Primary documents to be submitted to the OSB upon arrival of the vehicle. Post office. Security fire alarm

Abbreviations of Russian Post.

The most common and popular abbreviations of Russian Post that are searched on the Internet are ASC, MSC, DTI, OPS, UOPS and others.
"Letters of happiness" often come with the mark ASC. For example, PO Box 51 Moscow ASC, 140961. The abbreviation ASC stands for automated sorting center. There is a special ASC website - asc russianpost ru
The activities of this branch are aimed at reducing the time it takes to send mail. The Moscow ASC sorts postal items to offices in the Central region of Russia. There are more than 5 thousand of them.
Photo report on the work of the ASC - www popmech ru
The abbreviation MSC stands for mainline sorting center.
MSC is the beginning of the technological chain for mail delivery. And then follow: the post office, sorting, the work of the postman and the final destination - the mailbox.
The sensational DTI, around which there are still debates and fables,
stands for additional technological index and is not a real object for sending correspondence. He has no real address. As they say, this is an internal virtual postal “trouble” of the Russian Post for automatic processing of correspondence and simplification of technological processes. DTI numbers are assigned to various “clients,” for example, the Federal Bailiff Service, and such correspondence may contain a “chain letter” and a notice of registration on the State Services portal, as well as any other correspondence.

OPS stands for postal facility or post office.
UOPS is a unitary postal department.
OVPO - domestic return mail.

Reply domestic mail (ORPO) are simple and registered letters or cards containing information indicating the return address of the company ordering the service.

How to get to the cheapest clothing market in Moscow -

The procedure for preparing accompanying documents when accepting internal parcel mail
(approved by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" on March 23, 2011 N 3.2.2-05/8-nd)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedure for the preparation of accompanying documents when accepting domestic parcel postal items (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the rules for the preparation of accompanying documents and address labels when accepting parcel postal items.

The procedure is intended for senders (legal entities and individuals) who have entered into an agreement with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (branches) for the provision of postal services and for postal service employees who receive parcel postal items.

1.2. The following basic terms and definitions apply in this Procedure:

Lot postal items - postal items delivered by the sender, according to the terms of the contract, in the amount of 10 or more pieces to one or more addresses;

RPO - registered postal items;

SPI - barbed postal identifier of internal registered mail corresponding to RTM 0001.01-99;

ШИ - bar identifier of an EMS item, corresponding to the technical standard of the Universal Postal Union S10b-6;

OASU RPO - All-Russian automated system for recording and monitoring the passage of registered mail;

PKT - postal cash terminal;

Employees of the security post office, which receives internal parcel mail, can provide the sender, under a contract, with additional services for the formation of mail, preparation of accompanying documents and address labels.

1.4. Senders must apply the sender's and addressee's addresses directly to the envelope of the postal item or to an address label and then apply the label to the postal item.

1.5. Internal parcel postal items are accepted by OPS employees from the sender (or his responsible representative) after establishing the fact of payment for the service of forwarding internal consignment postal items.

1.6. It is prohibited to accept parcel postal items with a special stamp and/or a KPSh imprint with the details of another OPS.

1.7. Labels and accompanying forms may be reproduced using software.

Check for the signature of the sender or his representative after the text “There are no attachments prohibited for forwarding. I have read the packaging requirements.”

8.2. Registration of the form f. 113en

Cash on delivery postal transfer form f. 113en (Appendix No. 9 to the Procedure) when sending RPO with cash on delivery, it is filled out by the sender in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" "On approval of postal money transfer forms" dated March 13, 2007 No. 81-p, or with Technical conditions TU 0097.03- 09, TU 0013.03-07 and TU 0069.03-07 - for EMS shipments.

In this case, the security guard employee is obliged to:

Check that the cash on delivery postal transfer form is filled out correctly f. 113en;

Check the presence of the cash on delivery amount on the envelope of the postal item (address label);

Make sure that the amount of cash on delivery does not exceed the amount of the declared value of the RPO;

Check the application of the RPO SPI number with declared value or the ShI number of internal EMS shipment with declared value on the cash on delivery postal order form.

8.3. Registration of the form "E1-в"

If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request it via the Hotline in the system.

Determination dated July 29, 2014

In case No. 2-2044/2014

Accepted Klin City Court (Moscow region)

  1. Klin City Court of the Moscow Region, consisting of:
  2. presiding judge Koreneva N.F.,
  3. With the secretary of the court session Sargsyan A.S.,
  4. Having considered in open court a civil case based on the claim of L.N. Zubachev. to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" on the protection of consumer rights, on compensation for moral damage,
  5. Installed:

  6. Zubachev L.N. filed the above-mentioned claim, motivating it with the following arguments.
  7. /date/ 2007 Zubachev L.N. sent, through post office 107061 Moscow, a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, receipt No. /number/ /number/. On the Notice of Service, the “stamp of the KPSh OPS of the place and day of issuance of the notification” is dated /date/ 2007. His ordered letter /date/ 2007 was received by a representative of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. “The stamp of the KPSh OPS of the place of destination and the day of receipt of the item” is dated on the notification /date/ 2007, but on the notification there is no post office stamp 141604 Klin, after the delivery of this notice from Moscow to Klin, “the imprint of the KPSh OPS of the place and day delivery of notice."
  8. Zubachev L.N. believes that the delivery time of his postal item to the addressee was violated, since the period for sending written correspondence between Moscow and the administrative center of the municipal district of the Moscow region is two days. Thus, according to L.N. Zubachev, no later than /date/ 2007, his above-mentioned registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery should have been delivered from post office 107061 Moscow to post office 125993 Moscow, but it was delivered there three days later, /date/ 2007, because this date is affixed on the notification “stamp of the KPSH OPS of the place of destination and the day of receipt of the item”, this notification was in Moscow for more than one month, since the “stamp of the KPSH OPS of the place and day of issuance of the notification” is dated /date/ 2007, and there is no postmark on the notification branch 141604 Klin, after delivery of this notice from Moscow to Klin, “an imprint of the KPSh OPS of the place and day of delivery of the notice.”
  9. The plaintiff asks to recognize the violation of his rights as a consumer, and to recover from the defendant, in compensation for moral damage, funds in the total amount of 5,000 rubles, based on /amount/ rubles for violating the deadline for sending and delivering the above postal correspondence from post office 107061. Moscow to post office 125993 Moscow, /amount/ rubles - for a long failure to send the above notification of delivery from Moscow to Klin, because it was at the post office in Moscow at the place of delivery of his ordered letter to the addressee from /date/ to /date/ 2007 inclusive, /amount/ rubles for the absence of the post office stamp of post office 141604 Klin on the delivery notice, after delivery of this notice from Moscow to Klin.
  10. Violation of the delivery deadlines for ordered mail, according to L.N. Zubachev, causes him moral harm. He is a victim in six criminal cases, is forced to conduct long and constant correspondence with law enforcement agencies, timely forwarding and delivery of postal correspondence is of great importance to him.
  11. Zubachev L.N. did not appear at the court hearing, petitioned for the case to be considered in his absence (case file 2).
  12. The defendant did not send his representative to the court and was notified in a timely manner of the time and place of the court hearing. The case contains a written response to the claim, from which it follows that the claim should be denied, since the plaintiff did not fulfill the obligations of the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute provided for by federal law (Federal Law No. 176 of July 17, 1999 “On Postal Services”). In addition, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the general limitation period is three years, which has also expired. The plaintiff’s letter was sent on November 10, 2007, the claim was filed on June 9, 2014, and the period for filing and considering the claim has expired. The plaintiff has not presented admissible evidence of suffering physical and moral suffering, as well as the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between this suffering and the actions of the defendant. Grounds for compensation for moral damage to L.N. Zubachev. absent (L.d. 8-9).
  13. Having checked the case materials, taking into account the evidence presented by the parties, the court comes to the conclusion that the application must be left without consideration, on the basis of clause 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, for the following reasons.
  14. The court comes to the conclusion that the plaintiff did not comply with the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute established by federal law for this category of cases.
  15. The legal basis for activities in the field of communications on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights and obligations of persons participating in these activities or using communications services, are primarily determined by the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ “On Communications” (as amended from ).
  16. Among other things, this legislative act regulates the procedure for communications service users to submit complaints (claims) and establishes the rules for their consideration by telecom operators. At the same time, the Federal Law “On Communications” provides for a mandatory pre-trial procedure for filing claims in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract for the provision of communication services.
  17. “On Communications” establishes a six-month period for filing claims related to non-provision, untimely or poor-quality provision of communication services, non-delivery, untimely delivery, damage or loss of postal items (clause 5 of article 55), with a mandatory attachment (clause of the Federal Law " On Communications"), a copy of the contract for the provision of communication services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract, as well as other documents that are necessary to consider the claim on the merits and which must contain information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of communication services.
  18. The claim must be considered no later than sixty days from the date of its registration. The results of the consideration of the claim must be communicated to the person making the claim (Federal Law “On Communications”) in writing (Federal Law “On Communications”).
  19. If a claim is rejected in whole or in part, or if a response is not received within the time period established for its consideration, the user of communication services has the right to file a claim in court (clause 2, clause 4, article 55, clause 9, article 55 “On Communications”).
  20. Relations in the field of postal services, in addition to the “On Communications”, are regulated by the Federal Law “On Postal Communications”.
  21. According to the Federal Law "On Postal Services", "postal operators are liable for loss, damage (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items, making postal money transfers, and other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services" .
  22. The procedure for filing claims with the postal operator is established by the provisions of the Federal Law “On Postal Communications”, which states that “In the event of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to present a claim to the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damages.” .
  23. Claims in connection with non-delivery, late delivery, damage or loss of a postal item or non-payment of transferred funds are made within six months from the date of submission of the postal item or postal money transfer.
  24. Claims must be submitted in writing and must be registered in accordance with the established procedure.
  25. Written responses to complaints must be given within the following deadlines:
  26. for claims for all other postal items and postal money transfers - within two months.
  27. If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, or if it agrees to partially satisfy the claim, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time limit established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court or arbitration court.”
  28. Additionally, it should be borne in mind that the relationship between users of postal services and public postal operators when concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of postal services, as well as the rights and obligations of these operators and users, are regulated by the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2005 N 221.
  29. In accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 N 221:
  30. “P.52. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim with the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.
    Claims related to non-delivery, untimely delivery, damage or loss of domestic mail, non-payment or untimely payment of transferred funds are presented to both the postal operator who accepted the item and the postal operator at the destination of the mail, within 6 months from the date sending a postal item or making a postal transfer.
    53. Claims must be submitted in writing.
    The claim is accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, inventory of the attachment) and a certificate of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the postal operator of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services (postal envelope, packaging of defective postal item and so on.).
    Claims regarding untimely delivery (delivery) of domestic ordinary postal items are accepted upon presentation of the postal item or its shell with the dates of receipt and receipt of the postal item indicated on it by the postal operator.
    The claim must comply with the requirements of clause 54 of the Rules for the provision of postal services.
    According to clause 55 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, the Postal Operator is obliged to consider the claim and give the applicant a response (in writing) within the following time frame:
    b) for claims regarding all other domestic mail and postal orders - within 2 months.
    If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, if it agrees to satisfy the claim partially, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time limit established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court.
    According to paragraph 23 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 “On consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights”, “before filing a statement of claim in court, a mandatory claim procedure for resolving disputes is provided for in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the telecom operator , arising from contracts for the provision of communication services (clause 4 of article 55 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”).
    As it was established during the consideration of the case, the plaintiff did not send a claim to the defendant about the violation of his rights as a consumer of postal services, but immediately went to court with the above-mentioned claim.
    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 222 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court leaves the application without consideration, “if the plaintiff does not comply with the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute established by federal law for this category of cases or the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute provided for by the agreement of the parties.”
  31. Thus, Zubachev L.N. the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute established by law has not been observed. The court believes that leaving the statement of L.N. Zubachev without consideration does not prevent him in the future from again applying to the court with an application in the general manner.
  32. Guided by

3.10.1. The issuance of accompanying documentation for the shipment of postal containers consists of the formation of:

    when transporting mail by land, a separate invoice f.23 is issued for the transportation of mail with a named list of postal containers included in it; general invoice f.23-a for delivery of mail to a mail car (route invoice f.24 for motor vehicles) with a list of invoices included in it and the number of mail containers;

    for air transportation - a general consignment note form 16-b is issued for the aircraft landing point with a named list of containers included in it; waybill f.16-v with a list of invoices included in it and the number of postal containers.

3.10.2. The procedure for issuing a separate form 23 invoice for mail sent is as follows:

in the address part the following is indicated:

    in the columns “From” and “To” in the address part of the invoice, the name and postal code of the federal postal service facility of the destination and the place of formation of the invoice are indicated, respectively;

    number of the bag (container, pallet, box) if mail containers are sealed into another container;

    seal number;

    date and time of preparation of the invoice (calendar postmark imprint).

The columns for recording information about postal containers (things) included in the consignment note indicate: the postal facility of the destination, bar identifiers of the corresponding containers, and in the corresponding columns of the consignment note the number of postal containers (things) included in this container (consignment note) is entered. When adding invoices with RPO groups that follow openly, the number of RPOs assigned to this invoice is indicated in the corresponding columns. When adding bags (boxes) with simple correspondence, their weight is also indicated in the corresponding column.

3.10.3. The procedure for issuing a general invoice 23-a for mail sent is as follows:

in the address part the following is indicated:

    invoice number (a barcode identifier similar to the barcode identifier for a mail container is used);

    in the “From” column in the address part of the invoice, the name and postal code of the federal postal service facility where the invoice was generated is indicated;

    in the “Address” column the number of the mail car and the train number are indicated;

    the name of the postal worker accompanying the mail (when depositing it on a mail car or motor transport) and the time the mail was sent;

In the columns for recording information about the postal containers (things) included in the consignment note, the postal facility of the destination, the bar identifiers of the corresponding containers are indicated, and in the corresponding columns of the consignment note the number of postal containers (things) included in this container (consignment note) is entered. When adding invoices with RPO groups that follow openly, the number of RPOs assigned to this invoice is indicated in the corresponding columns. When adding bags (boxes) with simple correspondence, their weight is also indicated in the corresponding column.

As final data, under the list of postal containers and RPO groups, the total number of postal containers and containers included in this consignment note is indicated in numbers and in words.

The invoice is certified by the signature of the postal worker.

3.10.4. The procedure for issuing a route invoice f.24 for sent mail is as follows:

On the front side of the route waybill the following is indicated:

    invoice number (a barcode identifier similar to the barcode identifier for a mail container is used);

    in the columns “Accompanied” and “Identification number” in the address part of the invoice, the name of the person accompanying the mail and the number of his identification number f.81 are indicated, respectively.

    in the column “Along the route” the transport route is indicated;

    in the “Mail sent” column the date and time of sending the mail is indicated;

    date and time of drawing up the invoice (KPSh imprint).

As final data, under the list of postal containers and RPO groups, the total number of postal containers and containers included in this consignment note is indicated in numbers and in words.

The invoice is certified by the signature of the postal worker delivering the mail and the signature of the person accompanying the mail.

On the reverse side of the waybill the following is indicated:

    in column “B___” in the address part of the consignment note the name of the starting point of the route is indicated.

In the columns for recording information about the postal containers (things) included in the consignment note, the postal facility of the destination, the bar identifiers of the corresponding containers are indicated, and in the corresponding columns of the consignment note the number of postal containers (things) included in this container (consignment note) is entered. When adding invoices with RPO groups that follow openly, the number of RPOs assigned to this invoice is indicated in the corresponding columns. When adding bags (boxes) with simple correspondence, their number and weight are indicated.

The total number of items is repeated in words, the time of mail departure from the postal facility and the signature of the person who made the entry in the route invoice f.24 are indicated.

As final data, under the list of postal containers and RPO groups, the total number of RPO and containers included in this consignment note, the date and time of mail arrival are indicated in numbers and in words.

The invoice is certified by the signature of the postal worker.

The date and time of closing the invoice are entered (KPSh imprint).