When Windows starts, the program starts. Autorun settings for USB drives and disks. Disabling startup using CCleaner

In the Windows operating system, it is very easy to implement automatic launch of programs, for example, so that immediately after turning on the computer, a virus scan occurs. At the same time, if something starts automatically in Windows, getting rid of it is not so easy.

Automatic launch of programs implies the presence of a special folder C:\Windows\Main Menu\Programs\Startup. I have this folder empty because there is no need for it today.

But, if you place a shortcut for a program in it (precisely a shortcut!), it will launch automatically along with Windows. If there are several program shortcuts in this folder, they will be launched in the order in which they were placed (we bet you didn’t know this fact :)).

To get rid of the automatic launch of a program, remove its shortcut from the Startup folder. True, this does not always help. The fact is that Windows provides several ways to automatically start, and very often, when experimenting with installing various programs, we are faced with the fact that they reconfigure the operating system in such a way that it becomes difficult to get rid of them.

I will not give a complete technology for getting rid of “obsessive programs”, since this requires editing the Windows Registry and, accordingly, special literature and professional skills (to be honest, I will add it in the next 24 hours). But one place where you can take some limited measures, I will now tell you.

Run the program - System Configuration (System Information), to do this: click Start > Run or press the button on the Windows keyboard + R. The following window will open:

Then in this window we type the command - msconfig, which will launch the system configuration. In the window of this program, on the Startup tab, you will see a list of programs that start automatically. For me, at the time of writing, it looks like this:

You can often see well-hidden programs here, periodically reminding us that it would be a good idea to register one or another program installed on the computer. You can turn off such reminders here ;).

Important. After you remove several (or all, you never know) unnecessary checkboxes, especially pay attention to programs that do not have a manufacturer specified, click Apply and Ok. Afterwards, restart the computer, paying attention to the speed of Windows startup and the system entering full operating mode.

If the loading speed has changed for the better, then most likely you have disabled “unnecessary” programs in Startup, which prevented the system from starting quickly. If there are no improvements, then run the system configuration again, as described above, and pay attention to whether there are any programs in Startup that you unchecked. If the check mark appears again, then this is exactly the case when you need to delete certain registry entries of these newly appeared programs.

I’ll write about this in the next article, don’t miss it, subscribe to site updates.

Hi all! My article will be devoted to the topic “How to open Windows 7 startup”. Many of you know that a lot depends on startup. For example, the speed of your computer will depend on the number of automatically loaded programs. The startup system is convenient in that it allows you to turn on user-selected programs immediately when you turn on the PC. This significantly saves time if you had to turn on each program manually.

However, there are some nuances here too. When downloading new applications, there are also those that are independently integrated into the list of automatically downloaded programs, which significantly slows down the loading and the process of operating the operating system itself. After all, each program takes up a certain amount of RAM and affects the speed of the computer. But this is only one of the factors that can “slow down” the operation of a PC.

  1. For example, a registry clogged with temporary files also affects the speed of the computer. To clean the registry and work with startup programs, I recommend an excellent program – Сcleaner.
  2. It is understandable even for a novice user and allows you to optimize your PC.

Now let's figure out how to open Windows 7 startup. To do this, you will need to use the quick launch bar. To call it, press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard.

  • In the line, enter the msconfig command, and the “” panel in Windows 7 will appear in front of you.
  • Press "Enter" and the "" window will open and you will see a list of all programs that start loading when you turn on the operating system.

Filter the entire list and uncheck those programs that you rarely use or don’t use at all.

If some programs are not familiar to you, then consult their purpose in the Google search engine. In the same window, in the “Services” tab, a list of services is displayed that are also turned on automatically when you turn on the PC.

However, I would not advise you to rush in this matter and turn off everything. Since disabling some services will negatively affect the operation of the operating system.

In addition to removing programs from the startup list, you can add frequently used applications to this list. To do this, open the folder "":

“Start” - “” and select “Open”.

Add a shortcut to the appropriate program there. Finally, I would like to note that autorun and autoload are different concepts. Don't confuse them. Autorun is the loading of applications while connecting removable storage media (flash drives, disks, etc.).

Now you know how to open Windows 7 startup and remove unnecessary programs from the list that only “slow down” the loading of the operating system. Good luck everyone!

Setting up autorun (loading programs after the user logs into the account) of applications on Windows 7 is a topical topic for beginners. Many novice users wonder why there are so many programs on their computer if they haven’t installed them, and how to remove unnecessary applications from startup. This is what today's brief review will tell you about.

Before touching on editing the autorun list, let's define this term. Autoloading is an operating system feature that allows you to launch any applications immediately after loading your own files without the user’s knowledge, but added by him or other programs to the list of those that can be launched automatically. This feature of Windows 7 allows you not to worry about launching utilities that the user uses constantly (browser, download manager, audio player, file manager).

By the term “setting up startup” we mean deleting (most often), adding, temporarily disabling the launch of programs, or deferring for a specified period of time (ten seconds until Windows starts).

How to open the startup list

You can see the list of programs automatically loaded from Windows 7 using several methods, which boil down to visualizing the contents of several registry branches (this will be discussed below). This:

  • registry editor;
  • "System Configuration" utility;
  • functionality of third-party programs.

Registry Editor

The paths to applications that are loaded with Windows 7 are registered in specially designated registry branches. You can access them using the Registry Editor. We launch the application (regedit command) and open the following branches of the system database.

The first contains a list of programs that run for the active account, and the second applies to all users of the computer.

By deleting or adding keys of the REG_SZ type with paths to programs, you can easily add or remove the desired object.

An easier way to edit startup in an active account is the Startup folder located in the Start menu.

system configuration

  • Run the “msconfig” command in the search bar or command interpreter (Win+R) of Windows 7.

  • Uncheck the boxes next to the names of applications that need to be excluded from autorun.
    • Click “Apply” and restart the computer to accept the changes.

    Rebooting Windows 7 right away is not necessary.

    Third party programs

    We have looked at the “Seven” tools that are used to configure the autorun list. Let's move on to utilities from third-party manufacturers that allow you to perform similar actions.


    The best utility for computer maintenance, CCleaner, not only cleans the registry of unnecessary keys and cleans the disk of junk files, but also opens up the ability to edit the startup list.

    • Let's launch the program.
    • Go to the “Service” item, where in turn we go to the “Startup” tab.

    Using the buttons located to the right of the main frame, you can disable and delete elements from autorun. Unfortunately, you won't be able to create new entries in CCleaner.

    Pay attention to the tab bar located at the top. The first, called "Windows", contains applications that are downloaded after the user logs into the account. Below are entries with information about plugins that are activated when the browser is called.

    (Visited 19,330 times, 4 visits today)

    We have fun, brothers! I love watching the program automatically start when you turn on the computer! But not all applications will be useful, because the brakes will begin, the system will begin to overload.

    Therefore, adding anything to startup needs to be done confidently and smoothly. So, you don’t need to throw two games or two browsers at once, I feel like you didn’t understand this paragraph too much, so I’ll explain.

    What does it mean?

    You can turn on the programs you need automatically. Let's say you always open the Google Chrome browser when you start your PC, so it can start on its own! This kind of fraud can be carried out with various programs like Skype, Flux, etc.

    Adding an application to startup

    All you need to do is go to “START” (the button is located in the lower left corner of the desktop) and select “all programs”, and then right-click on the “Startup” folder and left-click on “Explorer” "

    A folder will open with applications that will be awake when the system starts. Initially, this folder is empty, into it we add working application shortcuts that will automatically start working as soon as our computer turns on.

    You can copy the shortcut from the desktop or drag it using the left mouse button held down - I recommend the first option because... when dragging, your shortcut will disappear from the desktop, but when copying, such an oversight will not happen.

    The job is done, now Google Chrome will launch automatically. If you want to remove the application, then simply remove the shortcut from startup.

    Remember that an excessive number of applications in startup can affect the performance of the PC, because more resources will be used.

    Hidden startup

    Let’s put it this way: “applications can start when you turn on the computer, but you won’t find them in the startup folder.”

    To disable autorun applications, we need to follow the familiar route: Start - run, and if you don’t have buttons, then use the keys: the Win + R button combination will help you.

    You can also enter “msconfig” in the search bar

    So we went to the “system configuration” section and selected the “startup” column

    Look, here you can disable all applications! It may turn out that you are using some applications when you start your computer. Of course, for maximum performance it is better to remove all checkboxes from startup. And don’t forget about the “OK” button so that all changes take effect.

    I myself know that many applications hang like a mortal weight in the tray (lower right corner of the desktop), or are even completely hidden in processes. So, maybe you are running a game center that downloads and updates games all the time (consumes the Internet).

    We remove unnecessary processes - follow the link, where I talk in detail about increasing productivity by eliminating mediocre processes.

    The article is for beginners, so for a more complete removal of processes when starting the PC, they also look into the registry editor, or even use software gadgets, for example, the Autoruns utility.

    Thus, we learned how to launch and delete processes that appear when the computer is turned on. This lesson is suitable for Windows 7 owners, but maybe my tips will be useful for your operating system.

    Leave comments, all the best!


    How to disable autorun programs in Windows

    If, after turning on your computer, you have to wait a long time for the operating system to finally load, don’t put up with it! Some of my friends who bought a powerful laptop just two months ago thought that it was normal to wait five minutes before starting to work with it. Having accidentally seen this, I immediately opened the startup list and discovered a large number of applications that started along with the system.

    The fact is that after installation, many programs are automatically registered in startup, and then every time you turn on the computer they are launched along with the operating system. This, of course, does not have a positive effect on windows loading time. To increase system boot speed, you need to exclude unnecessary applications from startup.

    There are several ways to remove unnecessary programs from startup:

    The first way is through the Startup folder. It stores shortcuts to programs that launch after successful user registration in the system. Shortcuts to this folder can be added by programs during installation, or by the user independently.

    There are two startup folders:

    General – for all users of this PC. Located in the Documents and Settings\All Users\Main Menu\Programs\Startup directory. Programs from this directory will run for all Windows users, no matter how many there are.

    Individual – for the current user logged in under his account. Stored in the Documents and Settings\Username\Main Menu\Programs\Startup directory. Programs from this folder will be launched for the current user.

    So, if you don’t want programs from these folders to start when Windows starts, just remove their shortcuts from these folders. You can also remove these shortcuts by going to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Startup”.

    The second method is using the built-in System Setup utility. To call it, go to “Start” - “Run” - type msconfig and click “OK”. In the window that appears, go to the “Startup” tab. To remove unnecessary programs from startup, simply uncheck the boxes next to them and click “OK”, then restart your computer.
    If you can’t figure out from the name in the first column which program is in startup, look at the “Command” column. Here is the path to the executable file, which will help you determine the folder and, accordingly, the name of the program.

    The third method is in the Registry Editor. Go to “Start” – “Run” – type regedit and click “OK”. Information about autoloading is contained in two registry branches: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run - is responsible for autoloading programs for all system users. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run - is responsible for autoloading programs of the current system user.

    To remove a program from startup, simply delete the corresponding key (right-click on the key - select “Delete” in the context menu):
    The fourth method is to manage startup using third-party programs. There are many utilities that allow you to disable autorun of unnecessary applications. Among them are the programs CCleaner and Starter, which were repeatedly mentioned on the blog.

    In CCleaner, to manage startup, you need to select the “Tools” tab - “Startup” - find an application that does not need to load with the system - select it and click “Turn off”: In the Starter program, to do this, go to the “Startup” tab - find in list on the right the desired program and uncheck it. In the window that appears, click “Yes”.
    Another program for managing Windows startup that I should definitely tell you about is called Autoruns. This is a small but very powerful utility with which you can see (and, if necessary, disable) all programs, services and drivers that start along with the operating system. Autoruns may be useful if a virus has entered your system's startup. I will tell you in more detail about how to work with this program in a separate article.


    How to configure whether to enable/disable autorun programs in OS Windows 7

    Autoload is designed to optimize the operation of some programs and PCs. Many utilities and applications can be launched along with the operating system. The most striking example is the antivirus service.

    A number of other programs and services have this capability. This helps optimize work with important applications, such as those that must be active at all times.

    Sometimes an excessive number of self-starting programs becomes a consequence of the OS being turned on for a long time. This happens because some applications add themselves to the startup list without the user's knowledge.

    In this case, you should completely disable the unnecessary function. Let's look at several ways to remove programs from startup.

    You can add almost any executable file to autorun. The easiest way is to move it (or the shortcut) to the system startup folder.

    In Windows 7, it can be found in the Start menu, after clicking the All Programs button. Towards the end of the list there will be a Startup folder. Removing from it means canceling autorun.

    This is the easiest way to disable autorun, but not the most effective. Many applications duplicate this function in other system sections.

    If there is a startup mark on another system partition, simply deleting the program from their startup folder will not help. In addition, removing applications from startup via the Start menu is only applicable for a specific active user.

    Editing common to all users can be done in the system folder Programm Data, which is on drive C. Having opened it, you will need to follow this path: Microsoft\windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

    If when you turn on your computer, your operating system takes a very long time to load, then the problem is in those programs that open automatically. A whole bunch of applications are running at the same time. This slows down the computer significantly. Therefore, you need to disable automatic launch of applications. We will look at the most popular methods for various systems.

    Autostart programs in Windows 7. MSConfig utility.

    This method is very simple. Go to the Start menu. Next, enter msconfig in the search bar. Open the first (and only) result.

    Here you see a huge list of applications. And they all start at boot. Please review the entire list carefully. Uncheck those utilities that you do not need at startup. Then save your changes and be sure to restart your computer. The OS should load much faster.

    Tip: If you accidentally disable some essential utility, don't worry! Just go back and check the boxes in the right place.

    How to disable autorun through the registry?

    This is the most difficult way. It is better not to do anything in the registry, as you can disrupt the operation of the computer if you do something wrong. So, open the Start menu. Below, in the search bar, enter regedit.

    Then find the two Run sections. In the screenshot you can see the full paths. One of them is responsible for automatic launch for the current user, and the other for all users.

    Go there and simply remove the components of those utilities that you do not need.

    Programs to disable autorun

    There is a utility called Autoruns, it is quite powerful. In it you can find absolutely all applications that are launched upon boot.

    You can download it from this official website: https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Autoruns.zip.

    Then unpack the archive and run the utility. This is what she looks like:

    Go to the Everything tab. This means that it contains programs that automatically open on your computer. Afterwards, uncheck the boxes next to those that you want to disable at startup.

    CCleaner utility.

    This utility is convenient because, in addition to disabling autorun, it can also remove any junk from the computer, making it even more productive.

    You can download it from this site: http://ccleaner.org.ua/download.

    Select the required installation. If you don't know which one to choose, then choose the first one.

    Disable unnecessary utilities, and they will no longer bother you the next time you start.

    This is how you can easily and simply disable any program from startup. The following methods will be discussed for other versions of Windows.

    How to disable autorun programs in Windows 8

    Through the system partition.

    Hold keys such as Win + R.

    A window like this will open. Type shell:startup, then click OK.

    The current user's applications are stored here.

    And if you want to open it for all users, then enter shell:common startup.

    Now just click on any of the folders that you don't need on startup and delete it.

    Via Task Manager

    In the following versions of operating systems, automatic startup is not located in the MSConfig utility, but in the Task Manager. Call up the context menu on the control panel with the mouse and select the item you need.

    Select the application you don't need and click on the "Disable" button.

    How to disable autorun programs in Windows 10

    The methods listed for version 8 are suitable for this operating system. Even the location of the folders in the registry is the same.

    Advice: use any methods other than the registry. Important data is stored there and can be easily damaged. If you don't understand the registry well, it's better not to even go there.

    Thus, now no unnecessary applications will interfere with the computer boot. Just don’t disable all the utilities in a row. Of these, some are extremely important for the full operation of the computer.