What does call barring function mean? Call Barring service from MTS

No person can foresee all life situations in advance and protect himself. It happens, for example, that children take your mobile device. After this, you may find that your balance decreases by significant amounts. And there are situations when you must leave your phone with a complete stranger, and accordingly, you will not be able to control the expenses of your mobile account. And sometimes you just don’t want to answer some calls. In such cases, the MTS call barring service will help you avoid such situations or help you save your own money.

Thanks to this feature, you can set the necessary restrictions on outgoing or incoming calls. Unlike the popular “Black List” option, subscribers have an additional option to block:

  • all outgoing calls;
  • all international calls;
  • all incoming calls, including those in roaming;
  • dialing international numbers.

All subscribers with any tariffs can install the MTS call barring service; we will consider how to activate the options below. The cost of connecting and using the service depends on the terms of the subscriber’s tariff package. The service is available for the home region, and also operates abroad.

How to activate Call Barring from MTS

You can activate the service quickly and without any problems. To set call barring, you can use one of these options:

  • Activation of the option is available in your personal account on the website;
  • by calling 4957660058 it is possible to send a corresponding request;
  • You can send the text “2119” to the short number 111;
  • call 0890 and contact the call center operator;
  • If it is not possible to use all the options listed above, you can go to any office and use the services of the company’s employees.

After connecting the option, you need to select which type of ban you will use. You can activate the selected type with a special command - *ban code*password # call. The password is usually entered as 0000.

All existing prohibited codes are presented on the official website in the “Other services” menu.

How to disable call barring from MTS

If you need to restore all default call settings, many are interested in the question of how to disable the call barring service, especially since you need to pay for the service. This is not difficult to do; you need to send an SMS message to number 111, indicating 21190 in the text. You can also refuse the option to bar all calls in the subscriber’s personal account on the website.

How to disable call barring on MTS? This can be done using the same methods in which the option was connected. That is, you can call the contact center, contact the nearest communication center, etc. You can also use the services of the Internet Assistant. To do this, you need to go to the link login.mts.ru, enter your mobile phone number and password in the appropriate field. You will receive a password to enter in a response message, after which you should go to the “Tariffs and Services” item, then select “Management”. Now all that remains is to find the “Call Barring” option and disable it.

The barring service for incoming and outgoing calls is an excellent offer that is sure to please and be useful to caring parents and other subscribers of the Mobile Telesystems operator. It is also worth noting that this service is charged depending on the subscriber’s tariff package of services. Therefore, before connecting it, you need to consult a specialist on this issue.

The name of the call barring service speaks for itself, but this is a really useful option that not everyone knows about. It allows you to prohibit calls of incoming or outgoing types, for example, international format or others, which will help to avoid unwanted communication costs.

If you need to receive such calls again, you just need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to disable call barring on Megafon.

  • How to change the banning password?
  • Description of the Call Barring service from Megafon?

    Call barring can concern one aspect or immediately bar all calls without exception. For example, if you leave your phone for someone else to use, you can set a ban so that they can only call from their SIM card and not receive your calls. When you return and pick up your mobile phone, simply disable this ban and that’s it.

    Prohibitions can be of the following types::

    • any outgoing communication;

    • outgoing calls while abroad (you can only make calls in Russia and your host country);

    • any international calls (or from a specific country);

    • all incoming;

    • incoming, which belong to foreign GSM networks;

    • any calls other than emergency services;

    • everything is fax type;

    • all by voice communication type;

    • everything except fax and voice.

    The call barring service is not compatible with call forwarding. They are mutually exclusive.

    How to change the banning password?

    Call barring is a procedure that can only be configured using a password. Initially it is 0000 or 1111. But the megaphone operator recommends changing it to another.

    To do this, enter the following request **03*330*personal password old*password new*password new#. As a result, it will look like this: **03*330*0000*5544*5544#. Remember this password, as retrieving it can be a tedious process.

    How to remove call barring on Megafon

    Cancellation of the ban is possible only if you have a password. There is a specific command structure to disable the option. For all types of calls #barring option code*own password#, as well as for certain types of calls #barring option code*own password*call type#.

    Removing call barring on Megafon via Ussd commands

    • #33*own password# - unblock (incoming) calls;

    • #331*own password# - allow access to any international (outgoing);

    • #332*your password# - remove bans on messages coming from other operators;

    • #35*your password# - disable blocking of any incoming messages;

    • #351*own password# - disable the roaming ban on incoming messages from another cellular network.

    Removing call barring in the Megafon Office

    By visiting a Megafon communication salon in your city, you can deactivate the option. Take your passport and contact a specialist with a request to disable call barring on your SIM card. However, you still need to know your personal password.

    Removing call barring on a megaphone in the phone settings

    Some phones have their own built-in blacklist. This is the same as call barring. To deactivate it and again be able to contact some numbers, go to the call log and hold down the number, where the “Add to blacklist” menu will appear; by unchecking this item, the number will become available again.

    Example provided for Samsung phones. The method may differ on different devices.

    How to check call barring mode on Megafon

    Are you wondering why you don't receive some calls or why you can't get through yourself? Dial the command *#barring service code# to find out if you have a barring enabled. If it is activated, you will receive its name and type, and then you will be able to manage it in your personal account or using the commands presented in this material.


    You can often encounter situations when people want to protect themselves from unwanted calls or there is a need to completely turn off incoming calls so that they can spend time in peace. Other situations can also be encountered. For example, if a subscriber is going to go abroad and wants to keep funds on his balance, then he needs to bar calls. MegaFon has developed the necessary option for its clients precisely for such purposes.

    A security option for MegaFon subscribers called “Call Barring”. With this service you can ban any message, messages, subscriptions, etc. In addition, with the option you can block not only incoming but also outgoing calls. The article discusses a detailed description and use of the service. The material is relevant for the Moscow region. Residents of other regions are advised to check information on payment and service codes with the operator or on the company’s website before using the service.


    Using this option, clients can enjoy the following restrictions:

    • Create a ban on all incoming calls;
    • Create a ban on all outgoing calls;
    • Ban the world's outgoing messages;
    • Barring incoming calls while roaming;
    • Prohibition of sending and receiving messages.

    It is worth noting that activation of the option is possible only using a special code that is inherent in the option. By default it looks like 1111 or 0000 for some other regions. Subscribers also have the opportunity to change the password for easier use. In addition, changing the password will eliminate possible misunderstandings.

    Changing the password is possible during service activation. To do this, you will need to write a new access code in the required column, which will appear on the phone screen. You can also change the password using a special service kit. On the device you must enter **03*330*current code*new code*new password# . After dialing and making a call, the subscriber will receive a message with information about changing the code.

    You should be careful when changing your password. After all, if the code is entered incorrectly three times, the service will be blocked. If a blocking occurs, you will no longer be able to use the option on this number. To resolve such a problem, you will have to contact the specialists of MegaFon branded stores.

    Since the service is standard and can be used on any tariff plan, there is no charge for it. It is also worth emphasizing that subscribers can use it anywhere in Russia.

    Connection and service management

    In order to activate the service you will need to use special combinations. Using your personal account or other methods with this option is not possible. Thus, in order to completely block all incoming calls, you will need to enter *ban code*your password# . In order to block any other request, you need to enter *ban code*own code# . Below are all the codes and types of requests, as well as a detailed and visual description. The password will be 1111.
    To block any incoming calls, you will need to dial *35*1111# on your device . To check whether the request has been activated, dial *#35# .

    If you want to protect yourself from incoming calls in international roaming, you need to enter *351*1111# . To check the connection of the request, it is recommended to dial *#351# . This request allows you to use it only abroad.

    Additionally, if you're abroad, you might want to consider turning off outgoing calls as well. This will help reduce communication costs. To do this, you just need to dial *33*1111# . To check the request you need to enter *#33# . Using such a lock, the phone will only work for incoming calls.

    While abroad, you can subscribe to a ban that will not allow you to make international calls. At the same time, it will remain possible to make and receive calls within the country where the subscriber is located. To use this feature, enter *331*1111# . To make sure you are connected, you need to dial *#331# .

    Subscribers are allowed to temporarily connect to the networks of other operators abroad, while they will be able to make calls on more acceptable terms than under the company's plan. To use the service, enter *332*1111# . The combination *#332# is used as a check .

    Clients can also use additional features of the function. They allow you to protect the subscriber from certain actions:

    • To block the use of calls and the transmission of any messages, use the numbers “10”.
    • To block calls exclusively, you can use dial “11”.
    • To prohibit sending, the numbers “13” are used.
    • To prohibit the use of the Internet, you need to enter the numbers “16”.

    The set of such functions is as follows. For example, it is necessary to prohibit not only receiving calls, but also the ability to make calls yourself. To do this you need to dial *35*1111*11# . And such a set is carried out for the required types of prohibitions.

    How to disable

    When a subscriber wants to return the settings to standard mode and use the tariff plan as before, you will need to use the following combinations:

    • To remove the barring of incoming calls, you need to enter #33*1111# .
    • Deactivate barring on outgoing calls on an international line #331*1111# .
    • Disable the set blocking of outgoing calls in other networks #332*1111# .
    • Disabling all blocking on incoming line #35*1111# .

    To block incoming calls, you will need to create a list of those users whom you do not want to hear - the so-called “black” list. You can enter absolutely all contacts into it, thereby prohibiting incoming calls from familiar people. The “black list” option can be found in the basic phone settings, and newer models even have advanced capabilities. If this option is not available on your device, you can use third-party applications or mobile operator services to block incoming calls. Let's take a closer look at how the blacklist works and what to do if such an option is not provided on your phone.

    How to block incoming calls in a regular push-button phone

    A built-in barring function for incoming calls exists in almost every phone model. The only difference is in the interface - the ways to create a blacklist can differ significantly.

    To add an unwanted contact to the blacklist of a regular push-button phone (using the example of the Samsung E2252), we go this way:

    • We go to the main menu of the phone.
    • We execute a series of commands: “Settings” – “Calls” – “All calls”.

    • Open the “Black List” tab.

    • The “Black List” itself and the “Off” button will appear on the screen.

    • Then click “Black list” and add unwanted contacts to it.
    • You can add it from “Contacts”, “Call Log”, or enter a phone number into the blacklist manually.
    • After adding unwanted contacts to the blacklist, change the “Disabled” option to “Enabled”.
    • Blacklist enabled. Calls from people on the list will be automatically rejected, you will only be able to see missed calls from these callers.

    How to block incoming calls on Android touch phones

    Some touchscreen phones with the Android operating system have a special option to block and manage unwanted contacts. “Block Mode” is a built-in feature that has advanced capabilities for managing notifications from those people who are on your blacklist. Let us remind you that these settings may differ for different manufacturers of telephone devices. How to set up barring of incoming calls using “Blocking Mode”:

    • We go to the main menu.

    • Open “Settings”.

    • We look for and open “Block mode”, it should be in an inactive state.

    The following text will appear on the screen: “When you enable this mode, notifications for the selected functions will be disabled. You will only receive notifications about calls from people on your white list."

    • We activate “Blocking mode” and customize it to suit your requirements.

    • Select the functions you need (“disable incoming calls,” for example) and check the box next to them. In blocking mode, we set the time when the blocking will be in effect.

    • The most important thing: we manage contacts. We create a list of users to receive calls and notifications from those people who are on the white list. You can create a white list manually (Favorites), you can select the “All contacts” option or block absolutely all calls.

    How to block incoming calls through the Google play market service

    For devices with the Android operating system, there are special applications that can be used to block incoming calls and messages. Let's take a closer look at the installation and operating features of the Black List program. Install the application on your Android device in this way:

    • We go to the main menu, find the icon of the built-in Google play market program.

    • Open the Google play service, enter the name of the desired application in the search bar - “Black List”.

    • A list of similar programs will appear on the screen; select “Black List”.
    • Open the application, click “Install”, confirm permission to install the application on your phone.

    • After successful installation, the active “Open” button will appear on the screen, click on it.

    • The application will open in the “Black List” tab, in the lower right corner you will see a “+” sign for adding contacts.
    • Press “+”, an additional “Add” menu will appear on the screen: from the contact list, enter the number (manually), starting with an alphanumeric combination or numeric (you will need to define the search parameters).

    How to block incoming calls using your mobile operator

    If there is no integrated function for barring incoming calls, you can use the services of your mobile operator or install a special application to manage incoming data (the “Black List” application, for example).

    To block incoming calls from a specific number, dial the service combination of numbers and order the service from the mobile communications manager. Incoming call barring is a paid service; please check with your operator for pricing.

    We looked at setting up a blacklist in a regular phone step by step, setting up a ban on incoming calls using the internal functions of a newer phone model, installing a program for managing unwanted contacts on an Android smartphone, and connecting a blacklist service through a mobile operator.

    The name of the call barring service speaks for itself, but this is a really useful option that not everyone knows about. It allows you to prohibit calls of incoming or outgoing types, for example, international format or others, which will help to avoid unwanted communication costs.

    If you need to receive such calls again, you just need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to disable call barring on Megafon.

    Description of the Call Barring service from Megafon?

    Call barring can concern one aspect or immediately bar all calls without exception. For example, if you leave your phone for someone else to use, you can set a ban so that they can only call from their SIM card and not receive your calls. When you return and pick up your mobile phone, simply disable this ban and that’s it.

    Prohibitions can be of the following types::

    • any outgoing communication;
    • outgoing calls while abroad (you can only make calls in Russia and your host country);
    • any international calls (or from a specific country);
    • all incoming;
    • incoming, which belong to foreign GSM networks;
    • any calls other than emergency services;
    • everything is fax type;
    • all by voice communication type;
    • everything except fax and voice.

    The call barring service is not compatible with call forwarding. They are mutually exclusive.

    How to change the banning password?

    Call barring is a procedure that can only be configured using a password. Initially it is 0000 or 1111. But the megaphone operator recommends changing it to another.

    To do this, enter the following request * * 03 * 330 * old personal password* new password * new password # . As a result, it will look like this: * * 03 * 330 * 0000 * 5544 * 5544 # . Remember this password, as retrieving it can be a tedious process.

    How to remove call barring on Megafon

    Cancellation of the ban is possible only if you have a password. There is a specific command structure to disable the option. For all types of calls # barring option code* own password# and also for certain types of calls # barring option code* own password* call type # .

    Removing call barring on Megafon via Ussd commands

    • # 33 * own password# - unblock calls (incoming);
    • # 331 * own password# - allow access to any international (outgoing);
    • # 332 * your password # - remove prohibitions on messages coming from other operators;
    • # 35 * your password # - disable blocking of any incoming messages;
    • # 351 * own password# - disable the roaming ban on incoming messages from another cellular network.

    Removing call barring in the Megafon Office

    By visiting a Megafon communication salon in your city, you can deactivate the option. Take your passport and contact a specialist with a request to disable call barring on your SIM card. However, you still need to know your personal password.

    Removing call barring on a megaphone in the phone settings

    Some phones have their own built-in blacklist. This is the same as call barring. To deactivate it and again be able to contact some numbers, go to the call log and hold down the number, where the “Add to blacklist” menu will appear; by unchecking this item, the number will become available again.

    Example provided for Samsung phones. The method may differ on different devices.

    How to check call barring mode on Megafon

    Are you wondering why you don't receive some calls or why you can't get through yourself? Type the command *# barring service code# to see if you have a ban enabled. If it is activated, you will receive its name and type, and then you will be able to manage it in your personal account or using the commands presented in this material.