What is 3d touch on iPhone 6. Quick settings in the control center. Enabling and configuring the option

With the advent of the iPhone 6S, people became familiar with technology such as 3D Touch. But unfortunately, not many people understand why this technology is needed at all and what it even is.

Today I propose to fully understand the operation of this smartphone function, I will tell you how to use it and so on. In general, we will consider this.

What is 3D Touch on iPhone?

3D Touch- this is technology on the device under called iPhone, which allows you to distinguish your pressing force and at the same time notify you about it using the Taptic Engine.

Taptik Engine is a kind of vibration motor that shows you that you have performed this or that action on your smartphone.

All this together is most often used with programs and games, but more on that in the next part of the material.

How does 3D Touch work and how to use it?

We figured out what the 3D Touch technology consists of, and now let's understand in more detail about its use and why Apple started all this in general.

Well, for starters, this feature allows the user to use their device faster and more comfortably. After all, by pressing the application with a certain force, you can get context menu.

This menu is quite similar to the one you use every day on your computer. For example, if you hold your finger on the Mail application shortcut, you will get a menu from which you can immediately go to writing a new letter or simply go to your inbox.

It might seem like a small thing and why is all this necessary, but if you take it into account as a whole, you save quite a lot of time. And another useful little thing is the preview.

For example, let's go to Safari, where we have many tabs. By pressing the tab we get a preview of the page and by pressing it a little harder we open it.

If we list the most popular uses, we can make the following list:

  • Context menu. Works with application shortcuts and by holding down we get an additional menu.
  • Preview. Works with messages, browser tabs and similar.
  • Trackpad. If you use the 3D Touch on the keyboard, you get a trackpad with which you can easily move the cursor through the text.
  • Live wallpaper. We select the desired wallpaper from the standard ones and on the lock screen we get live wallpaper, which is activated by the same gesture.
  • Challenge multitasking. Now you don't have to press twice Home button. We simply take a step back and use the function at the same time.
  • Games and drawing. Also, all this goes well with applications that allow you to draw. There are games, but they are quite few.

Essentially, we have three levels of pressure: just tap, medium and strong. The first one just opens, the second one is a preview and the last one is a context menu.

How to enable/disable 3D Touch on iPhone?

If you don't like 3D Touch and just want to turn it off, then this is not a problem. If desired, you can later return everything back, that is, turn it on.

The process, as always, is very simple and to implement it we follow these simple steps:

  1. let's go to Settings and choose Basic;
  2. are looking for Universal access - click 3D Touch
  3. Opposite the 3D Touch line, activate the slider.

Of course, if this thing catches fire green, then this means that this function is active. This is what the shutdown and activation process looks like, let's move on.

How to set up 3D Touch on iPhone?

Here we will continue the last point a little, because to go to the 3D Touch settings you need to take identical steps. Let's do them and see what happens next.

If you don't want to press the screen too hard to display the context menu or preview, you can simply reduce the pressure.

We choose the one that suits us from the three:

  • easy;
  • average;
  • strong.

I think it's best to just try all three in turn. This way you will understand exactly which one suits you best and what will be best for you in practice.


This is how the article turned out about 3D Touch on the iPhone and, in principle, this is all the information that I wanted to share with you.

I talked about how the technology works, how to use it, how to turn it on and configure it. If there is something that I missed, you can write in the comments and I will add it to the material.

Most recently, the new iPhone 6S model introduced 3D Touch. What is it and how to use it?


3D Touch is a technology found in the iPhone 6S displays. It allows you to work with the screen not only on a plane, but also in space. That is, the system recognizes clicks with different levels onslaught

How does the function work?

A display that supports 3D Touch for the iPhone 6S is created like this:

  • It is closed at the top protective glass, with resistance to damage and flexibility to recognize all clicks
  • Below the display there is a vibration motor responsible for vibration feedback.
  • In general, 3D Touch has 96 sensors arranged in a lattice. It is located between the glass for protection and the panel to illuminate the display. Sensors measure the distance from the top point of glass deflection during pressing to the sensor itself. This segment is equal to a certain contact force
  • There are two main pressure forces - Peek (light pressure) and Pop (strong pressure)

For example, if you tap on a message with a light touch of Peek, you will launch a preview, and until you remove your finger, it will remain illuminated. If you remove your finger, the message will close and remain unread because you did not open it. If you press harder, the letter will open.

Enabling and configuring the option

  • Go to main settings - Accessibility - 3D Touch
  • As you already understand, there are several degrees of pressure on the screen that you can adjust yourself, that is, how hard to press for the function to work

What apps work with 3D Touch?

The option can work with many standard applications and some third-party ones, although the number of the latter is growing noticeably every day. This technology It’s still new and promising, so its popularity is growing gradually, and accordingly, over time it will be needed for games and programs. Today, all developers are actively integrating 3D Touch into applications, and some even create programs just for the sake of it.

Particularly interesting this function for iOS gamers. Those who like to play from their iPhone will appreciate this feature.

Where can I immediately try out the new feature?

  • Open Safari and press Peek on any bookmark and the site will launch in preview mode. If you remove your finger, it will end. If you press harder, the tab will close
  • To start multitasking mode, click on left side display and pull to right side. Now you don’t have to press “Home” twice
  • Open the photos section and press Peek on the photo to activate the preview. If you press to Pop, the photo will open. And if you remove your finger, all the Photos will be displayed back
  • All icons available on desktops can be used with 3D Touch


If you don’t have a new iPhone, but you want to try 3D Touch, then you can install a jailbreak and use a tweak that imitates this technology. It's called Force Touch Activator.

After installing it you will get a similar function. To activate the work, you need to turn on Force Touch in the parameters in the Activator section.

This tweak has a fairly simple principle of operation - the area where you press on the display is recognized. If you just quickly click your finger, you will get a tap, and if you press harder, then 3D Touch will work.

This is much better than a long press, since in the iPhone this will activate deleting and moving icons. This won't happen with this feature.

By the way, Tweek does not have a tactile response, which in the iPhone 6S is generated by the built-in Taptic Engine.

Video: iPhone 6S 3D touch technology. iPhone 6S 3D Touch

And iPhone 6s Plus. One of the main differences between these devices and smartphones Apple previous generation became the 3D Touch function - an interface that allows developers to distinguish not only the place and time of pressing the display, but also its strength.

In the first weeks after the release of 6s, dozens of developers managed to add 3D Touch support to their applications. TJ decided to find out how useful this function was and what its prospects were.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of 3D Touch for Apple itself. It’s not for nothing that the company has already devoted two years to this function. advertising video, the latest of which was released on October 15.

It is 3D Touch that should make the owners of the “sixes” feel uncomfortable and no, no, yes, return to the thought of buying a new device. Even the first tweaks for jailbroken smartphones, which allow you to replace hard presses with swipes, can only partially help - no software solutions won't turn ordinary touchscreen into the screen installed in the iPhone 6s.

At creating iOS 9, Apple was faced with the task of becoming an example, showing developers how they could use the capabilities of the new display. And in some ways the company succeeded. For example, previewing correspondence in iMessage or activating “live photos” are still unique opportunities, not used in any third-party application, and developers have already actively begun to adopt other functions.

However, in some places, using 3D Touch in iOS 9 seems counterintuitive. For example, Apple did not provide the “Settings” icon with any quick actions, although it would be tempting to see the ability to immediately go to the Wi-Fi network manager screen or to the “Sounds” section.

What's even stranger is that in the Spotlight menu, where the system collects frequently used applications and contacts, pressing hard only works with contacts (a small card appears with a name, photo and a list of options). Program icons, even if they have quick actions, remain inactive for 3D Touch on this screen.

Quick Actions

By mid-October, dozens of developers announced support for 3D Touch, but most of them only implemented basic capability- a menu of quick actions that appear when you press hard on the icons.

The debate continues about whether this option really makes life easier. For example, launching the front camera via 3D Touch takes two clicks - exactly the same number of clicks is required to simply activate the camera application and switch the mode inside.

However, in the process of using quick actions, it becomes clear that the function sometimes reduces not the number of clicks, but the path that the user’s finger travels across the display. For example, to enable front camera V standard application iOS without 3D Touch, after launching the program you need to reach for the top of the display.

With 3D Touch, we're talking about pressing two closely spaced points on the screen - in the process you don't even have to grab the phone for convenience.

Quick actions are revealed to their fullest when developers use them not only to go to some section, but create more specific “recipes”. For example, in Tweetbot you can create a tweet with the last photo you took in two clicks. In such cases, the function turns out to be indispensable, but such scenarios cannot be imagined for all applications.

The Launch Center Pro program boasts the best implementation of quick actions. It allows you to “hang” the launch of others on your icon third party applications or even certain functions of them.

Peek and Pop

Peek and Pop function found in third party programs much less often than quick actions. It allows you to view any content without opening it, and, if desired, immediately jump to its page by pressing the display a little harder. On this moment it is not supported by Twitter, Facebook, everything Google apps and even themselves App Store and iTunes.

Developers from Instagram can boast of a reference implementation of this function. In this application, you can quickly see what kind of user left a like or comment by pressing hard on his nickname, and also “pull out” a photo from the list of thumbnails without going to his “page”.

Another good example- Tweetbot. Latest version This Twitter client allows you to quickly click on a tweet to see which post it is being linked to or what replies it has received. In addition, the application allows you to view links, photos, videos, GIFs and profiles without leaving your feed.

However, for now Instagram, Tweetbot and Dropbox (which makes it convenient to quickly evaluate the contents of files) remain rather exceptions to the rule. In most applications, the Peek and Pop mechanism is implemented “for show”. For example, in WhatsApp, you can use it to view photos and videos sent in messages, but this is no more convenient or faster than opening it with a regular press.


After the announcement of the iPhone 6s, there were many opinions online that a display with pressure recognition could start a real revolution in the world mobile games. However, as of mid-October, projects that use 3D Touch in an interesting way are very easy to count - there are zero of them.

Developers popular games like Badland, for example, are simply limited to adding quick actions (“return to the game”, “return to the level editor”), and are in no hurry to change the game mechanics themselves.

More interestingly, the 3D Touch function is used by the games AG Drive (pressing force adjusts the speed) and Blobs Game (using force reduces the size of the point that the player controls, making it easier to pass obstacles). However, there is no talk of any revolution yet: developers simply do not know how to use 3D Touch to benefit the gameplay.


At the moment, it’s quite possible to live without 3D Touch, but almost every week an application appears or is updated in the App Store, the authors of which find truly useful applications for this function.

In the case of Tweetbot and Instagram, it almost completely changes the paradigm of use. It is possible that in 3-4 months there will already be more than a dozen such programs, and then the balance will be choosing an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s will begin to lean towards the second device.

My fingers are tired of pressing,
Vadim Elistratov,

3D Touch is simply an amazing technology in terms of ergonomics, engineering and user experience. The 3D Touch system is integrated by Apple into the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. Touch technology 3D Touch reads microscopic changes in the parameters of pressing the screen.

3D Touch is actually very convenient because the user no longer has to navigate around various menus in order to do something specific. For example, you don't need to open the camera app and then switch to Selfie mode to take a selfie. Instead, you can simply change the touch or gesture type to open Selfie mode directly from the camera icon on iPhone screen 6S and 6S Plus.

The same also applies to other applications. For example, if you want to send a reply to someone who sent you an email e-mail, you just can use Peek function and Pop. You can quickly access the reply to email message window. The same 3D touch technology can be used to edit images, open recently watched videos, or music files etc.

It's obvious that new iPhone 7 will receive expanded support for 3D Touch, you can find out more about it on this page http://iphone7.skay.ua on the website http://skay.ua.

However, if you are having any problems with 3D Touch on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, you should read this entire article before you start complaining about the app in Apple Store. Here are two of the most common 3D Touch problems that most users may encounter.

Not all applications support 3D Touch

This is true. Not all apps will work with 3D Touch enabled on your iPhone. Although 3D Touch can be used for a variety of actions using built-in iOS applications, some applications third party developers may not support 3D Touch.

Popular third party applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc. will be able to work successfully with 3D-Touch. However, if you are trying to get 3D touch support in other apps, make sure they are compatible. You can contact the developer, or get information on specialized forums.

To display advanced options with 3D-Touch, the application must be open

There are two types of options that 3D-Touch displays. Static parameters And dynamic parameters. For example, if you have installed Twitter app and you want to use 3D touch without opening the app, you will only be able to use the Create Tweet option.

However, if you've opened an app before and then try to do something with 3D Touch, you'll get an expanded list of options.

If you have Maps and don't have it open, you'll only get two options: Navigation and My location. However, after opening this application, you will get more other options: How to get Home, Mark my position, Send my location, Search nearby etc.

The same applies to other built-in applications, such as SMS, Camera and all the others. 3D Touch needs additional information about your system to ensure functionality. To transfer this additional information from the application to your 3D Touch system, you must open the application at least once.

If you are already the proud owner of a new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s, or are just about to purchase one, the first thing you need to do is understand the 3D Touch function. Almost everyone has difficulties using it. The fact is that 3D Touch itself is a completely new phenomenon, and therefore not everyone can use the full potential it offers. But don't worry! We took it upon ourselves to compile complete instructions on 3D Touch so that you can find answers to all the questions that you may have when using it.

What is technology 3DTouchand how does it work?

If you are a big fan Apple products and you had to experience Apple case Watch, perhaps you even own it, then 3D Touch technology is already familiar to you. At least in general outline. However, the capabilities of the function implemented in the smartphone are much wider, so its use opens up more possibilities.

The function is based on modern technologies. Under the screen there are special sensors that monitor changes in the distance between the glass and the backlight level. Such measurements ensure that the smartphone reacts to touches of varying strengths. At the same time, your smartphone lets you know that it recognizes the pressure applied, giving you a slight tactile feedback.

Happy new iPhone generation You now have access to a light press, which Apple called Peek, and a forceful press, Pop.

Turn on and off 3DTouch

The new iPhone 6s you take out of the box will have 3D Touch enabled by default. It is possible, although unlikely, that you will want to disable it in the future. Or vice versa, the function will be accidentally disabled and you will need to enable it again. This is done this way:

  1. Select "General"
  2. Select "3D Touch"
  3. Set the switch to the “On” or “Off” position, depending on your preference.

Settingssensitivityfunctions3 DTouch

If you encounter problems while using the function and you have to exert too much effort, or vice versa, the smartphone screen is too sensitive, you have the opportunity to adjust the sensitivity iPhone display. To do this you need to take five simple steps:

  1. Launch the Settings menu from your desktop.
  2. Select "General"
  3. Click Accessibility
  4. Select "3D Touch"
  5. Move the sensitivity slider from Medium to Low or High, depending on how much force you want to use to use the feature.

After setting, you can test the changes in a special picture, which is located below, in the same settings menu.

Previously, before the release of 3D Touch, in order to access the functions of an application, we had to launch it by clicking on its icon. Now, thanks to 3D Touch, you can enable a variety of options without even starting the program. Apple came up with great way saving the time the user spends accessing applications.

To access Quick Actions:

  1. You need to find the icon of the application you want to use.
  2. Lightly press (Peek-click) the shortcut of the selected program.
  3. Select the application function you need.

Almost all developer applications support this option, but if this program has no functions Quick Actions, You will receive a brief vibration. This way, your iPhone will let you know that this Quick Actions app is not working. If everything is in order, the smartphone screen will become dim and a context menu will be displayed. In the future, you will be able to customize this menu yourself, however, to do this you will still need to enter the program.

Apps that work with Quick Actions

Currently, the Quick Actions feature is available for the following applications:

  • Messages;
  • Calendar;
  • Photo;
  • Camera;
  • Watch;
  • Cards;
  • Video;
  • Wallet;
  • Reminders;
  • iTunes Store;
  • Shop Apps Store;
  • iBooks Book Store;
  • News;
  • Telephone;
  • Safari browser;
  • Mail;
  • Music;
  • FaceTime;
  • Contacts;
  • Finding my friends.

Features of Quick actions in applications

Quick Actions also work inside some applications. For example, in Applications or Search, you can get fast access for calls, messages and other functions by clicking on the avatar of your contacts.

Messages: Lightly pressing (Peek) on messages and moving your finger up will open you to a menu of contextual replies. Click on a contact for additional features (call, message, etc.)

Calendar: Peek and move up will allow you to accept or decline the calendar invitation.

Reminders: Click on individual reminders to select Quick Actions.

Telephone: In the list of favorites or recently made calls, click on the contact's name for additional contact methods.

Music: Peek and move your finger up will allow you to play an album/playlist, enable random playback mode, add/remove tracks in My Music.

FaceTime: Click contact for additional communication methods (call, message, etc.).

Contacts: Lightly pressing Peek on a contact will allow you to select additional ways communications (call, message, etc.).

Search my friends: Easily touch and swipe up on a selected friend to get directions to them, notify yourself or a friend when your location changes.

How to usePeekAndPopinside applications

If we talk about the basic principle of understanding what actions a light (Peek) and strong (Pop) press performs, then you should remember the following. A light tap opens a preview, such as a link or message. A strong press will open the full screen to what you just saw in the preview. When you Peek, the area where you pressed will be highlighted, while the rest of the screen will be blurred. Also, a light press gives access to the Quick Actions function, as we have already described.

Now let's talk about how this can be used in a variety of applications.


With 3D Touch you can look into Mailbox without going into it, but to get additional functions, You still have to open mail application. Sorting mail has become very convenient with iOS 9. Peeking will allow you to preview the message, and Pop will open it for full reading.

Also, to mark a message as read, swipe left on it, and swipe right to delete it. Convenient, right? To return to the previous screen, press hard on the left side of the screen and swipe right.


When you're in the camera app and taking photos, you'll notice that the app additionally captures 1.5 seconds before and after the frame so you can see the birth of a smile, a bird taking off, or the start of rain. Photos come to life, and you can animate them at any time, not only in the application, but even on the lock screen. To do this, you need to press hard on the selected frame.

In the Photos app, you can view your saved photos. To do this, easily click on the image thumbnail. It will open in preview, along with a thumbnail bar to navigate between them. To view a photo in detail, simply press harder on the selected image.

With the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus able to sense pressure on the screen, drawing and writing feel more natural. You will be able to produce thick or fine lines depending on how much pressure you apply to the screen. This can be seen in the drawing feature in the Notes app and other drawing apps that have been updated to take advantage of 3D Touch.


With 3D Touch function, you can transform your on-screen keyboard into the trackpad, which makes it possible to use a moving cursor in text apps. Instead of highlighting a word by touching it, you can use the trackpad for more precise action.

To access trackpad functionality, press anywhere on the keyboard until the keys blur and you feel tactile feedback. Then move your finger on the trackpad to move the cursor. When you're in this mode, pressing a little harder on the trackpad will automatically begin highlighting text.


In old iPhone models To activate multitasking mode, you had to press the home button twice. Thanks to the 3D Touch function iPhone owners The 6s and 6s Plus can quickly enable this mode by tapping on the left side of the screen.

To launch multitasking mode, click on the left side near the very edge. A light press will open only the most recently used app, while a hard press will open all recently used apps.

iPhone app developers have undoubtedly had more time to integrate 3D Touch functionality across all apps released by Apple. But every day, third-party application developers are increasing the number of programs that work with this technology. Among them there are already such applications as: Facebook, Twitter, Skype and others. So if you have already purchased a new iPhone, do not forget to regularly check for updates to the applications you use. Well, don’t forget to share with us your impressions of using 3D Touch.