What is a tablet and its functions. Tablet with cell phone and e-reader functions. How to determine the DVI type on the cable and video card

Development computer equipment went two ways. The first is the creation of super-powerful computing systems for the needs of science, defense and space exploration. And the second path of development, which led to the appearance of tablets, is the miniaturization of technology. The tablet turned out to be such a popular gadget that almost all laptop manufacturers have developed and produced their own models of these interesting devices.

What is a tablet and what are its advantages?

The tablet is Personal Computer, having light weight, small size and devoid of such familiar data input means as a mouse and keyboard. All interaction with the gadget occurs through touch display, that is, using your fingers. At first, this method seems unusual and inconvenient to many, so after the first acquaintance with the tablet, they try to give it to friends or simply throw it on the farthest shelf of the bookcase.

In fact, a Tablet PC provides the user with such bright and significant convenience that, having got used to its features, a person can no longer imagine his life without it. Everyday life. Here are just some of the advantages of a tablet over a traditional laptop:

mobility - small size and light weight allow you to take the tablet with you anywhere, and low power consumption and great resource batteries provide long lasting autonomous operation without recharging;
rich set of applications available for (including) free download, allows you to use the gadget for both entertainment and work;
stability and “unsinkability” - tablet on Android platform or iOS, as a rule, does not “catch” viruses, because, at least for now, few of them are known for these platforms;
versatility and compatibility - on a tablet you can watch the same movies, view photos and listen to the same music as on a computer, but in a very mobile mode.

How to use your tablet effectively

The very first thing that comes to mind for owners of a newly purchased, brand new gadget is to use it for entertainment, especially since it comes with preinstalled programs There are definitely simple, but exciting and colorful games. You can listen to your favorite music and watch movies by first copying them to a memory card or, if the device’s characteristics allow it, to its internal memory. Many devices allow you to connect a flash drive or external hard disk.

It is of great importance for modern man the possibility of safe and convenient web surfing, and this opportunity is provided by any tablet. Just keep in mind that some models can only connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks. But if you buy an ordinary one mobile router, then you can “distribute” Wi-Fi for yourself independently.

But the most interesting use tablet - for work. Possibility of connecting to cloud services, full synchronization with your own home or office computer, collaboration multiple users on the same document with instant synchronization of all changes in the cloud make the tablet computer indispensable for fans of a mobile lifestyle and business people who are forced to be absent from the office often and for long periods of time.

And yet we are forced to say that a tablet is only a good and convenient addition to a desktop or laptop, but it is absolutely not suitable for the role of a main device.

Tablets are becoming more and more popular every day. The tablet can be called a symbiosis of a netbook and a smartphone, which has entered a person’s life quite well due to its convenient capabilities and functions. So, today in our article we will figure out how you can use the tablet, that is, we will look at its main functions.

On this moment, the tablet market is represented by a huge number of models and their variations, but we will consider and take into account only those that can really be called tablet computers, and not overgrown smartphones.

How to use a tablet for the Internet

Almost every person knows that with the help of any tablet you can use Internet services, browse Internet pages, watch movies and listen to music in online mode, download information. This is probably why, in most cases, this device wins the hearts of users. Think for yourself, on any smartphone, even the most sophisticated one, browsing the Internet is not very convenient due to the small size of the display. The situation is completely different with a tablet, which combines two excellent characteristics– large display diagonal and netbook functionality.

So, what is organized in the tablet for convenient use Internet. Consider below:

  • Touch screen - it may seem inconvenient to move your fingers across the display, blocking your view, but in fact, with just one touch of your finger you can interact with sites, you can even say “feel” them.
  • Built-in 3G and Wi-Fi modules, which are present on almost any tablet, allow you to connect the device to access points high speed connection. A 3G network is now provided by almost every operator mobile communications, and for quite little money you can use the services of 3G Internet, which can be canceled from the Internet by Wi-Fi connection, available almost everywhere.


You can use your tablet as a webcam, and it will be useful not only for observing yourself in the mirror. There are a sufficient number of programs and clients, for example, Face Time or Skype, with which you can make free video calls over the Internet. It is very convenient and useful feature, since you will be able to communicate live with your loved ones or colleagues, no matter how far they are from you, the main thing is that both parties have Internet access.

Reading tablet

And again, the size of the tablet’s display and its resolution make this device convenient for reading newspapers or books. Tablets also have a display auto-rotate function, which makes reading more convenient. The operating system of any tablet will allow you to install any reading program on it, each of which has its own unique interface and functionality, created for any person, from a child to an adult.

Tablet for notes

The relatively small size of the tablet allows you to take it with you almost everywhere. In this case, you can leave it on own recordings and notes, attach images, music or videos to them. You can also use software, with which you can create entire to-do or shopping lists, which will make your life easier. Think about it, if you need to create a multi-item shopping list, say in a hardware store, how much paper will you need for this? But with a tablet everything is much simpler.

Tablet as a navigator

Yes, indeed, you can use your tablet as a navigator. Nowadays, almost every tablet has special GPS module that allows you to use navigation programs and maps, track your own location, speed and duration of the trip or path. Using the navigator on your tablet, you can also create the fastest and most convenient route for you unfamiliar city, you will know where the main attractions, restaurants, cafes, and other places are. In general, with a navigator you will always be aware of events and will never get lost, no matter where you are.

Useful features

  • Some tablets have a slot for regular SIM cards, and thus you can use the tablet as a phone. You simply insert a mobile SIM card into the device and now you can make calls like regular phone. True, it is inconvenient to apply such a shovel to your ear, so for such purposes it is better to purchase wireless bluetooth headset
  • Just like any smartphone, you can use your tablet as a modem. You simply connect it to your computer using a special cord or wireless bluetooth connection, and use 3G or Wi-Fi Internet.
  • Multimedia - any tablet supports the function of viewing and listening to videos, music, photos, that is, if necessary, this device can become a whole multimedia center. You can also install many games on the tablet, with good graphics and advanced gameplay.

As you understand, of this device quite broad functionality. The tablet can be used as a phone, modem, navigator, book or video player. In general, its benefits in our technological and advanced world are invaluable.

ASUS Transformer and Microsoft Surface are great devices that combine a tablet and a full-fledged laptop. On the road, such a thing does not take up much space and is great for both work and leisure. He took out a thin keyboard from the bag, and you had a laptop in your hands, put it back - the tablet. Comfortable. But is it possible to do something similar from a regular Android tablet? Easily!

For what?

Even the cheapest ones modern tablets have extremely powerful hardware, the performance of which is quite enough to compete with netbooks. However, the tablet has a completely different purpose, which poses an obvious problem: what to take with you on the road? Is a tablet or netbook convenient for reading books, surfing the web and playing games - an excellent tool for communication and work? Carrying both with us is not the most fun thing to do, but we can take a different path.

Let's start with the fact that almost any tablet is suitable for Android control supports connecting a keyboard and mouse - in fact, this turns it into a kind of all-in-one computer that you can lean against something, place the keyboard and mouse in front of you and work calmly. This is not very convenient on the road, and it’s too much even for a geek, so the smart Chinese have come up with special cases with a built-in keyboard that, with a slight movement of the hand, turn the tablet into interesting device, similar to a netbook. It’s definitely worth buying such a case, especially since it will cost no more than 20 American rubles, and the keyboard is really good.

The second is the OS. It would seem that Android is not designed for work at all and you cannot do without a full-fledged netbook/laptop. But here everything is in order, browsers easily support several tabs, there are many keyboard shortcuts, a full set of UNIX utilities, a bunch of administration software, compilers, utilities, web servers and everything you can think of, except absolutely nothing. professional software like Photoshop or ProTools. But I doubt anyone will do graphic art or mixing a composition while sitting in the passenger seat of a car moving along “magnificent” Russian roads.

In other words, the tablet has everything you need to use it as a workstation, but we’ll talk further about how to use “everything” to the fullest.

Basic minimum

So, we have a tablet running Android 4, a keyboard, a mouse (optional) and the desire to turn it all into a workhorse.

Let me make a reservation right away that a USB keyboard and mouse can only be plugged into a tablet that supports the USB host(OTG), so if your tablet does not have this option, you will have to use more expensive Bluetooth accessories, and if not, Bluetooth support, then nothing can be done - such a tablet is not suitable.

If USB host mode is supported, the keyboard or mouse should be connected using an OTG cable, which usually comes with the tablet and is a miniUSB-male cable on one side and full USB mom - on the other (if the tablet has full-size USB ports, you can weave directly into them). If it is not included in the kit, an OTG cable can be purchased at any store mobile technology or order in China for one dollar (it’s no worse). I would like to warn you that usually not all ports support host mode, so you need to plug it into the correct one (usually it is signed Host or OTG).

When everything is in hand, we attach the mouse and keyboard to the tablet - and voila, everything works. One might say that this would be enough, but Android can offer much more advanced keyboard control capabilities. One of the main ones is a fairly developed and convenient system keyboard combinations, which has existed since the first versions of the OS. So, to navigate the desktop and various menus you can use the "arrows", and the key replaces the "Back" button, and - “Home” button. Besides these, there is a whole set of other control combinations, including shortcuts for launching applications:

Keyboard Android combinations

- analogue of the “Back” button - analogue of the “Home” button - analogue of the “Menu” button - switching between applications - switch layout - open settings - management of installed applications - change wallpaper - write a letter - music player - calculator - write SMS - calendar - contacts - browser - Google maps - search

A special place among them is occupied by the combination , which opens a search window, which in Android is similar to the search window in OS X or Ubuntu, that is, it allows you to search not only on the Internet, but also among installed applications, contacts and browser bookmarks. A very convenient keyboard control tool.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available in applications, but only a small part of developers implement such controls. Even among browsers where this functionality is a must, I could only find two that can be fully controlled using the keyboard. This is a standard browser and Google Chrome, which support the following set of combinations:

Browser combinations

Unfortunately, in Android there is no way to change key combinations or add your own, but the existing ones will be quite enough to work with the tablet without any mouse, only occasionally touching the screen to select some hard-to-reach interface element.

Since we are talking about the browser, we need to take care of the Internet connection. Not all tablets are equipped with a 3G module, so you will most likely have to get the Internet in other ways. Two standard solutions are a 3G modem or Internet from a phone. The first option is more preferable, however, on tablets with one host port (like mine), it will not allow you to plug in a keyboard as well. The option of distributing the Internet from your phone via Wi-Fi is very convenient, but it drains the smart phone’s battery at an incredible speed, so it is much better to use the more economical Bluetooth for this purpose.

The blue tooth situation in Android is quite strange, and its support varies greatly from version to version. Nevertheless, Internet distribution via Bluetooth (PAN profile) has been supported for a long time, and, most likely, it is already present in the smartphone (you should look somewhere in the area “Wireless networks -> Advanced -> Modem mode”). To connect to such a “broadcaster,” Google recommends selecting the desired Bluetooth device from the list in the “Profiles” section and checking the “Use for Internet access” checkbox. But in practice, such an item often simply does not exist, so to connect you will have to use an independent implementation of the PAN profile, for example, “Bluetooth PAN” from the market. It requires root, but using it is as easy as shelling pears: launch it, click on the huge round button in the middle of the screen.

To have access to all the necessary data on the road, you can transfer it to a flash drive in advance or use cloud drives like Dropbox or Google Drive. Both approaches are inconvenient because they do not allow synchronization to occur automatically. But the Dropsync application can do this and does it very well. In fact, Dropsync performs the same task as the desktop version of Dropbox: it allows you to store files on a flash drive, periodically synchronizing them with cloud storage. What’s important is that the directories for synchronization can be selected individually, sending and receiving from the cloud only what is really needed on the tablet, for example, books, music, source texts.

Using Dropsync is quite simple, you just need to select the directory to sync, the directory in Dropbox and choose the synchronization method: one way or both. After this, the software will hang in the background and periodically perform synchronization. I immediately recommend buying the Pro version, it supports Linux inotify technology for instant synchronization immediately after changing files, and also removes the 5 MB file size limit and the limit on one synchronized directory.

Virtual keyboard for Android tablets

You can work effectively in a terminal emulator without a hardware keyboard. To do this, you just need to install the Hacker’s keyboard, which has keys , , navigation arrows, a separate line with numbers, as well as a separate panel with keys .

Advanced option

Let's talk about more advanced use of the tablet. For a geek, and even more so for a person administering remote servers, standard functionality and ordinary applications will, of course, not be enough to feel complete. Therefore, we need to acquire a gentleman’s Linux set, namely a terminal emulator, a set of command line utilities, as well as various SSH clients and rsyncs. Android has all this, thanks to the Linux kernel.

First of all, let's get root on the tablet. We have already told you how to do this, especially since each device has its own methodology, which includes many nuances. That's why Google is here to help. Next, install Android Terminal Emulator from the market, this is a standard VT102 emulator with support for everything you need. It supports all control sequences, which means all key combinations that you will type on the keyboard.

The standard Android installation includes a limited set of command line utilities (which doesn't even include the cp command), but it can easily be expanded to a complete set by simply installing BusyBox using one of the many installers available on the market. After this, you can get normal bash instead of the wretched sh that comes with the kit. To do this, install GNU bash 4.2 Installer, launch it and click the “Install” button. So that the terminal emulator knows that we want to immediately get into bash when starting, go to the terminal settings and in the “Command Shell” option specify the path “/system/xbin/bash -”.

From now on we have a full-fledged command line, but no SSH client and a good text editor. You can solve this problem by installing the good old ConnectBot and Vim Touch. As independent tools, they do a great job, but you won't be able to use them productively if you have a keyboard and need to edit various files directly from the terminal. Therefore, we will install native versions of these programs. Console Vim for Android can be obtained from this link. It should be unpacked, transferred to the tablet’s memory card, and then placed in the /system/xbin directory. Here's how to do it right in Android:

Installing console vim

$ su # cp /sdcard/path-to-binary /system/xbin # chmod +x /system/bin/vim

The SSH client, in turn, is available in the SSHDroid application. All you need to do is install SSHDroid and copy the SSH client to the /system/xbin directory:

Installing ssh

$ su # cp /data/data/berserker.android.apps.sshdroid/dropbear/ssh /system/xbin # chmod +x /system/xbin/ssh

You can go even further and install an entire Linux distribution that will have everything you want. It is especially convenient to use Arch Linux Installer for this, which installs minimal Arch Linux into the image without any unnecessary Xs and other rubbish. And thanks to the archaic philosophy of rolling releases, you will always have the latest software, without having to install new version distribution. The installer itself is incredibly simple, so I won’t describe its use.

It is clear that while working remotely, we will most likely have to access the Internet via a VPN, since open wifi in various cafeterias and hotels they simply do not inspire trust by definition. The new Android now has VPN support straight out of the box, so setting up proxying will not cause any problems. Just go to settings " Wireless network-> More…”, click VPN, Android prompts you to set a PIN or password, this will have to be done, otherwise they won’t let us in. Next, click “Add VPN profile” and indicate VPN type(standard PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, IPSec Xauth or IPSec Hybrid), enter the profile name, server address and keys, if necessary (for PPTP, of course, not necessary). We save, tap on the profile name, enter the login and password, and all traffic begins to flow through the tunnel.

If you're planning to do some coding on the go, Google Play has a ton of tools for that. To create small utility utilities and scripts, you can use the SL4A environment (code.google.com/p/android-scripting), which allows you to execute scripts written in sh, Python, Ruby, Perl, Lua and other languages. The environment is equipped with an editor and simple API, allowing you to access the main functions of the tablet.

For more serious development, you can use the QPython environment, which, in addition to the SL4A API, offers access to the native Android API, as well as the cross-platform Kivy library of graphic widgets. Applications created using QPython will be almost indistinguishable from native ones. The Ruboto IRB environment generally offers full access to Android Java API, but for the Ruby language.

I would especially like to mention the AIDE environment, which allows you to create full-fledged Java applications for Android in Android itself. The environment is very developed, with full set everyone necessary functions, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, online hints, one-click compilation and run. AIDE is fully compatible with projects Android SDK, so it can actually be used for serious development. Particularly hardcore comrades can install GNU GCC C/C++ Compiler, the same GCC and a set of binutils that allow you to compile software in the console.


Carrying a tablet with you, and even having a keyboard and mouse connected to it, you will probably want to hook it up to the HDMI port of your TV or AV receiver. In principle, everything here is simple and boringly convenient: plug in the cable and get a picture on big screen. But there are several interesting moments which I would like to talk about.

Screen blanking. One of the most frustrating aspects of implementing HDMI support in Android is the need to keep the screen on. As soon as you press the tablet's power button, the HDMI is de-energized and the “big picture” disappears. You won't be able to disable this behavior using Android itself, but you can use the excellent Screen program Standby, which forcibly turns off the backlight of the screen, so you can safely watch videos, play games or surf the Internet without being distracted by a copy of the image on the tablet.

Screen Standby has many very useful settings, for example, turns off the backlight on its own when you plug in an HDMI cable. To do this, just enable the “Auto HDMI/MHL Detection” option in the “HDMI Detection” section (there are also settings to turn it off when launching an application or placing it in the dock). Another very interesting feature- this is switching the tablet into touchpad mode, when a cursor appears on the monitor screen and the tablet screen turns into a large touchpad. It is included in the menu “Settings -> Touchpad setting -> Use touchpad function”, but this function did not work for me, which is predictable, given the limited support for models.

Joystick and control panel. A tablet connected to a monitor or TV can be controlled not only using a keyboard and mouse, but also using a smartphone on the same Android. It is not necessary to log into the tablet via SSH or other means for this. You can use virtual joystick BT Controller from the market. This program allows you to turn your smartphone into a virtual blue-toothed joystick, control panel or even a keyboard - whatever you need.

BT Controller should be installed on both devices that are already connected via Bluetooth. Next, on one of the devices, press the “Connect” button, after which a message will appear on the screen asking you to select the device function: Controller or Host. Click on Host on the tablet, then in the right top corner An information sign appears, symbolizing successful connection and operability of the components. Tapping on the “KB Enabled” line on the sign will take us to the input method settings menu, in which we should select BTController, and tapping on “KB Active” will allow us to switch to BT Controller instead of the standard keyboard.

When all these operations are completed, you can use the joystick that appears on the screen. IN free version The application has only one interface option - a SNES joystick, with which it is quite convenient to play games, but for other purposes it is not suitable. Paid version BT Controller allows you to choose between more than thirty different joysticks, remotes and keyboards and, more importantly, create a new remote control yourself using a special editor.


An Android tablet can truly be turned into a full-fledged desktop that is a pleasure to use. Of course, it won’t replace a real laptop running Linux, but special problems You won't notice it in use either.

Quantity tablet computers and smartphones running Android OS is growing every day. At the moment, Android is one of the most popular operating systems, so it is not surprising that more and more users are acquiring gadgets with this particular “operating system”.

But tablet computers running Android OS have several significant differences from phones, smartphones, PDAs and tablets with other operating systems. Therefore, some users experience slight discomfort immediately after purchasing a new device with an unfamiliar Android. There is no need to be afraid of this seemingly menacing shell. It was created to make managing your mobile equipment more convenient and simpler, as you will soon see for yourself. In the meantime, just follow a few simple tips:

  1. To begin with, do not waste your time and try to at least superficially familiarize yourself with the instructions for the tablet. In general, all Android devices are very similar in terms of placement of buttons and menus, but sometimes meticulous manufacturers (for example, Samsung or HTC) can shift the image of some panel or icon. And, in order not to waste time searching for it, it is better to spend a couple of minutes reading the instructions.
  2. If you haven't done this before, you now need to turn on your tablet. This is done using a button on the side panel or at the bottom of the device. The same button in most cases is responsible for locking the screen.
  3. Then you should look around and become familiar with the “stuffing” of the device. Since Android OS is proprietary Google, don't be surprised if you immediately find whole line icons with the services of this corporation. Moreover, many of these services will only work after connecting the tablet computer to the Internet.
  4. Understand some simple things that you should take for granted:
  • when you rotate the display, the picture on the screen will also flip;
  • when you click on the return button (by default it is located in the lower left corner of the device), any program, game or menu will be closed and you will return to where you were before launching it;
  • when you exit to the main menu everything running applications will be rolled up.

What to do after your first acquaintance with the tablet?

Once you've tried out your new Android OS device, you can begin customizing it to your liking. To begin with, it is advisable to connect the tablet to the Internet, since you will have to download many programs, games, and even designs from the Internet. Don't forget that most modern tablet computers have Wi-Fi module, which will allow you to use the Internet in almost any cafe and other in public places ().

Try to master Internet browser management as quickly as possible. With it, you can download and install a variety of things, ranging from useful programs and ending with pictures or videos. Also learn how to use the store. In it you will find a lot interesting applications for every taste. Moreover, many games and programs are distributed completely free of charge. Please note that an account is required to use it. Google entry ().

Once you learn how to download and install applications from Google service Play or any other sources, you can perform using your tablet great amount tasks. You just need to find the application you are interested in (a convenient player, a book reader, specific applications, toolbars for viewing current exchange rates, weather forecasts, etc.) and install it to completely customize your favorite Android device to suit your needs. And very soon you will completely forget that at first new tablet with an unfamiliar “OS” seemed difficult to manage!

Several video lessons on working with a tablet:


Notification panel

Desktop customization

Introducing the virtual keyboard

Sound settings

Setting the date and time on your tablet


Articles and Lifehacks

If the user bought a device for the first time, then it will be natural for him to ask: how to learn to use a tablet.

The initial stage of using the tablet

The younger generation, as a rule, understands using a new gadget on an intuitive level. However, in some situations difficulties may well arise. IN similar cases required:

1. Enable compact computer device. To do this, you usually have to use the button located on the side panel of the device. By the way, this is what you can usually use to block the gadget’s screen.

2. Next, the user will be able to find many pictures on the screen. They are called icons. Most of the designations are an indication of Google services if the tablet operates on operating system android.

3. For optimal performance device must be connected to the Internet. It is optimal to do this via the built-in Wi-Fi module. You need to go to the “Settings” category and select the appropriate item there. On some tablet models, go to the “Wireless Networks” section, after which the option will be activated. A list will appear on the screen in front of the user available networks, among which you need to select yours and click on it.

After entering your password and login, the device will be connected to the Internet. If you don’t know how to learn to use a tablet, you should use this guide and access the Internet.

First steps to use the tablet

To do this, a novice user will need:

1. Select suitable browser. A tablet usually has several services installed at once. Among the most popular are Chrome and Opera. You can choose the most familiar or simple option.

2. Now you can go to virtual directory Google Play, if the tablet operates on the operating system Android system. This site contains a great variety of programs, applications, and games. To use some of them for free, the user will need to register. After creating your own account he will have access to various company products.

3. After completing all the basic manipulations, you can proceed to setting up your personal menu on the device screen. To do this, you need to linger slightly on one or another icon with your finger and drag it to the required part of the display. Widgets can also be removed or new options added.