What does root on the phone give? What is root rights on Android. Why is rooting a phone dangerous?

Android was originally built as an open operating system with extensive capabilities. At the same time, the developers also took care of security by introducing restrictions on the functionality of the programs. However, the opportunity to completely feel like the owner of the gadget remains: to do this, it is enough to obtain superuser rights. Not everyone decides to do this: there is always a risk of “bricking” the device, and even after receiving root access the question arises: is it safe to use such a smartphone? There are various points view, and in this article we will try to answer this question.

Myth: Having root rights does not affect security

Modern Android smartphones, especially gadgets large manufacturers, it is almost impossible to hack from the inside. Each custom Android app works in an isolated sandbox and does not have access to other processes, and the user must confirm any more or less important actions independently. Of course, ways to gain root access from within are sometimes discovered, but judging by the rare media reports, there is no serious impact on security operating system they do not provide. This is why the vast majority of malware relies not on vulnerabilities, but on user inattention, trying to trick them into obtaining rights to use paid services, putting the gadget into kiosk mode (from which you can’t exit and can’t launch anything) or even device administrator status. But there are devices that are sold with an already unlocked bootloader, or offer to get root access with a couple of clicks in the gadget settings. Many people offer such generosity Chinese manufacturers and you should be especially careful with such devices.

If you decide to expand your system privileges, problems may begin already at the stage of obtaining superuser rights. The variety of methods for obtaining root access can be divided into two categories. The first is the use of not yet closed Android vulnerabilities. Programs such as KingRoot or Kingo Root during operation, they access servers that store huge collections exploits, and are looking for those that are suitable for specific device. Needless to say, the work of such programs often leads to dire consequences? Sometimes it happens that the exploit does not work correctly and instead of superuser rights you get a “brick”, which, in best case scenario, can be revived by a complete flashing.

In addition, such applications are closed source, which means you have no way of knowing what exactly they do with your device. And they can do anything, from sending data from internal memory devices on Chinese servers and ending with the installation of Adware on the gadget, which can only be removed with specialized tools. This is exactly how the above-mentioned KingRoot behaves, not only placing advertisements on home screen against your will, but also sending information about the device to an unknown person.

The second category is “semi-official”, since it involves the use official instructions from the manufacturer, or specialized software for unlocking the bootloader. Once this is done, the user has the opportunity to install it on the system root access manager, intercepting corresponding calls from other programs.

However, this method is not without drawbacks. Chainfire, author of the most popular manager today SuperSU root access, at the end of 2015 sold his development to a little-known company Coding Code Mobile Technology LLC. This company uses the American state of Delaware as an offshore, but its roots go back to China. Source SuperSU was closed before, but the name of the developer all this time acted as a kind of guarantee of absence from the program unwanted code. Now no one can give such a guarantee, and many are rightfully afraid to install SuperSU 2.80+ versions released after the deal on their gadgets.

But, even if you are absolutely sure of the method for obtaining superuser rights and the root access manager, there is no guarantee that one of the seemingly harmless programs will not exploit a vulnerability that allows you to gain system privileges by bypassing the manager. There are plenty of examples of malware that work this way: Tordow secretly stole passwords from browsers, Guerrilla and Ztorg bought applications in Google Play without the user's knowledge, and Triada replaced addresses in the browser, implementing almost perfect undetectable phishing.

According to Kaspersky Lab, one of the most advanced Trojans, Triada, has gained root access on 247 devices

Another rubbish in the garden of root access is the limitation of the functionality of some applications or their complete inoperability after unlocking the bootloader or obtaining superuser rights. First of all, this concerns financial programs, For example, Android Pay, Samsung Pay And Sberbank Online.

Safe use of a rooted smartphone

Having read this far, you might think that we consider root access in smartphones to be an unambiguous evil. This, of course, is not true: superuser rights open up a huge number of opportunities for amateurs third party firmware, experiments, and just those who want to get full control over your gadget. And if this is your first time deciding to get root rights, we will not dissuade you from it. But you must be prepared for possible consequences, including the failure of some programs and increased system vulnerability. It sounds alarming, but if you follow a number of simple rules, you are unlikely to run into trouble.

Use proven methods for obtaining root rights. Do not give in to the admonitions of Chinese developers universal programs about the possibility of obtaining superuser rights in two clicks. It would be much better to find it on forum a topic dedicated to the firmware of your device and follow simple instructions.

Use reliable managers root access. When choosing, give preference to programs that do not raise any doubts about their reliability. It could be SuperSU version no older than 2.80, or new project Magisk is open source.

Install applications from reliable sources. Try to install programs only from Google Play, but remember that in the official Google store you may encounter malware. If the desired program is not on Google Play, download it from the official website of the developer or our SITE - this way the chances of encountering malware are reduced to zero.

Use an antivirus. If you use limited set programs and install them from the same sources, you probably don’t need an antivirus. But if you like to install dozens of different programs or click on advertisements with offers to “update your battery”, then additional protection In the form of a proven antivirus from a major developer, it won’t be superfluous.


Root access - extremely powerful tool, which requires responsibility when used. If you do not pay due attention to each stage, from unlocking the bootloader to using superuser rights, you risk facing various problems, be it viruses or malicious code in the root access manager itself. But by following our advice, you will minimize all risks and will be able to easily use applications with root rights for their intended purpose and make the gadget completely your property.

What's happened Root rights Many people know about Android. Well, for those who are not in the know, this article is intended.

The term Root rights is one of Linux concepts, which underlies Android kernels, and those who have worked with this operating system know what it is. Root- This Account chief administrator, or superuser. Having access to this profile appears whole line features not available in normal operation.

Why do you need Root Rights on Android?

Essentially, Root rights give you the privilege to change and delete system files, change system settings, run executable files Linux using a Linux terminal emulator, etc. . These features can be used in different ways. Having Root rights allows you to run individual applications, giving the smartphone owner certain advantages.

That's just small selection such applications:

  • Applications that make it worth getting ROOT rights

In addition, using Root rights you can:

  • Remap Android device hardware buttons, for example to control music using hardware buttons
  • Record video from android screen (some applications require Root rights)
  • Make a system backup , for example, using the popular program Titanium Backup.
  • Patching games, removing license verification, advertising from them, making in-game purchases, etc. More details: All about Lucky Patcher for Android and how to use it
  • Install a firewall to restrict Internet access certain applications:DroidWall
  • Overlocking - i.e. changing system settings to overclock and optimize device performance. For example, speeding up an SD card using the SD Booster application
  • Firmware with Root rights can provide features such as transfer of browser cache, market, etc. on the map and other useful features.
  • And much more


  1. Guarantee. If you have problems with your smartphone, service center You may be denied warranty service.
  2. Official updates "over the air"- most likely you will not be able to receive them.
  3. This may damage the device or render it inoperable. If you are not an advanced user and don’t really know why you need Root rights, we strongly recommend not getting them, because... There is always a chance to get a “Brick” or change settings that will cause problems in operation.
  4. Also rememberthat in itself obtaining Root rights does not give you all the advantages described above, but only gives you the opportunity to do certain things with the device.

Types of Root rights

    Full Root- full and permanent Root rights without restrictions

    Shell Root- permanent Root rights, but without access to change the \system folder.

    Temporary Root- temporary Root rights. If it is not possible to get a full Root, you can usually always get a temporary root. After a reboot, superuser rights disappear, like everyone else changes made. Temporary rights may be given by some applications for getting Root-right

Is it possible to get Root rights on all smartphones?

Theoretically - for everyone. However, some devices have an additional lock - NAND lock, or its analogues . This function does not allow you to make any changes to the /system partition, which prevents you from installing SuperUser program. Full Root on such devices cannot be obtained without unlocking them. It is only possible to get Shell Root or Temporary Root.К the appearance of Android 6.0 versions.

In addition, starting from Android 6.0 and higher, additional blocking bootloader via SELinux, and obtaining Root rights became possible only after unlocking the bootloader.

Of course, it all depends on specific model devices, because Some Chinese smartphones are sold with an unlocked bootloader, or even with ready-made Root rights.

How to get Root rights for android

Root rights for Android 6.0 and higher

With the advent of Android versions 6.0 and higher, a number of difficulties arose with obtaining Root rights, because... starting from this Google versions switched to providing security using SELinux and standard Android feature 6.x 7x and 8x became a locked bootloader ( recovery mode). Therefore, before obtaining root rights, you need to unlock it and replace it with a “custom” recovery. Most often, TWRP is used for this purpose.

How to unlock bootloader on Android

TWRP is a more advanced alternative to the stock bootloaders from most manufacturers, it has a more user-friendly touch interface and provides additional features such as system backup.

The first step is to enable USB debugging

The next step is to flash a custom recovery (in most cases this is TWRP), with which you need to install a file for root rights (usually SuperSU.zip), or get Root rights. You can find a “custom” recovery on specialized forum threads for your device, for example on 4pda. There will be detailed instructions to unlock the bootloader and install custom recovery.

Universal ways to obtain Root rights

If you have an unlocked bootloader, or an Android version lower than 6.0, then you can also try to get Root rights using one of universal methods below.

Using a computer:

1. SuperOneClick - another way to obtain Root rights. Superuser rights are obtained using a PC program via USB connection to a smartphone.

2. Kingo Android ROOT . Suitable for most devices, installed on a PC, the process of obtaining Root rights is quite simple. A complete list of supported devices can be viewed. UniversalAndRoot . The application supports a whole list of devices, and makes it possible to obtain superuser rights in 2 touches. However, the application does not work on all devices.

7. Special application for obtaining Root Rights for Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge.

Other ways to get Root rights on Android

1. For owners Samsung smartphones a method for obtaining Root rights on Samsung may be suitable

Applications designed to obtain Root rights are identified by antiviruses as Trojans or viruses. In essence, these are viral exploits that penetrate the system kernel. Therefore, to download and install these applications, you often need to disable your antivirus, or not believe my words and abandon this idea, rather than write in the comments about viruses. Spend your energy reading the articles carefully.

The methods will be updated, you can suggest your own methods in the comments.

Surely many have heard about administrator rights in phones and tablets based on Android OS, called Root access. But not everyone knows what they are for and how to use them correctly. Moreover, trying to gain administrator rights without the necessary knowledge can be fraught with problems. We suggest you figure out what they are and also find out how to use them correctly.

Root access, or as it is also called, superuser, can be obtained for any smartphone based on the Android OS. Rooted devices have more ample opportunities on setting up personalization and managing system files/processes. In normal mode, the user works with the mobile phone as a guest. You can watch videos, listen to music and surf the Internet, which is already enough for most people. However, only with administrator rights does it become possible to radically influence OS processes, modify system files, etc.

Each medal has back side, Root rights are no exception here. Along with the expansion of functionality, the user will lose the opportunity official update firmware and branded chips from the manufacturer. This is one of possible reasons, why don’t developers provide root access to their devices upon purchase.

Why are they needed?

As mentioned above, administrator rights significantly expand basic capabilities user for working with the OS. To the most significant functions that appear in rooted devices are worth mentioning:

  • The ability to freeze and backup the current firmware on Android smartphones and tablets.
  • Remove built-in advertising from applications installed in memory.
  • Remove system (originally built-in) ringtones and programs.
  • Add applications and ringtones to the system.
  • Wide range of customization options: changing the design of application icons and backgrounds.
  • Ability to edit .apk files, system programs.
  • Extension of work period from battery, by optimizing energy saving parameters.
  • The ability to increase performance and smoothness of work by disabling unnecessary system processes and tasks.
  • Overclocking and underclocking central processor and video accelerator.
  • Creation own versions Android firmware.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, the main features that are unlocked when you gain administrator rights. For each of them separately, there are several simpler ones that can be useful for many users. If you still don’t understand what administrator rights provide on Android, we recommend watching the training video below.

How to use?

Without the necessary knowledge, you will not be able to benefit from administrator rights on your mobile phone. To remove ads, change application properties, etc., you will need special application, for example SuperSU. There are also several different types of root rights for Android, differing in duration and functionality. Let's look at everything in order, and start with preliminary preparation.

What to do before receiving

Before you get root rights in Russian for your mobile phone, you may need to unlock the bootloader. This operation will be required for devices: Sony, Lg, Huawei, HTC and some others popular brands. At the same time, you cannot do without a computer and special branded programs. Performing an operation official way, be also prepared for the loss of all data in the phone’s memory.

Types of Root rights

Depending on your need, you can get different types Root access rights:

  • Full Root. This is the most full view administrator rights. They are not deleted randomly or after rebooting the phone. With their help, the user receives full access To system files and processes, as well as the ability to record in system section.
  • Shell Root. Like full root, this type of rights is also not deleted after a reboot and opens up wide opportunities for the user. However, in this case there is no possibility of writing and rewriting to the system partition.
  • Temporary Root. Represents a temporary type of administrator rights. This root access disappears immediately after the system is rebooted.

How to check their availability?

Another frequently asked question by users: how can I see if I have received administrator rights on my phone? There are two options for checking this:

  1. Need to open file manager, for example ES Explorer, and go to the /system/xbin section. If there is a SU file in this directory, then Root rights have been installed successfully.
  2. Download Root application Checker, which is available in the Playmarket, and through it we check for administrator rights on the phone.

For verification methods, see the training video below.

Using the SuperSU utility as an example

After you have rooted your mobile phone, you need to install a special application on it, for example SuperSU. We will look at how to use administrator rights on this utility, since it is available in the Play Store and is convenient to use.

After you have downloaded and installed SuperSU on your phone, the program begins to monitor and manage system processes requesting root access. As soon as any application accesses a particular process, a superuser request is displayed on the screen. You can also set a reminder to repeat the request at any convenient time. You can study the history of such requests in a log specially created for this purpose. It contains all requests from the moment SuperSU started operating, opposite which the status (received or not received), time and date are displayed.

The first tab of the SuperSU utility work menu is dedicated to applications that have administrator rights. They can be configured in more detail or removed from this list by disabling the corresponding permission. Last tab in the utility, which can be opened by swiping sideways on the screen, there are settings. Here you can set the following parameters:

  • Enable re-authentication to confirm access to administrator rights every time the applet is updated.
  • Install permanent access to default root rights for all programs on the phone.
  • Set the waiting time for a response before automatically refusing to provide Root rights for the selected application.
  • Configuring log recording parameters.
  • Changing visualization, graphic background and interface language.
  • Activate survival mode.
  • Using the utility as a system program.

A modification was made as a separate paragraph custom firmware, if the user uses one.

You have received root rights to your Android smartphone or tablet. Everything seems to be fine. But what to do next? What are they needed for? Let's say you received them to hack games. We've already played enough, what's next, huh? The fact is that root rights are an analogy of administrator privileges on Windows. They are called superuser rights.
So, imagine that you are a superman who has the key to any door in your hands. Introduced? Great! Now, let's move around the huge house in search of the right room.

Break Android

Yes, yes, using root rights can seriously damage your device, not only in the software part, but also in the hardware. If the software is disrupted, then, for example, the processor clock speed can be raised (by unlocking the kernel) to an unacceptable level (although there are hardware limitations). And at this level, for example, a long peak load. And that’s it, you can say goodbye to your electronic pet. Of course, you won’t do this by accident, but it’s easy to harm someone.
And, as for self-sabotage, it is very easy to force a smartphone or tablet into a bootloop state, when, when turned on, the device will “hang” on the startup screen. Wow, you'll be happy. But don’t cry, run straight to the RuleSmart forum, to the Android first aid section and ask for help. Although they always help there for free, for some reason some people beg, they’re so strange, yeah.


Hook to your core! Yes, now you have the opportunity to make a total backup of your data, you can also make a full firmware backup with user data directly from a smartphone or tablet. You can really feel the power, right? In addition, you can make backups of all your software, and then roll them back, for example, after resetting the settings. One of the programs that can do all this, provided you have root rights, is Titanium Backup. The utility is so ancient that its beard can hold up to 20 kg of nuts.

Custom kernel

Now your smartphone or tablet from a Chinese basement calls you my master, is that right? If not yet, then it's time to flash a custom kernel to bend the system! The custom core will open the doors to the basement where the trash container is located! Info, hundred! Thanks to this trix you can increase or decrease clock frequency processor or configure very flexibly, like a gymnast’s back, the operating modes of the chipset. For example, for the unlock screen, set the frequency to 800 MHz - 1 GHz, and to work with the interface to 1.3 GHz, for applications - the maximum available clock frequency or 80% of it.
Do you feel the crown being placed on your head? So that!

Hacking games

Ahaha, we looked at this at the very beginning and, they say, you were already tired of playing with toys, but while you were reading this to you, you wanted it again, huh? Therefore, we do not interrupt - we listen to every letter from the article. The trick is that some programs for hacking games on Android ask and beg (for mercy) for root rights in order to change the application configuration, for example. If you don't have superpower, you'll simply be sent away and the app will close along with your lip, which has unraveled.

Removing system applications

You bought chinese smartphone or tablet, and these “friends” have installed a bunch of junk into your favorite device that cannot be removed. And sometimes they also introduce viruses. Yes, I lied. Whatever it is, sometimes, all the time, this has already become a normal practice. Even Bluboo indulges in this because they need to be impaled, and then again, and again! By the way, UMI is for the same count, but on a first-come, first-served basis. We take our seats and don’t jostle.
So, with root rights you can delete all this to the dog, do you understand? For example, through the program System App Remover or something similar, there is plenty of such rubbish. Then don’t forget to remove this software, the killer has done his job - you need a new killer, right?

Changing system files

Oh, here you guys can just take all the rings of power. You go to build.prop and start changing the make/model of your device there (this is at least). What for? A few hours ago YOU ​​went to Google Play, and he, the bastard, writes that your device is not supported (for installing some kind of game). Ha! So we write brand = Samsung, model = Galaxy S8. And who is not supported here now, idiots?

In fact, this is a very small fraction of what you can do with a superuser sword. If you have any other ideas or comments, welcome to the comments, puppies.

From this article you will learn what is root on Android.
Root– access is access to Android system with administrator rights. That is, rooting is a change in the operating system that will lead to the provision of greater capabilities in managing the smartphone.
Self concept of root how the superuser came from Linux systems, Android fundamentals and kernels. Those who have an idea of ​​​​working in this system know that root is a built-in account system administrator, which has a lot additional features, inaccessible to other ordinary users.
To provide this level of access on your smartphone, simply install a program called su (short for superuser) on it. As a superuser, you can access system files, view the cache, and do many other things.

Why is this level of access needed?

Does it make sense to do this? The fact is that many applications have been developed that require mandatory access with full rights. Their use can significantly expand the capabilities of any smartphone and make working with it much more interesting. These are applications such as Root Explorer, Task Manager For Root Titanium Backup, ShootMe, Carbon Backup and others. The description of programs of this type indicates that it requires root access.
With full access to the Android system, you can perform many other functions, such as:

  • Make changes to operating system files, as well as shortcuts and themes;
  • Delete standard programs operating system;
  • Run any executable files intended for Linux;
  • Create a complete backup copy installed system with all settings and applications, using additional programs;
  • Launch Tether applications, which will make it possible to use a specific smartphone as an access point (in android versions 2.2 this feature is made standard).

Available firmware with full administrator rights can additionally allow users to install applications on the memory card, transfer the cache to the card, change many system settings, which cannot be accessed through standard menu options, and other possibilities.
You need to keep in mind that simply granting root rights will not add these capabilities to your smartphone; you also need to install necessary programs, or make changes to system files yourself.

What types of root access are there?

The Android system has several types of root administrative access:
Temporary root– temporary provision administrative rights to perform certain functions. After a system reboot, normal user rights return.
Shell root– permanent administrator rights without access to system folder system.
Full root– full permanent unlimited access with administrator rights.

How safe is it?

Of course, such full access to the operating system can be dangerous.
First of all, installing a program on a smartphone that provides root access will void the warranty. This is due to the fact that this level of access can cause irreparable harm to the operating system if handled incorrectly or simply carelessly.
Return phone to normal mode, unfortunately, it is not always possible. This depends on the specific smartphone model. For some, returning to standard mode does not present any difficulties, for others it is more difficult. Therefore, before enabling rooting, it is worth checking on the Internet about the possibility of returning everything back in the future.
Problems may also arise with installing updates. The fact is that standard updates are installed only on a licensed and unmodified version of the operating system. Therefore, you can return your smartphone to normal mode, install updates, and then switch it back to root mode.
Thus, rooting can provide a lot of additional opportunities to smartphone owners, but at the same time it can become a source of additional danger and headaches.

How to get root access on my smartphone?

How to get root rights on Android we read --->

On this moment exist as applications for automatic receipt root access for various smartphones literally in one click, as well as applications aimed at hacking some kind of a certain model. Among the automated tools, the most famous are: Unlock Root, z4root, HTC Quick Root, Easy Rooting Toolkit, Gingerbreak, SuperOneClick, Visionary, Unrevoked. However, universal root tools are often limited to a certain number of models that they are suitable for, and therefore you often have to look for instructions and tools for getting root on your smartphone yourself, for example, in the thematic sections of the forum http://forum.xda-developers.com / or http://4pda.ru

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