Six search engines that are better than Google. Yandex People - the fastest search for people across all social networks at once

If you have a person’s email/nickname and a little free time, you can find his accounts on all social networks and learn a lot about him.

We tested all the sites from the article on our author Roman Yuryev and his accounts.


This site can search for a person’s accounts on different services by name, address Email or telephone. It supports Gravatar, Linkedin, Disqus, YouTube,, Github, Twitter, Imgur, Kongregate, Hubpages, Slideshare, Pinterest.

And this service checks whether accounts with a certain name are occupied on different sites. Unlike, it also searches for accounts on Foursquare, YouTube, Delicious, Imgur and WordPress. But, unfortunately, it does not provide direct links to profiles.

3. EmailSherlock

4. PeekYou

Here you need to enter not an email, but a nickname (and postal addresses often contain it). The first of four sites that provided links to Roman's Instagram and Facebook.

This site does not search for anything, but simply automatically generates links to pages on different social networks with a person’s nickname. It will be faster to use than to type these links manually.


Another link generator. Its list of services is much longer than the previous one and many of them are completely unknown in Russia. But it's worth trying your luck.

7. Search on Facebook

And in conclusion I would like to remind you of the in a simple way Find information about a person by email: just type it into the search on Facebook. Often this is enough.

The services from the article do the same thing - they search for profiles in in social networks. But everyone’s search locations are different. To achieve maximum results, it is better to use them all together.

Other articles on the topic of collecting information about people on the Internet.

The Yandex search engine service is constantly being improved and one of the very useful and practical developments can be considered Yandex People Search.

It allows without extra effort find profiles of various people in .

To do this, you do not need to register or fill out even some minimal data - the service works like a search engine familiar to everyone.

Registration may only be required if you decide to write to the person you found.


It is important that the service groups all found results by given request.

This, in turn, allows you to build on your preferences and choose which social network to start communicating with.

Also, the clear advantages of this development include the attitude of its creators to data confidentiality.

They, not wanting to cross personal boundaries, adhered to the following rules:

  • If in the settings of a social network a person wishes to remain invisible to the search engine, then so be it. Information about it will not be displayed.
  • As a result, only information that is available to unregistered users is displayed.
  • Only pages that are clearly related are grouped together. At least one of them must contain direct links to the others, and only then they .
  • Information about users is not stored, it is only displayed as a result of the search.

This approach allows you not only to use the Yandex People service as unique system, but also provides the opportunity to look at your personal data as a result of the request.

You can always take a look at how you are personal account other users see on the Internet and, if anything, correct it.

What to do if your account is invisible?

Special robots process the request and display everything that they can find on all available social networks.

However, there is a lot of information and sometimes in order to get results, you have to wait a little. It also happens that recently registered pages are more difficult to find.

But if you already for a long time you maintain a profile and, using the analysis, do not find it, then the best option will contact support.

In order for your problem to be dealt with, you should provide contact information, formulate a question, and also, if there is a need, you can download a document that clearly demonstrates the problem.

They will contact you shortly and will definitely help you.

How to use the service

First you just need to use Yandex, opening it with any in a convenient way. Afterwards, you need to select the “People” tab, from which the analysis is carried out.

However, there are some on the Internet, and to reduce their number, it is better to indicate all those known to you.

Please note: User review can, if desired, occur only on one selected social network. This is convenient if you know for sure that the person you are looking for is registered there, but if you are not sure, then it is better to full review.

Yandex People can easily find the right person in these services:

And if you leave the column empty, it will display all existing profiles, grouping them into a single list of one person.


Data is grouped in two cases:

  • If both pages have links to each other.
  • If one of them has a link to the second and it is necessarily verified, that is, confirmed by entering a password.

In any of these cases, it will successfully display all your pages, but if this does not happen, there are a number of solutions.

If you don’t want to delve into your profile settings and have an account in Yandex, then you can safely use their linking service.

Important! When the service asks you to use information about connections between profiles (you will see this message in a pop-up window), allow it, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Speaking about individual networks, if you maintain a page in My Circle, you can add links using the function "I'm on other sites".

Those who use Odnoklassniki, unfortunately, do not have such a service; they can only do this thanks to Yandex.Passport.

Those who are registered in LiveJournal will find a solution to this issue in the “Methods of Communication” section.

For residents, in turn, there are two options at once: Contacts - Specify personal website, Contacts – Integration.

This is not about Yandex or Bing at all. Eat search services, which are truly better than all the market leaders. But if these search engines are so cool, then why do so few people know about them? Let's figure it out and fix the situation.

At first glance it may seem that there is better than Google maybe only Yandex, and even that is not a fact. These companies invest huge amounts of money in innovation and development. Does anyone really have a chance not only to compete with the leaders, but also to win? Lifehacker's answer: “Yes!” There are several search engines that have succeeded. Let's look at our heroes.


What is this

DuckDuckGo is a fairly well-known open source search engine. source code. Servers are located in the USA. In addition to its own robot, the search engine uses results from other sources: Yahoo! Search BOSS, Wikipedia, Wolfram|Alpha.

The better

DuckDuckGo positions itself as a search engine that provides maximum privacy and confidentiality. The system does not collect any data about the user, does not store logs (no search history), use cookies as limited as possible.

DuckDuckGo doesn't collect personal information users and does not share it. This is our privacy policy.
Gabriel Weinberg, founder of DuckDuckGo

Why do you need this

All major search engines are trying to personalize search results based on data about the person in front of the monitor. This phenomenon is called the “filter bubble”: the user sees only those results that are consistent with his preferences or that the system deems as such.

DuckDuckGo creates an objective picture that does not depend on your past behavior on the Internet, and eliminates thematic Google advertising and Yandex, based on your requests. With DuckDuckGo it's easy to search for information on foreign languages: Google and Yandex by default give preference to Russian-language sites, even if the request is entered in another language.


What is this

"Nigma" is a Russian metasearch system developed by Moscow State University graduates Viktor Lavrenko and Vladimir Chernyshov. Searches by Google indexes, Bing, Yandex and others, and also has its own search algorithm.

The better

Search by indexes of all major search engines allows you to generate relevant results. In addition, Nigma breaks the results into several thematic groups(clusters) and prompts the user to narrow the search field by discarding unnecessary ones or highlighting priority ones. Thanks to the “Mathematics” and “Chemistry” modules, you can solve problems directly in the search bar math problems and query the results of chemical reactions.

Why do you need this

Eliminates the need to search for the same query in different search engines. The cluster system makes it easy to manipulate search results. For example, Nigma collects results from online stores into a separate cluster. If you do not intend to buy anything, then simply exclude this group. By selecting the “English-language sites” cluster, you will receive results only in English. The Mathematics and Chemistry modules will help schoolchildren.

Unfortunately, the project is not currently being developed, as the developers have transferred their activity to the Vietnamese market. Nevertheless, “Nigma” is not only not outdated yet, but in some things it still gives Google a head start. Let's hope development resumes.

not Evil

What is this

not Evil - a system that searches by anonymous network Tor. To use it, you need to go to this network, for example, by launching a specialized browser of the same name. not Evil is not the only search engine of its kind. There is LOOK (default search in the Tor browser, accessible from regular internet) or TORCH (one of the oldest search engines on the Tor network) and others. We settled on not Evil because of the clear allusion to Google itself (just look at the start page).

The better

Looking there where to Google, Yandex and other search engines are closed in principle.

Why do you need this

IN Tor networks There are many resources that cannot be found on the law-abiding Internet. And as government control over the content of the Internet tightens, their number will grow. Tor is a kind of Network within the Network: with its social networks, torrent trackers, media, trading platforms, blogs, libraries and so on.


What is this

YaCy is a decentralized search engine that works on the principle of P2P networks. Each computer on which the main one is installed software module, scans the Internet independently, that is, it is an analogue search robot. The results obtained are collected in common base, which is used by all YaCy members.

The better

It’s difficult to say whether this is better or worse, since YaCy is a completely different approach to organizing search. The absence of a single server and owner company makes the results completely independent of anyone's preferences. The autonomy of each node eliminates censorship. YaCy is capable of searching the deep web and non-indexed public networks.

Why do you need this

If you are a supporter of open source software and free internet, not influenced government agencies and large corporations, then YaCy is your choice. It can also be used to organize a search within a corporate or other autonomous network. And even though YaCy is not very useful in everyday life, it is worthy alternative to Google in terms of the search process.


What is this

Pipl is a system designed to search for information about a specific person.

The better

The authors of Pipl claim that their specialized algorithms search more efficiently than “regular” search engines. In particular, priority sources of information are social network profiles, comments, member lists and various bases data where information about people is published, for example databases of court decisions. Pipl's leadership in this area is confirmed by assessments from, TechCrunch and other publications.

Why do you need this

If you need to find information about a person living in the USA, then Pipl will be much more helpful. more effective than Google. The databases of Russian courts are apparently inaccessible to the search engine. Therefore, he does not cope so well with Russian citizens.


What is this

FindSounds is another one specialized search engine. Looking for various sounds(house, nature, cars, people, and so on) in open sources. The service does not support queries in Russian, but there is an impressive list of Russian-language tags that you can search for.

The better

The output contains only sounds and nothing extra. In the search settings you can set the desired format and sound quality. All sounds found are available for download. There is a search for sounds by pattern.

Why do you need this

If you need to quickly find the sound of a musket shot, the blows of a suckling woodpecker, or the cry of Homer Simpson, then this service is for you. And I chose this only from the available Russian-language queries. On English language the spectrum is even wider. But seriously, specialized service assumes a specialized audience. But what if it comes in handy for you too?

In the age of Web 2.0, finding a grandmother’s niece or the father of an unborn child is becoming simple and not burdensome. Especially if the niece is System Administrator, and dad runs his own weblog. People who come into contact with the IT matrix as one of the facets of their personality remain marked forever and are entered into the Universal Register of Everything, this dump of information that we used to call the Internet.

It’s good when you need to find a missing childhood friend - man is by nature a sociable and vain creature, which virtual space expressed in large quantities tags with which a person marks the visited territory. It’s bad when You-Know-What wants to find you, then no VPN, SSL, proxy servers, mutantIP and other anonymous security means will help you. Well, or almost no help

Imagine yourself as a Boy Scout at summer camp ][@ke®.ru: we will learn to track the animal's tracks and cover our tracks ourselves, hiding from real predators. Searching for the necessary people using fragmentary information and illegal surveillance of many users have one thing in common, as you already understood: you are not alone on the network, but under the gaze of many bots, demons, administrators, ordinary and not so ordinary users. Real wild jungle. And now we will go out on the hunting path...

Search by full name

A comment

A social network, an extensive social network, and “just a site where you can write your own blog and watch friends’ blogs” - that is, the blogosphere, concepts, although similar, are different. However, let the interpretation and explanation be done by people who at least have a weblog

Search by phone number


The company is going to organize a search of 6 billion names of people living on the planet. That is, there is really nowhere to hide. And if earlier paranoids could simply not visit the Internet, now it is better for them not to live at all. There, beyond blogs and websites, lies a completely different reality called First Life. There are no ubiquities in it search engines, but there is the Ministry of Internal Affairs (registration), Military registration and enlistment office (registration), housing office, Pension Fund, BTI (Bureau technical information, if any real estate is registered in your name), Tax service(TIN), Migration Service, OVIR, Employment Service, Central Statistical Office, etc., etc. Every person from birth is registered with a dozen organizations that “guide” him until his death.

In our democratic country, it is impossible to obtain a diploma from a university without registering at the nearest military registration and enlistment office, just as it is impossible to connect to mobile operator without a passport. Such things as the SORM-4 being developed turn out to be quite human compared to the system invented half a century ago in our country. The brake system is “paper”, inadequate, even crazy, but it watches you worse than all eyes Big Brother Orwell.

Homeless people at the nearest landfill or the Mujahideen of the global terrorist movement “Coming at All” can tell you how to escape from reality. But is it possible to remain unnoticed in virtuality? The “hacker” answered in the affirmative more than once. Perhaps my favorite article on this topic is by Stepa in ancient
. Well and thoroughly written. But you shouldn’t fall into paranoia, there is a whole abyss from invisible-check in ICQ to real surveillance by the FSB. And if your girlfriend decides to find out a little more about you, is this a reason to cover her tracks and encrypt all messages? And if the FSB is interested in you, isn’t it time to quit hacking and start living?

I know for sure that it is really possible to get lost in all realities. Become a Jedi of invisibility and a guru of anonymity, a ghost of virtual and real spaces and even, in part, an Electronic God. The whole question is whether you are worthy of it.

Search engines always strive to provide more functionality to the user and provide best search information, Yandex People created for the purpose of finding people outside of one social network. Thanks to the function, it is possible to detect a person either in several social networks at once, or find the one in which he leads an active life. Wherein special effort and ingenuity is not required, just enter data, preferably unique, about a person, but in general everything works as usual. So, in order to discover a person’s profiles, you do not need to register in all services, but you will have to do this for correspondence.

Operating principles of Yandex People

It’s convenient that Yandex People search people on social networks is produced with further grouping of results, which makes it easier to find the information you are looking for. Also, if you find several pages on social networks, you can choose the one in which it will be more convenient to communicate with the person. Since Yandex People may harm user privacy, the developers decided to refuse to transfer certain information.

To ensure confidentiality, the service adheres to the following rules:

  1. Social networks provide the opportunity to exclude your page from search results; this must be reported in your profile settings. In this case, Yandex will not include the page in the search results;
  2. Grouping of results occurs only on the basis of explicit relationships. That is, pages will be linked only if there is a direct link to another network on one of the profiles;
  3. Search results allow you to get only information available without registering in the services;
  4. Information about people is not collected, it is only displayed as a search result.

The information displayed about a person is the same for all users, so you can enter your data and see what other people see. On this basis, the amount of publicly available information can be adjusted.

Using Yandex People search

There is nothing complicated here, you just need to open it search page Yandex, to do this go to home page or enter your username directly. Then at the top, immediately below the line for entering the key, there are several functional links with search in various fields, you need to click on “People”.

People with same names and there are a lot of surnames and going through them all is a tedious process, so it’s worth making your life easier by entering Extra options: number of years, place of residence, employment. Every specified parameter reduces output many times over.

Just below are several active buttons with the names of the most popular social networks, you can select only the one that interests you. A search on one network is faster, since there will be fewer results, but you can just as easily go to the service itself and enter the person’s data in a similar search.

Yandex People can search in all popular and not so popular social networks: VK, FB, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, GooglePlus, etc.

How are records grouped?

In order for the service to group several profiles in different services and know for sure that this is the same person, there must be:

  1. Links on pages directed to each other;
  2. There is a link on one of the pages, but it is verified by entering a password.

Both options will ensure that all profiles are connected and linked to a person, although this does not always work. In this case, you can solve the problem thanks to the settings in your Yandex profile, but this takes quite a long time, since there is an alternative, it is better to use it.

You need to go to My Circle if you use the service and add links to your other profiles using the “I’m on other sites” function. Only Odnoklassniki cannot complete this procedure, you will have to use Yandex.Passport.

For VK, you can do it differently - in the Contacts section - Specify your personal website (in our case, a link to your profile) or Contacts and go to Integration.

If your page is not in the search

People people search works thanks to mechanisms for detecting data on the network that are hidden from the user’s eyes. All search engines are based on robots that crawl the entire Internet and create certain snapshots of information, which are then quickly displayed during a search. Therefore, the process of adding your page to the search results may take some time, usually it is short, within a week the page should appear, usually 3 days is enough.

New pages contain less information, so finding them will be much more difficult; you will probably have to look through many search pages. If after a long time the profile does not appear in the search results, then it is worth checking, most likely the reason is installed option prohibiting page analysis for search engines.

In extreme cases, you will have to contact technical support. Since there are a lot of questions, it is necessary to provide full information in the ticket - contact details, correct and quick question and you can attach a screenshot. The user will then be contacted and their issue will be addressed.

How to hide your profile

Not everyone wants to be found and the interests of such people are also taken into account; in each service you can block robots from accessing your page.

The implementation option depends on the type of network:

  1. VC. You need to go to “Privacy Settings”. Here is a column with the ability to block access for certain people, so you can allow entry to “Everyone except search sites”;

  1. Facebook. You will have to go to “Privacy Settings” and next to the question about whether you want to give access to Yandex robots, you need to uncheck the box;

  1. Classmates. Public settings contain a proposal to make the profile public, you should set it to “no”;
  2. Twitter. Unfortunately, it does not support the bot blocking function;
  3. GooglePlus. You need to click on “Edit visibility...” and disable the function.

The procedure is performed in a similar way in other social networks. After that, no one will find you using various services, not only Yandex People will not be able to.

If you have any questions on the topic “Yandex People is the most quick search people across all social networks at once,” then you can ask them in the comments

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