What is bluetooth and how to use it. How bluetooth works in smartphones. The mystery of the Bluetooth name

Despite the widespread use of technology, not everyone knows how to use Bluetooth on Android. However, this is an important topic because thanks to this type of communication, users can connect wireless headset, transfer files between devices, play music on home speaker system and so on.

It is worth noting that with the help of Bluetooth connection the phone can be used as wireless modem. How to use all this? Everything is very simple.

How to turn on Bluetooth

As you already understood, before moving on to the functions you should enable wireless adapter. This can be done through the control panel in the drop-down menu.

How to use Bluetooth on Android: Video

But, since we are interested in the settings and functions of this connection, it is best to go to the device settings. To do this, go to the menu and find the “Settings” shortcut, which in the vast majority of cases looks like a gear.

Here find the “Bluetooth” item. If this is not the case, then first open “ Wireless network", and then "Bluetooth". Here we check the box or move the slider to the “On” position to turn on the module.

In order to search for equipment available for connection, click the “Search” button. Depending on your phone model, it may be located at the bottom of the screen or above the list of connections. This is the answer to the question of how to update Bluetooth on devices with Android OS.

There are no complicated settings here. Users can only turn discovery on or off. Also in the parameters you can break existing connections. You can also rename any connection. If you are connected to a headset or home speaker system, you can set the connection type:

  • Telephone (use for sound on telephone).
  • Media (use to transmit sound).
  • Control device.
  • Internet access and so on.

These modes allow you to control other devices remotely, stream audio content, and perform other functions, depending on your choice and the capabilities of the connected equipment.

The first is used to connect a headset, the second to play music from the phone on home speakers or car radio, the third one allows you to control the media player remotely, and the fourth one gives access to mobile internet. In other words, in the first case, sound is transmitted from conversational dynamics and is received from the microphone, and in the second - only audio transmission from music player and so on.

How to change the Bluetooth name on an Android smartphone

Many people are concerned about the question of how to rename Bluetooth on Android. The thing is, things aren't always that simple. For example, on some phones this is done in the “Bluetooth” parameters. There is a special item “Device name” here. However, on newer Android versions This is impossible to do, since there is no such item in the adapter settings. The module uses the phone name.

Of course, it can be changed, the main thing is to find where it is done. If you are using Android 4.2 and higher, then open “Settings” and go to the “Options” tab.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “About device”. Here, find “Device Name.” Enter any name and click "OK". In the future, it will be displayed when connected via Bluetooth.

Bluetooth: technology and its applications

...and he said: “May everyone be reunited.”

It is quite possible that it is with these words of the medieval Danish king Harald II Bluetooth (Harald II Bluetooth) that his other nickname is associated - “unifier”, which 1000 years later became the name of the new interface wireless communication.

What is Bluetooth? This is a wireless communication technology created in 1998 by a group of companies: Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Toshiba. Currently, developments in the field of Bluetooth are being carried out by the Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group), which also includes Lucent, Microsoft and many others.

The main purpose of Bluetooth is to provide economical (in terms of current consumption) and cheap radio communication between different types electronic devices, and considerable importance is attached to the compactness of electronic components, which makes it possible to use Bluetooth in small-sized devices the size of a wristwatch.

The Bluetooth interface allows you to transmit both voice (at 64 Kbps) and data. Asymmetric (721 Kbit/s in one direction and 57.6 Kbit/s in the other) and symmetrical methods(432.6 Kbps in both directions). Operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the transceiver, which is a Bluetooth chip, allows you to establish communication within a range of 10 or 100 meters, depending on the degree of power. The difference in distance is certainly large, but a connection within 10 m allows for low power consumption, compact size and sufficient low cost components. Thus, a low-power transmitter consumes only 0.3 mA per standby mode and an average of 30 mA when exchanging information.

Bluetooth operates on the FHSS (Frequency-Hopping) principle. Spread Spectrum). Briefly, this can be explained as follows: the transmitter breaks the data into packets and transmits them using a pseudo-random frequency hopping algorithm (1600 times per second), or pattern, made up of 79 subfrequencies. Only those devices that are configured to the same transmission pattern can “understand” each other - for foreign devices, the transmitted information will be ordinary noise.

Main structural element Bluetooth networks is the so-called “piconet” - a collection of 2 to 8 devices operating on the same template. In each piconet, one device operates as a master and the rest as slaves. The Master determines the template on which all slave devices of its piconet will operate and synchronizes its operation. The Bluetooth standard provides for the connection of independent and even unsynchronized piconets (up to 10) into the so-called “scatternet” (I have not yet seen the correct Russian translation of this term, but one of the translations of the verb to scatter sounds like “scatter”). To do this, each pair of piconets must have at least one general device, which will be the master in one and the slave in the other. Thus, within a single scatternet, a maximum of 71 devices can be simultaneously connected to the Bluetooth interface, but no one limits the use of gate devices that use the same Internet for longer-distance communication.

The Bluetooth frequency range is license-free in most countries, but in France, Spain and Japan, due to legal restrictions, it is necessary to use frequencies other than those listed above.

Speaking about wireless communications, one cannot help but touch upon the issue of the security of such a connection. In addition to the focus on frequency patterns and the need to synchronize the transceiver, the Bluetooth standard provides for encryption of transmitted data with a key of effective length from 8 to 128 bits and the ability to select one-way or two-way authentication (of course, you can do without authentication at all), which allows you to set the strength of the resulting encryption in accordance with with the legislation of each individual country (in some countries the use of strong cryptography is prohibited:). In addition to encryption at the protocol level, encryption can be applied at the application level - here no one limits the use of arbitrarily strong algorithms.

We often come across the opinion that those within the range of action bluetooth connection-devices can simply connect and begin exchanging information that may not be intended for outside ears or eyes. In fact automatic exchange information between Bluetooth devices is maintained only at the hardware level, i.e. solely to determine the very fact of connectivity. But at the application level, the user himself decides whether to introduce or prohibit automatic connection establishment. Thus, using Bluetooth becomes no more dangerous than connecting to the Internet, in which all nodes are also electrically connected, but this does not yet mean gaining unconditional access to any resource.

It is also worth noting that the Bluetooth standard was developed with low power in mind, so its impact on the human body is minimized.

Main direction using Bluetooth should be the creation of so-called personal networks (PAN, or private area networks), including such diverse devices as mobile phones, PDAs, MP3 players, computers and even microwaves with refrigerators (they haven’t been connected to the network for a long time). The ability to transmit voice allows you to integrate a Bluetooth interface into cordless phones or, for example, wireless headsets for cell phones. The possibilities for using Bluetooth in practice are endless: in addition to synchronizing a PDA with a desktop computer or connecting relatively low-speed peripherals such as keyboards or mice, the interface makes it very simple and inexpensive to organize home network. Moreover, the nodes of this network can be any devices that have a need for information or have the necessary information.

Let's compare Bluetooth with another equally well-known wireless communication interface - IEEE 802.11, especially since both solutions are already available on the wide market. The main differences between them can be summarized as follows:

IEEE 802.11 Bluetooth
1. Purpose Wireless Home/Office Networks Replacement cable connections for compact communication media
2. Operating frequency 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz
3. Maximum speed data transmission 11 Mbit/s (IEEE 802.11b), 2 Mbit/s (IEEE 802.11) 721 Kbps
4. Range 100 m 10 m or 100 m
5. Maximum amount nodes 128 devices per network 8 devices per piconet, max. 10 piconets, i.e. up to 71 devices per scatternet
6. Voice channels No (optional) 3 channels
7. Availability Now Now
8. Price $100-$400 per node About $5 per node

As you can easily see, the Bluetooth interface is much better suited for use in those wireless devices communications where sufficient low price, no need for high speeds and low power consumption is desirable. However, as already noted, it is possible to create combined networks, especially since IEEE 802.11 works on a completely different principle of encoding transmitted data, therefore, being on the same operating frequency, both standards will hear each other physically, but other people’s signals will be interpreted by each of them as extraneous noise.

An important aspect in the development of Bluetooth is the fact that this technology is not subject to licensing and its use does not require the payment of any license fees (although it does require the signing of a free agreement). This policy allowed many companies to actively engage in the development of devices with a Bluetooth interface, which were in large quantities demonstrated at CeBIT 2001.

The greatest interest, naturally, is generated by devices that provide a transition from existing interfaces to Bluetooth. One of them was the Industrial Bluetooth Serial Port Adapter from the Swedish company connectBlue. As the name suggests, this device is intended for industrial use and allows you to connect any devices equipped with a serial port to Bluetooth:

A typical use case would be, for example, configuring industrial installations using a laptop.


  • range - up to 10 m,
  • transmission speed - 300-115200 Kbit,
  • supply voltage - 9-30 Volts.

Belkin, famous in particular for its USB bus products, has introduced a whole range of Bluetooth devices:

This PCMCIA Type II format card allows all devices with a similar slot to receive a Bluetooth interface at speeds of up to 721 Kbps. Range - 10 m.

Here we see excellent USB solution for desktop (and not only) computers: the characteristics are the same as in the previous case, in addition, this device allows you to exchange data via voice channels.

There is even an adapter for the Palm V: the Palm is simply placed in it, as in a standard crib, after which you can synchronize with a desktop computer or access the Internet using a mobile phone, also equipped with a Bluetooth interface. This adapter Powered by Palm's own battery.

At the exhibition one could even find bluetooth adapter for Compact Flash:

Troy XCD has introduced an adapter for connecting a printer with a Centronics interface to Bluetooth:

The company promises to release it on the market in early summer, the approximate cost is about $195.

No less interesting option applications Bluetooth technology may become an organization wireless access V local network and/or Internet for devices in a small office or home. The undisputed leader in this area was the company Red-M, which presented its solution - the Red-M 3000AS server:

Here's a photo of his prototype in action:

The 3000AS is a Linux server that can also act as a gateway to a local network or the Internet. Unlike most other Bluetooth devices, the 3000AS has a powerful transceiver that allows communication within a range of 100m, and includes an external antenna for increased reliability in the presence of external interference. For connection, you can use ISDN (with a choice of “always online” or “on-demand connection”), 10/100 Mbit Ethernet, as well as RS-232 for service applications. The server can also be powered via UPS.

To expand access to the server, small-sized access points Red-M 1000AP can be used:

The server automatically detects and configures all access points within its range. External devices can be connected to an access point via 10/100 Mbit Ethernet.

MiTAC presented a similar system: their Bluetooth Access Point carries on board a 750 MHz Transmeta Crusoe TM5400 processor, a built-in NAT and DHCP server and, like the previous sample, a powerful transceiver with a range of up to 100 m:

An excellent addition to such a system could be a device from Canon - Bluetooth module for digital camera:

Just imagine - the camera will be able to automatically transfer pictures via a Bluetooth gate to your workstation, or the same subnotebook, or even through an Internet-connected cell phone with Bluetooth support... well, the possibilities are endless.

A common option is to connect standard input devices via Bluetooth, like this:

Sony presented at CeBIT a special module in Memory Stick format called InfoStick:

A very good idea, especially considering the availability of a similar device for Compact Flash.

It remains only to note that licensing for Bluetooth support is free and is only necessary to enter into a trademark agreement. So in the near future we can well expect the appearance of Bluetooth in light bulbs and irons :). But seriously, Bluetooth technology can make a real revolution in the world of personal communications and in human life in general. But how much we need another revolution is yet to be decided.

In the majority modern phones Among the many functions, you will definitely find an icon consisting of blue crossed lines.

This means that the phone has Bluetooth technology - extremely useful feature, with which you can use wireless headset or share files with friends. What is Bluetooth and how does it work? Let's look for the answer to this question together.

Translated from in English word Bluetooth has the meaning "Blue Tooth". This is what the developers of the universal wireless communication protocol, employees of the Swedish company Ericsson, named their product.

They chose the name in honor of the ancient Scandinavian king Harald Bluetooth (Blåtand), who united the scattered lands under his sole authority. Bluetooth also combined wireless standards different manufacturers into a single generally accepted protocol.

Interestingly, the Bluetooth icon is a combination of two ancient Scandinavian runes that serve as the initial letters of the king's name. These are the runes “hagala”, which looks like a snowflake, and “berkana”, which resembles the letter “B”. Their combination formed the world-famous Bluetooth technology icon today.

Bluetooth technology can be used not only, but also in other devices - desktop computers, laptops, tablets, etc. But if Bluetooth was not provided there initially, then in order to use it, you need to purchase and install a special Bluetooth adapter.

This small device, which looks like a regular flash drive and is connected to a computer via USB port. When you connect the adapter for the first time, you may need to install drivers that are already in the device's memory.

After installation, the user is able to connect his phone or tablet to the computer without a cord using Bluetooth. This is very convenient as it allows you to download much faster large files and folders with photos, music, games, etc.

Bluetooth is a special standard for data transmission using wireless communications, i.e. using wave vibrations. If regular mobile communications require a cellular stations, then Bluetooth works directly, communicating with a nearby phone without the mediation of the cell. The range of its signal is small - no more than 50-100 meters, depending on the power of the phone and installed version Bluetooth.

Communication technology is designed in such a way that multiple devices communicating and located nearby do not interfere with each other. This is achieved by a protocol for encoding and transmitting signals between devices. When Bluetooth is turned on, the phone independently scans the surrounding area to detect other devices with Bluetooth, identifies them and generates a list of possible contacts.

All you have to do is select from this list the device you want to communicate with via Bluetooth and establish contact. A simple, intuitive menu allows each user to not experience communication difficulties.

First of all, Bluetooth technology was developed for wireless headsets.

With its help, the user gets the opportunity to listen to music or talk over a hands-free connection without using wires for headphones and a microphone. This is very convenient as it allows you to move freely without worrying about the wire getting tangled or caught on your clothes.

In addition, with using Bluetooth You can maintain a connection between two phones, talking like using a regular mobile phone, but for free. Just a few years ago this was quite a valuable property, since mobile connection It was not cheap and was paid by the minute.

True, it was possible to use Bluetooth for conversations only in cases where the interlocutors were close to each other - for example, in neighboring offices or apartments. Much more often, Bluetooth comes to the rescue if you need to exchange files, transferring them from one phone to another or from a phone to a computer. The exchange occurs very quickly, in contrast to data transfer via a USB cable.

If your Bluetooth is not working, there may be several reasons for this:

- you forgot to turn it on - no matter how stupid it sounds, people are often inattentive;

— the Bluetooth adapter drivers have been removed from the computer or do not correspond to the OS;

- adapter is faulty;

— USB connector is faulty.

You need:

— check if Bluetooth is turned on;

— move the adapter to another connector;

— remove Bluetooth drivers from the computer and reboot the system so that the computer can reinstall the drivers.

If all this does not help, then the adapter is most likely faulty and you will have to buy a new device.

Translated from Danish into English, Bluetooth means “blue-toothed”. This was the name of the Danish king Harold I for his peculiarity - a dark front tooth. This king also became famous for being able to unite several warring Danish tribes. Bluetooth also has the ability to unite, not tribes, but communication protocols into one universal standard. The development of Bluetooth technology belongs to the Ericsson company; to implement this idea, in 1999 an association of well-known world brands Toshiba, Sony, IBM, Intel, Nokia and many others was created under one name SIG (Bluetooth Special Interest Group).

Using radio waves in the ISM range (2.4-2.48 GHz - a range not subject to licensing) Bluetooth designed to provide wireless communication between devices such as: Cell Phones, printers, computers, digital cameras, headphones, cameras and so on. The transmitting signal is called Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and is broadband signal. In Bluetooth, using the frequency hopping method, the frequency of the FHSS carrier signal changes abruptly 1600 times per second, 79 operating frequencies are used for this purpose. For each connection, the frequency changes in a pseudo-random manner.

According to these changes, every 625 µs they synchronously move from one frequency to another. This sequence of changes connects several receiver-transmitter pairs without blocking the operation of other connection pairs. The peculiarity of signal transmission is that transmitted information maintains confidentiality. Digital data and audio signals are encoded differently: the audio signal is usually not repeated, and digital data is retransmitted if lost. With the help of such signals, devices can transmit information to each other at a distance of 10 - 100 meters, even when located in different rooms.

For many people similar devices seem complicated and unnecessary. We are accustomed to a more familiar connection using a cable. It is Bluetooth technology that opens us up in a completely new way. information links various devices. Bluetooth devices are required in modern life and are used for work, leisure and entertainment. Bluetooth devices include headsets, car kits, speakers and others. One of the most popular devices is Bluetooth headset, intended for speakerphone. Bluetooth for phones also allows you to talk on the phone without holding it in your hands.

We usually take Bluetooth for a laptop for granted, but is the Bluetooth function installed or bluetooth settings for a computer are lost - this can be easily checked through the “device manager”, Bluetooth will be listed in network adapters, if it is not there - download bluetooth and installing it will not be particularly difficult. Bluetooth equipment is characterized by reliability, resistance to broadband interference, economic efficiency, as well as low power and energy consumption.

Most Bluetooth devices have a separate USB interface and an internal antenna. Such devices can interact with both personal computers, and with laptops. They are considered universal, but there is also a category of devices that are intended for installation inside computers. They are made in the form of boards located in slots motherboards computer (reminds USB flash disks). Thanks to sensitivity external antenna The range of Bluetooth devices can be extended up to 200 meters.

Many people believe that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are the same thing, but this is a deep misconception. Bluetooth was created to transfer data between two devices with a range of up to 100 meters, it works according to its standards Bluetooth 1.0 and Bluetooth 2.0 and others, it is also very easy to use, using Bluetooth you can only create personal network PAN. WiFi- this is also a wireless communication standard, the range of which can reach 300 meters, Wi-Fi operates in accordance with 802.11 b/g/n/ standards with the mandatory use of an adapter (router) for communication, creates a wireless local WLAN network, which may involve several different devices.

The presence of Bluetooth technology allows for interactive conferences, Internet bridges, automatic synchronization data between different digital devices, allows you to enjoy a cable-free desktop, and also solves various networking problems at home and in the office. Bluetooth in a laptop will please its owner when traveling or on business trips. To buy Bluetooth, you should definitely consult with the seller and clarify specific features this type of technology.

Bluetooth technology is spreading effectively in the global market latest technologies. Actively produced bluetooth headsets for mobile phones, laptops, printers, keyboards, mice. Development company Bluetooth standard aims to improve Bluetooth wireless communications and implement new Bluetooth profiles.

Transfer protocol bluetooth data, which means “blue tooth”, is intended for transmission over a radio channel digital information between two points, over short distances - on the order of several tens of meters. Feature of use this method data exchange is the need for the initial “pairing” of gadgets. That is, on one of the two paired gadgets you need to enable the search function. When the other of this pair is detected, you will need to enter a four-digit PIN code. After this, it is possible to use this “bundle” - be it connecting a mouse or connecting two computers to each other.

Connecting a Bluetooth-enabled device to your computer

Mostly a mouse, keyboard or telephone(smartphone). Sometimes you need to connect a specialized device - for example, a car scanner, and here too used bluetooth.

The pairing procedure is always the same: turn on... the same scanner, for example. Next, we start searching for Bluetooth devices and after we see our scanner in the list of available ones, enter the PIN code. The PIN code is usually indicated in the instructions, most often it is “0000” or “1234”.

How to use bluetooth, Bluetooth connection parameters for OS Windows 7 and that's it available settings are located in the “Control Panel” - “Devices and Printers” tab. Top part the panel that opens describes the printers connected to this computer, but in the “devices” part all the devices with which this PC has been “paired” at least once via the bluetooth protocol are shown.

How to send and receive files via Bluetooth

After pairing two computers or a computer with a tablet (smartphone) via Bluetooth, it becomes possible transfer files between them. To do this, just select required file and using the menu, use the “transmit via bluetooth” function.

How to use bluetooth on a laptop

enjoy bluetooth on a laptop should be the same as on desktop computer. But first you need to check whether the Bluetooth port itself is turned on. If not, then enable it using a combination of “hot keys”: Fn and one of the F1-F10 keys. In short, you need to carefully study the instructions for your laptop, even if you haven’t broken it yet.

How to use bluetooth on a mobile phone

There is a bluetooth port in almost every mobile phone or smartphone. And here modern tablets are not always equipped with this device. Therefore, if you plan to connect to a tablet additional devices- for example, a GPS tracker, before purchasing the device, you need to check its package contents and find out if it contains bluetooth.

So, how to use bluetooth on your phone- step by step:

  • enable your phone to search for all available Bluetooth devices;
  • determine what you need from the list received;
  • enter your PIN code;
  • ready!

The main thing is to understand the principle of operation of the Bluetooth protocol, and its implementation is almost always the same.