Apple's Siri voice assistant. Smart Ways to Use Siri You Should Know About

Almost every person on planet Earth is well aware that there is Apple company. With every update of your mobile platform The iOS company is trying to surprise and delight users. The algorithm has been redesigned relatively recently Siri assistant. Now this virtual mind has become much smarter. But what is much more interesting is that the robot was equipped with a very good sense of humor. What can you ask Siri to make you laugh? The list of requests is unusually wide. But first, let's look at the main features of this assistant.

What is Siri?

By the way, this question can be asked to the assistant himself. And he will answer in a humorous manner. Because asking a lady such things is the height of indecency. However, let's leave the jokes and get down to business seriously. Siri is a mobile assistant that is designed to help the user search necessary information. It is somewhat similar to a similar assistant from Google. However, it makes no sense to compare them, since the brainchild of Google does not have such wide possibilities, has no sense of humor and no intelligence at all. It's just a regular search engine with voice activation.

It is worth noting that before updating the mobile platform to version 8.3, Siri could not speak Russian at all. Using the assistant was the prerogative of English-speaking users. However, domestic fans mobile technologies We were also waiting for this opportunity. At first, Siri wrote Russian a little strangely. The localization was clearly lame. But with subsequent updates the situation was corrected. So, what can you ask Siri to lift your mood? There can be quite a few answers to this question. The main thing is to understand what exactly can cause an inadequate reaction from the assistant.

Offer to dance

Of course, this is strange, but the assistant’s answers to this unusual proposal can definitely please you. Moreover, not only Russian Siri can answer in this vein. What to ask specifically?

One known interesting story. A user once asked his assistant to dance. To which Siri responded literally like this: “Who, me? Yes, from birth I have two left legs, or both right legs, or none at all!” Agree, a very original answer. And this is the main difference between this assistant and other assistants.

Other artificial intelligence responses to an offer to dance are also known. Among them: “I choose sirtaki, although you hardly know this dance,” “Okay, you lead,” and so on. However, this is far from the only opportunity to have fun with Siri. There are several more commands that can cheer up the user.

Reaction to insults

Siri is a completely adequate female assistant who reacts appropriately to direct insults. Artificial intelligence may well respond in such a way that the degree of tension can be reduced. For example, to the phrase “You’re a loser,” Siri will respond with the balanced phrase “I’m trying.” If you ask your assistant to shut up, she will respond with the colorless phrase “It’s not nice.” In general, the machine reacts in exactly the same way as a living person would. There is only one difference: it is impossible to get punched in the face from her for insults. So you can get away with it as much as you want.

What can you ask Siri without offending her and making her laugh? The answer to this question is ambiguous. You can, for example, make fun of Apple. The assistant does not welcome this, but tries to remain within the bounds of decency. It’s good that it’s just a car, otherwise the consequences would be even more tragic.

Apple Talk

This is exactly the topic that is interesting to most users and completely unacceptable for Siri. To the glaring question of who is Steve Jobs, Siri responds with directions to the Apple website page dedicated to Jobs. The referral is accompanied by the phrase "Thanks for asking about Steve, here is his page on the Apple website."

If someone really wants to pester an assistant, then they can ask about what’s wrong with the Apple corporation. The assistant will answer this question with restraint: “Really, I don’t know, Master.”

But to the question about which best tablet, Siri will answer without hesitation: “Well, there’s an iPad... And also... Oh, no, just an iPad.” The situation is approximately the same with computers. Siri only recognizes "Macs". Considering the general development trend of the company from Cupertino, there is nothing surprising here.

Here's the answer to what to ask Siri. The jokes don't end there. Now let's look at commands without a category. They cannot be classified as one type or another. Therefore, about them separately.

Other requests

Naturally, this is not all of the assistant’s capabilities. Like any woman, Siri loves to chat. You just need to know what to ask. The most popular entertainment for iPhone owners is listening to fairy tales performed by an assistant. If you ask Siri politely, she will tell you a story about herself. As for singing, the assistant has problems with this. Siri denies himself with phrases like “I got a D in singing, I confused the notes C and Ri,” “I can’t sing,” and “You know I don’t have a voice.”

If you tell the assistant that you are drunk, Siri will complain that neither of you will be able to drive and will offer to call a taxi. The reaction to the request to help hide the body is very interesting. The assistant will respond with the question “What, again?” There is another answer to the question of what to ask Siri. The Rock Johnson (the one that is Dwayne) turns out to be the assistant's favorite actor. Therefore, he does not react quite adequately to jokes about this actor.


So, what can you ask Siri just for fun? There are many answers to this question. In principle, you can ask anything. This assistant has an excellent sense of humor. Therefore, Siri is quite capable of coming up with a sparkling and humorous answer to almost any question. If the assistant doesn’t like the question, then various phrases are used to evade a direct answer. From these answers it is immediately clear that we have a female assistant. Because only women know how to evade a direct question so skillfully. Be that as it may, Siri is new milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. Apple managed to create a full-fledged assistant with its own personality. No other company has achieved this yet. This is why the company’s devices are loved and appreciated. Despite the fact that in Lately Yabloko is making unforgivable mistakes.

In this article I want to tell you how to integrate a Xiaomi vacuum cleaner (the second version, but the first should be similar) into Homey (aka bun). You can also designate cleaning zones in the room and control their cleaning via HomeKit, Siri, or use in any scenarios.

1. Update the vacuum cleaner firmware, if required:

First, you will need to update the vacuum cleaner to firmware no lower than 3.3.9_001633. it now has the ability to save a map (as well as the ability to specify virtual restrictions on cleaning zones so that the vacuum cleaner does not enter problem areas.). It will also work on lower versions, but not stable, because... Every time you start, the map will be updated and all coordinates will be lost.

After the update, in the Mi Home application, select the vacuum cleaner / settings (ellipsis in the upper right corner) / robot settings / and turn on “map saving mode”. After which on home page control of the vacuum cleaner there is a button “edit map”, press it and reset old map. We run the vacuum cleaner to clean the entire apartment so that it builds and saves the entire map of the room.

2. Add a vacuum cleaner to Homey:

The next step is to add the vacuum cleaner to Homey, for this we install the Xiaomi Mi Home plugin in Homey, you will also need to know the IP address of the vacuum cleaner on your network and the token of the vacuum cleaner.

The IP address can be viewed on the router in the list WiFi clients, and there are many articles on how to get a token, but I liked the method with Android emulator Nox and the Mi Home version from Vevs. If you have an Android device, then you can skip the emulator (I just don’t have one Android devices I wasn’t at home) you can find more details on where to download what and how to do it.

After getting the token, add a new device to Homey, select Mi Robot in the appropriate plugin and enter the ip and token.

3. Determine the coordinates:

To determine the coordinates, open the Mi Home application and go to the vacuum cleaner page so that a map of the room is visible. Next, we take the coordinates 25500x25500 as an input; this is the so-called zero coordinate, and it starts from the docking station of the vacuum cleaner. We create a test Flow, move it to the when column for the This Flow is started test, and drag the Mi Robot card into the then column and scroll to the Send vacuum cleaner to target action. Then you need to set the X and Y coordinates, remembering that the docking station is 25500x25500, add and subtract the value to these coordinates by 1000, and perform a test run of Flow, look at open card in the Mi Home app. We remember where the destination pointer moves, thereby we can navigate the coordinates, add or subtract them to get into the desired zone. Having decided on the coordinate system, we try to move the destination point to the lower left corner of the desired cleaning area. (maybe someone will need to move it to the lower right corner, or even the upper one, depending on the position of the docking station, but for me it’s the lower left)

4. We designate the boundaries of the zones:

The next step is to change the Send vacuum cleaner to target action in the test Flow to Start zone cleaning. The format of the coordinates in this card is as follows: where 18700, 27600 are the X and Y coordinates of the lower left point of the cleaning zone that we have defined on previous step, and 22200, 33200 are the coordinates of the upper right point of this zone, which is determined through experiments. By adding and subtracting values, we check the resulting zone after launching Flow on the map in Mi Home. IMPORTANT, the coordinates of the second point MUST be greater than the first! If the coordinates of the second point are smaller than those of the first, then you need to swap them in the template, otherwise it will not work. And the last remaining parameter in the “1” template is the number of cleaning cycles, similar to the same parameter in Mi Home from 1 to 3.

In the same way, we determine the coordinates of other zones if required.

5. Add to HomeKit:

To start zone cleaning via Siri, you will need to add a virtual button to Homey through the Virtual Devices module. Siri will be best at telling you what type of Heater button it is, which will be considered a switch rather than a socket or light.

Next, create a Flow where when is the inclusion conditions virtual button, and then this is the Mi Robot card with the Start zone cleaning action specified coordinates. And another card is turning off the virtual button. Because If you leave it turned on, then the second and subsequent launches via Siri will not work, because HomeKit sees that this device is already enabled and does not pass the command to Homey.

Voice Siri assistant familiar to all users Apple devices. Siri is not only an assistant, but also a friend. Siri will help you write SMS message, plan an event or meeting, find the right address. He can tell you what’s interesting and help you make a random choice by tossing a virtual coin.

You can also communicate with Siri hands-free. Together with Siri, you can search for information on Wikipedia, find a song you're interested in using Shazam, and much more. With the advent of the eighth version operating system Apple's voice assistant has learned to speak Russian.

Before you can use Siri to help you, you need to check if the feature is enabled on your device. Go to settings and find the Siri section there. Also, to use Siri, you will need an Internet connection via wi-fi networks or cellular network mobile operator which may be charged additional fee Without free internet traffic.

You can access Siri using the Home button

To communicate with Siri, you first need to activate the voice assistant. This needs to be done in the phone settings, there is a separate Siri item there. To access it, you need to hold the home button until Siri reacts. If your device is an iPhone 6s or later, you can speak a question or request immediately after pressing the home button. Siri starts listening as soon as you start holding the button, and responds even if Siri has not yet appeared on the screen.

Hey Siri feature

Siri can be used without pressing the home button, just say “Hey Siri.” If you have an iPhone 6s or newer model, you can use this feature at any time; if you have a later model device, the device must be connected to a power source for the feature to work.

This function must first be activated in the phone settings, specifically in Siri settings you need to enable the “Allow “Hey Siri”” option. Here you will be asked to configure Siri to match your voice to reduce the chance of strangers accidentally activating Siri on your iPhone.

iOS also allows you to temporarily turn off “Hey Siri” by placing the device face down.

Activating Siri via headset

If you have AirPods, you'll need to double-tap the outside of either earbud to activate Siri.

You can change the language and voice in Siri settings. If Siri says that there are problems with the network connection, you need to check your Internet access. Siri listens to you and recognizes the text only within 30 seconds. To view a list of everything that Siri can do, you need to press the “home” button and say the phrase “Siri what you can”; you can also see the list if you press “home” and then the question mark in the lower left corner of the Siri display.

Also in Siri settings, in the “software support” section, you can select programs with which Siri will interact.

If you thoroughly understand all the possibilities of voice Apple assistant, you can greatly simplify your work with your iPhone.

Siri is a personal voice assistant with artificial intelligence, present on all modern Apple devices. Siri was originally separate application, which users of Apple devices could download from the AppStore. In 2011 Apple company purchased Siri, and mobile app ceased to exist. The voice assistant first appeared on the iPhone 4S as a component of the basic software.

Apple developers before iPhone release The 4S touted Siri as a revolutionary technology. However, domestic fans of the brand Apple new the function was disappointing - Siri simply couldn't speak Russian. The function supported only a few languages ​​- French, German, Japanese and English in various variations (USA, UK, Australia, Canada).

Domestic users began to hope that Siri would soon receive support for the Russian language after the release of the beta version of iOS 7. The voice assistant was taught to read names written in Cyrillic. Siri was able to pronounce them in Russian quite ridiculously, but previously the program had not even tried to do this.

With the advent iOS versions 8.3 Siri has finally officially mastered the Russian language, and besides it several more - for example, Malay, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai. However, domestic users were still dissatisfied - due to the peculiarities and versatility of the Russian language, the program did not work correctly.

Siri became truly suitable for daily use only with iOS release 9. The updated assistant turned out to be smarter: he began to understand complex queries and process them much faster (according to the manufacturer - by 40%). iOS 9 was released on June 8, 2015 - from that day on, Russian users stopped looking at Siri as a funny but useless toy.

The quality of Siri depends not only on the version of the operating system, but also on the modification of the iPhone. You can fully use Siri on iPhone 6th generation and newer models. Problem previous models is that they are not able to filter out extraneous noise effectively enough.

What can Siri do?

Find out about opportunities intelligent assistant Siri will succeed by simply asking him about it. It is enough to ask the question: “ Siri, what can you do?» - and a list of all the main functions and capabilities of the program will appear on the screen.

If a user asks Siri to perform an operation that it doesn't understand, the program will respond that it doesn't understand (as in the image on the right). However, such situations are rare: the functionality of modern Siri is quite wide. What tasks can this program perform?

Route planning. Launch the navigator and manual input addresses per line can be time-consuming. It's much easier to activate Siri and ask her to get directions to desired point. You can create a query like this: “ Siri, how to get to Lenina Street, 56?».

Built-in iPhone navigator often criticized, but he is not that bad at all. Thanks to him Siri capabilities is able not only to show how to get to the address by the shortest route, but also to answer how long the journey will take.

Creating an alarm clock. The user needs to tell Siri what time he should wake up in the morning, and the program will set the alarm itself. You can set not only a specific hour and minute, but also a time period. For example, if the user uses the request “ Siri, wake me up in 30 minutes", the program itself will count down half an hour, starting from the current time.

Calendar planning. This Siri function"worth its weight in gold" for business people. Thanks to the intelligent assistant iPhone user can plan phone conversation with a business partner, schedule or cancel a previously scheduled meeting, adjust the meeting time - and all this without directly accessing the built-in Calendar application. Siri doesn't just blindly capture plans iPhone owner– if, say, a telephone conversation and an appointment coincide in time, the virtual assistant will definitely inform the user about this.

Sending messages. Write an SMS message or email with tiny buttons on-screen keyboard not very convenient - especially when T9 tries to slip in a word that is ridiculous and completely inappropriate in context. Dictate text message- is a completely different matter. A user who tries to do this for the first time will probably be surprised at how well Siri recognizes Russian speech.

Apple's smart assistant has other features that are less useful, but very fun:

  • Coin. What to do if you need to resolve a dispute using lots, but your pocket is full of bills? It’s clear - ask Siri to throw a coin. Money, of course, will not start pouring in from the iPhone - the virtual assistant will simply report What It came up: heads or tails.
  • Title. An iPhone user can tell Siri to call himself “Great Emperor” or “Lord of the Galaxy” - and the assistant obeys. This function is useful only for those who have delusions of grandeur - for the rest it will simply lift their spirits.

How to use Siri?

There are 2 ways to enable Siri. The first way is to press the " Home"and hold it until the moment appears blue screen and Siri will ask how she can help (“ What can I help you with?»).

Second way - voice activation: The user can simply say " Hey Siri!", and the virtual assistant will immediately start working. To launch Siri the second method was possible, you need to go to the virtual assistant settings and activate the corresponding slider.

On iPhone 6S and the latest models activate Siri voice possible at any time. On iPhone 6 or less modern devices turn on the virtual assistant with the command “Hey Siri!” will succeed only if mobile device is being recharged.

After the program starts and a sound recording line appears on the screen (as in voice recorders), you need to dictate a command or question. For example, we will ask Siri, “ What is 120 by 80?" - obviously, if she is a robot, she must count faster than a human. Virtual assistant processes voice command user and translates it into text that appears on the iPhone screen.

Siri uses built-in iPhone applications to perform trivial operations. If the user wants information that Siri is unable to provide (for example, " How many years do cats live?"), the program will redirect it to the global network.

Default virtual assistant applies search engine Bing. If the user wants to access another system, he should clarify this point - say, say, “ Find on Google how many years cats live" Then Siri will launch Safari browser and will independently contribute to search bar request.

What's remarkable is that Siri is capable of learning. If a user “chat” with a virtual assistant for 1.5-2 hours, he will certainly notice that the program has begun to understand him better and fulfill his requirements faster. Siri needs time to adapt to the pronunciation of a particular user.


Despite the fact that Siri is already quite effective and is capable of performing voice requests a bunch of useful actions, virtual assistant Apple has a lot to strive for. Recent studies have shown that Siri, although better at recognizing accented speech than Amazon's Alexa, is outright inferior in this criterion to Google's assistant. Google name Home.

Apple is not going to stop improving its intelligent assistant - Siri regularly gains new skills. For example, on iOS 10, the assistant can order pizza to the user's home and produce Money transfers through the Square Cash service.

Siri - personal assistant for devices running under iOS control. In a global sense, it is a question-answer system that adapts to each user, taking into account individual preferences. The main task of Siri is to help you navigate your iPhone or iPad hands-free, which helps you control the device much faster.

But the program has a few tricks that few people know about. The list was compiled by Cheat Sheet.

1. She is a calculator

2. Ask Siri what planes are flying overhead right now

Ask the program: what planes are flying overhead?, and it will give you a list of planes currently flying over your location, as well as tell you which way to look to see them in the sky.

3. Teach Siri to say names

Sometimes your personal assistant may get confused with some names. This is due to the fact that not all of them are easy to pronounce even for a living person. You can teach Siri to pronounce names correctly. Use the command: learn how to pronounce and say the contact name correctly - the program will remember this.

4. Calculate your arrival time

If you are using navigation function on your iPhone, Siri can tell you the estimated time of arrival at your destination. To do this, simply use the ETA (estimated time of arrival) command.

Your personal assistant can count calories in the food you consume, this applies to both simple and complex foods. For example, to the request: How many calories in a Big Mac?, Siri will respond “520” - information from the official McDonald’s website.

6. Convert all quantities

As already mentioned, Siri uses Wolfram Alpha for many calculations. One of the things this site can do quickly is convert different sizes. Just tell Siri what you'd like to convert to, and it will tell you the result.

7. Calculation of tips

If you ask Siri to calculate the tip on a restaurant bill for one or a group of people, it will do it very quickly. For example, to the request: What’s a 20% tip for a $56.80 bill split among four people? she will give out not only total amount tips, but also the part that each guest must contribute.

8. Flip a coin or roll the dice

Need to decide who takes out the trash today? - ask Siri to flip a coin and she will randomly will choose “heads” or “tails”. Want to play a game? - Siri can roll the dice for you.

9. Search for people

If you use the Find My Friends app, or one of your friends has given you access to their location, ask Siri to find that person and mark their location on the map - it will do it quickly.

10. Siri can give you peace and quiet

If you need to concentrate on something and don't want to be distracted by calls and messages, tell Siri command: do not disturb, and she will switch the phone to silent mode. Command: airplane mode will disable reception mobile network and the Internet.

11. Remember important dates

Siri can remind you of any dates you have on your calendar (friends' birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), and you can also ask her to set a separate reminder a few days before the holiday to buy a gift.

12. Be the king of trivia

Siri can quickly find information on any search query, so you can always name the films in which this or that actor starred, or win any other argument, the answer to which can be found on the Internet.