Setting up iota on a laptop. Mobile router "Iota": description, characteristics, configuration and owner reviews

The Yota company offers many variations of connection via modem. It is possible to work with Windows OS or another system. The Internet is also accessible from a smartphone or tablet. To connect the device without negative consequences, it is important to know the instructions on how to connect a Yota modem.

An antenna or modem from the provider is connected to the computer. The system will begin to automatically configure drivers. The boot disk is inserted into the drive.

Next, you will need to install the Yota Access program. After launch, the program will install itself and connect to the WiMax network. You can find out how to activate services on the website or by calling the support service - 8 800 550 00 07 . Usually, everything happens automatically; you just need to select and configure your tariff plan in the application.

When the Internet connection is paid for, it is better to restart the computer.

Modem settings

To know how to connect a Yota modem, you need to have an idea of ​​the modem's features. The device is inserted into a USB port. After connecting to the PC, drivers will begin to be installed and activation occurs automatically. Setting up any Yota modem does not involve connecting any programs or applications.

When the drivers are installed, you need to see if there is a network. Next, they register, select a tariff plan and top up their account to use the Internet. Setting up the router is quite easy, but you can contact a specialist to find out how to set a password or how to activate the connection.

Login to settings

Setting up any Iota modem requires logging into the interface. To do this, enter And http status yota advanced

If it doesn’t work, you can go to the router’s account and enter the address in the browser: , Further 10.0 0.1 status yota. The web interface should then appear 10.0 0.1 Personal Area.

This area contains detailed information about the current network connection:

  • IP address;
  • identifier;
  • signal quality;
  • volume and speed of traffic.

Thus, you can answer the common question of how to set up a modem, because all the data that can be changed is collected there.

Setting and changing passwords for modem and Wi-Fi

When connecting a device, you can enter its settings by typing in the browser , or . There is a sticker on your modem or router that shows you how to set a password.

You can reset your WiFi router password by clicking “ Reset"and hold it for about 15 seconds. All network settings and parameters will be restored to their initial state.

The Yota router is similar to all other models of these devices. In the address bar you should write , and press enter.

The initial menu will appear, where you need to enter data to enter the modem settings. Pre-set password and login - " admin" If it often turns out that the user has forgotten the password, it is better to leave it the same.

How to open ports

When you have one PC and a connected modem, the problem of how to open all the ports on the Yota modem does not arise.

In other cases, you need to configure the following sequence:

  • Torrent client;
  • Internet connection parameters;
  • Firewall;
  • Router.

Other settings

If you have questions about how to set up the Internet on iOS, then you will first need to go to Settings, then Cellular, Data Settings and, finally, “Cellular Data Network”.

At the bottom you need to find “Modem mode” and enter APN – internet with the password gdata. Then you should reboot or wait until it turns on.

How to connect a Yota modem to a router

You need to understand in detail how to connect the Yota modem to the router. A mobile device is inserted into the router, the wire (it was included with the router) is connected to the socket on the computer.

Below we will tell you how to configure the router. To do this, you need to go to the network settings and find the network management section, there select change adapter settings and go to properties. Having selected Internet Protocol 4, you need to check the boxes to receive an IP and DNS server automatically. The setting is saved.

Go to the modem control panel, specify:

  • APN:;
  • Access: *99# ;
  • Do not fill in the password and username;
  • Some models adjust automatically;
  • Apply settings, reboot device.

The Yota modem is connected to the tablet in the same way.

Next you need to open the section with wireless networks. Set the network name SSID and security method - WPA2-Personal, then Encryption type: AES or TKIP, as well as a password for the connection (at least 8 characters). The question of how to set a password was discussed above.

What to do if the modem does not work

If you have lost your password, you can recover it on the company website.

The profile may not work, in this case you need to:

  • disable firewall and antivirus software for a while;
  • disable third-party networks;
  • try to log in using a different browser.

If the signal value is less than 110, then you must:

  • check whether the device is within the network coverage area;
  • change the location of the device in the apartment;
  • if there are breaks in the connection, you should identify the availability of the status in the web interface;
  • checking the device on another PC.


The Eta company offers its customers various Internet packages, both for computers and other devices. The operator supplies various traffic options to suit any customer needs. Before going into any device settings, it is better to visit the official website of the Yota company and read the detailed instructions.

Yota Wi-Fi modem is a new solution in the Internet technology market. Yota router is a wireless Wi-Fi module and a 4G modem in one case, the dimensions of which, due to the lack of a built-in battery, are very small even by modern standards. As the name suggests, this device is more focused on 4G networks.

It is noteworthy that Igor Torgov, CEO of the Russian wireless operator Yota, said at the presentation of the router that there are some doubts about the popularity of this device, and therefore not many copies were purchased - only 25,000. But, as they say, time will tell.

By the way, the price of the device at the time the router entered the market (which is June 2013) is 2,900 rubles. The previous model of the device, which is not equipped with a Wi-Fi module, costs 1,900 rubles.

Let's take a closer look at the new product.

Appearance of Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi modem

The appearance of the modem is discreet, which is quite logical for a device of this size - it is still not visible.

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that although the device is a full-fledged wireless router, users have already developed the habit that mobile routers are completely autonomous. In this case, the router does not have a battery; this must be remembered when choosing a router at points of sale.

So, such a small size, which is 92x35x13 mm with a weight of 50 grams, was achieved due to the absence of a built-in battery. Although there is information that a version of the router with a built-in battery will be released in the near future, but this is in the future.

At the moment we have a Yota wifi router, framed in a gray plastic case, on the outside of which only two elements can be found - a glowing Yota icon in the center of the front side of the router, and a folding USB tail at the bottom end.

All this beauty is sold in a white cardboard box, also decorated very conservatively - a photo of the device and the name. Nothing extra.

The box contains only the iota router itself and the instruction manual. No additional investments are required; the router runs on USB power from a computer or any other device equipped with a USB socket.

Consumer router niche

There are many situations in which it is very convenient to use the Yota 4G LTE router:

    At home or in a small office. To access the Internet, you no longer need other routers, but entering into agreements with other providers - it is enough to equip your computers with Wi-Fi adapters and nothing more. But it should be taken into account that the router can serve no more than eight wireless devices, and the signal strength is not at the highest level;

    At the dacha, in the village, and in other houses remote from wired technologies. It is enough to place the router in the attic; in most cases there is enough power;

    In a car, on a train, in a word – on the road. The main thing is to have a coverage area, but this is not a problem nowadays;

    As just a mobile router.

In terms of characteristics, the router is not inferior to its main 3G competitors - Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11 b/g, capable of achieving wireless transmission speeds of up to 54 Mbit/s, built-in antenna, connection type - USB 2.0.

Router management

Device installation

Let's look at how to configure a yota router. When you connect the device to the computer's USB port, the internal program will automatically launch the installation wizard; the user just needs to wait a couple of minutes. After installation is complete, an informative message will appear in the system tray (near the clock in the lower right corner of the desktop).

For the system, the router is designated as an RNDIS device.

The settings are not rich, but this is most likely a “plus” - the ease of setup attracts most users who are not experienced in fine-tuning network equipment.

Click on the sign and get to the settings menu.

Setting up a Wi-Fi module

The wireless part of the yota router is configured using just a few points - activating and disabling Wi-Fi, automatically turning off Wi-Fi (sleep mode), the name of the wireless network, the type of protection and the password for connecting to the network.

I’m very glad that automatic switching to sleep mode is disabled by default, since this function will really fray your nerves with periodic “session breaks,” although it will take a lot of time to identify the true reasons. It is also recommended to set a password for Wi-Fi when you first connect, if you don’t mind sharing your Internet with your neighbors for free.

Port forwarding, DHCP server

After connecting to the Internet for the first time, the router will automatically update the firmware, and two more items will be added to the settings - setting up port forwarding and setting up a DHCP server.

Setting up port forwarding is required when using network programs with non-standard ports. For example – torrents, online games. To configure, in the “Public” and “Private” fields, enter the port number that the program uses; in the “IP address” field, enter the network address of the computer on which this program is installed.

Finding out the IP address is easy - enter the command “ipconfig” in the command line, press “Enter”, and the current network address of the computer will be displayed on a black screen.

The DHCP server is used to automatically assign IP addresses to newly connected wireless devices to the router. Yota specialists strongly do not recommend changing this settings option without appropriate knowledge in this area. But, if something goes wrong, you can always return the factory settings by clicking the corresponding button at the bottom of the window.

Speed ​​characteristics of the Yota router

As a rule, the speed qualities of the device are somewhat more interesting than setting up a yota router. And this is correct - these devices are bought for work, and not to configure them. Consider the speed characteristics of the router.

To power the device, a regular USB power supply from a mobile phone was used. The site “” acted as a speed test program.

The computer unconditionally connected to the Wi-Fi network that appeared the first time, no complaints. The speed test showed excellent results - incoming traffic was 19.21 megabits per second, outgoing traffic was 7.15 megabits per second.

The declared range of the router's wireless network of 30-50 meters is clearly exaggerated - in fact, the signal weakens noticeably already in the next room, separated by non-load-bearing walls. But even with a weak signal, the high stability of the transmission is pleasing.

It’s interesting, but the question of the compatibility of the Yota router with desktop routers equipped with USB ports has baffled representatives of the telecom operator. As several experiments have shown, there is no definite answer; it works for some, and not for others.

A short video review of the router:

Mobile routers appeared on the market relatively recently - with the widespread use of 3G Internet. Now this technology continues to develop, and the speed of mobile Internet of the 4G or LTE standard can provide communication even to full-fledged computers.

A mobile router allows you to connect to the Internet from anywhere in the world

Today this is implemented using mobile routers. At any point where the cables of wired providers do not reach, but there is mobile coverage, you can easily organize a small Wi-Fi network using a Yota router.

Device characteristics

A Yota wireless router is a device that receives the Internet through the provider’s mobile network (using a pre-installed SIM card) and distributes it via Wi-Fi to computers or mobile devices. Its characteristics state that it can connect up to 5 devices, but in practice, up to 6 clients connect and work fine. The difference is small, but in some cases it can be decisive. Wi-Fi standards are 802.11 g and n.

A few minutes to set up your newly purchased router - and all your computers will be able to access the Internet at a fairly decent speed for a mobile network (on average about 20 Mbit/s, or rather it will depend on the tariff chosen when purchasing).

Setting up Yota

After unpacking the device, before turning it on, you need to insert the battery into place - it is located separately in the box. Before closing the case cover, find and write down the MAC address - it is located on the technical information sticker.

Initial setup:

  1. Connect the router to the computer in any way - via Wi-Fi or using the included USB cable. It turns on by pressing the Power button, you need to hold it for about 5 seconds.
  2. Initially, the network name for access will look like YOTARouter*****. The asterisks are the last five characters of the MAC address, which is why we recommended writing it down. The default password is 12345678.
  3. To change the settings, go to the web interface at Login to enter the management: admin, password is the same.

  1. On the “Settings” tab, you can enable the DHCP server - a service that will distribute IP addresses to connecting devices, starting with the starting address, which you can assign here.
  2. On the same page you can configure the IP address of the router itself, which is also the access address to its web interface.
  3. You can also change the name of the wireless network to any one convenient for you. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Wi-Fi”. Security is also configured here and the network key is assigned. When network encryption is enabled, you can also use the WPS button to connect without entering a key.

When the Yota 4G LTE wi-fi modem was released, customers were amazed that it was more like a router that could distribute unlimited Internet. Eight devices are connected to it at the same time, and it will be able to provide a high-quality connection to everyone.

Many people are wondering how to connect the Yota 4G LTE modem to so many devices. Everything is very simple, seven devices are connected via wireless technology, and one is connected via a computer.


The manufacturer declares the following characteristics of this device:

  • Frequencies – 4G B 3 1800 MHz / B7 2.5-2.7 GHz / B20 800 MHz
  • Communication standard - UTRAN REL8 Cat24
  • Antenna - built-in
  • SIM card: removable
  • Weight - 50 gr.


Standard equipment includes:

  • device;
  • instructions;
  • warranty card.

Prices for device and internet

You can buy a 4g LTE wifi router from 2900 to 4500 rubles. The price depends on the region and on the seller. You can buy a modem at the company’s offices and in any communication store, where each client will be explained in detail how to use the router, how to check the signal level, and how to improve the signal.

Router settings

Setting up a 4G modem from Yota can be done upon purchase. To do this you will have to spend 15 minutes of personal time and 500 rubles. At the time of setup, the specialist will set a password for the modem. In addition, you can configure the Yota router yourself. To do this, you need to insert a 4g lte wi-fi modem from the Yota provider into the USB connector of your computer. After this, the drivers will be installed automatically.

  • enter your phone number;
  • We get the verification code and enter it.
  • use the indicator to turn on Wi-Fi;
  • cancel automatic shutdown;
  • enter the name of the network;
  • select the encryption type;
  • set a password for wifi Yota.

Before starting work, be sure to save all entered settings and read the description. Signal strength can also be checked by going to

Possible problems with the router and their solutions

When purchasing a Yota wifi modem, you may encounter some problems and malfunctions. You shouldn’t immediately expect the worst, resort to extreme measures and try to find out how to disassemble the Yota modem. Sometimes the cause may be an uninstalled program or a configuration error.

Here are the most common mistakes:

  1. Incorrect setting. Many people do not know how to configure the Yota usb modem properly. To do this you need to follow the instructions. If you can’t do it yourself, you should call a specialist who can set up the Yota modem.
  2. Lack of drivers. The solution is very simple, you need to download free drivers to your computer. It is best to download from the official website, and installing them is as easy as shelling pears.
  3. No signal. If a situation occurs when the router cannot see the signal or begins to turn off, it is necessary to move the device to another location.
  4. Network problems. No provider is immune from this problem. If the device does not work or constantly turns off or does not see a signal, before analyzing possible problems, you should call the help desk and find out what happened.

How to improve the signal

Over time, the software becomes outdated, which leads to the Yota Internet speed decreasing and the 4G modem signal disappearing. In order for the 4G Internet speed to be maximum, you need to update the firmware. If the firmware is outdated, you can flash it yourself. You need to download and install the firmware. You can do this on the support page by logging into the Yota software.

In addition to firmware to improve the signal and to achieve maximum speed, it is recommended to connect an external antenna that will catch the signal, stabilize it and distribute it. It can be installed both indoors and on its façade. Thanks to its use, the speed for Yota 4g will be as stated by the operator.

In addition, it is recommended to purchase a router to strengthen the signal Gemtek or Zyxel Keenetic 4G III, which are capable of providing a fully functional Internet connection and Wi-Fi use. You can connect different devices to the Kinetic and Gemtek routers, but do not forget that the firmware on each of them must be updated.

Regardless of the type of modem selected, is used to configure the device.

  1. The operator is very popular due to low tariff prices and high-speed Internet provided to its customers. Currently offers two types of modems:
  2. Simple;



  • The site interface is simple and understanding it is not difficult. However, before you start setting up, you need to make the correct connection. How to do it:
  • Operator modems do not have special drivers, so first you just need to plug the device into the USB connector.
  • If the connection is successful, the brand icon will light up:

Wait for a notification on the screen that the modem is installed.

  • Log in to the browser you are using.
  • Automatically).

  • Click the “Continue” button.
  • Enter your phone number in the field that opens.
  • Enter the code received by SMS message in the web interface.
  • Fill in the rest of the device user form.
  • Click " ".

Additional features

On, setting up the device won’t take much time either:

  • To get to the site, you need to enter “” in the web address field.

  • Once on the Eta ru status start page, the client can see data about the Internet: current and maximum speed, quality, signal level, etc.

  • Click the “Device Management” button.

  • In the settings tab that opens, you can enable or disable the network you are using, change its name, password and type of protection.

In addition to the main page, there are also a number of addresses Yota ru status for advanced modem settings:

  • /manualupdate - update the firmware version.
  • /network - change network parameters.
  • /dir - hidden settings.
  • /advanced - in this section of you can change the DHCP range; in total there are three options available:, and You should not do this unless absolutely necessary.

To go to these tabs, you need to type in the address bar and then enter the name of the desired item.

How to update the firmware version using the manualupdate command

Download custom firmware from users. It depends on the device model.

Go to manualupdate.

  • In the window that opens, click “Browse”.
  • Select the firmware file from your computer.

  • Click "Update".
  • After installation is complete, the device must be rebooted.

Often you can’t go to right away, in which case you need to enter in the address bar.

If this does not help, then the device needs to be rebooted and tried again.