this program to overclock the processor installed on the motherboard of this company.

The application interface is divided into two categories: Overclocking and Green Power. As you might guess, the first one is intended for overclocking. Here you can not only change the processor frequency, but also change the voltage supplied to it, thereby increasing the stability of operation at maximum loads. In addition, in the same menu you can see the current temperature of various components of your PC, find out the rotation speed of coolers and calibrate

As for the Green Power section, it is monitoring the efficiency of energy consumption. There are also various options that allow, for example, to turn off the LED indicators on the motherboard.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with manually overclocking the processor (and the entire system as a whole), you can use one of the preset operating modes of MSI Control Center II. Just select one of them (Default, Cooling, Game or Cinema), and the program itself will make all the necessary changes.


CPUFSB is a program for overclocking a processor in Russian, which immediately sets it apart from many competitors. The utility is designed to work with devices manufactured by Intel and allows you not only to increase their frequency, but also to save several modes for different situations, and then switch between them. As with SetFSB (and many other applications), any changes you make will be reset when you reboot the system until you finally approve them.

Also, the advantages of the program include support for even the most exotic motherboards. If no other utility can work with your chipset, then you should definitely try overclocking using CPUFSB.

The disadvantage of the program is the need to manually enter the PLL of your processor. Of course, you can preview this information in a third-party application or even disassemble the system unit and read the value on the sticker, but all this is not very convenient.


An application similar in its functions to MSI Control Center II, but for chipsets from ASUS. As you probably guessed, ASUS TurboV EVO is also a processor overclocking program with an excellent set of additional features.

Essentially, the utility gives you access to BIOS settings directly from your desktop. At the same time, all options that in one way or another can harm the performance of the computer are carefully hidden, which allows you to use the program without unnecessary risk, even without specific knowledge.

An interesting feature of ASUS TurboV EVO is the ability to adjust not only the overall frequency of the processor as a whole, but also perform the same operation for each core. Not to say that there is a serious need for this, but still sometimes such a function can come in handy.

Again, like MSI Control Center II, the ASUS program has an automatic overclocking function. With the press of one button, you can select the ideal timings and voltage for your processor, thereby increasing its frequency.


And this utility is suitable for the “lucky” owners of very outdated computers. You can easily use this program to overclock a Pentium processor or other antique devices.

The SoftFSB interface is very modest. Here you will not find a temperature sensor, cooler monitoring, or any other bells and whistles. But the program copes quite well with its main task, that is, it allows you to overclock the processor to higher frequencies.

Now about the cons. SoftFSB is a very old utility, so it is highly likely that it will not work properly with modern hardware and the latest versions of operating systems. Moreover, the developers have long stopped releasing updates for their brainchild, so don’t expect anything to change for the better in the future. Thus, the application can be recommended only to owners of rare computers and to no one except them.

AMD OverDrive

As you can tell by its name, AMD OverDrive is a program for overclocking AMD processors. The most interesting thing about it is that you can independently choose your level of overclocking awareness and thus gain access to a different set of settings. For example, inexperienced users will only be able to monitor the system status, while professionals will have the ability to change the bus frequency and clock multiplier.

In addition, the program allows you to test an overclocked processor. This feature, combined with different access levels, reduces the risk of harming the operation of the computer to a minimum.


A small but very useful program for overclocking AMD processors. Despite the simple interface, the utility allows you to perform overclocking, as well as monitor the state of a computer operating at higher frequencies. In addition, the application practically does not load the system and takes up very little space on the hard drive.

Unfortunately, ClockGen does not support the Russian language, but this is by no means the worst thing. Much worse is that the developers have stopped supporting the program, which means it will not work properly on modern computers.

Overclocking without a program

It’s worth saying a few words about overclocking using the BIOS. Of course, this method is not as convenient as the software one, but it is still worthy of a little mention. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS is carried out by changing the bus multiplier, as well as the value of the supplied voltage. The problem is that these options are not open on all devices and not in all BIOS versions.

Another disadvantage of this method is that you will have to increase the processor frequency in small steps. Each time, after increasing performance a little, you should restart the computer and wait until the operating system fully starts. As soon as a blue screen appears instead of the usual Windows icon, you will have to go to the settings and return the frequency to the previous step. In general, it’s still a hassle.

Be aware of the risks

Despite the fact that processor overclocking utilities make the overclocking process as safe as possible, you should still not forget about the risks associated with this procedure. Here are some tips to help you avoid burning your computer:

  • Use only applications that are compatible with your computer. If the description states that this program is for overclocking an Intel processor, do not try to make it work with an AMD device.
  • If the utility you choose does not have a temperature monitoring tool, then you should use a third-party program for this purpose. For example, CPU-Z will do an excellent job with this task.
  • Don't panic if something goes wrong and the computer reboots itself. Just reset the settings and everything will be normal again.

Also, do not forget to periodically check the temperature of the overclocked processor. It is best to do this under load in games or demanding programs.

Every user, one way or another, has come across the concept of processor overclocking. Quite a lot of words have already been said about this. This was especially true for the period when computer hardware manufacturers themselves began to adapt to the first full-fledged operating systems, starting with Windows’95 (Windows 3.x does not count). That’s when the idea of ​​overclocking processors began to emerge, from which it was possible to “squeeze” much more than their nominal characteristics implied.


The very concept of overclocking implies not only overclocking the central processor, but also accelerating the entire system by increasing the performance of one or another “hardware” component. Please note that this applies not only to the central processor, but also, say, to the processor installed on the graphics accelerator.

Here, an important role is played by how the entire system will react to all this. It is absolutely impossible to say that after overclocking the same processor everything will not go to hell, as they say. Here you need to take into account all the fundamental characteristics and performance reserves that the manufacturer himself has included in his own device, present inside a stationary computer terminal, laptop, netbook, ultrabook, etc.

Another important condition is that today physical overclocking methods are not used by the most knowledgeable and far-sighted people. Advanced users use, say, overclocking an Intel processor through a program, which is ultimately the simplest and safest solution.

A little history

If you delve a little into history, you will notice that previously the procedure for overclocking processors was associated purely with physical methods of influence. It was necessary to change jumpers, remove processors from the motherboard, resolder contacts, change bridges, apply increased voltage, etc. and so on.

All this boiled down to the fact that with the wrong approach, all computer hardware was rendered unusable even when the computer was turned on normally (short circuit due to improper soldering, incorrect installation of the processor or jumper in the connectors, etc.).

Now this problem has disappeared by itself. Few manufacturers of the same processor systems leave a wide field for overclockers to operate. But software developers have gone much further. They did it in the simplest way: if it is impossible to increase the system performance physically, you can overclock the processor using programs.

And this turned out to be an even more effective method than overclocking in terms of physical intervention and reinstallation of some components on the motherboard.

Where to begin?

First, you need to understand that processors, like any other devices, have, so to speak, a margin of safety. The main and final result is considered to be an increase in the clock frequency at which the processor is capable of operating, or an increase in the frequency of the bus on which it is installed. So, absolutely any processor, despite the specified operating clock frequency, can operate at frequencies that exceed the nominal by 1.2-1.5 times (it all depends only on the manufacturer and what power reserve factor was invested in the device at its creation or production).

If you are already doing overclocking, you should first evaluate the capabilities of the processor itself, the chipset and the motherboard on which it is installed. For example, any program for overclocking an Intel processor will, of course, immediately display the characteristics of the device.

But don't rush. It's better to use apps like Everest. Although this utility is shareware (requires activation after 30 days), it is the one that is capable of providing the user with the most detailed data not only about the central processor, but also about all other components, including even information about the “motherboard” or the same system bus.

Having assessed all the factors, you can begin. True, there are several basic methods.

Physical overclocking

If we talk about what physical overclocking is, then the same program for overclocking an Intel processor is not required in this case. There is no need to solder anything either.

In principle, in this case the simplest example can be given. Take a regular light bulb and connect it to a power supply equipped with a voltage regulator. As the voltage increases, the light bulb begins to glow brighter and vice versa. The same thing happens with processors.

However, with this overclocking option, you need to be extremely careful not to apply too high a current to the input, otherwise not only the processor, but also the motherboard and everything on it will crash.

It is better to look in advance at the characteristics of the card and the processor in terms of what maximum voltage can be supplied to them.

Using the BIOS

The program cannot always overclock an Intel processor. The easiest way in this regard is to use the BIOS settings (note, at your own risk). When booting a computer or laptop, you need to enter the BIOS settings, called up by keys like Del, F2, F12 (depending on the manufacturer), and then go to the Advanced tab.

After this, you need to use the Jumper Free Configuration line, where you select manual adjustment of the system bus or processor frequency (Manual) in the All Overclocking field. First you need to fix the bus frequency (PCI-Express Frequency) at 101 MHz, and then increase the processor frequency (CPU Frequency) in 10 MHz increments. Now you need to save the parameters, usually using the F10 key (Save & Exit command).

After the reboot, if the system is stable, you can start increasing the processor frequency again. Only in this case it is necessary to use a step of no more than 1 MHz, again, each time saving the changes and testing the entire system for performance.

Program for overclocking Intel processor

As for the applications applicable to processors of this type, there are quite a lot of them today. For example, a utility for overclocking an Intel processor such as SetFSB will be suitable for this.

True, there is one important factor to consider here. The fact is that the application does not overclock the central processor itself, as such, but can vary the system bus frequency. There is a special slider for this. By moving it, in the value fields you can see the initial and current value of the frequency indicator in real time.

It’s worth saying right away that such a program for overclocking an Intel processor is not recommended for beginners. Rather, it is designed for professional overclockers, because by moving the slider too quickly to set extreme values, you can simply “ruin” the entire system, not even in terms of failure of the operating system, but also in the aspect of complete inoperability of the entire hardware.

Overclocking AMD processors

Programs for overclocking Intel and AMD processors have a lot in common. However, according to many specialists and experts, the AMD OverDrive utility is considered the best application.

Compared to the program described above for Intel processors, it has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is worth noting the automatic settings (presets), which allow you to customize the overclocking of absolutely all components without damaging the system. It should also be noted that this software product uses the same principle of sliders. However, when you configure one component, the application is able to automatically align the settings of all the others. So the “crash” of the system can be avoided.

For experienced users, the program provides a special mode in which the sliders are independent of each other, and adjustments are made manually. But even here you need to be careful.

Problems after overclocking

It’s worth saying right away that not a single application, be it a program for overclocking an Intel processor or utilities for AMD chipsets, can give any guarantee that after applying all the steps described above, the computer system will operate in normal mode. This concerns not only the excessive load on the main “hardware” components, which may simply become unusable over time. For example, after the processor has been overclocked, useful programs and utilities can affect both the RAM and even the battery of the same laptop, which will use more electricity when the voltage supply to the central processor increases.

Bottom line

Apparently, every user has already realized that even a program for overclocking an Intel or any other processor cannot guarantee the stability of the computer system. In this case, you can only give advice not to do this if you are not a real specialist in this field.

For inexperienced users, I would like to note that all the methods described above can be used, but only if this is done consciously, at your own peril and risk. Even hardware manufacturers, and even more so software developers, do not provide guarantees of system performance.

Overclocking an Intel processor– this is a procedure for removing the restriction on the number of processed cycles in a period of time (1 second). It is not recommended to consider overclocking a processor without basic concepts in this area.

general information

A tick is a very short period of time that is required to calculate the transmitted code, usually it is a small fraction of a second. Clock frequency is the number of clock cycles in 1 second. Overclocking provokes minimal information processing time.

The computer processes the information flow using oscillations; the more the processor can process in one go, the higher the number of hertz (a unit of measurement of frequency). Accordingly, we force the processor to work in freelance mode, leaving less time for unloading.

There are several types of frequencies:

  1. External is the frequency of data transfer between different equipment, even within the same system unit;
  2. Internal is the operating speed of the equipment itself (which we will increase).

Obviously, if you overclock, the computer will process more information in the same period of time, due to a longer clock cycle. The procedure is mainly used to extend the life of a computer. It's no secret that technologies are gradually being modernized, and computers no longer meet modern requirements. Thanks to overclocking, you can slightly postpone the purchase of a new PC.

What do you need to know before overclocking an Intel processor?

Overclocking an Intel Core processor must be done wisely, otherwise it is fraught with rapid failure of the processor or failure of its operation instantly. It is important to reach the maximum speed, but not exceed this limit. Each processor can be overclocked to a different maximum speed; this is often mentioned in the documentation or on the Internet. Usually you can get 5-15% more speed, there are also more significant increases, but it all depends on the model.

For overclocking, it is better to use special processors whose manufacturing technology requires an unlocked multiplier - this is the K-series.

Every active PC user has a desire to get the most out of a computer, and greed can lead to negative consequences. Today's processors, if given too much information, will simply skip certain clock cycles to control the temperature. Thus, before overclocking, you should take care of high-quality cooling.

It is important to consider that:

  1. After overclocking, the processor will heat up more, you need to install a good cooling system in advance, passive options are not suitable;
  2. Requires a significant amount of electricity. More operating time requires more power. It is necessary to calculate in advance whether your power supply will handle such work;
  3. The device wears out faster as it works more;
  4. When the processor speeds up, the RAM is also involved in the overclocking.
  1. You must have a new BIOS version;
  2. Make sure that the cooler on the CPU is working properly and is in good condition; it is better to install a more powerful one;

  1. Check the processor heating in its current state at maximum load.

After all of the above, you can proceed to overclocking.

How to overclock an Intel Core 2, i3, i5, i7 processor using SetFSB?

The Intel SetFSB processor overclocking program makes it very easy to increase the processor clock frequency, and the procedure is carried out directly in Windows. The slider acts as a regulator. To change settings, a reboot is not required, everything is done instantly.

The advantage of the program is the large number of supported processor models, from outdated Intel Core 2 duo to advanced i7. Unfortunately, not all motherboards are able to work with the program, which prevents its use everywhere. On the website you can find out whether your board model is among the supported ones.

When working with the program, you need to take precautions, and you should also find out the model of your clock generator. The information is contained on the PLL board itself or you will have to search for it on the Internet.

Overclocking procedure:

  1. In the top line “Clock Generator” select your generator and click on “Get FSB”;

  1. After loading the characteristics from the database, you will be shown the clock speed of the bus and processor now;
  2. It is necessary to change the speed in small steps using the slider, moving it to the right and observing the behavior of the processor and cooler;

  1. After the final selection, click “Set FSB”.

How to overclock an Intel i5 processor using CPUFSB?

There is another way to overclock an Intel Core i5 processor, although its principle is similar. CPUFSB is mostly used to accelerate i3, i5 and i7 family processors. The application is part of a comprehensive CPUCool utility for monitoring and increasing clock speed. The program works well with most motherboards.

The advantage over the previous utility is the presence of the Russian language, although the principle of influence is the same:

  1. Select the manufacturer and model of the motherboard;

  1. Provide information about the PLL chip model (also known as clock generator);
  2. Click on “Take frequency”;
  3. Gradually, in small steps, increase the frequency and monitor the behavior of the processor;
  4. Finally, click on “Set frequency”.

Even if you did not save the settings, they will be applied until you restart the computer.

How to overclock an Intel Core processor using SoftFSB?

The last option, which allows you to overclock the Intel processor of a laptop, as well as a desktop computer. The main advantage over previous versions of the programs is that it is free to use. There is no need to buy or search for a pirated version. The disadvantage is the lack of support from the author, so it may not be suitable for new processors.

The operating principle is identical:

  1. Specify the model of the motherboard and clock generator in the “FSB select” category and click on the “GET FSB” button;

Despite the fact that some sources suggest downloading special programs for overclocking different types of processors (Intel or AMD), it is best to increase the CPU clock speed through the BIOS. There is no proven software that can overclock the processor. This is due to technical limitations and the fact that each “stone” has its own standards for increasing the frequency. These may vary depending on the type of cooling used. We recommend that you find out the load capacity for the installed chip model and gradually change the values ​​using instructions written specifically for your BIOS version.

Exceeding the maximum permissible overclocking threshold may result in equipment failure.

Programs for overclocking video cards

Programs for overclocking video cards will help you change the main performance indicators on the hardware graphics card of your PC or laptop - voltage, permissible temperature, frequency of the processor and adapter memory, as well as the rotation speed of the cooler. In addition to editing parameters, these utilities allow you to view basic information about the installed equipment.

We emphasize that such programs should be used with external graphics devices that are not integrated into the processor or motherboard. Only in this case will you be able to get a measurable effect from changing the settings.

Among the proposed tools, we highlight them primarily because of their compatibility with the largest number of devices.

Programs for overclocking random access memory (RAM)

As with the processor, there are no stable utilities that can change the operating frequency of the RAM using the operating system. You need to edit these parameters through the BIOS; moreover, it is important that the new frequency is supported not only by the memory, but also by the motherboard. You can read the instructions for changing frequencies in the user manual for your motherboard.

You may come across the opinion that there are programs for overclocking “old” RAM (DDR) on laptops, but we were unable to find working versions of such utilities.

Programs to improve disk performance

The main factors influencing the performance of hard drives are its current state and file layout.

You can check the current state by S.M.A.R.T. analysis and, if necessary, format the device “correctly” using the HDD Low Level Format Tool; it scored the most points in our thematic one.

In addition, the performance of classic hard drives depends on how evenly the data is distributed over the surface. Many different system utilities contain a file structuring (defragmentation) function. Among the specialized solutions, we highlight and.

Windows optimization programs

We previously discussed utilities that will help optimize the operating system in a separate section.

Other Factors Affecting Performance

If you use external devices, do not forget that the communication speed depends on the protocol used. For example, it is better to connect modern phones and flash drives to a USB port that is compatible with the 3.0 protocol; it is blue.

Also, do not forget that due to the presence of malware, the computer may noticeably slow down. To protect your system, we recommend using antivirus programs; we have also dedicated a separate section to them.