Navitel navigator map is not open android. How to upload maps to the navigator? Simple solutions

Navigators provide convenience to many motorists, simplifying the task of finding the optimal route and thereby saving time. However, maps may be out of date or not accurate enough. In this case, there is a need to replace them with more modern ones.

Where to get cards?

The simplest solution in this case would be to purchase licensed cards or install them from the official website. But you can also go your own way by downloading from third-party resources.

Before uploading maps to your navigator, you need to weigh all sides of the issue. After all, after installing a card with a missing license, problems may arise with providing a guarantee from the service center.

Using any of the selected methods, you should know that the entire installation comes down to simply copying the file. And if the navigator does not automatically detect the files, you need to find the path to them yourself.

Additional tools to solve the problem

Garmin navigator users can update or install maps using the MapSource program included on the disk. But to work with the Linux system, the use of the QLandkarteGT program is provided, but the result may vary.

Let's look at the sequence of how to upload maps to a Garmin navigator.

First you need to download the MapSource program, unpack and run the MSMAIN.msi file. Once the download is complete, you should run Setup.exe to complete the installation.

Having a working program, we move on to the question of how to download maps. In the navigator, for starters? you need to select maps directly of the desired area and unpack the archive. Among the unpacked files we find install.but and run it, however, before starting the process you need to turn off Garmin Maps Source.

Direct work with Garmin Maps Source involves connecting the device to a computer via USB. Using the program, you need to specify the path to the required map, mark the file with the “Select Map” tool and click on upload to the navigator.

It should be noted that the previous version of the map of the installed region will be automatically deleted.

Updating in Difficult Situations

Most Prestigio navigators have a very old version of the navigation system when purchased. Before uploading maps to the navigator, it is recommended to first update the system by installing the software from the website and using it to update the device.

When updating, the program will offer a service such as uploading maps to the navigator. Prestigio works mostly with the Navitel program, which has a very strict policy regarding third-party cards.

When loading maps into Prestigio, there are a few details you should know. If your navigator does not have a flash drive, the installation location should be the Maps folder in the device memory. If you have a flash drive, the path will change to the memory card in the Maps section. If there are no such partitions, you should restart the device, and the navigator itself will create the necessary directories.

If the device does not automatically detect the card, you need to upload it to any folder. After downloading, using the “atlas” navigator function, specify the path to the folder. The device will independently create an atlas from all the files found in the folder. It is worth noting that the navigator indexes all maps, so it is better to divide the folders by region.

The solution might be interesting

The most original way to upload maps to a navigator is to create them yourself. In a situation where there is no information about the region of interest, the question arises of how to upload maps to the navigator. Explay or a device from another brand supports the jpeg image format, which means you can scan a paper card.

First, we need a high-quality scan of the selected map with a north orientation. Next, you need to select key points on the map, preferably several. Find out the width and longitude of each selected point and enter the data into the created text file. The file must be saved in HTM format.

After creating a folder on your device, copy the text document with coordinates and a scanned map of the area. By indicating the location of the map to the navigator, make sure the functionality and quality of the resulting image.

Good to know

  • To download maps to the navigator via USB, the navigator must be turned off, and only after disconnecting the cable can it be turned on.
  • Older versions of maps almost always resolve themselves when newer ones are loaded.
  • Always create backups before installing unverified cards.
  • When buying a navigator, it is not always possible to get the necessary map in addition to it.
  • By installing cards from a third-party source, there is a risk of voiding the warranty.
  • You can find a suitable map on the official websites.

Almost all Android and iOS smartphones have built-in GPS sensors to track the device and geoposition anywhere in the world. Dozens of applications are being developed specifically for this, which will display your location on the map at any moment, notify you about traffic jams, and show the nearest restaurants, cafes, schools and other infrastructure of various types and levels.
Today there are several main programs that are used for navigation: Google Maps, 2GIS, Navitel, Yandex Maps.

Main advantages of Navitel

  • Free trial period of 30 days
  • Supports almost all gestures on a touchscreen device
  • Works with all versions of Android, iOS
  • Offline mode support (see)
  • Loading and deleting maps of any city, country, region
  • Ability to transfer maps and applications to SD card

This is just a small list of the capabilities of the Navitel program. And if previously it was installed only in specialized devices - GPS navigators, now it is present in almost every smartphone, and is also available for download from Google Play and Apple Store services. As practice shows, many users cannot independently install the program on the device and make all the necessary settings. In this regard, the question arises - how to install Navitel on Android?

We will describe several installation methods:

  • Installation via apk
  • Installation via exe
  • Installation from Google Play service

How to install Navitel using apk file

You can download the file either from the official Navital website or from any other portal that provides such an opportunity. However, it is worth considering that some sites distribute malware along with applications. Therefore, if you are not sure of the reliability of a particular portal, then it is better to go to the official website and download the distribution of the latest available version from there.

  1. Go to the official Navitel website (
  2. At the top, click the "Download" tab
  3. Now on the left side click “Distributions”
  4. A complete list of files for the Android version will appear on the page. It will also be possible to go to the official Google Play service or Apple Store directly from the site using the necessary links. Attention! This page first presents versions for Android, Windows Phone, Symbian smartphones, and below are files for car navigators.
  5. Once the file is downloaded, transfer it to your phone. It is best to copy directly to a flash card, because all city maps (each from 10 MB to 1.8 GB) will also be downloaded there.
  6. On your Android smartphone, launch the file manager and open the apk application. The installation wizard will appear, which will provide a complete list of trusted actions on the part of Navitel. Click “Install” and wait for the application to be installed on your phone. Once the installation is complete, you can download maps and use the free version for 30 days.

Don't forget to register the program and purchase a full license!

Installing Navitel via exe file

The program can also be installed using the standard Windows installer. To do this, you will need to connect your Android mobile phone to your computer via a USB port.

  1. Go to the official Navitel website.
  2. Click the “Download” tab - “Distributions”.
  3. Select the exe version from the list.
  4. Once the file is downloaded to your computer, run it. Follow the system prompts. Within a few minutes, the GPS navigator will be installed on your smartphone.

For 30 days, the application will work in free mode, but in the future you will need to register the program and purchase a full license.

How to install a navigator via Google Play

If you have access to the Internet from your phone and an account on Google Play, then you can download and install the Navitel navigator directly from there, without wasting extra time connecting your phone to your computer or searching for files on the official website. So, how to install Navitel on Android?

You need to do the following:

  1. Open your phone's menu and select Google Play.
  2. Log in to your account and enter the name of the program in the search bar.
  3. Select the Navitel application and click the "Install" button.
  4. A notification will appear on the screen about the capabilities of the application, as well as about trusted actions that will be available to Navitel after installation.
  5. Once the download is complete, go to the program and register it by purchasing a full license. Remember that you can use the application for free for 30 days!

How to install Navitel maps on Android

By default, the application is installed “naked”, that is, it does not contain any maps. The user himself chooses which ones he needs and downloads them separately from the application or from the official website.

  1. To download maps from the official website, go to
  2. Select the “Download” tab at the top of the site, go to “Maps”.
  3. A complete list of countries for which maps are available will be presented here. Select the required cities and download the files to your computer. Next, after the download is complete, connect the device via a USB cable and transfer the files to the sdcart/Navitel/Content/Maps folder.

If you have access to the Internet from a smartphone (a Wi-Fi connection is preferable), then you can download all the files directly from the application.

  1. Launch the program on your phone.
  2. Go to the “My Navitel” tab - “Download maps”.
  3. Select the desired list of maps and wait until the download completes.

As a rule, most navigators come with pre-installed maps and a navigation program that plots a route using these maps. The navigation program works with certain maps created specifically for it. For example, there is a navigation program “Navitel-navigator”, which works with Navitel maps. It will not work with Garmin maps and vice versa.

The basic set of maps in the navigator does not always contain maps of all the necessary regions. Sometimes there is a need for additional cards. How to install a map in a navigator? There are two ways: purchase the necessary license cards, download free cards from the Internet.

Installing official maps on the navigator

Installing official licensed maps is not a difficult process, just like updating maps in your navigator, and each developer has detailed instructions on this topic on their website:

Installing unofficial maps

The difficulty in using unofficial maps is the lack of any technical support and updates. Where do they come from? They are made by navigator users like you, based on existing geographic maps of various regions.

To add such a map to your navigator, you also need the map format to be suitable for your navigation program, and also that the navigation program supports adding its own maps. Where can I get cards? Maps created using the OpenStreetMap|41 resource are very popular.

Important Note

When installing unofficial maps on your navigator, you do so at your own peril and risk. Before installation, it is recommended to back up the data from your navigator to your computer. To be completely confident in the functionality and security of the software, purchase official cards.

How to install or update maps in the Navitel navigator

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a Navitel GPS map on your navigator. To get started, download Navitel maps based on OpenStreetMap:

    Connect your navigator to your computer. If the Navitel program is located on a separate flash card, then remove it from the navigator and open it on the computer. In the future, we will assume that we are working with a flash card.

    In the root of the flash card, create a separate folder for third-party maps, for example, UserMaps. Do not touch other folders or save anything in them to avoid possible conflicts between official and third-party maps.

    In the UserMaps folder, create a folder for the region map that you want to add to the atlas, for example Region1.

    Copy the new map files to the Region1 folder

    Insert the flash card into the navigator

    In the Navitel Navigator program, select the “Open Atlas” menu item and click on the folder icon at the bottom of the window to create a new atlas.

    In the window that appears, find the Region1 folder where new maps are stored, click on it and select the “Create atlas” command

    We are waiting for indexing to finish and the atlas to be created. Click the button with a check mark.

    Now you can use the new map by selecting the appropriate atlas in the list of atlases.

How to download maps to your Garmin navigator

Free Garmin maps based on OpenStreetMap can be installed using MapSource. The following describes how to load maps into the navigator using it:

    Download the MapSource program to your computer from the official website from the Support->Software section and then Mapping Programs.

    Unpack the archive into a separate folder and run the MSMAIN.msi file from it and only then Setup.exe. Wait for the program installation to complete. Since you don't have any Garmin maps on your computer yet, there's no point in launching MapSource yet.

    Download the necessary Garmin maps

    Unpack archives with maps into separate folders

    Run the INSTALL file for each card so that the necessary information about the cards is entered into the computer registry.

    Launch MapSource. Now in the program you can detect maps installed on your computer through the menu Tools->Manage cartographic products.

    A list of available cards (1) should appear in the upper left corner of the program. Using it or through the menu View->Switch to product, select one of the cards, it will appear in the field (3).

    Using the button (4), click on the map (3) and it will appear in the window (2). Do this with all the necessary cards.

    Press button (5) to send cards to the device. The specified maps will be formatted into a file with an IMG extension and transferred to the Garmin device, which must be previously connected.

Since when loading maps a new gmapsupp.img file will be generated, the original file will be overwritten, so if your device had pre-installed maps in the gmapsupp.img file, then before uploading maps to the navigator, you should rename it to one of the allowed ones names, for example gmapprom.img.

Installing Autosputnik maps

You can add amateur maps for Avtosputnik based on OpenStreetMap to the program, just like official ones, skipping only the registration step. Just copy them to the Maps folder after unpacking them.

How to upload other maps to the navigator

It happens that after a purchase the client decides that the navigation program or maps do not meet his requirements and decides to change them. We have already said that each navigation program works only with maps designed specifically for it. Is it possible to completely replace the navigation software in a car navigator? The obvious answer is “yes,” but there are exceptions.

Garmin position

In particular, Garmin navigators that come pre-installed with Garmin software do not support the installation of any third-party software. Also, the Garmin navigation program is not distributed separately from the device itself for installation on navigators of other companies. The exception is the navigation software package for PC. Transferring software and maps from one device to another is impossible, since the license key is strictly tied to the device serial number.

Position Navitel

A similar policy is used by CST CJSC, the developer of Navitel software. The car version of the program is only available as part of the navigator upon purchase and cannot be purchased separately. Therefore, if you have a navigator with Autosputnik or any other product, then if you want to switch to Navitel you will have to buy another navigator with Navitel included. A strict license also prevents the transfer of software and maps from one device to another when the device is replaced. To use Navitel, but not buy a new navigator, you can purchase a version for PDAs and mobile phones with a less strict license.

Position Autosputnik

Autosputnik turned out to be the most democratic in the matter of replacing and transferring cards. Having purchased a license for the Autosputnik 5 program once, you can use it even if you change your device to another. You only need to go through the re-registration procedure on the manufacturer’s website. Moreover, the Autosputnik program always comes as a bonus to all purchased cards. The only limitation may be the navigator model; devices supported by Autosputnik are listed on the website. The price of the product is also attractive, around 1000 rubles, which is two or even three times less than Navitel. With this approach, it’s not a pity to buy Autosputnik and, if something happens, it’s painless to abandon it.

Multiple programs on one device

Some navigator manufacturers have met their customers halfway and given them the opportunity to use several navigation systems on the navigator instead of one using the so-called alternative shell.

The alternative shell is copied to internal memory or a flash card inserted into the navigator, and, as it were, “pretends” to be a pre-installed navigation program, launching instead. In a separate settings file for the alternative shell, the paths to the files of existing navigation programs are specified, which can be called through the menu of the shell itself.

The X-device company offers one of these shells for its navigators; you can learn about setting up and installing this component on their forum. Lexand has also provided the ability to use several navigation programs; the shell can be found here.

It is difficult for a modern motorist to get along without a navigator. It is thanks to the maps on these devices that vehicle owners can easily navigate the roads and do not risk losing their way. However, in order for the device to provide only up-to-date information, it is advisable to periodically update its software. And although at first the task looks difficult, in practice anyone can cope with it. And we will tell you how to update your map quickly and without problems.

Why do you need to update maps in your navigator?

Improved versions of GPS maps appear on average once every 6 months. Both experienced cartographers and experienced webmasters take part in their creation.

Each updated map differs from the previous one in its expanded coverage area. This area includes houses that have been built in recent months, new junctions and roads. In addition, the modified maps correct those inaccuracies that were found in previous versions. And although certain errors may continue to occur, the effectiveness of the GPS navigator increases significantly with each new version.

By the way, users of some car navigators can personally participate in improving the operation of these devices. For example, Garmin devices allow you to send a section of the map where there was an inaccuracy to the developer for further correction.

What is needed to update the navigator

Almost all popular car navigation systems provide the ability to quickly and freely update maps on car navigators. Therefore, you can easily cope with updating GPS maps yourself.

What do you need for this?

  • Computer or network connected.
  • Directly navigator. Make sure it is charged.
  • USB cable for connecting the device to a computer. As a rule, this cord comes with the device itself.

Also, be prepared for the fact that it will take you time to complete all the necessary actions. The fact is that cards, as a rule, “weigh” a lot. If your Internet connection is not very fast, then get ready to wait.

How to install and update Navitel maps

These navigation maps have been considered one of the best for a long time. Navitel prepares updates for release on average once every six months and allows you to install them for free. The installation can be performed in two ways - through a computer and through the menu of the corresponding program. All you have to do is choose the most suitable and convenient option for you.

1. Use of the software.
How to update through the application menu? To do this, you must first check your Internet connection. Since maps weigh a lot, it is advisable to download them using Wi-Fi.

On your navigation device, open the Navitel Navigator program and in its menu find the “Updates” section. Now click on the “Update All” button. A window will open in front of you with a detailed description of all available cards. By clicking the "Update" button you consent to their downloading. No further action is required from you.

Before you start downloading maps, you must first update the Navitel Navigator application along with the activation file.

After this, proceed as follows:

  • Open the official Navitel website and log into your Personal Account.
  • In the section called “My Devices” you will see a list of updates available under your license. Of course, this is only if the navigator is already in the list of devices in your personal account. If not, then take a little time to add it.
  • Select from the entire list of maps those that correspond to the version of Navitel Navigator that is installed on your device.
  • On the right side of the name of each map presented in the list there is a “Download” button. You should now click on it.
  • The file you download will have the extension .nm7. Install it on your personal computer.
  • Now that the required improvement has already been downloaded, all that remains is to install it on the car navigator. Connect the navigation device to a personal computer or laptop. This can be done either using a USB cable or using a memory card.
  • Open the folder on your device where the cards are located and erase the old files. Instead, move the new versions of the maps that were downloaded the day before to the folder. No matter how much you would like to leave both old and new files on the device, you should not do this. The fact is that different versions may be incompatible with each other, which will ultimately disrupt the normal operation of the navigator. Therefore, deleting old cards is a necessary step.
  • After saving the downloaded files to the folder designated for them, disconnect the car navigator from the computer.
  • Turn on your device and open Navitel Navigator on it. The terrain update will now complete automatically.

How to download and update maps in your Garmin navigator

It is also necessary to update Garmin maps from time to time, since updated versions contain more accurate data, the accuracy of which cannot be doubted. It is thanks to their improved versions that yours will be able to navigate the streets well and calculate the most accurate and convenient routes on the way to the intended goal.

If it's time to update your Garmin navigation data, a special application called Garmin Express will help with this. It exists in two versions - for Windows and for . In other words, users of both popular operating systems will be able to use convenient maps.

Installing and updating CityGuide software

There are also many users of the CityGuide navigation service today. If you are also one of them, then when installing updates for maps, proceed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to go to the official website of the navigation system. And from there to your “Personal Account”.
  • Open the column called “All Licenses”, where you will see a long list of a wide variety of licenses. Find yours in this list.
  • Your next step should be to install an updated version of the application. To do this, you will need the “Refresh” key. Remember that you will no longer be able to return to the old version.
  • After you have chosen to update the program, the site will ask you to leave the system and then log in again, re-entering your password and login. Follow these steps, and then the updates that are relevant to you will be visible in the list of available cards. Select the one you need and press the “Download” button.
  • Download the file to your PC.
  • Like updates for the program, improved cards are also presented in your Personal Account in a category with the appropriate name. You can select and download any of them at any time. Remember that the list of available options will directly depend on your license.
  • If your car navigator does not have access to the Internet, as, for example, then it makes sense to also download the traffic situation.
  • Move all downloaded files to a folder created in advance on your PC. Name it CGMaps.
  • The next step is to remove the previously downloaded program file from the archive. As a result of this, you will see two folders - INET and NOINET. The first one will be needed if your navigator can access the Internet. The second - if he doesn’t know how.
  • Connect your GPS device to your PC. This can be done using a USB cable if you plan to save information to its built-in data storage. If it should be saved on the device’s memory card, then remove the card from the device and place it in the card reader.
  • Open the contents of the device on your computer and drop the CityGuide folder there, extracted either from INET or NOINET.
  • Next, place CGMaps inside the CityGuide folder.
  • After this, you can turn off the navigation device and run the corresponding program on it.
  • Place the navigator in an open place so that it can successfully configure the COM port and find its location. This process often takes up to an hour, so please be patient.

How to install and update Yandex software. Navigator

Yandex software. The navigator can also be quickly and easily updated by yourself. What should be done for this? In reality, everything is extremely simple. You just need to maintain the sequence of certain actions.

1. To download the map, call the toolbar. To do this, just touch the bottom of your navigator screen.
2. In the Menu that opens, go to settings and open the “Download maps” section.
3. The next step is to find the required city. There are two ways to do this. The first option is to simply find it in the list provided, which is not so difficult, because all the cities in the list are arranged in alphabetical order. The second way is to start typing the name of the city into the search bar and then just select it in the suggestions provided.
4. After this, you will see information about the amount of free memory on the device that is necessary to successfully load the map. And if there is enough of it, then you can confidently start downloading. If there is not enough memory, then, if necessary, you can place the information not on the device, but on a memory card.

If desired, also configure auto-update. This can also be done in the “Updating maps” section. To no longer have to download maps manually, launch the “Automatic” function. Please note that navigation files are much easier to download over Wi-Fi, since mobile Internet resources are often insufficient. To prevent the download from starting at the wrong time, select the “Only via Wi-Fi” option. This will avoid unpleasant surprises.

Sometimes it also becomes necessary to remove one or another card. This is also extremely easy to do. Simply go to the Settings section through the Menu and go to the “Download and Delete” category. This is where the downloaded maps are stored. Select the required ones and press the “Erase” key. Immediately after this, a window will open asking you to confirm the action. Press the delete key again. That's all. Cards that have lost their relevance for you will be forever erased from .

Installing and updating IGO

The iGO navigation system is one of the most notable. Its new versions are distinguished by three-dimensional pictures in which you can see the terrain, three-dimensional images of a wide variety of objects and more. It is possible to rotate the image on the navigator screen 360 degrees in order to orient yourself to the terrain as accurately as possible.

If you purchased iGO software for your portable navigator, you will need to periodically update the maps on the NNG website. What should be the sequence of steps?

  • Go to the NNG website and register on it.
  • From the above site, download and install an application called Naviextras Toolbox on your PC. This application will monitor the availability of updates. With its help you will download them.
  • Then connect your car navigator to your computer using . Make sure that Naviextras Toolbox finds it in the list of devices that it supports updating.
  • Log in by entering your username and password. Toolbox will then automatically recognize the device and register it with your user profile.
  • Now it's time to spend some time browsing through the available updates and additional maps. They are presented directly in the Naviextras Toolbox program. In order to see them, you should click on the “Catalogue” button in the menu item.
  • Available updates can be filtered based on geographic area or data type. Next to each option its price is indicated. Many updates are available for free, in which case a “free” icon will be displayed instead of the price.
  • After you have selected the desired update, it will be queued for installation. Before pressing the “Install” button to install new versions, it is better to create a backup copy of your data. This will eliminate any unwanted complications if the installation does not go as originally planned. Creating a backup usually takes varying amounts of time. And this depends on the capabilities of the USB port, as well as the device itself. Therefore, be prepared for the process to take a long time.
  • After the backup has already been created, Naviextras Toolbox will begin the process of downloading and installing the necessary updates. The progress of the process will be visible on the basis of two indication scales. The top one will show the general status of the work in progress, and the bottom one will allow you to familiarize yourself with the process of downloading a specific file. Upon completion of the operation, you will receive a notification.

Please note that you can download updates not only using Naviextras Toolbox, but also directly from the NNG website. The sequence of actions will be the same.

Updated versions of programs for car navigators appear on average once every 3-10 months. This means that it is advisable to acquire the latest cards at least as often. Otherwise, the information that will be in your use will no longer be reliable. Therefore, pay due attention to updating your GPS navigators. Moreover, you can easily cope with this task yourself.

Thanks to the possibilities that open up when using a cell phone as a navigator, many smartphone users are wondering:

“How to install Navitel on an Android device”?

Where to download this software and how to install it on a mobile phone will be discussed in this publication.

Important! Navitel is software distributed on a paid basis. Those who want to test the operation of this software on their Android device need to install a trial version of the program, which allows them to take advantage of the powerful functionality and evaluate all its advantages absolutely free for 30 calendar days.

You can install shareware Navitel software on a tablet PC or phone running Android OS in two ways:

  1. Download and install Navitel from the Play Market - a standard application on Android.
  2. Install the apk file downloaded from the official website on your Android device at:

Method No. 1. Installation via Play Market

The first method of installing the program requires an Internet connection and a Google account.

  • go to the Play Store;
  • enter the name Navitel in the search field;
  • open the program and click the “Install” button;

  • In the window that opens, the program will inform you about the required permissions. To install the software on your phone, click “Accept”

After completing the installation on your Android tablet or phone, you need to open Navitel and register in the program by purchasing a paid license or selecting a trial period of use.

Method No. 2. Installation of the downloaded apk file

If you are limited in Internet speed, then the best way to install Navitel on your phone is to install an apk file downloaded from the official website. To do this you need:

  • go to the developer's official resource at;
  • select and download to your PC a distribution kit for the screen with the required resolution;

  • After downloading, transfer the downloaded distribution to the memory of the Android device by connecting it to the PC with a cable with USB - micro USB connectors;

Open the installed apk file and install the application on your phone, then download the maps you need into the folder with the program.

Downloading and installing the map

During installation of Navitel, you will be asked to install maps on your Android tablet or phone.

Select the desired section, mark the map you need (available in your license) and click the “Download” button.

After the necessary cards are downloaded to the device’s storage device, the application will prompt you to install them.