How to make tables in word. Editing a document: working with cells. How to add new rows and columns

The Word text editor is used by a huge number of people. Software package Microsoft Word is in demand due to its convenient interface. Using only the Word text editor, not to mention Excel and others, you can create any text documents, as well as tables. In today's episode I will tell you how to make a table in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013, as well as in Liber Office.

How to make a table in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

So, first, let's talk about how to make a table in new versions of Word, starting with the 2007 release. To create a table in Microsoft Word, we will use the ribbon interface.

Now on Word page A window with an Excel table should appear. The editing process is the same as in Excel program. It is possible to write formulas and use many other functions table processor Excel.

You can also make a table manually. Go again to the “Insert” tab -> “TABLE” -> select “DRAW TABLE”. On the Word page you will see a pencil, with it you can draw a table.

You can perform all other table editing actions using the tools located in the “DESIGN” and “LAYOUT” tabs.

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How to make a table in Word 2003

I think there are still those who use old version Microsoft Word 2003.

To create a table in this version of the program, go to the “Table” tab -> “Insert” -> “Table”.

By clicking on the “Table” item, a new window will appear in which you have to select the number of columns, rows and configure automatic selection column widths. When all the parameters are set, click on the “OK” button, after which the table will appear in the document.

There is another way to create a table: you can use the button on the toolbar. But at the same time, it is important to know that maximum size the table will be 4 by 5.

The button next to the Excel program icon allows you to create an Excel table inside a Word document.

The functionality in new versions of Microsoft Word has not changed much, so you can also draw a table manually. Go to the “TABLE” tab –> “DRAW TABLE”.

To continue editing, click on the “Borders Panel” icon, the button is shown in the screenshot below.

This tool allows you to draw a table, there is a fill, sorting and much more.

How to make a table in Liber Office

I think some of the readers have heard about the software package for students. And some of them probably even use LibreOffice program Writer.

Well, to create a table in Liber Office, follow the instructions:

Feel free to experiment with the Table tab as you please.

Creating a table in Word 2007 is very simple. But many novice users are intimidated when it comes to tables. Let's figure out step by step what you can do with them. After reading the article, you will be a master in working and designing tables.

The main thing is to learn how to design and format them, and not just create them. Information is often easier to perceive when it is presented in a user-friendly way. Let's look at everything step by step.

How to create tables in Word

To begin, open the Word editor. At the top of the panel there is an “Insert” tab (Insert in English versions).

There is a "Table" button there. You need to click on it, and then it will appear special menu, where you can do the following:

  • insert table;
  • draw a table;
  • insert quick table;
  • insert table Excel format;
  • convert table.

You can insert a table different ways. For example, the simplest one is to select required quantity rows and columns in a special panel. You can do it like this.

How to create tables in Word in other ways? You can click on another line in the Insert Table menu. As a result, a special window with table settings will open.

Here you can specify the number of columns and number of rows. You can also specify the width of the columns. Enter everything you need and then click on the "OK" button.

How to draw a table

In addition, you can draw a table. This is the next line in the menu after inserting a table.

By clicking on this item, you will have a brush tool with which you can draw tables. But this method is usually not used, as it is easy to get confused. It is much more efficient to insert as indicated above.

Express table

How to create tables with pre-made templates in Word? Quite simple. You need to click on the “Express Tables” menu item. After this, you will see a whole list of templates.

You can choose any option that you need and like best.

How to merge cells in Word?

When designing tables, you often have to merge cells. For example, when creating a header. This is quite easy to do. Select several cells and right-click.

And after that the selected cells will become one. You can perform such actions as many times as you like until there is only one cell left in the table.

You can combine both vertically and horizontally.

Insert Excel format table

There is an "Excel Table" item in the menu. Click there.

As soon as you click there, you will have a ready-made table format in your usual Excel. Moreover, there will be the same sheets as in the Microsoft Excel editor.

You can work there in the same way as in your native editor. Right click will bring up the menu not of Word, but of Excel.

You will work in Excel while being in the Word editor. It is very comfortable. After all, that's what it's designed for.

Adding Rows and Columns

If you want to enlarge your table, you need to mark a cell with the cursor and call up the menu by pressing the right mouse button. There is a special “insert” item there. By clicking on it, you will open an additional window with other operations.

The menu is very simple, each item speaks for itself. Everyone can figure it out here.

Formatting a table

There is a “Border” and “Fill” item here. Click there. You will see the following window.

Initially, you will have the "Fields" tab open. You need to go to the "Paper Source" tab. There is a "Fill" item there. Choose any color you need and click on "OK".

But you can fill the cap with others more in a simple way. At the top of the panel there is a button with a bucket for filling.

You can choose any color. There is a ready-made set of palettes with different shades. If none of them suits, then you can choose any other by clicking on the “Other colors” button.

How to create tables with ready-made designs in Word? To do this on top panel you need to go to the "Design" tab. It is important that you are in the table at this moment.

As a result of this you will see a large number of pre-prepared design options. You can use any. To familiarize yourself, you can move your cursor over these templates, but do not click on them. The table will be transformed, but the changes will not take effect until you click on the selected option.

If you are thinking about how to split a table in Word, then it is very simple. Stand on the desired line and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. And it will be divided into 2 parts.

Moving a table

Many people wonder how to move a table in Word. It's very easy to move. Stand on any table. A cross will appear in your upper left corner. Click on it and don't let go. Then move the mouse cursor to this table to any place you need.

Please note that when you click on this icon, the entire table is highlighted. It can be moved in another way. Just press Ctrl+X on your keyboard (you will cut the content) and press Ctrl+V in the desired position.

As a result, all rows and columns will be in the right place.

How to make tables in word

Continuing the topic of working in Word, let's look at how to make tables in Word. Tables are an integral part of most documents, especially in production and business activities.

At its core, a table is designed to structure information and process information. For example, in the field of economics, many numbers, indicators, names, quantities are included in tables for more convenient perception information.

Let's look at the basics of creating tables in Word. And I'll give it right away useful recommendation. Before making any document that includes tables, you need to sketch out the structure of the page. Take a sheet of paper and mark the following areas: the title, the main part and what it includes (text, table, picture), footer of the page (signature, Contact Information). Be sure to first write the title, and then create the table. If you immediately close the table, you will not be able to insert a title and will have to redo everything.

Let's start step-by-step creating a simple table.

1 step. Opening Text Document Word. Click on the “Insert” tab. Click on the “Table” tool. Let's look at the picture:

Here we see several options for inserting a table:

Constructor for creating tables. This tool allows you to visually see the number of columns and rows. The disadvantage is that the maximum table size can be 10 columns and 8 rows.

Insert Table... This tool is a wizard for creating tables where you need to enter the number of rows and columns manually.

Draw a table. The tool is designed to create a table in a completely visual-manual mode. After selection of this instrument, a miniature pencil will appear behind the cursor. By pressing and holding the left mouse button, draw a diagonal, causing a rectangle to appear. This table will consist of one column and one row. Now, as on regular paper, we draw the necessary rows and columns.

Step 2. We select a table creation tool with manually writing the number of rows and columns. In my case there are 5 columns and 5 rows. Let's look at the picture:

Step 3. Let's start editing the table. To do this, move the cursor to the right top corner. When a cross appears in the square, click right key mouse to open the context menu. Let's look at the picture:

Step 4 Borders and shading. Here we select the type, color and width of the table lines. We can also set the display of lines. Let's look at the picture:

Step 5 IN context menu Select the Align Cells option. Here we can set content alignment parameters both for the entire table and for individual rows, columns and cells. Let's look at the picture:

Step 6 In the context menu, select table properties. Here we set the height and width of the table. Eat alternative way set table dimensions using dividers on the ruler. Let's look at the picture:

Step 7 After filling the table with content, we align the height of the rows. You can skip this point. Let's look at the picture:

Step 8 Let's do extra lines and columns. In the context menu, select Insert. In order to add lines, just place the cursor in the lower right cell and press the button on the keyboard - Tab. Let's look at the picture:

We figured out how to make a table in Word, and also learned how to edit the main parameters of the table. And I would like to remind you once again that you should first write the title and then insert the table. Also, do not forget about the function of aligning table contents; just select the entire table and apply the alignment type. For a more presentable appearance, use aligned row and column heights. To add creativity, experiment with table type and color.

And I almost forgot. In order to merge several table cells, you need to select these cells and select “Merge Cells” in the context menu.

How can you easily draw a table in Word in several ways?

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today, if you don’t mind, we will continue to mess with text Microsoft editor Word. Due to my line of work, I often have to deal with him, so I can’t ignore him.

And today we will work with tables. Yes. Without this, our business is simply nowhere. But many people don’t even know how this can be brought to life, much less in several ways. Therefore, I will tell you how to draw a table in Word, using several different options and ways. I will do this as usual in Office 2013, but if you have 2010, then this article will also be relevant. Ready? Then let's go!


Our first method will be the simplest and most classic, namely a regular table insertion. We don't need any supernatural abilities here. You just need to set the number of rows and columns.

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Log in to Word and go to the “Insert” menu, then select “Table” and visually use the squares to select how your table will look in real time. If you are satisfied with everything, then simply click the left mouse button in the right point. True, this line has a limited number of rows and columns. In this case, another option will help us.

To set a certain number of columns and rows, we need to enter the same section again, only this time select the “Insert table” item.

A new window will appear where you will be asked to select the required number of rows and columns.


Enough in a convenient way Creating a sign is drawing it. That is, here you yourself choose initially what it will look like for you. In order to bring this to life, we need to go to the same point “Insert” - “Table”, and then click on “Draw table”. Your cursor should change to a pencil.

We will use this pencil to draw our sign. To do this, press left button mouse from one edge and lead it to the other lower edge, after which we release our rodent.

Now start drawing vertical lines from where you would like them to go. This will be the division between our columns.

And to top it off, start drawing in the same way. horizontal lines from start to finish so that we have a complete table. By the way, we can draw some lines not from beginning to end, but from any other place, for example, from the second line. If something happens, we can always finish drawing what we are missing.

other methods

I will briefly cover two other methods, namely insertion excel tables and quick tables. If we use an Excel table, then naturally it will be loaded. This thing is convenient because you can use everything advantages of excel V Word document, for example sum cells.

Quick Tables Made Simple ready-made templates, which will help make your sign more interesting in terms of design. For example, using them you can create a calendar in one click. But these functions are usually used less often.

Other functions

If you select a table or part of it, you will have a new temporary menu in the ribbon, which will be called “Working with tables”. This menu will in turn include two tabs: Layout and Design.

In the "Constructor" we can fill our entire structure or individual cells with any color, in addition, you can choose one of the templates, which slightly changes appearance your table. Well, at the same time you can change the color and thickness of the borders.

But I would like to dwell on “Maket” in a little more detail. Here we have abundance various functions, which will be useful to us. For example, if you select “Eraser”, then thanks to it you can erase any line inside the table, an entire cell, etc. Sometimes this thing is simply necessary. I use it myself often.

In addition, you can add new rows or columns anywhere, even in the middle. To do this, you need to select one of the options: insert top, bottom, right, left. Although, for good measure, inserting another line can be easier. To do this, just place the cursor at the end of the line after which you want to create a new one.

Another great feature is Sort. For example, you can easily sort the values ​​in any column. Let me, just for fun, write the numbers in the first column out of order and we will have 5, 2, 16, 1, 2, 13. Now I will select this column and click on the “Sort (A-Z)” button.

After this, a new window will appear where you need to select a specific column by which to sort, as well as a characteristic (number, date, text). But if you select a specific column, then all values ​​will be substituted automatically. Well, then click OK and now everything will be in order.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

How to make a table in Word - A thousand and one ways for all versions

For those who often and extensively work with documents, it would be a good idea to learn how to work with tables in Word. Most of the methods that will be described below work in all versions of Microsoft Word.

In MS Word 2007, 2010 and 2013, you can simply click on the table thumbnail to insert it into the text. Their grandfather has Word 2003 useful feature There is also one, although not as extensive.

So, to add a table to the text using its sketch in Word 2007/2010/2013, you need to:

  • Go to the “Insert” tab on the top panel of the program window;
  • Click on the “Table” button;
  • When a sketch with 10 columns and 8 rows appears, simply by hovering over the desired number of cells, you can add a grid of the desired configuration to your text.

Add process using thumbnail in MS Word 2007, 2010 and 2013

In Word 2003, this whole process occurs somewhat differently.

There is no need to go to any tabs - already in the start window of the program on the top panel there is a menu with a sketch.

Thumbnail Menu in MS Word 2003

As you can see, there are fewer columns and rows here – 5 and 4, respectively. Therefore, we can say that in this version the ability to create a mesh is somewhat limited.

After adding a table, you can edit it - just hover the cursor over the lines and borders, click on them, and start moving (the cursor will change its appearance).

Specific cells or even entire columns and rows finished table can be deleted.

This is done by selecting an unnecessary fragment and pressing Delete buttons on keyboard. This is true for tables created using any of the methods described here. Let's move on to the next method.

Return to menu

In all versions of Word, the insertion window looks the same.

There is one functional difference - Word 2003 has an AutoFormat option. She is responsible for ensuring that the grid turns out beautiful and in accordance with the chosen style.

In the rest, more later versions, the program “adjusts” the table to the selected style itself, automatically. By default, standard autoformatting is applied - the table will not have any special elements such as filled cells, columns of different lengths, and the like.

Different happens in different ways. In newer versions (Word 2007, 2010 and 2013) the method is as follows:

  • Go to the “Insert” tab;
  • Click on “Tables”;
  • Click the “Insert Table” button.

A window opens in which you need to specify the number of columns and rows. Actually, this window is the same for all versions of Word. We indicate the quantity we need there and click “OK” at the bottom of the window.

Insertion window and access to it in Word 2007/2010/2013

In Word 2003, this window is accessed through the “Table” menu. This means that on the top panel you need to click “Table”, then move the cursor over the “Insert” item and in the drop-down list click on the “Table” item again.

Accessing the Insert Window in MS Word 2003

As we see, in Word menu 2003 yes interesting feature, converting text to a table grid. You can select a piece of text, then click on “Transform” and the text will be placed in an automatically created cell. It is worth saying that in most cases the program creates a completely different table than the user wants. Apparently that's why this function no longer present in new versions.

back to menu

This method also works the same in all versions. In Word 2007, 2010, and 2013, access to the desired button occurs through the “Insert” tab and the “Tables” button, and in Word 2003 - through the “Tables” menu. The menu we need is called “Draw Table”. After clicking on it, the cursor turns into a pencil. By moving it accordingly, you can quickly and easily draw the desired type grid.

Accessing the Table Drawing Tool

The advantage of this method is that the user can create a mesh of any desired configuration. The cells in it can be different sizes, there can be an arbitrary number of cells themselves and they can be located as desired.

A special Excel editor has been developed for working with tables, but it is not necessary to understand such a difficult method in order to create a simple table. You can make a table in Word quite simply and quickly, without any special obstacles and at the same time save a lot of time. There are several ways to create a table; we will consider each separately and provide visual drawings.

Creating a table in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In the latest versions of Microsoft Word, the functionality is not very different from each other. Therefore, let us first analyze the improved versions of the program. So, to make a table you should run step by step instructions, having previously selected the appropriate option.

Limited table size 10ˣ8

Creating a table without size restrictions

If you have to draw a complex table, with a huge amount columns and rows, then this method will be relevant. The following steps need to be taken:

The maximum number of columns is 63, and the number of rows is more than 1001.

Drawing a table with a pencil

For creative types, there is a way to have fun while creating a table. You will have to draw the table with a pencil. Here's how to do it:

Excel table style

If necessary, you can create a table as in Excel, with identical styles. To do this, you need to take the following steps.

Express tables

Advanced text functionality Word editor, allows you to build a beautiful diagram using express tables. All you need to do is open the “Insert” tab. Next, click on the “Tables” and “Express Tables” icon. Now select the desired option from the drop-down list.

The standard Microsoft Word program allows you not only to print and edit various texts, but also draw tables different levels difficulties. The user independently decides how many columns and rows are needed, and also adjusts other parameters. How to create a table in the Word editor different versions, how to edit cells and delete tables? Instructions for placing tables in Word will help answer these questions. An example of a table that can be created in the program.

If you want to create a table in the 2003 version of Word, place the cursor on the worksheet where you want the table to be. After this, follow the instructions:

Step 1. In the menu at the top, find the “Table” section, then “Insert”, then click on the “Table” icon.

Step 2. The Insert Table menu should appear. Decide on the parameters (number of rows and columns) and enter these values.

In this window, you can also edit the “Auto-fit column widths” option:

  • when you select “Constant” in the “Automatic” value, the columns will become the same width;
  • when you select “Constant” and enter the required size, the columns will become the selected width;
  • If you select "Fit to content", the width will be oriented to the largest content of the cell;
  • if you select “Fit to window width”, the table will adjust to the width of the entire page, and its columns will be equal in width;
  • The AutoFormat button allows you to customize the format.

On a note! There is another way to place a table in Word 2003. Click on the “Add table” panel, then mark the number of rows and columns, and click once.

Table in Word version 2010 and higher

Create a table in Microsoft Word more current version can be done in two main ways.

First way

For automatic insertion:

Second way

If you need more cells to work with, you need the Insert Table option in the Insert option.

For this:

The note! If you most often work with the same or similar tables, indicate standard parameters by clicking on “Default for new tables”. The system will remember the settings, and the next time you click “OK” you will be able to work with the saved templates.

Adding a table to Word in Excel format

The process of inserting an Excel table is quite simple:

Step 1. From the “Insert” menu, select the “Table” section, and then click on the “Excel Table” button.

Step 2. A table will appear on the sheet, which can be edited in Word program. Use the tools in the top main menu to get started with the table.

How to insert a table in Word for Mac?

Operating version of Word Mac systems similar to the Windows version. To add a table, follow these steps:

Step 1. From the main menu at the top, select the “Insert” tab.

Step 2. Click on the “Table” icon, select the required number of cells with the mouse, then release the mouse.

If you need to insert more rows and columns, you can enter the parameters manually. For this:

Step 1. Select the “Insert” tab in the top main menu, then click on the “Insert Table” button.

Step 2. Enter the appropriate number of columns and rows, then confirm the operation.

The note! To create a complex table yourself, use the "Draw Table" button in the "Insert" options"Table".

Editing a Document: Working with Cells

To format a table and bring it to required type, you need to learn not only how to create columns and rows, but also how to edit cells. Word has the ability to merge, split, shade, or delete cells.

The process of merging cells in a table

To merge cells automatically:

Split one cell into several

In Word you can also split a cell into two or more. To do this:

Step 1. Select a cell, right-click on it and click “Split Cells”.

Step 2. If everything is done correctly, a window will open to enter the number of rows and columns. To cells, enter the parameters and confirm the operation.

How to color table cells?

Sometimes the user may need to color the table. For this:

How to delete a cell, column or row?

Select the cell, column or line you want to get rid of with the mouse. Click “Delete” in the window that opens, and then select what you want to delete.

Editing a document: working with a table

Sometimes the user needs to edit the created table, move it to another location in the document, or delete it completely. How to do it?

How to move a table in Word?

Step 1. Place the cursor on the table, in its upper left corner. Click on the icon with four arrows. Without releasing the mouse, move the table.

Step 2. Release the mouse and the table will move to the location you specified.

Deleting a table in Word

There are three main methods to delete a table in Microsoft Word.

First method

If the table needs to be removed entirely from the sheet.

Step 1. Place the mouse cursor on the top left edge of the table. You will see arrows pointing in four directions. Click on them to completely select the cells.

Step 2. Click “Delete table” by right-clicking on these cells.

Second method

To solve the problem differently:

Third method

Another quick option remove table from document:

How to Draw a Table in Word

To draw your table:

You can draw any number of columns, cells and other elements yourself. By selecting the Eraser tool, you can remove unnecessary lines.

Express tables: how to insert into Word?

Express tables are also called standard templates tables already entered into the Word program. This may be needed when writing laboratory and final papers, as well as when developing drawings.

To copy an existing template:

Table in Microsoft program Word is the ideal tool for organizing and presenting information. Using the instructions given in the article, you will be able to create, edit tables, and change their parameters.

Video - Working with tables in Word

The bias against tables has deep roots. To be honest, a dozen years ago tables could not boast of convenience due to the imperfection of the program as a whole. But a lot of time has passed since then. Microsoft has done a great job fixing its mistakes and doing everything possible for the convenience of users. It’s a pity, of course, that many of those same users don’t know about this and are still working in the 2003 edition office suite. Doesn’t it remind you of the story about hedgehogs and cacti? :)

I simply humanly recommend that everyone stuck in the past upgrade to at least the 2013 version Microsoft Office, or better yet, straight to the latest one, 2016. Believe me, it only seems to you that you are working in a classic environment; in fact, it has long been overgrown with moss and mold.

Use templates

Office routine is full, including tables. We take one electronic piece of paper, cut out part of it, insert it into new document and correct the details. Good technique, but it seems to me that working with templates is a little easier and faster. By the way, in the very Word templates They are called express tables.

Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Table" and go to "Quick Tables". Pay attention to the item “Save selected fragment to collection”.

Here you will find several quite useful options and, most importantly, you can save any other table or its fragment, including your own, as a template.

Draw tables

Remember the bear that, as a child, walked over your ears and hands in a rampant gypsy dance? It’s been since then that you’ve disliked singing and brushes, and it’s been since then that you’ve stubbornly ignored the “Draw Table” option in Word. Buck up, grown man! It's time to suppress the furry monster! It's easier than it seems.

Click on the “Insert” tab, click on “Table” and go to “Draw Table”.

And don’t be afraid to make a mistake: there is always an eraser at hand. Sometimes a pencil and eraser make it much easier to create complex tables with small elements.

Insert rows and columns quickly

Starting with Word 2013, adding rows and columns has turned from a mind-numbing torture into an exciting fun. Don’t think about it, the archaic “Insert columns on the left/right” and “Insert rows on the top/bottom” have not gone away, but now you can forget about them.

Hover your cursor over the space between rows or columns outside the table and click on the plus sign that appears.

In the future I would like to see something similar for the delete function.

Use a ruler

Every person has favorite and disgusting numbers that he indiscriminately uses or avoids in his life. Even in the parameters of your tables. I know people like that. :)

If you are used to accurately setting the indent values, width and height of cells through table properties, try an alternative - the ruler.

Move the cursor to the border of columns or rows, grab it, hold it Alt key and use the convenience of a centimeter ruler.

The same trick can be done with indent and protrusion markers. Hover the cursor over them and hold down the same Alt key.

Use hotkeys

If I were a developer software, I would call the hotkeys soul buttons. After all, sometimes you just want to hug your laptop just because they exist. As for Word tables, the three combinations I use most often are:

  1. Alt + Shift + Up/Down moves quickly current line one position higher or lower (simply an irreplaceable thing).
  2. Ctrl + Shift + A instantly transforms capital letters in capital letters, which is very useful for headings.
  3. Ctrl+Tab adds a tab in a cell, while normal Tab moves the cursor to the next cell.

Convert text to table

A little bit of magic that you can show off in front of an amazed audience. Instead of creating tables the usual way, try a couple of other, more sophisticated options:

  • Cell arrays copied from Excel are pasted into Word as a table with invisible borders.
  • Well-structured text can be easily converted into a table regular means Word.

Select the text, click on the “Insert” tab, click on “Table” and select “Convert to Table”.

pay attention to auxiliary parameters: The quality of the conversion depends directly on them.

Control cell sizes

If you want to get to know a person, give him a table with a tyrant text. A slightly loose interpretation of a well-known opinion, of course, but it hits the mark. Just look at the screenshot, or rather at the first column and the word “philological” - an ugly thorn.

According to my observations, in such cases, people first express themselves indecently, and then resort to a less than optimal solution - reducing the font size. But it is better to place the text in a different way.

Right-click in the cell, select “Table Properties”, switch to the “Cell” tab, go to “Options” and check the “Enter text” box.

Word will strain itself and return the runaway letter to its place, and peace will reign in the world again. By the way, for clarity, the “inscribed” text will be underlined with a blue line.

And sometimes you borrow someone’s table and hum contentedly under your breath: “Only you, the fish of my dreams”! Good job by someone else's hands! You start filling it with your data, and then uncontrollable devilry happens: some columns spread out due to the weight loss of others. The head becomes sober, and reality ceases to please. What should I do?

Jokes aside, it happens that they send you a table of a strict format, with which you cannot make mistakes. At the very least, don’t be lazy to send it back with the same dimensions. This way the recipient will see what he expects to see. To do this, disable auto-sizing based on content.

Right-click in any cell, select “Table Properties”, go to “Options” and uncheck the “Auto-size based on content” box.

The same option will save your table from collapse if you need to fill some cells with images: they will fit as a thumbnail instead of full-size.

Anything to add? Write in the comments.