How to correctly develop technical specifications for an automated system. Justification of the proposed version of the IS concept. Terms of reference for the creation of an information system


for the development of an information system

1. General information

4. System requirements

6. Procedure for control and acceptance of the system

1. General information

In accordance with agreement No. MP23 between TechnoPlus LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Developer) and OptoTorgovlya LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), the Developer designs the database, develops and puts into operation the “Accounting” information system trading operations»

The start date for the design of the BDB is considered to be the day following the signing of this Technical Specification

If during the development process the Customer changes the requirements described in this document, they are formalized a separate document and entail a change or addition to the Agreement between the Customer and the DB Developer regarding the deadline for completion and payment of the agreement

The Customer pays for the work of the Database Developer in accordance with Agreement No. XXX

2. Purpose and goals of creation (development) of the system

IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” is designed for storing, processing and analyzing information related to the Customer’s main activities.

The purpose of creating the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” is:

Storing information about completed trading operations;

Reflection of trade transactions in accounting;

Analysis of financial results of trading operations;

Analysis of trading activities by product range and counterparties.

3. Characteristics of automation objects

3.1. The Customer's main activity is trade in furniture and related products by bank transfer.

3.2. The customer is not a VAT payer

3.3. During the day, the Customer makes no more than 100 trading transactions for the purchase and sale of goods.

3.4. The total volume of the product range does not exceed 3000 units

3.5. The total number of counterparties - suppliers is no more than 100 units.

3.6. The number of counterparties – buyers – is not limited. At the time of signing the contract N XXX was 300 units.

3.7. The Customer writes off goods from the warehouse using the weighted average cost method.

3.9. Only class 9 accounts are used as expense accounts.

3.10. The financial results of the trading activity of the enterprise (profitability and profitability of the operation) are calculated on the basis of the difference between sectors 702 and 902.

3.11. Trade transactions are recorded in the primary documents Receipt invoice, Expenditure invoice, Bank statement.

Pributkov's invoice (PN) will indicate the fact that the goods have arrived at the enterprise warehouse and include the following information:

- number;

– date;

Name of the counterparty (company - postal owner);

name of the product;

- strength;

unit price of the product;

- sumu.

Vidatkov's invoice (VN) represents the fact that the goods have been promoted from the warehouse of the buyer and contains information similar to the information in the PN (instead of the delivery company, the purchasing company is indicated).

Bank statement row confirms the fact of the receipt/vibration of funds from the rozrakhunku (r/r) enterprise and contains the following information:

– date;

sign of arrival/payment of funds;

Name of the counterparty (who was found / who was over-insuranced).

3.12. Skin primary document It is a platform for making regular transactions that result in changes to existing accounting records. Trade transactions require the following transactions (Table 3.1)

Table 3.1 – Postings used in accounting at the Customer’s enterprise



Account debit

Account credit

Transaction amount


Purchase Invoice

document amount

Shipment of goods

Sales Invoice

document amount

cost of goods shipped

Receipt of money to the current account

Bank statement (receipt)

document amount

Transferring money from a current account

Bank statement (expenses)

document amount

Determination of financial results

for the amount of closing 902 accounts

for the amount of closing 702 accounts

de 281 – goods in stock;

311 – rozrakhunkovy rakhunok in the national currency;

361 – retail stores with wicker purchases;

631 – rozrakhunki with postal workers;

702 – income from the sale of goods;

902 – compatibility of goods sold (withdrawals).

3.13. The balance sheet of the synthetic form looks like that in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 – Turnover balance of synthetic products

Item number

Cob balance

Turn over

Kintseve balance


4. System requirements

IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” must meet the following requirements:

4.1. The database for the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” must provide storage, display and editing of reference and operational information.

Reference Information:

o description of goods:

Nomenclature (product) number;

Product Name;


o counterparties – suppliers;

Counterparty number;

Contractor's name;

Counterparty address;


o counterparties – buyers;

Counterparty number;

Contractor's name;

Counterparty address;


o chart of accounts on which accounting is carried out to record trading operations and analyze financial results;

o a list of basic transactions for displaying trading transactions in accounting caused by primary documents, which look like this, as in table 3.1;

Operative information:

o Primary documents: Receipt invoice, Expenditure invoice, Bank statement (description of documents is given in 3.11)

o Accounting entries caused by primary documents (the type of entries is shown in table 3.2)

o Information about goods in stock:

Item Number;



Average price.

4.2. The “Trade Operations Accounting” IS should allow you to automate the following actions:

4.2.1 Reflect the facts of receipt (receipt) and shipment of goods in the warehouse, namely, recalculate the quantity of goods in the warehouse and its average cost.

4.2.2 Generate accounting entries automatically based on primary documents.

4.2.3 Search for the following information:

Primary documents of the specified type for a certain period;

Postings for a specified document type for a specific date;

Information about the counterparty

Product information

4.2.4 Conduct an analysis of trading activity for the specified period in the following sections:

Financial results of trading activities;

Results of settlements for each counterparty;

Remaining goods in the warehouse for each item;

Transaction costs for each counterparty;

Cost and number of sales for each type of product

4.2.5 Generate reports for the specified period:

The equipment on which the IC is installed must be equipped with an uninterruptible power supply. In the event of a power outage, the IS should automatically shut down without losing data.

The IS must provide mechanisms Reserve copy, The IS must be equipped with appropriate hardware and software:

Quantitative values ​​of reliability indicators:

- the automatic shutdown time should be no more than 1 minute;

- recovery time after a failure should be no more than 30 minutes;

- index fault tolerance The IS should be 11/7, i.e. uninterrupted operation of the IS 11 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Maintenance of the IS must be carried out without interrupting its operation.

4.5 Requirements for methods for assessing and monitoring reliability indicators at the stage of trial operation

To monitor reliability indicators at the stages of trial operation of the IS, maintenance personnel must maintain a Failure Log, which must contain the following information signs:

The date the error occurred;

The total operating time of the object from the beginning of its operation until the error was detected;

External signs and nature of the error;

The type of work in which the error was detected.

4.6 IC performance requirements

The system must support the ability to process up to 1000 documents per day

The system must have the following performance:

80% of operations must have a response time (operation execution time) of less than 1 second;

15% of operations – from 5 seconds. up to 10 sec;

5% of operations - more than 10 seconds, but not more than 30 minutes.

4.7 Requirements for volumes (scalability)

The system must support access to data for 10 years.

The estimated increase in database volume per day of operation is 20 MB.

4.8 Requirements for the number, functions and qualifications of IS personnel and their mode of operation

Work with the IS will be carried out by the following Customer personnel:


Quantity: 1;

Qualification: network administrator, database administrator;

Functions: system security management, data backup at the beginning of each working day, data archiving once a year;

Working hours: 1 hour a day, 5 days a week

The operator (user) who records the fact of a trading operation and analyzes the results of trading activities:

Quantity: 2;

Qualification: accountant, PC user;

Functions: input primary documents, maintaining the current state of information about the warehouse, generating accounting entries, analyzing the results of trading activities, backing up data at the beginning of the working day that falls on Saturday and Sunday.

Working hours: in shifts to ensure system operation 11 hours a day, 7 days a week;

Access to work: 8-hour training course;

Before putting the IS into operation, in order to obtain permission to work, personnel must complete an 8-hour training course. After completing the course, testing is carried out, during which the correctness and speed of the solution are assessed practical problems, as well as knowledge of job and technical instructions.

The system should provide access to its functions only to registered IS users by specifying a password.

4.10 Requirements for software and composition, structure and methods of organizing the IS database

Data in the System must be stored in relational DBMS MS SQL Server 2000.

- T-SQL (SQL language dialect);

WITH # .

The software consists of a system-wide software purchased at the expense of the Customer (purchased software), and special software developed as part of the work on creating an IP.

The following software should be used as system-wide software:

Operating system;

Database management system MS SQL Server 2000;

Backup software;

4.11 Hardware requirements

Database server, 2 workstations.

Network throughput is 100 Mbit per second.

4.12 Requirements for development prospects and IS modernization

It must be possible to modernize and develop the IS without involving the Developer by the IS administrator at the level of:

- additions, changes, deletions reference information IP;

- connecting/removing new IS users;

- password changes;

- import/export data from/to external sources data.

It should be possible to modernize and develop the IS with limited participation of the Developer (telephone consultations) at the level of modernizing old reports and creating new reports. The possibility and conditions of telephone consultation by the Developer on IS modernization are negotiated separately by signing a new agreement.

5. Composition and content of work to create the system

Work on the design of the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” is carried out in three stages.

The first stage includes:

Checking the possibility of obtaining all the information requested by the Customer based on the initial data;

IS database design;

Filling the developed database with a test data set;

Development of user interface design;

Development of a low-level technical specification for the development of the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”

The end of the first stage is confirmed by the signing of the internal Certificate of Work Completed and the approval of the low-level technical specification for the development of the IP.

The second stage is the development of a test version of the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”. The end of this stage is the introduction of the test version into trial operation.

The third stage is the trial operation of the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”, which includes the elimination of identified errors, shortcomings and inconsistencies with this Technical Specification. The end of the second stage is the introduction of the IS into commercial operation.

The completion of each second and third stage is confirmed by the Parties to the agreement by signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.

The duration of the first stage is 10 days. The beginning of the first stage is considered to be the day following the day the Customer and the DB Developer signed this Technical Specification.

The duration of the second stage is 20 days. The beginning of the second stage is considered to be the day following the day of approval of the low-level technical specification for the development of IP.

The duration of the third stage is 20 days. The beginning of the third stage is considered to be the day following the day the Customer and the DB Developer signed the Acceptance Certificate of the test version of the IS for trial operation.

The data set for testing the IS is provided by the Customer.

At the end of the second stage of work, the DB Developer installs a test IS on the Customer’s test server and provides the Customer with preliminary guidance user, containing a description of the procedures necessary to work with the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”. Descriptions are provided electronically.

At the end of the third stage of work, the DB Developer provides the Customer with a program for installing the database on the server, as well as user and programmer instructions and instructions for installing the IS with descriptions of the procedures necessary to work with the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”.

6. Procedure for control and acceptance of the system

At the end of the first stage, an internal Certificate of Work Completed is signed and a low-level technical specification for the development of the IP is approved.

At the end of the second and third stages of design, the Developer installs the IS at the Customer, demonstrates the operation of the IS in accordance with the requirements set out in this Technical Specification, and signs the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.

7. Requirements for the composition and content of work to prepare the automation object for commissioning of the system

On the day of the start of trial operation, the Customer is obliged to provide the Developer with the necessary access to the server on which the test version of the “Trade Operations Accounting” IS will be deployed.

The lack of a server for installing the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” database cannot be a basis for refusal to sign the Acceptance Certificate for the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” for trial or commercial operation.

At the end of the second stage of developing the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations,” the Developer conducts an 8-hour training course with the Customer’s personnel on IS maintenance. Upon completion this course The Customer's personnel are tested.

8. Documentation requirements

At the end of the third stage, the Developer of the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations” transfers the following documentation to the Customer:

1. Programmer's instructions.

The Programmer's Instructions describe the procedures necessary to work with the “Trade Operations Accounting” IS. Description of procedures includes:

Name of the procedure;

Description of the actions performed by the procedure;

Description of the input parameters, indicating the parameter type, its recording format and the default value, if one is defined for the parameter;

Description of output parameters and (or) return sets of records, indicating their types and formats

An example of a procedure call and the values ​​it returns. If a procedure can have several calling options, then examples for each option.

2. Instructions for installing the IS “Accounting for Trade Operations”.

3. Instructions for the user of the IS “Accounting for trade operations”.

No other documentation is provided to the Customer. Instructions are provided in both printed and electronic formats. Printed instructions are provided in one copy.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Technical specifications
  • 1.1 General information
  • 1.2 Reasons for development
  • 1.3 Purpose and goals of creating the system
  • 1.4 System requirements
  • 1.4.1 Requirements for the system as a whole
  • 1.4.2 Requirements for functions (tasks) performed by the system
  • 1.4.3 Requirements for types of collateral
  • 1.5 Characteristics of automation objects
  • 1.6 Documentation requirements
  • 1.7 Stages and milestones of development
  • 1.7.1 Development stages
  • 1.7.2 Development stages
  • 1.7.3 Contents of work by stages
  • 1.8 Procedure for control and acceptance of the system
  • 1.8.1 Types, composition, scope and test methods of the system and its components
  • 1.8.2 General requirements for acceptance of work by stages
  • 1.8.3 Status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental)
  • 2. Technical design
  • 2.1 Functional structure
  • 2.1.1 Description of the subject area
  • 2.1.2 Functions and organizational structure
  • 2.1.3 Description of data flows and business processes
  • 2.2 IC system design
  • 2.2.1 Development of the concept, architecture and implementation platform for the IS
  • 2.2.2 Structure information system, composition of functional and supporting subsystems
  • 2.2.3 IS technical support
  • 2.3 IS information support
  • 2.3.1 Description of the logical structure information base
  • 2.3.2 Description physical implementation DB
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The course work examines the issues of creating technical specifications for the development of an information system for a system for an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets. The purpose of the work is to study the basic principles and obtain basic skills in preparing technical specifications for the development of information systems and their software.

Work on creating an information system begins with the formation of customer requirements for the system being created and their formalization in the form of technical specifications (TOR). The technical specification is the main document that defines the requirements and procedure for creating an automated system, in accordance with which the system is developed and accepted upon commissioning. In addition, based on the technical specifications, the work is calculated and labor costs are specified.

TK consists of three stages:

1. justification of the need to develop an information system - statement of the problem, collection of source materials, selection and justification of criteria for the effectiveness and quality of the developed system, justification of the need for research work;

2. Research work - determination of the structure of input and output data, preliminary selection of methods for solving problems, justification of the feasibility of using the developed system, determination of requirements for technical means, justification of the fundamental possibility of solving the problem;

3. development and approval of technical specifications - determination of program requirements, development of a feasibility study of the system, determination of stages, stages and timing of system development and documentation for it, selection of programming languages, determination of the need for research at the final stages, coordination and approval of technical specifications.

TK performs the following functions:

Organizational function - a fixed task for the Contractor and final requirements on the part of the Customer.

Information function - order in the process of the Contractor and thoughtfulness of desires on the part of the Customer.

The communication function is a mutual agreement on the “subject of the project”, excluding claims.

Legal function - TK has equal legal force with the "Agreement".

The result of the developed technical project largely depends on the completeness and accuracy of drawing up the technical specifications.

1. Technical specifications

1.1 General information

Full name of the system and its symbol: "Automated information system of an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets." Brief description of the field of application

The system is intended for use in the customer's organization, in our case - an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets.

The procedure for registration and presentation to the customer of the results of work on creating the system (its parts), on the production and adjustment of individual means (hardware, software, information) and software and hardware (software and methodological) complexes of the system: AIS "Ticket" is supplied in the form executable modules Upon completion of the entire scope of work, technical equipment is purchased by the Customer independently. The results of work on creating the system are formalized by signing an act of acceptance of the system by the Customer in the absence of claims against the Developer. The act is drawn up in two copies. One copy is with the Customer, the other is with the Developer.

1.2 Reasons for development

The basis for the development of technical specifications is the assignment for the course work for the course “Design of Information Systems”.

The name of the development topic is "Development of an information system for an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets"

Symbol of the development topic (topic code) - "IS APB"

1.3 Purpose and goals of creating the system

Functional purpose of the system: AIS "Ticket" is designed to automate the work of an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets.

Operational purpose of the system: The system must be operated by employees of the organization.

Goals of creating the system: The system speeds up the process of ordering air tickets, thereby simplifying the agency’s work.

1.4 System requirements

1.4.1 Requirements for the system as a whole

Requirements for the structure and functioning of the system

List of subsystems, their purpose and main characteristics, requirements for the number of hierarchy levels and the degree of centralization of the system

AIS "Ticket" includes the following subsystems:

Accepting an order;

Ticket registration;

Settlement with the customer.

The "Order Acceptance" subsystem is intended for registering an air ticket order.

The "Settlement with the customer" subsystem provides the customer with a reservation number associated with passport data (payment by card).

Requirements for methods and means of communication for information exchange between system components:

Information exchange is carried out via a local network.

Requirements for system operating modes:

The system must support multi-user and offline modes work. Users access the system via the Internet or Call Center.

Requirements for the number and qualifications of system personnel

Requirements for personnel qualifications, the procedure for their training and control of knowledge and skills:

The employee involved in accepting applications must have skills in working with personal computer at the user level. The number of staff may vary depending on the volume of orders.

Reliability requirements

Restoring the system in the event of errors in the operation of hardware (except for storage media and programs) and errors associated with software (OS and device drivers), restoring functionality is the responsibility of the OS.

If there are failures in the hardware power supply system that lead to an OS reboot, the program must be restored after restarting the OS and running the system executable file.

The operability of the system as a whole must also be ensured in the event of failures, accidents and failures at individual workstations. To protect equipment from voltage surges and switching interference, network filters, and to allow the user to save data in the event of a power failure, it is recommended to use sources uninterruptible power supply.

Security requirements

The customer ensures compliance technical solutions, used in the modification and development of the subsystem, current standards, safety regulations, fire and explosion safety, environmental protection.

Operating requirements maintenance, repair and storage of system components

Operating conditions, as well as the types and frequency of maintenance of the subsystem's technical equipment must comply with the requirements for operation, maintenance, repair and storage set out in the manufacturer's (manufacturer's) documentation for them.

Requirements for the protection of information aboutt unauthorized access

To protect information from unauthorized access, the System must provide:

a) identification and authentication of the user;

b) checking user rights and access restrictions at the level of functions and data arrays when working with the system.

Requirements for the safety of information in case of accidents

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of backing up system data using software supplied by the Developer.

Requirements for standardization and unification

A cascade model should be used for this system life cycle BY.

The system should use (if necessary) all-Russian classifiers and unified classifiers and dictionaries for various types alphanumeric and text information.

System interface, help files and any text information The program must be in Russian.

Screen forms must be designed taking into account the unification requirements:

All screen forms user interface must be made in a single graphic design, with the same location of the main controls and navigation.

1.4.2 Requirements for functions (tasks) performed by the system

For each subsystem, a list of functions, tasks or their components (including those ensuring interaction between parts of the system) that support automation

The information system must provide the following functions:

Order acceptance subsystem,

Client settlement subsystem.

1.4.3 Requirements for types of collateral

To the information support of the system

To the composition, structure and methods of organizing data in the system

System data is stored on one local machine. The system input is a description of the order, the output should be an invoice and an identification number customer.

To the structure of the process of collecting, processing, transmitting data in the system and presenting data.

Data is entered into the system manually, processed and provided to the user in the required form (electronic, printed).

To protect data from destruction during accidents and system power failures

The complex of technical means must include an uninterruptible power supply. The operation of this source must be at least half an hour for the system to shut down correctly.

To control, store, update and restore data

The system must support automatic daily backups.

System software requirements

The system must run on Windows XP/Vista/7/8 operating systems

System hardware requirements

To the types of technical means, including the types of complexes of technical means, software and hardware complexes and other components acceptable for use in the system.


Uninterruptable power source;

Data transmission medium between workstations (for example, twisted UTP pair 5e);

A printer.

Technical means are purchased by the Customer independently.

To the functional, design and operational characteristics of the means technical support systems.

CPU Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz and higher, RAM at least 2GB, hard disk capacity at least 500GB.

Requirements for the bodysystem support

For organizational support the following requirements are given:

To the structure and functions of the units involved in the operation of the system or providing operation.

The functioning of the system is ensured by a systems engineer; 4 employees are involved in operation.

To the organization of the functioning of the system and the order of interaction between plant personnel and automation facility personnel.

Organizational support must be sufficient for personnel to effectively perform their assigned duties when performing the functions of the system.

To protect against erroneous actions of system personnel.

Protection against human errors consists in checking the completion of data in some fields, the possibility of restoring original data and canceling latest changes, access control based on the functions and powers of employees.

1.5 Characteristics of automation objects

Brief information about the automation object or links to documents containing such information

The object of automation is the process associated with ordering air tickets.

Information about the operating conditions of the automation object and environmental characteristics

This system will be installed in production and office premises.

1.6 Documentation requirements

The following documents must be issued for the system at various stages of creation:

Organizational structure diagram;

Functional structure diagram;

Scroll input signals and data;

List of output signals (documents);

Explanatory note to the technical project;

Description of automated functions;

Description of the statement of tasks (set of tasks);

Description of the organization of the information base;

Description of the information array;

Description of the software;

User guide.

1.7 Stages and milestones of development

1.7.1 Development stages

Development should be carried out in 6 stages:

1. Development of technical specifications

2. Development project documentation

3.Creation of a preliminary design

4. Detailed design

5. Commissioning

6. Maintenance and modernization

1.7.2 Development stages

At the stage of development of the technical specifications, the stage of development, coordination and approval of this technical specification must be completed.

At the stage of developing project documentation, the stage of developing project documentation must be completed.

At the stage of creating a preliminary design, a preliminary design must be completed for preliminary submission to the customer.

At the detailed design stage, the following stages of work must be completed:

1) development of an information system;

2) development of documentation.

At the implementation stage, the program must be prepared and transferred to the customer.

At the maintenance and modernization stage, improvement work should be carried out current version information system.

At the stage of development of technical specifications, the following work must be performed:

1) statement of the problem;

2) determination and clarification of requirements for technical means;

3) determination of requirements for the information system;

4) determining the stages, phases and timing of the development of the information system and documentation for it;

5) justification and selection of tools;

6) coordination and approval of technical specifications.

At the stage of development of project documentation, the following work must be performed:

1) identification of main business processes (in the form of IDEF0 diagrams);

2) identification of the main use cases of the System for three categories of users (Guest, Authorized User, Administrator) in the form of UML diagrams of use cases;

3) designing the database structure in the form of (ER diagram);

4) design of the main components and algorithms of the System in the form of corresponding UML diagrams;

5) designing the user interface structure;

6) coordination and approval of project documentation.

At the development stage, work must be done to develop an information system based on design documentation, coding and debugging.

At the documentation development stage, the development of program documents must be carried out in accordance with the requirements. "Preliminary composition of program documentation" of this technical specification.

At the stage of preparation and transfer of the program, work must be done to prepare and transfer the program and program documentation into operation.

At the stage of improving the current version of the system, work should be carried out to create new versions of the system and add new functions to the old version.

1. Analysis of IP requirements

2. Coordination of requirements with the customer

3. Selection and development of a variant of the system concept

4. Development of technical specifications and project

5. Coordination and approval of technical specifications and project

6. Drawing up a work plan

7. Hardware preparation

8. Software development

9. Checking for hardware and software compatibility

10. Integration and testing of software and hardware

11. Making changes

12. Development of instructions for operating the IS

13. Preparation of complete documentation for IP

14. Delivery of the IP to the customer

Table 1 - Initial data for calculation

Job no.

List of works

Duration of work, days

1.Analysis of IP requirements

2. Coordination of requirements with the customer

3.Selection and development of a variant of the system concept

4.Development of technical specifications and project

5. Coordination and approval of technical specifications and project

6. Drawing up a work plan

7.Hardware preparation

8.Software development

9.Checking for hardware and software compatibility

10.Integration and testing of software and hardware

11.Making changes

12.Development of instructions for operating the IS

13. Registration of complete documentation for the IP

14. Delivery of the IP to the customer

Figure 1 - Statement of tasks

Figure 2 - Gantt chart

Figure 3 - Network work schedule

The critical path of the network diagram will be as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6891011121314

Table 2 - Timing parameters of events

Event number

Timing of the event

Time reserve

Table 3 - Calculation of full and free time reserves

Duration, days

Time parameters of work, days

Full reserve

Free reserve

early start

Early finish

Late start

Late finish

1.8 Procedure for control and acceptance of the system

1.8.1 Types, composition, scope and test methods of the system and its components

The system is tested by introducing large quantity data, entering the same information, information of a different type of data, data of a larger range. Compliance check carried out screen forms description in the user manual (interface testing).

1.8.2 General requirements for acceptance of work by stages

Delivery and acceptance is carried out by a commission consisting of representatives of the Customer and the Contractor. Based on the acceptance results, an acceptance committee report is signed.

All software products created within the framework of this work are transferred to the Customer, both in the form of ready-made modules and in the form of source codes submitted in electronic form on standard machine media (CD).

1.8.3 Status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental)

The status of the acceptance committee is determined by the Customer before testing.

2. Technical design

2.1 Functional structure

2.1.1 Description of the subject area

The subject area is an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets

The company includes an administrative department (consists of an accountant and a manager), a workstation operation department (information technology management) ( System Administrator and technicians), operators.

The administrative department, consisting of an accountant and a manager, is responsible for the quality of services.

2.1.2 Functions and organizational structure

Building an enterprise structure can be divided into three steps: building an organizational model, building a functional model and building an information model.

The Ticket Agency consists of the following departments:


Administrative department;

Workstations Operations Department;

Operators department.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Organizational model

The director carries out general management of the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, and also organizes the interaction of all its structural divisions.

The production department carries out the development of the product design, its subsequent production and assembly.

The administrative department, consisting of an accountant and a manager, is responsible for the quality of service provision.

The workstation operation department is responsible for system performance.

Operators are responsible for accepting orders and entering data into the database.

2.1.3 Description of data flows and business processes

Business Process Modeling

A business process is a set of interrelated activities or tasks aimed at creating a specific product or service for consumers. For clarity, business processes are visualized using a business process flowchart. Business process modeling is the activity of creating models of organizations, including a description of business objects (divisions, positions, resources, roles, processes, operations, information systems, storage media, etc.) and indicating the connections between them. The requirements for the generated models and their corresponding content are determined by the goals of the modeling. Business modeling is also called a discipline and a separate sub-process in the software development process, which describes the company's activities and determines the requirements for the system - those sub-processes and operations that are subject to automation in the information system being developed.

Having analyzed the agency’s activities and conducted a pre-project study, we can identify three main business processes of the AIS “Ticket”:

1. Acceptance of the order.

2. Issuance of an identification number.

3. Settlement with the customer.

Functional modeling of business processes is represented by the IDEF0 methodology. It describes the business processes that take place in an automation object. The IDEF0 methodology is based on a graphical language for describing business processes. A model in IDEF0 is represented by a set of hierarchically ordered and logically related diagrams. Each diagram is located on separate sheet. There are four types of diagrams:

Context diagram A-0 (each model can have only one context diagram);

Decomposition diagrams (including the diagram of the first level of decomposition A 0, revealing the contextual one);

Node tree diagrams;

Exposure-only (FEO) charts.

The context diagram is the top of the diagram tree structure and represents the most general description system and its interaction with external environment(as a rule, the main purpose of the modeled object is described here). After describing the system as a whole, it is divided into large fragments. This process is called functional decomposition, and the diagrams that describe each fragment and the interaction of the fragments are called decomposition diagrams. After decomposing the context diagram (i.e., obtaining the A 0 diagram), each block of the A 0 diagram is decomposed into smaller fragments, and so on, until the desired level of description detail is achieved. After each decomposition session, examination sessions are conducted - subject matter experts (usually enterprise employees interviewed by analysts) indicate the correspondence of real business processes to the created diagrams. Any discrepancies found are corrected, and only after passing the examination without any comments can the next decomposition session begin. This ensures that the model matches real business processes at any and every level of the model. The syntax for describing the system as a whole and each of its fragments is the same throughout the model.

The main business function of "AIS Ticket" is the sale of air tickets. The input data is the order of tickets. On weekends - receipt. The tools for performing the main business function are the employees of Bilet OJSC (accountant, manager, IT technicians, operators).

Data Flow Diagram

Requirements are represented as a hierarchy of processes connected by data flows. Data flow diagrams show how each process transforms its inputs into outputs and reveal the relationships between these processes. DFD diagrams are successfully used as an addition to the IDEF0 model to describe document flow and information processing. Like IDEF0, DFD represents the system being modeled as a network related works. The main components of DFD (as mentioned above) are processes or work, external entities, data flows, data storage (storage). Unlike IDEF0 arrows, which represent rigid relationships, DFD arrows show how objects (including data) move from one job to another.

Unlike IDEF0, which views the system as interrelated activities, DFD views the system as a collection of items. A context diagram often includes works and external links. Works are usually referred to by the name of the system, for example, “Information Processing System.” Inclusion external links inclusion in a context diagram does not negate the methodology’s requirement to clearly define the goal, scope, and single point of view of the system being modeled.

In DFD, activities (processes) are system functions that transform inputs into outputs. Although the works are depicted as rectangles with rounded corners, their meaning is the same as the meaning of the IDEF0 and IDEF3 works. Just like IDEF3 processes, they have inputs and outputs, but do not support controls and mechanisms like IDEF0.

External entities represent system entries and/or exits. External entities are depicted as a rectangle with a shadow and are usually located at the edges of the diagram. A single external entity can be used multiple times across one or more diagrams. This technique is usually used to avoid drawing too long and confusing arrows.

Work flows are represented by arrows and describe the movement of objects from one part of the system to another. Since in DFD each side of the work does not have a clear purpose as in IDEF0, arrows can come in and out of any face of the work rectangle. DFD also uses bidirectional arrows to describe command-response conversations between jobs, between a job and an external entity, and between external entities.

Unlike arrows that describe objects in motion, data warehouses depict objects at rest.

2.2 IC system design

terms of reference calculation labor costs booking

2.2.1 Development of the concept, architecture and implementation platform for the IS

The main aspects when choosing an IS architecture are performance, reliability, scalability and security.

Currently the most common architectures are:

file server;


multi-level architecture.

File-server architecture means that the server assumes only the function of storing data, and processing is carried out on client machines. This means that data needs to be transferred over the network, which will result in heavy load network traffic. And this in turn will lead to a decrease in performance as the number of users increases. Also, when implementing a file-server architecture, the problem of integrity, consistency and simultaneous access to data is solved in a decentralized manner: the data is stored on the server and processed on the client. As a result, the reliability of the application decreases. Another disadvantage is the high costs of upgrading and maintaining business logic services on each client workstation. However, this architecture also has a number of advantages, such as low development cost, high development speed and low cost software updates and changes.

The client-server architecture does not have the disadvantages of the above-described architecture, because The database server not only provides access to shared data, but also processes it. The client sends requests to the server, in a language “understandable” to the server, and it, in turn, processes the request, while monitoring the integrity and consistency of the data, and returns the result of the processed request to the client. As a result, the network load is reduced: the client no longer needs to process intermediate data. Storage and processing are centralized, so this architecture is more reliable than the file server architecture. To the disadvantages client-server architecture These include, firstly, the sufficient complexity of system development due to the need to execute business logic and provide a user interface in one program and high requirements for workstations for the same reason.

The next stage in the development of IS architectures was a multi-level architecture in which business logic is executed on the application server. Multi-level architecture has the following advantages:


configurability - isolation of levels from each other allows you to quickly and by simple means reconfigure the system when failures occur or during scheduled maintenance at one of the levels;

high security;

­ high reliability;

low requirements for channel (network) speed between terminals and application server;

low requirements for the performance and technical characteristics of terminals, resulting in a reduction in their cost.

However, despite the undeniable advantages, this system was not widely used for the following reasons:

the difficulty of developing systems based on multi-level architecture, because it is very difficult to “join” different modules, especially if they are written by different groups. And a change in one module, as a rule, causes avalanche-like changes in the rest, and from this point of view, even simple system based on a multi-tier architecture will be 2 times more difficult to implement;

high requirements for the performance of application servers and database servers, and, therefore, the high cost of server equipment;

high requirements for channel (network) speed between the database server and application servers;

high complexity of administration.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of each architecture, we choose the client-server architecture to implement the AIS Ticket system. This architecture allows for optimal distribution of work between the client and server parts of the system: the application running on the workstation does not read database records “directly”, but sends requests to the server, where they are sequentially processed, and the processing results are sent to the workstation. And this significantly reduces information flows in LAN.

The scheme of functioning and construction of the information system is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Client-server architecture

2.2.2 Structure of the information system, composition of functional and supporting subsystems

Functional subsystems - complex economic tasks with a high degree of information exchanges (connections) between tasks (a certain information processing process with a clearly defined set of input and output information. Functional subsystems provide information services certain types activities economic system(enterprise), characteristic of its structural divisions and (or) management functions. Integration functional subsystems into a single system is achieved through the creation and operation of supporting subsystems, such as:






Supporting subsystems are common to the entire IS, regardless of the specific functional subsystems in which certain types of support are used. In the work, supporting and organizational subsystems are combined into one supporting subsystem. The justification for such a decision can be considered that their components ensure the implementation of the goals and functions of the system.

The composition of the supporting subsystems does not depend on the selected subject area and has:

Functional structure;

Information Support;

Mathematical (algorithmic and software) software;

Technical support;

Organizational support,

and at the stage of IS development additional support:





Interfaces with external ICs.

Information support is a set of means and methods for constructing an information base. It defines the methods and forms of displaying the state of a control object in the form of data inside the IS, documents, graphs and signals outside the IS.

Mathematical software consists of algorithmic and software.

Organizational support is a set of means and methods for organizing production and managing them in the conditions of introducing IP.

The purpose of organizational support is: selection and setting of management tasks, analysis of the management system and ways to improve it, development of solutions for organizing the interaction of information systems and personnel, implementation of management tasks. Organizational support includes methods of communication with clients, requirements for paperwork, job descriptions etc.

Algorithmic software is a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in the system to solve problems and process information.

2.2.3 IS technical support

The complex of technical means should include the following elements:


Uninterruptible power supplies;

Tools for building a LAN;

DB server;

A printer.

Server requirements:

Memory 8 GB;

Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Xeon 5500 minimum;

SATA disk speed 8 Gb/s;

Network adapter 10 Gbps;

operating system Windows Server 2008.

Workstation requirements:

Processor 2 GHz;

Memory 2 GB;

Hard disk not less than 500;

operating room Windows system 7;

Network adapter 100 Mbit/s.

The technical means of the IS are described taking into account the requirements for the functioning of the application software complex. Technical means must provide:

Round-the-clock operation of a complex of technical means and equipment;

Guaranteed execution of the entire software package in the event of a failure or failure of a piece of equipment;

Data protection from unauthorized access;

Servers and workstations must be connected by a local network.

Figure 2.3 shows the topology of the local computer network(LAN) for JSC "Bilet".

The figure in question shows that through the switch to the database server and file server 5 workstations are connected. The network topology is star.

Figure 6 - Logical diagram of the network of JSC "Customer"

2.3 IS information support

2.3.1 Description of the logical structure of the information base

Logical (datalogical) design - creating a database schema based on specific model data, for example relational model data. For a relational data model, a datalogical model is a set of relationship diagrams, usually indicating primary keys, as well as "links" between relationships, which are foreign keys.

The transformation of a conceptual model into a logical model is usually carried out according to formal rules. This stage can be largely automated.

Normal form is a property of a relation in a relational data model, characterizing it from the point of view of redundancy, potentially leading to logically erroneous results of sampling or changing data. Normal form is defined as a set of requirements that a relation must satisfy. The process of converting database (DB) relationships to a form that meets normal forms, is called normalization. Normalization is intended to bring the database structure to a form that provides minimal logical redundancy, and is not intended to reduce or increase work productivity or reduce or increase the physical volume of the database. The ultimate goal of normalization is to reduce the potential for inconsistency in the information stored in a database. General purpose The normalization process is as follows:

Elimination of certain types of redundancy;

Fixed some update anomalies;

Developing a database project that is a reasonably "high quality" representation real world, intuitive and can serve as a good basis for subsequent expansion;

Simplification of the application procedure necessary restrictions integrity.

Elimination of redundancy is carried out, as a rule, by decomposing relations in such a way that only primary facts are stored in each relation (that is, facts that are not inferred from other stored facts).

At the logical level, database normalization is performed, as well as key allocation for each entity. Logical connections are implemented through primary and foreign keys.

2.3.2 Description of the physical implementation of the database

Physical design - creating a database schema for a specific DBMS. The specifics of a particular DBMS may include restrictions on the naming of database objects, restrictions on supported data types, etc. In addition, the specifics of a particular DBMS during physical design include the choice of solutions related to the physical data storage environment (choice of disk memory management methods, division of the database into files and devices, data access methods), creation of indexes, etc.

The physical data model is built on the basis of a logical model and describes the data using the means of a specific DBMS. The relationships developed at the logical modeling stage are converted into tables, attributes into columns, domains into data types accepted in the selected specific DBMS.

Those. in a physical model, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the parameters of an object and a model of the same physical nature. In this case, the element of the system is assigned physical equivalents that reproduce the structure, basic properties and relationships of the object being studied. At physical modeling, the basis of which is the theory of similarity, the features of conducting an experiment in nature are preserved while maintaining the optimal range of changes in the corresponding physical parameters.


As a result of the course work, a technical assignment was completed for the development of an information system for an agency for the sale and reservation of air tickets and its software.

The terms of reference for an information system are the main document that defines the requirements and procedure for creating an information system, in accordance with which it is developed and accepted upon commissioning. It contains the basic requirements for functional characteristics, reliability, operating conditions and information protection of the information system, and also describes the procedure for developing the system.

In accordance with the objectives of the technical specifications, the following stages of creating a technical project were completed:

- analysis of the subject area was performed;

- a functional diagram of the AIS "Ticket" was developed;

- a concept has been developed, the architecture and implementation platform of the system have been selected;

1. designed conceptual model AIS "Ticket";

2. a logical model of the AIS "Ticket" system was designed based on the conceptual model;

3. The physical structure of the database server is determined.


1. GOST 19.201-78 Unified system of program documentation. Technical task. Requirements for content and design

2. GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system

3. RD 50-34.698-90 Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents

4. V.P. Romanov, N.Z. Emelyanova, T.L. Partyka Design of economic information systems. Methodologies and modern technologies. - M: Exam, 2005.- 256 p.;

5. Maklakov S.V. BPWin and ERWin CASE - information systems development tools / Maklakov S.V. - M: DIALOG MEPhI, 2001.-256 p.;

6. Boyko V.V. Design of information systems databases / Boyko V.V., Savinkov V.M. - 2nd ed. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1989. - 350 p.

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Regional communal higher education institution

Institute of Entrepreneurship "Strategy"

Department of Economic Cybernetics

Course work


“Design and development of an information system using the example of a store” Computer Master»»

Yellow Waters 2010


This course work examines an example of creating an information system based on a private enterprise “ Computer Master" The purpose of writing this course work is to study methods and techniques for developing information systems.

For the given economic situation in the country, despite the economic crisis, the process of computerization is taking place everywhere, this course work is important. Increasingly, work on the implementation of information systems is required for various enterprises in Ukraine, which means that the demand for qualified specialists in the field of creation and implementation of information systems is growing. At the same time, information systems are required not only for large industrial enterprises, but also for small private enterprises, which may also have problems with the management and operation of the enterprise in general in the conditions of computerization of the regions of Ukraine. This is what this course work shows, which shows the need to implement an information system for a small private enterprise “ Computer Master", and a possible version of this implementation.

1. Pre-project stage

1.1 Dialogue with the customer

The dialogue with the customer takes place in the office of his company " Computer Master" Meeting time is November 7, Friday, 11:00.

Developer (R): Hello! I would like to see your boss !

Secretary (C): Hello! Do you have an appointment!?

R: Yes, we called each other about a meeting!

WITH: Wait a little, I will notify you that you have arrived! Come on in, he's waiting for you!

Customer (C): Good morning, my name is Viktor Ivanovich. Please come in and sit down.

R: Hello, my name is Ioschenko Ivan.

Z: Very nice. Our problem is that I would like to automate the accounting of goods and funds received from the sale of goods and services in our store. We currently do not have an accounting system. I believe that because of this we are not working as efficiently as we would like.

R: Understand. It's possible. Currently, there are many automation systems, and these systems are widespread and successfully operate in many enterprises. I think we'll figure out what would be best for you to use.

Z: Amazing. What do you need for this?

R: Typically, the process of studying an enterprise and implementing information systems takes from 3 to 6 months, depending on the structure and characteristics of the enterprise. But I think that in your case the system will be ready for full operation around mid-March. You will need specialists to operate and maintain the system. You will need to hire one or two to maintain the system.

Z: It is acceptable. I think we can resolve this issue. What else are you interested in?

R: To begin with, I need at least general outline get acquainted with the main activities of your enterprise, its structure, document flow, information flows...

Z: Our company is engaged in the sale, repair and maintenance of computer equipment. We have quite a lot of clients, some of whom are regular. We have quite a high profit every month and, in principle, things are going well.

R: In your opinion, how effective is your store?

Z: I think we are working quite effectively today. But like every manager, I wish to increase the efficiency of the object I manage.

R: How are customers served in your store?

Z: Clients turn to a sales consultant, ask him for the necessary information regarding a particular product, and he, in turn, tries to present it and give out the desired product. Then payment for the product occurs, if it is a product that does not require installation or configuration and is in stock. If it is not available, the goods are ordered from suppliers and provided to customers after a certain time. When purchasing a PC, the sales consultant draws up a configuration that satisfies the client’s wishes, and if the components are in the store, the computer is assembled within 1–3 hours, if not, they are ordered from suppliers, then the PC is completed. The client pays after receiving the goods.

R: Clear. How many people and equipment work in your store?

Z: Our store employs two sales consultants, 1 cashier, 3 specialists who assemble new PCs to order, as well as repair office equipment, refill cartridges, etc.; and also me as a director. We also currently use 3 PCs.

R: How do your sales consultants receive information about the availability of goods in stock and their characteristics?

Z: Each of our sales consultants has certain information about the product, access in our warehouse or from suppliers. They also use information from magazines, catalogs contained on their work computers and printouts.

R: As I already understand, you are engaged in the sale of computers, components, office equipment and do you have problems with organizing accounting and document flow in the store?

Z: Yes it is.

R: How do you select your assortment?

Z: We have always tried to provide in our store a wide range of PCs and their components, as well as the latest products in the information technology market. We also widely use the “custom order” service, i.e. the client can order from us what interests him. We work closely with our suppliers.

R: A few words about suppliers?

Z: We don’t have many suppliers; they can be divided into several groups:

Small and large,

Constant and periodic.

There are usually no more than 5-6 in total.

R: How often do you purchase new products in your store?

Z: We usually purchase new goods once every 2 weeks. Before this, we contact the supplier and order a certain amount of goods from him. I keep track of supplies myself on my computer using Excel, but I am not satisfied with the limitations of its functions for this activity. I need a well-formed and reliable system that provides quick access to the information I need, convenient tools for creating reports, etc. Do you understand what I mean?!

R: Yes, sure. That's all I was interested in. I will familiarize myself with the copies of the documents that you provided me in even more detail, and we will get to work.

Z: Fine.

R: Thank you, I will call you in 2 days, we will meet and consider the design of our system in detail.

Z: Agreed. Goodbye.

R: See you.

As a result of the meeting, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. When servicing clients, sales consultants sometimes cannot quickly provide all the information about any product (technical characteristics) and the client has to wait for some time to receive the necessary information.

2. due to the fact that price lists for goods are rarely updated, disruptions occur in the supply of certain products, because by the time we order it, it simply may no longer be in stock at suppliers.

3. The store manager, due to the presence of a very large assortment of products in the store, has to spend a lot of time to determine the required purchase sizes of a particular product.

4. The store does not have an automated system for recording product sales.

5. The manager has to spend a lot of time analyzing sales and preparing reports.

1.2 Description of the object

Company " Computer Master"works in the field of information technology, and in particular, it sells computers and peripherals. Trading activities are carried out in the area retail. To engage in trading activities, an economic entity in the field of retail trade has a store, a warehouse, functional areas, which include retail and warehouse areas of closed premises for storing and selling goods. There is also a room where computers and their components are assembled and serviced.

A store is a stationary retail outlet, occupies a separate room and has a sales area for customers. The functions of a warehouse include creating the necessary assortment to fulfill customer orders. Accumulation and preservation allows for continuous renewal and delivery based on the created inventory. The warehouse is used as an intermediate link in the manufacturer-buyer chain.

1.3 Document flow at the enterprise

The enterprise has the following types documents:

1. invoices

2. consumable invoices

3. tax invoice

4. contract

5. all kinds of reporting

6. warranty cards, etc.

1.4 Customer requirements for the system

The following basic demands were put forward:

1. The system is easy to use

2. IS efficiency

3. The system will solve the following main problems:

· inventory accounting;

· accounting of funds received from the sale of goods;

· reduction of time for generating reports;

· orderliness of document flow;

· saving time on customer service.

2. Information system concept

After the first meeting with the customer, the automation object was studied in detail, and all its current problems that need to be solved with the help of an information system for automating the accounting of goods and cash flows in the store " Computer Master».

2.1 Description of work performed

Due to the examination, it turned out that it was necessary to install the system on two existing computers. On one of the computers ( main computer) using IS and records will be kept of the movement of goods and funds received from their sale. The specialist who will be assigned to work in the store will enter data on the arrival of goods at the warehouse, its consumption and movements from the warehouse to the store's sales floor. At the end of each week, he will have to generate a report on the balance of goods in the warehouse and check the consistency of the data in the computer with the availability of goods in the warehouse and on the sales floor. He will be fully responsible for the correspondence of the data in the computer with other data in the warehouse. The second computer will be installed on the sales floor; sales consultants can write off goods from the database themselves if this product is located on the sales floor. And if the product is not at their disposal, then they will only accept an order from the buyer, and a specialist will write off the product from availability in the database (since it fully reflects all movements of goods to the sales floor).

In accordance with the organizational structure, the activities of the enterprise are conventionally divided into main and auxiliary activities. But since the users of the information system will be the personnel performing the main activities, we will dwell in more detail on the functions performed by these people.

An accountant keeps records for a company and prepares financial statements.

The cashier is responsible for issuing wages and accepting funds for shipped and delivered products.

The responsibilities of the storekeeper include monitoring the availability and condition of goods in the warehouse.

Thus, we can give a diagram of a system for automating the accounting of goods and cash flows in a store " Computer Master».

2.2 Justification of the proposed version of the IS concept

In connection with the results of studying the automation object, the developer proposes to implement the 1C system at the enterprise.

An enterprise that allows you to keep records of goods and cash flows and exercise control over them.

To justify the choice of the 1C system, the enterprise is offered the following arguments:

1. The system is easy to use

2. has a friendly user interface

3. the system takes into account the peculiarities of Ukrainian legislation and the peculiarities of accounting at domestic enterprises.

4. The system is relatively cheap among the many systems offered on the Ukrainian software market.

5. It is not difficult to find a qualified specialist working with the 1C: Enterprise system.

2.3 Preliminary composition, deadlines and cost of work on IS implementation

The preliminary timing of the work, its composition, as well as its approximate cost can be presented in the form of a table.

Name of works

Turnaround time

Approximate cost of work. UAH

Computer network installation

Purchasing 1C software

Hiring a specialist for system implementation and configuration

Configuration setting, creating an information base (performed by a specialist)

Personnel training (performed by a specialist from the training center)

Hiring a specialist to support and maintain the system

Preparation for putting the system into operation

If you calculate it, the period from the start of work to the implementation of the system is 3.5-4 months. The approximate cost of creating and implementing an IS for automating the accounting of goods and cash flows is from 7480 to 10200 UAH. What is an acceptable amount, taking into account the funds available to the customer?

3. Terms of reference for creating an IP

The terms of reference are drawn up in accordance with GOST 34.602–89 “technical specifications for automation of the control system”.

Automation of the system. Stages of creation. The main developer is responsible for the development of technical specifications.

3.1 General information

Full name of the AIS: Information system for automating the accounting of goods and cash flows at the Computer Master enterprise.

Symbol: AIS – “Computer Master”.

Development is carried out on the basis of agreement No. 1 dated November 09, 2009 between the customer (Viktor Ivanovich, director of Computer Master) and the developer (Ioshchenko I.G.)

Full name of the enterprise is PE “Computer Master”.

Address: Kirovograd region, Alexandria, Lenin Avenue 45.

Current account: No. 53425

Developer: Ioshchenko I.G.

Address: Kirovograd region, Alexandria, st. Sadovaya 16.

The creation of an information system is carried out on the basis of agreement No. 1 dated January 10, 2010 between the developer and the customer.

The planned start date for work is 9.11.09, and the end date for work is 10.03.10.

Funding for the creation of the AIS will be provided by the customer.

The results of work on the creation of an IP or its parts are documented by the developer in writing and provided within a predetermined time frame.

3.2 Purpose and goals of creating AIS

The automated control system is designed to automate the management of the company’s activities, namely:

Inventory accounting

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Generating reports

Accounting for the movement of goods in the warehouse

The purpose of creating an IP is to increase the economic activity of the object. IS should also facilitate and speed up the collection, processing and storage of information.

3.3 Characteristics of the automation object

Trading activities are carried out in the field of retail trade; the business entity has a store, warehouse and office space.

A store is a retail outlet that occupies a separate room and has a sales area for customers. The warehouse is used as an intermediate link in the manufacturer-buyer chain. The smaller the inventory, the shorter the storage time and the lower the cost of storage costs.

The main activities of the store are carried out under normal working conditions.

3.4 IS requirements


The system should be simple and understandable to the user.

The introduction of IP should lead to a positive economic effect.

Keeping records of goods in the store

Planning costs associated with the acquisition and storage of goods

Planning of income related to the sale of goods

Requirements for types of IP collateral:

Technical support should be a complex of technical means connected in local network.

The software must include:

1. 1C "Enterprise" and components for IS operation

2. Antivirus programs

3. Office programs(MS Office or Open Office)

The software must include all previously developed and used at the enterprise methods and algorithms for calculating the main economic indicators.

Information support should include data on goods, suppliers, prices.

Software is a set of legal norms regulating legal relations during the creation and implementation of the system. Legal support at the development stage should include regulations, with legal regulation relationships during this process.

This information system will be implemented within 3.5–4 months.

To work with IS, it is necessary to train personnel.

3.5 Composition and content of work to create the system

The pre-project stage includes:

Determination of customer requirements;

Development of an AIS project in accordance with customer requirements;

Development of technical specifications in accordance with GOST 34.602––21.02.08;

Project stage:

IS implementation;

System maintenance.

The performers of the work are:

IP developer;

LAN creation specialist;

Specialist in installation, configuration, system maintenance.

The IS developer is responsible for performing all work at all stages.

3.6 Procedure for monitoring and receiving the system

In order for the customer to accept the system, it is necessary to conduct a trial operation, during which a log is kept where all solutions to problems and all violations are recorded. Based on the results of operation, a protocol is drawn up, in which deficiencies are included, and a time frame for elimination is determined.

During the reception, the commission must submit the following documents:

Technical specifications for the system

Technical and detailed designs for the system

Test report and log

Staffing of customer departments that service the system.

Acts of transfer of all parts of the information system to the customer

Draft test program and methodology

The admission committee may contain senior management personnel, represented by the director.

3.7 Requirements for the composition and content of work to prepare an automation object for commissioning

To prepare the facility for commissioning, you should do the following:

Preparing an object for the transition to work in a new IS

Testing all materials of technical and detailed projects and making changes based on the results

To implement the IS into operation it is necessary:

Draw up reports on the implementation of the action plan to prepare the facility for implementation.

Availability of documentation for IS implementation.

Availability of personnel, which ensures preparation of implementation and operation.

Availability of accepted IS technical means.

3.8 Documentation requirements

Documentation is drawn up in accordance with ESKD, ESPD and GOST standards.

During the IP development process the following can be used:

GOST 19.001. – 77. ESPD. "General provisions";

GOST 19.006. – 82. ESPD. “general requirements for printed program documents”;

GOST 19.201. – 82. ESPD. "technical specifications for the development of the program."

In addition, various types of contracts for work, acts on the implementation of stages of IP creation, work schedules by stages and documents drawn up after the completion of each stage are drawn up and agreed upon by the developer and the customer.

Terms of reference for creating the system

Terms of reference for automated control systems

Information obtained from management and operational personnel, as well as based on customer requirements, is also used.

4. Technical working draft

4.1 General system documentation

4.1.1 Explanatory note

Technical working project on AIS " Computer Master» is one of the main documents that guide the creation and implementation of IP. This document provides documentation according to which the system should operate, as well as calculation of the economic efficiency obtained from the implementation of the IS. Documentation of the technical working project includes documentation of information, technical, organizational and mathematical support.

This document has been agreed upon by the customer and the main developer. The technical working design is subject to change only in those cases that are specified in agreement No. 1 dated November 9, 2009; the creation of the IP is carried out on the basis of the above-mentioned agreement concluded between the customer and the IP developer.

General description of the IP " Computer Master»

AIS being developed " Computer Master» is designed to automate the accounting of goods and cash flows in a store, in order to increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise. Full name of the system “Information system for accounting of goods and cash flows at the enterprise” Computer Master».

The system meets the main goals of its creation, namely:

1. Ensuring the reliability of accounting data on goods in the warehouse and cash flows.

2. Ensuring the efficiency of obtaining primary, generalized, analytical and reporting information about goods and cash received from the sale of goods.

3. Reducing the labor intensity of collecting, recording, summarizing and analyzing information about goods and cash flows in the enterprise.

4. Formation of effective information and analytical support for mechanisms to optimize the accounting of goods and cash flows.

5. Reducing the cost of storing goods.

4.1.2 Action plan for preparing the facility for putting the IS into operation

To put the IS into operation you must:

1. Preparing the automation object for implementation.

2. Personnel training (staff training and testing of the ability to ensure the functioning of the system).

3. Completing the IS with supplied products.

4. Re-equipment of premises and arrangement of workstations in accordance with standards and norms.

5. Hiring a specialist to service and support the IS (carried out by the customer according to the developer’s recommendations).

4.1.3 Calculation of economic efficiency

The economic efficiency of the implemented AIS can be assessed through calculated effects. These include:

· Strengthening control over work performance.

· Possibility of logging of performed operations.

· Increasing the degree of information reliability.

· Restricting access to information in accordance with the requirements of protected systems.

· Obtaining more detailed information and automating its collection.

· New methods of integration and systematization for solving accounting problems and making management decisions.

Thanks to facility automation, the number of salespeople can be reduced to two. Then the salary of two sellers will be 2∙12∙800=19200 UAH. in year. But the cost of maintaining a system maintenance specialist will cost 1∙12∙1000=12000 UAH. in year.

Thus, the annual economic effect from the introduction of IP will be equal to: 19200 – 12000 = 7200 UAH. in year.

4.2 Documentation of the functional part

4.2.1 Descriptions of automated functions

Diagram of the functional structure of the IS.

· Ensuring the efficiency of obtaining primary, generalized, analytical and reporting information on inventory and cash flows is carried out using reports and processing compiled by the IS at the user's request.

· Collection, accounting, summarization and analysis of information on inventory and cash flows occurs thanks to reports and processing compiled by the IS at the user's request.

· Formation of effective information and analytical support for mechanisms for optimizing the accounting of inventory and cash flows, minimizing the costs of storing inventory.

4.2.2 Description of the problem statement

The basis for building an AIS " Computer Master"is the implementation of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 system, with the help of which the solution to the problem of automating the accounting of goods and cash flows in the store and warehouse is carried out. The constructed IS base meets the goals described in clause 2 of the technical specifications for the system and meets the customer’s requirements.

4.3 Documentation of organizational support for IS

A diagram of the organizational structure of the facility is given in the appendix to the report on the pre-project stage of IS implementation.

Description of the organizational structure of the IS

Accounting for goods is carried out using 2 computers, which are connected into one system. Using a warehouse computer, records are kept of the receipt and consumption of goods, and the processed data is transmitted to the rest of the network participants. A record of goods in the store will also be kept. At the end of each week, it will be enough to display the balances and check the availability of goods in the store and in the warehouse with the data provided by the computer. Sellers must enter data on receipts for goods that are in the store, enter expenses and withdraw balances, and also use this system when serving customers.

4.4 Information support documentation

The information support (IS) of the AIS consists of normative and reference information presented in the form of constants in the 1C: Enterprise system and which can be changed by an AIS support specialist. Information support also includes databases DBF format(the structure of some of them is presented in Appendix 4), which were not previously used at the enterprise to account for goods and were compiled in the process of entering initial information.

Information support of AIS " Computer Master» includes data about the goods (serial number, product name, supplier name, quantity of goods, date of arrival at the warehouse, purchase price, date of write-off from the warehouse, etc.). This information is entered into the workstation database (DBF format) and retrieved from there as needed. Databases containing information about goods and cash flows for previous years should be archived and stored (in archives) on hard drives workstation. The database also stores data about suppliers and customers.

Every month, the system configuration is saved and stored in archives on the host computer. As needed, each user can use the information he needs by downloading it from the main computer.

4.5 Hardware documentation

The reliability of a set of technical means is assessed by the use of existing and new equipment, as well as by the operating mode of the IS. Since all PCs and office equipment included in the IS were purchased, their condition is assessed at 90% compliance with the reliability of the system.

The technical support of the IP includes: two computers of the same configuration that were available. Computers are connected to a local network using a cable like " twisted pair" and topology "logical ring network» which allows you to transmit information at a speed of 10–100 Mbit/sec.

The hardware also includes a printing device – a printer.

4.6 Software documentation

The software includes all the methods and algorithms previously developed at the enterprise for calculating the main economic indicators related to the management, accounting and control of goods and cash flows in the enterprise. It also provides algorithms for the functioning of the system as a whole and its individual tasks.

4.7 Software documentation

AIS software " Computer Master» includes:

– MS Windows operating system installed directly on workstations,

– 1C: Enterprise 7.7 program, including all its components for direct work IS,

– antivirus software,

– archiver

- File manager

– other Microsoft Office 2003 software.

The main software for AIS operation " Computer Master"is the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 program which is installed on all PCs that are part of the IS hardware. The documentation for this program has been accepted as part of the documentation for the IS as a whole.

All of the above programs are installed on all computers that are part of the network.

The system has a component structure. There are only three main components: “Accounting”, “Operational accounting”, “Calculation”. Each component expands the capabilities of the system with its information processing mechanism.


The design aims to ensure the effective functioning of the AIS and interaction with specialists who use computers in the field of activity of a specific economic entity and the development of a means of communication to perform their professional tasks and make management decisions. It is high-quality design that ensures the creation of a system that is capable of functioning with constant improvement of its technical, software, information components, that is, its technological basis, and expanding the range of implemented management functions and interaction objects. The introduction of AIS at an enterprise greatly facilitates the work with documents, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently resolve many issues. Successful operation of the developed and implemented system provides a noticeable economic effect by reducing costs, freeing up the working time of specialists, improving the quality and reliability of accounting for the movement of goods, and facilitating the preparation of accompanying documentation and reporting.

List of used literature

1. Information systems and technologies in economics For. Ed. V.S. Ponomarenka, Kyiv, “Academy”, 2002.

2. Filimonenko N.I. Lecture notes for the course “models and methods of project management.”

3. Automated information technologies in economics. Under. Ed. G.A. Titarenko, Moscow, “Computer”, 1998.

4. Unified system of program documentation. USSR State Committee for Standards, M., 1982.

5. R. Fatrepp, D. Schafer, L. Schafer Software Project Management. Achievement. Achieving optimal quality at minimum costs, Williams, Moscow - St. Petersburg - Kyiv, 2003.

6. Design of information systems. Behind. Ed. V.S. Ponomarenko, Kyiv, “Academy”, 2002.

Home > Technical specifications


St. Petersburg State University culture and arts

Department of Informatics and Information Technologies



for development

educational information system

< Full name of the system and its symbol >

on 4 sheets

__.__.200_ issued

Saint Petersburg

    General information

      Reasons for development

An educational information system is being developed as part of the study and development of the course “Design and use of information systems.”
      The planned dates for the start and completion of work, as well as the procedure for processing and presenting the results of work to the Customer are determined in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this TOR.

    Purpose and goals of creating an educational information system

The educational information system is intended to:
    to demonstrate the degree to which the student has mastered the content of the course “Design and Use of Information Systems”, for use as a layout in further work ah on creating or improving a real information system.
      Goals of creating an educational information system project
An educational information system is created for:
    achieving by the student an understanding of the basic concepts of the system design process, mastering the connections between basic concepts and design methods, the ability to develop a system design and its documentation, as well as create a real IP, demonstrating the results of work and the degree of mastery of the course content, creating the basis for further work to improve the project and its practical implementation.

    Requirements for reporting materials of the educational information system

      Requirements for materials in general
        Composition of reporting materials. Reporting materials should consist of two main parts: project documentation and a layout of the information system (a completed database along with queries, forms, reports, access pages), implemented using the ACCESS DBMS (or other system). The layout must be implemented in accordance with the project. The design materials must describe the layout and its capabilities.
      Contents of project documentation
The design documentation must contain the following parts.
        Title page with the name of the designed IP, indication of the developer and customer. Section "Feasibility Study", containing brief description subject area:
    general characteristics of the subject area and the state of automation work information activities in this area; analysis of the capabilities and features of existing similar systems; organizational structure of the organization for which the designed IS is being created; what is the purpose of the organization (system) using the designed IS, its functions (organizational, “material”, informational); main technical and economic indicators of the organization’s activities; information processes, connections between them; composition of the documents used and their purpose.
        Brief technical specifications. The technical specifications must reflect:
    purpose and goals of creating IP; requirements for the system as a whole; basic automated functions and tasks, time characteristics for solving problems and requirements for the presentation of information in the system;
    criteria for the effectiveness of the system being developed (factors that determine the usefulness of the system being developed, criteria for their evaluation); list of stages and phases of work and deadlines for their completion, deadlines for the development of project documentation.
        Section "Technical design", containing the following subsections:
    functional model of the system (present a context diagram, a first-level diagram and one or two second-level diagrams; describe the composition of the main functions, their connections: input, output, control flows); data flow model (present a context diagram, a first-level diagram and one or two second-level diagrams; describe the composition of drives, main functions, their information links: input and output streams; for each data storage device, characterize the volume, frequency and intensity of updating); description information support: forms of input and output documents, characteristics of their volume, frequency, intensity of updating, analysis of their structure (details, described entities), used classifiers, encoding methods, requirements for ensuring data reliability.
        List of sources used (literature). Section “Working draft”, containing the following subsections:
    conceptual diagram of the software and physical diagram of the system database (developed using the Power Designer system); description of the specific development for the implementation of the IP project:
      description of the database schema on ACCESS (or in another DBMS), description of tasks that implement the functions formulated in the Technical Design (including queries, forms, reports, access pages used in these tasks). It is necessary to have dialogue forms and instructions for using them. If the project does not have complex shapes, reports, the score is reduced by 1 point.
        Conclusion: Summing up the work. An indication of which of the provisions of the Technical Design have been implemented and not implemented in the second part, and why.
      Information system layout

The layout of the information system must be implemented in accordance with the project. It should be a completed database with queries, forms, reports that implement the tasks described in the project.

      Documentation requirements
When developing documents, consider the following requirements:
    the composition of sections and subsections of the reporting document must correspond to what is listed in paragraph “Content of project documentation”, functional model diagrams, data flow models, conceptual and physical model are drawn up in the form of drawings and are included in the main text; Also in the main text are the texts of queries, drawings of the presentation of forms, reports, access pages, sample documents, tables describing models, tables describing the properties of database fields are given as appendices.

    List of work stages and deadlines for their completion

Work is carried out in accordance with the schedule given on next page(Table 4.1).

    The procedure for control and acceptance of reporting materials

      Reporting materials are submitted within two deadlines:
    In the fall semester, a report is submitted that corresponds to the first five points of the schedule. In the spring semester, the final results of the work are submitted: a report (including revised results from the previous semester), as well as a database - a layout of the developed IS.
      Assessment of work in the autumn semester is carried out in the form of a test. In the spring semester, all of the year's work is taken as coursework. Only students who have completed their course work are allowed to take the exam. Penalties.
The design results must be delivered within the deadlines specified in the schedule. Violation of deadlines entails penalties. If the Developer (student) does not submit the first report on time specified in the schedule, he is not allowed to take the test. If the report is submitted late, the decision on admission to the test is made by the Customer (teacher) within a week. If the Developer (student) submits the final reporting materials later than the deadline specified in the schedule, the grade for the course work is reduced by 1 point. The defense of the submitted course work can take place no earlier than a week after the presentation of the reporting materials. The decision on admission to the exam is made by the teacher based on the results of defending the course work. The Developer’s desire to receive a scholarship is not a basis for canceling penalties.

Work schedule for the development of reporting materials

Table 4.1.

Stage name


Submitted materials


1 Selecting the subject area and organization for which the information system should be designed A week after the first lecture IP name
2 “Research” of the subject area (based on literature and as a result of communication with experts) A week after the third lecture
3 Development of a functional model A week after the fourth lecture Functional diagrams in handwritten form
4 Development of a data flow model A week after the fifth lecture Handwritten data flow diagrams
5 Development of descriptions of input and output documents Ends November 25 Document details structure, functional dependencies of details
6 Development of design documentation in accordance with paragraphs 3.2.1 – 3.2.5 In progress. practical classes.
7 Delivery of project documentation 20th of December Documentation in the form of a report
8 Development of a domain context diagram A week after the second lecture Contextual software diagram in handwritten form
9 Development of a database schema in the language of the selected DBMS By the end of the second practical. classes
10 Implementation of the system (filling out database tables, developing queries, forms, reports, access pages) By the end of the fifth practical lesson Completed database with queries, forms, etc.; presented to the teacher
11 Registration of results (project and database) A week after point 9 Coursework: documentation, presented in the form of a report and in a file; database
12 Defense of course work Not earlier than a week after the previous due date