How to set up hot keys for any program. Higher and subordinate levels. Bilinear and bicubic sampling

Most computer users have to do the same things quite often. routine activities daily, which simply take up our time. And very few people know that this task can be significantly speeded up using the so-called “hot keys”.

Using hot keys on a PC allows you to directly access application commands, without having to search and select one of many menu items. All the user needs is to remember a simple combination of keys, pressing which instantly causes the desired action. This invention of OS developers and software It is very convenient because it allows the user to save a lot of time by speeding up PC management processes.

Keyboard shortcut functionality

A keyboard shortcut increases the number of operations performed using the keyboard, increasing its functionality. The same key can have multiple meanings, depending on the assigned jobs. Using modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt in Windows and Super or Command in Mac OS), up to 7 commands can be assigned to one regular key, and when additional use keys Windows number teams can be increased to sixteen.

An interesting feature of modifier control keys is that they can remain pressed indefinitely without blocking the actions of other buttons.

In operating systems and various programs ah developers nominate certain commands for default keyboard shortcuts. Without going into details, we note that key combinations and their actions can be found in reference books, program descriptions or on the Internet. It is very difficult to remember them all, and there is no particular need for this. It is enough to keep in mind the frequently used commands.

The keyboard shortcuts provided to us by the developers may not be easy to use when solving specific tasks. Therefore, programmers left the opportunity to define hotkeys themselves and assign new actions to any combination.

Strictly speaking, you can assign a new convenient keyboard shortcut to a specific command provided by the program. In this case, you must adhere to the rule: avoid the same global keyboard shortcut for different programs. If this requirement is neglected, a conflict of global combinations is possible, leading to the execution of a command for only one of these programs.

Setting up hot keys in Windows and Mac OS

A PC user with sufficient experience can configure the keyboard shortcut he needs on his own. The setup algorithm is slightly different in different operating systems. As an example, consider the sequence of actions for setting up a quick program call in Windows 7:

  • Open the main menu.
  • Go to the section "Properties" the program for which you will change the keyboard shortcut (you can access it through a shortcut on the desktop).
  • Select a bookmark "Label" and place the cursor on the line "Quick call" .
  • Press one (or more) modifier keys + a letter of the Latin alphabet at the same time.
  • Save your changes.

Now the required program will be called instantly when you press the specified key combination.

An example of creating a keyboard shortcut for quick launch Control Panel in Mac OS X:

The examples discussed may be useful for assigning combinations in computer games: To call up a superpower, call up a menu, call up a group, etc. Game developers have provided the ability to change the default keyboard shortcut.

Well.., probably no one needs to explain what “Hot Keys” are. But I'll let you know just in case. Hotkeys are used so that with a couple of taps you can perform specific action. For example, copy, cut, paste, etc. At first, of course, this is a little unusual, but it is much more convenient than constantly climbing through the context menu. For example, you need to find something, there is a key combination for this, it works everywhere, press the “Ctrl + F” buttons and search for your health. And you don’t have to go anywhere or look for anything. And there are a lot of such sets of buttons and they are called - Hotkeys, Shortcuts, Keyboard shortcut etc. In general, whoever is comfortable calls them that name.

I probably won’t give lists, there are already a lot of them on the Internet, just type in a search engine “Hot Keys” and a bunch of sites will appear there. I will name only the main ones that I use myself, as an example, so to speak.


Win - Open the Start menu. Sometimes the button just has a logo.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Calls the "Task Manager". You can also use Ctrl + Alt + Delete.
Win + R - Run command, alternative path - Start / Run
Printscreen - Take a screenshot of the entire screen.
Alt + Printscreen - Take a screenshot of the currently active window

Ctrl + A - Select everything (files, folders, text, etc.).
Ctrl + C - Copy (files, folders, text, etc.).
Ctrl + X - Cut (files, folders, text, etc.).
Ctrl + V - Paste (files, folders, text, etc.).
Ctrl + Z - Undo last action
Ctrl + S - Save the current document, project, etc.

Of course, there are also a lot of other hotkeys, more highly specialized, for example for the browser. Ctrl and mouse wheel - changes the scale, or Ctrl and "+" - increases the scale, Ctrl and "-" - decreases the scale, Ctrl and "0" - resets the scale to standard. By the way, Ctrl and the mouse wheel work in Word and in many other programs. But “+” and “-” no longer work everywhere. So don't worry if anything happens

There are also so-called multimedia keyboards. There you can control the sound, switch tracks, etc. But firstly, these keyboards are quite inconvenient, because as a rule they are a little larger than standard ones, sometimes there are monsters with a bunch of buttons. Well, the question is, why the hell do I have a “Shutdown” or “Sleep” button on my keyboard. I personally only need to perform this operation once a week. In general, these keys will only get confused under your fingers

Plus one more small drawback. Sometimes paired keys are assigned there. So the question is, why the hell did you make an extra key if you still have to press it, so to speak, in the “set”. Yes, such bullshit happens, this is exactly the keyboard I have now. At first I was happy, then I came home and it turned out to be such crap. The keys can of course be reassigned, but this must be set additional programs etc.

In addition, there are a lot of very necessary hotkeys that are stupidly missing, or they work stupidly in the ass. Take sound, for example. In Windows 7 this is fine. You can increase or decrease the overall volume using hot keys F8, F9. But in Windows XP there are simply no such keys. I have them on my multimedia keyboard, but they increase and decrease not the overall volume, but the volume of the open this moment applications, if, of course, sound is provided there. So it turns out, even though there is a multimedia keyboard, but what can you do. Of course, you can do something about it, but it’s all inconvenient.

What is the way out of this situation?

And it’s very simple. You need to make your own hotkeys. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. First, there are teams that can manage Windows settings from the command line. For example, Windows 7 has commands for switching power modes, etc. So we just need make a body file, make a shortcut for it and assign hotkeys to this shortcut. All done, just three operations. And this way you can make any hotkeys yourself.

And now, in order. I probably won’t paint the teams here, because there are “well, a lot of them”, to describe everything “your foot will sweat.” Just don’t be fooled by sites where it says something like “All teams of the team Windows strings in one place," etc. In fact, there are many more of these commands; they exist for almost every case. Of course, only if these very cases are not very exotic. So, let's first look at everything simple example, then let's move on to something more complex. Let's do something stupid first shutting down windows via hotkeys. Why exactly this example, which no one needs? Simply because it works on all versions of Windows.

So, first we need make a body file. To do this, you need to open notepad and write there, or copy this - shutdown -s -t 60 Then save it with any name, it is advisable to use small ones letters, just to avoid minor complications. And add .bat at the end. This will be the file extension. For example, let’s give the name vikluchenie.bat That’s it, the batch file is ready.

I'll digress a bit to explain. A letter with a number t 60, this is the time before the system turns off, in seconds. The letter s is a command to turn off. In the same way you can do hibernation, reboot, etc. If you want to watch full list commands, then you can type the command into the “command line” - shutdown /? and press the "Enter" button. It will be displayed there full set

commands, here are some of them:
Hibernation. Can be used with the "f" parameter. f - Forced closing running applications
without warning users. The "f" parameter is used if the "t" parameter is set to a value greater than 0.

a - Cancel system shutdown. Of course, if you make it in time while the countdown is going on Sorry for getting distracted, I just thought that this information might be useful to someone. So let's continue. Now you can stupidly click on this body file a couple of times and the computer will stupidly shut down. But we want to assign hotkeys for this operation. For this, we need create a shortcut for a batch file right click mouse on the body file, then in the drop-down menu click on “copy”, and then on the desktop, right-click again and go to “Paste shortcut”. That's it, the shortcut is ready.

Now you need to go to the "Shortcut Properties" of the body file. To do this, just right-click on the shortcut and go to “Properties”.

Where "Short call" you poke any keys you like, they will be yours hotkeys. For example, I pressed the "N" key. Where "Window" is, according to the standard it says " Regular size window", but it is better to set "Collapsed to icon". This is done in order to hide the "Command Prompt". But if you want to observe the actions that take place there, you can leave the standard window.

Attention, The shortcut must be on the desktop, otherwise the hotkeys will not work. Well, to make the shortcut look more presentable, in its “Properties” you can click on the “Change Icon” button and select the one you like.

But unfortunately, although there are many teams, there are clearly not enough of them for all occasions. For example, Windows XP does not have commands to increase or decrease volume, etc. How can we solve this problem? This is where...

NirCmd program

Download NirCmd program You can visit the official website, it’s free - Just scroll to the very bottom of the page, there will be links to download this program. True, NirCmd is in English, but that doesn’t matter, we won’t have anything to look at there anyway

Why this particular program? Everything is simple here. Firstly, it weighs less than a meter, secondly, it does not need to be installed, and thirdly, everything works clearly and quickly. But there is also an inconvenience: you have to do everything yourself. In other programs it will certainly be easier in this regard. But they need to be installed, configured, etc. But if you have several systems, or need to restore or replace a system, then it will be very inconvenient.

For example, I use two operating systems at once - Windows 7 and Windows XP 64. And NirCmd program very convenient in this regard, throw it somewhere and let it lie there, you can change the system, restore it, switch from one to another and never mind the smoke. Well.., you just need to place the shortcuts on the desktop, but you don’t need any other settings, settings, etc. In general, of course, everyone here has their own markers. So let’s move straight to a specific example...

How to make hotkeys to increase and decrease volume. This theme is provided in Windows 7, but personally it doesn’t work for me. I didn’t bother to deal with this topic, maybe some service is turned off, maybe something else, and on Windows XP 64 these keys are not provided in principle, so I bothered to create hot keys for increasing and decreasing the volume. Well, I'm tired of rattling this icon and turning the wheel all the time

To get started, download the NirCmd program. Unpack to any convenient place. For example, let's unpack it onto drive "D" into the folder "NirCmd". This is so that I can draw you the exact paths, but if you place the NirCmd program in another folder, you just change the directories and that’s it.

We make a body file and write there:

Have you forgotten how to make a batch file? 1000 is how much the volume level rises, there are about 65,000 in total. In general, later choose how much is more convenient for you than higher figure, the faster the volume will increase and vice versa. Then display the shortcut of this batch file on the desktop, select hot keys in the “Shortcut”, change “Window”, select “Icon” (as I already described above). All things. To reduce the volume you need to make a separate batch file. Here are the commands:

D:\NirCmd\nircmd.exe changesysvolume 1000- increase the volume.
D:\NirCmd\nircmd.exe changesysvolume -1000- reduce the volume.
D:\NirCmd\nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2- turn on/off sound.

That's all, display three shortcuts on the desktop and you can use hot keys to increase and decrease the volume as you please. Well, you can completely turn it off by pressing just one button. By the way, yes, if you want to make just one hotkey, and not a set of hotkeys, then to do this you need to select the buttons on the right side of the keyboard. This numeric keypad, called "Numpad", it is on almost all keyboards, except for stripped-down versions. For example, to increase the volume I made a hotkey “+”, decrease “-”, turn on, turn off “*”, all the cases Increase, decrease, turn on, turn off the volume works in all modes - when viewing full screen video, in games, etc.

Of course, hotkeys can be made in this way not only for volume. The NirCmd program has very ample opportunities. The list of commands that can be used is on their website, just at the link I gave above.

That's all, good luck

Hotkeys on Windows 7 are necessary for ease of use of the operating system. They help you quickly perform various operations on your computer by pressing a certain combination. The operating system contains a built-in database of such commands; they are used by default. Some of them can be changed programmatic method or assign it yourself in the system settings.

How to find a list of hotkeys

List of keyboard shortcuts for quick control OS available in help system Windows. Find out the entire list of hot ones Win keys dows 7 can be called by keyboard shortcut Win+F1 MS Office help window. Please remember that you will need an internet connection to use the help.

Next from the list that I gave search system, you can select the item of interest, for example “ Hotkeys and shortcuts" A website page will open in the browser, which contains descriptions of frequently used keyboard shortcuts. Second method: you can find hot keys on a laptop with Windows 7 using the built-in “ Help and support" In this case, no Internet connection is required. Help is called up in " Main menu" Then necessary information selected from the list by request " Keyboard shortcut».

If through " Help and support» select section « Keyboard shortcut", we'll get all necessary information. Descriptions of all possible combinations of hot buttons are divided into topics, which makes searching easier. The keys are designed for quick search and editing texts in MS Office, performing any operation on the desktop without using a mouse, calling and closing a program and other commands specified by the user. All described keyboard shortcuts are configured by default. Default button combinations allow you to control OS objects. Secret Windows 7 hotkeys:

  • SHIFT+DELETE allows you to delete files from hard drive without placing in the “Basket”;
  • ALT+F4 or Ctrl+W closes active program or file;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc calls the task manager;
  • Win+F opens a search window;
  • Win+L locks the computer;
  • ALT+TAB allows you to move from one open file or windows to another;
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel allows you to change the size of desktop icons;
  • Win+G places gadgets on top open windows;
  • Win + Home allows you to minimize windows except the active one;
  • Ctrl+P submits documents for printing;
  • Win + X calls the “Mobility Center” on the laptop;
  • Win+M rolls up open windows;
  • Shift + Ctrl + N allows you to create an empty folder.

How to assign hotkeys

Setting up Windows 7 hotkeys is usually done for programs that are frequently used by the user. Hotkeys are assigned via " Main menu" or a shortcut to " Desktop" It’s not difficult to assign Windows 7 hotkeys; to do this, you need to go to the “ Properties" of the selected program through the shortcut to " Desktop" or " Main menu" In the " Label"The cursor is placed in the line " Quick call" When you press the key simultaneously CTRL or ALT and the desired letter of the Latin alphabet, the combination is specified CTRL+ALT+selected letter.

Tip: Remember: if the combination used was previously assigned by default by the system, after completing this setting, you can change the Windows 7 hotkeys. After pressing the assigned keyboard shortcut, the given program instead of the previously performed default action.

That's all. Thank you for reading the article. I hope it was useful to you.

"Hotkeys"- designed to speed up your work in MS Office and make it more productive. Agree, it is much easier to press Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste) on your keyboard, instead of executing this command in the traditional way by clicking the “copy” and “paste” buttons on the taskbar.

However, as you probably noticed keyboard shortcuts are not assigned to all functions that are offered to our services office suite from Microsoft. For example, I recently told you about how you can speed up your work with an MS Word document significantly. But this method has one significant drawback - after the bookmarks are created, you can use them only by going back to the corresponding panel and activating the desired tool or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F5. There seems to be a combination, but by my standards it is very inconvenient. Now, if only I could replace it with something simpler, for example, CTRL+W (this combination is already used to close the current document, but, to be honest, I’ve never used it at all and I don’t really need it)…

On the other hand, the “insert picture” tool by default does not have its own “hotkey”. This, of course, is not critical - we don’t add graphics to documents very often, but when you suddenly need to provide a document with a huge bunch of illustrations, you will “suddenly” find that switching the taskbar to the “insert” menu every time is somewhat tedious.

So let's solve these problems and learn not only how to set keyboard shortcuts in MS Word yourself, but also how to override the "factory" settings text editor!

Well, are you ready to assign hotkeys in MS Word?

Create your own keyboard shortcuts in MS Word

First of all, open "File" tab and select "Options" item. This time we need “Customize Ribbon” settings block. We select it from the list and see an intriguing phrase: "Customize the Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts". It seems we have come to the right place.

We don’t need a long list with available commands now; we look at the very bottom of the parameters window and see the line "Keyboard shortcuts". Feel free to click "Settings..." button and admire the very unfriendly-looking Keyboard Settings window.

Let's see what keyboard shortcuts are set in MS Word by default for this command

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this - although the list of available commands is named in English, the hints explaining the meaning remain in Russian, and the tools are structured in the same order in which they are located on the MS Word toolbar. That is, first, in the list on the left, I select “Categories: Insert Tab”, and then in the list on the right, the command “EditBookmark” ( edit bookmark - from English.).

Adding new keyboard shortcuts

As soon as the choice is made, the program displays the keyboard shortcut already in use (CTRL+SHIFT+F5). I select it and click the Delete button. Now I left-click in the “New keyboard shortcut” field and press CTRL + W on the keyboard, click “Assign” and “Ok” next. Done, I just redefined the hotkeys, making MS Word a little more convenient for myself.

At the same time, there are two subtleties:

  • If you don’t like a “standard” keyboard shortcut, you don’t have to delete it. The program also provides that several hotkeys can be assigned to the same instrument.
  • The new keyboard shortcut must be pressed on the keyboard, and not tried to be entered as text.
  • If the new keyboard shortcut is already used by another function, the program will warn you about it

Nothing makes working on a PC easier than keyboard shortcuts. Clicked - and there is no need to scour the menu, opening tab after tab in search required action.

With growth functionality The number of tasks available for controlling hotkeys is also growing.

In Windows 10, the same keyboard shortcuts work as in the “seven” and “eight”, plus new ones have appeared. Let's get to know them better and figure out how to customize them “for yourself.”

New in Windows 10

Virtual desktops

One of the tens' new products is virtual desktops where you can place open documents and running programs. This extra space helps the user to unload work area, “scattering” the open windows across several screens.

Virtual desktops are created and controlled using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts.

Hotkeys for switching, creating and closing desktops in Windows 10:

  • Windows (key with the same icon) + Ctrl + D - create a new table;
  • Windows + Ctrl + right or left arrow key - switch between adjacent tables;
  • Windows + Ctrl + F4 - closes the active desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Tab - view all windows on open desktops.

Placing open windows next to each other

Another improvement of the Tens is the Snap function - placing two open windows on adjacent halves of the screen, which is convenient when comparing documents and copying files from one directory to another.

In Windows 7 and 8 this was done only with the mouse, and in Windows 10 - with both the mouse and hotkeys.

These are the combinations:

  • Windows + right arrow - moves the active window to the right;
  • Windows + left arrow - moves the active window to the left;
  • Windows + up arrow - moves the active window up;
  • Windows + down arrow - moves the active window down.

Command line

Support for keyboard shortcuts has also been added to the Windows 10 command line shell. To use it, open the console properties by right-clicking on top panel frames and check the box next to “ Additional keys to highlight text."

How do hotkeys work in command line Windows 10:

  • Ctrl + A - select the text;
  • Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V - copy and paste text into the console;
  • Shift + right arrow - select text in the line to the right of the cursor;
  • Shift + left arrow - select text in the line to the left of the cursor;
  • Shift + Ctrl + left arrow - select a block of text to the left of the cursor;
  • Shift + Ctrl + right arrow - select a block of text to the right of the cursor.

Explorer, search and programs

Here are the keyboard shortcuts that control the search functions, opening utilities, game panel etc. This is something that first appeared or changed in Windows 10.

  • Windows + G - Open Game Bar Xbox apps to record screen video and take screenshots.
  • Windows + Q - opens the search module window, the same as clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon in the taskbar.
  • Windows + S - start virtual assistant Cortana, which does not work in the Russian version of Windows. Pressing this combination opens the search.
  • Windows + I - open the Settings application - new tens.
  • Windows + A - expands the notification center, which can also be opened by clicking on the tray icon.
  • Windows + Alt + G - enable background recording from the screen.
  • Windows + Alt + R - stop background screen recording.
  • Windows + plus on the number pad of the keyboard - enlarge the image using magnifier.
  • Windows + minus on the number pad of the keyboard - zoom out the image using a screen magnifier.

And just recently I saw a keyboard. Your keyboard.
She was lying on my table and grinning impudently.
And the keys on it were burning. Hotkeys.

Modifier keys

Modifier keys are special system keys, after pressing and holding which the action of the remaining keys located on the keyboard changes (modifies).

So, for example, simply pressing a key with the symbol “C” on the keyboard will lead to printing the letter “C” in the text if the cursor is placed on the text editor field and will have absolutely no effect if the cursor is not placed on the text editor field (Notepad, Word , Excel, etc.).

If, however, the modifier key “Ctlr” was previously pressed and held, then the action of the key with the symbol “C” is modified and now pressing it will mean only one thing - copy the selected element to the clipboard. The element itself can be anything - a piece of text, a file, a picture, etc.

It is written something like this:
Ctlr + C - copy previously selected
an element (file, picture, fragment of text) on the monitor screen.

Thus, in the Windows OS, the possibility of stepwise multifunctionality of keyboard keys was implemented, which occurs after first pressing a combination of one or more modifier keys - Ctlr, Shift, Alt.


Hot keys are shortcuts and combinations of several keys, after sequential pressing and holding of which some program actions and commands are executed. There are many variations on the theme of hotkey names originating from English. words, for example, keyboard shortcut, quick key, access key, hot key, etc.

Hotkeys are present in almost all software applications and they are intended, first of all, to speed up the work of the computer operator. Therefore, hot keys are simply called keyboard accelerators. As a rule, combinations of hot keys partially or completely duplicate the main menu of the program and necessarily contain one or more modifier keys - Ctlr, Shift, Alt. Pre-pressing and holding modifier keys turns, in fact, regular keys into multifunctional (hot) keys.

In short, hotkeys are called GK
(not to be confused with hot smoking)

Most famous examples hotkey combinations that support or are required to support all editor software applications in Windows, as well as the system itself:

Ctlr + A - select all,
Ctlr + Z - undo action,
Ctlr + X - cut,
Ctlr + C - copy,
Ctlr + V - paste,

There is a joke question:
- How does a key differ from a button?
IN computer technology the following is accepted:
- A key is on the keyboard, a button is on the monitor.
(The latter does not apply to screen touch devices)

Hotkeys for launching applications

In fact, hotkeys for launching applications are the topic of this article. Personally, I have heard about hot keys before. And I even know and actively press a couple of dozen well-known combinations on my keyboard. But, to independently assign hotkeys for launching files and applications in Windows is my first time. It would be more correct to say this - this was the first time it dawned on me that you don’t have to fuss with the various menus and panels there, but just press the key combination once to immediately launch the desired program or open a frequently used file, document, or visit a web page.

Someone will say that there is, of course, and a menu quick access, And special software, such as Total Commander for instant access to the required application or file. However, all this works exclusively with mouse clicks on the screen, and this is what disgusts me most. I don’t like the mouse and that’s all. I can't help it. Therefore, I firmly decided to assign hotkeys to launch applications and thus gain additional independence from the hated “mouse tail”.

To set hotkeys for launching applications, I, being of sound mind and solid memory, used Google and Yandex. What I was looking for was already found on the first page and turned out to be no more complicated than a glass of tea.

It turns out that in Windows OS, in the shortcut properties there is a “Quick Call” window. Therefore, if you create a shortcut to the required file or web page and specify a shortcut key combination in the shortcut properties, then you can launch such a program or go to the site directly from the keyboard. Pressing the hot keys again after the corresponding program has already been launched makes the window of that application active. Thus, by assigning the combination Ctlr+Alt+W to Word, I will always end up in the Word window, depending on the situation - either in new document, or into an already edited one.

Beauty, and that's all. But it was not there.

It turned out that this method only works when such a programmed shortcut is in the START menu or on the desktop, and only if the key combination was assigned after the shortcut was moved or created, and not before. Even if everything was done correctly, but in folders other than the START menu or on the desktop, then after moving such a correct shortcut to the specified directories, hot start it still won't work. You will need to go to the shortcut properties again, first delete the key combination, save the changes, and then go to the shortcut properties again and assign the key combination again. These are the pies.

Why can hotkeys be assigned only to shortcuts located in the START menu and on the desktop - here, both Google and Yandex were powerless. There was nothing to do, I had to accept it.

Yes, and another aspect has opened up this issue.
If you assign the same key combination different labels- both will stop working. Thus, you need to clearly remember or write down the already assigned combinations.

How to assign hotkeys for startup
applications, programs, web pages and anything else

In Windows OS, to assign hot keys to launch any file, application or program, you must first create a shortcut to launch, then go to the shortcut properties and set the required key combination in the “Shortcut” window. In this case, the shortcut certainly should be located either in the START menu or on the desktop.

I immediately discarded the desktop version,
as deeply trashy, and therefore unacceptable to me.

And, in order not to create bedlam in the Start menu, I created a separate folder there, added shortcuts to it, assigned hotkeys to them and wrote hints directly in the shortcut name.

What did this give me?
It gave me full control above the assigned key combinations.
- All shortcuts are in one place and each name has a hint. Therefore, you can always look at what has already been assigned and edit if necessary. This is incredibly convenient when you have a lot of computers and programs and you don’t use them regularly. In addition, in this folder you can create shortcuts to anything - frequently used files, web pages, portable software. And all of them can be assigned hotkeys, and everything will work.

In fairness, it should be noted that the START menu itself already contains a large number of shortcuts to which you can immediately assign hot keys. However, it is best to create and store such programmed shortcuts in separate folder, plus - write a hint about the assigned key in the shortcut name, for example, like this: Word (W), Excel (E). Then you will immediately see which keys are used and for what. Because if the same combination is assigned to two shortcuts at once, both will stop working.

Step by step it looks something like this:

  1. Create your own folder in the START menu
    To create your own folder in the START menu, you still need to get into it. The easiest way to get to the START menu is to open any folder in the START menu and move up one level. This will, in fact, be the folder of the “START” menu itself.

    To do this, open the “START” menu => “All programs”.
    In the “All Programs” menu, click right key mouse over the first folder with the installed program (for me it’s Alcohol52, but it doesn’t matter). In the context menu that opens, click the “Open” button (not “Run”, namely “Open”). After the requested window with shortcuts to the installed program opens, place the cursor in it and press the “Backspace” key. This will move us up one level and take us straight to the “START” menu folder. Here you need to place the cursor on a blank field and right-click to bring up the context menu. Select “Create” => “ New folder" After this, rename the newly created folder at your discretion (for example, I have “QUICK ACCESS”). We're closing everything. Open the “START” menu => “All programs”. Our “QUICK ACCESS” folder should appear here.

  2. Adding shortcuts to the quick access folder
    To do this, open the “START” menu => “All programs”, find our “QUICK ACCESS” folder and open it (right mouse button => “Open”). In the “QUICK ACCESS” folder we create shortcuts to the required programs, files, and web pages.

    The simplest and quick way creating a shortcut to a file is as simple as dragging with the left mouse button required file from folder to folder and, before releasing the mouse button, simultaneously press and hold the modifier keys Ctlr + Shift. At the same time, the icon near the cursor will turn into a small rectangle with an arrow.

    However, more reliable and in a universal way is the standard Windows method - through the context menu. To do this, you need to place the cursor in our “QUICK ACCESS” folder, right-click to open the context menu, select “Create” => “Shortcut” and in the window that opens, click “Browse” and specify the path to the file for which you want to create a shortcut. To create a shortcut to a web page, you just need to copy/paste its address from address bar browser in the “Browse” window line. In this case, you do not need to click the “Browse” button itself, but immediately after copying the address, click the “Next” button and in the next window write a name for the newly created shortcut.

  3. Assigning hotkeys for created shortcuts
    To do this, right-click on the required shortcut and select “Properties” in the context menu that opens. In the window that opens, select the “Shortcut” tab and place the cursor in the “Shortcut” window. Press any key on the keyboard. The system will automatically add modifier keys to the combination and you will get a combination like Ctlr + Alt + the symbol of the pressed key. This whole thing needs to be saved, after which the selected program or file can be launched directly from the keyboard by pressing the specified key combination.
    To delete an assigned hotkey combination, you need to place the cursor in the shortcut window and press “Backspace” or “Del”.
    If the assigned key does not work, then it is already in use and you need to try another one.

If you take text file(file with extension .txt) with any name and at the very beginning of the text make a .LOG entry (required in capital letters), then such a file, when opened, will always put the date and time of its opening at the end of its text. This way you can keep a simple calendar of events or just have fun.

Bill Gates is a talented programmer who gave the world the most popular operating system Windows system. Originally a family Windows OS was developed precisely for the purpose that all actions in the system could be performed using dialog boxes, buttons and mouse without using great amount difficult to remember key combinations and text commands. But as practice shows, today most users use a small number of “hot keys”, which significantly speeds up work on the PC.

Assigning combinations to open programs

To start working with any program, we use shortcuts - icons with an image on the desktop or in the menu Start. Any of these shortcuts in Windows 7 You can assign a hotkey combination. In order to start assigning a combination, you need to right-click (RMB) on the shortcut and select “ Properties" or "Properties".

Now, in the window that opens, you need to switch to the “Shortcut” tab. Here, on the fifth line, there is a field for entering “Shortcut key”. To assign the required combination, simply click first on the desired item, and then a convenient combination on the keyboard and the system will automatically recognize the press. Save changes, click “Ok” or “Apply”.

Almost every one of us is confident that he has excellent computer skills, be it Windows or "Mac". And 99% of us are wrong, warns the Huffington Post.

If only because most of us don’t even know basic, basic keyboard shortcuts. Well, really, what do you know besides ctrl+c and ctrl+v?

Meanwhile, research shows (and any programmer will confirm) that shortcuts can speed up your computer speed several times!

Here are the basic keyboard shortcuts. We assure you: they will really save you thousands of hours of life!

1. How to lock your computer if you need to leave?

Nobody likes their boss to read their chat conversations or notice the “embarrassing” tab on your monitor. After all, you don’t want anyone looking at your monitor while you’re off making coffee, do you?

This quick combination keys will instantly lock your computer so you can fully enjoy your break:

Windows version:“Start” button (second from the left from the bottom) + L.

Mac version: Cmd + Alt + Eject.

2. How to instantly open an accidentally closed tab?

Unfortunately, this happens often: I closed browser windows and accidentally deleted unnecessary things. Instead of looking for it in history, use these “corrections” for your inattention:

For Windows: Ctrl + Shift + T

For Mac: Command + Z (Safari) and Ctrl + Shift + T (for Google Chrome).

3. What to do if the computer freezes?

It happens that you are sitting in Photoshop, and it just crashes the entire computer. And he doesn’t react to anything. Typically, users will immediately press Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot. But this is far from the best solution.

It is much better to use shortcuts: which will only stop this one nasty program:

For Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Mac version: Cmd + Option + Shift + Esc.

Hold these buttons for 3 seconds in a row, and the frozen program will close, and you can continue working without losing all the changes in all your documents.

For those who do not understand what his buttons for Macs are called, we show:

4. How to quickly juggle windows?

Are you still using your mouse to move from one window to another? Um... Actually, everything is much simpler.

For Windows: Alt+Tab

For Mac: Cmd + Tab

As practice shows, this combination will save you millions of minutes:

For Windows: Alt+D

Mac version: Cmd+L

6. What to do if the boss sneaks up behind you?

It happens that you are simply too lazy to work. And you look at articles on the Internet. And you have a dozen other windows. How to quickly pretend that you are working?

These shortcuts quickly hide browser windows and return you to the Word or Excel screen:

Windows version: Windows + D

Mac version: Fn+F11

7. How to take a screenshot of not the entire screen, but only the desired part of it?