How to send a file larger than 2 GB. Upload and transfer the file without an application. Possible transfer methods

To send a message by email necessary Log in to the mailer service and press the " write a letter": each mailer has a different button.

Then we proceed directly to writing - it is necessary fill recipient fields using the contact list or entering the address manually using the input line. Further recommended fill topic messages - this is necessary for the recipient to sort messages by importance: this way there is a higher chance that your message will not end up in spam or trash.

Then you can start writing the text of the letter itself or attaching archives. Finally, you need to send the message using the button of the same name on the mailer. After sending, your message will be moved to the " sent" or " outgoing».

Sending multiple files

Modern email allows you to not only use the sending function text messages, but also the ability to send files anywhere in the world completely for free.

To send more than one data component recommended archive necessary information V archive. This option will allow attach information of any format and in any size using the accompanying cloud on your email account.

However, you can add several small documents yourself directly from the context menu of the mailer. You need to select the option " Attach file", and then select the required components with check marks and click " open" The selected components will loaded and attached to the message. This method is good due to its ease and low demands on other applications, however does not work with a download of more than 25 megabytes.

Archiving objects before sending

To archive a document, you must use WinRAR archiver or WinZip. For archived you need to find and select the required object right key mice and choose V context menu option " add to archive.rar" If you have installed English version programs - use a similar option " add to archive. rar».

Archiving speed depends on its size and computer performance. The packaged component will appear in the same folder as the non-archived version.

How to send a large file by mail

Most mailers don't support sending objects weighing more than 200 megabytes. When sending data big size recommended take advantage free cloud storages. To do this you should download required document to the storage cloud, open it for access and send a link to the required item by email.

Cloud storage is good because when you send a document not necessary archive the file. Your information can also be stored on the cloud unlimited period of time, while on mailers messages are deleted after a certain time.

Google Drive

To add object with Google Drive you need to click on the service icon and choose required documents. Next will be provided shipping methods data: using a link to the disk or by attaching the required object. By selecting " attach", click " insert" And necessary component will be uploaded to the letter.

Yandex Disk

To add a document from Yandex disk, you need to click the flying saucer icon above the input field and select required component, and then " attach" After sending the letter, the addressee will receive a link on sent data on the Yandex cloud.


You can also add a large document using the cloud. To do this, you need to select “ Attach file", then " from mail».

In the dialog box that appears choose desired object and press " attach"so that the data is loaded into the letter.

After this, the download of file components for the letter will begin. At attachment to the letter of documents with a volume of more than 25 MB, information automatically uploaded via the cloud.

E-mail is a multifunctional way of communication and transfer of information, having mastered it you will be able to use all the benefits of the Internet and communicate with people regardless of distance.

On the Internet, users have long exchanged various information, send letters, files and photographs to each other. For example, all this can be done through the usual email or through your social network account. When it becomes necessary to send a large file to a person via the Internet, you will find out that all these services that you used to send photos have a limit on the size of the sent file.

In fact, many users do not know how to solve this problem or knows only one, not entirely suitable, method. Now even games for Samsung Galaxy cannot be sent to a friend by e-mail, since the Android game exceeds the permissible size of the transferred file by the mail server.

Before looking for transmission solutions large files via the Internet, let's decide initial conditions. Suppose we need to transfer a file of size 4GB and more. The user accepting the file will use the available standard programs without installing additional programs.

Ways that will allow us hand over large file through the Internet, a lot of. We will look at the following:
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You will definitely be able to transfer the file using one of these methods. Now about each method in more detail.

Send a file via ICQ It’s very simple, the main thing is that the recipient has the ability to receive files enabled in the settings. For large files, the chances of successful transfer are reduced. Here you need to clearly understand that transfer a large file via ICQ possible only if available high-speed Internet. Lost connection or "glitch" in the system will cause the transfer process to freeze and require resending. The file will then begin to be downloaded again.

Many users use free icq client QIP, which allows you to transfer files through your server. If you have it enabled this function, the file will be uploaded to the server, and the user will be sent a link to download it. Naturally there is a limitation on maximum size downloaded file and this method does not suit us.

Another condition for transferring a file is online status of both sender and receiver. To send a file, the sender must go to the window for sending a message to the recipient’s account and after clicking the button "send file" select the file in the explorer that appears.

After all these actions, the person receiving the file will receive a corresponding message, and he will have to press the button "Accept file".

The next frequently used client for communication is . Send a file via Skype as easy as through ICQ. And the transfer conditions are very similar. To start transferring a file via Skype you must log in to the program and the receiving user must do the same. Find in contacts required user and click on his nickname with the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, select "Send file..." and in the explorer window that appears, find the file to be sent. If the user receiving file via Skype, is not authorized in the program, then the file sending is in standby mode. Sending a file via Skype will start when the user clicks "Accept file". However, you must be online.

Transfer a file via torrent a little more complicated, since you will need it itself or at least Opera. You will also need a little more knowledge. You will need to create a file link for the transferred file. You can transfer files of almost unlimited size via torrent.

You will need a torrent client for this. The smallest, fastest, free and widespread is uTorrent. You can download it from the official website Installation is simple and does not require special knowledge.

You need to create a torrent file. To do this, launch the torrent client. Go to the menu "File" and find the point "Create new torrent…» , you can use the key combination "Ctrl+N". In the window that appears, click "File"(or "Folder", if you need to transfer the folder) and find our file in Explorer. We do not change anything in the tracker settings. Check the box "Start distribution". Click “Create and save in...” and wait for the torrent file creation process to complete. After which we close the window. The torrent file has been created and the file is automatically ready for distribution.

All that's left to do is give your friend a torrent file, the size of which does not exceed a couple of tens of kilobytes, and teach him. As already mentioned, the browser can Opera. To do this, launch the browser, go to the menu "File", find the point "Open…" or press "Ctrl+O". In the Explorer window, specify show files "Torrents" and find our torrent file, click "Open". Opera will ask whether to download through Opera or another client, if available. Choose "Open" and we will see a warning. Select the folder into which you will download the file and click "YES". The download process will be displayed in the bookmark "Downloads".

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Today we bring to your attention a useful compilation cheat sheet that will always and everywhere help you find the best way hand over a large file to a person.


Email is convenient, but many popular email services impose serious restrictions on the size of attachments. For example, in Gmail and Outlook each separate file cannot exceed 25 MB in size.

You can refuse mail in favor of more flexible solution, but if for one reason or another this cannot be done, then a simple frivolous multi-platform utility will help you HJ-Split. With her help original file is divided into pieces the right size and is inserted/transferred in parts, after which it is just as easily glued together on the recipient’s side.

Classic web storage

If the file is generally large, then the best solution may turn out to be cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and their analogues. Preference for one or another service here, as a rule, is given depending on habit, but in extreme cases it is necessary to look at the maximum capabilities of each storage facility.

OneDrive allows you to upload a file with a maximum size of up to 2 GB.

"Yandex.Disk" has a limit of 10 GB, but if you need to download something heavier than 2 GB, you will need a desktop client.

Google Drive in this regard, it is much more powerful and eats up a file up to 5 TB (5,000 GB). Naturally, large files here also need to be downloaded through the client.

It is difficult to imagine a situation in which the user would not have enough Google features Drive, but, just in case, Dropbox There is no designated limit on the size of one file at all. Do you have a desktop client? Go ahead, upload all the Internets of the world to it! In the last two cases, the limitation is not the file size, but the size of the personal storage.

Paranoid's Corner

Fans of increased privacy should pay attention to the freemium service WeTransfer. It does not ask for registration and allows you to transfer a file up to 2 GB in size almost anonymously directly from the browser, knowing only the recipient’s email. The file uploaded here will be stored for seven days.

Superparanoid's Corner

All the methods described above have one drawback: in order to transfer something, you need to upload this “something” somewhere. To put it simply, your data will be temporarily (or forever) stored on remote servers. If this prospect does not suit you, then there remains an option called JustBeamIt, based on the peer-to-peer principle. Transferred file will not be uploaded anywhere, but will run directly from you to the recipient. The service's web shell supports Drag&Drop and is very easy to use. We drag the file, get a link (link lifespan is 10 minutes), transfer it to the recipient in any acceptable way.

Another P2P transfer method is a service called Infinite. In addition to everything that the previous tool can do, Infinit supports stopping/resuming downloads, and in the case of transferring video files, it allows you to start watching immediately after the start of the transfer.

Skype and other instant messengers

Modern and not so modern messengers cope quite successfully with file transfer. IN in this case The maximum file size depends on the specific service used. For example, the most popular Skype, although slow, works on the same P2P principle and, in fact, has no limit on the size of the transferred file.

This material only covers methods associated with the use of truly popular products and services. There are many other cloud storages, FTP and dozens more or less convenient ways transfer a large file. If you have your own elegant and simple transfer option large quantity data, share it in the comments.

Sending a large file via instant messengers, social media or postal services associated with various restrictions. Usually they are set by the services themselves - the size of the transferred data should not exceed several megabytes. Also, transferring large files using these methods does not provide stability and good speed transfers. In these situations, you need to look for other solutions.

Possible transfer methods

You can transfer large files using cloud storage or special exchangers. Working with them will be discussed in the article.

Method 1: Yandex Disk

A virtual disk that allows users to store multiple files and share them with each other on free of charge. Initially, you will have access to 15 gigabytes for personal needs, but you can expand it to several terabytes, although you will have to purchase a paid subscription.

The process of transferring files between users in this service is as follows:

After clicking on it, users can select the “Download file to computer” option. He can also save it on his Yandex Disk. The recipient does not have to be registered in Yandex and have his own Disk there.

Method 2: Google Drive

In many ways, this method is similar to the previous one, but has some features:

Method 3: Dropbox

This is also a fairly popular cloud service that offers users the opportunity to share files. large sizes. To use the service you will have to go through the registration procedure. It does not take much time; ideally, you can log in through other services, for example, Google, Facebook, etc., using the appropriate buttons.

Instructions for use are as follows:

This service is a file hosting service. Users can upload a file up to 50 gigabytes in size and share it with others. The exchange also occurs through links or a special letter to Mailbox recipient. The main advantage is that you do not need to register your account to use the service. However, the files that you add to the service will be stored on it for no more than a few days and then deleted. The situation is similar with links that you send to other users.

Instructions for using the service:

Method 5: BitTorrent

Large files can be transferred via Torrent without using intermediaries such as torrent clients. Direct file transfer between computers has no serious restrictions and is completely free. In order for it to become possible, certain conditions must be met:

  • A torrent client must be installed on both computers. In this case it is BitTorrent. You can use any other, but in this case the instructions will be different;
  • The sending and receiving computers must be connected to the Internet.

The transfer instructions are as follows:

Actions on the recipient side will look like this:

This article described the main ways to transfer large files over the Internet. There are other ways, but they involve the use of others cloud services and look similar to the first three.

A very popular question now, and for some even a problem: how to transfer a video via the Internet to another person? I myself come across this topic regularly, for example, I often attend various events, especially concerts, where I shoot a bunch of videos and then those who were nearby ask me to send these videos to them via the Internet :)

And here's the question: “How could we do all this more correctly?”. And there are a whole bunch of ways, starting from transmission in instant messengers and social networks, ending with uploading video to the so-called “cloud”, i.e. remote storage.

In this article I will try to consider the main methods of transmitting video over the Internet, their advantages and disadvantages.

I will divide these methods into 3 categories:

    Transfer through messenger applications;

    Through cloud storage.

Now let's take a closer look at each of them...

In this article I will look at the main methods of transmitting video over the Internet, i.e. We will not talk about direct transfer from device to device (for example, Bluetooth, AirDrop, via wire to a computer, etc.).

Transferring videos to other users via instant messengers

Nowadays, communication in instant messengers is super popular and through them you can exchange almost any files, including videos. Among the messengers, I will highlight 3 main, most popular:

    whatsapp. Through this thing you can send videos with a size (weight) of up to 16 MB. and lasting up to 3 minutes.

    In separate articles you can read how to use WhatsApp application on mobile devices and from a computer.

    Viber. Here the conditions for video transmission are approximately the same, the video duration should be up to 3 minutes, and the size should be up to 10 MB.

    Telegram. But this invention of Pavel Durov will give everyone a head start in terms of transferring files :) Through it you can transfer video without any restrictions at all, i.e. in original size and any duration!

What do we have then? If you and the person to whom you need to transfer the video have WhatsApp or Viber and the video is short, then you can transfer it without any problems using one of these messengers. However, the disadvantages are obvious! Firstly, not always the video you need will be up to 3 minutes :) Logical. True, if anything happens, you will be asked to trim a long video. And secondly, the quality will be significantly lost during transmission, since the video resolution will be reduced so that it is small in size.

For example, I really don’t like it when video loses quality during transmission. I think that you need to watch it in the original, or almost (we don’t count conversion after any editing through programs). So if this suits you, then this is a great option :)

But if there is a Telegram, then this the best option from this method! You take any video and send it, even though it’s 20 minutes long and in 1080p resolution :)

Well, if you are not satisfied with any of the listed messengers and the person you need does not use another one, then we look at other methods...

Posting videos to social networks and Youtube

Here is another way to transfer video - various social networks, as well as YouTube video hosting. The most popular social networks are perhaps VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, and Facebook. You can upload videos anywhere. But there are 2 main problems:

    Not all social networks allow you to upload videos in original quality. In terms of duration, as a rule, upload any video, even a two-hour one (and even then not always, for example, in VK the maximum file size is 5 GB) :) But in terms of quality... For example, modern devices, even smartphones, already shoot video in 4K resolution (3840×2160) and social networks, as a rule, do not yet allow viewing video in this resolution. The maximum is 1080p (i.e. 1920x1080).

    YouTube allows you to upload videos in 4K, however, there is problem No. 2, which is discussed below, and for YouTube there is also problem No. 3 - if there is some music on the video, for example, from a concert, then the copyright holder can easily block viewing of the video :)

    An exception would be Instagram, where there is also a limitation on duration - a maximum of 1 minute. Honestly speaking, it's idiocy :)

    From social networks standard means, as a rule, the video is not downloaded (if we consider the above social networks). From youtube too...

    Those. You can upload it to your page/channel, or transmit it in a chat. Your interlocutor will watch it online, but will he be able to download it? :) Now that's a question! Because to download you need to install one of special programs(whether it's a computer or mobile gadget), and sometimes also configure something for this.

    Believe me, not everyone knows how to do this :) And even if someone does, they may simply not want to bother with it.

    Previously, I wrote an article about what and how to install in order to be able to download videos/music from the most popular social networks and Youtube. You can read

Therefore, I don’t evaluate this method either :) I use it when I myself need to send a video to someone and the person is inconvenient for some reason with other methods.

Transfer via cloud storage (Yandex Drive, Google Drive, etc.)

This is my favorite way to transfer video. However, we can transmit literally anything we want through it.

So, there are special services, which are now commonly called simply “clouds” :) The most popular: Yandex Disk, Google Drive, Cloud

The bottom line is that you upload files to a remote storage and can then give a link to view/download or even edit the file to other people.

Those. and the video, accordingly, you can upload there in the original, directly from the source file. And any person to whom you give a link to it (or open access) will be able to watch it online, as well as download it to their computer or mobile device. Very comfortably!

I can only highlight one drawback here: free free place in any cloud is limited. For example, on Yandex 10 GB, on Google 15 GB, on Mail 8 GB (but here the downloaded file size is also maximum 2 GB).

But this is not a big problem!

Firstly, many people have more space than initially given. Someone buys it for money and then the storage can be even a terabyte in size :) Someone expands the volume with the help of all kinds of promotions.

Secondly, there will probably be space on the disk to temporarily download a video or several, wait until necessary people download, and then delete and free up space again.

As a result…

Everyone has their own requirements for video quality. For some, the quality in which the video is transmitted through instant messengers such as WhatsApp and Viber is enough, and then, if the video is short, of course, it is easiest to transmit through one of them. Or even some other one.

If quality is important, as, for example, it is for me, then either Telegram, or social networks, YouTube or uploading to the cloud. In general, here it is more convenient for anyone :)

How do you distribute videos to individuals? :) Maybe you remember, you know some others good ways. They will be glad if you share in the comments! :)