The cache is cleared. Clearing the cache using computer programs. Using additional software

The browser today is the most popular app, running most of the time on all computers. In order to load and display pages of Internet sites faster, everything popular internet browsers use caching.

Browser cache- This temporary files from the Internet, stored on your computer certain time. Browsers use it to avoid loading images, scripts, style files, etc. each time the page of one site is updated, thereby significantly speeding up the loading speed of Internet sites you frequently visit.

But in addition to the fact that cache files speed up the loading of sites, they can also often take up a significant amount of space on your hard drive (this is especially noticeable if you have a small SSD), and sometimes even interfere with the work with some sites whose content is updated frequently, so how, instead of downloading new data from the server, the browser loads outdated data from its cache.

To solve the problems described above you need clear browser cache. It's pretty simple task, however, finding the right item in your browser settings can sometimes be quite difficult, especially for a novice computer user.

It's about how to clear cache in popular browsers ( Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Safari, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer) We will tell you in detail and with pictures in this article.

Due to the fact that we have tried to describe the process in as much detail as possible clear cache memory For all popular browsers, this article turned out to be quite lengthy. To quickly jump to the instructions for your browser, use the table of contents.

Browser from the well-known global giant of the IT industry - Google under Google name Chrome today is the most popular browser in the Russian segment of the Internet (which is confirmed by data from visitors to our site), and we will start with it.

Although not often, many of us need to clear our browser cache to get new data from a website and clear old data on our computer. We will tell you in detail and point by point how to do this in Google Chrome in the instructions below. It's not difficult at all, you just need to go a little deeper into your browser settings.

Clearing cache in Chrome

This is all. As a result of your actions, all data stored in the cache will be cleared.

As you can see, clearing the cache in Chrome is quite simple. You will not lose any data or browser history if you do not check the last box next to other items, you don’t have to worry about it.

Yandex Browser - product Russian company Yandex based on Chromium browser, like Google Chrome, so the process of clearing the cache in them is almost identical, with the exception of some cosmetic changes made by the Yandex Browser developers in the settings menu.

Yandex will tell you in detail and point by point how to clear the cache in your browser in a simple and clear instructions below.

Clearing the cache in Yandex

That's all. After a few seconds, your browser cache will be cleared. If you don’t check any other boxes, then you don’t have to worry about losing any data; only the cache will be cleared, and cookies, passwords, and other data will be saved.

In the very popular browser On Mac OS - Apple's Safari browser, by default there is no option in the settings to clear cached files, but this function is quite easily enabled in the browser's advanced settings.

In order to clear the cache in Safari, regardless of that Mac OS or Windows, just turn on developer mode once, and in the future this task will be solved in exactly two clicks. Read more in the instructions below.

Clearing cache in Safari

  1. Open your browser settings by clicking on its name in the upper left corner of the screen and selecting the item with the name in the drop-down menu "Settings...".

  2. In the window that opens, find the tab "Extras", to do this, click on the symbol ">>" in its upper right part, open it.

  3. At the very bottom of the window that opens, check the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar" and close settings.

  4. Now in top menu Safari browser an additional tab has appeared "Development". You can clear the cache there. To do this, find and click the item in the drop-down menu of this tab "Clear caches".

This is all. No additional dialog boxes Safari will not show it; a couple of seconds after clicking the clear cache option, everything will be ready. Having turned on the developer mode once, you don’t have to turn it off, it doesn’t interfere at all, and operations such as clearing the cache, styles, images, etc. you will perform faster.

The Firefox browser (or Firefox in common parlance) from Mozilla is also quite popular among our users, we will not ignore it either. The process of clearing cached files in Mozilla is slightly different from similar action in other browsers, it's even a little simpler. So if you don’t know how to clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox, then detailed instructions below is written just for you.

Clearing cache in Mozilla Firefox

After a few seconds, your browser cache will be cleared. If you have not checked other boxes in the last paragraph, no data other than cached files will be affected.

The Opera browser takes an honorable fifth place in the browser popularity ranking, and the percentage of its users in Russia is twice the world average (it became so popular in our country largely thanks to mobile version- Opera mini with a turbo mode that allows you to save traffic), so we couldn’t ignore it either.

If you are a happy user of this browser, but do not know how to clear its cache, our detailed instructions with pictures and a description of the entire process will definitely help you in this matter.

Clearing cache in Opera

As a result of your actions, the Opera cache will be completely cleared, and other files (cookies, download history, etc.) will not be affected, unless you checked the appropriate boxes in the last paragraph.

New browser from Microsoft, which replaced its immortal brother Internet Explorer - the Edge browser. It is quite closely integrated into the operating system, and the task of clearing the cache in it is somewhat reminiscent of making settings in Windows, but in fact it is solved very simply.

Clearing the cache in Microsoft Edge is no more difficult than in any other browser, and the clearing process itself is more visual; in addition, Edge even reports the successful completion of deleting the cache with a separate message.

Clear cache in Microsoft Edge

  1. Open the Edge browser menu by clicking on the three dots icon on the right top corner screen.
  2. In the settings column that opens on the right, find the item called “Clear browsing data” and click the button with the text under it "Choose what you want to clean".
  3. Check the box "Cached data and files" and press the button "Clear" under him.

  4. After a few seconds, you will see a message indicating that clearing cached data in Edge browser completed successfully.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear. During the cleaning process, you can see a progress indicator, and upon completion, a pop-up notification for a few seconds will inform you that the work of deleting the cache has been completed.

From all sides, morally and physically outdated, but still used and loved by many, the browser from Microsoft is Internet Explorer. Fortunately, the small portion of visitors to our site (based on visitor statistics) who still use it work at one of the latest versions- Internet Explorer 8, 10, or 11.

However, in order to clear the cache in IE of any version, the algorithm of your actions will be the same, and the instructions below will help in any case, even if you have more than early version browser (to example Internet Explorer 6).

Clearing the cache in Explorer

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select the item from the drop-down menu "Browser Options".

  2. In the tab "Are common"(it will open by default) find the line "Browser Log" and click the button below it "Delete...".

  3. In the window that opens, check the box next to the item "Temporary Internet and Website Files" and click the button below "Delete".

  4. As a result, at the bottom of the page you will see a message stating that the browser cache has been successfully cleared.

As you can see from the information above, the task of clearing the cache in any modern browser it can be solved quite quickly and simply, you just need to figure out how to do it once and you shouldn’t have any difficulties in the future.

What does it mean to clear the cache: why clear it + 3 ways to clear your computer + clearing the cache of 4 types of browsers + 2 ways to clear memory on Android + 3 ways to clean iPhone.

Computers, tablets, phones need proper operation and technical support, if you want their work to be correct, fast and uninterrupted.

One of the most important manipulations for keeping your PC in shape is the decision to clear the cache.

Let's consider, what does clear cache mean?, and how to do it on different browsers and operating systems.

What is cache?

Cache– this is a super-random access memory (buffer) for temporary data with high speed access and limited volume.

It is needed to speed up access to data that is used frequently. Caching is used central processor PC, hard drives, browsers.

Browser cache– storage of temporary data loaded from network resources. The Internet browser saves temporary documents on the PC hard drive.

When pages from the Internet are viewed in a browser, it automatically saves some parts of the page to the computer’s memory so that when viewing the page again, it takes data not from the site server, but from the system memory, which increases the speed of opening the page several times.

The caching process is easy to verify.
Open any site new to your browser, then close it.
When you open it again, the site will load much faster than the first time.

The Internet browser does not cache all files and data. This depends on the settings of each site that the webmaster sets.

What does clear cache mean?

The cleaning process involves deleting temporary files saved when working with data and sites. What does "clear cache" mean? Erase all graphics and text files.

In the next browser session, it will again take information from the site server and again save the received data into the system memory.

Why clear the cache?

Since temporary documents are saved on the computer's hard drive, over time they take up extra space, which affects the speed of work operating system.

This affects both the operation of the computer itself and the operation of the browser.

If several browsers are used, each of them stores data in the system memory, then the information is duplicated.
Accordingly, it takes up more space.

There is another reason why you need to clear memory: by pulling data from hard drive, and not from the server, the Internet browser may not show updates that have occurred on the site.

How to clear the cache on your computer?

Cleaning unnecessary computer files cannot be called a simple procedure, unlike similar cleaning of the browser.

But if your PC begins to freeze, it is highly likely that such cleaning will help restore its performance.

Let's consider the process of deleting temporary documents for the most popular operating system - Windows.

When cleaning, you can use the built-in tools or special programs. Standard cleaning Windows tools considered more effective, but requires more time and skill.

Standard Windows cleaning consists of 3 points:

  • clear cached DNS memory (a system for obtaining information about domains);
  • deleting cached files from thumbnails (folder with thumbnails of viewed images);
  • clear cache memory.

a) Clear DNS cache

Cleaning DNS cache and is done using the command line. Go to “Start”, select “All Programs”, after “Accessories”, from the drop-down menu open “Command Prompt”.

In the program that appears, enter the command “ipconfig /flushdns” without parentheses.

As a result, the computer itself clears the DNS of unnecessary data.

b) Clearing thumbnails cache

Clearing the thumbnails cache is done using a standard program.

To run it, follow this path:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Find “ All programs” in it.
  3. Then " Standard programs ».
  4. Then "Service".
  5. And finally, “Disk Cleanup”.

You will see the “Select disk” window. Choose HDD, on which the Windows OS is located (usually on drive C).

Your thumbnails cache is now empty.

c) Clear cache

Another way to remove unnecessary temporary documents from your computer

shown in the video:

And don’t forget to empty the Recycle Bin; the data in it can also take up a lot of space.

d) Special programs for clearing the cache

To clear unnecessary data from your computer's RAM, it is convenient to use special programs.

There are many such services developed, but the most popular is Ccleaner.

This program is free. Finding it on the Internet and downloading it to your computer is not difficult.

The official website of the developers, from which you can also download free version programs:

You can also use the online version without installing it on your PC.

To clean your PC using CCleaner, open the program in the “Cleaning” tab.

On the Windows tab, you can select the data you want to delete. Usually automatic setting defines such documents quite accurately.

The program will delete unnecessary files from a computer, including those stored by Internet browsers, and from other software.

Click on the “Analysis” button and wait for it to finish. After that, click “Cleanup”.

How to clear browser cache?

If there is no need to delete all temporary documents from your computer, then you can simply clear the memory of Internet browsers. Cleaning methods differ slightly for different Internet browsers.

1) How to clear memory in Internet Explorer?

On the taskbar or in the main menu, find “Tools” and then “Internet Options”.

In the window that appears, you need the “General” tab, where there is a “Browsing history” area. There is a button “Delete...”. By clicking on this button, you will see a window appear with a list of documents for disposal.

Required files are already selected automatically, but you can manually mark which data should be deleted. After clicking the “Delete” button, temporary documents will be erased.

2) Clear memory in Firefox

From the main screen, open Settings. In the window that appears, find “Additional” and go to “Network”.

This tab contains a “Cached Web Content” area with a “Clear Now” button. Click on it, and Firefox will run the analysis and erase what is unnecessary.

3) Cleaning memory in Google Chrome

In Google Chrome, find “Tools”, then “Show additional settings».

In some versions of the Internet browser, the path is as follows: “ Additional tools" - "Deleting data about viewed pages."

By selecting this item, you will see the “Clear history” window.

Set the recycling period to “All time” and select “Cookies and other site data” and “Images stored in the cache.” At the end, you need to click on “Clear History”.

4) Clearing memory in Opera

Go to the "Settings" section. In the window that appears, open the “Security” tab. There is a “Privacy” area with a “Clear browsing history” button, click on it.

In the window that appears, select the period “From the very beginning” and mark what data needs to be disposed of. Click on “Clear browsing history”. Ready.

How to clear the cache on your phone?

Modern phones, more precisely, smartphones and tablets need the same maintenance as personal computers.

They also need to dispose of unnecessary documents. And this should be done more often than on a PC, since the amount of RAM is smaller and the system quickly begins to slow down.

1) Clear memory on Android

In the operating room Android system There are 3 types of cached memory:

  • dalvik-Cache – optimized application files are stored here;
  • system cache– files are written to it system programs;
  • application cache – files of applications such as Internet browsers, games, etc. are saved here.

To clean them, you can use several methods: manually using the standard built-in utility or using an additional software.

Ways to clear memory on Android:

For example, consider Clean program Master:

How to remove temporary RAM using CCleaner programs

watch in the video:

2) Clear cache on iPhone

Don’t forget to periodically clear your computer and phone of temporary files, because now you know what does clear cache mean?– free up space and make the system easier to operate, thereby increasing its performance and speed.

Hello, readers of my project website. Glad to see you on the blog pages and share useful information with you up-to-date information. In this article we will figure out how to clear the cache on your computer and why it is needed.

System storage each computer with operating system Windows system it is commonly called a cache. There is information that the user may need at any time when carrying out various operations. Thanks to fast access to cache memory, data is loaded in a matter of seconds, which cannot be said when working with external module.

So, what exactly is stored in the cache:

  • Results of system calculations;
  • Informative files about the current operation of components.

Clearing cache

Why from time to time experienced users recommend cleaning computer memory? As you understand, thanks to the cache, fast access to files, including Internet pages, since when they are downloaded, all information is saved to the computer for subsequent high-speed re-access.

Thus, than more programs and actions are performed while working on a PC and the more sites you visit, the more files saved automatically to your computer.

Due to such a load, the equipment may begin to freeze, and when using powerful programs, you can “fly out” of them without even having time to save the document being processed. This state of affairs encourages the search for solutions, and the often mentioned points do not indicate breakdowns at all, but the need to clear the memory, so don’t panic! 🙂

In the example below you can see that the cleaning was carried out recently, but if it is not done, then the folders may contain 20-50 GB unnecessary information and even more.

Of course, you need to take into account both processor power and computer memory. The higher these indicators, the more data the device can store and still function normally. But even if you haven’t noticed any technical problems, but haven’t cleared the cache yet, be sure to do it and repeat it a couple of times a month, depending on how often you work on your PC and how busy it is. third party programs.

Cleaning methods

If you were expecting to see a large list, then no. :) Everything is quite simple. You can clear the cache yourself or using programs that specialize in this. Both methods are effective, but the latter is more automated.

What does it mean standard procedure? You have to clear: DNS cache , thumbnails, and cache memory devices. Let's figure out how to do this correctly.

DNS cache

Stores records of PC requests to third-party servers and works faster the next time you access them. The cleaning procedure is quite simple. Follow the path to open a DOS window and then enter the commands: " Start » — « All programs » — « Standard » — « Command line ».

Enter a phrase and click " Enter": ipconfig /flushdns.

The cleaning will be completed.


Some users may guess based on the name that this file stores pictures in miniature. It allows you to load images faster after accessing them again. To work with it, follow the path: “ Start » – « All programs » – « Standard » – « Utilities » – « Disk Cleanup ».

Select the drive on which the OS is located, often this is " WITH" and click the " OK ».

To disable it, you can go to " My computer » — « Service » - « Folder properties " Select the " View" and among the suggested options, find " Don't cache thumbnails ", check the box and save the changes. Or if you have Windows 7 or higher installed, open the Control Panel (via Start), set the view to " Large icons ».

And click " Folders settings ».

In the " View» check the box.

Cache memory

Go to the folder " system32", it is located on the disk of the installed operating system. Run " rundll32.exe" That's all.

To achieve a similar result using third party utilities, you can install one of the following programs:

The principle of operation of each of them is similar, but I prefer the first of them, it is free and has several versions, you will definitely choose one of them for yourself. By choosing a utility with a Russian interface, you will simplify the familiarization process. You will have to tick off tasks and perform cleaning from time to time or set it up for regular automatic use.

You have managed to improve the performance of your computer and now it will probably perform tasks faster, congratulations!

See you later!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

A cache is intermediate information that is stored on a computer. With the help of a cache, any information launches much faster, be it a website or a program.

Over time, the cache builds up, which can cause freezes and errors. Therefore, experts recommend sometimes clearing the computer from the cache, both in the browser and other components. These actions are mandatory.

In this article you will learn how to clear the cache on windows computer 7 completely, using utilities or manually.

Clearing cache memory in DNS Windows 7

To clear the cache Windows DNS 7, which is responsible for setting the correspondence between the IP address and the site name, you need to use the command line.

  1. To do this, open the command line through the program list in Start or by entering the “cmd” command in the “Run” function.
  2. In the command line that opens, enter the following: ipconfig /flushdns. And activate it by pressing Enter.
  3. The process of clearing the DNS cache will take a few seconds, and upon completion the system will issue a success notification.

Clearing the browser cache

The browser cache performs very important function, reducing the time it takes to re-enable sites. You need to clear your browser cache about once every two months, depending, of course, on how often you access the Internet. Luckily, compared to other caches, this can be cleared using a built-in feature in any browser.

  1. To do this, open the browser you are using and go to History. This happens differently in each browser, for example in Google Chrome you need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select the appropriate line.
  2. Next, find the “clear history” button and check the boxes next to the “and cache” line.
  3. Clearing history occurs in a matter of seconds, and you can also completely clear your browser history, but because of this you will have to re-enter passwords on all accounts and save links to sites.

Clearing the RAM cache in Windows 7

To delete the RAM cache you need to use special utility, which is built into the system. To do this, go to the folder System32, by the address C:\Windows and find the file there rundll32.exe(you will see without “exe”). Next, open it as an administrator and wait for the utility to finish clearing the cache. Ready!

How to clean RAM on the computer, .

Clearing your computer's hard drive cache

The cache that accumulates on the hard drive does speed things up, but sometimes it needs to be cleared to prevent possible errors. You can open the cache clearing utility through the function "Run" by entering the command "cleanmgr.exe". Next, the utility will begin checking the disk for temporary files and, upon completion, will display a window in which you can select what needs to be deleted and what not.

Clearing the cache using computer programs

Now you know how to clear the cache on a Windows 7 computer. You can also make your work a little easier and use a special program called CCleaner. Using it, you can clear the cache of both DNS and other components, including error correction. Good luck!

Very often problems in PC operation are associated with this.

The cache is present on any computer with Windows. In short, it is a storage of temporary and service files and components, which fills up as the PC is used.

When you have a lot of software installed on your computer that you actively use every day, more and more files accumulate in the cache.

They are not automatically deleted, and over time the storage turns into a real dump of useless temporary data.

Types of cache

There are 2 types of cache: DNS and temporary files themselves.

In addition, when using the Internet, temporary files from the network accumulate on your computer - browser cache.

The first type is the data used by the system to convert the numeric IP parameter into a text domain name.

Thus, access to the Internet resource is faster, since the data is taken from the local location where it was saved when you first visited the site.

The second type includes update files, installation and temporary data that are stored on system disk.

Not only do they slow down your PC, but they also take up valuable space.

Removing excess junk

There are several ways to clear the cache on your computer. And if the DNS is cleared in moments, then it will take more time to delete the system one.

In addition, it will be difficult for novice users to understand this.

The DNS cache is deleted as follows:

  • press combination Win keys+R;
  • enter cmd in the field, it will appear command line;
  • In the window that appears, enter ipconfig /flushdns.

How to clear PC cache in a few minutes?

An advantageous alternative to manual cleaning are special programs for system care. One of the most effective is “Computer Accelerator”.

You can download it completely free of charge at

“Accelerator” differs from similar software, first of all, in its simplicity.

The program interface consists of several tabs, each of which is responsible for its part of the work of cleaning the system.

Using the program you can:

  • completely clear the system cache, browsers and other “junk” files;
  • check system registry for unnecessary entries and erase them, while there is a save function backup copy;
  • adjust startup and remove programs that you do not need immediately after downloading;
  • view system information, find duplicates and large files.

In addition, there is a scheduler with which you can automate all processes by setting the frequency and time of their implementation.

Accelerator in background will carry out manipulations without distracting the user.