See pages where the term simple system is mentioned. Role-playing game - free. Freely available RPG systems

In a country like the USSR, during the dictatorship, prices and costs seemed to be in no way consistent with each other. The government simply told the people where to work, for how long and how hard. In such a system it is simply impossible to find out what certain goods cost. And prices were set politically, and not under pressure.

In order to strengthen the relationship between the ASPR and the OASU, it is necessary to consider the sectoral subsystems of the ASPR and the functional subsystems of the OASU as organically connected parts of a single system with a corresponding division of tasks solved within the framework of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the State Planning Committees of the Union republics and ministries. The simultaneous, or at least coordinated, development of the OACS and the corresponding ASPR subsystems will make it possible to work out a large set of interrelated issues of both a methodological and informational, technical and organizational-legal nature necessary for the practical solution of problems and the joint functioning of these systems. Without such an approach to the creation of OASU and ASPR, neither one nor the other system will simply be able to work.

The voting system, unlike the simple majority system, allows the minority to elect a certain number of directors. The minimum number of shares required to elect a specified number of directors is determined as follows:

Local databases are effective when working with one or several users, when it is possible to coordinate their activities administratively. Such systems are simple and reliable due to their locality and organizational independence.

Ezersky F.V. The theory of accounting according to all existing systems is simple, double Italian, English and other old and Russian self-testing triple. - St. Petersburg, 1889.

Depending on which system (simple, complex, large) the control is carried out, a distinction is made between automatic control systems (ACS) and automated information systems.

We no longer do any food-related exercises. I already told you that this system is simple. The exercise entitled "Who is most likely to..." is a great way to end the product section and leads directly into the next section.

The widespread idea that savings and investments, as defined in the strict sense of these words, can differ in amount is, I think, due to an "optical illusion" arising from the fact that the relationship between the individual depositor and the bank, where his contribution is placed are apparently one-sided in nature, when in fact such relationships are two-way. It is assumed that the depositor and his bank could somehow agree among themselves to carry out a transaction as a result of which the savings in the banking system would simply disappear (in other words, they would be completely lost from an investment point of view), or, conversely, that the banking the system is able to create investment opportunities that no savings can match. But no one can save without acquiring assets in some form, be it cash, debt obligations or capital goods; no one can also acquire property that he did not previously own, unless property of equal value turns out to be newly produced, or if someone else does not part with property of the same value that he had before. In the first case, savings correspond to new investments; in the second case, someone else must reduce their savings by an equal amount. Indeed, in the latter case, the corresponding decrease in wealth must be caused by such amounts of consumption that exceed income, and not by a write-off on the capital account, reflecting a change in the value of capital assets, because in this case he does not face any loss in the value of that property. which he previously had. The amount he receives exactly corresponds to the current value of his property, and yet the owner of the property fails to fully retain this amount in the form of any wealth, in other words, it follows that his current consumption has exceeded the amount of current income. If the banks are parting with any property, then someone must part with some of their cash. It follows that the total saving of the individual in question, and of all others taken together, must necessarily be equal to the current new investment.

You may be thinking that this is not your problem and that following the system is a simple matter. It's not like that at all.

What to expect from such a test Not much, really. If each test shows a high profit (for example, more than 10,000), consider that a winning system has been found. Of course, provided that all aspects of testing were presented correctly and the simulation was realistic. However, if every test showed a large loss (for example, more than 10,000 in a year), it is obvious that the system is simply useless. (There are a few subtle exceptions to this rule, which will be discussed in subsequent chapters.) In all likelihood, this system should be excluded from consideration at this stage. If, as is often the case, the results are mixed (that is, there are some large wins and large losses, along with smaller wins and losses), you can move on to the optimization stage. Proceed to the next stage of system development only if the majority of tests do not show major losses.

If all the testing steps described in this chapter have been followed, the likelihood that the system is simply bad is quite small. However, if the system was tested carelessly, then this is possible. If you find this exact reason, then test your trading system properly.

Taken together, these systems simply do not lend themselves to close integration.

Let's remember the fine systems in very recent times - bruises. For those who did not see the wonderful time of bruises, we note that this exact folk word reflected the essence of the labor quality management system, according to which, when a discrepancy, defect, or error was detected, blue triangles were drawn on a special screen or in the corresponding journal. The more bruises, the lower the premium. The system is as simple as a toilet mistake, a defect - a blow, another mistake - another blow and bruises for memory.

The new system is easy to use and uses the same methods as previously used when processing received reports. The transition to data processing using an electronic computer was gradual, and after its completion the company used the following programs when processing data

Error detection measures can be considered both for verification during development and during software operation. Considering that during the development process, error detection is mainly implemented by a system of simple organizational measures, we will focus on the techniques and methods of detection at the level of software modules during operation.

In other words, the Los Angeles school system has failed to teach even basic knowledge to a quarter of a million children. And instead of keeping that quarter of a million in schools the same way a filter holds sediment, the system simply lowered the bar and pushed kids out into the real world. In my opinion, this is not a failure of the children, but of the system itself.

Economic analysis, and above all the analysis of labor indicators, is called upon to play a significant role in its solution, since in the system of simple elements of production - means of labor, objects of labor and living labor - the latter plays a decisive role. Only living labor can set in motion the past, embodied in the means and objects of labor.

The question arises: isn’t it easier to estimate the value of the products and services of each division? After all, since the cost is proportional to labor costs, the distribution by labor is a distribution proportional to the value created. This is true, but direct use of this correct position is possible only in a system of simple individual commodity production. The fact is that divisions, and especially individual employees of an enterprise or association, do not create value. What value is created by the accounting department of an enterprise or the technical standardization bureau in the workshop? Here we are talking, of course, not about the cost of the services of the accounting department or the technical standardization bureau, i.e., not about the costs of maintaining accountants and technical standardization, but about the cost of the product. But production units - workshops and areas of main production - do not create value, since not any items and services have value, but only goods. Items manufactured by a workshop - blanks, parts, assembly units and even finished products - are not goods. The workshop does not sell manufactured

Just a few years ago, the information processing situation at Marks Spencer was nothing special. As in most other retail chains, supply specialists ordered goods and distributed them to stores based on their own ideas about what customers might need. All the information system in force at that time could help them with was a simple retrospective analysis of data. It was impossible to predict sales volumes accurately enough to avoid pent-up demand or cut-rate sales and write-offs of excess. An error in either direction had a negative impact on profitability.

The above system is easy to use and quite effective, especially if you remember the thousands of standards that Russian accountants have had to use for many years. It is easy to make calculations showing to what extent the use of accelerated depreciation affects current financial results. Let us again emphasize that its meaning is to provide the enterprise with a free tax credit in the first years of operation of new equipment. Since in the future this loan will have to be repaid, paying a relatively larger amount of income tax than with a uniform

In the USA, Great Britain and other countries during the development of the photographic studio of Mats Näslund and Håkan Loob USA (Table 5.2)1.

There is a whole class of day traders who specialize in trading NASDAQ stocks. But such day trading firms do not trade on the Internet, like you and me. Many of them occupy entire rooms where day traders sit, waiting for an impulse. They are equipped with high-power and high-tech systems that notify day traders of profitable opportunities long before you and I know about them. These day traders are attracted to NASDAQ stocks because they are highly volatile. Remember, if you have fast execution, volatility will make you profitable because you will get in and out of positions quickly and efficiently. But if you have slow execution, volatility will destroy your profits. The amount of profit that day traders can earn in a single day using powerful trading systems is simply staggering.

What is the potential source of tension between these two aspirations? The high achiever wants it to be measurable, while the high achiever wants clear direction and instructions. Under favorable conditions, goals and directions are bound to reinforce each other. An example would be a sales employee who finds the reporting system quite flexible and useful because it provides information that helps increase sales. Another example is a clear, simple reward system that makes it possible to clearly define the path to receiving rewards. Vroom's expectancy theory recognizes the need for transparent, clear paths to achieving success (Vroom and De i, 1970). Tension and conflict arise when rules and regulations do not provide benefits, but only make work more difficult. A good example of this would be a police officer with a high need for structure in his work, as his crime-solving work is only slowed down and hampered by excessive bureaucratic requirements and a whole heap of paperwork. His need for structure means not only scrupulous adherence to all formal procedures, but also the belief that work efficiency would be higher if he were not bound by the need to complete all the formalities. In extreme cases, it appears that the system is simply paralyzing its workers.

Let's return to our story about Alexander the Great. It represents the lion hemisphere. We are learning to use this part of our thinking in the current educational system. Neither in college nor in graduate school are we taught to use other parts of our thinking. The most important subjects in life are simply taught in our educational system today. You are reading this for the same reason why Alexan, the Great had to head to India. If you want to be truly successful in trading, you must become more like Diogenes and learn to relax and contemplate the river. And this is work that i must do on their own. No one in the whole world can do this for you. This is a process of subtracting everything extraneous. We don't need to learn more and more about what's wrong. We need to make more use of what we already know, but sometimes don't know that we know.

See pages where the term is mentioned The system is simple

:                   Automated information technologies in economics (2003) -- [

For combinations with phase verbs, see § .

Note 1. The same compatibility (but with greater restrictions for names of the full form and especially for short forms) is presented in participles and gerunds: come, coming last/last, spoken, having spoken first/first; standing naked(Fed.; / standing naked); having become cheerful/cheerful, staying lonely/lonely.

Note 2. In predicate combinations lies sick (sick), and also in combination with adj. one, one, alone named after not replaced by TV: Brother lies sick; She lives one.

Note 3. In sentences with a predicate - a verb of being, identifying, becoming, the adjective that determines the subject name, according to the conditions of actual division, is very often placed at the end of the sentence (see § ): I held on cold autumn - Autumn held on cold; They're standing strong frosts - frosts are worth strong, similar: Day such it was a great day (happened) the only one; Winter has arrived long; Day walked Sunday; Painting looms sad; Method applies advanced; Storm raged ferocious; Solution accepted correct; On shelf With icons blinked lamp: evening had to Saturday(Baby.); Tie on white shirt lying black(Olesha). In such cases, the position of the predicate is occupied by the verb along with the definition placed at the end of the sentence. Name here it does not alternate with TV. п. However, it is characteristic that, once in an actualized position, individual qualitative adjectives ( hot, warm, hot, cold, chill, frosty and some etc.) show a tendency towards such alternation: It was a great day cold day - Day it was a great day cold/cold; Costs warm spring - Spring costs warm/warm.

2) The predicate is represented by a combination of a significant verb, meaning being, discovery, thought, attitude, perception, with a noun in the form of TV: He imagined myself hero; Companion pretended to be good-natured; Drought turned around fire; Girlfriend I was waiting his bride two of the year; A drug lay down first experienced bit by bit on palm scientist(gas.); He lived wonderful writer And extraordinary person And died hero(Paust.); Railway carriage felt floating headquarters(Baby).

3) The predicate is represented by a combination of a verb, meaning being in a state, identifying, naming, with a noun in the form of a name. or in the form of tv. p., alternating with the form of name p.; TV form stylistically neutral; form named after with such alternation it may have a tinge of obsolescence: Khutor called By settlements/ Vyselki; Generalissimo such He lies(Meyerhold; / generalissimo); A Vasya glorious guy increased(Lidin; / glorious boy).

4) The predicate is represented by a combination of a verb with a meaning. being, discovery, being in a state or transition to a state, expression of will, thought - with a noun in the form tv. п., replaced by forms of other indirect cases or allied groups: IN ministry He consists of consultant/V quality consultant/How consultant/V consultants, works (decided, wants work) builder/How builder/V quality builder, is listed leader/ V frontline workers/V quality leader/among advanced workers, offers myself intermediary/V intermediaries/V quality intermediary/How intermediary, hit there secretary/V secretaries/V quality secretary/ How secretary, serves taxi driver/V taxi drivers, lives, serves watchman/V watchmen, conceived myself artist/How artist (conceived myself How honey old grumpy. Kassil), asked milkmaid/V milkmaids, grandfather agreed go watchman/V watchman, read (dare say goodbye) myself groom/V grooms, believes myself genius/behind genius, reputed an expert/ behind connoisseur, stay Here mistress/behind the hostess/ V quality housewives, found myself guard/ V guards/behind guard/V quality guard, these words remain reminder/ How reminder/V quality reminders, saber stored relic/How relic/V quality relics, city arose silhouette/How silhouette/V form silhouette, book released brochure/ How brochure/V form brochures, tree emerged unclear spot/How unclear spot; Old Arzamas remained V memory How city apples And churches(Paust.; / remained V memory city apples And churches). With an adjective: this Job counts severe/from heavy (Maybe, from the most heavy was considered this Job. Lidin).

5) The predicate is represented by a combination of a verb, meaning the acquisition or change of state, expression of will, being, with a noun in the indirect case with a preposition: gone from foremen, dropped out from participants, gave in V helpers, breaks through V bosses, came out V managers, is imposed, stuffing himself V advisors, erects myself V geniuses, gave out myself behind auditor, turned V layman, increased V head, writhes master, builds from myself, plays out (from myself) philanthropist, studies on engineer, on doctor, this employee is listed By office, By our department; Life, movement resolved IN dusk unsteady, V further hum(Tyutch.); Wolves crushed V watchmen(Soloukh.).

6) The predicate is represented by a combination of a verb with a meaning. being, being in a state, moving, detecting and indirect case of a name with a preposition; such a predicate contains a characteristic of the episodic state of the subject: is sitting With sour mine, lay down sleep V clothes, walks With gloomy physiognomy, awoke V cold sweat; Yes after all Not could or I know, What He will come With bitten finger(Adv.).

7) The predicate is represented by a verbal phrase with a subjective infinitive (see § ): going (thinks, wants, Maybe...) go, used to it (learned, tired) work, Not slowed down (Not missed, Not bothered) come. If the adjacent infinitive, in turn, is connected with the word depending on it by one of those connections that are described above in paragraphs 1-5, then the entire corresponding combination is part of the predicate: One paintings I wished be forever viewer (Pushk.); decided stay one, Not wants impose V buddies, decided work builder, wants show myself educated, Maybe imagine myself hero, refuses issue myself behind another, know how be kind, made up my mind try begin study paint, decided agree speak opponent.

About combinations with became (became work, became come first, will become impose V advisors) see § .

2) The predicate is represented by a lexically limited combination of two conjugated forms of verbs, one of which means movement or being in a state, position in space: sit, stand, go, run, walk, lie(or motivated by them); another verb is lexically free: is sitting sews, costs waiting, calm down come, lies groans, grumbles walks, I'll come in I'll check on you, sleep lie down, let's sit let's rest, sitting I'm watching TV, He to me Here interferes costs, coming staggers; Let's go let's go behind firewood(Shuksh.); Secretaries sat - eyes raise Not dare(Abr.).

Verbs in this combination can also name actions following one another: Now or I'm running I'll write letter(Vol.); go apologize.

With the preposition of a lexically limited verb, communication using conjunctions is normal here And, Yes: lies And thinks, is sitting And crying, I'm coming And I'm happy, costs Yes laughs; [Osip:] Profintil dear money, darling, Now is sitting And tail turned up, Not gets excited(Gogol); Sit down-ka one from you And write, What I speak will(Lesk.). This also includes combinations such as lay down And lies, sat down And is sitting, sit down And sit down, stand up And stop.

Note: The syntactic integrity of the combinations described in paragraph 2 is evidenced by the fact that the controlled name with them can be directly adjacent not to the control verb, but to the verb of movement or state: I'm watching sitting TV; About to me is sitting crying; Above you are worth laughing; Auditor Act is sitting writes; I them puzzles I'm coming I explain; I V crack I'm approaching I look every minute(Vol.); A asked would his, O how He This stood And thought, That maybe would Nothing Not remembered(Vol.); foot sitting I'm shaking(Bunin); A He look which superstitions is sitting breeds(Bunin); ABOUT strength are worth interpret(Shuksh.); A Egor on hillock stood And I was waiting Lyuba(Shuksh.).

3) The predicate is represented by a non-union combination of two verbs, meaning actions or states that accompany each other or are closely related to one another: Father you feeds-gives water, puts on shoes-dresses; Orderly And horses them harnesses-unharnesses(Lyg.).

3) In the form of the past. a variant of the predicate are combinations of past forms. or bud. vr. verb owl kind with adverb How: How screamed!; How will scream! This predicate expresses a sudden, intense and intense short-term action (see § Shvandya:] Borodishcha - in! Volosya - Same. How will squeak! (Train.).

4) A predicate, which is formed by combining an infinitive with an initial verb or with a verb become (began cry, started laugh, became argue), as an option has the actual infinitive or the combination " Let's+ infinitive", expressing the rapid and energetic beginning of an action in the past: She (Let's) laugh. He (Let's) argue. In a constitution, the predicate-infinitive can also denote a present or future action: Another would regretted it, asked, A this only swear And about to myself think(L. Tolst.); He you beat, A You stop on his(Lesk.). Occasionally, replacing the conjugated form of a verb with an infinitive is possible and will prompt in the form. incl.: AND V anger shouted Bringilda: "All keep silent ! What want to You, chatty creations?" (Ann.).

About predicates with particles was, it happened (went was, walked it happened) see § .

[Sofia:] Reproaches, complaints, tears my Not dare expect, Not stand You their; But to V home Here dawn you Not found, So that never O you I more Not I heard(Mushroom.); [Said], What This her milk mushrooms, What she found their And What let We are looking for another layer(Ax.); Well, did vulgarity - Well, And repent! Ask forgiveness! Sorry, they say, darling-daddy, What you upset! (S.-Sch.); A as long as let him hatchet at me lie down! (S.-Sch.); - No, - I say, - money case Not important, But I Not Wish be by you fooled. Let We With by her see you, And I to her most, Maybe be, more more I'll give(Lesk.); I Not Want neither bitterness, neither revenge, Let I'll die With last white blizzard(Ahm.); Yes will gain my mouth Initial muteness, How crystalline note, What from birth clean! (Mandelsht.); Let mine destiny Vagrancy will And rowdiness. Let hungry I I'm standing at kitchens, Inhaling smell feasts someone else's, Let will wear out my cloth, AND boots O stones will break, AND songs I'll forget how to do it I compose... What from Togo? (Bagr.); What and, rumble, comma And dot, hit, timpani, run amok, alarm bell! (Bold.); Teki, Neva, back, lift up With streets slimy ends on end, throw it away barges on streets, build, water, barricades! (School); Dreaming-That... Dream you want more often(Shuksh.); Yes Not will run out thunder bubbling AND solar song bumblebee! (Firsov); Passed war, passed suffering, But pain calls out To people: Let's, People, never About this Not let's forget(Tward.). For examples, see also § .

For the use of the subject in such sentences, see § .

In colloquial and casual, expressive speech, with the subject (or when addressing) - a name in the plural form. it is possible to use a predicate - a verb in the singular form: - Well, So stop, wait a minute, Guys, - continued Dogadun, - solve it task... A You All, Guys, Same Not dozing off! (Bunin); Pink lips, twisted chibouk. Blue hussars - torture fate(Aseev); Male rotates head And right, And left, publishing laryngeal sounds. This, apparently, means: blur All V sides(gas.).

For sentences with verbs begin, to finish, take, undertake, go, go, fly and some etc. with imperative intonation (IK-2 or IK-3), the meaning of the incentive can take on the form of the past: Cum conversations!; Have taken!; Go! (see § ).

With imperative intonation, the meaning of motivation can take on the form of a future. (with a verb in form 2 or 3 .): Will you go with me!; Will study!; Will you take it? book And Now or take it her V library!. (see § .

At the beginning of the fourth year of life, children in judgments often name the subject, its action, indicate only one object towards which the action is directed, or one of the circumstances in which it took place.

Such judgments take the form of simple common sentences with a small number of members.

Here is an example of such short common sentences: “Grandma called granddaughter"(additional); "The boy wanted geese(additional) drive away"; "You're barn(vow, places) scratch.”

Along with this, children also use more common sentences in their speech, which simultaneously talk about the object of the action and the circumstances in which the object acts.

Here is an example of more common sentences “Grandfather became turnip(additional) from the ground(location) pull”; "He in the other place(location) firework(additional) looked”; " There(location) more from a machine gun(additional) shot"; "A I have(additional) was in the country(location) bicycle"; " After(location) apples(additional) a lot of(regional measures) the bear brought.”

Much less common at this age are sentences where, in addition to additions and circumstances, a qualitative characteristic of the subject is given: “I will become big uncle"; "And then the cat in good shirt dressed"; “Then I’ll buy you a doll like this blue one».

A large place among the simple common sentences used by the child is occupied by common sentences with homogeneous members (31% in relation to the total number of simple common sentences).

It is known that homogeneous members of a sentence are those members that perform the same syntactic functions and are united by the same syntactic relation to the same member of the sentence. Both main and secondary members can act as homogeneous members of a sentence. Consequently, these sentences can express the simultaneous action of two or more subjects, report a number of actions performed by one subject, a number of objects of action, etc.

Analysis of children's speech shows that mastering sentences with homogeneous members - subjects, predicates, objects, definitions, circumstances - is far from a uniform process. Of the total number of sentences with homogeneous members, 79% are sentences with homogeneous predicates and only 8% - with homogeneous definitions.

Analysis of the use of the main and minor members of sentences by children aged three to four helps to understand the reason for the use of shorter common sentences at this age compared to longer ones at subsequent age stages, as well as the unevenness in mastering simple sentences with groups of different functions in the sentence homogeneous members.

The system ensures self-preservation through the interaction of parts, therefore the relationships between them and their mutual influence are much more important than their number or size. These relationships, and therefore the system itself, can be simple or complex.

The complexity of anything can manifest itself in two different ways. When we call something complex, we usually think of many different parts. This is the complexity caused by the detail, the number of elements considered. When we have a jigsaw puzzle made up of thousands of pieces, we are dealing with the complexity of detail. We usually manage to find a way to simplify, group and organize this kind of complex structure in which there is only one place for each part. Computers are good at this task, especially if it allows for a step-by-step solution.

Another type of complexity is dynamic. It arises in cases where elements can enter into a wide variety of relationships with each other. Since each of them is capable of being in many different states, even with a small number of elements they can be connected in countless ways. You cannot judge complexity based on the number of elements rather than the possible ways to connect them. It is not always true that the fewer elements included in a system, the easier it is to understand and control. It all depends on the degree of dynamic complexity.

Imagine a group of colleagues working on a business project. The mood of each team member is very changeable. They may be in different relationships with each other. Thus, a system, even consisting of a few elements, can have great dynamic complexity. On closer examination, it can distinguish problems that seem very simple at first glance.

New connections between the parts that make up the system increase complexity, and the addition of one more element can lead to the creation of many additional connections. At the same time, their number does not increase by one. Number possible connections may grow exponentially- in other words, adding each subsequent element increases the number of connections to a greater extent than adding the previous one. For example, imagine that we start with just two elements, A and B. Here |there are only two possible connections and two directions of influence: A to B and B to A. Let's add one more element. There are now three elements in the system: A, B and C. The number of possible connections, however, has increased to 6 and even to 12 if we consider it possible that two elements enter into an alliance and jointly influence a third (say, A and B influence WITH). As you can see, you don't need many elements to create a dynamically complex system, even if each can only be in one state. We know from our own experience: managing two people is more than twice as difficult as managing one person, since there are additional opportunities for misunderstandings, and with the advent of a second child, parents have more than twice the hassle and joy.

The simplest systems consist of a small number of elements between which simple connections are possible. A good example is the thermostat. It has low detail complexity and low dynamic complexity.

A very complex system may consist of many elements or subsystems, all of which are capable of being in different states that will change in response to what happens to the other parts. Constructing a diagram of this kind of complex system is like finding a path in a labyrinth that completely changes depending on the direction we choose. Strategic games, such as chess, have dynamic complexity because each move changes the relationship between the pieces and, accordingly, the situation on the board. (The dynamic complexity of chess could be even greater if the pieces could change after each move.)

The first lesson of systems thinking is that we must be aware of what kind of complexity we are dealing with in a given system - detailed or dynamic (with mosaics or chess).

The operation of the system is determined by the relationships between elements, so any, even the smallest element can change the behavior of the whole. For example, the hypothalamus, a small, pea-sized gland located in the human brain, regulates body temperature, breathing rate, fluid balance and blood pressure. Likewise, heart rate affects the entire body. When it speeds up, you feel anxious or excited, and when it slows down, you feel calm.

All parts of the system are interdependent and interact with each other. How they do this determines their impact on the system.

This leads to an interesting rule: the more connections you have, the greater the possible influence. By expanding your connections, you multiply it. Research shows that successful managers spend four times as much time maintaining and expanding relationships as their less successful colleagues. (2)

Different elements can jointly influence the whole. Various groups of people unite and form alliances in order to influence the activities of government structures, organizations, and teams.