The microphone on the phone does not work during a conversation. Volume control on Android: standard settings, engineering menu and applications

Today, mobile phones allow people to stay connected anywhere, be it a train carriage, a university building or a restaurant. In addition, modern smartphones combine many more functions, from the ability to take high-quality photos to access to the Internet at any time.

Since the main purpose of a telephone as a device is to provide voice communication, one of the most unpleasant failures of the device is the failure of the microphone. In this case, the interlocutor does not hear a word of what the owner of the device says to him, or vice versa, the owner of the smartphone does not hear his subscriber. To decide whether iPhone repair will help in this case, you must first find out the exact cause of the microphone failure. In some cases, it will be enough to clean the contacts, and if the speaker has mechanical defects, it is often necessary to completely replace it or even purchase a new phone.

The most common reasons for a broken microphone on a phone

At the first sign of a malfunction of the microphone on your phone, it is recommended to contact specialists who can find out the problem that caused the breakdown. The most common causes of problems with speakers and microphones on modern smartphones are:

  • Mechanical damage to the microphone as a result of the device falling or other external influence, such as an impact. In this case, you will need to disassemble the phone to assess the extent of the damage and the possibility of restoring the microphone.
  • A glitch in the smartphone software. If new software updates are automatically downloaded to your phone, various problems with the microphone, speakers, and applications may appear before the device restarts. In this case, it is enough to reboot the device.
  • Moisture gets inside the device. Exposure to moisture can cause corrosion of the elements responsible for the functionality of the microphone. Here the solution to the problem is to replace the problematic contacts.
  • Exposure to dust on the microphone contacts, which could result in a short circuit and, as a consequence, burnout of the contacts.
  • The phone's internal board is faulty. In this case, a complete replacement of the board will be required.

In most cases, to diagnose and determine the exact causes of the speaker malfunction, you will have to contact a specialist phone repair service. If this option is not yet available for some reason, then you can disassemble the smartphone and thoroughly clean all the contacts inside it using a cotton swab. If this measure does not help, and you still cannot hear a sound from the microphone or only extraneous wheezing is heard, then qualified technicians will be able to fix this problem.

Microphone failure is a fairly common problem faced by owners of smartphones and mobile phones, the solution to which depends solely on the causes of the failure. In some cases, the microphone cannot be restored, and therefore the only option to solve the problem with voice communication is to purchase a new device.

On the street, as often happens, the noise level is an order of magnitude higher than at home. To communicate properly on the phone, you may need to adjust the microphone. You may also need to adjust the microphone at low volume levels after recording audio or video on the tablet. How to configure the microphone, and what threshold value to set so as not to damage the device?

The answer is simple - you need to go to the tablet settings menu and make the settings you need. Since the settings are engineering, they are not intended for the user, therefore, they are not equipped with prompts. Incorrect actions or settings can leave your tablet in a “bricked” state - an inoperable state that can only be fixed by specialists or repairmen. Therefore, you should take the advice of experts.

Entering the settings menu and adjusting microphone parameters

To enter the engineering settings menu, you need to enter a code or use a special program. The code is more difficult, since each manufacturer has its own. The most typical login option is to enter the code *#*#3646633#*#* into the phone line. On some versions of Android, the codes *#15963#* and *#*#4636#*#* may work.

If you have not coped with this point, then you should download the Mobileuncle MTK Tools program, which will allow your device to open its engineering menu. There are a lot of settings you can configure in this menu, but don't overdo it. Before changing parameters, write down their factory digital values ​​on a sheet of paper. In the event of a tablet failure or negative manifestations, all settings can be returned to their original state.

So, you have entered the engineering menu and the setup continues. To increase the microphone in conversation mode over telephone networks, select the sub-items “Audio”, “Normal Mode”, and then “Mic” in the menu. To adjust the microphone in recording mode, instead of “Normal Mode”, select “LoudSpeaker Mode”. Next, seven sensitivity levels will be displayed, which are adjusted by the controls on the tablet. These levels vary from the quietest level 0 to the loudest level 6.

Each level can be adjusted individually and assigned a numerical value from 0 to 255. The higher the digital value, the higher the microphone's sensitivity threshold. Having set, for example, all levels to the maximum, on the tablet it will not be possible to adjust this parameter with the keys - it will always be maximum. To change the parameter, erase the old value, which is located in the “Value is 0...255” column, set the desired value and press the “Set” button.

It is also worth remembering that maximum parameter values ​​can lead not only to distorted microphone operation and extraneous exciting effects, but also to damage the electronics. Therefore, the increase must be done smoothly, gradually. In this simple way you can achieve the most optimal parameters without damaging the tablet.

In this article, I will look at the main reasons why the microphone does not work on an Android phone and what can be done to restore its functionality.

It is worth noting that the microphone may not work in general or in individual applications (when calling, Skype, voice recorder, etc.). Each situation is unique and sometimes requires the help of a repair service center.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Reasons why the microphone does not work on Android

The reasons why the microphone on Android does not work may be software or hardware in nature.

  1. Moisture getting inside the housing.
  2. Impact, fall or other mechanical impact.
  3. Clogging.
  4. Unsuccessful cleaning with a needle/toothpick damages the microphone.
  5. Software glitch.

While the user can deal with software errors on his own by resetting or reflashing the device, hardware faults often require qualified assistance from a specialist at a service center.


If the microphone on Android does not work after exposure to moisture or mechanical impact, then it is unlikely that you will be able to fix it on your own. It is much more realistic to deal with clogging and software errors.

One of the symptoms of a clog is that the microphone may partially work, but the sound is greatly distorted, so that the other person can hear almost nothing. If you encounter such a problem, blow out and carefully clean the small hole in the housing, which acts as a sound trap. Do not apply serious force, otherwise you may damage the microphone.

If cleaning does not help, but you are sure that there are no hardware problems, use software troubleshooting methods:

Use official or proven custom firmware to eliminate conflicts between the system and hardware.

The microphone does not work in some cases

If the sound periodically disappears, this indicates a lack of reliable contact. As a result of mechanical stress or moisture and oxidation, contact may periodically disappear. This problem can only be solved at a service center.

To exclude the influence of third-party applications on the operation of the microphone, it is recommended to check its functionality.

If the microphone does not work in the voice recorder or communication applications (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram), then the cause of the problem should be looked for in their settings. In rare cases, these applications may refuse to work with the built-in microphone and will normally pick up audio through the headset. Reinstalling the application may help.

Not all mobile devices reproduce sound equally loudly - for some, the ringing sound of the call is too quiet, while for others, the sound switched to headphones exceeds all permissible limits. How to cope with this imbalance and even out the sound? Can this be done without visiting a service center? Let's figure it out.

Any gadgets on the Android OS have such a flexible control system that they can be changed beyond recognition - customized, thereby opening up a wide range of hidden capabilities, and customized to suit any functionality of the system, including sounds. Not all basic assemblies are ideal; sometimes the sound reproduction of the device’s speakers does not work correctly - in some applications it can reach the maximum value, while in others it is barely audible. You can adjust the speakers in a variety of ways - both standard and using special settings menus or applications.

All devices have a standard key for volume control - usually located on the side panel. By clicking on it you can set the desired parameter. But if this does not suit you, then you can do this from the main settings menu. Here you can make settings for any application, set a ringtone for a particular contact.

To change the default sound, you need to do this:

  1. Open the main settings menu and go to the section "Melodies and Sound";
  2. In the right corner, click on the gear icon - you will find yourself in the desired settings section;
  3. Set the desired sound parameters.

This will result in the same pitch for all apps and calls. But if you need to change specific values, for example, for incoming voice calls or messages, then you need to do this in the “Sound Profile” section in each of the desired applications.

Through the functionality of the engineering menu

This method is suitable for advanced users who, in case of failure, can return all the standard settings back. But! Each model has its own commands to call up this special settings menu:

  • For models from Samsung: *#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* ;
  • For gadgets from NTS: *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* ;
  • Combination for devices manufactured by Sony: *#*#7378423#*#*
  • For devices manufactured by Fly, Alcatel, Philips: *#*#3646633#*#* ;
  • And for gadgets from the manufacturer Huawei, the combination will be: *#*#2846579#*#* ;
  • For devices on MTK: *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*.

After dialing and pressing the dial button, you are taken to the engineering menu, where you can adjust the necessary parameters.

There are other parameters, but it’s better not to touch them at all:

  • Debug Info – system information about possible debugging;
  • Speech Logger – setting up conversation recording, if you activate this position, then in the root folder you can find a file something like this: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm, indicating the date and time of recording;
  • Audio logger – is responsible for searching for recorded conversations.

Each of these modes has its own fine settings, and to understand what’s what, here is a standard list of sound adjustments Type:

  • Sip – will allow you to regulate calls, for example, via Skype;
  • The Mic button is responsible for adjusting microphone response;
  • Sph – will allow you to set the desired parameter for the conversation dynamics, that is, the one that is brought to the ear;
  • Sph2 – this parameter is not available on all devices, but if it is, then it can be used to configure the second earpiece;
  • Sid - it’s better not to touch this line - otherwise during a conversation you can only hear yourself, and not your interlocutor;
  • Media – this adjusts the sound of multimedia files, for example, video;
  • Ring – the ability to set the desired volume level for incoming calls;
  • FMR - is responsible for the pitch of the sound in the Radio application.

There are several settings to set the desired sound - from level 0 to level 6. With each press, the level increases, and in order to save the set value, it is erased from the cell and a new one is written, which you see during setup. But! Observe the range: it can range from 0 to 255, and the lower the number, the lower the sound will be reproduced. After making changes, click on the Set button - it is located on the same line as the cell being changed, and exit the settings by pressing the dial button.

Tips: Before changing the default settings, write down all the values ​​on a piece of paper - this may come in handy if you overdo it and set the wrong parameter, for example, the sounds are played too low.


For many users, when recording video, the sound is incorrect, that is, either too quiet or loud. To fix this, go to the engineering menu by typing the command for your smartphone (see above):

  1. Go to the line LoudSpeaker Mode (loudspeaker settings);
  2. Set the microphone sensitivity to mic.
  3. Here you can set the level item to, for example, the value 240. Save the changes with the Set button and exit the menu. You should press this button after each change made, do not forget about it!

Using special software

If you don’t want to bother with fine-tuning the device, you can use special applications. You can find a lot of them both in the Google store and on the Internet. What is noteworthy is that the sound can be increased by about a third, and the speakers will work absolutely normally, without wheezing or straining.

Utilities are recognized as the most popular, and they are best suited for adjusting low frequencies.

But the Android OS version must be higher than 2.3, otherwise they will not be able to perform their functions.

Everything is very simple, the software works on the same principle - an equalizer appears on the screen, where you can make the desired sound adjustments.

Now you know how to increase the volume on Android or, if necessary, adjust the sound and sensitivity of the speakers.

e Android microphone has stopped working or does not always work in all applications. What should I do if I can’t be heard during a conversation?

Many users encounter a problem when phone or The Android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with because the device’s microphone has stopped working or is not working correctly. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems microphone operation smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset", in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. The best way to monitor system functions, corrects, and correct all possible settings and synchronization errors is a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android-based devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description Google Play and you can see additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be solved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

The microphone on an Android smartphone or tablet has stopped working or does not always work in all applications. What should I do if I can’t be heard during a conversation?