Voice activation viber. The Viber code does not arrive - The Viber activation code does not arrive on the phone, what should I do?

It happens that someone receives “your Viber code is” on their phone; a message has arrived, but the person doesn’t know what to do with it. If you have not downloaded any software, have not installed any applications, then do nothing. The simplest thing is to ignore this SMS. Most likely, someone tried to install it on their phone « » , but something went wrong with the mobile operator, and he sent the SMS to the wrong place.

  • If you already have an application, and have had it for a long time, then you need to react to this in the same way as in the previous case. See the straight lines behind it fraudulent activities It’s difficult, but if an MMS comes with such content, then you can be wary of it. Who knows, maybe a Trojan program was sent with it.
  • It’s good if you have it on your smartphone antivirus program. Then she will protect him from attack and point to its source.

You don’t know what your Viber code is, what it is and how it could have gotten to you?

This message in itself is harmless. This is only the activation code for the program on your smartphone or computer. By the way, here is another scenario: someone decided , and accidentally entered my phone number incorrectly. Don’t be surprised, there are also people who don’t remember their own number by heart. These are typical people who like to change mobile operators or solve the problem with changing tariffs by purchasing a new SIM card.

So a person may not wait for the activation code, and then he will begin to figure out what happened. By the way, this could be a dedicated user who has had one SIM card for many years, and a misdirected SMS is only the result of his banal typo when entering the number.

If you register on Viber...

If you are just installing a program on your phone or computer, then receiving such an SMS is one of the normal stages of installation. Since Viber is used in many countries around the world, the message comes to English language, since this is one of the languages international communication. Literally this means “Your code in Viber is...”. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the message “your Viber code is”, and now you definitely know what it is.

SMS message with words Your Viber code is... and then follows a set of four numbers - it can come to your mobile phone at any time. Moreover, even to that person who has a very vague idea about the messengers themselves. What to do in this case, and what does this SMS message mean?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this message. The fact is that at the very first start Viber messenger asks the user to indicate his number mobile phone. And this number receives SMS message with special code access , which you need to enter into the messenger. And only then Viber starts to really work. In this case, the SMS may get lost somewhere. For example, it may simply “freeze” or be sent to another number – as a result of an incorrectly dialed number by the user himself or due to a failure on the cellular line.

It is quite possible that someone decided activate Viber on your device, but simply made a mistake in dialing the number - as a result, the SMS was sent to you by mistake. What to do in this case? Never mind. Just delete it and that's it.

But it happens that such an SMS also includes some kind of link. Such SMS should be deleted immediately and under no circumstances should you click on any links or download anything. It is likely that this is a simple scam. However, if you really tried start account on Viber, then this is the code that needs to be entered in the specially designated field.

About Viber

Viber is great app for communication. With it you can:

  • share files;
  • exchange emoticons, stickers and animated pictures;
  • subscribe to public chats and communicate with users around the world, stay up to date with everyone latest news from the world of technology, culture and sports;
  • play games.

The application is simple and reliable to use. It is completely free and has Russian localization from the developers themselves. If your Viber code is a message has been received on your phone, then it’s worth remembering if you tried to activate the Viber messenger recently. If not, then you can safely just ignore the SMS and move on with your life. If yes, then you can enter this code in the corresponding Viber field if its activation has not yet been completed.

One of the most common problems when using Viber is when . Naturally, the user will be concerned with two questions:

  • why does this happen;
  • and what to do next?

Why don't you receive an activation code on Viber?

There are several reasons why the activation code may not arrive for a long time.

  • Most often, the user himself has problems with the Internet or mobile communications. Of course, there is only one recipe in this case: you either need to wait until the connection is restored, or try to find the location where mobile connection or the Internet will receive a stronger signal.
  • Quite rarely, but it happens that these are problems on the side of Viber itself. Perhaps it is at this time that the service is experiencing renovation work, or there was simply an unexpected failure.
  • Often an SMS with a code simply gets “stuck” somewhere on the way to the subscriber. This happens quite often with other SMS messages.

And these are the main reasons Why don't I receive an activation code on Viber?.

What to do

Of course, the user will be most concerned about another question in this case: what, exactly, should be done then?

  • Just wait until the connection is restored, either the provider solves its problems, or the service runs out of work.
  • Check if the phone number is entered correctly. Quite often, while roaming, users forget to activate it for their mobile Internet.
  • You can simply enter the code incorrectly and hope that a new SMS will “push through” the stuck first message. But you need to remember that you are given only three times to try to enter. And then the account will simply be blocked for a day.
  • Therefore, you can simply block your own account in this way, and after 24 hours try to activate the account again.
  • Viber has a feature called robot dialing. You can use it. The automation will dictate the generated code and you will need to enter it.
  • Finally, there is always a call for service in reserve technical support users. Technical support employees can activate the account themselves, without any codes or SMS.

In a word, if SMS from Viber does not arrive with the treasured code numbers, then under no circumstances should you panic and take rash actions that could lead to account blocking. You need to use the tips given above.

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