Dos go to another drive. Using command history and hotkeys. Running the command line


Use the cd command to change to another operating system drive. CD is short for chdir (from CHange DIRectory - “Change Directory”). DOS syntax allows you to use both cd and chdir. Full description This command can be obtained directly in the terminal by executing it with the /? modifier:
chdir /?

Add the /d modifier to the chdir (or cd) command to switch from the current media to another physical or virtual disk. For example, if you need to go to drive F, then type and execute the following command:
chdir /d F:

Use backslash(\) as a parameter to the chdir command to move from any directory of the current drive to its root:

In addition to the /d modifier, specify the full path from the root of the desired disk if you need to switch to a specific directory located on it. For example, to go to a folder called SubFilder, located on drive F inside the MainFolder directory, you need to enter and execute on the command line:
chdir /d F:\MainFolder\SubFilder

Enter over and over again long paths folders are quite inconvenient. Terminal interface command line does not allow you to select and copy a path once typed, but it does have an insertion command. Can be used as auxiliary tool, For example, Windows Explorer. Revealed in it the desired folder, select and copy to address bar full path (CTRL + C). Then switch to the command line terminal, right-click it and select Paste from the context menu.

Enclose the full path to the desired folder in quotes if it contains spaces in the directory names. For example, like this:
chdir /d "F:\Program Files\msn gaming zone"
Quotes are not always needed - only if the so-called “extensions” are activated in the operating system command processor».

Disable shell extensions if you want to enter full paths without quotes when switching to another drive:
cmd e:off


  • how to switch to

On any operating system personal computer Today there are no less than two virtual or physical disks. The operation of switching from one of them to another is quite simple, but it is carried out differently in different applications. Most often, you have to move from disk to disk in file manager programs, less often - in the command line terminal interface.


IN standard manager Windows operating system files are very easy to move from one drive to another. The window of this application is divided into two vertical frames, one of which - on the left - contains a directory tree. It starts with the root folder, which is represented in this frame by the icon of the corresponding drive indicating the letter and name assigned to it. To go to any disk, simply left-click on its icon in this list. You can open another disk in a separate window - to do this, right-click its icon and in the context menu select the line that says “Open in new window”.

In still quite common file managers with an interface from the heyday of the command line - for example, FAR, Norton Commander - working space also divided into two vertical frames. Each of them can be opened separate disk, and to switch from one to another the easiest way is to use keyboard shortcuts. To switch to the drive opened in the right frame, use the combination Alt + F2, and in reverse direction navigate using the combination Alt + F1.

When you log into the command line emulator, this application always opens in the folder of the user who launched it on system disk. Going to any other drive is also very easy here - enter its letter, put a colon and press Enter on the keyboard. To move to the desired folder of this media, use the standard DOS directory change command - cd or chdir.

In recent Windows versions You can simplify working with the command line, since instead of changing the drive using the DOS command, you can use the option to launch the emulator immediately in the desired folder of the desired drive. To do this, go to this folder in Explorer and right-click on it while holding down Shift key. In the context menu with this method of calling it, an additional item appears - “Open command window”. Select it and the command line will launch with the go to commands already executed required disk and changing directory.

Video on the topic

Windows OS continues to provide the ability to use a DOS command emulator in standard distributions. However, command line descriptions are no longer as common, and questions occasionally arise about which command should be used with which syntax for relatively simple operations. One of these questions is how to switch to another one in the terminal disk.


Use the chdir command (for Change Directory) to switch between physical or virtual disk ami yours. The syntax allows you to use this command in its abbreviated form - cd. To get complete help about this command, type this: chdir /? Using this modifier (/?) you can get help not only about this, but also about any other command.

Add the /d modifier to the cd (or chdir) command to change the current disk. For example, to switch to disk E you should type the following command: cd /d E: A command to go to root folder current disk and does not require specifying anything other than a backslash: cd

If you need to switch to a specific directory of another virtual or physical disk and then you should specify the full path to it from the root directory of the new disk A. For example, to navigate to the InnerFolder folder located in the OuterFolder folder disk and D, the corresponding command should look like this: cd /d D:OuterFolderInnerFolder It is not necessary to type long paths to the desired directories in the terminal each time - it is possible to use copy operations using the mouse. You can, for example, in standard conductor Windows copy the full path to the folder in the address bar, then switch to the terminal line, right-click and select paste from the context menu.

If there are spaces in the name of the directory you want to switch to, then specifying the full path to the desired folder will not always be enough. In some cases it needs to be enclosed in . For example:cd "D:Program Filesmsn gaming zone"

In modern operating systems with graphical interface to move to the desired folder The default file manager program is used. It is very rare to carry out this operation in the command line interface, but in these cases no special knowledge is required, just simple rules registration of just one DOS command.

You will need

  • Windows OS.


Launch a command line terminal - open the main menu of the operating system, type “com” on your keyboard and select the “Command Prompt” link in the list of search results. In more earlier versions Windows OS - for example, Windows XP - press the combination Win keys+R, type cmd and press Enter.

If the desired folder is not located on the system drive, enter the letter of the desired volume, add a colon and press Enter. After this, you can type the command to go to a specific folder disk.

Use the chdir command or its shorthand cd to move to the desired folder. The only required parameter that must be specified along with this command is the path to folder from the root directory of the disk. Enter it, separated from the command itself by a space, and then press Enter key.

On Windows OS latest versions- Vista and Seven - it is possible to launch the command line interface with the command to go to the desired folder already executed. To do this, use the file manager of this operating system - “Explorer”. Use it to navigate to the directory you are interested in, press the Shift key and right-click the folder icon. Select the “Open command window” item in the context menu, and the OS will do the rest - and going to this folder.

Windows Explorer can also be used with the cd command in an already running command line emulator. At first in the usual way type the command and add a space. To avoid typing a long folder address from the keyboard, copy it into your address line file manager and switch to the command line terminal. It contains standard hot Windows keys, including those assigned to copy and paste operations, do not work, so expand context menu and select the “Insert” line. After this, you just have to press Enter to complete the operation.

Using the Windows command line, you can perform most of the functions that are used through the GUI. Not only changing system settings, but also simply moving through folders is possible using this tool. If for some reason Explorer is not available to you, then you can always go to the folder in the command line. In this instruction we will understand how to work with directories via cmd.

Step One: Launch the Command Prompt

It all starts with the launch this application. This can be done in a variety of ways that are relevant for all current versions of the Windows operating system. These include Windows XP, 7, 8, 10.

So, you can launch the command line using the following methods:

  1. Launch the Run application and use the cmd command.
  2. Find the utility in search bar.
  3. Launch the program through the Start menu.

There is also an option to launch cmd from Explorer. This allows you to navigate to a folder on the command line without typing large quantity commands For example, you need to open cmd with the specified path to the System32 folder. To do this, first open the mentioned directory in Explorer, then right-click on free space and in the menu click on the “Open command window” item. The screen will appear the right application with a pre-registered link to the System32 folder.

Step two: remember the necessary commands

To go to a folder from the Windows command line, you just need to remember a number of simple combinations. They are presented below:

  • cd- this command used for any interaction with folders;
  • dir - displays all content in the selected directory;
  • cls - clear cmd screen from previous information and commands;
  • help - displays general help on all command line features;
  • help CD - help for a specific command;
  • cd .. - move to the root folder;
  • dir *.exe - displays a list of all files in a given directory that have the extension .exe.

Using the presented combinations, you can easily go to the folder from the command line and find necessary files. Now let's look at this procedure simple example.

Step three: use commands in practice

Let's say the user needs to open the drivers directory, which is located in the system partition hard drive in the Windows/system32 folder. To do this, do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt and type cd C://Windows/System32/drivers, then press Enter to go.
  2. The requested directory will appear in the application window. You can open it either by entering the full path (shown above) or by navigating through each folder separately. For example, enter cd C://Windows/, then in the directory that opens enter cd system32/ and so on.
  3. To avoid entering directory names manually, you can do the following. Type the cd command and type the first letters of the name. After that Tab key scroll through the entire contents of the folder. You can go through the command line to the directory by simply pressing Enter.

For change hard section drive, you will need the command cd .. *drive letter*://*path to folder*. For example, cd .. E://Programs. After this, you proceed according to the rules described in the instructions above.


Now you know how to navigate to a folder in the command line. The main rule is to enter all commands correctly. Be sure to include a space after cd. The same goes for combined commands, such as cd ..

After the hard drive index, be sure to put a colon and two oblique lines - //. By the way, you can use // or \\ without any difference for the command. Using the up and down arrows, the user can move between previously typed text. If you use the same command several times, then it makes sense to use such a function.

Going to the folder from the Windows command line turned out to be quite simple. If you have problems with the performance of the conductor, then this situation will not take you by surprise.

If you are in directory3 and want to go to directory1

If you enter:

being in the directory directory3 directory1 in the catalog directory3.

To go up to the catalog directory1, you must enter:


Figure 10-3.

Working with folders via the Windows command line

Absolute paths indicate the full path

    Then go down to the directory

    Finally, go to the directory

and you are there.

Team Function
otheruser, unless the user otheruser

Ownership and Permissions

Alpinist22 VitGun

(0) why do you need this?

Alpinist22 ZDenis


(0) show me how you launch it!



YF Rovan

(5) try
CD "\\server\share"


net use q: \\server\share


(7) I'll try in 2 minutes


(9) oh well


(7) the same as in (0)


subst q: \\server\share

smaharbA Alpinist22 smaharbA

(14) and then what do you want?


first find the network path


at least like this for a start
net view \\server


(17) I'll try


write down here what exactly you are opening


(19) see (5)


(20) and what's there?


if \\server\share

Alpinist22 smaharbA bubblegum smaharbA


smaharbA bubblegum

(27) Do you mean the current launch path is different? the cd\chdir command will not work at all with paths like "\\*.*" for it to work you need to mount the dmsk as you said above. But what I’m saying is that you can simply run his body file using the full path/file name without any hassle. Or did I misunderstand you...


(28) yes so

accent accent bubblegum

(31) that's what I'm talking about too


(30) no need, it started for me without it, but on another computer everything that was described does not work...

How to go to a folder or another drive in the command line

I gave up and called the sys admins, let them bully as they want, it’s not my problem anymore

Get your work in order using the 1C configuration "IT Department Management 8"

ATTENTION! Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R

2000 Human.

Changing directory using cd

Changing directory is easy if you know where you are in this moment(your current directory) and where you want to go. Is the directory you want to go to higher or lower than the current one?

To change the directory, run the command. The command in this form will take you to your home directory; to go to another directory you must specify the path to it.

You can use absolute or relative paths. Absolute paths are specified from the top directory (called the root) to the specified directory; relative paths are specified from the current directory, wherever it is.

You need to navigate to the folder on the command line

The tree shown below is provided as an example to help you understand the command.

If you are in directory3 and want to go to directory1, you should go higher in the directory tree.

If you enter:

being in the directory directory3, you will receive an error message saying that there is no such directory. This happens because there really is no directory directory1 in the catalog directory3.

To go up to the catalog directory1, you must enter:

This absolute path. It tells Linux to start at the top and work its way down into the directory directory1.

Remember, absolute paths will take you TO any directory FROM any, and relative paths will take you to directories located below the current one.

Figure 10-4. Relative paths are relative to the current location

Below is an exercise with relative and absolute paths. In your home directory, enter relative path:

The command tells the system to go one level above the current directory. Obviously the command will take you up two directories.

After completely executing the commands in this example, you should be in the directory where the configuration files and directories related to the X Window System.

Take a look at the last command. You must tell the system:

    Go up one level to the parent directory of your home directory (it probably will)

    Then go up to the parent directory of the current one (you'll probably end up in)

    Then go down to the directory

    Finally, go to the directory

Specify an absolute path to quickly navigate to the directory. Enter:

and you are there.

Table 10-2. cd command options

Team Function
takes you to your home directory
also takes you to your home directory
takes you to the root directory of the entire system
takes you to your home directory root user, or super-user, account created during system installation
takes you to the home directory, which is where the user directories are located
takes you one level higher
takes you to the user's home directory otheruser, unless the user otheruser gave you the appropriate permissions
No matter where you are, this absolute path will take you directly to a directory subdirectory of
This relative path will first take you up two levels, then down to dir3, and finally to the X11 directory.

Now that you've started to understand how to change directories, see what happens if you change to the root (superuser) home directory. Enter:

If you are not logged in as root, you will receive an "access denied" message when accessing this directory.

Denying access to accounts root and other users (or their home directories), your Linux system protected from accidental or intentional damage. Refer to section Ownership and Permissions

To change to the root directory, use the command. Enter this sequence of commands:

how to open a network folder from the command line


Actually how to do this? CD does not help, writes: cmd.exe does not support UNC paths


(0) why do you need this?


(1) run a batch file from the shared folder


If you run it, it will work


(0) show me how you launch it!




(0) What does "Open" mean? If this means opening with Explorer, then launch Explorer with the parameters...


(5) try
CD "\\server\share"


net use q: \\server\share


(6) you need to run *. cmd file from a shared folder
(7) I'll try in 2 minutes
(8) no rights to connect network drive


(9) oh well


(7) the same as in (0)


to the extreme (if they are so malicious)
subst q: \\server\share


although as the director used to say - I don’t believe (c) about the last line from (9)


(13) Network path not found in both cases


(14) and then what do you want?


first find the network path


at least like this for a start
net view \\server


(16) everything opens normally through explorer
(17) I'll try


(18) so what? write down here what exactly you are opening


(19) see (5)


(20) and what's there?


if \\server\share
then about (12) and (8) you are, to put it mildly, bullshit


(22) come on... are you serious? =) do you really think I have so much free time to do nothing?


(23) Yes, I’m serious, if you don’t do anything, then go ahead


CD "\\server\share" does not play. But \\server\share\blabla.bla will open the file on your computer. If you want, you can make a copy of \\server\share\blabla.bla C:\blabla.bla and then open...


if \\server\share opens in the explorer
net use w: \\server\share (w: - change to taste, can be done automatically) ,eltn hf,jnfnm

rather, due to your self-confidence, you did not write down the real path, but wrote a fictitious one


(25) in this case the current launch path will be different


(27) Do you mean the current launch path is different?

How to go to any cmd folder

the cd\chdir command will not work at all with paths like "\\*.*" for it to work you need to mount the dmsk as you said above. But what I’m saying is that you can simply run his body file using the full path/file name without any hassle. Or did I misunderstand you...


(28) yes so
I wouldn’t bother either and run it, but only if the package doesn’t use the current relative path for some purpose


If you just run it, then why cd?


Still unc path will not be current


(31) that's what I'm talking about too


(30) there is no need, it started for me without it, but on another computer everything that was described does not work... I gave up and called the system administrators, let them bully as they want, this is not my problem anymore

TurboConf 5 - expanding the capabilities of the 1C Configurator

ATTENTION! If you have lost the message input window, click Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R or the "Refresh" button in the browser.

The thread has been archived. Adding messages is not possible.
But you can create a new thread and they will definitely answer you!
Every hour on the Magic Forum there are more 2000 Human.

Changing directory using cd

Changing directory is easy if you know where you are currently (your current directory) and where you want to go. Is the directory you want to go to higher or lower than the current one?

To change the directory, run the command. The command in this form will take you to your home directory; to go to another directory you must specify the path to it.

You can use absolute or relative paths. Absolute paths are specified from the top directory (called the root) to the specified directory; relative paths are specified from the current directory, wherever it is. The tree shown below is provided as an example to help you understand the command.

If you are in directory3 and want to go to directory1, you should go higher in the directory tree.

If you enter:

being in the directory directory3, you will receive an error message saying that there is no such directory. This happens because there really is no directory directory1 in the catalog directory3.

To go up to the catalog directory1, you must enter:

This is an absolute path. It tells Linux to start at the top and work its way down into the directory directory1.

Remember, absolute paths will take you TO any directory FROM any, and relative paths will take you to directories located below the current one.

Figure 10-3. Absolute paths indicate the full path

Figure 10-4. Relative paths are relative to the current location

Below is an exercise with relative and absolute paths. In your home directory, enter the relative path:

The command tells the system to go one level above the current directory. Obviously the command will take you up two directories.

How to change disk in cmd?

After running the entire commands in this example, you should be in the directory that stores configuration files and directories related to the X Window System.

Take a look at the last command. You must tell the system:

    Go up one level to the parent directory of your home directory (it probably will)

    Then go up to the parent directory of the current one (you'll probably end up in)

    Then go down to the directory

    Finally, go to the directory

Specify an absolute path to quickly navigate to the directory. Enter:

and you are there.

Table 10-2. cd command options

Team Function
takes you to your home directory
also takes you to your home directory
takes you to the root directory of the entire system
takes you to the home directory of the root, or superuser, account created during system installation
takes you to the home directory, which is where the user directories are located
takes you one level higher
takes you to the user's home directory otheruser, unless the user otheruser gave you the appropriate permissions
No matter where you are, this absolute path will take you directly to a directory subdirectory of
This relative path will first take you up two levels, then down to dir3, and finally to the X11 directory.

Now that you've started to understand how to change directories, see what happens if you change to the root (superuser) home directory. Enter:

If you are not logged in as root, you will receive an "access denied" message when accessing this directory.

By denying access to root and other users' accounts (or their home directories), your Linux system is protected from accidental or intentional damage. Refer to section Ownership and Permissions

To change to the root directory, use the command. Enter this sequence of commands:

How to go to a folder

Yes, team CD C:\TEMP or cd c:\temp will actually make the current directory C:\Temp, if it exists on disk.

The CHDIR command no longer treats spaces as delimiters, allowing you to change to a subdirectory whose name contains spaces without enclosing the entire directory name in quotes. For example:

chdir \windows\users\username\programs\start menu

leads to the same result as:

cd "\windows\users\username\programs\start menu"

When disabling extended command processing, you must use the path enclosed in double quotes.

Examples of using:

CD /D X:\data— make the current directory data on drive X: . Result of using the key /D depends on the version of the command. In order to change the current directory to a directory located on another disk, it is more reliable to use the sequence of commands for changing the current disk and changing directory:

X:- do current disk drive X:
CD X:\DATA— make the current directory X:\DATA

CD %WINDIR%— make the current directory the directory, the directory specified by the value of the environment variable %WINDIR% (Windows directory). When using variables, it is advisable to enclose their names in double quotes, since the received values ​​may contain spaces:

CD C:\— go to the root directory of the C: drive. If the command parameter specifies a path without specifying a drive, it is assumed that the transition is performed to a directory located relative to the current time:

CD system32- go to directory system32, which is a subdirectory of the current directory

CD..— if two dots are specified instead of the directory name, then the transition to the parent directory will be performed (one level up).

Full list of commands CMD Windows

Using Windows CMD commands you can launch system utilities much faster than doing it the usual way. And, although not everyone understands the meaning of this text interface, considering it outdated, in fact the tool is quite useful.

And not only for professionals, but also for ordinary users. Although to run most commands, you should run the command line (cmd) as an administrator.

The need to use the command line

The cmd line, which is standard tool Windows platforms, is no different in different versions operating systems - in the seventh, and in the eighth, and in the tenth, and even in XP. And all teams work the same way in each of them.

The advantage of using a line is that it speeds up the work - sometimes entering the desired command is much faster than searching for the corresponding file in the system folders. Moreover, to speed up work with CMD, a link to it can be displayed on the desktop - or even on the Quick Launch panel.

The disadvantages of the interface are:

  • manual command entry from the keyboard;
  • necessity launch CMD as administrator (otherwise most commands cannot be launched);
  • enough big list commands that are difficult to remember.

Externally, the command line is very similar to the interface DOS systems. And, although it allows you to decide much more tasks, some commands are the same as the legacy platform. For example, “format”, “cd” and “dir”, necessary for working with folders and drives.

Working with the interface

Before you start working with the command line, you must first launch it. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Open the “Run” menu (pressing Win + R at the same time) and enter the cmd.exe command;
  2. Go to Windows folder on the system drive, open the System32 directory and run the file called cmd.exe. You can simplify the task by creating a shortcut that launches the same application and install it on the desktop;
  3. Open the Start menu, go to the All Programs section, then to the Accessories subsection and find the Command Prompt.

You should know: After the first launch through the Start menu, CMD appears at the top of it - in the list of most frequently launched applications and utilities. And you can open a line while working in any application (even in a game), just by pressing the Win button on the keyboard.

Rice. 1. Command line of the Windows operating system.

The standard view of the command line is a black window with white text. If this option does not suit the user, he can change the colors depending on his preferences.

To do this, right-click on the top of the window and go to CMD properties. In the window that opens, you can select the location of the line, the colors of the text or window, and even the font sizes. Here you can expand the interface to almost the entire screen, increasing the level of convenience of working with it.

Rice. 2. Change command line settings

Commands to help you work with CMD

Hotkeys help make using the command line even easier - although they are not the same as usual Windows combinations. Instead of pressing standard sets Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, copying and pasting text is done as follows:

  1. Click on the selected line in open window CMD right mouse button;
  2. Select “Mark”;
  3. Select text using the left button;
  4. Right click again. After this, all information ends up in the operating system's clipboard.

In order to paste the copied information, press the same right button and select “Paste”. You can simplify copying data by checking the “Mouse selection” box in the command line properties.

After this, the text can be immediately selected with the left button. If you uncheck the box quick insert, data is inserted on top of already written commands.

List of hotkeys

When working with the command line, use the following “hot keys”:

  • The up and down arrows allow you to move the cursor around the window, including commands that have already been entered;
  • Home and End move the cursor to the beginning and end of the line, respectively;
  • left and right arrows while pressed at the same time Ctrl key allow you to move the cursor in a given direction by an entire word;
  • Insert, just like in any text editor, switches the modes of inserting text with a shift to the right and overwriting over written data;
  • Esc deletes the selected information;
  • F1 allows you to enter the last recorded command one character at a time;
  • F5 prints the previous command;
  • F7 lists several latest entries. By default, their number is 50.

Basic commands

The list of basic commands that most users need is relatively small and consists of commands that perform the following actions:

  • work with catalogs;
  • display work statistics various applications, network and operating system as a whole;
  • restore driver functionality;
  • turn off the computer.

Using the command line, you can even format the drive (including the system drive, which cannot be formatted from a Windows system by any other means) and even stop the process. Also, using CMD, the user gets access to the registry editor and the system configuration window much faster.

Working with catalogs

The main command for working with directories is dir. With its help you can check the contents of an open directory. And, if you need to open another folder, you should additionally specify the path to it. For example, select “dir C:\” or “dir D:\”.

Rice. 3. Content check logical drive C.

The second command for working with directories is cd. With its help you can go to any selected folder. For example, by writing “cd C:\Windows” on the command line, go to system directory. To open a folder on a disk that is already selected, issue a command like “cd /D D:\”.

Rice. 4. Transition from local disk C to drive D.

The mkdir command creates a new folder. And the parameter that is set after it determines the name of the directory. So, after entering “mkdir D:\New_Folder”, the corresponding directory appears on drive D. If the user specifies several directories in the list at once (for example, “E:\New\Games\Fallout_3”), an entire tree of folders can be created.

Rice. 5. Create a new folder from the command line.

Performance rmdir commands allows you to delete a directory by specifying its full path. For example, by writing "rmdir D:\New_Folder", you can erase the newly created folder. Although, if there are other files inside the directory, a message appears on the screen indicating that it is not empty. Delete non-empty folder can be done by entering the command rmdir /S on the line. Before deleting, select “Y” (Yes), confirming your action.

Rice. 6. Deleting a folder using the rmdir command.

Turning off the computer

Using the shutdown command, you can turn off the computer - either immediately or by setting a timer:

  • shutdown /s simply stops the operating system, closing all unfinished processes;
  • When you select the shutdown /s /t 3600 command, the timer will be set to exactly one hour. If you need to set any other time, the corresponding number of seconds is written instead of 3600;

Rice. 7. Enable automatic shutdown of the system.

Rice. 8. Cancel shutdown.

The commands work the same on any operating system. The only difference is in the inscriptions that appear. For example, for Windows 7, messages are located in the lower right corner of the desktop.

View statistics

Viewing computer statistics begins with the systeminfo command. She gives out maximum amount information about Windows system. Although it is more effective to use not system utility, but special applications.

For example, AIDA64 – universal program for collecting information, the only drawback of which is the shareware license. A month after use, you will have to pay for the utility - from 1400 to 2200 rubles. per computer, depending on the number of licenses purchased.

Rice. 9. Obtaining information about the computer and operating system.

The driverquery utility allows you to view a list of drivers and their properties. In the list that appears on the screen you can see the type control program, reference date and module name.

Rice. 10. Display a list of drivers.

A utility called pathping, when run, shows information about the data lost during transmission between the starting and ending points. This command calculates loss ratios for different routers. And based on the results of the utility’s work, they identify access problems for individual routers.

Rice. 11. A utility that checks network operation.

The Netstat application shows information about active connections and statistics for various network protocols. When you run the command without specifying specific parameters, only TCP connections are displayed.

Rice. 12. Check active connections TCP.

The tasklist command displays a list of all processes launched by the system. With its help, you can familiarize yourself with the data received from remote computer. Although, if additional parameters are not specified, information is displayed only about the current device.

The ipconfig utility displays information about the IP address and other parameters network adapter. Along with the command, additional parameters are used - for example, /all, which allows you to obtain information about each of the adapters.

Rice. 13. Obtaining information about network connections.

Changing system settings

The msconfig utility allows you to call up a menu that allows you to change the operating system configuration:

  • a list of programs that automatically load with the system;
  • launch options;
  • Windows boot options.

Most often, the command is used to remove or add an application to the startup tab. And sometimes they make changes to the loading order of operating systems - if two of them are installed on the computer (for example, Windows 10 and Windows XP, each of which may be more convenient for a particular user).

Rice. 14. Calling the menu for changing the system configuration.

Running the regedit utility opens the editor system registry- one of the most useful applications, with which you get rid of leftovers remote programs, make changes to services and fix problems. It is worth noting that changing any values ​​(not to mention deleting) must be done very carefully. Errors in the registry can lead to system crashes and even reinstallation. Read also our material: TOP 3 cleaning programs Windows registry 7.

Rice. 16. Start scanning files on the system disk.

The format command, which has not changed for decades, allows you to format any disk, including USB flash drives. Selecting "format C:" formats system partition. And with the help additional parameters can be determined file system(/fs), set the volume label (/y), and even assign cluster sizes (/a). Without specifying certain conditions, the cluster is installed automatically.

Rice. 17. Formatting the H drive via the command line.

Stopping processes

Using a command, you can stop a specific process. An identifier can be used for this (for example, 2616, if we are talking about a graphic Paint editor) and the /pid parameter. In addition, when stopping, the name of the process itself and another parameter /im can be used. The same editor is closed with the command taskkill /im MSPaint.exe.

Rice. 19. A utility that restores damaged system files.

Clearing the screen

After executing several commands, the window fills with text that may be a hindrance to further work. You can get rid of unnecessary data using the CLS (Clear Screen) command. After launching it, the screen is completely cleared, leaving room for further actions user.


With constant use of basic commands, they are easily remembered by the user. And in order to learn about new utilities or remember the names of old ones, you need to enter /help on the command line. A list of possible commands will appear on the screen that are unlikely to be useful for regular user, but can simplify the work of local network administrators.

Hi all. In this article, we will talk about topics such as:

Command line (CMD)- This separate program, which allows the user to directly interact with operating system. Command line based on the environment in which the applications are running and utilities by using text interface, and the execution result is displayed on the screen.

Command line Windows uses a command interpreter cmd.exe, which allows you to download applications and directs the flow of data between them, in other words, translates user commands into a form understandable to the system. Command line console integrated into all versions of Windows OS. At first sight command interface scares the user who is spoiled by the graphical interface of the same Windows, but as a rule command interface , much faster and has mass additional features, which cannot be implemented in the GUI.

Launch methods:

  1. Start / All Programs / Accessories / Command Prompt.
  2. Start / Run / enter cmd.exe in the line
  3. Launch from system folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe

CMD commands.

Below I will give you a sign with a complete list command line commands, and after the tablet we will look in more detail at the main CMD commands.

Team Description
ASSOC Display or change associations based on file name extensions.
AT Execute commands and launch programs according to a schedule.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BREAK Enable/disable the CTRL+C key combination processing mode.
CACLS Display/edit access control lists (ACLs) for files.
CALL Calling one batch file from another.
CHCP Display or set the active code page.
CHDIR Display the name or change the current folder.
CHKDSK Checking the disk and displaying statistics.
CHKNTFS Show or change whether disk check is performed during boot.
CLS Cleaning the screen.
CMD Launching another Windows command line interpreter.
COLOR Set the default text and background color.
COMP Comparing the contents of two files or two sets of files.
COMPACT Display/change file compression on NTFS partitions.
CONVERT Convert FAT disk volumes to NTFS. The currently active drive cannot be converted.
COPY Copy one or more files to another location.
DATE Display or set the current date.
DIR List files and subfolders from a specified folder.
DISKCOMP Comparing the contents of two floppy disks.
DISKCOPY Copying the contents of one floppy disk another.
DOSKEY Editing and re-calling command lines; creating macros.
ECHO Display messages and switch the display mode of commands on the screen.
ENDLOCAL End local changes environment for the batch file.
ERASE Deleting one or more files.
EXIT Exiting the CMD.EXE (command line interpreter) program.
F.C. Compare two files or two sets of files and display the differences between them.
FIND Search text string in one or more files.
FINDSTR Searching for strings in files.
FOR Launch the specified command for each of the files in the set.
FORMAT Formatting a disk for use with Windows.
FTYPE Display or change the file types used when matching by file name extensions.
GOTO Transfer control to the marked line of the batch file.
GRAFTABL Allows Windows to display extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Outputs background information about Windows commands.
IF An operator for conditionally executing commands in a batch file.
LABEL Create, change and delete volume labels for disks.
M.D. Creating a folder.
MKDIR Creating a folder.
MODE Configuring system devices.
MORE Sequential output of data in parts the size of one screen.
MOVE Move one or more files from one folder to another.
PATH Display or set the search path for executable files.
PAUSE Pauses the execution of a batch file and displays a message.
POPD Restores the previous value of the current active folder saved using the PUSHD command.
PRINT Printing the contents of text files.
PROMPT Changing the prompt in the Windows command line.
PUSHD Saves the current active folder and moves to another folder.
R.D. Deleting a folder.
RECOVER Recovering readable information from a bad or damaged disk.
R.E.M. Placing comments in batch files and the CONFIG.SYS file.
RENAME Renaming files and folders.
REPLACE File replacement.
RMDIR Deleting a folder.
SET Output, installation and removal environment variables Windows.
SETLOCAL Start local environment changes for the batch file.
SHIFT Changing the contents (shift) of substituted parameters for a batch file.
SORT Sorting input.
START Run a program or command in a separate window.
SUBST Matches the given path to a drive name.
TIME Displaying and setting the system time.
TITLE Assigns a window title for the current session of the CMD.EXE command line interpreter.
TREE Graphic display of folder structure specified disk or a specified folder.
TYPE Display the contents of text files.
VER Displays information about the Windows version.
VERIFY Setting the mode for checking the correctness of writing files to disk.
VOL Label output and serial number disk volumes.
XCOPY Copying files and folder trees.

Command line commands.

Now let's talk in more detail about the most frequently used commands, but first I'll tell you a little about the keys that can be used together with commands for more functional action. For example, take the RD (remove directory) command, if applied to empty folder, then it will be deleted, but if there are files in the folder, then nothing will happen. So, to delete a folder along with the files in it, you need to use the key together with the RD command /s.

That is, for example, there is a directory kat and to find any files in it, in order to delete the directory along with the files, you need to register RD/s cat. A list of keys to any command can be found by typing the command name followed by a slash and the question: command_name/?.

Basic commands for working with directories:

  • MD - Directory creation. Syntax: (MD directory name, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • RD - Removing a directory. Syntax: (RD directory name, it is possible to specify the location path). Note, RD without keys only allows you to delete an empty directory.
  • CD - Change the current directory. Syntax: (CD directory name, it is possible to specify the location path). CD\ - Go to the root directory. CD.. - Go to the parent directory.
  • DIR - View directory as a list. Syntax: (DIR directory name, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • TREE - Display directories in graphical representation. Syntax: (TREE directory name, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • MOVE - Move\Rename directory. Syntax: .
  • XCOPY - Copy directory structures. Syntax: (XCOPY what_we copy where_we copy, it is possible to specify the location path).

Commands for working with files:

  • COPY CON - Create a file. Syntax: (COPY CON file_name_with_extension, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • TYPE — Displays the contents of the file on the screen. Syntax: (TYPE file_name_with_extension, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • DEL - Delete a file. Syntax: (DEL file_name_with_extension, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • COPY - Copying a file\Combining files. Syntax(copy): (COPY what_we copy where_we copy, it is possible to specify the location path). Syntax(merging): (COPY file_name + file_name + file_name... merge_file_name, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • EDIT - Create\Edit a file. Syntax: (EDIT file name, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • MOVE - Move\Rename a file. Syntax: (MOVE what_we move where_we move, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • REN - Rename files. Syntax: (REN what_we rename what_we rename, it is possible to specify the location path).
  • FC - File comparison. (FC file_name file_name file_name..., it is possible to specify the location path).

System commands:

  • CLS - Screen cleaning.
  • DATE - View and display changes to the current date.
  • VER — Display information about current version Operating system.
  • VOL — Displays information about the volume-logical partition of the disk.
  • SYSTEMINFO - Display information about system configurations.
  • EXIT - Exits the command line.

These were the most used command line commands.

On this this article I'm finishing, I hope you have fully understood the topics: CMD Commands, Command Line Commands, Command Line.