Instructions on how to change your name in your Google account. How to change YouTube channel name and icon

Often when the user starts new account in some way, it seems to him, not the right service, he doesn't think about the data he enters. So, over time, he discovers that he would like to change his name. This rule also applies to Google account holders. This article will tell you how to Google account without removing it. It will tell you how to change it not only in your account, but also in your mail, so that when you send email, the recipient received it with the name you specified.

Ways to change your name

The article will outline two ways to change the name in your Google account. It's worth saying right away that they are quite different from each other, so read the entire article to decide which one is better for you. It’s also worth making a note, explaining that changing the Google account name on Android (both using the smartphone settings and using Google apps Play) will not work, there is only one way - through the browser.

Method 1: via the GMail website

It's very easy to change your name via email from Google, for this you need:

  1. Go to the Google mail page.
  2. Enter registration details.
  3. If you have several accounts, then select the one you want.
  4. Go to To do this, click on the gear-shaped button and select the appropriate item in the menu.
  5. On the new page that opens, go to the “Accounts and Import” section.
  6. Find among all the items “Send letters as” and click the “Change” button that is located opposite it.
  7. A dialog box will open. In it you need to enter the desired name and click the "Save changes" button.

Now you know the first way to change your Google account name. In the future, all emails will be sent under the name you specified. Well, in the meantime, we move directly to the second method.

Method 2: through account settings

The previous method of changing the name in a Google account involved making changes to the mail settings, but this method involves changing the name directly in the account. For this:

  1. Login to home page your account. If you are using a browser from Google, the easiest way to do this is by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on the link " personal information", which is located in the "Privacy" area.
  3. On new page that appears, click on the arrow-shaped icon located opposite the “Name” item.
  4. In the window that appears, click on the pencil icon so that a field for entering a new name appears, enter it, then confirm by clicking the corresponding button.

This is how easy it is to change your Google account name. Please note that both of these methods can be used not only with personal computer, but also from the phone, only in the second case will it be necessary to use a browser to follow all the instructions. Through Play Market Changing the name will not work.


You've learned two methods on how to correct your name in your Google account. Although they are different, they allow equally make adjustments to the user profile. As a result, you can change both the name that will be written in letters delivered from you to other users, and the name of the account itself, which is displayed, for example, in some games from Google Play.

To install applications from the Play Market, save various kinds of documents on the cloud, and also use many other useful functions from Google, you need to create an account. Most users have only one account, but sometimes it becomes necessary to change your account to log in from another one. Many users are interested in how to change their account on Android. You can accomplish this task using standard features smartphone.

In what cases is it necessary to change your account?

The first option is that you need to sync some data with your phone. These can be numbers, calendar dates, photographs and much more. For this purpose, you will have to log out of your account and then log into another one that stores all this information.

Another case will be useful when you need to install some paid application. Your friend may have it purchased on his account, so all you have to do is log into his account and then install the desired program on your phone. There are often cases when you simply forgot the password for your old account. If there was no important data on it, it is much easier to create a new Google account and, accordingly, not bother yourself with the password recovery procedure.

Step-by-step instructions for changing your account

So your phone is on this moment synchronized with one entry, but you need to sign in to another Google account. This is quite easy to do on Android, but you will have to delete your old account information first. You can do this using the following instructions:

  1. Go to your gadget's settings.
  2. Find the “Accounts” section (may be called “Personal Information”).
  3. It will display all the systems in which you are authorized. You need to select Google.
  4. You will be taken to the settings window where synchronization of various data is activated. Must click function key gadget or icon with three dots on the right side of the screen.
  5. Select “Delete Account” from the drop-down menu. The system will ask you to confirm your choice. Do it.

  6. If you installed a security system, then before doing this the phone will ask you to enter a password or pattern.

This completes half of the task. How to change account? Now you just need to add a new account. This is done in the same settings section on the phone:

Now you know how to change your account on Android in just a couple of steps. If you need to create a new one, then you can select the “Create account” menu in the mail entry window. You will have to go through the entire procedure again: enter your first name, last name, date of birth, come up with an email and password.

Not everyone, when registering on YouTube, immediately plans to conduct own channel. But what if you finally decide to publish videos, and your username doesn’t match the chosen topic? In this article we will tell you how you can change your name on YouTube.

How to change your name on YouTube

Unfortunately, you cannot change your traditional YouTube username. But the service offers a workaround: link your channel to a page on the Google+ social network. In this case, it is possible to choose a suitable name for the channel.

To link a channel to Google+, click on your avatar (or the standard square if you don’t have an avatar) in the upper right corner YouTube pages, and then click on the gear icon. On the Account Settings page - general information» Click the “Advanced” link. On the page that opens, click the link “Connect with Google page+" and select the "Create a new name" option. Provide a name for the channel and click Next.

If your profile is already linked to Google+, you can still change your name on YouTube. To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of YouTube and click on the gear icon. On the “General Information” page that opens, click the “Edit in Google+” link. You will be redirected to a social network page with a form to change your name. Enter a name more suitable for the channel and click the “Save” button.

There are also alternative way change your YouTube channel name via Google+. Open your channel and click on the pencil icon next to its name, on the right edge of the page. Select the Channel Settings option. You will be taken to the already described “General Information” page. Then proceed in the same way: click the “Edit in Google+” link, set a new name and click the “Save” button.

Finally, we note that you can change your name on Google+ no more than once every 90 days, especially if you created your profile recently and have already changed your name. Therefore, when choosing a new name, take your time and think it through carefully.

If, when registering a profile on Instagram, you came up with a not very interesting nickname and name, these data can be changed at any time convenient for you. In this article we will try to figure out why a nickname is used and how to change the name on Instagram.

Is there a difference between a nickname and a name?

It is worth knowing the difference between a nickname and basic information (name) of an account. In the application that opens, you can see the nickname above the found profile. With its help you can find pages of a specific user. The nickname is indicated only in Latin.

Under the avatar there is a username, which can be indicated in both Russian and English language, but it is not necessary that it coincide with the nickname. It is important that all data is clear and readable.

What should the nickname be?

In order for your account to attract the attention of users, you need to create a nickname in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. It should not be long and difficult to understand. The nickname should be easy to remember, since it will be with its help that you can find the page;
  2. You need to use nicknames that characterize your area of ​​activity and interests;
  3. Acceptable to use various methods creating nicknames (indicating one letter before the nickname, replacing part of a word with a number, etc.).

Nick should evoke positive emotions in the best case scenario, but in a relatively good situation, no emotions. The main thing is that the nickname does not provoke ridicule and disgust.

What is unacceptable to use in a nickname?

When creating your individual nickname for Instagram, you should pay attention to the following restrictions:

  • it can only be compiled using Latin numerals and letters;
  • You cannot use spaces or ampersands;
  • nicknames different users cannot be repeated;
  • Difficult to pronounce nicknames are not used to point to a specific page.

Note! Basically, everyone tries to indicate a combination of first and last name as a nickname. If you can't imagine, you can use special services generating nicknames that are on the Internetenough.