How to add a row to an existing table. Creating additional rows. Add a Row Using Insert Controls

To work in Microsoft Excel The first priority is to learn how to insert rows and columns into a table. Without this skill it is almost impossible to work with tabular data. Let's figure out how to add a column in Excel.

In Excel, there are several ways to insert a column into a worksheet. Most of them are quite simple, but a novice user may not understand them all right away. In addition, there is an option automatic adding rows to the right of the table.

Method 1: Paste via Coordinates Panel

One of the most simple ways insertion is an operation via horizontal panel Excel coordinates.

Method 2: Adding via Cell Context Menu

Can be done this task and in a slightly different way, namely through the context menu of the cell.

Method 3: Ribbon Button

Column insertion can be done using special button on the tape.

Method 4: Using Hot Keys

You can also add a new column using hotkeys. Moreover, there are two options for adding

Method 5: Insert Multiple Columns

If you need to insert several columns at once, then in Excel you do not need to perform a separate operation for each element, since you can this procedure combine into one action.

Method 6: Add a Column at the End of the Table

All the above methods suitable for adding columns at the beginning and in the middle of the table. They can also be used to insert columns at the end of a table, but in this case you will have to do the appropriate formatting. But there are ways to add a column to the end of the table so that it is immediately perceived by the program as its immediate part. To do this, you need to create a so-called “smart” table.

As we see, there is whole line ways to add new columns to Excel sheet both in the middle of the table and in the extreme ranges. To make adding as simple and convenient as possible, it is best to create a so-called “smart” table. In this case, when adding data to the range to the right of the table, it will automatically be included in it as a new column.

Sometimes seemingly simple actions in Excel program are performed in a way that is not entirely clear. So, many users experience some difficulties when they need to add a new row to their table. Of course, it is worth noting that although this action can be performed in a few mouse clicks, it sometimes carries with it completely different consequences than were planned. Moreover, each goal has its own method.

How to insert a row in Excel

In total, you can consider three ways to insert new rows in the Excel spreadsheet editor. They all depend on the goals pursued by the user. Thus, the procedure for adding a row between rows is quite different from what you need to do to add a row at the end of the table. That is why it is necessary to consider each method separately, which is what we will do now.

Method 1: Insert Between Lines

First of all, let's figure out how to add to Excel rows between the lines, since this is the action that users perform most often. And it is done quite simply:

  1. Place the cursor in the cell above which you need to add a new line.
  2. Click the right mouse button.
  3. In the appeared context menu select the "Insert..." option. Sometimes it happens that there will be two “Insert” lines in the menu; be sure to select the second one.
  4. A new window will appear in which you need to indicate what exactly you want to insert. Accordingly, set the switch to the “String” position and click OK.

If you want to speed up the process of inserting a line between lines, you can resort to using hotkeys instead of the context menu. The fact is that the “Insert” window is called up by pressing the Ctrl + “+” keys. However, note that you need to press the plus key digital panel, which is located on the right side of the keyboard. After pressing the hot keys, the same window will appear, in which you need to select the “Line” item and press the OK button.

Method 2: Insert at the end of the table

We've figured out how to add rows between rows in Excel, but when we try to do these steps to create new line at the end of the table the user will fail. The row will be added, but it will not carry over the formatting of the table and will be separated from it. In this case, you will have to resort to some tricks, which we will discuss now:

  1. Clamping left button mouse, select the bottom row of the table you created.
  2. Hover your cursor over the square located in the lower right corner of the selection.
  3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag this selection to required quantity rows down.
  4. Release the mouse button.

After this, the table will expand, but the user may not be happy with this state of affairs, since along with the formatting, the text from last line. To fix this, run the following actions:

  1. Select new cells from which you want to remove information.
  2. Right-click on the selection.
  3. From the context menu, select "Clear Contents".

Immediately after this, all text from the cells will be removed, but the formatting will remain.

Method 3: Create a Smart Table

To make working with a table even easier, you need to group rows in Excel. In other words, create a “smart” table. This will allow you not to resort to all sorts of tricks that were described in previous method. This is done simply:

  1. Select the entire table.
  2. Go to the main tab.
  3. In the panel, select Format as Table.
  4. Select the one you like from the list of templates.

Immediately after this, a smart table will be created. Now you can add new lines to it both at the end and in the middle. This was the third way to add rows in Excel, also the last one.


So we figured out how to add rows between rows and at the end of the table in Excel. I especially want to highlight last method, which involves creating a “smart” table. Ultimately, it will make working with the data in it several times easier, which is undoubtedly an advantage.

The Excel workbook consists of 255 sheets, each of which looks like a table. In this table, each cell has its own address. A situation often arises when, when creating such a table, some information was accidentally omitted that needs to be placed in a strictly defined place. This situation can be easily corrected by adding missing lines.

Many users have no idea even about such seemingly simple things, like adding new entries to the current document. But this item is perhaps one of the most popular and understandable in Excel. Naturally, some skills will be required in order to insert this kind of element into Excel, but in general the process proceeds quickly and with the least effort. In order to add a row to a spreadsheet, the program must be installed on your computer.

How to add a row in Excel?

How to add or remove some information in a table in Excel? This question often worries novice users of the application. In particular, in order to add a line in Excel, you should decide which record it will be inserted above and click anywhere in the record above which such an insert will be made. In this way, you can create not only one record, but also several, by pressing the F4 key to repeat the insertion operation.

To the question of how to insert a record in Excel, the answer is very simple. If it is added at the bottom of the table, then it is enough to fill all the cells of this area and set boundaries in it so that it does not differ from the previous elements of the table. For this purpose, you can call “Home” - “Format” - “Cell Format” on the ribbon and set them to the same ones as are installed in the entire table.

If a record is inserted between existing ones, it can be used in one of two ways:

  • with highlighting the record over which such an insertion will occur.
  • without selecting the record over which such an insertion will occur.

These options also work when inserting a column. How to perform a similar operation in Excel if a record is inserted between existing ones? In this case, it is necessary to select those cells above which new ones will be added. Then you need to go to the menu “Home” - “Insert” - “Insert rows into sheet”. An empty line will appear above the selected area, ready to be filled. If you need to insert a few more lines above it, you can perform this operation by repeatedly pressing the F4 key. The same action can be performed by calling the contextual (dynamic) menu, for which you need to right-click on the selected cells or on the label of the row over which the insertion will be made. This label contains its serial number and is located to the left of it. In the menu that appears, click on the “Insert” item and select the desired one from the proposed options.

If you need to insert a group of lines, first select several lines, above which there will be
such an insertion is performed, after which the same operations are performed that were described for inserting a single record. This will insert as many rows as the selected table fragment contains.

If you call the context menu while in any cell of the table, then to insert a record above the current one, click on the “Insert” item. The “Add Cells” window will appear, in which you should select the “Row” item. An empty one will appear above the current entry, and this one will move down.

The insertion operation can be carried out using Ctrl-Shift and the “+” keys, which will bring up the “Add Cells” menu. Sometimes a macro is created for the operation of inserting cells and this problem is easily solved using it. Such a need may arise, for example, when inserting information from program 1:C.

Some features of Excel

It is impossible not to mention such a curious fact as concatenation. This action involves actually gluing together several lines to form one. It would seem, why is it needed if it is always possible to remove one element and add another? But in practice everything is much more complicated. The fact is that when you enter any data into a document, it fills all the cells. What to do if everything is already filled in, but, as it turns out, some data needs to be placed on one line? Naturally, there is no point in entering all the data into it again; it is much easier to use a well-thought-out tool by the developers that will instantly turn several cells into one, thereby saving the user precious time. Of course, in order to correctly formulate this process, you need to clearly know where this parameter and how to handle it correctly.

But skill comes with experience, so expect it right away good results not worth it. To develop it, you need to practice every day. If you constantly need to create reports using this program from the MS Office package, then the skill will develop by itself. You only need desire and patience to understand the intricacies of such a convenient user tool as spreadsheets.

Excel is the main office program used by almost all office workers. Excel is used for various accounting and financial calculations, calculations of future value, analysis of statistical data, etc. Based on this, it is extremely important to be able to freely work with this program and perform any actions. This article will show you about this simple action in an Excel table, like adding a row.

So, to add a row in an Excel table, you need to do the following:

Open Excel

In order to open Excel, you need to enter the word “Excel” into the search. The result will appear, clicking on which you will open new document. This is done if you want to create new table. In the same case, if you need to open an existing one, enter the file name into the search. A list of existing tables will also appear if you simply enter the name of the program into the search.

Inserting a Row

Each line has its own serial number. These numbers start from one and go down to an indefinite number. In order to insert a row in Excel tables, you need to right-click on the row number above which you want to insert an additional field.

Consider this example: lines from 1 to 10 contain numbers from ten to one hundred. For example, we want to insert multiples of five between these numbers as follows: 5, 15, 25, etc. Click on the line with serial number 1 with the right mouse button, and select the “Insert” tab in the drop-down box.

Row inserted. We enter the value we need there and continue these actions until we achieve the result we need.

As you may have already noticed, the process of adding a line to Excel spreadsheet very simple and uncomplicated. Learn to use this program correctly, because knowledge of it is required in almost every job.


First, create a table, dividing it into the required number of columns. For this purpose in Microsoft document Office Word go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Table” section, click on the thumbnail with the same name. In the drop-down menu, use the layout to specify the structure of the table, marking the required number of rows and columns, or select the “Insert table” command and specify the values ​​you need in the dialog box that opens. To do it yourself directly in the document using the mouse, select the “Draw table” command. The mouse cursor will appear as a pencil. Outline the outline of the table, and then break the rectangle with horizontal and vertical lines.

Now, to add a row to the table, draw a "pencil" between the two horizontal lines in the part of the table where you want to add the row. You can add an unlimited number of rows this way. When you use the table drawing tool, the additional “Working with Tables” tab becomes active. When you add the required number of rows, click on the “Draw Table” button in the “Designer” section so that the cursor appearance changes again from “pencil” to normal.

To add a specified number of rows, go to the Table Tools tab. To do this, use the “Draw Table” command from the “Insert” tab or place the cursor anywhere in the table. Go to the Layout tab. Select (entirely) one or more rows with the mouse and click on the “Split Cells” button in the “Merge” section. In the dialog box that opens, specify the number of rows you want to add. In the Number of Columns field, enter a value equal to the number of columns you have. Click OK. Adjust the size of the columns if they get lost during insertion. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the vertical edge and wait until the cursor changes to an icon<-||->. Move the faces in the desired direction while holding down the left mouse button.

To insert a single row, while on the Layout tab, position the cursor on the row after which you want to add another row. Click on the "Insert Bottom" button in the "Rows and Columns" section. To top, click on the “Insert at Top” button accordingly. If you select two (three, four) rows in your table and click on the “Insert at the top” (bottom) button, two (three, four) rows will be added in the given direction. The number of added rows will be equal to the number of selected rows in the table.

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  • How to add cells, rows and columns to Word table

Powerful text editors have wide possibilities for processing and formatting created documents. Using the editor, text can be represented using various elements and forms. One of the most commonly used forms of data structuring is tables. Any document data can be represented as table elements. It makes sense to insert many elements and forms of the editor into each other for better perception. Moreover, a table can also be specified as a table element. Paste into table You can use a text editor.


Run Microsoft editor Word. In the application, create a new document or open an existing one. In the application menu, select “Table” - “Insert” - “Table”.

The job mode window will open on the screen. Set parameters there future table. To do this, set the required values ​​in the “Number of Rows” and “Number of Columns” fields. Adjust the column widths in the fields below to suit your needs. Click the "OK" button. The current document will appear with the specified and .

The application will launch a table creation mode similar to that described above. Make all the settings for the nested table and save them with the “Ok” button. The created table will appear in the current main table. Set the formatting of both elements using the Table - AutoFormat Table option or manually setting the properties of each table. Adjust the size of the cells according to their contents. The nested table is built.

Currently, the most convenient text editor with the ability to create tables is MS Word from the Microsoft Office package. With its help, you can create a table of absolutely any size with a certain number of rows and columns.

You will need


To create a table, you need to create a new document or open an existing one. New file is created automatically when the program starts. To do this, click the "Start" menu, expand the "All Programs" item and find the program shortcut in the Microsoft Office block. You can also launch the editor window through a shortcut located on the desktop or panel quick launch applications.

In the main program window, start filling out a new document. If he didn't appear before you White list and “Document 1” does not appear in the title, click the top “File” menu and select “New”.

To open a previously created and saved file, expand the “File” menu and select “Open”. In the window that appears, specify the path to the file, select it and click Enter key.

On standard panel tools, find the “Add Table” button and click it. If you do not move your mouse away from this button, you will see a kind of miniature page layout. Here you can set the approximate number of rows and columns of your future table.

Move your cursor down and to the right to select the number of cells you want for the table. On the last selected cell, left-click. In the created table fill in empty fields. If you make a mistake with the number of columns or rows, you can always add or remove them.

To add columns use top menu"Table". Select the “Add” section and then left-click on the line “ Columns on right". Notice in the table, the number of columns has increased by one. To add more columns, use the same option several times.


  • how to insert a column into a table

You have to work with data placed in tables in different programs, but most often it is either a table editor or word processor from the kit office programs Microsoft Corporation. How to add rows to a structure spreadsheet in each case depends both on the application tools available for this operation and on the specifics of the changes made to the table structure.


Inserts empty lines to the end of the table Microsoft format Office Excel not required - the program does this automatically after loading the document. And to place a new one line anywhere between already filled rows, first right-click the title of the row above which you need to insert an additional line. The row header is the cell to the left of the first column, which usually contains the serial number of the row of cells. Right-clicking on it brings up a context menu on the screen - select “Paste” from the list of its commands.

If you need to insert a non-empty line, and a duplicate of one of the existing ones, before the operation described above, place a copy of it on the clipboard - select it and press the key combination Ctrl + C or select “Copy” in the context menu. Otherwise, the procedure will be no different from adding a row of empty cells.

Insert empty line You can do it a little differently - right-click any cell in the row above which you need to add a new row. The context menu in this case will also contain line“Paste” - select it and a set of insert options will appear on the screen. In it, check the box next to “ line» and press the OK button.

To insert a new row in the middle of a text table Microsoft processor Office Word does not have to use the context menu of the cells of the exact row that is located below the one being added. Right-click on any cell located above or below the desired position, and in the menu that appears, expand the “Insert” section. Select the desired item in it - there is both a command “Insert rows at the top” and “Insert rows at the bottom”.

When adding a previously copied line to a new location, click any cell of the row located above the one being added and expand the “Paste” drop-down list on the “Home” tab of the word processor. In it, select the command “Merge” or “Insert new rows” - both options will give desired result.

Video on the topic

Microsoft Word– a powerful word processor that has many features that may be unfamiliar ordinary user. The program allows you to work with various elements of documents, including creating various tables and formatting them.


Open the DOCX file for editing by double-clicking on it to open a window Word editing. You can also call the program from the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Word. Click "Create" and start entering the required text into the document.

To integrate a table into a file, go to the “Insert” - “Table” tab. Select the number of cells you want to insert into the document. Start typing required text.

If you need to split a table, this can also be done using Word functions. Place the cursor in the desired position by clicking on the line on which you want to perform the division procedure. After that, press the Ctrl, Shift and Enter key combination of your keyboard at the same time. After the operation is completed, the selected row will become the starting row for the second table.

You can also split a table by calling the appropriate menu option. To do this, left-click on the element, and then activate the “Table” tab, located in the last position in top panel tools. Find the “Split table” menu item by first highlighting the desired line or using the options offered in the new window.

Breaking a table can also be done by inserting a new “Page Break” element. To do this, place the cursor in front of the line at which you want to make a division. After that, click on the “Insert” - “Page Break” tab. The table will be divided into two parts, and the selected line will be moved to new leaf.

After completing the tearing operation, continue editing the document, and then save the changes made by selecting the “Save” option in the program menu. Table partitioning is complete.

Many documents, including official ones, are drawn up in Word, so it is important that they comply with the standards and requirements for their execution.

An important structural element of a document is the paragraph, or red line. The red line prevents the text from merging into a continuous, hard-to-read document.

In order for a document to have a logically constructed clear structure, it is necessary to format it. One of the key formatting parameters is the red line - indentation with a certain interval at the beginning of the paragraph.

It is highly undesirable to set a paragraph using the spacebar, since during further formatting of the document problems may arise due to extra non-printable characters, for example, lines may be shifted.

How to make a red line is up to you. The main thing is to choose one method and not combine two or more at once.

Sometimes, after creating a table, you need to edit it: add or remove columns and rows, highlight cells, change the font... MS Word offers many ways to work with tables.

How to highlight table elements

To edit, you must select the entire table or its individual elements. It is most convenient to select adjacent elements with the mouse. Place the cursor in the desired location, hold down the left button and drag the mouse in a horizontal or vertical direction. If you need to edit cells, columns or rows that do not border each other, select one group of elements with the mouse, hold down Ctrl key and select another group..

To select an individual column or row, place the cursor in one of the cells that belong to it. In the “Table” menu, in the “Select” section, click on the desired item. In the same way, you can select the entire table or a single cell.

If you're using Word 2010, in the Table Tools group, go to the Table Layout tab and click the Table icon. Under Select, select Quick selection groups of cells."

How to add rows, columns and cells

IN Word versions 2003, use the cursor to mark the cell next to which a new row, column, or cell should appear. In the "Table" menu, in the "Insert" group, specify the desired element and insertion method.

In Word 2010, right-click on the desired cell and select “Insert” from the context menu.

How to delete a table and its elements

Use your mouse to select the elements you want to delete or the entire table. If you are using Word 2003, in the "Table" menu, in the "Delete" group, select the desired command. To delete an entire table, click on “Select” in the “Table” menu.

In Word 2010, the Delete button is located in the Layout tab in the Table Tools section. Specify the item and how to remove it.

If you need to delete the contents of a table, select it with the mouse and click Delete. Rows, columns and cells are cleared in the same way.

How to change column width and row height

Hover over the border of the column or row that you want to resize. When the pointer looks like two arrows pointing towards different sides, hold down the left button and drag the border with the mouse in the desired direction.

Working with cells

If you want to split a single cell into columns and rows, right-click on it. In Word 2003, use the Split Cells command and specify the number of columns and rows you need. In Word 2010, the Split Cells command performs this task.

If you need to merge several cells into one, select the adjacent cells with the mouse, right-click on them and select the “Merge Cells” command from the context menu.

You can choose horizontal or vertical arrangement text in a cell. Right-click the cell, then click "Text Direction" in the drop-down menu. In the Orientation section of the direction window, specify the desired location.

To create tables, Microsoft developers have created a special Excel editor. However, you can make a table in Word. It is quite simple to create it and design it in accordance with the requirements of the work, but in text editor It is impossible to enter formulas into the table; you will have to fill it out manually.


To make a table in Word, go to the “Insert” tab in the top panel of the editor and find the “Table” section there. Click on it and select it with your mouse required amount cells in accordance with the required sections of the table.